Mars Enters Gemini ~ Creator’s Flow * Shining Light ~ New Age of Aquarius
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic New Earth Guides of our Divine 144
Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun continue to get inundated with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light directly from the Great Central Sun and the most High, Infinite Source Creator.
Our local Soalris continues to assist Prime Creator by sending Higher Dimensional Light to Mother Earth releasing 9 more C Class solar Flares and another Trinity of M Class flares with the most powerful; maxing at M 1.87 at 7:20 UTC.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Guatemala, Central America at 2:53 UTC pulsing very deep at a depth of 265 km.
All Starseed Earth Angelics are Holding the 144 code within their 12 Strand Crystalline Golden Christed DNA. We activate you in this Now. The 12 Codons per 12 Strands of Etheric Gossamer Light are shining bright for the Return of the Pure Avatars of Buddha Consciousness. We are the Awakened Ascending Star Collective that manifest into this realm for our Divine Mission of full Planetary Liberation.
The whales, dolphins and all our Cetacean Nation are singing the song lines and dragon lines to life as the the waters, sands and salts of Mother Earth are Holding the New Creation Codes and Keys for our Great Shift of the Ages into our New 5d Golden Age of Aquarius for all our Good People and Sentient beings of New Earth…Aho!
Impressive geomagnetic activity has caused the fall of multiple navigation, transportation and internet systems, multiple gamma light tubes impact the Earth’s magnetosphere inevitably leading us to experience a G3 / G4 Geomagnetic Storm for this weekend, the blue screens around the world alert us about something extraordinary happening
The Leviathan continues its journey into the high latitudes of the Meridian as it prepares to transcend, in the coming days/months, following a Severe/Aggressive Geomagnetic Storm, its biological body will be visible to the population making evident the existence of other beings and ecosystems parallel to our dimension
I take this opportunity to remind the members of the Human Light Program that we continue with an obvious pause in some phases of the program, the editing of some individual reports is still pending while we prioritize the application of Quantum Medicine/Surgery, especially in emergency cases, as for that the energies we are in are more than favorable
Some of You are to recognize the preemptive energetics that occur prior to entering a deep sleep and to be aligned with the Peaceful Flow that precedes.
Some of You will be taken out of linear time for about an 8 hour period of linear time and returned to the exact point of linear time that You were taken from.
This exercise is necessary for important advanced upgrades.
The shift to the new timeline is very bumpy. It reveals itself in individuals, families, situations, organizations. You already feel and see the new energies present. The changes are happening around you, inside of your bodies, your families and in the outside world. Take a moment to embrace harmony. Harmonize yourselves first because there are big shifts happening around you. If you move into these shifts without being balanced, you will expose yourselves to all the bumpy energies. Everything around you will be influencing you.
To harmonize yourselves, place yourselves in a cocoon. Then you will be able to pass through this timeline very smoothly. This way you will be moving forward, smoothly touching the energies, paving the path for yourselves. This happens only if you are totally harmonized in all your bodies. If your energetic bodies are harmonized, and if everything that you are thinking, saying, doing is in the flow, then whatever you are intending is about love, compassion and going forward in Creator’s Flow.
7/20/24: When you are truly the alchemist in your life, nothing is wasted. Everything is transmuted to your benefit and then naturally to the benefit of others. You use what you have wherever you are, assess its potential, aim for the best outcome, put your personal spin on it, sprinkle it with positivity, mix in some love, and get busy creating. You do what today expects… you blend confidence with intuition. You stay present, open, authentic, and balanced.
At the end of the day, it’s about soul growth not ego gratification. When you live from this perspective, being your best and most productive self, you’re more interested in the easy and exciting flow of Right Action than in competition or image… because that’s what fills you up. That’s the good stuff.
The only true revolution is the one that is achieved within the Self in connection to the old and rigid beliefs in the distorted Yin and Yang flows.
Once it is achieved then the law is naturally bringing all those elements needed for the external revolution and change to take place smoothly.
This is a time of great metamorphosis as all flows of the spheres and layers of the body and aura are being cleansed, corrected and revived.
The old structures of separation are being removed because of the level of self integration, understanding and acceptance that has been already achieved by many individuals.
All the ill parts of the Soul have now the chance to return to sanity via Self love and Self realisation of what was and what is.
The final goal via the Divine Kundalini is the attunement to a totally different version of the planets which is also a totally different version of time and space.
In this version we will be able to meet the energies of the planets on a higher level of consciousness.
