Returning to the One ~ Twin Flames are Close to the Centre! PORTAL OF RESURRECTION ~ New Merkabah for the Living Ones ~ Unity Consciousness
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Solar Christos Sophia Warriors of Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
We have massive waves of Higher Adamantine Light flowing in through today’s portal from the most high Infinite Source Creator.
After yesterday’s most powerful X Class flare, our local Solaris continues to send Gaia and all her Children of the Sun waves of higher light through 7 more C Class Solar Flares and another 5 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 4.5 at 8:11 UTC.
An Earth directed CME released with the X Flare is expected to impact Mother Earth’s ElectroMagnetic Field on this coming 5:5 Portal on Sunday May 5th just in time for our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 to emerge from the Chrysalis as Galactic Butterflies of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
This is it! Angels of the New Eden. IT is time to spread your Etheric Wings of Gold Light and take your maiden flight as Guardians and Protectors of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33 of our Universal Alliance of Light…A’Ho!
TODAY’S ORACLE. The energy is showing you more of what needs to evolve for your highest joy and good. Your soul feels called to ground your desires, to make ideas real, manifest. Allow the call to action. At the same time take your time, let ideas percolate, feel into them at your own pace. The « right » plan, it respects many of your inner parts, is coming.
5/3/24: Today you might feel you’ve wandered off the path… that you’ve misunderstood or been misled or taken a wrong turn or simply lost your way. But that’s not true. You’re in exactly the right place. This is a year when fortunes are made… but the main benefits and rewards are in experience, not necessarily in how the world defines success.
The only real missteps we can make are attaching ourselves to specific objectives and trying to control outcomes… and you will witness this happening all around you. Remember that you are spinning experience into wisdom and every situation holds the raw material you need. You can always gain, no matter how things appear, because there is always something good shining in the dark.
”The Solar and Sonar unification is the solidification of the new merkabah for the Living Ones. This is their resurrection!
It is the actual organic upgrade of their system which also includes the actual protection from the developments of the old 3d reality now that another phase of the apocalypse has opened.
The Hatching of the Egg can take place because of the inner Solar and the Sonar unification.”
The 5th of May is the day that the Hatching of the Egg is taking place.
We have been preparing for a long time for this.
This important development is supported by certain astrological aspects which will provide the physical flows for this to be anchored.
This is the time of an unprecedented upgrade and upliftment for all 144000 and those who can align to the codes of Ascension.
Those ready are about to birth a new Life into the physical!
A Life of Living Abundance in Love, Health, Wealth, Harmony and Good Fortune in alignment to the higher Living virtues!
Many will awake because of these new developments and they will align to these energies as their powers, rights, charisma, jurisdictions upon the lands, living heritage and remembrance are returning to them via the unique codes of their own Genealogy of Godly Earth!
The Twin Flames are close to the centre!
After the Hatching of the Egg expect quick developments and physical rearrangements.
Things are about to get pretty magical as the human perception is changing fast and the inner and outer worlds, are becoming One!
“The Gift of Orientation is so profound that it creates a torus around us. That is what our trust does – we trust the suffering of another. We open our hearts to them without Agenda, and they receive our trust at a cellular level.” – Richard Rudd, The 64 Ways
When you are in alignment with your spirit you connect to the mysteries of the universe and that is also within your DNA.
I mentioned solar initiation of the core yesterday and we anchored an X1.69 solar flare.
Bringing much DMT to the pineal gland bringing awakenings, psychic abilities and quantum healing. As dracos are chemtrail’n to lower the frequency, do not allow your frequency to drop. It’s ok if you feel sleepy or tired but do not go into negative thoughts.
We are in portal energy and they know how energy works and it’s important you do too!
Center in the now, in your presence as it’s the greatest present to you, creation, this planet and humanity. What a beautiful blessing you are to this world
Centering will help ascension symptoms and be easy with yourselves and harmonize to feel the octaves of light and sound!
Ground and stabilize your purpose of light as photonic light has been surging.
The sun will always be a portal for consciousness and hence why dracos try to block the sun and why you must always shine. We are connected through electro and magnetic fields that when interacting creates photons.
Those same photons are within your DNA. Your chakras are like satellites for your DNA and your telomeres are receiving information based on energy.
Your signal is receiving a higher bandwidth of light. This light connects you to your spirit, where higher guidance can govern, where healing happens and quantum shifting timelines.
