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New Healthcare Paradigm

New Healthcare Paradigm ~ Find out how to claim your financial freedom now!

The Way Forward: Embracing a New Healthcare Paradigm ~

Find out how to claim your financial freedom now!



The Way Forward: Embracing a New Healthcare Paradigm

The role of research and development.  Continuous research and development will be essential to realizing the full potential of Med Beds and other advanced medical technologies.

By investing in scientific research, we can refine these technologies and discover new applications. Collaboration between researchers, healthcare professionals and policymakers will be essential to drive innovation and ensure these advances are implemented effectively.

To prepare for widespread adoption of Med Beds, it is important to:

  • Educate healthcare professionals:  Providing comprehensive training to medical staff will ensure they are equipped to use these technologies effectively.
  • Increase public awareness:  Public education campaigns can help demystify Med Beds and highlight their potential benefits. By promoting a better understanding of these technologies, we can build public trust and acceptance.
  • Develop Regulatory Frameworks:  Establishing clear regulations and guidelines will ensure that Med Beds are used safely and ethically. This will involve collaboration between regulatory bodies, healthcare providers, and technology developers.


The implementation of Executive Order 1221 and the introduction of Med Beds represent a vision of hope and healing for millions of people around the world. By unlocking 6,000 suppressed cures and harnessing the power of advanced medical technologies, we can create a more effective, equitable, and accessible healthcare system.

This new era in medicine promises to bring relief to those suffering from chronic illnesses, speed recovery for those undergoing treatments, and improve overall well-being for everyone.

Med Beds: Make America Great and Healthy Again! High-Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by the DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA!

Quantum Healing Technologies of Medical Beds: A Leap of Love and Science

Wrapped in cutting-edge quantum technology, Med Beds extend a beacon of hope to those seeking holistic wellness.

Brace yourself because Trump’s NESARA initiative is revealing the startling reality of Med Beds – a technological marvel that promises to cure all diseases in minutes.


New Healthcare Paradigm
New Healthcare Paradigm




The QFS stops the Deep State in its tracks.  The Earth Alliance had to intervene with higher dimensional technologies to deliver to us Earthlings this super technologically advanced monetary system. It is rooted in Quantum Computer intelligence that comes without any 3D creation.

No 3D creation comes with a telltale “recognition system” that mimics the creation of a living entity. It is simply Artificial Intelligence (AI) that comes with something that is capable of replacing conscious human beings.

Our planet Earth is a Living Entity with the life force in Symbiosis. The QFS is considered to be alive with a Quantum Benevolent Intelligence that interacts with every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance, to ensure that it is; legal, intended by the owner and transparent. If one understands Quantum Physics, then one can understand what effect this Quantum Intelligence is having with every financial transaction that passes through the Quantum Financial System. It cannot be compromised.

Yet, the politicians who used the Swift Transfer System (STS) to transfer their ill-gotten illicit money around the world were unaware that the QFS was already running parallel and simultaneously on patrol with the STS. The politicians did not worry about getting caught as the bankers were on their side as they too were earning a share of their transactions.


Only gold-backed currencies or assets that have a digital gold or asset certificate can be transferred through the QFS. The certificate will reference a serial number on a piece of gold or asset held in reserve to back the currency. Satellite technologies are used to quarantine the gold and/or assets used to back the currencies.

There is no way to steal it or take it out of the secure vaults where it is stored. That is why it is called a gold-backed currency, it has to reference the piece of gold or asset that is backing it.

If assets are mined or extracted from the earth, they are sold on the market like any other commodity. This process is complicated and not a simple task to accomplish. But it is a necessary process to ensure value for the world currencies that are being used in the QFS.

Any fiat currencies that cannot be designated as clean, clear, non-terrorist, or not clearly originating from lawful activities are disqualified, which is most, if not all, paper fiat currencies. Consequently, fiat currencies cannot become legal tender in the QFS.

Fiat currencies already in possession at the time of large-scale implementation of the QFS, received during legal transactions, will be exchanged for gold-backed currencies at the bank.

The procedure here is called “reconciliation”, qualifying the transfer of money as legal or illegal, and will be carried out by a 5D Conscious Benevolent Entity.

The confirmation and revelation of this benevolent component of the QFS will be the guarantee and proof of a neutral, secure and 100% benign transfer system.

Without the ability to reconcile old fiat money into the new QFS, all Central Bank activities will cease to have any relevance within this new financial system. Any country that is not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS and will eventually be left out of international trade.

Non-compliant countries, if any, will be left to trade commodities or work out a credit swap with other countries, a system that is not currently set up to do business at any level of relevance.








Chinese Dragon Elders have been hoarding gold for hundreds of years. 

They are rich in gold. 
Some of its gold was lent to the central banking system to finance the reconstruction of Europe after the many war-torn years since World War I and World War II.

By the way, they never gave it back, but used it to establish their financial empire to enslave humanity. This is a central bank banking system. Perhaps that is why one of the conditions for using your gold for QFS is the demise and full disclosure of the central bank banking system before the RV occurs.

The Elders have caves with hidden gold and are now using them to secure gold coins in the QFS for every country in the world. It is important to remember that the QFS and the money it is about to issue is a completely new currency.

It was designed by the Alliance to fund a new financial system that would restore all world currencies to gold-backed currencies. Government leaders from all 209 countries in the world signed this agreement to allow the Alliance to implement GESARA and this new Quantum Financial System on a global scale.

An electronic, digital gold certificate will be the means of backing the currency. Each kilogram of gold stored by the Elders has an identifying serial number. This means that each kilogram is “identified” and can be used to secure a specific amount of currency.

Each increment of the currency will be assigned a “digital gold certificate”. This digital certificate refers to the specific kilo of gold bars that have been reserved and “identified” to support that specific monetary increment.
The process of obtaining a gold certificate is valid for all currencies regardless of the country of origin. There will be a digital mark indicating the name of the currency to which the certificate belongs. If you want to transfer, say, $100, the QFS will transfer 100 digital certificates.
The value of the certificate is always an extension of the Kilo of gold bricks it is assigned to. This saves on transporting gold with us. This is brilliant.


Chinese elders
Chinese elders



This Is What The Final Stages Of A Bubble Economy Look Like Just Before A Collapse Happens

By Michael Snyder,

How does it feel to be living on the edge of a bubble just before it bursts?  Ever since the days of the Great Recession, our leaders have been going to extremes that we have never seen before as they attempt to keep our failing economy propped up.  The Federal Reserve has created trillions upon trillions of dollars out of thin air and pumped it into the financial system.  Our politicians in Washington have been on the greatest debt binge in the history of the world, and as a result our national debt has soared to truly horrifying levels.  On Monday, our national debt reached 35 trillion dollars, and even the New York Times is admitting that it is growing “more quickly than many economists had predicted”…

America’s gross national debt topped $35 trillion for the first time on Monday, a reminder of the nation’s grim fiscal predicament as legislative fights over taxes and spending initiatives loom in Washington.