This level was always there we just couldn’t reach it because of the inner state of separation, distortion and lack of understanding of the Trinity Self.
There is no evil, war, lack or threat on this level.
There is a greater understanding and unity of all the opposites and the ability to explore and experience Life via a more free and open field of possibilities as a grown up and adult Soul who does not need to hold anymore a life based on fear, guilt, oblivion, ignorance and weakness.
We have now collectively reached the important release of the sadist and masochist structures that were part of the program of the 3d family graves.
This is a wonderful development for all the fallen parts of the Soul.
This will now bring a huge amount of energy corrected and redirected within the Kundalini paths which will help those Soul parts return back to Life!
This is a recharged healthy energy which will generally bring more power in the Ascension process both individually and collectively.
Perception and perspective are switching faster now as more layers of distortion are being removed from within the neurological system, thus, the body will have a greater ability to recognise the new reality and adjust to it!
This is the point at which the Bridge of Life can be built!
The body is awakening to long forgotten functions and abilities which will lead to the recognition of more possibilities, the realisation of greater truths and the achievement of superpowers and divine manifestations within the elements of Abundance and virtues of True Life!
Always remember that the power of the Self was trapped in the shadow parts, avoiding shadow is avoiding self power and staying stuck in endless loops.
You cannot rush your process through the intervention of the mind over the body or by escaping the body.
This is a totally useless approach but you can do the opposite, you can reconnect to the body and allow it to show you the way, this is the fastest way to create your Bridge of Life!
The body knows and it has the way to naturally bring balance back as long as it is heard and included.
The mind creates separation but the body struggles to create unity and wholeness.
On the collective level, everything rotten will be seen and end within the next 2 years, so enjoy and witness as much as you can your own process of deep metamorphosis.
Once you decide to do this, it can become such a satisfying, loving and joyful process!
Tomorrow’s full moon is essential for the building of the Bridge of Life!
This is the passage from the old to the new.
We will use the energies of the full Moon of the Deer or the else, the full Moon of Thunder, to gracefully build the Bridge!
This is a totally new phase in the process of restoration of the Divine Kundalini.
I am so excited to be facilitating tomorrow’s session which is the last one before the 888 portal!
These past two week have been so Divine!
So many gifts and blessings are in reach now as the Self is becoming the Source of Life!
Let the new Lights guide you home!
Blessings of Electrical Living Current!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Dear friends, this weekend the energies of the Full Moon are showering us with intense emotional healing and clearing lightcodes. This is the second full moon in Capricorn, the first one took place exactly one month ago in June. When we experience two consecutive full moons under the energetic influence of the very same sign, we are given a second chance to keep working on these very important issues.
This particular lunation is called the “Buck Moon”. This name originates from Native American and Colonial American folklore, reflecting the time of year when male deer, or bucks, grow new antlers. The rapid growth of these antlers in July is a key event in the life cycle of deer. But it has a spiritual meaning too, symbolizing growth, strength, and renewal. At the same time, this full moon is seen as a period of personal development and transformation, guiding individuals to harness their inner power and embrace changes. It is considered an ideal time for practices aimed at bringing forth new opportunities and fostering a sense of gratitude for the progress made throughout the year.
The energies of a full moon always have the potential to trigger important inner changes and transformations. This lunation is a wonderful time to release what is no longer serving us. With the full moon at its brightest, there is nowhere to hide. And this particular full moon in Capricorn will be asking us to face our fears and shadows that are preventing us from stepping out of our comfort zone. Yes, it’s time to stop procrastinating and start taking actions that are fully aligned with our hearts.
The earthly sign of Capricorn is associated with hard work, ambition, and discipline, therefore, this particular full moon will be a great time for focusing on our life’s path and personal aspirations. During this full moon, you may feel an increased sense of responsibility and productivity toward your goals, ambitions, and career. This influx of Capricorn energy reflected by the full moon will help us stay grounded and focused, allowing us to take practical steps toward manifesting and achieving new milestones in our journey. As these proactive full moon energies bathe our energy fields, they will be helping us to release any inner barriers that may be involved in self-sabotage and delaying our movement forward. Capricorn wants you to show up in the world standing firmly in your heart’s truth.
Emotionally speaking, this second full moon is taking place as we end the Cancer season, an already intense emotional water sign. Therefore, this full moon will also put an emphasis on healing family dynamics, and bringing into the light any hidden present or past family issues that have been needing further closure. As we heal and release these inner emotional discordant frequencies, we are freeing ourselves of low frequency anchors that are preventing us from moving forward and taking flight.
