Royal Hummingbird ~ Sewar Quinti ~ Munay (New Pachakuti) PREPARE FOR THE WAVE OF LIGHT ~ Dragons Sing to the Song Lines
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Cosmic Star Travelers of Interdimensional Perceptions
Happy 3.14 International Pi Day.
No, not the pie that you eat but Pi , the transcendental, irrational mathematical number 3.14159. Also the Greek letter that symbolizes the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.It’s been calculated out to 50 trillion decimal places and has a fascinating and central history in the development of mathematics. It also happens to be the 35th anniversary of the Creation of the World Wide Web. Another 8 Code pointing to the Transformational Solar Eclipse coming this April 8th. We also have a most powerful upcoming 8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal Activation this August 8th 2024.
In celebration of this strange day our local Solaris released multiple C Class Solar Flares and a M Class Flare maxing at M 1 at 6:00 UTC. Pachamama also received a powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in the Northern Mid Atlantic Ridge at 21:10 UTC.
With all these higher dimensional and intense energetics flowing in through todays portal we are being prepared for the next 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a Row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, beginning tomorrow March 15th 2024. This will see us through the Equinox Gateway on the 19th and into the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra on Moonday March 25th.
We have massive energies pouring in from the Great Central Sun and the most High Infinite Source Creator to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in the Great Shift of the Ages and our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human species of homo-Luminous; Rainbow Light Beings of Eternal Life and Infinite Light…A’Ho!
Shame releases it’s grip when secrets are told in safe spaces..Vindication for Secret Keepers that chose Love & Honor.. Initiations completing. Divine Feminine activations .
Pacha Mama embodies a big dream.. creativity in form beyond understanding…
The whales are the wisdom keepers and the Royal hummingbird, Sewar Quinti , weaves the message of joy, courage and munay from the great Pacha into the fabric of life. When you connect with hummingbird spirit you connect with the joy courage and munay within You. When you connect with whale you connect with the ancient knowledge with in You..
In this New Pachakuti we are being asked to remember who we are..
We are of the Great Mother.
Today as i Greet the Sun, i invoke the weavers of knowledge. the weavers of joy courage and munay that live within us all.
144000 frequency streaming in on rainbows and on the wings of butterflies it’s time to metamorphosis our beliefs to truths say good bye to the veil
Gods your highest power and there is no separation between you besides the conditioned filters or veil that is placed upon our eyes when we can first start to comprehend the conditioned beliefs that our, family, friends, and society placed upon us this is the Origins of the first generational curse thinking you are separate from god
144000 frequency streaming in on rainbows and on the wings of butterflies
YOU will know wave after wave of opportunity to focus on the LIGHT. Our GOD tells us that the SUNS SOLAR LOGOS beyond the SUNS will bathe the Earth in MIGHTY WAVES of SOLAR LIGHT CODES.
At each of the events happening throughout this month, the I AM Presence of each person will seize this opportunity to help us intuitively remember our purpose and reason for BEING.
Time to get excited again.
I’ll blow your mind.
Unexpected blessings are coming.
Drop the stress and trust me.
I will rock your world.
Prepare yourselves.
Nothing can stop the blessings coming.
He’s already divinely yours.
You are chosen for your gift.
It’s done. Focus on that and watch the blessings multiply.
3/14/24: Today invites you to walk on the weird side. It’s a very Piscean day, meaning it can get pretty woo-woo pretty quickly. Pisces loves the deep soul stuff. The mystery, the illusory, and the imaginative. So, if you feel a little sideways or daydreamy or fuzzy today… find a Pisces person to help you navigate.
Or, simply follow wherever the day wants to take you. This is the world of the surreal and the sensual that Pisceans are so familiar with and the rest of us get to visit. There’s also a very high psychic vibe to plug into. Enjoy the trip!
The Silver Mother has been sending her blessings since February and now we are ready to fully receive them in our fields!
We are called to perform this work upon the energies of this Equinox.
