New Earth Alliance Upgrades ~ Incoming Ascension Codes * TRANSFIGURATION ~ Golden Christos Energy
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Dragon Rose Kingdom of our Sovereign Nation of the New Lemuria
On Day 3 of 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 108 YELLOW SELF-EXISTING STAR, Our local Soularis released a massive X Class Soular Flare maxing at X 3.33 at 8:50 PM PST ( 3:50 UTC) Opening a Triple Trinity Gate of Total Freedom!!
This Celestial Event is bridging in the Heavenly Cosmic Rays of Adamantine Particles of Indestructible Diamond Rainbow Rays to raise the Energetics of the simulated reality to 5D and beyond!
As we continue our journey down the central column of the Mayan Calendar all is in Divine Synchronicity with the descension of our Higher Self into our physical Avatars of New Earth. In each moment we are downloading and upgrading our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human species of homo luminous, Crystal Light bodies of Eternal Life.
On this intense day of transfigurations our Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Russia at 14:38 UTC.
By Divine Decree of our Almighty I Am Presence we call in our Highest timeline and merge all aspects of our multidimensional Sacred Self into this one True Ascension Portal.
The Holy Light is preparing our ground crew team in Buddha Consciousness for our Galactic Reunions with our Star Nations and Soul Families of our Universal Alliance of the One True Source.
The Holy Waters of Scorpionic energies are assisting Gaia and all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 to fulfill our Higher Purpose of anchoring the New Earth Codes and transforming this realm into the paradise she has always evolved to be…Aho
Much resolution purging purification All which is not aligned with one’s Mighty I AM presence surfacing for release Let go and let your true brilliance glow
RECEIVED IN MEDITATION- “The Golden Christ Energy is filling the planet with hope. Some parts of the Earth have already been cleansed for the New Earth habitation. There are pockets where the Christ Golden Energy -the 5D New Earth is in place already. These places of peace and elevated energy are already safe… and from there, it expands to the whole world. This is the Divine Plan. The force of Nature is cleansing the planet’s surface of bloody karma. Nothing is out of order right now.
Every person will be given knowledge of their place in God’s Divine Plan- by following the step-by-step guidance you’ll receive from your higher Self. The key to all this is reconnecting and integrating with the Golden Christ Energy. You are the embodiment of Christ. The infinite Christed Energy of the universe is healing every cell, every thought pattern, belief, and emotion, activating the center of pure love within You.”
The energy present this week is highly specific. The incoming Ascension codes are associated with purification, which may explain why some individuals are experiencing mild flu-like symptoms. This process is also impacting emotional and mental templates, leading to increased agitation as unresolved issues, both conscious and subconscious, come to the surface. These unresolved issues act as blocking filters, similar to lingering effects from duality. The resulting impact can range from mild to more intense reactions. Wishing you the best throughout this week.
10/23/24: Greet today not with your five senses or your weary mind but with your open heart. You’ve been peeling away layers and remnants of an outdated version of yourself all year, but this is the endgame now. You can no longer define yourself by previous markers and measures. You can’t fit into the old armor… and the battle has become tiresome anyway.
Turn to the east and witness a welcoming new day. But it’s not a different world it will find. It’s a different you. If the day finds you nonresistant, accepting, grateful, and present, then you will receive what your heart desires. You will know love, harmony, and peace. You will then understand October.
your heart desires
Blue Rose Oracles
We are simultaneously co existing within the old and new energy frequencies of our current aspect of self. We are the echo of the inner work we have been purging and the higher aspect which we are integrating, we are multidimensional beings who exist within a quantum field of infinite light and this current energetic shift is amplifying our dimensional duality and awareness of the shifting realities.
We are being gifted and presented with the opportunity to check in with the past misconceptions, illusions, triggers, narratives and programs within our energetic field before we board the flight of vibrational rebirth and transformation.
We are being asked in Scorpio Season to leap into the light and let go of the old patterns. It’s rebirth season time to let go with self love and compassion.
It’s time to fully release and integrate the version of you coming more fully online as you surrender, purge, release and let mother father God source frequency guide you through the heart.