The harmonics are aligning through krystalline stargates are to assist your ascension path now.
Allow to center in the now, flow and harmonize.
As the energy moves at the speed of light, centering and grounding allows to stabilize the nervous system and your energy. As the poles shift many will feel like they are on a roller coaster. Center, breathe and be at ease! Fruit, nature, magnesium, meditation and relax and allow to attune your DNA 💎☀️
photonic light
Divine Feminine 7777
The 55 portal is open (it usually opens 3 days before the day and stays open for the next few days after which gives us an amazing opportunity to receive the energy).
We are receiving high frequency energy into our systems. It could feel like we have been thrown into a vortex of light. This is our gateway into higher dimensions, higher level of understanding. We will see more, feel more, understand the connections deeper.
The 55 portal brings major change, deep powerful transformation, new ways of living, being, doing, relating, higher love, higher mind, connection to your true self and the source, inner balance, harmony, inner peace, joy, happiness, freedom, New Earth. Change is here and this time it is happening on the outside and also within, which gives you the power to transform even more if you are conscious about the things happening in your life (no more running away).
I know you are tired of it all. The ascension process is not easy for the physical body and it takes a lot of willpower to continue but you can do a lot if you rest, relax, take it easy, take care of your physical body, ground yourself, release the old and open up for the new.
Welcome May and welcome new cleansing energies which have swept away the intensive purging energies felt with body, mind and soul, at the end of April.
As a new day and a new month broke through with the dawn, the air cleared and an energetic freshness swept through, like the gentle swish of an Angel’ s wing, bringing a cool relief and the light of hope.
This has been noticeable out in the environment as a blanket of peace spreading a real sense of safety and calm across field and forest signalling a nurturing focus for the change of season.
This suits the Sensitives very well, who feel in much need of a reprieve from harsh energetic states and the worries of the physical world.
Within us all a sense of contemplation and consideration on who and what is the reality of our emotional life, a psychological phenomenon that has been a growing trend across the last 4 years since 02.02.2020, has resulted in a surge of interest in personal development and introspection, which has brought an enlightened view of self to many spiritual seekers across the globe.
As we head to the 5.5 gateway we are aware of changes of perception that point to changed values within our personal belief system. Daily lifestyle is under the radar of our sense of happiness and self fulfillment.
The shift in consciousness is leading to a re-evaluation of personal and community values, which is felt strongly from the most sensitive souls as the need to live a compassionate life, in a peaceful environment within harmonious communities.
The New Spirals of Light/ Creation/ Cosmic Egg of Creation/ Horus are Now clearly in evidence and unpacking for us individually and for Gaia as well, chaperoned by the Creative Fire of Fertility and Union of this Beltane Gateway ( 24th April Lunar Beltane- May 1 Calendar Beltane- 4th May Solar Beltane).
A common theme in my recent channeling sessions has been the call for Balance / Union/ Integration aspect to access the individual Soul Blueprint in order to bring forth the Ancient Wisdom/ Gifts/ Attributes and Higher dimensional Dna/ energy signatures that the initiate/ client Now needs to align with in order to follow their Purpose and Service. Balance and Integration/ Union has shown up in almost every session , though the context varies wrt to the initiate’s path and purpose- Union of High Heart and High Mind, Mirroring of Higher Chakra Diamond to the Lower Chakra Diamond for anchoring of Purpose and Gifts, Solar and Lunar energies of the Kundalini and or Sacral / Hara, light (gifts) and dark (trauma n karmic debt release ), Masculine and Feminine, Fire and Water, Earth and Air…… while the aspects coming in for balance and integration for each initiate is unique, the message is the same- Integration of The Polar Opposites is the Path to access the ‘Rainbow Bridge” that allows the initiate to download the Soul Gifts and Attributes in alignment with their Soul Path and Purpose. Ie The union within ignites the New Spiral of Light/ Creation
The higher Dimensional aspects that are coming on line for some are ancient Primordial energy signatures that carry ‘ Pure Creation’ Energies .Interestingly , within the span of a week ,2 initiates reconnected with the energy signature of the “Nagas” – Human -Serpent Humanoids, a Matriarchal tribe, residing in the realm of the underworld who are the Keepers/ Guardians of the Womb Centers of Gaia . They have found representation in the Ancient Temples of Angkor Wat (Cambodia) and The Pyramid of The Serpent (Mexico) and Peru. Manifestation / Creation at a whole New Level is their superpower!!