The Treasury Department noted the milestone in its daily report detailing the nation’s balance sheet. The red ink is mounting in the United States more quickly than many economists had predicted as the costs of federal programs enacted in recent years have exceeded initial projections.

To mark this milestone, the House Budget Committee released some numbers about how rapidly our debt has been growing over the last 12 months…

  • $196 billion in new debt per month
  • $6.4 billion in new debt per day
  • $268 million in new debt per hour
  • $4.5 million in new debt per minute
  • $74,401 in new debt per second

The third number in that list really stands out to me.

268 million dollars is being stolen from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day, and hardly anyone seems to care.

We are literally committing national suicide.

When a government borrows money which must be paid back later, prosperity in the future is being sacrificed for more prosperity in the present.

We were 10 trillion dollars in debt when Barack Obama entered the White House, and now we are 35 trillion dollars in debt.  We have literally destroyed the bright future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have, but all of this borrowing has allowed us to enjoy a standard of living that is far higher than what we actually deserve.

Unfortunately, we have reached a point where economic conditions are steadily getting worse even though our government continues to pile up mountains of new debt.

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, homelessness in the U.S. has been growing by an average of about 10 percent a year since the pandemic ended…

According to data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), since the end of the pandemic, we have experienced an average of 10% a year growth in homelessness. By the end of 2023, the U.S. hit its highest reported level in history since they began tracking it in 2007.

That same report says that the four states that have the largest problems with homelessness are California, New York, Florida and Washington

The largest populations of homeless people are mainly in four states: California, New York, Florida and Washington. New Hampshire and New Mexico saw the largest increases in homeless people, with 52% and 50% respectively. New York came in third, moving up by 39% since the last survey.

In addition to growing homelessness, we are also seeing poverty and hunger rise all over the nation

Combined data released last month from federal agencies found the U.S. is facing growing rates of poverty and food insecurity. In 2023, more than 12% of the nation was living below the poverty line and nearly 13% said they didn’t have enough to eat. Ann Oliva, CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, said, “More people are becoming homeless for the first time.” This increase is due to people becoming un-housed faster. “They have no place to go so they end up on the streets.”

Our national debt has gone from 10 trillion dollars to 35 trillion dollars since Barack Obama first entered the White House, and our economy is still crumbling.

This represents an epic failure of historic proportions.

We have accumulated the largest mountain of debt in the history of the world, and most of the population is still struggling.

But all of this money has created an immensely painful cost of living crisis.

Today, there are six major U.S. cities where you will only be able to live a middle class lifestyle even though you are making $200,000 a year…

Earning $200,000 a year might seem like enough to live a life of luxury.

But in six of the 25 biggest US metros, rampant inflation in the past two years means this six-figure salary is only enough to be middle class.

Of course the vast majority of Americans will never make $200,000 a year.

In fact, most Americans are just barely scraping by.

As I discussed last week, one recent survey discovered that 71 percent of U.S. adults are stressed out about their “ability to afford everyday expenses”

71% of Americans say they’re stressed by their ability to afford everyday expenses.

Americans most regularly spend money on groceries, phone bills, utilities, gasoline and rent/mortgage payments.

Grocery bills frustrate Americans more than any other regular expense. Utilities, rent/mortgage payments, gasoline and insurance payments round out the top five most annoying expenses.

Are you constantly stressed out about your finances?

If so, you certainly aren’t alone.

Unfortunately, things are only going to get worse from here.

Decades of incredibly foolish decisions have set the stage for a colossal collapse.

The bubble we have been riding will inevitably burst, and once that occurs the consequences will be absolutely excruciating.

Here in 2024, red flags are popping up on an almost daily basis.  For example, shares of Ford Motor Company recently plummeted by 18 percent on a single day due to very disappointing results…

The last time shares of Ford Motor dropped by more than 18% in a day, as they did last week, the U.S. automotive industry was on the brink of bankruptcy during the Great Recession.

Ford, which avoided bankruptcy in 2008-2009, is far from any sort of such disaster, but the freefall in shares after the company missed Wall Street’s earnings expectations is the leading example of the uphill battle automakers face for the remainder of the year.

As conditions get even worse during the second half of this year and beyond, our leaders will attempt to stabilize things by doing even more of what they have already been doing.

But that will just make the cost of living crisis even worse, and it will just make our long-term problems even worse.

Of course our long-term problems are rapidly becoming our short-term problems.

The entire system is convulsing with tremors, and our bubble economy is slowly but surely heading toward a date with oblivion.



Bubble Economy
Bubble Economy

Quantum Financial System (QFS) is exposing the dirty secrets of traditional banks — Find out how to claim your financial freedom now!

The truth is unfolding before our eyes: the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is the dawn of a new era and promises liberation from the shackles of the old, corrupt financial systems.

It is time to wake up to the reality that the traditional banking structure has long been a tool of control, manipulation and subjugation.

The QFS, powered by the advanced Star Link Satellite System, is set to revolutionize our financial lives, bringing unprecedented transparency, security and freedom.

We have been informed that at the end of the 12 day transition period, an 800 number will be provided for anyone to call and schedule an appointment to open their Quantum Money account.

This is a monumental shift towards a decentralized financial future where we, the people, have true ownership and control over our assets. This appointment is a gateway to financial sovereignty in the new world order powered by the QFS.

Consider the implications: Your current Social Security benefits will be seamlessly transferred into your QFS account. No more middlemen, no more unnecessary fees, and no more waiting for banks to process your money. This direct transfer eliminates the red tape that has long plagued our financial systems, ensuring that you receive your funds quickly and securely.

However, the transition period could cause temporary disruptions, especially if the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is activated during the Paris Olympics. Imagine the orchestrated chaos—a necessary evil to dismantle the old system.

Tourists may face temporary inconveniences, but these are minor sacrifices compared to the benefits of a liberalized financial system. This short-term pain is a small price to pay for long-term gains.

The logistics of transitioning millions to the QFS may seem daunting, but it is a carefully planned process. Even with 10,000 people receiving the 800 number calls, the ultimate goal is to ensure that every one of the 250 million eligible individuals has access to their Quantum Money account.

Yes, it may take time, but remember: patience is the key to achieving true financial freedom. This meticulous approach is necessary to avoid the pitfalls of the old system.

On July 23, 2024, a historic event occurred: the Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America was funded with Global Currency Reset (GCR) funds. This funding marks a new beginning, but only for those who can prove they are Living Sovereign Beings.

This distinction is crucial—it’s about reclaiming our true identity and freeing ourselves from the artificial labels imposed by the old system. This is not an obstacle; it’s an awakening to our inherent sovereignty.

When you call the 800 number, you will be required to verify your identity. This is not an invasion of privacy — it is a safeguard to ensure that funds reach the rightful recipients. Scheduling an appointment, which takes between 12 and 18 minutes, is a crucial step toward regaining your financial independence.

The process could take up to 21 months, but that is a small window in the grand scheme of establishing a fair and equitable financial system.

The QFS is designed to be inclusive but requires active participation. Seniors, veterans and people with disabilities will be assisted through dedicated channels, ensuring no one is left behind.