We can then board the next energy flight and fly into the new Bandwidth, we are the co pilot, the captain, the passenger and the vehicle but if we are still carrying the weight of the past aspects, the old matrix conditioning and attachments to old versions and lack, fear and confusion narratives as energetic baggage then you are holding yourself in an energetic vibration that no longer serves or supports you, leaving you in limbo upon the multi dimensional runway, stuck between the infinite potential of your next shift and the familiarity of the old timelines, versions and comfort zones, as you acknowledge and feel this pull back towards the old comfort zones,
Let it go, trust, surrender open you wings and ascend into who you truly came here to be as a divine reflection of Source love.
Individuals undergoing Ascension at this time are experiencing major conscious shifts from lower vibrational states to much higher ones across different aspects, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Ascending individuals are witnessing significant changes within , in the upcoming three months many will transition into an evolved conscious existence and in new timelines , moving away from previous outdated energies.
This is TRANSFIGURATION. Ascending souls are being transfigured In higher vibrational frequencies , activating the Christ conciousness like self , they can no longer operate in denser and lower concious forms . The old duality, polarity, separateness which many still hold onto and believed in, the judgements, the pain, the lies, illusions etc. can no longer exist in higher dimensional frequency bands , and into the highest form self is morphing into.
The soul knows this in the highest degree of Soul Searching , it is a necessary compotent of the whole , in all awakenings self is merging into the morphing process literally shedding the old, in all forms and expressions, which includes false programming, false beliefs, lies and illusions, all which created separation from The Divine self .
The truth is Self cannot ever be separated from the Divine within , nor can it be separated from cosmic family and true origin .The ascending self is expanding in new earth energy changes, creating the inner morphing. It means that Self is now changing into the TRUTH of who and what the self is at the SOUL level, in Divine conscious levels , the ascending are preparing to step into the soul’s true expression .
The Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ Activations are reconciling as the ascending move beyond the separation of earths 3D timelines . Transitioning into the 5th dimension, inner power and self confidence are being restored, allowing for a safe space to love once more. This awakening of Masculine and Feminine energies is paving the way for divine partnerships in conscious unity.
Many are now Shedding the old garments. Shedding the old paradigm , shedding all the old and outdated ways, totally letting go of the past. As It no longer exists, just in memories of the mind , the images and memories are fading out . Eventually all of the past will fade out . Consciously Resounding in the now , letting go and dissolving residual aspects of the ego and cluttered mind . all that is in keeping within the framework of the old programming and belief systems of the ego mindset .
Starseeds embody truth and this is reflected into the world as conscious evolution develops . It has always existed within the eternal being . Reincarnation on this planet means there will be A temporary amnesia until the conscious awakening fully takes place. Ascension is the letting go of lower Conscious energies , attachments , repetitive thinking , anything within that is not serving the highest good .
Symptoms of this ascension shift includes experiencing difficulty falling asleep due to persistent thoughts , overwhelming emotions, alongside feeling emotionally triggered or sensitive without clear enough reasons. Self might struggle to keep up with daily human tasks, finding it challenging to stay on schedule, and noticing tendencies to procrastinate and delay responsibilities.
A heightened need for solitude may arise during this time leading to a need to disengage from others and their problems. fuzzy thinking and increased mental wandering, as well as feeling stagnate in certain areas of life .
Issues at times may seem insurmountable, recurring in a frustrating cycle that fuels feelings of persecution or misfortune , possibly attributed to akashic clearing and negative collective energies. By shedding layers of societal conditioning the self’s true desires evolve, shifting from external influences to aligning with the authentic self.
As deeper discovery is achieved , inner reflection becomes much clearer , childhood yearnings for simplicity may resurface, revealing that true fulfillment resides in recognising the abundance already present within .
Breakthroughs on the ascension journey may initially feel like setbacks before propelling the self forward, reflecting the interplay between past and new self energies as navigating through healing and growth can be challenging at various stages. Ascension is an ongoing and continuous process with patience and commitment this leads to a more peaceful , harmonious and transformational path towards self-discovery and conscious evolution.
As we approach the last few months of 2024 the Ascension process is intensifying and accelerating, leading to shifts in timelines, locations , careers , relationships, and situations. This is accompanied by intense energetic healing through internal Shadow Work. At all levels of ascension clearing the past self debris will be necessary.
The Celestial Alignments and energetic shifts during this time bring unconscious aspects to the surface more prominently. Recent and ongoing cosmic events serve as powerful catalysts, amplifying the energy and making it more difficult to ignore or avoid.