It is these very “ Womb Centers” of Gaia that are now being reset with the New Codes of Creation post the Eclipse and Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction.The Beltane Gateway is the Union of the Solar God with Gaia , a Union that fuels fertility, creation, passion and Desire within and without. I was shown these energies as Emerald Light activating the Womb Centers where Gridkeepers and Gatekeepers of Gaia ( who have achieved inner Balance/ Union ) are /or will be congregating at . This will unlock the New Spirals of Light at these Womb Centers which has an impact on the collective consciousness.
Venus/ Inanna -the DF aspect, is in her sign of Taurus Now and in the Underworld rebirthing herself and the electromagnetic flower of life grid of Gaia. Mars/ DM also in his sign of Aries brings forth the passion and Action required. The Time of New Creation, Purpose and Unveiling of Ancestral Lineage and Soul Gifts Is Here Now!!!
Dear friends, the intensity of the solar light codes arriving to Earth has increased enormously. We have had a strong geomagnetic storm during the last 24 hours and our Sun has generated multiple flares including a strong X1.6 flare a few hours ago. The amount of solar plasma carried by the solar wind is affecting our fields at very deep levels in preparation for the 5:5 portal energies.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing all sort of physical and emotional manifestations at this moment. As always, the nervous system is the main area of focus of transformation during these solar storms, as the plasma moves deeply into our ancestral and past life memory layers and begins to release what needs to be released at this point on your evolutionary journey.
The 5:5 energy portal is all about liberating yourself from painful and limiting belief systems so you can enact the changes you need in your life to move forward freely, to explore, to feel independent and strong in your own essence. Some of these limiting structures are deeply rooted within our soul and ancestral emotional fields. On a personal note, I woke up exactly at 5:00am (during the X flare) with a vivid vision of one of these troubling memories. These days you may be shown, specially during your dream state or meditations, emotional situations which are being released and cleared by these intense solar waves as we approach the 5:5 portal on Sunday.
These solar winds may generate dizziness, headaches, mental confusion, lack of concentration, sleep disturbances, ear ringing, and visual issues. This time we may also experience chest pressure or a mild breathing difficulty as the heart center releases these emotionally heavy/traumatic memories from your body. You may also experience some body heat, random pains, and fatigue. Please give your body the rest it needs as this transformation occurs–consult with a health practitioner if needed. On the positive side, your awareness is in the process of expanding, and as you clear these old low frequency aspects from your fields and cells you will feel lighter and more relaxed, which will allow you to continue your earthly journey vibrating at a higher frequency and with an expanded vision of your multidimensional nature.
We are just a few hours away from the climax of the 5:5 portal, but these lightcodes are already arriving into our consciousness. And our sun consciousness is making sure that the maximum amount of human souls will be able to clear and release these limiting beliefs individually so we can all move forward into a more independent, sovereign, and free human civilization.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as we move closer to the 5:5 gateway. Much love
During May, many of you Blue/Emerald Ray descendants are decoding your unique mission. Each of you, as all of us, brought a distinctive light signature, with the coordinates for you to serve in the locations you have been assigned. During this month many of you will start, whether physically or remotely, moving into the locations where the Divine Masculine is being retrieved, as well as where unification between both essences is possible.
As descendants from the Essences, and most Sirian incarnated, Emerald/Blue Rays are timekeepers, holding within their genetic structure the unique codes to rehabilitate the fabrics of time and space, clearing inorganic timeliness and starting to reconnect the organic 3D earth’s timeliness with the fifth dimensional ones, moving from our limited 3D time-space to a more simultaneous one.
The regeneration in our earth’s grids, fabrics, and original crystalline DNA starts by removing inorganic timeliness, and the Blue Rays are now accomplishing a wonderful task in removing eons of false programming, and non-benevolent influences, so we can regain access to the authentic timeliness that connect us to All within Creation.
With the recent Emerald/Blue transmissions, the Blue Rays are also restructuring the sixth-dimensional Indigo spectrum on our planet, so the Indigos can retrieve their sixth-dimensional ray connection under which they were born. Many of you have literally been cut your right shoulder blade and hence, sixth-dimensional Indigo ray connection, distorting your natural bond to your main sixth-dimensional source of origin, and therefore impeding you from anchoring the unique light healing codes and constant transmissions you are meant to, in this plane.