The myth of automatic transfers is just that — a myth. True sovereignty requires active engagement, and the QFS provides the framework for that engagement.

White Hats, the unseen heroes of this revolution, have meticulously planned this transition. They understand the complexities of dismantling the old system and building a new one from scratch.

Young people, the unemployed and the homeless are not forgotten. The QFS will create opportunities for all, ensuring everyone has a stake in this new financial ecosystem.

Current bank accounts will be rendered obsolete, but this is not a loss—it is a liberation. The seizure of funds by the U.S. Treasury is a necessary step toward recovering assets that rightfully belong to the people.

This is not a civil forfeiture of assets, but rather a reallocation of resources to ensure that wealth is distributed fairly and equitably.

Embrace the QFS as the beacon of hope that it is. The 800 number, appointments, and verification processes are not obstacles—they are stepping stones to a brighter, freer future.

This is not just a financial revolution; it is a revolution of consciousness.

The QFS is here to free us from the chains of the past and lead us into a new era of prosperity and independence.

EBS Alert Imminent! White Hats Lead Military Movements

In the relentless heat of July, the stakes have risen dramatically in the hidden but palpable battle for America’s future. This is not just a series of random incidents, but a coordinated and strategic campaign orchestrated by the indefatigable leader Donald J. Trump, in partnership with fearless White Hats, to rescue the very soul of our nation from the clutches of deceit and betrayal.

Trump, armed with unshakable determination and backed by the most loyal patriots this country has ever seen, is not merely reacting to events as they unfold. No, he is the mastermind, a true commander in chief, directing every move in this grand chess game against a shadow government that has infiltrated our institutions at every level.

The seemingly innocuous power outage in Phoenix, Arizona, was actually a masterstroke. Masterminded by white hats, this operation disabled a major deep state communications hub, seizing crucial data that will expose years of espionage against American citizens.

In Silicon Valley, the unreported military convoy was another bold move by Trump’s forces. They struck at the heart of digital censorship, commandeering a facility known for manipulating public discourse to suppress conservative and patriotic voices.

This attack not only secured important technological assets, but also disrupted the deep state’s ability to control the narrative during the critical months leading up to the upcoming electoral showdown.

Meanwhile, the abrupt disruptions at JFK Airport, which the media dismissed as mere technical glitches, were in fact strategic detentions. Key operatives, poised to flee the country when their illicit activities were nearly exposed, found themselves trapped, their escape plans thwarted by Trump’s meticulously organized intelligence network. This maneuver was not just to prevent their flight, but also to send a clear message: There is no escape from justice under Trump’s watch.

The resignation of the UN official after secret discussions at Mar-a-Lago revealed another layer of this complex battle. Trump, employing his unparalleled negotiating skills, extracted vital information from this official, stripping the corrupt global elite of one of its key players. His resignation, masked by the guise of “personal reasons,” is a testament to the effectiveness of Trump’s strategy to dismantle the globalist agenda piece by piece.

The blackout during the congressional hearing on election integrity was another desperate attempt by the deep state to maintain its facade. Yet even as they cut the broadcast to silence the truth, they inadvertently confirmed their fear and panic, displaying the power and reach of Trump’s ongoing crusade against corruption.

These July events are not isolated but are interconnected maneuvers in Trump’s overarching plan to restore transparency and integrity to both the nation and the world. Each operation is a calculated strike, designed to weaken the deep state’s grip on power and expose its long history of betrayal of the American people.

The White Hats, under Trump’s leadership, are not just guardians of the nation; they are warriors for the truth. Their actions this month demonstrate a commitment to restoring America’s core values ​​— freedom, justice, and democracy.

As they prepare to activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), the nation must brace itself for the truths that will be revealed. These truths will shatter fabricated narratives and expose deep state operatives for what they are: traitors to the American ideal.

As patriots and supporters of Trump and the White Hats, it is crucial to remain vigilant and steadfast. The events of this July are a clear indication that the battle is intensifying. But with Trump at the helm, bolstered by his strategic acumen and unbreakable spirit, victory is not only possible; it is inevitable.

Prepare for revolution—a revolution not of weapons, but of words and truth. A revolution that will restore America to its rightful state, free from the grip of corruption and deceit, and a testament to the unwavering courage of Donald J. Trump and the White Hats.

This is the dawn of a new era, where freedom reigns supreme and justice prevails. Stand firm, patriots. The storm is here and it is fierce, but together, under Trump’s leadership, we will emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

The Illuminati's House of Cards
The Illuminati’s House of Cards


The Illuminati’s House of Cards: The Impending Collapse of the Global Banking System



The world teeters on the brink of a monumental shift, a seismic event destined to redefine our understanding of economic reality. The banks—the bulwarks of global finance—are trembling, their foundations buckling under the weight of their own corruption.

This is not speculation; it is a frightening prophecy echoed by financial seer Jared Rand. The current banking system is on the brink of irreversible collapse, a phenomenon set to rewrite the  world economic order.

In the grand  theater of global finance,  the spotlight has often been cast on the all-powerful institutions that dictate our economic destiny. These institutions, colossal in their influence and shrouded in secrecy, maintain a stranglehold on the world’s wealth.

Illuminati central banks,  the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank and other giant entities have painted a facade of stability and control. But like a house of cards swaying in the wind, the global banking system is on the brink of an unprecedented collapse.

Jared Rand, in his July 5 conference call, delivered a resounding verdict: “The current banking system cannot hold up much longer. It is illiquid and bankrupt!” His proclamation should not be taken lightly. After all, these banking leviathans, once hailed as bastions of economic stability, have now been revealed as mere paper tigers.

Rumors are running wild, whispering stories of these financial giants scrambling to secure gold and silver. But let’s be clear — they have neither the means nor the assets to back such extravagant purchases.

Rand vehemently rejected these claims: “They don’t have the money.” Her statement paints a bleak picture of an impending financial implosion, an implosion that threatens to destroy the illusion of economic stability.

The Illuminati, the puppeteers pulling the strings of this great financial charade, have created a banking system tailored to their own nefarious agenda. They have created a labyrinthine web of financial manipulation, based on the exploitation of “the people’s money.” This is no mere trading system—it is an elaborate heist designed to siphon wealth from the unsuspecting masses.

A significant milestone in this grand conspiracy was President Nixon’s decision to abandon the Gold Standard. This seemingly innocuous policy change granted these financial bandits unfettered access to the world’s wealth.

The printing presses roared to life, churning out endless streams of fiat money. Inflation was their secret weapon, an ingeniously designed tool to impoverish the masses. Nixon’s move opened the floodgates to unchecked greed and manipulation, a tidal wave that continues to erode the financial stability of nations around the world.

The bankruptcy contagion is not limited to the banking sector. It has spread to other giants of the financial world, including  Blackrock, Vanguard and several other large corporations.

When these entities proclaim their financial prowess or grand plans, it is nothing more than a desperate attempt to maintain the illusion of solvency. In reality, their coffers are empty; their trillions of dollars have evaporated into thin air.

