NESARA GESARA ~ True History * Command That All Darkness Leave (The 7D Pleiadians)
• Levels 4A and 4B are ready to receive notifications.
• The United States is under pressure to release NESARA.
• Wells Fargo and HSBC are on high alert
• All transactions are under military supervision.
• All payers are ready and funded
• All notifications will be released globally.
• All funds will be distributed globally
• The RUMOR is that they expect this to happen during the week.
TNT Tony
TNT Tony said window is Thursday after 5 thru Sunday. He also said it could go in 5 minutes. FYI, If you are in the US, you should be able to get the contract rate IF YOU ASK. So ask. ($28.50)
Waiting on the go. There is agreement amongst them re: when it will be announced and what they are waiting on.
Window: 5 min from now until Sunday morning.
Sunday is a celebration day in Iraq.
TNT- They are waiting for the trigger, there is a trigger. He won’t tell us what that is.
TNT- Now saying Thursday 5pm EST to Sunday morning for live rate window.
Sun. 30 June 2024 Wolverine:

Judith Lynn (Family of Taygeta )
Command That All Darkness Leave ~ The 7D Pleiadians
Beloved Ones Of My Heart!
You Are Gifted Each Moment With The Opportunity To Begin Again. Know In Truth That You May Begin Where You Are Now. You Need Not Arrange Anything To Accomplish Great Things. This Moment Is Complete And Perfect For Your Path Of Excellence.
You Have Been Programmed In Your World To Believe You Are Not Enough. This Information Is Completely False And This Understanding Will Lead You To Sabotage Your Own Endeavors And Plans. You Might Begin A Project And Never Finish It As You Feel It Is Not Worthy To Be Seen By Others. Many Feel Their Creations Are Not Good Enough As They Scrutinize Their Work And Imagine That Others Will Also. Competition Is Endless And The Feeling Of Unworthiness Continues With Many On Their Path.
The Gift That Is Before You Will Allow You To Progress With No Specifically Set Plan. Setting Your Intention Is All That Is Needed To Succeed. Choosing The Path Of Light Will Assure That Your Intention Is Honorable. From This Place Of Knowing, The Path Will Open For Your Best Outcome.
Let Go Of The Feeling That You Must Be Perfect. Allow Yourself And Others To Learn And Grow. Making Mistakes Can Be Viewed As Lessons As You Move Forward To Become The Best Version Of Yourself.
Let Go Of Jealousy And Envy As The Soul Knows No Rivalry. Look In The Mirror And Accept Your Perceived Flaws, Your Age And Your Weight. You Are A Warrior Of Light! Look At How Far You Have Come In This Waking Dream. You Are More Than Enough! You Are Light!
High Vibrational Beings Arrived At A Place Of Expanded Consciousness By Falling And Faltering Many Times Along The Way. Leaving The Path Of Light Is Common For All Souls In Form. The Greater The Fall, The More Magnificent Is The Strength That Is Gained From Overcoming Each Obstacle As You Rise Again.
Breathe Deeply. You Are Everything Good. Remember Who You Are!
Allow Your Subconscious Mind To Serve You! Every Moment That You Move And Live On Earth Is Controlled By The Subconscious Mind. You Have The Ability And Power To Reprogram Your Mind With Your Own Thoughts. You Must Believe Your Thoughts Or Change Them To A Frequency To Serve You. Spirit Is There Waiting For You To Remember Your Light And Choose Wisely.
Choose Peace And It Will Serve You In All Moments. Peace Is An Ever Moving Energy Of Love! You Carry This Love Within And You May Activate This Frequency That Will Amplify And Remain For As Long As You Choose. Peace Is Always A Choice. You Are Peace Within Your Soul. Find This Gift And Never Let It Go! This Is Wisdom That Is Utilized In The Higher Realms Of Being!
Lastly, I Would Ask You To Create A Field Of Light Around Your Being. Never Let This Energy Leave Your Awareness. This Light Will Act As A Shield Of Protection. Your Spiritual Intuition Will Allow You To Know When It Is Penetrated By Darkness. You Have The Power To Repair Your Field. You Have The Spiritual Right To Command That All Darkness Leave. It Will Indeed Leave. You Must Maintain Your Own Energy!
It Is Never Too Late To Begin Again!
I Will Join You In Each Moment Of Love!
Sheen Is Our Focus To Begin The New Earth!
The End Will Be The Beginning!