Due to the planetary Emerald/Blue awakening that is taking place, many of you are now immersed in a phase of soul/monadic reconnection, receiving all the memories and codes required to activate your unique blue ray design.
This process needs to be supported by your inner work, through soul retrieval, light body activation, and DNA reconnection, for all is essential to give you access to the corresponding dimensions you are now accessing. This phase is an arduous one and a very important one as well, as it is not until you are shown, all our human history, both earth and galactic, that you can learn how to identify false timeliness, for if you do not know the Truth, you cannot discern appropriately.
This is why it is so important to build the connection to your soul and monad, so you can prepare yourself for the soul transmission task that is now happening and that will involve daily protection, healing, clearing, reconnection, and stabilization.
As we embrace who we are in nature, and retrieve our soul memories, we too uncover more false beliefs, and programs that have been implanted in us, to keep us silenced.
As ascending souls remaining in complete neutrality to be able to receive the truth and discern, is essential for our personal and planetary mission, as we cannot serve both forces or frequencies.
Once we awaken and choose to serve All Creation, there is no way back for us, for we have remembered, and with this soul remembrance comes the responsibility to do our mission with integrity, impeccability, and complete honesty to us and All.
Thank you for the unique role you fulfill on this planet, Beloved Ones.
May you always remain in your Higher Hearts, shining your Light and Love for All.
Your birthright is to be stable, safe, and financially abundant. The painful disappointments in the matrix clouded this truth, depleting your power and position.
Angelic assistance is with you helping you get your power back. Prayers are being answered. Miracles are unfolding.
Receive the assistance this weekend helping you move away from the dissolving matrix. Continue focusing on your creative talents and gifts that are downloading and awakening. Your Masculine drive and confidence are boosting, helping you apply these visions and gifts to create great fortune and success that is yours to have and embody.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Always time for tea with a forest spirit
Ra James
Today we have a Lunar/ Saturn occultation. Saturn will be near the Moon. An occultation is when two objects come so close that their disks overlap. This is the most extreme conjunction. The Moon and Saturn will both meet up in Aquarius. Expect powerful energies. The Eta Aquariid meteors streak through the sky this week. They peak on the 5:5 Portal. Expect lots of shooting stars. The Eta Aquariids are from tiny dust particles left behind by Halley’s Comet.
There is extra magic in the air this week. We are in Taurus Season it’s all about dreaming bigger. It’s all about those bigger long term goals. It’s also about putting in the work to make them happen. Today Mars forms a sextile with Pluto. It’s all about taking action on these plans. Make sure you’re following your intuition right now. This means the masculine is going through a deep inner transformation. Pluto rules over sex, death, and rebirth.
A healing is occurring where you struggle with power, control, and fate. It’s important that you’re following your heart right now. We have another CME that is expected to sideswipe Earth’s magnetic field tomorrow. The energies we are in currently are all about clearing. Pluto also rules over the never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings. It’s all about letting go of the past. Today’s Saturn energies are also pushing karmic energies you’re still holding on to, to the surface.
The Moon illuminates things you didn’t see before. It shows you what has been hidden from your sight. There is more you need to release and let go of from your past. In some ways your past is blocking you from moving forward, to where you need to be. Today’s energies are all about clearing and releasing those karmic blocks. We are preparing for next week’s Taurus New Moon. That New Moon is bringing some major manifestation power with it…
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious and feelings of the past, is in expansive Sagittarius
On Friday, May 3rd, we have Mars, the Warrior, in initiating, fire sign Aries in a positive sextile aspect to Pluto, the Transformer, in intellectual, air sign Aquarius, while the Moon, the Empath, is in creative, water sign Pisces, in a positive sextile aspect to the Sun, the Illuminator, in practical, earth sign Taurus. We have all the elements today in harmonious connection with one another. Fire, Air, Water and Earth working together to assist us in moving forward with our plans and ideas, while manifesting our hopes and dreams.