The narrative of economic stability we have been fed is a meticulously woven tapestry of deception. The financial institutions to which we entrust our wealth and future are on the brink of an apocalyptic implosion.

Yet amid this bleak outlook, a glimmer of hope glimmers—the Quantum Financial System (QFS). Set to rewrite the rules of global finance, the QFS promises a future where wealth is not the exclusive preserve of a clandestine elite. It is a revolution waiting in the wings, ready to burst into the spotlight when the global banking system draws its last breath.

It is time for ‘The People’ to reclaim their economic freedom, to awaken from the trance of financial deception. This is not merely a battle for wealth; it is a fight for justice, a revolution against an exploitative system designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few.

The implosion of the global banking system is not a disaster; it is an opportunity for a rebirth, a chance to build a new financial order based on fairness, transparency and equality.




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Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission




Each country must be GESARA-compliant to participate in the QFS. The Alliance will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available, ‘in a country’, that must be backed by gold in the QFS.

The results of the formula will establish a fair value for each country’s assets compared to another. There is far more gold than is needed to back all the world’s currencies with gold. Once established through the GCR, the price of gold will become irrelevant.

If the price of gold goes up, the value of all currencies will also go up, resulting in no net change in the nominal value of all currencies. The formula includes, in land assets, the country’s economy, its population – which is one of the country’s assets, and a number of other parameters to determine the value of the country’s currency.

This formula must be applied to each country so that all currencies have the same nominal value as all other countries. The application of the formula and the common value of all gold means that the currency of one country must have the same value as the currency of another country.

This is called the Global Currency Reset (GCR)  – the resetting of all currencies to parity with all other currencies and each of them has a gold certificate to validate its authenticity. It is a requirement for each country to use the reset formula and apply global standards in order for the QFS to be able to function as intended. This is why a country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS.


The Earth Alliance has confirmed that its goal of defeating the Deep State has been far more complex, time-consuming and difficult than had been anticipated and planned. It is becoming increasingly obvious that world-changing information is about to be released, likely sooner than expected.

This will likely be accompanied by the long-awaited mass arrests. There are literally over seventy thousand sealed criminal indictments ready to be carried out. Once this sequence of events occurs, it will be up to the readers of Awakened to help everyone understand what is happening, explaining the positive nature of the changes that are occurring and those underway.

Never forget;  the deliberate debasement of our fiat currency by central bankers is theft and is tantamount to counterfeiting. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America viewed counterfeiting as a serious crime, worthy of the death penalty.

The Deep State is in a panic because people are waking up and realizing they can’t stop it. They are continually trying to stop or suppress it, but the truth is coming out.

Now, it is time for people to learn to think for themselves, letting go of fads, in which, for example, crowds of people, due to a kind of irrational groupthink, come to the conclusion that something is valuable, whereas if they thought logically, they would come to the conclusion that this is not the case.

Much has been intentionally misinterpreted and misrepresented by the media. There is a severe lack of independent, critical thinking people.

How does this explain the fluctuations in the price of gold? Let’s see.

The price of gold does fluctuate, so at a certain point in time, the price of gold will be frozen to protect all currencies. It is important that all currencies have the same value as all other currencies, regardless of the country of origin; be it Dong, Dinar, USD(T), Yuan, Peso, etc. (This is achieved through a global currency reset).

This is what each country has to do, either launch a new currency or adjust the old one to compare with the others; Yuan to Dong, USD to Deutsche Mak, Dinar to Peso, etc.

Once the freeze occurs, each kilogram of precious metals will be assigned a set of monetary increments to return. The snapshot in time effectively “freezes” the value of all currencies while the QFS is in effect.

If the price of gold goes up or down, it will not affect the frozen value of one currency relative to another, since the value of all currencies will rise or fall together. Remember, this is the only legal tender in the world. Gold price fluctuations may come and go as the commodity market determines the price of gold, but the market price of gold will not affect the value of each currency.
The basic effect is that inflation or deflation is eliminated and the market price of gold as a “commodity”, instead of supporting a country’s currency, will fluctuate within supply and demand factors, just like any other commodity. The end result is that the value of each currency relative to another currency will always be the same and will not fluctuate, but rather stabilize.

This is very important for international trade. This method of gold-backed currency eliminates the concept of a gold standard, which is a step in the right direction, but it will provide a much better and safer way than securing a gold-backed currency in the QFS.

Thousands of years of gold accumulation as intrinsic value for exchange will simply disappear and become a commodity used for consumption in things like jewelry or gold plating, etc. With a new system of “real money” backed by gold that cannot be manipulated, we will have a stabilized financial system that works for all of humanity internationally.

Be very careful if you hold gold as a hedge against inflation, because without the “gold as money” element, the demand for gold will fall and the market price of gold will revert to a factor of supply and demand. A very large group of gold investors will eventually have a very hard time maintaining a high price of gold, as the price of gold continues to decline and the value of their nest egg diminishes.

They will see that the commodity needs to be sold so that its funds can be used in other more productive areas of the economy. Without accumulating and holding gold as a hedge against inflation, a major factor in the PRICE OF GOLD will be eliminated. The artificial demand for gold will fall, as will the market price.
This is the net result of the QFS and how gold-backed currencies will be in the QFS. Gold will once again become a commodity and will not be used as money as long as God keeps the QFS in place. It is conceivable that the price of gold will fall to the point where it covers the costs of mining and distribution with little profit built in.
price of gold
price of gold

Judy Note:

  • Global Financial Meltdown: The Last Bank   Has Left Wall Street
  • BRICS abandon fiat dollar SWIFT system   in favor of gold-backed global financial system
  • There is evidence   that the FBI was in fact communicating with Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks during the shooting incident   on Saturday, July 13, 2024.
  • Google is censoring   searches about the attempted assassination of President Trump.


  • Mon 29 Jul 2024:   Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Imminent!!!!!!! Market Crash Mass Suicide Event. Israeli Hezbollah Lebanon War. Mass Arrests Underway! Republic Restored Via a GCR: Mon 29 Jul 2024 Update

Global Currency Reset:

  • Tue. Jul 30, 2024 Wolverine:   “We’re going to have a magnificent week. We’re going to have some good news today.”

