Ongoing Upgrades ~ Our Cells, DNA and All that We Are is AcceleratingBy Kara Schallock |
We are each evolving into and as a new phase of Ascension (whatever you’re ready for). Much in your life will feel so old and so removed from who you are now. Do not try to fit the old you into the New you. It just doesn’t work. In fact, it will feel quite uncomfortable. You simply do not belong in the old. You may not be quite in the New either; yet, let it be O.K. to be in the chrysalis stage of birth. This new phase of Ascension is a new level of mastery as a powerful creator. Ask this question: “Who am I as I evolve and what am I creating?” What is the difference between judging and choosing? Judging separates; choosing is an Awareness that a person or belief does not resonate with you any longer. Sometimes choosing may feel like judging. If this occurs, go within and ask your Highest Self what is true. We can accept others as they are and still choose not to be in their world. The choice is always ours. Is there a difference between Inspiration and Guidance? No. It comes from your same Highest Self/Source. |
We are conceived of Love. I speak not necessarily of our Earth parents or ancestors, but of Source. We are conceived by Source Love. Our Earthly parents and ancestors merely brought us through to experience life. They chose to do this, as we chose them as parents. They helped us evolve by infusing us with the lessons we chose to transform in any given life. We are Divine; this is truly who we are. As we Know this with every breath and heartbeat, we realize that no-one outside of ourselves can love and approve of us more than our true parent: Source/God/Soul. I have shared before how we have one download of high vibrational energy after the other. This trend continues. Right when we have finished one powerful phase, we are prepped for the next one. While many speak of the upcoming Earth changes; I have no idea; for I stay in the Moment. As we go, so goes the Earth. As we honor and allow our own Ascension, the Earth follows, for Gaia is an expression of us. The Blue Beings of Sirius, As we observe our lives without attachment, we see so much is transforming (death and birth). This includes ideas we have had and concepts we have held dear. Make room for the New; if something indicates it doesn’t belong anymore, let it go. Let Love take its place. Love has its own ideas as to what forms will present themselves. We cannot control this, yet we can choose how we want to feel. Let yourself be in a Void of Faith; empty, yet full of potential. When the forms arrive, don’t attach to them, for once again, they will shift; just as we continue to shift. As our consciousness evolves so the forms shift. As our High Heart and High Mind become One, we continue to evolve and the shifts continue. This is truly a wild ride and it takes one who is willing to detach and flow to be O.K. with all of this. In the old, we had certain structures to hold onto; it’s just the opposite in the New! |
Creating the New (yes, we are the ones doing this) takes being aware so that each choice we make is congruent with our Integrity, Guidance and Knowing. It takes being aware when we get pulled back into the old so we can adjust our sails. Allow any emotion to come up, for this purifies you and then after the tears, focus on how you want to feel. State: “I AM Love;” “I AM Peace;” “I AM Trust;” “I AM Whole,” etc. Allow yourself to be guided by where you resonate. It can be as subtle as smelling a flower or as big an an Aha! about something in your life. Keep your eyes and Heart open and you will receive. We create through choosing and a choice is always a step that leads to another step that leads to another step and so forth. You may wonder if you’re not rooted in 3D, how can you be grounded? Think of grounding as being held between Heaven and Earth. As Earth ascends, Heaven is on Earth. Nature grounds us, because Heaven is in Nature. You can be grounded in your Heart as well and you can be grounded to Source/Soul. When you focus on a Soul Essence, you are grounded. You ground that essence within you. Think of grounding as Integration. Yes, we are the conduits of Heaven and Earth. Heaven is not a place; it is consciousness. Trust that you are supported in all your choices. You are loved beyond any expectations you might have, for you are Love!
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