The deepest and most unseen parts of the Trinity Self are to be revealed and rescued now!
There is no time left and our decisions must be clear.
A new understanding of our existence is close.
The more we are restoring our connection to the inner Sun and the previously lost frequencies, the closer we come to the moment of the hatching of the egg!
All old energies do not work anymore.
We are in the midst of a full alignment to the Ascending flow!
Nothing will be the same as we are clearly defining our choices.
At this moment our bodies and chakras are undergoing an unprecedented upgrade and correction according to natural law.
All karma is meant to be seen.
The last lessons are now given openly to all in order for us to reach Self knowledge which is the greatest gift of all!
The Yin and Yang organic templates have been fully merged and the Twin Flames have been reborn so now the time has come for the Titanium!
The Phoenix is Rising!
All separated pieces will match again.
This is a total Christed restorative transformation of all our wiring!
Message for the Masculine and Feminine within all:
”There is a death that will take place for the masculine energy.
This death will be expressed in the physical reality both personally and collectively and will change his perception and mind programming once and for all.
Once he does he will be able to access his innate living power again. His chains are breaking!
The feminine is guided into her self sufficiency via her softness and trust in the Self.
All last illusions and distortions are dropping away. She undergoing the last corrections as she is reaching fulfillment!
Once inner cooperation of both Masculine and Feminine is reached then the great transformation can take place!
Break the external mirrors, find the inner truths!”
We are now on the cusp of this Piscean season. A passage that has provided us with the harmonic and healing frequencies for us to rejuvenate, and above all work on the unification of our female and masculine polarities, reconnecting ourselves with our Divine aspects, as Pisces invites us to do, as the ultimate lesson for us to accomplish on this plane. An alchemical transmutation process that needs to be followed by a period of stabilization, so our bodies can process the new earth’s energies that we are consciously integrating.
There are several stages in our integration process. The first stage is when we consciously align and absorb the energies that we choose to co-create with. Secondly, there is a process of stabilization, concluding with a purification one that recalibrates the entire physical and light body.
When we use these energies wisely and direct them towards building the connection to our soul and monad, we create an inner space of energetic self-sustainability, in which we start using our own energetic source to provide for our light bodies rather than from outer sources, which – energetically – feed our body with false programming, having a detrimental impact in our DNA and subtle bodies.
The current energies of this 8 universal year are meant to bring us the support required for us to build this connection to our Divine Selves, so we can link our physical body to our Divine One, descending light from it, and making it our main energetic support.
As ascending souls, being soul-directed and sustained is essential to be able to receive guidance, clarity, and most importantly discernment from our inner Source to be able to recognize illusions from the Truth.
During this time with Pisces and especially with yesterday’s Neptunian moon, we have an opportunity to continue unveiling our inner gifts, by precisely healing what is distorted throuhg false programming and manipulation, and discover our authentic self and unique mission.
Yours is the power to discern, recognize illusion, and start reconnecting yourself with your God Source and its Wisdom, for knowledge is power when applied correctly. There shall be no intermediaries between our God Self and our human self unless we have been programmed or desire to create this illusion.
The more we understand all is within, the more we will revive our connection to God, understanding that feeling disconnected from God was, as my Guides always share, the greatest illusion of all in our human plane. Once we retrieve our connection, we too receive direct guidance, and instant confirmation through inner knowing of the next steps for us, for we have healed and removed all the masks, illusions, and distortions that impeded us to regain our organic connection to the Divine.
Integrity and coherence are vital to keeping our direct connection to the Divine, for when there is no sovereignty and honesty, there is no Divine sustainability, as God cannot dwell where fragmentation and duality still reign.
Yours is the choice to decide which force you harbor within.
May you always choose divine Will and Love as your main Source, Beloveds.
Both lunar and solar eclipses in 2024 may bring sudden and intense changes, particularly in one-on-one relationships. The solar eclipse on April 8th will also inspire shifts towards enhancing the environment , promoting equilibrium, and igniting a strong urge to cultivate deeper connections with those around you.