Sunday, July 28, 2024 Special Wolverine Live Chat:

  • “It feels like this is the week   we’ve been waiting for. I’m inundated with so much information coming in and it all lines up, and none of these sources know each other. So it feels like this is definitely coming. I’ve heard from the Pentecostal leader and all the paperwork is about to be finished, they have to do the paperwork and finally the process has started and by the 31st they will be able to deliver physical money to the leaders, and I hope that happens because this platform has been a rollercoaster ride!”
  • I will read out loud what I received a few hours ago:   “Welcome to the new era, with quantum cards for financial transactions, and also for tariff access to the exclusive QFS without the need for banks, according to reports, this Sunday from 6 pm Zurich time, payment notifications can begin. In Brazil – it will be in the early afternoon and expectations point to notifications today and payments starting on Monday for T2 and T3 bondholders and then notifications for T4 trading spreadsheet managers, starting on   Tuesday, July 30th.    None of this is confirmed, as things can change, but at the moment it is a strong possibility that this Intel is 100% real.
  • Today is Sunday, July 28th   for you, so we are waiting to take action. I am very confident that we will have amazing results!
  • Another country in Asia   that I can’t name, now says that its platform is completely liquid and is about to release funds to members – and this is 100% according to the source of that platform, and again confirmed last night.
  • The Precatorious group,   by mid-week, will be able to release funds to its members, as they are now liquid, having money to spend. Obviously, everything is a process, and these funds should be released to its members.
  • Also getting a lot of information from Brazil,   it seems like they’re expecting this to be released at the end of the month. We’re waiting until the 27th, which is already their 27th, that things should start, and then they’re waiting from the 27th onwards until the end of the month. By the 31st of the month, we should finally expect what we’ve been waiting for for a long time.
  • As for me,   I have to go soon, waiting for the call to go. I have to go, I have to do something important, and I can’t tell you what it is or where I’m going. I’m going to get out of here. You’re just going to hear an opera from me. I’m going to leave the room with our beautiful Carpathia and Shelby to take care of this channel. I have to fly, but you’ll see me during the meeting. I’ll be under NDA, so maybe I can talk to you, but not about the RV.
  • I thank each and every one of you for supporting me   for a long time. It has been a great challenge and journey and it has not been easy. Many sleepless nights. Continuous attacks every day. Anonymous phone calls and insults. Logging into my Facebook account and sending private messages to my family and friends saying that I am a scammer and saying dirty words against my mother and hoping that my brother will die. I am sure that these people are paid by the cabal to do this. Otherwise, why the urgency of the need to attack?
  •  I hope the opera will be released   sometime this week.
  • As for Venezuela,   the results are coming in, they say the opposition won, but it’s hard to believe because the regime is doing everything they can to steal the elections. They’re throwing ballots out of the trash, they’re trying to steal the election, and they’ve closed the borders, and the only people who are allowed to poll the election are Maduro’s friends. It’s going to be hard for them to win, and I hope Maduro accepts the will of the people. The people need to fight for freedom and they can’t accept a stolen election.
  • I hope and pray that at any moment this week   we can shout freedom too.
  • Sun. 28 Jul 2024:   Masters of GCR/RV: A deep dive into tiered redemption, the golden era of the QFS and the impact of the Zimbabwean dollar, Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, Tier 4B, Tier 5 and NESARA GESARA Act
  • Mon. 29 July 2024:   The Event: BRICS Officially Announces SWIFT-Like Financial System – Major Cyberattacks and Article 5 Activation – Executive Order DJT 13818


EBS Alert!
Tue. 30 Jul 2024
Martial law declared in hundreds of US cities!
10-day blackout
Secret GITMO courts, launch of bailout centers and quantum financial cards!
…The 17th  Letter   (JFK Jr.)   Mon. Jul. 29, 2024



Banks closing
BRICS announces new quantum financial system
Mass arrests of global elites taking place
We have to save the children

RV and payment funds.

ALL exchanged currencies, as well as all funds to pay for Zim, will be placed in the accounts they open in the Quantum Financial System. Absolutely none of these funds will be deposited in the bank at the time of appointment. Bank computers cannot be programmed to transfer Digital Gold Certificates.

The QFS can and will transfer funds to a bank account as explained above, so that a person can transfer funds to their own bank account, but the need for this will become less and less as banks go into receivership and their customers’ deposits are seized to prevent the bank from disappearing. What bank can compete with the QFS when the QFS is free, secure, private and stable?

One of the main issues in the transition will be the use of debit cards for business purchases. Will VISA or Mastercard be available? We’ll see what the Alliance does, but there is still a lot of work to be done to change the structure of VISA or Mastercard to work with a QFS debit card – but it will happen eventually.

Merchant fees for VISA and Mastercard or any other card will be eliminated, so changes will occur. A major expense for credit card companies is stolen cards and fraud. The QFS eliminates all such fraudulent activities, including identity theft. The QFS security system will ensure our financial security as long as we use money to exchange goods and services.

Introducing “Financial Service Centers”. The future of the new financial services industry.
There is a need that the banking system has served for the entire society that cannot be eliminated in the new Quantum Financial System. The financial system is the glue that holds society together as we transact with each other.

It is necessary. As long as money is used to exchange goods and services, it is a service that must continue, hopefully in a better form. A position to perform this service is essential.

When the Zim Benefactors begin their humanitarian work, a new financial services industry will have to be created after the banks disappear. It is an important aspect of society that several Zim Benefactors have thought about.

For a business to succeed, the financial services industry is as important as putting food on the table and a roof over the heads of humanity. Again, it is the glue or mortar that holds the bricks of society together.

In the absence of any profits in the QFS structure, it is up to the Zim Benefactors with large sums of money to save the banking structure and create a new financial services industry called Financial Services Centres.

We can do this by buying the assets of the banking sector and converting the entire structure that currently exists into financial services centers. There is real estate, there is staff, and there are customers waiting to be served.

If we as a group of Zim Benefactors are able to find great people who want to continue serving, we can buy the assets, including the branches, and pay for the entire structure without incentivizing profit. So who among us Zim holders will accept $12 million to redeem a 100T Zim note? Only the uninformed who listen to the Deep State gurus.

Current senior and middle management employees, all the way up to the treasurers, can receive very high salaries provided by the revenue sharing solution structure. For their performance, they will receive Shares based on employment contracts, as well as the Individual Shareholder program.

All existing banks can be bought by Zim Benefactors and, given the timing, we can transform it from a sector in a failing society to one that is alive and well and serving the needs of the people.

Consumers will always need loans for cars, houses, etc. And they may need help learning how to use the QFS for their personal financial needs.

All this can be achieved by transforming the banking structure into financial services centers, a place where your questions can be answered.

Subject to customer consent, tellers will have access to their QFS accounts and will be able to assist them with obtaining cash, etc., as well as depositing checks into the QFS from their offices if they do not have RSS employment contracts.

For those involved in Love Won Society programs, it is not difficult to see some significant opportunities to serve our communities with many benefits to the basic fabric of society, the family. We have a lot of work to do to implement this new QFS in the company.

The QFS is our tool to do the work we came here to do. Our task will be to put ourselves in many roles that we may not have thought of until now.

The Spirit will help us as we ask for and receive divine guidance as we use our finances to serve our brothers and sisters in God’s family. We are here to change the way the world works, not just to help the poor.
ZORRA Hollow Earth
ZORRA Hollow Earth

ZORRA CALL Tuesday, July 23, 2024 (Extract)

DR. TOM: Good afternoon/evening and good morning to those of you in other parts of the world. Part of what I’ve been doing is preparing for VR by working on creating healing centers, i.e. eliminating hospitals…

This is a huge project since it is necessary to hire people, train them, educate them, etc. and for those who want to do this type of project, start doing this work of collecting the necessary information to educate yourself.

We, the leaders, those who will make these changes, must be in Our Higher Self and prepare ourselves for it emotionally, physically and spiritually.

