You are currently viewing Message for New Earth Leaders ~ The Love of Source * Holy Grail a Cup Woven from the Fabric of the Stars ~ Arcturian Light Command
New Light from the Illumined God Worlds

Message for New Earth Leaders ~ The Love of Source * Holy Grail a Cup Woven from the Fabric of the Stars ~ Arcturian Light Command

Message for New Earth Leaders ~ The Love of Source * Holy Grail a Cup Woven from the Fabric of the Stars ~ Arcturian Light Command


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Celestial Earth Angelics of Gaia Galactica

As we move closer to the Equinox Gateway, this Sunday the 22nd, and shift into the Balancing Scales of Libra, we flow into the Zero Point Still Center of the space time continuum and make our breakthrough into the Higher Timeline of 5D New Earth Manifestation.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are holding the Source Code Vibrations of the Pure Land within their Crystalline DNA blueprints to assist all of Humanity in the transformation and transfiguration into Soular Diamond Rainbow Light Bodies of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.

The Chosen ones in Divine Union are the Commanders and Navigators of the Eagle and the Condor that came into this realm at this time to help Free all Sentient Beings from the cycles of samsara and turn the wheel of Dharma to make our collective Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Golden Age of Infinite Life and Infinite Light…A’Ho!

Namu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu







The sun is emanating.
The Love of Source.
Let the Solar Plasmas alignment bring joy and awareness to our people by integrating properly.
Solitude, or joy.
Can be a ceremony in itself.
The Love of Source
The Love of Source

Gene Key 46 – A Science of Luck

September 20th – 26th 2024

Seriousness – Delight – Ecstasy

“We might think that Ecstasy takes place in some far-off spiritual dimension. It takes place right here among human beings. We’re natural-born ecstatics. To allow that level of beauty into our inner being, we have to unlearn many of our masculine traits. ” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 46 – A Science of Luck
Gene Key 46 – A Science of Luck


The Holy Grail is a cup woven from the fabric of the stars, holding the elixir of the universe—the essence of life, the pulse of creation. It is not a treasure to be found in the earthly realm but a spiritual journey, a quest to unite with the infinite wisdom of the cosmos. As we connect with the stars, we open ourselves to the Grail’s illumination, awakening to the truth that we are both the seeker and the sacred vessel itself.


The Holy Grail is a cup woven from the fabric of the stars
The Holy Grail is a cup woven from the fabric of the stars



Arcturian Update September 20th

“Recent emotional shifts within a significant portion of the population are attributed to various factors, including astrological influences, electromagnetic changes, cosmic radiation, and updates to the crystalline grid. While these changes can be seen as beneficial in the long term, they may lead to short-term emotional disturbances, akin to adjusting to a faster vehicle. This period of adaptation can manifest as irritability or sudden bouts of sadness, which may appear randomly and feel overwhelming. However, these reactions are part of a broader emotional recalibration process. Viewing these changes positively can aid in navigating the adjustment phase. Overall, these transformations are expected to lead to improved emotional resilience in a higher frequency”
Iawat An Sha
Arcturian Light command
Channel > Alexander Quinn
Arcturian Light command
Arcturian Light command