During the next period and in between eclipses, there is often a sense of heightened energy and transformation. It is a time for reflection, letting go of the old, and embracing new beginnings.
It triggers inner growth, self-discovery, and a deepening of spiritual awareness. Trusting in the process and being open to change leads to personal evolution and a deeper connection with self and the universe.
These celestial events hold immense symbolism and are always associated with transformation, change, and spiritual growth. Spiritual Impact. Eclipses are powerful celestial events that can energetically cause possible upheaval and unpredictable events to occur. It can also bring unexpected challenges, new opportunities and internal and profound shifts
Due to the potent energy released by an eclipse, emotions (both positive and negative) can feel extremely heightened and mishaps seem to be a theme . Therefore, during this time it is helpful to be especially mindful of thoughts, words, deeds and actions.
Awakening: Embracing energetic upgrades and integrating a new way of being. Going through a period of awakening with internal and external changes. Discovering ancient truths about yourself and your purpose. Experiencing past-life flashbacks and ascension activations like kundalini energy awakening .
Staying grounded and sharing experiences with like minded others . Journaling and paying attention to dreams to integrate soul abilities and gifts. Being called to serve others to bring forth new ideas of creation.
It is highly beneficial to understand the significance of encountering different people during this time. Some may reflect past patterns or lessons, while others may be there to guide you towards a new path or perspective. Self-love and acceptance play a prominent role in navigating these encounters and staying true to your authentic self.
By being patient and honouring your journey, you attract meaningful relationships that align with your values, passions, and spiritual beliefs. Embracing these connections allows you to share your unique gifts with the world and be surrounded by those who appreciate and support you on your path of conscious and Inner fulfillment.
At the conclusion of our journey the treasures we leave behind are not material possessions, but the legacies we build through our example , devotion , commitment ,Sovereignty,intentions , actions and connections.
What will really matter the most is not what we bought but what we built, not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but our authentic character, and not our outer success, but our significance. New earth promotes living a life that matters. Even if that means living authentically for self .
Our true worth is measured not by what we acquire, but by the compassion and kindness we extend to others. It is our integrity , inner core values and moral fiber, not just our abilities, that define us. Ultimately, success is fleeting, but the lasting impact we have on others and the world is the recognised gift of true value .
Ascending individuals strive to live purposefully, demonstrating love and empathy in all that they do, leaving a positive mark on many .
At any crossroads you face you have the Courage to Dare and the Faith to Do. You have the Choice to change your Challenges to Opportunities . Peace, It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still feel calm with in self .
God is taking over today, ensuring your independence. You simply need to rest and receive your Feminine chi energy recovery. The inner child is also receiving rainbow activations into the light body. Today is about clearings, getting balanced and aligned, and receiving for your rebirth.
Your heart has the potential to create harmonies and vibrations beyond that of any musical instrument. You can hear a piano but you feel it because it has touched your heart. Love unfurls the petals of the heart, but withers and freezes when the heart closes, stopping the flow of love. Anger numbs, sadness withdraws and confusion splits the flow of feeling from your heart. These shifts fuel your life force and the way in which you encounter the world.
As your heart yearns for honest, transparent exchange, seek to live in lOve as opposed to seeking love, opening yourself up to the encounter of the deeper lOve that flows forth from the waters of Deep and the dream that is the Dream. Dare to dream. Dare to open. Dare to lOve.
Reflection on Venus in Mutable Water in conjunction with Fomalhaut and Deneb Adige
Sparkles AstroBite 3/14: The Taurus moon aligns with Uranus, Mars, Sun, and Neptune, creating a powerful release. We may feel a sense of dissolution, urging us to practice forgiveness and compassion. The connection between the Sun, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn makes the unconscious become real, inviting spiritual embodiment.