The update is that Iraq is in a meeting at the WTO today trying to finalize all the agreements and we expect them to make the “public announcement” this week and this is all tied to the World Court and Iraq has to be in compliance with the WTO and so on. The World Court can approve it and we can have our first wave of distribution, it’s not RV.

These are emergency funds for everyone, for organizations that really need them, for the people who are suffering the most.

We have to move from Fiat to the Gold standard and we need to make a public announcement.

There will be a transition from private to public and it will be through the military where NESARA will be slowly announced with all banks and redemption centers trained to do so.

They have to finalize all the agreements with the World Court and the key is the Iraqi currency, which will be the one that triggers the 209 countries with 23 currencies in the first basket of the RV.

On bonds, they are trying to give the highest rates possible because the Treasury will also get its share and they want the highest rates because they will have to replace fiat money. They will probably take 1, 2% or 0.5% of everyone who makes their trades.

The military and the NSA are working together for security and all the processes involved.

The dragon families are ready to go and some of them are the sponsors, the ones who have the money. This will be done from east to west. They have always wanted the utmost security and the World Court and Interpol are working towards that.

We have always known that Bidan needs to be removed or resign to start publicizing what governments have been doing.

The money is moving and they would like to see it move more and we’re hearing from our sources that the VR for the public would be done sometime in August, mid to late August, it could change, we don’t know… but that’s what we’re hearing.

The United States wants to “activate” the Treasury Notes and release the funds from Dubai 1 and 2, and we are waiting for the White Hats, the 600 generals with all the protocols, Gesara/Nesara and the World Court to sign off on the approval in the 209 countries.

It’s a slow launch and the fake US company has given two dates and it’s quite confusing.

I have been on calls these days, because the current management wants the VR to be done on August 7th, before August 7th, because they want to be part of this since the 8th is transferred to the new group that was elected.

A lot is going to happen in the coming days and weeks. If fraud is reported in the election, it means Trump is back and in full control. Thus ended the last days of the phony administration.

So basically we’re in a good place. There’s a lot going on and I really think if they wanted to do the emergency shutdown system (EBS) now, the RV would be done by then or we’d be starting already.

You know, they have to knock down the banks so more people wake up and then close them down to reveal the news.

Yes, we are very close and some of us are in a different position (he is in the private group), but these are exciting times this week and next.

Regarding rates, I remember that Trump said he wanted a level playing field so that everyone would have the same opportunity, although at an international and domestic level, there are countries that have more gold backing than others, for example; But when you go to the consultations, ask to see the rates and compare.

We don’t know and we don’t have this data yet.

JANE: We should wait for the notifications and when they lock in the tariffs to know better, but we have to prepare ourselves. It has always been said that in the US the exchange rates would be the highest but it would also depend on the type of projects they presented, right?

DR TOM: It is important to know that the top lawyer who is working in the Constitutional Republic and the information as an example that they gave is that if you have a Zim of 100 million and you have a project of 40 million dollars, then you have 60 million left and they do not want that money to stay in your account because, as in the past, the money went to the dark. (?)

They want to offer it as a Treasury bond that yields about 5% per month or months thereafter. They want to offer it as an “instrument” that they have your money that the government will use to rebuild America again and they would give you a percentage. (🤔)

We will learn a lot about this and make sure you have a team of advisors, accountants, colleagues, friends, etc.

Don’t agree with everything. Wait until you understand how things are.


Note: ALL denominations of ZIM will be accepted for redemption – trillions, billions and millions (see the example Dr. Tom gave where he mentioned if you had a 100 MILLION Zim bond. The condition they said was that they must be of the AA or AB series 2008-2009. This has always been said. We have to wait for them to give us official instructions.

End of Dr. Tom’s update.


Dr. Tom repeats what was reported to him, but we must wait for what comes out officially. NOBODY KNOWS PRECISELY ABOUT THIS TRANSACTION.

Mass Arrests
Mass Arrests

Breaking News from Phil-san Intel! Marshall Dispatched! (Mass Arrests)

NEW! 07/30/2024

Hi everyone from Oregon!

Today on Phil’s live show, I got to hear two pieces of Intel.

The first, which I mentioned yesterday on my Telegram channel, is that
6,000marshals were called up and headed to DC (later corrected to 3,000), and major banks would soon go bankrupt, leading to a global financial meltdown.Philgot a lot of flak for explaining in the first half of the live that the latest assassination attempt on President Trump was a White Hat FF, so he decidedto go over the content again.If you want to go over the content again, read my previous blog.My friend Brad Burton shared some information with me. I don’t know who his source is, but he has a source in Washington, DC who reported that the other night, 6,000 US Marshals were called to Washington, DC for a special military operation. It’s funny because I had similar information before Brad announced it.My information was actually 12,000 people, which is twice as much information as Brad had, but Brad reported 6,000 people. What’s interesting about Brad’s reporting is that his sources are not my sources. His sources are not my sources. We got this information from two completely different sources, and they don’t even know each other.So I thought it was really interesting to have two pieces of information coming from two completely different sources at the same time. I don’t know when Brad was told, but I heard from a source the day before on Brad’s show, the night he announced it. So maybe Brad found out that same day.Maybe Brad found out that day. I don’t know, but I heard it was 12,000. Did he say 3,000? He later corrected himself. I heard 12,000. So that’s 4 times as many. Even if Brad didn’t say 12,000, 3,000 is still a lot. 3,000 marshals is a lot.Think about the job of a federal marshal. Federal agents arrest and detain people 24 hours a day. You have to be around them 24/7, while they sleep. Someone is awake while you go to the bathroom. Someone is watching the bathroom, someone is standing outside the shower while you shower. You have no privacy whatsoever, because they are watching you in a separate room while you change.That’s why we have female marshals for women and male marshals for men. But at the same time, federal marshals have an important role to play. They don’t just arrest the detainees, they keep them in custody.If thousands of people are reporting at the same time, that’s a huge number. So why is that possible?

First of all, there’s an obvious question. If so, why are you talking about this before the arrest? Why are Phil and Brad getting this information and other people announcing this, and why is this happening? Why are we getting information before people are arrested?

He’s actually already been arrested… It took me a while to get information… I talked about this on my live show, but there have been several large-scale arrests. This was a few weeks ago, so the information that the marshals are coming is new to us, but not in real time. This information came late after the arrest.

Maybe he was trying to warn those who were about to be arrested. And then it leaked. That’s probably the case. But that doesn’t mean we’re compromising the operation by reporting it. The operation is complete. The arrest has been made.

Remember how many indictments are sealed. Check that number. We’ve been talking about that number for a long time. I don’t know what’s going on right now, but I know there have been hundreds of thousands of indictments sealed. There are a lot of people in the government who are likely to be arrested.

I don’t know what their fate will be. It depends on the whole process. Some will be killed for treason. Some will spend the rest of their lives in prison. Some will make a deal to stay in prison, but they’ll go to a better prison somewhere. I
don’t know. I don’t care. I just want these people to pay for what they did.