En Eeke Mai Ea!
I Love You So!
Original Title, Never Too Late. Pleiadians of 7D Taygeta received telepathically by Judith Lynn @FamilyofTaygeta on X

Seeds of Wisdom RV And Economics Updates Sunday Afternoon 6-30-24
Seeds of Wisdom RV And Economics Updates Sunday Afternoon 6-30-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,
XRP News Today: Did the Binance Ruling Sink SEC Plans to Appeal?
XRP gained 0.28% on Saturday, June 29, closing the session at $0.4722.
SEC vs. crypto case-related news drove buyer demand for XRP.
On Sunday, investors should consider the possible influence of the latest court ruling on ongoing SEC vs. crypto cases.
Ripple Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty shared the news of the court ruling, saying:
“For all the SEC has done to muddy the waters with its inconsistent legal theories, the Courts are seeing right through them. The Binance decision last night is long but absolutely worth a read.”
Ripple vs SEC Case As of June 30, 2024: Torres’s Verdict On XRP Stands
The legal landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies in the U.S., especially XRP, is gaining much-needed clarity. Two recent court decisions have significantly impacted the ongoing lawsuit between the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Ripple and broader industry regulations.
In a significant victory for the crypto industry, District Judge Amy Berman Jackson has bolstered the legal precedent set by Judge Analisa Torres in the SEC vs. Ripple case. Judge Jackson’s decision in the Binance vs. SEC case centered on the classification of Binance’s BNB token.
The SEC argues that secondary sales of BNB by users on crypto exchanges constituted unregistered securities offerings. However, Judge Jackson disagreed, dismissing the SEC’s claim.
This ruling, shared on X by Fox Business journalist Eleanor Terrett, aligns with Judge Torres’ previous decision in the Ripple case.
XRP Secondary Sales Deemed Non-Securities, Judge Torres’ Doctrine Stands
Judge Jackson’s ruling that XRP secondary sales aren’t securities boosts Ripple and sets a crucial precedent for the entire crypto industry.
Judge Jackson and Torres’ aligned decisions clarify that crypto assets traded by individuals on exchanges do not qualify as securities.
XRP price jumped over 1% after the ruling, aiming to regain $0.50, with increased interest from derivatives traders on OKX and BitMEX.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson has upheld Judge Torres’ doctrine, asserting that XRP’s secondary sales are not securities. This ruling came during the Binance vs. SEC case, where the SEC’s claim regarding secondary sales of Binance’s BNB was dismissed. To that end, the ruling by Judge Jackson, in concurrence with that of Judge Torres on the sale of XRP, sets an example in the crypto industry.
Pro-XRP Lawyer Sees Binance Ruling as Boost for XRP Non-Security Status
Attorney Bill Morgan says Binance case ruling boosts XRP’s non-security status.
Judge Jackson cited Judge Torres’ Ripple case decision when dismissing parts of the SEC’s case against Binance.
Morgan highlights that the ruling aligns with Judge Torres’ interpretation of the Howey test.
XRP Lawsuit: Ripple Notches Massive Wins as CEO Brad Garlinghouse Clarifies XRP’s Security Status
Ripple Labs CEO Brad Garlinghouse has taken swipes at news outlets over inaccurate reporting of a court decision involving XRP and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The fiasco began following a ruling by Judge Phyllis Hamilton of the US District Court for the Northern District of California, which threw out a class action suit against the issuers of the XRP token. While considered a massive win for Ripple Labs, the judge allowed an individual state law claim to proceed to trial based on alleged “misleading statements” made by Garlinghouse in 2017.
As XRP’s community celebrated the dismissal of securities law violation, CoinDesk and a raft of crypto news outlets reported that Hamilton’s decision could imply that XRP may be a security. The reporting triggered a stir in the ecosystem as XRP enthusiasts believe the question of the asset being a security was finalized in a 2023 decision by District Judge Analisa Torres in New York’s Southern District.
CoinDesk described the ruling as a “fly in the ointment,” but the report elicited fierce kickbacks from XRP’s community, with Garlinghouse leading the charge. According to Garlinghouse on X (formerly Twitter), Garlinghouse described the report as “embarrassing,” noting that Hamilton did not expressly term XRP as a security.