The ascending are consciously working with higher planetary energies, this shift is transformational and may feel uncomfortable for a time as ascension in self is a complex dynamic. This intensified planetary phase can bring up deep-seated emotions, patterns, and beliefs that have been overlooked or avoided. It can be a time of heightened sensitivity and vulnerability, allowing the ascending self to gain clarity on internal shadow aspects , cognising and integrating them for deeper healing, self-reflection, liberation and further self-discovery.
A profound change is now occurring within many marked by a palpable sense of electrical energies , recognising that not all on this planet will choose the ascension path . Certain people in life have played temporary roles such as guides, mentors , supporters, or messengers.
The individuals ascending are letting go of fears and uncertainties, nurturing a deeper sense of faith and trust in the fulfillment of their needs. Strengthening their inner power and acknowledging their divine birthright in the New Earth is proving more important in feeling guided through the transition from the old world. By listening to their intuition, they discover they have all the essential resources to move forward. Through incorporating joy and play into life, they raise their energy levels, releasing anxiety, and progressing with far more ease.
This next stage involves accepting all experiences, experiencing a deeper level of inner peace . Recognising an increase in repeating number patterns. uncovering the higher purpose in past pain experiences . Prioritising self-improvement , expanding in self love aspects , vibrational alignment shifts , feeling connected to divine source love.
Honouring the relationship with Self requires conscious dedication and unwavering commitment, especially during more difficult times. It involves strengthening patience, developing an understanding that self love is a gradual path of evolution, trust, and self devotion. Authentic self-love activates when given the time and attentive care it requires and genuinely deserves.
Every experience is a sacred offering and divine gift no matter how it is mentally perceived , Expecting changes in these last few months of this year, necessary changes are needed to place self in new earth alignment , ultimately leading to the highest good with optimal results. Many ascending are on the verge of achieving their desired aspirations , having eagerly and patiently awaited.
Brought forth in this Light Initiation Phase, as you expand and flow in light. It is a molecular transmission of light alliance connected to your higher mission of now.
We ask you to feel into this cellular expression, the micro workings of your physical form to understand the great depths of change reaching you now.
For the Cellular light alliance is adjusting to many light formats, including the changing microcosm of your physical form. For it is a mass trajectory of light assimilation as all beings adjust to the new environmental changes presented as the physical body upgrades and is initiated to a new light format.
The New Earth Ecology of your physical form is Awakening, Upgrading, Uprising, In New Light Communication.
We ask you to feel into beings working in alliance with you. Like a great stirring of light, we ask you to feel into this microbiota throughout your physical form that is a biotic and light synergetic connection with you. It is an ancient evolutionary alliance interconnected with you.
For the Light Synergy of You Is Awakening To Many Levels of Light Alliance.
As you Feed and Nourish Your Physical Form, Micro-biotic Communication Is the Natural Progression Now as you adjust and flow in the light of Now.
Lightbody – Physical Light Awareness
Rest, Enjoy and Align In Light.
The New Earth Alliance Initiatives Provides Many Benefits To All Physical Forms.
Clear any fears and doubts, and trust that your needs will be met. Harness your inner power and claim your place in the New Earth. Doing so will assist navigating the collapse of the old world. Utilize your Feminine intuition to assess your resources and how they will support you through the collective changes. You may see you have all you need to move forward with. Shifting your vibration with pleasure and play can release the anxiety and move with the flow.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Ra James
Today Mars and the Moon align. This brings us a passionate and potent energy. The Moon represents your emotions and inner world. Mars represents action, energy, and your goals. Your emotional balance comes when you set goals and put your energy into accomplishing them. The Moon is in Cancer, which is all about paying attention to your emotions and reflecting on what would make you feel truly secure and loved. This can activate your emotions and take them to a whole other level.