Prepare for dynamic light codes and limitless dreams, but be mindful of potential crises in both the physical and consciousness realms. The Aries Equinox, the sacred sabbath of the Astrological New Year, is just days away. Now is the perfect time to connect with nature, explore deep emotions, and trust the interconnected tapestry of life. Let the spirit dance in the light, as our beloved Gaia blooms.
A heads up! Five days away from the Aries Equinox on March 19th and we are already experiencing the outlying ripples back from the March 25th and April 8 lunar and solar eclipses and everything feels different. As the timelines shift then shift again, find some solid higher ground to avoid drowning in the cross-currents of Piscean losses and endings.
The solar eclipse at 19 Aries conjunct Chiron is set to be the most impactful and transformative cosmic event of 2024, overshadowing the USA from SW to NE in a weird mirror image of the August 2017’s Great American Eclipse NW to SE solar blackout.
Eclipses act as sideways escalators taking you at warp speed into yet more dissonance. Just as our astrology has evolved in the 21st century so too has our understanding of the vastly expanded potential of eclipses.
As the deep space Evolutionary Burn intensifies non-stop, with each new wave knocking you down then sweeping you further away from the known, the eclipses are acting as Influxes on steroids, accelerating the process of changing consciousness and deleting the past as they go.
Update your inner map by re-framing eclipses as:
• tears and splits in the veil of linear time
• reminders of impermanence – you “know” in your head that everything changes second by second but the sudden disappearance of the Light, the occulting, the overshadowing, the re-booting of what used to be your life, brings it home and make it starkly real. People leave, jobs end, passions fade, dreams disappear
• the intersection of Fate /Karma/Free Will which accelerates the predictable unfolding of your unique seed pattern of growth and evolution, imprinted at your pre-natal eclipse. Your pattern is interwoven with the collective zeitgeist. mechanisms that migrate you across time-lines + seed your new potential
• energy punctuation/inflection points in time and space
• vortexes that intensify the essence and qualities of the moment, when Chronos meets Chairos
Look back to April 2005 to the last Solar eclipse at 19° Aries to track the evolving themes in your own life. This is another every 18.65 years’ opportunity to climb the spiral of your evolution.
With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins.
On Thursday, March 14th, the feminine Moon, ruler of our emotional body, is still in steadfast, earth sign Taurus. She will first create a challenging square aspect to Mars, the passionate, fighting warrior, in obstinate, air sign Aquarius, but then will soften her energies with positive sextile connections to both the Sun, ruler of how we shine our Light, and Neptune, ruler of oceanic consciousness of the spiritual realm, in flowing, water sign Pisces. Early in the day we may feel the difficult energies between heart, mind and physical body.
We desire to feel grounded and safe, loved and nurtured, however the Mars influence might have us feeling irritated, frustrated or angry about circumstances that we are dealing with in our lives. By afternoon the energies should slip into that of creativity, inspiration and connection to both Mother Earth and the Great Cosmos. Being out in nature, journaling, meditating, or something where you can let your imagination soar, is recommended to get the most out of these later energies.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Moon, ruler of our emotional body, is still in steadfast, earth sign Taurus
Venus in Pisces semi-square Chiron in Aries. Mercury in Aries semi-square Mars in Aquarius and trine Pallas in Sagittarius – There’s a drizzly, irritable, uncomfortable edge to today’s cosmic connections. Venus is disturbed by all the hurt in the world, too much conflict, too much pain, too many lost and forgotten souls. And maybe it’s our own lost self that we’re mourning, the part of us too afraid to be loved, too afraid to follow what brings us joy because of how others might react. It hurts the heart and so the mind turns to Mars, asks, what can I do? But the problem is that we’re impatient for change, frustrated, impetuous. It’s easy to feel triggered, easy to snap.
So, rainy day aspects and yet…
We can use intention to make these energies work for us. Give your mind something different to do. Call a friend. Read inspirational texts, write down all your ideas for every adventure you would love to have. Study patterns of thinking and belief systems. Address pain with kindness, gentleness, empathy. Nestle in a soft bed, cry if needed or practice self-healing methods. Hold crystals, use reiki, sway to music. Distract yourself from picking at wounds. Accept that some things take time to heal. Dance in the rain while you wait.