Those of you who are energy sensitive may feel these emotional energies surging and moving around your body and energy fields this weekend. Sleep issues, allergies, digestive changes, chest pressure, and other symptoms may be present at this time as we release these deep blockages. This inner alchemical work is quite important as we will be moving into the powerful 8:8:8 energy portal, Lion’s Gate, in a few weeks
On this second Full Moon in Capricorn, make taking care of yourself a priority, and know that every aspect of your life will benefit when you are replenished and emotionally centered. This Full Moon is about creating a true inner balance and coherence between your emotions and your actions, and understanding the interconnection of everything you have experienced so far during this transformative year.
May you have a wonderful and healing Full Moon weekend.
The ascending have been receiving an avalanche of new codes and frequencies in the past few months and this increased flow has felt relentless for many . The ascending may have noticed in the past 3-4 days that the physical body is purging extreme and embedded fatigue , possibly needing to rest more than usual. The system craves quality sleep and self-care during these times .
Many of the Ascending are experiencing The dark night of the soul this is a journey into light, a journey from inner darkness into the strength and hidden resources of the soul. During the dark night of the soul experience, an individual goes through a profound period of inner crisis, spiritual desolation, and existential questioning.
It is a time of intense emotional and psychological turmoil where the ascending feel a sense of profound emptiness, isolation, and detachment from their usual sources of meaning and purpose. The dark night of the soul is often characterised by feelings of despair, confusion, and the loss of faith or belief in self , others, or the divine.
This transformational experience is recognised as a crucial stage in spiritual evolution and personal ascension development, as it challenges individuals to confront their deepest fears, doubts, and limitations. It serves as a purifying process that strips away illusions and unhealthy emotional attachments, leading to a deeper understanding of the self and a heightened sense of awareness and connection to the divine or the universe.
By surrendering to the darkness and accepting the unknown shadow aspects Ascending individuals emerge from the dark night of the soul with renewed clarity, empowerment , hope , resilience, and a stronger sense of faith , inner peace and authenticity. The way to the internal light is through the shadow self .
advanced souls will also revisit this stage of the dark night in self on their path , as situations can arise and they may need to revisit something that was buried deeper within . Ascending individuals are continuously awakening to more truth , ascension is not surpassing truth to avoid the inner work. There is no way around avoiding this stage in self and ascending to higher conscious awareness at the same time.
The Ascending are integrating many years of consciousness awareness evolution in the past weeks. Many Starseed activations are taking place on ascending planet with the recent July Sirius activations that continue on . This is assisting with collective spontaneous awakenings across our globe .
The ascending continue to awaken to newer layers/aspects of the self , through the course of the ascending journey , those ascending have also been dealing with circumstances beyond their direct control this may feel like progress is stalling, this stage however is reshaping the internal perceptions towards self . Higher consciousness is integrating into all subconscious and conscious fields.
The universe will always show the necessary signs to re-route ascending self to vibrationally align with higher frequencies . Anything unaligned to the greater purpose and plan will leave at this time and this includes limited perceptions , fears and understanding of the self and others. At the end of this phase many will unlock greater abundance in self , grounding deeply into earths loving core , expressing and expanding in gratitude.
The ascending are acknowledging and honouring the experiences and sensations encountered during times of intense energetic shifts. These shifts will bring about various Ascension Symptoms, affecting individuals in unique ways. symptoms may include head pressure, breathing difficulties, heart chakra activations, nausea, itchy skin, dizziness , vertigo , sinus congestions .
During these stages listening to the body’s needs and practicing self-acceptance , allowing self some downtime to replenish , rejuvenate, and integrate earth energies higher vibrations. Prioritising well-being and honouring the process of personal and ascension expansion , .
The ascending on planet Gaia are powerful beings of light, navigating earths changing energetics, expanding into higher versions of the self , reflecting and expressing the true essence of their Ascension . Trusting in the natural rhythms and divine intentions taking place within and without . As above so below , upgrading , aligning and merging with higher self consciousness , this is the Ascension goal in human form .
New earth energy embodies transformative power with high vibrational energies pouring in to our planet , these new planetary energies are supporting and assisting the ascending being in reaching their highest and truest potential.
The ascending on earth are all interconnected in this journey as every step forward contributes to the collective awakening and evolution of humanity. Remaining detached from lower vibrations , Strengthening sovereign attributes , increasing resiliency within , feeling centred, in divine’s purpose and unique light .