9/20/24: Today pulls others into your story. Because it’s through what we project onto them, that they then reflect back to us, that we can come to better understand ourselves. It’s true that your reality is a mirror of your current consciousness… which is a divinely elegant process that empowers you in unlimited ways. It opens your eyes, mind, and heart, engages your Free Will, and offers a million different possibilities for choosing, changing, and creating. So, as you enter your day, be present with your projections. Decide if what you’re putting out is really what you want to get back. This is karma in its most fundamental form. This is karma giving you a choice not just for today but for every moment that comes after.
unlimited ways
unlimited ways
The energies of Equinox are breathing in our field. As it does it is apparent that grace stands very close to us now. Amongst many things, in a Zero-Point field Equinox flows Sacred Source Energy for an Accelerated Awakening and Balancing of your Sacred Heart and Re-Set reconnecting you to the Higher Realm state of your BEing.
Simply let go and BE, allowing yourSelf to be taken by the flow of Light. Your Heart accelerates the fusion to your unique Divine Flow of Light, which is growing brighter and brighter within the Universal Consciousness. Breathe, and let everything fall away that is illusion and concept. Both are everything that does NOT exist within your Heart.
You may have noticed the quieting of your thinking mind and the increase of pure awareness coming to you… or that distortions of the outer world have less impact personally, though compassion comes more easily, as judgment fades.
Perhaps you’ve noticed normal tendencies and typical interests fleeing in lieu of curiosity emerging for something new… or that your attention and fascination has turned toward the emergence of your New Self, and away from lamenting what was?
Emotional resonance is being usurped by vibrational and soulular resonance and response. The scattered psychology of the human system is breaking down, while the absolute qualities of our One True Self emerges.
The end is near as humanity is catapulted out of captivity.
From Mary Magdalene (while scribing for Equinox:) Now you are able to turn your attention away from your burdens and resurrect a new Life for yourself that will multiply Goodness and Godness through Unity Consciousness and hearts filled with Love. I bless you, WE bless you….May your heart spiral open like the blossoms of the rose. Use your Light with Passion and Purpose.
Be patient and be kind. Have faith and listen to the words of God through the ears of your Heart. Give of your Love Freely and Open every door that leads you the Kingdom of Heaven.
So Much Love to All.
Have a Blessed Equinox,
Accelerated Awakening and Balancing of your Sacred Heart
Accelerated Awakening and Balancing of your Sacred Heart

image by Eslam Amun

Message for New Earth Leaders

Those of us on the “Humanitarian Helper” mission/role may be feeling idle at this time. Feeling a little helpLESS, in that, the mission or role that we WERE BORN TO FULFILL is not quite yet ready to be STEPped into. We’re not at that STEP yet. And so it’s a little bit boring. You may be feeling a wee bit frustrated. You can see everyone around you DOing and BEing what they wish, and yet when you cast your gaze upon them, even if you were to DO and BE those things as well, you feel a lack of FULFILLMENT in that. And this is because we are still in training. Still being MENTored. Still being FINE TUNED. Within the mind. Ment meaning MIND. We always had the heart. That was never in question. But the training ground, or should I say, battle ground, that we were being PREPPED for, was still being WRAPped up. Aaaand CUT. It’s a WRAP.
So you can REST ASSURED that your mission is within sites…sights. It’s on the horizon. The EVENT HORIZON is nearly UP ON us.
Are you ready Freddy?
Are you fully prepared?
You’ve dreamt about it for eons. Have you full faculty of the mind. The senses. Your emotions.
Every subject required for you to fulfill your role, whether it be finances, health, healing, whatever it is for you, have you got it all under control? Did you pass with HONORS. Have you honored your Self? God isn’t going to give you large sums of money to help with humanitarian projects if you can’t balance a checkbook or if you are still in a “lack” mentality. Has money come into your reality and you SQUANDERED it? And not had any left for the IMPORTANT things? God isn’t going to give you millions of humans that require healing if you haven’t realized…with real eyes…your ability to heal. Anyone else or your Self. God isn’t going to maneuvre you around the planet to help with building new societies if you haven’t done that building course, or learnt how to build earthships, mudhuts even, or learnt how to grow a sustainable garden – for food and other essential items – clothing etc.
Whatever it is that you’ve been trained for, are you ready? Are you prepared for the onslaught of people requiring your services?
Because it’s coming. The mass awakening is here. Everyday, millions upon millions are awakening within their SLEEPER CELLS, and you have been systematically placed, within the SIMulation SYSTEM, right smack bang in the middle of it, or you are currently being moved, being prepped for moving.
What is your specialty? You would have been shown it time and time again, either your whole life or just since your awakening. Your one thing you feel most yourself doing, or being. And if it’s just loving that you have mastered, that unconditional loving that is required to be of any assistance, the non-judgemental, non-critical kind of love, have you managed to give that to yourself?
There is no right or wrong. There just is. And for a lot of us, it’s going to be on-the-job training where we JUST DO IT. So there’s no need to feel any anxiety or lack of any skills. You were DESIGNED for it. It’s in your blueprint. You’re a NATURAL at it.
So take deep deep breaths and try and rest up as much as you can, knowing, pretty quickly you’re going to be so so busy, you won’t have time to scratch yourself. Luckily you’ll be provided with lots of angelic and galactic support to do that for you. 🥸🤪🤣
Just know you are being watched and looked after in many realms, and nothing will be asked of you that you won’t be able to do. God never gives you anything you can’t handle. 10:10am as I type this.
Loving you all through these intense last few moments of training before we all graduate. Try and have some fun with it. You’re going to be great. Trust me. I’m an ARTist. ✍️🖌🖍
Peace x
ARTemis and The Universal Energy Collective.
New Earth Leaders
New Earth Leaders