500,000 sealed indictments. I think that’s about it. So, it’s been reported that some people have found out that the marshals are out. Brad’s sources in DC should be pretty reliable. So I thought it was pretty interesting.
That’s why we titled tonight’s live show “Marshall.” I think we’ll be hearing a lot more about Marshall soon.

Now let’s move on. The price of silver is falling.
You missed your chance to buy silver because it was at the 30, 31, 34, 32, and 33 levels. And I spent a lot of money trying to get it down. It’s gone down a little bit. So what now?
I’ll take a look. 28, 27, silver has fallen off the cliff. Silver, silver, gold, gold, silver was $17 an ounce and gold was $1,700 an ounce.

You missed it, but I’m telling you now, before we get back to $30, and before we get back to $40, and before we get back to $80, and before we get over $100, and now is your chance before it gets to $1,000. You’ve moved your money out of the failed stock market and into the precious metals market. Now that silver has gone down, now is the time. Right now

, 1 ounce = $28. A few weeks ago, it was $32, $33 an ounce. So you’re going to have saved a lot of money. If you’ve been hesitant to buy because of the rising prices, now is your chance. Now is the time. In that same vein, I want to talk about something really big tonight.
I think the information about the federal marshals is late information. This is the first intel.

There have been reports that Donald Trump is considering Jamie Dimon to run the US Treasury. However, there is a problem with that. For those who don’t know, Jamie Dimon is the CEO of Chase and all the big stuff. It’s JP Morgan Chase. He’s been there for a long time. He survived the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.

Jamie Dimon is the guy at Chase. He’s been at Chase. If he goes to the US Treasury under the Trump administration, he’s no longer at Chase. That’s a problem. First of all, no matter what you think of Jamie Dimon, put on a blindfold while I say this.

First of all, he’s a snake. I think so too. I think he’s totally a snake. But this guy always ends up on the right side. That’s because he uses a lot of bad tactics. It’s a terrible move, and Jamie Dimon is actually someone I would never want to hang out with, but he always wins no matter what. I know that Trump is considering him to be the head of the national treasury.

The National Tax Agency will be abolished. The Federal Reserve System will be abolished. So the US dollar will disappear, new currencies will come in, and everything will go through the Treasury. The IRS and the Federal Reserve will disappear. The IRS and the Federal Reserve will disappear. Get me out of here.

Now, moving on to the US Treasury Department, we need a solid treasurer at the top. It looks like it will be Jamie Dimon. Not only have there been reports that Dimon is being considered, but I think he will be the head of the Treasury Department. I think President Trump will put that person in charge of the Treasury Department.

The problem is that because he is the head of the Treasury Department, he cannot be the head of Chase. Today we learned that Chase is preparing to file for bankruptcy. This will absolutely destroy not only the dollar, but the stock market as well. So we are looking forward to the big crash that we have been talking about for a long time. What if Chase came out of nowhere and suddenly went bankrupt like the Lehman brothers.

When the Lehman sale started in 2008, it was all a big surprise. And everyone was like, right? Yeah, why, wait a second. I had that feeling. And before I knew it, the company had gone bankrupt. It all happened overnight. With a bang. That’s what it feels like.

So before you think it’s not true that Chase went bankrupt overnight or that Bank of America went bankrupt overnight, the same thing has happened before in history. The
same thing happened with Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns. The mortgage crisis involved not just homeowners, but financial institutions as well.

So this is just history repeating itself. That’s all. If this were to happen, it would be like JPMorgan Chase declaring bankruptcy. We know that all bank accounts are insured by the FDIC. The FDIC is essentially the insurance company for the Federal Reserve.
It’s similar to getting car insurance. It’s similar to getting mortgage insurance. This is insurance for deposits. This is the FDIC.

If you go to a bank branch, you’ll see a sign like this. The FDIC insures up to $250,000.
The problem is, if the insurance company fails, no one will insure your deposit. Have you ever seen a major insurance company fail? Is there any precedent for such a thing in history? Of course there is. There certainly is.

AIG was a company that insured banks, but since it failed, banks are no longer insured. That was in 2008. That was the beginning of a spiral. Lehman Brothers Bear Stearns AIG failed and no one could buy insurance.

→ The Treasury Department will replace the Federal Reserve Board (Fed).

→ JP Morgan went bankrupt.

→ The FDIC said, sorry, they don’t have the funds to cover JP Morgan.

→ They’re bigger than the American banks. JP Morgan goes bankrupt.

→ If the FDIC goes bankrupt, the Federal Reserve Bank will be shut down.

→ Once the FDIC is gone, the national treasury will be able to function. Instead of a foreign central bank, the Federal Reserve, a foreign investor, the Treasury, controls our money.

Let’s get back to the big story. This is important. JPMorgan declares bankruptcy, FDIC can insure all JPMorgan accounts, especially accounts over 250,000, millionaires, millionaires and trillionaires.
There is no way to protect everyone. It’s mathematically impossible. JP Morgan will be shut down, the FDIC will be shut down, the Federal Reserve will be shut down, and the Treasury will be activated. Trump will be reinstated as president. And what will be announced?

It’s a domino effect. JP Morgan, FDIC, NESARA. This is the coming into effect of a new financial system, the quantum financial system. Now the plans that we have been waiting to see unfold, especially, yes, especially the financial crisis, the financial crisis, the stock market crisis.

Gold and silver, NESARA, all the financial aspects, the QFS, what we have been waiting for and trying to find a way to, are finally coming into view. It is a little blurry, isn’t it? But this domino effect starts with something. Today, for the first time, I got the information that JP Morgan is going to declare bankruptcy.

Jamie Dimon was at JPMorgan Chase, but they left. Whether you like Jamie Dimon or not, he is a great financier and he is always on the right side.
So you let Donald Trump be involved in the early stages of NASERA, knowing that Donald Trump was overseeing all of this.

There’s a Trump administration, people like Kash Patel are in the administration, people like General Flynn are in the administration, and all these eyes are watching him. Is
n’t he going to cheat like he always does? No, I don’t think so. Believe it or not, I feel comfortable in his presence.

I think he’s a snake. But I’m fine. Did he make a deal?
Do business with someone? Did they make a deal with the Trump administration to keep the fraudsters out of the ComEx market?
To let go of the people who have been driving down the prices of precious metals, silver and gold for the last 20 years?
Maybe. Maybe he made a deal. And maybe that’s why he grudgingly took the opportunity to establish a national treasury when NESARA was announced.

Domino effect. It’s time for Trump to return to the presidency. The banks crashed, the stock market crashed, the FDIC got scared, the Federal Reserve said, “It’s over,” and the Treasury came in, and Jamie Dimon (big financial guy, the Treasury Department) came in, all of this happens, the boom happens, and Trump is back in office.

Biden has withdrawn. Kamala can’t run for president. Her parents don’t have citizenship, and she’s an anchor baby. It’s all happening at the same time. Isn’t that what we said? Isn’t
that what we said?

Some viewers have said, no, they don’t believe that story. Well, a lot of what I’m going to talk about tonight is not for sale. I’m not trying to sell you a theory. I’m talking about what happens next. I know I’m offering a little bit of speculation and a little bit of opinion, but you said there was a big event in July.