Mars leaves Taurus and enters Gemini today, but before it goes, it harmonizes with Neptune, encouraging an inspired or gentle approach to pursuing our desires. With this transit in force, we actively seek inspiration and are guided by our intuition.
Mars will enter Gemini later today and will be there until September 4, 2024. During this transit we are more versatile and flexible, we’re influenced but not especially determined or focused. We should watch for becoming so scattered that we’re ineffective and making hasty or nervous decisions. However, it’s an excellent period for diversifying our interests and understanding the power of our communications.
With its immediate trine to Pluto, we’re strategizing and devising useful tactics to achieve our desires and goals. We’re resourceful and clever and know how to use words effectively.
Mars leaves Taurus and enters Gemini today
Ra James
Today Mars enters Gemini.
It will remain here until Sep 4th. Expect things to get very open and chatting in your relationships. Mars is the Planet of action, desire, and passion. Gemini is the twin, or Twin Flame sign. Mars also governs how we pursue our goals. Mars is the slowest moving personal Planet that impacts our day to day realities. You will be feeling an urge to explore new ideas, start new projects, and connect with new people. Mars in Gemini sparks a craving for stimulating conversations.
This transit will also highlight the power of your words and thoughts. It’s an amazing time for manifesting as we are very much in the energies of Sundays Capricorn Full Moon already. This is the Buck Moon. Capricorn is the sign of ambition, discipline, structure, and responsibility. It’s ruled by Saturn, the Planet of karma and time. It’s bringing a time to get things in order vibe. It’s rare to have two back to back Full Moons in the same sign, we are closing out a cycle, or whatever was happening for you with the last Full Moon with this one.
It’s a great Full Moon to be using to cleanse and charge your crystals! This Full Moon occurs during Saturn Retrograde giving you a chance to re-assess and re-evaluate your plans and structures. It’s bringing a reflective energy…
Spiraling into the new age, with higher understanding, to transcend the imprints of duality and heal the emotional wounds of past misunderstand…
The next Full Moon will bring the completion of a 12.8 year cycle of growth…
We are in a time of collapsing energies, hence it’s so important to be consciously in the present moment…
Because it transcends duality, the essence of the 9th Wave frequency is in resonance with the present moment…
…to draw a parallel, in quantum physics all possibilities exist in the “”present moment”” but most peoples brains are anticipating the future based on the past and they’re not present, so then it requires training and practice in finding the present moment(the 9th Wave frequency) and beginning to change there habits and thoughts and there behaviours in a good way…
Most people don’t know this but their is an invisible field of energy around your body and when you react to someone or something you draw from this invisible field and you turn it into chemistry and the field around your body shrinks and now you are more matter and less energy, you are more particle and less wave, and most people then, when you are matter trying to change matter, always try to force the outcome, this is contrary to the 9th Wave frequency, it is actually an incomplete manipulative force that needs to control to feel secure, it is a force that needs duality…
So when we tune into the 9th Wave frequency it’s the same as letting go and tuning into the present moment, we are literally out of the dualistic view in the mind and in the timeless Light frequency of the heart; which is true, pure and flawless and it is this “resonance” that we transcend matter by to become pure multidimensional Source Light energy…
…when we are this emanating “Shining Light” we live in a state of inner healing, joy and happiness, we understand how to transcend conflict and we live together in harmony as one humanity in diversity, creating a unified field of love and peace in synchronicity with the evolution of New Earth, which is vibrating at higher and higher levels to transcend the physical and ascend….
On Saturday, July 20th, Mars, planet of energy and action, is shifting into changeable Gemini until September 4th. Now we pick up the pace! Mars is the Warrior and he is all about forward movement! While he was in Taurus the energy was slow moving and perhaps sometimes even felt a little stuck. The Warrior wants to move fast, but Taurus says, “Let’s be patient and take our time.”
Now that he moves into mutable Gemini, the movement of energy will be much faster, although sometimes may appear confused and chaotic. Gemini vacillates, multi-tasks and wears many hats, so to speak. Gemini gets bored easily so it always shifting and redirecting from one thing to another to stay active. So, get ready for a quickening……we are also just hours away from a “karmic clearing” Full Moon in Capricorn, AND Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is already in his “shadow period” and getting ready for his retrograde movement for most of the month of August!
Hold onto your hats! Things are about to get even more interesting! Just like Gemini likes it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, planet of energy and action, is shifting into changeable Gemini
Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Mars enters Gemini – In a rare, sleepy, quiet moment, Mars languishes in bed, making eyes at his lover. The sheets are warm, the perfume heavy. Oh, the poetry of the dawn, the thrill of love and pleasure. From this compassionate place, every action flows, like a dancer twirling across the floor.