Take advantage of any signs or opportunities that present themselves today. As the Moon connects with Saturn, the Wisdom Keeper, late in the day it may give just the right touch of grounding energy to bring something into form.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, the Warrior, in initiating, fire sign Aries in a positive sextile aspect to Pluto, the Transformer
Mars in Aries sextile Pluto retrograde in Aquarius – The universe offers constructive energies with transformative potential. For change to occur, accept the challenge and take action. Tap into your deepest desires. Confront your deepest fears. Monumental courage is the gift of this aspect when we take one tiny step towards what we want. Yours is the power to endure until the job is done, the goal achieved, the mountain climbed. Do strength exercises to feel your muscles move beneath the skin and build confidence in your body and yourself. Alchemise fear or anger into resolve.
Maybe this is an invitation to start over. Perhaps this is about releasing what doesn’t work to enact a new strategy. Sometimes the universe provides an opportunity for you to discover how strong you are. Be bold. Lead the way. Be a champion of positive change.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number thirteen and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. It’s the last day of the Blue Night wavespell and today we evaluate the journey and try to understand its lessons before moving on to the next. (Which is the Yellow Warrior) The 13th day is hard because there is so much to process. Depending on how intense the wavespell was for you, on the last day it’s all being evaluated and that is the enduring part. It’s like cramming for an exam at the last minute. The pressure is on and there’s so much to take in. It is a necessary process because you won’t be ready for the next installment otherwise.
Today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. Blue Eagle days are all about seeing the big picture. Step back and look at your life. What do you see? Consider all angles and vantage points before making any decisions today and if you see any problems, use creative solutions to solve them. As today is the ‘Cosmic Eagle’, bearing that in mind, you may have to endure to see things from a higher perspective. Flying conditions are not ideal.
The Guide today is the Blue Storm which symbolizes sweeping changes. When Storm guides expect some chaos and disruption. It’s not always a bad thing. When a storm comes along it can refresh the air and blow away the cobwebs in your brain. Accept it rather than fight it. When the Storm guides an Eagle day, the Eagle may have difficulty flying in the storm. This adds to today’s enduring aspect.
The Challenge today is the Red Serpent and when in this position, the snake can bite. Be prepared to transmute any poison you have inside and spit it out. It won’t be easy, hence the challenge but it is better than holding on to it. The Serpent is close to the ground and on Eagle days, the Serpent can feel like prey. If you are a Red Serpent, you may feel like there’s a shadow from above hovering over you, and this sensitivity or vulnerability you experience is because of this challenging aspect today.
The Occult power is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death’. This scares the heebee jeebees out of some folk but really it means that you must give something up or let something in your life die. This can be a bad attitude or habit, or a person who doesn’t make your life better but causes you suffering. When in this magical position, giving something up can have powerful, magical consequences.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed who loves to share wisdom and spread awareness. If you need some good advice on this enduring day, consult a Yellow Seed. They will be of great help.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
TODAY IS A MONUMENTAL DAY — On a COSMIC EAGLE DAY – we have incredibly CLEAR VISION in all directions…We can SEE for MILES and MILES, 360 degrees in SEEN and UNSEEN realms throughout the COSMOS – all is revealed!!
Today is the ONE EXPANSIVE day of transcendental VISIONS of our glorious NEW RAINBOW WORLD.
A H–U–G–E WAKE UP CALL FOR HUMANITY – the bells are ringing!
And so we arrive at Day 13 the final day in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today as we close this 13 day journey with AKBAL our intuitive and sensitive BLUE NIGHT, we have arrived at the point of pure PRESENCE of Cosmic AWARENESS. As we arrive at the PEAK of the HIGHEST MOUNTAIN we look around 360 degrees, and from our lofty platform we can SEE through the eyes of the ENLIGHTENED ones seeing the NEW WORLD before us. Embracing the Cosmic ABUNDANCE and pure presence (presents) of Pachamama.
ADSUM! We have ARRIVED and can SEE the BIGGER PICTURE , ENVISIONING a brighter future for our NEW WORLD and all of Earth’s inhabitants.
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Cosmic is tone number 13… and today’s Universal month code adds up to 13/4 – the code for building NEW EARTH… We have a 13.13 DOUBLE COSMIC CODE giving us truly EXPANSIVE VISIONARY POWERS.
Today we have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at our disposal to TRANSCEND all the LIES and ILLUSIONS.. releasing the scare-city patterns and limited poverty consciousness and suffering, where the old world and all its trappings dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure presence, translating into pure BLISS!.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can be STILL and realize the connectedness of all things through the realm of the DREAMTIME.. Transcending all but the power of pure consciousness, through the frequency of pure internal presence in our united DREAMING!