Diego E. Berman, PhD


Dear friends, the recent Supermoon eclipse has officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This special energetic period will last until October 2 2024, the day of the solar, and final, eclipse of the year. I will be posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this new eclipse corridor to help you navigate and make sense of what might be happening within you and around you.
The transformative energies of this eclipse passageway come from very high non-physical vibrational planes. These cosmic energies have been influencing humankind evolution since millennia. However, as we evolve the energies also change year to year. As these lightcodes reach our atmosphere they become scattered around the planet and affect every single living organism.
The information contained within these light codes aims at releasing stagnant energies within us and assist us in moving beyond our limiting comfort zones. This process requires a sense of trust and a deep conviction that the Universe is “having our back”.
When we rely only on our biased perspective and own will, we are micromanaging the Universe and resisting the natural flow of life. We are not trusting the mysterious divine breath of life. We are rejecting the great cosmic intelligence and relying instead on our limited personal strength. When we do this, we find ourselves attempting to bend things to our will. We spend our time and energy forcing, pushing, and living from a space of “trying to”.
During this eclipse passageway, you are being called to stop micromanaging the Universe and trust this everlasting cosmic breath of life. It’s a period of introspection that leads us to surrender to the greater path that the Universe has for us. To move from ‘my will’ to ‘thy will.’ When you surrender to the greater will of life, you begin dancing with the rest of your life in a more harmonious way.
The more we resist these changes, the stronger the physical and emotional symptoms will be. If you experience any stresses on your mind and body during these days please relax and take some time to go within and ask yourself what areas are in need of a deeper release. You will be amazed at the information your body and soul are eager to share with you. Rest as much as needed to assist your physical body integrate the new information. The physical symptoms related to this energetic processing may involve: strange vivid dreams, a sense of “not belonging”, mild anxiety and heart palpitations, lack of mental focus, experiencing survival fears, and a need for more sleep. Please also remember this is a very personal journey, and the way each of us responds to these energies depends on many different factors.
The strong solar geomagnetic storm that took place the day before the lunar eclipse is also contributing to the deep changes and recalibrations we are all experiencing at the moment. We are being deeply transformed by the Light, step by step, layer by layer, as we navigate this Earthly journey. Place one hand over your heart area, take a few deep breaths, and trust the process: the Cosmos is guiding you to higher and more joyful destinations.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update as we begin merging with the Equinox energies.
Have a great weekend, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ
Beloved Ones,
Planet Earth is now receiving a New Light from the Illumined God Worlds. All of us as One has made possible the final step towards Earth integration into the soul dimensions. New upgrades are coming for those heart-opened to embrace the current harmonic energies. Piscean energies and now Libra ones are providing us with many important activations in our light bodies, as well as the stabilization required, for us to remain within Divine love and perfect equilibrium.
When we pass through a long integration phase, it may seem as if it will never finish, as if the physical sensations and emotional triggers, will never cease. However, this is the organic process we must experience when transform ourselves as a species.
We now welcome Libra energies. Libra is all about being the love that we are, for only through the power of Love is that we can transform ourselves and evolve. When we choose to open our hearts to embrace Divine Love in the way and form it shall come to us, we too dissolve heart barriers, energetic ones we create not to let love in. As we embrace the New Earth’s harmonic energies, we start dissolving heart blockages, liberating ourselves from all the repression, unlove, and slavery that we have been subjected to, for eons.
Hamornic energies will be intensified now as we welcome a new source of plasma coming from the central sun, which has not stopped especially during this year, the Equinox, and above all the Libra eclipse next month, which will be a great stabilizing source of plasma.
Plasma that is Love, for it is how the Divine feeds our light bodies, what allows us to expand ourselves into our Higher Hearts, and become crystalline beings, which simply means to retrieve our authentic template and compassionate essence, moving then into a more illumined frequency, and hence harmonic timeline.
At a personal level, many of you will feel more energetically stabilized, especially as we approach the Libra eclipse, which will be a source of harmonic frequencies for us to balance all we have been anchoring, within and in our planetary fabrics and structures.
This new passage ruled by Libra, the Equinox, and the coming eclipse, is of utmost importance for those of you with Essene/Cathar lineage, for the new current planetary energies are going to help us remove Cathar implants, especially those related to the Fleur de Lis reversals, that many of you have in your second chakra, together with many others that impede you to experience balanced and equal relationships, as you still carry many painful memories and implants that disrupt the complete opening of your sacred sexuality and emotional body.
As we work on ascension mechanics, healing, clearing, and removing all that is false and does not belong to us, or that we have created from a lower state of consciousness, we expand our hearts, realign to our Divine Selves, and embrace more love, wisdom and power, which is what will allow us to be in perfect resonance with who we have become, the energies and all we desire to co-create with, for we are now free to BE and love, without restrictions.
Libra energies will create the propitious atmosphere for us to work as well on our relationships, cutting cords, removing contracts we made that have been fulfilled and we still continue to cling to them, and that are energetically blocking new divine reunions that will serve our current purpose and that of the planet.
Above all, this is a time to transform all that is lower in nature into love, as Libra is all about clearing negativity, elevating our consciousness through the power of love, realizing the love that we are, and love as the only cure, as in the end, it is all about the love we carry, give and receive and nothing else.
May you always dwell within Divine Love, and Balance, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Forest Spiritual Art
New Light from the Illumined God Worlds
New Light from the Illumined God Worlds