But soon, Mars must move and so must we. The scenery changes and life picks up pace. Thoughts move like lightning. Quick-fire replies are on the tip of the tongue. The impetus is ‘don’t think about it, do it!’ Information and messages come from every avenue.
Restlessness and impatience are common under this influence. Tempers are quick. Words become weapons. Take a breath before responding. If your internal voice veers towards aggressive goading, nip it in the bud. Read, listen, learn, teach, share knowledge, connect. The mind is a tool. Education is strength.
The number 13 is called ‘Cosmic’ and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. The 13th day of a wavespell is the last stop of a journey that had a beginning, many stops along the way and a final destination. We all began on Red Dragon and now we are here. The ‘enduring’ aspect of the number 13 refers to the processing you must now do, to take in and absorb all you have learnt during this wavespell. This prepares you for the next one. The number 13 is powerful, magical and it demands that we respect it. It teaches us that we must strive, struggle, cry, fight, and ultimately earn our victories. Anything worth having is worth fighting for and when on the spiritual path, Spirit tests you all the time and measures your worth. Hence the meaning of ‘endure to transcend.’ Today you may suffer a little but it will be worth it in the end.
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. The Skywalker is always trying to wake us up, shake us up and get us motivated and outside the door. Skywalker also insists you approach things with an open mind. When we have a Red Skywalker day, it’s helpful to practice these things. However, when it falls on the last day of a wavespell, the adventures have the potential to be ‘enduring’. Then again, this particular Red Skywalker is Kin 13, and 13 is the sacred number that holds a great deal of power. I always enjoy this day personally but you never know what to expect from it. The kind of an adventure you go on today has the potential to lead you astray. You’ll make it back alright but you’ll have a story to tell. The Skywalker also entices us to expand our minds and so the energy can be a bit trippy too. The adventure you go on today could be all inside your head but that’s alright as long as you are exploring.
Today’s Guide is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. What a poetic guide for this Kin 13 special day. All this potential ‘enduring’ and open mindedness may actually lead to some evolution in our lives. Plus, the Red Earth also helps us with our synchronicity which makes for a most helpful guide…pointing us in the right direction. Try to remember as you go through this tough but powerful day that the suffering isn’t in vain but it can help you evolve.
Today’s Challenge is the Blue Night, the dreamer. If you are Blue Night, it’s diffcult for your dreams to come true. You need to wake up and take the opportunity today offers, just have some open mindedness and you may find solutions. As it is also a number 13 day and therefore enduring this makes it harder than other challenging days. I would just stay in bed dreamer and hide under the covers.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. Magic is a beautiful thing; may you have a magical ability today to see how beautiful the world is and may you appreciate the beauty in everyone you meet. The Yellow Star, much like the Yellow Sun, gives o a lot of light when in this position meaning that magic is easier to see. Expect some magical sparkles today. The best thing about Skywalker days is the fact that the Yellow Star shines so brightly. This teaches us that going on an adventure and being a little braver, can lead to beautiful experiences!
The Ally today is White Worldbridger, people born on these days are good at providing a bridge to cross, they are the perfect Ally for today’s adventures. Call upon one, if things get too enduring. If you don’t have one in your life, take a leaf out of their book. Use some diplomacy in all your dealing and try to see both sides of an argument. This is a peaceful energy and hopefully will come in handy on an otherwise quite disruptive day. If there is any day in the Tzolkin that you find difficult, there is always something positive in the Star Chart for the day. Look to either the Ally for friendly assistance or to the Occult power for some magical help. The Guide also is good to focus on as it can lead you when you are a bit lost.
KIN 13 = Cosmic Consciousness/Goddess/13 Moons/Natural Lore
KIN 13, Tone 13, SKYWALKER TRIBE 13 = 13.13.13. = TRIPLE COSMIC codes today!!
13.13.13 = 4.4.4. Exploring all 4 corners of NEW EARTH!!
And so we have arrived at the final destination of our journey with IMIX our RED MOTHER DRAGON where we have been incubating deep in the Womb of Creation…
Our main focus has been reAWAKENING our feminine aspects by attuning to the importance of LOVE, nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!
Our focus has been on self-love, self care and nurturing our-cell-ves and our kin. Getting in touch with our softer and more feminine aspects in order to embody the Divine Feminine CREATION energies in our being. This has been necessary in order to build up our self esteem, confidence and acceptance of our value in the world.