Draw up your kundalini power to fuel your greatest VISIONS! This energy allows the power and radiance of full vital energy, to be expressed with no resistance. We can hold an ABUNDANCE of creativity, ideas and energy to manifest our greatest DREAMS.
Focus and share this new energy and PASSION with your common-unities to accelerate our evolution into the New Time, manifesting into the physical realm, our greatest Dreaming.
The great COSMIC SERPENT is ACTIVATING the GREAT SERPENT in the SKY, to fuel our Planetary GRIDS and DREAMING VISION. Look up into the Starry Milky Way SKIES and know that INFINITE CREATION exists through the miracle of your PRESENCE!
Today’s question is “How can I fully AWAKEN the DREAM within me, and CREATE the HIGHEST VISION of PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for all beings on our beautiful PLANET, through COSMIC embodiment?”.
And so we bid adieu to AKBAL – the AWAKENED DREAMER who has guided our journey through the abyss of our collective unconscious, uncovering the path to our greatest Dreaming over the last 13 days. Transcending limitations to claiming our COSMIC ABUNDANCE that has always been available as our birthright, and waiting for us to claim, bringing it forth into our new reality.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with CIB – the fearless RAINBOW WARRIOR who will guide us to forge a new path to a beautiful New World as we achieve our collective QUEST.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your transcendance into pure Cosmic Abundance! Aho!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE COSMIC EAGLE – MEN is said to hold the coding for PLANETARY MIND – the MIND of the collective of our entire incarnated human family.
THE 3.1.3 creates a MAJIKAL DOORWAY leading to DIVINE SOURCE for those heeding the call to walk through into a HIGHER STATE of AWARENESS and consciousness. The 13/4 codes enables us to construct our new 5D RAINBOW WORLD through PEACE, HARMONY and COMPASSION..
Today marks a NEW BEGINNING through the ability to TRANSCEND PLANETARY MIND – AWAKENING to the TRUTH of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS – Having the CLARITY and VISION to SEE the BIG PICTURE and DISMISS the smokescreen and false narrative that has being programmed into the PLANETARY consciousness for millenia!
Today is the day that the curtain is DRAWN and the little man (WIZARD) operating the Planetary projector is REVEALED.. BOOM
We have the ability to SEE CLEARLY – what we desire as a human collective, and we NOW have the POWER to CREATE IT…
The COSMIC EAGLE provides us with a beautiful gift today. The gift of panoramic VISION! Holding the most divine VISION of common-unity and how to live in the New Time, that we are collectively creating with our unified VISION.
A VISION that is all inclusive and encompassing, where everybody feels loved, safe and supported by each other.
A VISION where ALL our children are cherished and protected, where there is no poverty, hunger or abuse.
A VISION of World LIBERATION, FREE from dis-ease, violence, oppression and control.
A world where we are all FREE to express our SOUL’S desires to our highest potential.
A VISION where GAIA attains her HIGHEST POTENTIAL, through her evolutionary journey in partnership with HU-man-KIND!
An EXPANSIVE VISION of EQUALITY and inclusiveness where all needs are met.
A NEW WORLD filled with RAINBOWS where all beings can SHINE brightly.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE COSMIC STORM– CAUAC is very fittingly the GUIDING FORCE behind today’s codes.. Today’s FOCUS is on TRANSFORMATION of COSMIC proportions..
36 MOONS/MONTHS AGO, we had a C2 Solar Flare which launched an asymmetrical FULL HALO C.M.E. Coronal Mass Ejection into space due to the COSMIC STORM . Today there is likely to be more CME’s and SOLAR storms… accelerating our ASCENSION, stay TUNED to the SPACE WEATHER channel!! .
We have a CRESCENDO of planetary transformation occurring to complete CAUAC’s Mission and allow the REBUILDING to begin. ..
After the STORM the SUN SHINES and brings out the RAINBOWS – GOD’S promise of a new day. The RAINBOW is the symbol of the NEW TIME.
BLUE STORM enables us to UNLEASH ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS through great planetary transformation and transcendence of the old matrix.
Fearlessly LETTING GO of the old paradigm, as we PURIFY and REFRESH the Planetary MIND, in order to hold on to the NEW VISION.