The Moon is also square Chiron, which may be bringing up old emotional wounds. These wounds may be a lot easier to feel right now. Today brings an unpredictable energy. Plans can suddenly shift or change right now. The Moon also forms a harmonious trine to Neptune. This is bringing a dreamy vibe. This will also strengthen your intuition. Pay attention to your instincts now. They are probably more accurate than you realize. Today’s energies can bring up strong emotions and feelings. It’s important that you are harnessing them positively. It’s a good time to be tapping into your deepest needs. We have a lot of Chiron energy which may be bringing up past karma, or even inner child wounds which may affect how you respond to things. It’s all about healing deeper emotional patterns…
On Wednesday, October 23rd, the Moon, ruler of the waves of our emotions, in her home sign of watery Cancer is connecting to many planets today. First, a challenging aspect to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which may bring up past feelings and emotional challenges, from times past. This is so a healing can take place on a subconscious level. Next, a connection to Mars, the Warrior, who is also in sensitive Cancer.
This may cause a fight, flight or freeze response, especially in situations that have to do with home and family. Then, a positive connection to Uranus, the Awakener, and to Neptune, the Trancender. This gives us an opportunity to have a spiritual realization about what feelings we are experiencing, and to rise above them with the assistance of unconditional love from the Divine Source.
And, finally, the reflective Moon will create an opposition to Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, moving us through a transformation and rebirth within the emotional body, if we allow it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of the waves of our emotions, in her home sign of watery Cancer
Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries. Venus is on the Sabian symbol ‘Cupid Knocks At The Door Of A Human Heart.’ – Venus presses us to drop deeply into our heart centre and reminds us of what is important. Love is the sanctuary. Love is the reason. Love opens the way. Love is what we are when all else falls away; just a spark of the divine, a pure flame illuminating infinity, inspiring every soul that passes. But it takes courage to love. It takes a brave soul to know that they are worthy of love.
So, it is up to us then, to pass on the beacon, the torch, the light. Kindle light in another by loving them. Offer praise, a compliment, a warm embrace. Or love from afar, sending kisses on the breeze, tender thoughts rushing to every corner of the globe. Love generously and gloriously because to love is to touch the divine. Open the door to love.
Degrees and Times
Venus 06°Sg23′, North Node 06°Ar23′ R – 03:37 (BST)
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its key words are ‘Definition, Form and Measure’. The 4th day of a wavespell is about taking stock, looking at the details so that you are well informed as you proceed. It’s the fourth day of the Red Serpent wavespell and the third Portal day in a row. To get the most out of this journey we must follow the instructions step by step, just like a treasure hunt where we pick up the clues along the way. Today’s clue is about paying attention to the little things. So be discerning, pay attention to the details and do the necessary research.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. These days are all about appreciating the beauty in our lives. So, throw open your curtains and rejoice the day! See the beauty in everyone you meet, we are all stars! Wear something gorgeous, engage in art and make your world a prettier place. As it is a number four day and that represents ‘Definition and Form’, this suggests that there is beauty in examining the world in finer detail. If you are a Yellow Star, you’ll enjoy today as you’ll be the center of attention. For the rest of us, it’s a great day for taking center stage and sparkling like a star.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Seed which symbolizes ‘Sowing Awareness’. When in the guiding position Yellow Seed leads us to understanding. Allow your curiosity to guide your actions today and see if you can become ‘Aware’. This is a perfect guide for a number four day, as the Seed enjoys researching and learning new things. A Yellow Seed looks at the details all the time, regardless of what position it occupies. When in the guiding role, the Seed can lead us to important information.
The Challenge today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. Although we must look at things in finer detail today the truth is still challenging to find. No matter how elusive it is, we must strive to face the truth and come to terms with it. Also, this could mean that by looking at the details this leads us to truth that isn’t pleasant and challenging to deal with. Reality checks aren’t always fun but so crucial if we want to go in the right direction in this wavespell.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker and its keywords are ‘Space, Wakefulness and Exploring’. Skywalker has an open mind and loves to explore the unknown. He has natural courage, and Skywalker does well in the Occult position because it takes an open mind to understand magic. Be brave like the Skywalker today and explore the unknown and the wonderful. Magic is a beautiful thing to look at in detail!
The Ally is the Blue Monkey who is best buddies with Yellow Star as Monkey loves shiny things and appreciates art. If you need a friend today, Monkey makes great company. If you are one, expect to be popular today as everyone wants to be your friend. If you don’t have a Monkey to call upon, do what they would do and play!
The 9 coding through KIN 108 elevates us to a higher purpose and thinking from a broader perspective. All divine qualities for our accelerated evolutionary journey through the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL and our initiation by FIRE – experiencing the DEATH and REBIRTH through the Flight of the Phoenix… Very exciting times indeed!