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. The second day of any wavespell is all about identifying what stands in your way. The first day sets the agenda and the second day looks at which obstacles need removing before any progress can be made. As John Lennon said ‘There are no problems only solutions’. Consider what prevents you from moving forward and sort it out. This number provides us with an opportunity every 13 days, to address our issues head on. This is a great habit to form and so don’t dread Lunar days but instead embrace the chance to polarize your situation.
Today is Red Serpent and it represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survival’. The Serpent is a very sensual and sensitive creature. He notices every little movement, and uses his instincts to be aware of what’s going in the vicinity. Serpent teaches us to use our senses and pay attention. As it is a Lunar day, you can use your senses to understand what issues in your life need addressing.
Sometimes, we over intellectualize problems instead of using the senses we have. Be still, be aware and like a Serpent strike out when the moment is right. Number two days are always challenging and they can push our buttons. The Serpent however is very gracious in dealing with these issues. You may feel overwhelmed with sensitivity today but just ride it out because it takes a certain level of sensitivity sometimes to really understand what is going on in your head. Sort yourself out and then any obstacles that need removing should be fairly straightforward.
The Guide today is Red Earth which symbolizes Evolution suggesting that if we tackle our problems today this will guide us to evolution in our lives. Real progress can be made if you are willing to accept what is wrong and then deal with it. Yesterday the Red Earth was the Occult power and today the guide. There is a lot of potential for growth in our lives right now.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Visions and Creativity’. Eagle sees everything from a higher perspective but when in a challenging position the Eagle is grounded. This means it’s difficult today to see the whole picture. The Serpent is all about getting up close and personal not flying high with your mind.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When tackling problems, the Warrior can help tremendously. Remember to express your willpower today as if you have a sword by your side. Take no bull and spring into action with the confidence of a Warrior.
The Ally is the White Wizard, the charming enchanter of the Tzolkin. If you need help today consult a Wizard. If you are one, expect to be asked for assistance. If you don’t have one handy, take a leaf out of their book and be a charmer yourself.
AN UBER POWERFUL day to take the reins to overcome your challenges, and arise VICTORIOUS setting a NEW COURSE
Day 2 in the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL of flowering, new beginnings, ripening, opening to more LIGHT and blossoming into your Highest potential..
Today we are responding to the Earth’s impulses in order to ground more vitality and life force into our PHYSICAL reality, vessels and creations.
LUNAR- Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies and the body of Gaia. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from expanding into our greatest potential and fully claiming our LIFE FORCE!. A very EMPOWERING code today!
And so beloveds, may we receive great HEALING for our physical vessels today, as we stand barefoot upon our rejuvenated Great Earth Mother – Nova Gaia riding these PORTALS and lunar openings for our ASCENT to greater and greater LIGHT.
Today’s question is “How can I stabilize and ground more life-force and vitality, in order to heal my physical body and that of Gaia, ready to pursue my greatest PASSION on NEW EARTH?”
Divine blessings for the stabilization and healing of all polarizing forces today! Onwards and upwards we fly!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED LUNAR SERPENT– CHICCHAN represents passion, vitality, life force and kundalini. CHICCHAN represents the double serpent in the caduceus, so we can access great healing forces today for our physical bodies and our physical reality, manifesting the change needed to heal the challenges we have been facing. This is particularly relevant to our PHYSICAL HEALTH and VITALITY – restoring our body to its natural state of homeostasis.
The LUNAR tone will reveal any resistance,sabotage or opposing forces that have been draining your LIFE FORCE and your Health… Anything that has been keeping you STUCK and unable to GROW, or hold more LIGHT in your body, mind and consciousness.