Beautiful Waves of Light Healing

Simply Align to the Light Divinity of Now
May Your Heart Expand, Activate with the Cosmic Light Forces at Play
Simply Be in the Light of Now ❤🌿
Waves of Unity Consciousness Reaching Mother Gaia.
I Flow And Align To The Highest States Of Light Awareness 🙏
Together We Uprise In Light 💫
With Love Light Family
Karen Lithika ❤
Beautiful Waves of Light Healing
Beautiful Waves of Light Healing
Guardians are with you as you cross the threshold into the 5D New Earth. God is ensuring your success. Emotional understanding and maturity are providing the stability needed to ground into this new life cycle. The gift of consciousness awakening is giving you the willpower and courage to pursue more and better for yourself. This new foundation brings long term success. You are landing in this new reality and trajectory through this Eclipse Season.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Guardians of Harmony
Guardians of Harmony
Through the weekend, the Sun highlights the ‘minor grand trine’ between Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn as Mercury in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini and as Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn.
The ‘karmic’ endings and beginnings associated with Tuesday’s Lunar Eclipse in Pisces are in focus now as we are aligning with our ‘soul contracts’ to the potential chagrin of those egos that we have put so much energy into building and sustaining throughout our lives.
And yet we intuitively KNEW that this ‘choice point’ would arrive in some form and in some way and that we would be required to get REAL with ourselves at the highest level of our being regardless of the degree of our attachments to who we have come to BELIEVE ourselves to be…
This will be a major transformative theme over the coming months and, right now, we are being asked to ‘level up’ our minds as we expand our capacity to create order out of evolving and unfamiliar circumstances and to prioritize our HEARTS over our comforts as we stop meandering and instead DIVE INTO what is authentic to our souls!
Shedding our protective skin and allowing what we originally intended to unfold for our souls isn’t easy but it is this very reason that we come here…for THAT growth experience.
God and Sananda
God and Sananda




On Friday, September 20th, the heavens are busy, astrologically speaking. We have Venus, ruler of love and partnerships, in a difficult inconjunct to Uranus, planet of freedom and liberation. The Sun, ruler of our ego, is opposing Neptune, ruler of transcendence. And, Mercury, ruler of details and logic, is challenging Jupiter, planet of expansion and the bigger picture.
The energies of the eclipse on Tuesday are still active, and we are being asked to make some adjustments in relationships, allow for spiritual integration of various aspects of ourselves, and to be open to seeing a greater perspective on all that is occurring in our lives, both personally as well as collectively. We will continue to move and shift through evolutionary energies that are unfolding. Trust and have faith in the process.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the heavens are busy
the heavens are busy