KIN 108 = 9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace
108 is a SACRED number. The Hindus and the Buddhists claim that there are 108 Divine names for God, thus their prayer/mala beads have 108 beads on a string, with one “Guru” bead around which the other 108 beads rotate, like the planets around the sun. Mala beads are used for counting repeat mantras. Ancient Vedic mathematicians viewed 108 as a number of the wholeness of existence.
This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth:
The average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their respective diameters. According to yogic tradition, there are 108 pithas, or sacred sites, throughout India. And there are also 108 Upanishads and 108 marma points, or sacred places of the body.
Jose’ Arguelles – Valum Votan, the father of the Dreamspell always spoke of the Galactic Mind TransMission within the Law of Time as GM108X… and KIN 108 operates in the MENTAL REALM activating this codex. Kapow
So KIN 108 is a very Sacred and Divinely special day. This day has a very dreamy, ethereal quality to it. Tune in and FEEL it!!
A wonderful day to take some TIME OUT and DAY DREAM!!
“It’s a LOVELY day, today! So whatever you’ve got to do, you’ve got a lovely day to do it in, that’s true!……. It’s a LOVELY day for saying, it’s a lovely day!”
SONGl It’s a LOVELY DAY, today! Written by Joseph Baldassare
Another DIVINELY ordained day – GET UP and MANIFEST your Starry Destiny!
Day 4 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin.
Today we DEFINE BEAUTY through ACTIVATing our kundalini energy and greater LIFE FORCE, igniting our PASSION in creating our ART.
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. Today we delve into the MENTAL realm and use our MINDS to align with our HIGHEST POTENTIAL DESTINY, and DEFINE what it is we wish to create in our life.
We can utilize all the ELECTRICAL power generated yesterday and shape it into the FORM we desire through our thoughts and ideas. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of your Beautiful Elegant and creative manifestations.
What beautiful ART will you create?
Today’s question is “How can my HIGHEST POTENTIAL DESTINY, flower and take FORM in my beautiful new reality?”
This day is a KEY day for understanding your next step within the Harmonic Matrix, for igniting your PASSION and soul’s purpose and that of our planet!
“It’s a LOVELY day, today!
Divine blessings for redefining your beautiful existence.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING STAR – LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. So today we use our MINDS to define what such a world of BEAUTY would look like. DEFINING and measuring the parameters of a beautiful Harmonious world. Discarding all that is UGLY and discordant in our new definition.
Is your LIFE a living work of ART? If not, WHY NOT?
How can you make your life more BEAUTIFUL and surround yourself in BEAUTY to reflect the HARMONY perfected in CREATION.
Through aligning our MINDS with our soul’s PASSION we can naturally express our soul’s essence through our life’s Art. Filling our world and our newly forming reality with all this BEAUTY, PASSION and creativity.
Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.
A world which allows us to be creative, so that every unique soul can IGNITE their inner PASSION and LIFE-force by contributing to this Utopian Vision, so that it can finally take FORM.
The mission of the YELLOW STAR is to be the harbinger of the NEW TIME – the NEW AQUARIAN GOLDEN AGE.. PLUTO will enter AQUARIUS on 19 November 2024 – (where it will stay for the next 20 years!!!) so there will be an EXTRA STRONG impetus for manifesting this NEW harmonious world – EVERY time the YELLOW STAR makes an appearance in our daily DREAMSPELL codes!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING SEED – KAN is the SEED that takes root and grows to its HIGHEST potential.The SEED packet has all that it needs inherent within the pod in order for it to form.. The mental construct and hologram all contained within the original blueprint.. all contained within the microscopic form of the mature adult form. Once this idea is planted in fertile soil the vision begins to GROW.
The SELF-EXISTING SEED reveals that we all have the Higher Divine Blueprint encoded in our DNA – on both a personal level and that of the Collective MIND – GM108X.
Our DIVINE CREATOR has ensured that all the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS hold this data of the New Utopian World within our HEARTS, MINDS and encoded into all of our cells, through to our core – our very being. As the beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS form communities, this program gains strength and becomes more prevalent, it rises to the surface as the PRIME DIRECTIVE to form our new reality.
Today we are FOCUSED on our Highest potential Destiny and how we can make it happen!