We shed our old skin during the SERPENT wavespell, and now we are GROWING our new skin suit. Today we can anchor this polarizing energy into the physical plane, and use it to charge our life force, vitality and PASSION fueling our expanded purpose.
CHICCHAN also represents our primal motivations, instincts, desires, and our innate movement toward wholeness. Raising our kundalini will give us more vibrancy and drive, unlocking our creative passion. This ignites your confidence and passion to move forward on your Mission.
Allow the wisdom of CHICCHAN to lead the way forward to complete wholeness, stability and expanded consciousness.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED LUNAR EARTH -CABAN reveals the TWO EARTHS today. The old lower density FEAR based PRISON PLANET, and the NEW UNIFIED, compassionate, 5D UTOPIAN EARTH. The SPLIT is very REAL today. The 5 and 7 codes are liberating our MAJIK so we can BREAK FREE from the old EARTH and evolve … The 10/1 manifestation code enables us to STEP up and claim our glorious new life.. These are potent CREATION codes for stabilizing 5D EARTH!
This is DIVINE GIFT… The LUNAR EARTH as the HIGHER GUIDE will beckon you to harmonize all that is not in alignment with your VISION for NEW EARTH and your highest potential lifepath. We are being guided to CHOOSE the highest timeline – the one that fuels our PASSION – Look for the SIGNS from Mamma Gaia.
CABAN leads us to use our instinct, to tune in to the SIGNS and rhythms of our EARTH Mother. To follow her impulses, allowing ourselves to flow with these rhythyms, so that we can NAVIGATE the highest TIMELINE.
The LUNAR EARTH reveals the polarizing forces, which have been impeding the progress of GAIA, in elevating her Planetary body to a higher vibration. The density of all programs and timelines which do not have the welfare of our Planet as the foundation.
Mother GAIA can also reveal the EARTH medicine – the plants and herbs providing the natural apothecary to heal anything that ails us.. The CURE to every condition already exists, – we just need the AWARENESS to discover it!
Tune in and LISTEN for the synchronicities that show us the path to take, to GROW towards the greatest LIGHT.
We are ONE with Mother Gaia, her body is our collective body, and so we need to tune in and LISTEN to the messages she is sending us. Feeling the energy that is fed to us directly from the Earth, directly from where our two feet are standing, we can utilize this powerful energy to balance, heal and replenish our vitality and life force.
GROUNDING and connecting to GAIA allowing her pulses through her heartbeat to FLOW through our physical vessels – with our two feet firmly PLANTED on the ground, anchoring to the strongest medicine in our world – the love and nurturance of our Earth Mother. Mother knows best!
We are also seeking to heal and balance the kundalini forces of GAIA today, through her planetary chakra points and sacred sites. Harmonizing her Yang plumed serpent- Quetzalcoatl, masculine line and YIN Rainbow Serpent, feminine, ley lines that encircle the Earth.
The two planetary SERPENTS are meeting and parting, as they perform their sensual dance, embracing as ONE at each union – Lake Titicaca and Bali – the Planetary purification centre. The LUNAR tone seeks to stabilize these polarized forces of Gaia, bringing greater HARMONY to our planet.
VISUALIZE the smooth and sensual connection of our two Planetary Serpents bringing their much needed combined HARMONIC energies, through greater VITALITY and sustained LIFE FORCE pulsing through ULURU our Planetary POWER centre, GAIA’s meridians and Planetary body, infusing the land with healing frequencies.
SUPPORT: WHITE LUNAR WIZARD – IX the enchanting Wizard beckons us to surrender to STILLNESS today. Allowing ourselves to become receptive to the timelessness, through the many realms we can attune to, to allow for greater AWAKENING of our consciousness and life force.
IX is the ultimate shamanic energy, open and receptive to many dimensions, able to receive those energies and anchor them deep into our bodies in a state of timeless enchantment. Meditation and stillness is the key to activating the kundalini Serpent energies today.