TODAY we have reached the CULMINATION of our B-EARTHing cycle and we are BIRTHING TOTAL COSMIC BLISS!!
Day 13 is about EXPANDING this energy of Divine Love and Compassion out into the entire Cosmos! It is time to step up into our expanded and Divine Cosmic HU-man presence and be seen in all our Divine glory.
We commenced our journey on Day 1 – 8th July 2024, with KIN 1 our RED MAGNETIC MOTHER DRAGON . We were MAGNETICALLY attracting, through our HEART portal all the love and nurturance that we desire.
Yesterday we experienced the LOVE born from UNITY and connecting with our kin , through the Universal Communication Grid linked back through time to VALENTINE’s day – 14 FEB 2023 – the day that CELEBRATES LOVE.
On day 13 we transcend the need for Earthly or Human LOVE from our Mother, and realize the EXPANSIVENESS of PURE COSMIC LOVE that exists throughout the Universe. This is easily accessed through the state of pure PRESENCE.. our realization that ALL IS LOVE – everything is born of LOVE and we all eventually return to LOVE.
Yesterday the CRYSTAL tone enabled us to connect to the GGG – the Galactic Global Grid or Aethernet! Now that this is broadcasting, today the STAR BLISS SUPENOVA SUNS, can connect to our star families and brethren throughout the Cosmos.
ET phone home!!!
A brilliant day for CONTACT and communications in any form with your Cosmic friends.
Ask for a SIGN and be prepared for some giggles!
COSMIC – Tone 13 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – transcends, POWER – endure, ESSENCE – presence. Total EXPANSION encompassing your magnificent presence.
The 13th day of the Red Dragon Wavespell is the one that gives closure. As we see the totality of what IS and we start shifting our perception, we awaken the Mother Goddess within us and accomplish what we have been expressing through love, nurturance and compassion!
Through the power of stillness and pure PRESENCE, we have transcended our Earthly needs, and can experience the total COSMIC SOUL EXPANSION through BLISS
Today’s question is “Now that I have embodied more LOVE and accepted my TRUE value, how do I EXPAND that into the Cosmos?
What is my next BLISSFUL adventure on 5D EARTH?”
May you navigate your way throughout this expansiveness of the INFINITE Cosmos discovering the endless LOVE and bringing home all the treasures you deserve.
Happy adventuring Space Cadets!
P.S. Tomorrow- SATURDAY 21st JULY 2024, is WHITE WIZARDRY DAY to the POWER of 5 5D MAJIK CODES!!!
GET READY to enter into the realms of supreme WHITE MAJIK for the next 13 day cycle as we close this OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR with a MASSIVE FINAL BLAST of pure white DIVINE LIGHT codes.. as the final RADIANT EMPOWERMENT for the planetary EARTH WIZARDS… Woot woot – charge up your crystal wands beloveds.
This wavespell is where we have claimed our COSMIC presence, and stepped up into our POWER. We can then create endless DIVINE WHITE MAJIK in our world, through the power of our enchanted HEARTS!
And so it is!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED COSMIC SKYWALKERBEN is tribe number 13 which represents the COSMOS and today’s tone is the COSMIC tone – number 13! The COSMIC SKYWALKER is KIN 13.. so this KIN naturally has a 13:13:13 frequency.
We have a 20 AWAKENING code today adding to this EXPANDED state of presence. A truly COSMIC and hugely potent SUPERNATURAL day.
We are receiving another huge dose of COSMIC energy today. This is the most UBER expansiveness your soul can experience throughout this 260 day dreamspell journey.
Watch out for Solar Flares – waves and EMR spikes – rocket fuelling humanity’s EXPANSION today! EVENTS of COSMIC proportions are highly probable!
9 MOONS ago – Last Galactic spin – KIN13 occurred on ALL SOULS’ DAY on 2 NOV 2023.. A wondrous day celebrating humanity and our divinity incarnate! A beautiful appreciation of our BLISS!
18 moons ago, 2 Galactic Spins we were blessed with the celestial presence of our visitor – GREEN COMET ZTF which fuelled our COSMIC ADVENTURES…
27 moons ago, 3 Galactic Spins – through the synchronic MAJIK of the TZOLKIN, we had another celestial visitor on KIN 13…
This is what occurred!!!
A celestial EVENT of grand proportions worthy of our COSMIC SKYWALKER, is due today as EARTH passes through the trajectory of a massive METEOR SHOWER expected to display up to 1,000 meteors/fireballs an hour…
Wow – just LOVE the MAJIK of the DREAMSPELL
Keep your EYES on the SKIES for more celestial surprises today!