Mars in Cancer opposite Ceres in Capricorn. Venus in Libra quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith retrograde in Virgo – From hungry to hangry in the blink of an eye. Today’s aspects feel like the inner wolf’s appetite can never be satiated. Here is a ravenous desire for safety yet an equally burning need for independence. We may feel smothered by rules and expectations, frustrated by too much pandering, irritated by a lack of forward momentum. The discomfort comes in waves, sending us off balance.
But maybe, all we need to do is to listen. Your inner wildness is calling your name. This primal energy is part of you. Embrace this passionate and sometimes chaotic power. Give it voice and form through creativity. Lilith is potent with untapped wisdom, dazzling with magic, brilliant, beautiful. Honour yourself in all your dark and light.
Degrees and Times
Sun, Black Moon Lilith 28°Vi13′ R – 18:11 (BST)
Venus 27°Li06′, Uranus 27°Ta06′ R – 18:36 (BST)
Mars 09°Cn18′, Ceres 09°Cp18′ – 20:02 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Lady Lilith by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Lady Lilith by Dante
Lady Lilith by Dante

Kin 75 ~ Blue Planetary Eagle

‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. The tenth day of a wavespell is great for manifesting! In fact I give this number 10/10 for the opportunities it gives. If you need to manifest something in your life, today is the perfect day to do it. People born on the tenth day of a wavespell can be perfectionists and depending on what day that comes with, it can cause issues. For example; a 10 Dog can have way too much tenacity and a10 Storm can be the perfect Storm!
Today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. The Eagle invites you to fly and see everything from a higher perspective. What you see will inspire you to be creative. As it is a ‘Planetary’ day and that represents manifesting, today is perfect for manifesting creativity. May the visions that Eagle gives to you, enable you to Produce solutions to problems you have been struggling to solve. Seeing the bigger picture will help you understand that previously you did not have enough information at hand to properly consider your course of action. Now, folk born on 10 Eagle have a lot of power and can use their talons to rip others to pieces! It’s just that the combo of day and number creates a predator potentially and we can become the prey.
The Guide today is the Blue Night, the dreamer who has a fantastic imagination. May your imagination guide you today and may your dreams come true. ‘Abundance’ is another key word associated with the Blue Night and practicing saying Abundance out loud is one sure way of attracting more in your life. There are so many visions coming from this powerful Eagle day and with it being guided by this amazing imaginative energy – well it’s bound to inspire a lot of creativity.
The Challenge today is the Red Serpent. It is difficult for Serpents to fly high and see the bigger picture. They have a close connection to the earth but sometimes they are too grounded. If you are a serpent, try a bit harder today and you will have a vision too. You may be wary of that hovering Eagle but don’t write the day off entirely. You can still manifest something in your life too. Be aware your sensitivity may make you feel discomfort.
The Occult power today is the White Worldbridger. When Worldbridger is in this magical position we have a wonderful opportunity to cross a bridge to a magical place. Plus, this is the White Worldbridger wavespell, and that’s very helpful to us all as the Occult power is given a boost.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. If you need help today and would like to know how to fly high and have a vision, consult a Yellow Seed. They are always happy to share their wisdom. If you do not know one, do what they would and research and seek knowledge.
Kin 75
Kin 75