WHITE WIZARD assists us in opening our HEARTS and becoming more receptive to embody these energies. This is where the MAJIK happens. Open your channels to allow these SHAKTI energies to FLOW through your body, building your life-force and giving you access to your greater alchemical powers as a true White Magician.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:YELLOW CRYSTAL WARRIOR – CIB guides us onto the path of greatest LIGHT. To journey to our highest potential fearlessly. The Solar intelligence quest-i-ons all that is not of the LIGHT, allowing us to strip away our old darkness. Revealing the path from the base chakra to the crown chakra, and clearing the neuro pathways for kundalini activation.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are holding the presence of the future co-creative potential that can be held., the potential of our fearless advancement into pure solar consciousness, aligned intelligently with Source.
The CRYSTAL WARRIOR is uniting the global RAINBOW WARRIORS in our unified QUEST for FREEDOM and LIBERATION into THE LIGHT!
NOTE: As YELLOW WARRIOR is today’s SUPERPOWER, when this is aligned with the LUNAR tone of challenge, battles may arise!!! The CHICCHAN fear mode may exacerbate this discordance, seeking to be “aired” and harmonized! The TAURUS Moon may activate stubbornness, so be AWARE of what disharmony is uncovered today – particularly in your close relationships, or that with our EARTH mother.
Utilize the discretion and maturity of your SPIRITUAL WARRIOR today, to courageously guide you to peaceful and successful outcomes. The CRYSTAL WARRIOR is very adept at diplomacy, and has the CLARITY of mind and focus to bypass the old battles and arise VICTORIOUS!
Allow CIB to reveal the BEST path to navigate your way forward, LIGHTING the way PEACEFULLY for others to follow.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE LUNAR EAGLE– MEN provides inspired VISIONS today that channel the solutions needed, for us to HEAL and evolve. The challenge today is not to get caught up in the duality conflicts and survival FEARS that present. Do not focus on the shortcomings and limitations of the PAST… fly FAR ahead to discover the SOLUTIONS and then apply the panacea in the present NOW moment.
MEN activates our receptive third eye energy today, attracting the VISIONS that reveal to the Serpent energy where to travel to, in this opening, awakening, spiraling day. A BRILLIANT gift to empower you today.
Our challenge is to GROUND these grand visions of our New Time, New Earth and New Realities into our bodies and the physical plane. Wonderful LIFE CHANGING VISIONS revealed to fuel our accelerated evolution!
And so beloveds, may we receive great HEALING for our physical vessels today, as we stand barefoot upon our rejuvenated Great Earth Mother – Nova Gaia riding these PORTALS and lunar openings for our ASCENT to greater and greater LIGHT.
Today’s question is “How can I stabilize and ground more life-force and vitality, in order to heal my physical body and that of Gaia, ready to pursue my greatest PASSION on NEW EARTH?”
Divine blessings for the stabilization and healing of all polarizing forces today! Onwards and upwards we fly!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology reading for the week of March 10th through March 16th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 10th through March 16th 2024, reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Super Moon in Pisces Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Good Night Prayers Have Been Heard & Sent for Your Precious Sacred Heart’s ~ and for all to be Warm & safe. Beautiful Sacred Visions For you & Divine Healing Dreams ~ Sweetest Dreams For You Seen & Unseen and Seen Through The Great Spirit Guiding Through Your Beautiful Spirit Led Heart’s ~ We Hope you Know How Beautiful You are ~ Be Gentle on your self. We all Faulter~ But Learn & Grow This is Why we are Here. There is only one You ~ & Creator Loves YOU ~ For Only You… May You Be Wrapped Within Your Sacred Dreams with Healing Love & Light With Our Creator’s Purest Love So Tom ~ when Grandfather Sun Carresses your Beautiful Cheeks. You Rise a New ~ For it is a Brand New Day ~ & anything is possible If you Believe ~All My Love to each & Every Single One of you.
Sweetest Dreams For You ~♡
We do ~~~~~~~~~♡ Remember
We Love You Beautiful Sacred Brother’s and Sister’s
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