The number 13 also represents THE GODDESS… so this 13:13:13: code is signalling the most EXPANSIVE PRESENCE of our MOTHER GODDESS, spreading her infinite LOVE and DIVINE NURTURANCE throughout all of CREATION!
Very appropriate at the end of the RED DRAGON WAVESPELL as we are b-Earthing this Sophia/CHRISTOS consciousness through these SOLAR activations , as we all RISE up in our Golden/Rainbow Christed/Sophia BLISS bodies.
RED SKYWALKER is the time/space traveller, who can jump dimensions to assist you in realizing HEAVEN ON EARTH, and today COSMIC BLISS is accessible to all especially through these UBER potent codes.
RED SKYWALKER’S energy is totally EXPANSIVE, and unlimited in form. SKYWALKER is the Galactic Shaman who can travel anywhere through space time to retrieve wisdom, information and energy codes, bringing them through as the Angelic Messenger. A person who embodies cosmic wisdom may be known as a sky-walker, sage or bodhisattva. When others see such LIGHT in human form, they feel the vibration of Heaven. In the past this energy was experienced through a guru or master or in a ‘chance’ encounter with an extraordinary person.
Now the time has come for YOU to embody this vibration so that you can become the MASTER once again.
RED SKYWALKER can ignite a deep yearning within you for reunion with SOURCE.
From this blissful space of love and compassion, you also have a desire (embodied in physical form) to serve the LIGHT. This is the place in you that has the courage to fully express unconditional love, from the deepest depths of your being.
RED SKYWALKER asks you to bring this HEAVEN to EARTH in your daily life.
What would that TRUTH look and FEEL like?
LIVE as though you are already in 5D EARTH.
As this reality is lived, it touches and awakens the same truth in others:
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in HEAVEN.”
NOTE: If the star glyph for BEN/RED SKYWALKER appears in your own personal Galactic signature, in ANY position, then today your SKYWALKING powers will be EXPANDED exponentially and you can effortlessly access COSMIC BLISS!
Exploration, expansion and awakening are the qualities of Skywalker, making it a great day to explore our physical reality on this planet. Expand your awareness and explore infinite possibilities from which to create.
Today is a BRILLIANT day for STAR/COMET GAZING, meditating, astral travelling, bi-locating, teleporting, remote viewing and time-travelling throughout the Cosmos.
If you prefer to stay Earthbound, then perhaps seeking new adventures, navigating through new territory is more resonant. Get ready to EXPLORE New Horizons and new EXPANSIVE experiences.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED COSMIC EARTH CABAN’S key words are Navigation, synchronicity, and finding your path. It is crucial that BEN follows the SIGNS and has a STAR MAP to traverse the cosmos.
BEN must have a lifeline attached to his spacesuit, in order to return home safely to EARTH, from his OUTTA this world adventures. Every adventurer needs a SAFE place to call home! Floating endlessly in the Cosmos, without a purpose can soon become futile. So look for the SIGNS and pick up the trail, so that you can navigate to a more beneficial space, for your next adventure and expansion of your soul in the next chapter of your life.
Where to next? Where are you headed? Contemplate this question in your day dreams today.
ASK NOVA GAIA – to provide your upgraded G.P.S. to assist you in navigating to NEW EARTH!
COSMIC CABAN as today’s higher guide is elevating our consciousness on EARTH for greater expression of 5D BLISS..
This great COSMIC PORTAL is opening the GATE to NOVA GAIA and inviting all the STAR EXPLORERS to TASTE the new BLISS filled experiences.
Aaah, SWEET MYSTERY of LIFE now that I have found you!
The GARDEN of EDEN is OPEN to the GOLDEN HU-MANS once again!!
SUPPORT: WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI in the support position facilitates the DEATH of old cycles today and builds the rainbow bridge to the new realms you seek to explore. CIMI can bring forth all the new 5D connections, people, support, knowledge and resources needed for your expanded Missions in the fields of BLISS.
The power of CIMI is through the act of SURRENDER, so get out of your own way and allow BEN, CIMI and CABAN to steer you in the right direction to manifest your WILDEST dreams in the greater COSMIC flow.
SWEET SURRENDER to the COSMIC BLISS filling your presence.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:YELLOW MAGNETIC STAR LAMAT provides another portal to help you access all these multi-dimensional realms today, in your search for unlimited HARMONY, peace and BLISS throughout the Cosmic realms.