We can tune into the great cosmic ocean of Planetary Abundance, that has been denied to us. Using BLUE EAGLE’s EYES and our intuition we can uncover our deepest dreaming, our soul’s longings and desires which have not yet been met, or materialized into form. Our DREAMS are waiting for the right moment to be seeded. Uncovering and freeing our greatest dreams, the dreams that empower our creative minds to envision the greatest majik!
WE have the POWER to ACTIVATE and MANIFEST this DREAM collectively today!
SUPPORT: YELLOW COSMIC SEED – KAN forms a team with CIMI the Worldbridger. . CIMI symbolizes THE END, and then passes the baton to KAN who denotes a new beginning. KAN guides us to heal any part of the VISION that inhibits a growing and blossoming AWARENESS, of our greatest potential flowering.
The COSMIC EAGLE today AWAKENS the COSMIC STAR-SEEDS – energizing them to GROW rapidly and turn towards the LIGHT.
KAN empowers through the capacity to SHINE through ALL DARKNESS, choosing to co-create a collective highest potential that empowers all. SEEING far into the future in order to SEED the BEST timelines with the greatest potential.
How can you plant these visions into the ground NOW, in order for them to bear fruit and nourish all?
What is it that you wish to ENVISION into creation?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI asks us to SURRENDER to our dreams, trusting that the darkness has passed.
The MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER gives us the power to ATTRACT all that we are DREAMING of.. encouraging us to UNITE as ONE family through EQUALITY and OPPORTUNITY. We are bonded through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS as ONE GLOBAL FAMILY all striving to CREATE the SAME DREAM!
Now is the era of greater LIGHT when DREAMS RAPIDLYcome true, if we UNITE together as ONE through our networks and planetary grids, finally releasing the collective dreaming VISION of natural ABUNDANCE for us all.
CHICCHAN can also hold the store of FEAR and deep rooted survival issues, which may SURFACE as the temperature RISES!!.
RED SERPENT challenges you today to ERASE those limiting MENTAL thoughtforms and beliefs that have arisen during this 13 day ABUNDANCE cycle.. bringing to your attention matters that need to be addressed in order to THRIVE.
Instead of RE-ACTING through FEAR instinct, use your MIND positively to co-create through LOVE and JOY.
Draw up your kundalini power to fuel your greatest VISIONS! This energy allows the power and radiance of full vital energy, to be expressed with no resistance. We can hold an ABUNDANCE of creativity, ideas and energy to manifest our greatest DREAMS.
Focus and share this new energy and PASSION with your common-unities to accelerate our evolution into the New Time, manifesting into the physical realm, our greatest Dreaming.
The great COSMIC SERPENT is ACTIVATING the GREAT SERPENT in the SKY, to fuel our Planetary GRIDS and DREAMING VISION. Look up into the Starry Milky Way SKIES and know that INFINITE CREATION exists through the miracle of your PRESENCE!
Today’s question is “How can I fully AWAKEN the DREAM within me, and CREATE the HIGHEST VISION of PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for all beings on our beautiful PLANET, through COSMIC embodiment?”.
And so we bid adieu to AKBAL – the AWAKENED DREAMER who has guided our journey through the abyss of our collective unconscious, uncovering the path to our greatest Dreaming over the last 13 days. Transcending limitations to claiming our COSMIC ABUNDANCE that has always been available as our birthright, and waiting for us to claim, bringing it forth into our new reality.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with CIB – the fearless RAINBOW WARRIOR who will guide us to forge a new path to a beautiful New World as we achieve our collective QUEST.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your transcendance into pure Cosmic Abundance! Aho!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the week of
April 28th through May 4th 2024 with my Sacred Condor🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of April 28th through May 4th 2024 She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation of Lemuria, Mt Shasta and Telos of Inner Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Mighty Presence I AM, take charge of my outer being this day. Take charge of every one of my thoughts, feelings, spoken words, actions and reactions. Produce your perfection and keep your dominion within me. Put me and keep me always in my righteous and perfect place. Show me how perfect I can do and, through me, do it perfectly.
Now, through the power of the Spoken Word and empowered by the Divine intervention of the Angel of Resurrection and the Angel of Renewal and Restoration decree:
I AM the Resurrection and the Life, I AM the Way and the Truth, the Renewal and Restoration of the Immaculate Concept of my NEW Divine Mission.
Cosmic Gateway
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