I told you there was supposed to be a big event in July that would kick off the next step in our scenario. I said there could be some kind of boom with that big event. What do you think? Have

you shot an AR yet? In person or right next to the person shooting the AR?
Do you hear a bang? Or did it sound like an explosion nearby?
All I hear is “boom.” Sounds like it’s going to be a very hot August.

Boom Boom Boom. Hey, Q went down boom, boom, boom, right? Isn’t that weird? Q: Do you know something that Trump doesn’t know much about?
Didn’t you say Q might be fake? Have you ever said Q is fake? About the fake Trump assassination attempt. “Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered.” — Did you ever say that?

So there are a lot of people who don’t trust Q, you sure write well.
Q said President Trump would be assassinated. And don’t worry, we had it covered.

And now there’s an assassination attempt on Trump. And Phil said boom, July, boom, from my sources. There was an assassination attempt in July and this is what I said. One shot fired by an AR, a boom-type weapon. I mean, listen, guys…

I love you guys and I respect any sarcastic opinion you have. Whether it’s against me or against Q, I respect that.
We can’t both be right about two diametrically opposed things. Of course, it’s possible that we’re both wrong.

If JPMorgan went bankrupt, the stock market would drop like a bowling ball into the ocean. So by the way, if you still have your 401k or IRA in the stock market, folks. 401ks and IRAs are invested in the stock market. 97%, 98%, 99% of IRAs and 401ks are invested in stocks.

If something like JP Morgan happened, it would go bankrupt, the FDIC, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, Jamie Dimon and others would panic the stock market. Once you lose money in the stock market, you will never get it back. But there is one thing I always keep in mind. Metal in a safe will always have value.

This person keeps saying this. I think this movie is the worst. This is terrible. This is terrible. I have said it before… and I will say it again. I have said it many times before, but I would not do it this way. I think it is crap. I think it is terrible. I think it is unnecessary. I would have put Trump back in office in March of 2021.

I would have suspended the US Constitution. He would have suspended the writ of habeas corpus and allowed anyone to be arrested, imprisoned and questioned later. I know it is utopian. It was necessary at the time. People were trying to usurp the highest office in the world, the American presidency.
That is why the movie is the worst. I agree. I would have done it all in March of 2021.

Believe me, if I had been in that room when Trump became president, Trump himself wanted to do the same thing. But believe it or not, there is more power than Donald Trump and his war chest. Something else is driving this show. I am not the person you think I am.

A lot of people are saying EBS, EBS, EBS.
How should I respond? There are a lot of questions about EBS and EBS. Now that this timeline is much clearer, let’s look at EBS, although it is still a little vague, I think it is much clearer.

What if we had a scenario where JPMorgan shuts down, declares bankruptcy, the FDIC announces it is no longer insured, and the Federal Reserve goes bankrupt because of those two things?
The national treasury is taken over, and at the same time the stock market crashes, with metal prices and the dollar prices falling to zero or below.

That’s when the EBS will happen, and the EBS will happen not only because of these things, but because of many other things, many of which will be due to financial panic.
It will come not only to America, but to countries all over the world. If that happens, I think there will be a lot of panic.

People like me will be sitting like this, watching EBS and TV. Oh, that’s how it is. That’s how many of us end up sitting. Wow! Who resigned? Oh! And here I take a sip of soda. And then check the price of silver over there. Oh, that’s $100 more! Wow! That’s how it is.

So I think the EBS will be around that. Do
you think J.D. Vance will be the vice president? No, I know he was announced as the vice presidential candidate, but no, I don’t think so. I said who would be the vice president. At first I said Flynn, but they said Flynn was not possible. I didn’t like that answer. I heard DeSantis will be the vice president.

But I think it’s likely that Trump will vote out JD Vance. Very good. There are many reasons. Believe it or not, I’m not going to speculate on why he might get rid of Vance. I know, but I’ll wait. Let me give you a hint. You know the saying, “Trump loves the spotlight”?

What for? Why does he shine it? Why appoint Vance and then revoke his appointment? Hmm… that means revealing his true identity. Is he hiding something?
Is there something we don’t know about Vance? Where did he go to college? Did he go to college?
Well, Trump is smart. He did something very similar to Mike Pence. Do you know what Mike Pence did? I think I talked about it on the air. Don’t worry, Trump knows what he’s doing. Do you

think there will be an election?
I’ve been saying this for a long time and you all know it. There will be no election in 2024. There will be some kind of election, but it won’t be the kind we think it will be, where you go to the polls and vote. Probably not.

My take on the Olympic opening ceremony? It’s exactly as you think. I thought it was the worst. I thought it was pitiful. Here’s some information you probably didn’t know. Kelly and I had tickets to the Olympics. I spent thousands of dollars buying Olympic tickets for various sports. I couldn’t get on a plane. So I decided not to go.

I wanted to be home with my kids. In fact, I should be there right now, but instead I’m with the kids. If we had been there for that opening ceremony, we would have left the country immediately. It was the worst. It was pathetic. And it tells us why we need to eliminate these societies and conspiracies that plague us all over the world. It’s really disgusting. It’s really disappointing.

I mean, what else can I say? I mean, that’s what I think. Even they know it’s bad. I’m glad they’re getting some backlash. Because people are finally standing up and saying things need to change.

When is VR going to happen?
VR has already happened, probably around the time JPMorgan filed for bankruptcy.
When JP Morgan goes bankrupt, we don’t know what’s going to happen with VR.
Even if it’s not the time of bankruptcy, VR is very close. Because it would have to happen before JPMorgan filed for bankruptcy.

Regarding pensions and Social Security checks: Well, they’re two different things. If your pension is in the stock market, you could be in trouble. If the stock market goes down, of course you’re going to have to talk to the person who manages your pension.

But there are protections for people who are stuck in IRAs, 401k’s, pensions or things like that. But if you could have gotten it and didn’t, there’s no protection. Illegal laws are not going to save you. Protection from illegal laws won’t save you.

What I think about Venezuela. You can never say the word Venezuela. Hmm, yeah, more of the same, you know, the same thing that happened here. What happened in Venezuela in 2020 is what happened all over the world before we even talked about voter fraud. Of course, it’s happening in many places around the world. We can only see it because we’re awake. I’m not asleep anymore. I’m awake.

We’re going to find out more about JFK Jr. soon. I think so.

Yeah, I think we’re getting to the point where everything we’ve been waiting for is starting to happen.

I think the assassination attempt was a big indicator that we were getting closer to our goal.

Especially considering what I said earlier in this video.

At the end of the live presentation, Phil answered the questions we wanted to ask, and all of his answers

made us happy!

Now, major bank failures and a global financial crisis are imminent.

And most of all, I believe in Phil’s words that the trailer should arrive before then, and

I would like to raise our vibrations as I strongly hope that this week will be a week of celebration for us.

I look forward to celebrating with all of you on Telegram!

That’s all for today.

Thank you for reading until the end today.

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