10 MEN – KIN 75
I PERFECT in order to CREATE
Producing MIND
I seal the output of VISION
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I AM guided by the power of ABUNDANCE
20/9/2024= 2/9/8=2/17=2/8=10=1
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
10- Manifestation/Authority/Perfection/Power
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 75 = 12=3 Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity
HEAVEN is BLESSING EARTH with infinite ABUNDANCE NOW on this VISIONARY 👁️ day🌟✨🌟
Day 10 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
We have a 10/1 day code plus PLANETARY tone # 10 giving us a 10.10 MANIFESTATION GATEWAY!!
What a BRILLIANT opportunity to PERFECT your NEW CREATIONS!!
Today we PERFECT our manifestation of new opportunities and ABUNDANCE, through our network of connections, driven by our collective PLANETARY VISION held in the PLANETARY MIND!
PLANETARY 🌏 Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 Wavespell is the PERFECTION of all we imagined possible. And more! It is the HARVEST stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to MANIFEST into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. As we are all ONE HEART. UTOPIA AWAITS!!🌴🐬🌻
It is time to REAP what we have sown! 🌾Today is a PLANETARY MANIFESTATION🌍⚛ tone – coupled with the Higher guiding force of the BLUE NIGHT – dreaming of ABUNDANCE…
Today the BLUE EAGLE is creating our BIGGEST VISION 👁👁 and we have a 20 AWAKENING code.. so we can SEE with great CLARITY!
The BLUE EAGLE kin is referred to as holding the PLANETARY MIND, and today we have the addition of the PLANETARY tone of CREATION – so this PLANETARY POWER is exponential today!! Very EXPANSIVE CREATION POWER !!! 💥⚛✨✴🌠
🚫 Be extra careful what you WISH for!✨✨✨
Here we come!! YES PLEASE🙏🙏🙏
Today’s question is ” What solutions can I MANIFEST, to end suffering on any scale, and contribute to greater PLANETARY ABUNDANCE for myself, and all beings?”
Divine blessings for PERFECTING the DREAM of MANIFESTING personal and PLANETARY ABUNDANCE 🌈💖🌈💖
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE🌎 🦅 🏔– MEN Today’s code is incredibly OMNIPOTENT, enabling us to SEE the BIGGER PICTURE, finding GREAT CLARITY to discover solutions to our problems and limitations. Our creative mind becomes solutions oriented, actively looking for answers to create more opportunities for more people on a broader scale. 🏔
BLUE EAGLE reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a PLANETARY SERVER and NEW EARTH SOVEREIGN!👑👸👑 Your assignment includes whatever furthers your personal evolution, and the evolution of the GLOBAL MIND, for the betterment of HU-MAN-ITY.
You are a member of the ONE GLOBAL family, a PLANETARY server and transformer.
✨✨✨BLUE EAGLE 🦅 asks you TODAY to join in lifting the collective PLANETARY MIND. We each need to take responsibility to hold positive thoughts and a positive VISION for our planet. With each person doing this creates a domino and butterfly effect leading to PLANETARY MIRACLES.
✨What affects ONE, affects the greater whole✨ as we are all connected through the GLOBAL PLANETARY WEB..🕸🌐
Meditate/Visualize👁👁 today on our entire PLANET 🌏 and GLOBAL FAMILY👭👬👫 having infinite ABUNDANCE, JOY, HAPPINESS, PEACE, SUPPORT, LOVE and RESOURCES through our loving connections. As you BLESS NOVA GAIA and our Planetary kin you too shall be blessed 1,000 fold! AHO!🙏❤🙏❤
You are an AWAKENER, a transformer, an empowered GLOBAL VISIONARY. 👁👁
In your VISION, you have compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the LIGHT of global consciousness.
❓❓❓How may you experience compassion towards self, your friends/family, community and GAIA?
By connecting and FEELING this compassion, you become driven to find solutions to END THE SUFFERING of yourself and others.
BLUE EAGLE and WORLDBRIDGER will guide you towards types of work, relationships, places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary perspective. Find a rooftop, MOUNTAIN, LOOKOUT or higher place to gain a wider perspective today. Meditate on your PLANETARY MISSION, ask to be shown the next step to take. Each day when you arise ask SPIRIT
✨“How may I serve today, as an instrument for the Divine?”✨.
Then TRUST and act upon your guidance. Step by step will eventually lead you to your greater PLANETARY MISSION.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY NIGHT🌏 🌉💰 AKBAL is the Majikal Genie who can MANIFEST all your greatest DREAMS today.. As you balance and clear all remaining impediments to abundance, pertaining to your value and worthiness to RECEIVE all your desires, your MAJIK is released and can be PERFECTED to MANIFEST your desires.
MANIFESTATION arises from the POWER we hold in our DANTIEN ☀🌀☀ – the store of our CHI and lifeforce, so connect with your POWER and unleash your creative talent.
✨🌠✨AKBAL is the holder of the DREAMing codes to PLANETARY ABUNDANCE.🌍 🍀