The MAGNETIC STAR enables you to ATTRACT all that you need to access and attain this heightened state of BLISS and HARMONY in your life.
This STAR brings you all the blessings through the past wondrous celestial shows – the METEOR SHOWER and the link to the BETHLEHEM CHRIST-MASS STAR through the STARGATES – 45 MOONS prior, as well as the celestial visitor COMET ZTF – the BLUE KACHINA of Hopi prophecy.
You can now attract your beautiful kin, and beautiful LIFE, to reflect this new Harmonic Matrix in our newly b-Earth-ed world.
LAMAT is shining brightly upon us and revealing the utmost beauty, elegance and harmony that is amplified by the MAGNETIC STAR as we radiate our LIGHT illuminated through our pure PRESENCE.
With nothing to do, say or be – but simply just SHINING through your being – totally at PEACE with your authentic Divine self. As you independently SHINE your LIGHT reflecting the beauty and elegance that surrounds us, you become woven into the eternal tapestry of Creation through total ONENESS.
Wonder at the beauty and radiance of our natural world, and how LOVE and abundance naturally flows, as our Creator and Mother Gaia provides an endless supply of resources in the infinite cycles of nature.
Open your eyes and heart to this beauty, to align with the Goddess and allow her expression to flow through the b-Earthing of our New World today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE COSMIC NIGHT – AKBAL rules the deep subconscious realms, as well as our intuition and access to COSMIC ABUNDANCE through the DREAMTIME.
As we travel through these expanded states we become FREE to explore, discovering the infinite abundance that flows throughout creation. Now that we have transcended our primal desires, and expanded our physical vessels with DIVINE LOVE, we become SOVEREIGN beings, feeling more confident and secure in our value and rightful place in the Cosmos.
Through transcending our inadequacies, fears and limitations, we can now OPEN to more gifts, blessings and soul EXPANSION through purely holding SPACE in our state of pure PRESENCE.
AKBAL holds the GOLDEN KEY to unlock the DREAMTIME, and access our Collective New Way Dreaming, in this wonderful New World we are co creating. The BLUE NIGHT governs your sleep time and journeying, and together with BEN the SKYWALKER, makes for a SUPER DUPER Astral travelling combination. Particularly as it is a SPIRITUAL realm day of the highest octave.
Hold onto your GREAT DREAMS and let your intuition guide your adventures in wonderland, remembering to come back home with the treasure in your arms! The COSMIC ABUNDANCE is NOW FLOWING.
And so mote it be, precious hearts! A brilliant day for dreaming, astral travelling, time travelling and Skywalking!
Tune in and align with the endless Cosmic flow, to access and receive the greatest BLISS CODES in the COSMOS!!
Today’s question is “Now that I have embodied more LOVE and accepted my TRUE value, how do I EXPAND that into the Cosmos?
What is my next BLISSFUL adventure on 5D EARTH?”
May you navigate your way throughout this expansiveness of the INFINITE Cosmos discovering the endless LOVE and bringing home all the treasures you deserve.
Happy adventuring Space Cadets!
P.S. Tomorrow- SATURDAY 21st JULY 2024, is WHITE WIZARDRY DAY to the POWER of 5 5D MAJIK CODES!!!
GET READY to enter into the realms of supreme WHITE MAJIK for the next 13 day cycle as we close this OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR with a MASSIVE FINAL BLAST of pure white DIVINE LIGHT codes.. as the final RADIANT EMPOWERMENT for the planetary EARTH WIZARDS… Woot woot – charge up your crystal wands beloveds.
This wavespell is where we have claimed our COSMIC presence, and stepped up into our POWER. We can then create endless DIVINE WHITE MAJIK in our world, through the power of our enchanted HEARTS!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Magnificent Presence of the I AM GOD, in the fullness of Your Power, shines before the physical sight of all mankind!… We accept that this Power envelops the Earth and manifests itself in the hearts of all men and women who hear and obey Your Command revealing Your Eternal Law of Life, the Reality that You Are!
And in that consciousness, we consciously unify our Triple Flames with that of the Beloved Saint Amethyst, which channels the Love that is the Center-Heart of the Violet Fire, and let flow the Divine Love that GOD Himself externizes through our hearts to focus it on the Heart of the Beloved Archangel Zadquiel.
Beloved Archangel Zadquiel, lovingly we ask You to Download the Full Power of the Holy Fire of the Violet Flame of Spiritual Liberation from Your own Temple, to dissolve all human creations and all low frequency vibrations
Beloved Saint Amethyst
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