KAN is the SEED representing the Divine FLOWERING of consciousness into its GREATEST potential – the illumined MIND! GM108X as Jose’ says!
SUPPORT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING MONKEY – CHUEN is seeking to BUILD this new world through PLAY and SPONTANEITY.. joining with like minded kin to share our toys and skills to create pure Majik..
Constructing the adventure playground through LEGO bricks! Utilizing the pure JOY and BLISS codes, contained within us, to express this natural childlike wonder in our creative pursuits.
CHUEN invites us to define HARMONY through our capacity to TRUST through our childlike knowing. The innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order! Follow your BLISS
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED PLANETARY SKYWALKER BEN This Planetary Globe trotting adventurer has ONE primary directive – to MANIFEST BLISS ON EARTH.. Holding the defined VISION of creating this Planetary Utopia – Ben is able to seek and anchor the codes needed to form this new BLISS filled Reality.
BEN enables us to manifest the New Time by traveling, and exploring what must be done. What are the response-abilities that are ours to share? What planetary needs are ours to focus on, elevating with others?
BEN shows us that the SKY IS THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT, in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation. So REACH for the STARS and spread your WINGS to fly on the Cosmic Currents. As we manifest together the HIGHEST POTENTIAL for BEAUTIFULLIFE here on our divine planet, bridging the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING MIRROR – ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things and to hold POSITIVE and high vibrational thoughts in our MINDS!
Discard the ILLUSIONS that appear to exist in your Reality, for once ignored they are soon to be forgotten through the dust of TIME. Use your sword of TRUTH to cut away and detach from all that does not belong in your redefined existence of reality.
In order for our LIFE FORCE to become enlivened and keep energizing, we must think positively! Positive thoughts enhance our VITALITY, which in turn accelerates our Manifestations into FORM.
Beautiful thoughts that SEED the connectedness within the Harmonic Matrix, or geometries of all things, is what allows that spark of life force to keep growing and expanding into the beautiful tapestries of CREATION.
Today’s question is “How can my HIGHEST POTENTIAL DESTINY, flower and take FORM in my beautiful new reality?”
This day is a KEY day for understanding your next step within the Harmonic Matrix, for igniting your PASSION and soul’s purpose and that of our planet!
“It’s a LOVELY day, today!
Divine blessings for redefining your beautiful existence.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle in: SAMADHI, a journey into profound meditation and bliss within the Secret Garden of Eden. In this sacred space, you will be guided to experience the pure state of Samadhi, where the mind transcends thought and enters divine union with the infinite. Through this meditation, you’ll hold sacred space for your awakening, allowing your soul to connect deeply with the source of peace, love, and oneness.
Immerse yourself in the tranquil energy of the Garden of Eden, a symbol of paradise and spiritual rebirth. As you meditate, feel the essence of bliss and harmony permeate your being, awakening your inner light and guiding you toward a higher state of consciousness. This practice is designed to help you release attachments, find inner stillness, and experience the profound joy of divine connection.
Perfect for spiritual seekers and meditators, this guided journey will open your heart to the peace of Samadhi and support your path to enlightenment.
Ancient Egyptian prayer for the awakening of the soul
Hemra iiptu rwtat
“May the eyes of the soul be opened to the light of awakening.”
This ancient Egyptian phrase is a poetic way of invoking soul awakening, reflecting the reverence the Egyptians held for the eternal journey of the spirit.
Message from the Egyptian goddess Hathor
“Beloved child of the stars, I see the beauty of your soul. You are a radiant being, woven from light and love, guided by the eternal rhythms of the cosmos. Let your heart open wide, for within you is the power of creation itself. You are not alone in this journey—feel the warmth of the sun, the whisper of the wind, the pulse of the earth. These are my gifts to you, reminders of your sacred connection to all life.
Know that every step you take is guided by divine wisdom. When you embrace love and harmony, you become a beacon of light for others. Honor the cycles of your life, for they mirror the flow of the universe. As the sun rises and sets, so too will you rise from challenges and find peace in stillness. Trust in the unfolding of your path, for I walk beside you, my child, offering my love and protection.
May you find joy in the small moments, gratitude in your heart, and a deep sense of belonging in the vastness of existence. You are love, you are light, and you are whole.”
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