The DREAM keeper guides you to create through listening, connecting and acting on our intuitive hunches. When we have the confidence to TRUST and follow our intuitive knowingness we can ✨ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS✨ on the path to manifesting our greatest dreams, and those of our PLANET – world PEACE and ABUNDANCE for all beings.
Tune in and let AKBAL guide you to MANIFEST your wildest DREAMS and our Planetary New Way Dreaming. 🌍🌈🌏🌈🌎🌈
Today is a BRILLIANT DAY to ACTION your DREAMS. ✨✨✨
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY SEED 🌍🌾– KAN enables us to co-create based on our skills, knowledge and experience. We have all the resources within our own individual SEED capsule. Contributing our own unique LIGHT to the world, we can co-create a world where there is the possibility for all beings to rise to their full potential. A world where all beings may know their ability to influence and co-create the world we want to live in.
KAN is beckoning you to GROW tall, seek the LIGHT and FLOWER in all your greatest GLORY, through the manifestation of your creative expression. 🌸🌼🌺
The PLANETARY SEED🌎🌱 holds potent focused energy, to spark PLANETARY AWAKENING of any dormant SEEDS – no more slumber or stagnation – ARISE and SHINE people of the EARTH ✨🌎☀✨
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER 🌉🌈🌍– CIMI is today’s SUPERPOWER as well as the Wavespell influence, DOUBLING our capacity to learn, communicate and connect with others, in order to co-create our collective VISIONS.
Let’s all UNITE in the DREAMTIME to build the bridge to our 5D UTOPIA. 🌎💗🌈
This WORLDBRIDGER has a Self-Existing tone📦🎁 which operates in the Mental plane, and has the powers of Measuring and DEFINING the FORM that the new MANIFESTATIONS shall take.. This is POWERFUL creation power as your Manifestations are born in your MIND before they take FORM..🎁🎁🎁.
Nikola Tesla🙏💗🙏 would spend most of his time IMAGINING his inventions in his MIND first.. He would construct the models, piece by piece in his IMAGINATION first, visualizing the pieces coming together into the final product.. Only then when it was complete in his MIND would he begin to construct it in the physical plane.
This is the GENIUS🌠⚛ of INVENTION ⚛📦 which supercharges your MANIFESTATION – the POWER of the MIND through the Self-existing tone.
As I read today ✴ “Before GOD created our world – he had to DREAM first”.✴
When many MINDS join together as ONE – PLANETARY MIND – we have INFINITE power of CREATION upon which to draw! ✴🌀✴🌀✴
When we join as EQUALS, surrendering our minds from judgement and bias, accepting all our relations as PLANETARY KIN, we can open to many opportunities from New Worlds. This brings forth abundance for all, rather than the service of self.
Let us collectively UNITE 👭👬👫 and build the NEW RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉 to our wondrous and bountiful New World. 🌏🌴🐬🌻❤
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED PLANETARY SERPENT 🌍🐍 CHICCHAN is today’s challenge assisting us in PERFECTING our VISIONS through following our instincts. Releasing FEAR of the unknown, and any insecurities we have surrounding receiving ABUNDANCE.
Boldly moving forward fearlessly, daring to explore new territory and going beyond our previously SAFE havens. The GIFT of moving out of your comfort zone provides untold opportunities for expansion and soul growth.💥🌠✴✨
✨✴✨DARE TO GROW 🌾🌻and step into your full POWER. 🎆
Let your KUNDALINI rise up,🎇 express your PASSION🔥 and vitality! Channel your LIFE-FORCE as the blood of all your new projects and creations.
The RED PLANETARY SERPENT is also SUPER ACTIVATING GAIA’S PLANETARY SERPENTS🐍🐍 and her Planetary Grid 🌐 of connectivity, so tap in and channel GAIA’S power, as fuel to MANIFEST our collective intentions.. What a beautiful GIFT from our Pachamama!
Today’s question is ” What solutions can I MANIFEST, to end suffering on any scale, and contribute to greater PLANETARY ABUNDANCE for myself, and all beings?”
Divine blessings for PERFECTING the DREAM of MANIFESTING personal and PLANETARY ABUNDANCE 🌈💖🌈💖
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Temple of Presence


I take my stand for Eternity, that “ I AM “ the Law of Forgiveness and Consuming Flame! I forgive myself for every mistake I have ever made! I close the door of memory on all that is past, because I know I have the rest of Eternity to go forward and live in the Light of Gods Invincible Perfection! Ahead of Me is the Boundless Perfection of Eternal Happiness, I will never choose the counsel of the ungodly at any degree for any decisions on my Life Stream, I blaze the Light; face my “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence “; and every human shadow be forever dissolved, consumed, and annihilate, right now, this instant and forever!
“ ALMIGHTY I AM “! (3x)
Temple of Presence
Temple of Presence

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