Bill O’Reilly
Fun Facts: ZiG and Zim Bonds Can’t Fail, Enough Gold to Back Them Part 1
I noticed that people use my “fun facts” and share them without sharing the whole post, feel free to share them, but share the original post in full, please. Delete “your cropped version”. Thanks, Guilherme
April 10, 2024: A single ZiG — short for Zimbabwe Gold — is worth about 7 US cents, the price of one milligram of gold. See (
Initially, all ZiGs were backed by 2,522 kilograms (88,960 ounces) of gold and about $100 million in foreign exchange reserves held by the central bank. See (
In the latest currency reform, authorities “effectively revalued” the Zimbabwean dollar from over 30 000 to the US dollar to 2 500. See (
The price of ZiG will depend on the supply, paying off Zim Bonds in gold-backed ZiG will significantly strengthen ZiG as the supply will be there to pay off all Bonds.
June 15, 2024: ZiG will not fail, says President of Zimbabwe, “We have more than enough gold reserves to support the currency. We have always used currencies from other countries and now we have introduced a gold-backed currency, but we still have other currencies in circulation and we are happy to have solid gold and a solid gold-backed currency.” See (
ZiG is a solid and well thought out currency that the Government worked on for at least two years before its introduction, and it will not fail, Pres. Mnangagwa said. See (
Speaking to Russian media, President Mnangagwa said ZiG was backed by gold, so the chances of it failing were slim to none. See (
Press. Mnangagwa said the Government carried out due diligence before introducing the new currency.
ZiG has laid a solid foundation for Zimbabwe’s economic growth, he said.
“Before introducing ZiG, we researched for two years [since 2022] and realized that we wanted a solid and structured currency backed by gold reserves,” said the Chairman. This planning was accompanied by the development of the BRICS Cross-Border Payment System with its unique “Gold-Backed Stablecoin” that we are waiting to be launched!
The President of Zimbabwe stated: “We have more gold; I have visited the reserves and personally seen the gold. Our economy is now based on solid economic fundamentals.” The question is where did he travel to see the Gold? The underground gold cannot be seen, but the ledger gold generously donated by the Elder Families to the RV, managed by Redemption and committed to in signed Treaties, can easily be seen!
The Redemption dispatch officer posted here as follows, “As for the registrations for Royals yes they are being handled during the PT (Priority Transactions) sector of the process before the RV begins. This process involves aligning the funds and obtaining liquidity to pay.
1) Governments,
2) 27 real groups,
3) 13 sovereign groups,
4) numerous military groups, and
5) others.
This is a payment to help keep gold reserves in secret locations, but it also triggers all historical asset [securities] operations around the world.
Being the first time a transaction of this magnitude and nature has been executed globally, the logistics are enormous.
That being said, I have personally submitted very large archive recording assets to large families of Elders, which also encompass royalty within the family of Elders.”
Mon. 24 June 2024 Summary of Mr. Salvage Meetings and Conference Call from Brazil:
· Everything is very advanced, thanks to a lot of work that was done last week, which was huge. Everything is moving very quickly to release the blocks on all procedures for the start of 4B notifications, remembering that American institutions have already made notifications for the first group, which is group 4A and a small group of 4B, not reaching 10%.
· Everything is happening at the same time in this giant operation, part of the Operation Storm, we observe that a huge turmoil is already happening on the planet, one of these events and many that we talked about are also yet to happen, which is this big Internet Blackout.
· The Alliance is working very well. The White Hats are in control, the agony of the forces that oppresses the world is being completely revealed, everything is becoming clear. With each passing day more truths are coming to light so you can understand how hard and well they have been working.
· The launch of the RV was slowed down due to many hacker attacks. As always, it is a process that requires absurd logistics and this launch of the Global Currency Reset is a Military Operation, we cannot forget that. It’s not simply being called and dealing with paperwork is not that simple, these logistics are military and that means no one knows what is happening and what will happen because all of this is very secret.
· Many people are desperate thinking it won’t happen but it will, trust the plan, so we have to reassure ourselves. We are observing gigantic chaos but this reset will happen.
· The United States is under pressure to deliver the Tier 4B launch, according to the information we have and this information is exclusively military.
· The RV is being negotiated on the Forex.
· The release of funds also comes directly from the United States Treasury’s Department of Defense Operations. This means that the funds will go into global operation and this is a huge job.
· We have also been told that Bond Holders will be given access to their funds, as many have already been notified in the United States.
· Nothing has been released yet but everything is ready. The logistics are military and this has to come from the United States, as they were the precursor of this entire movement for liberation and redemption.
· Processes are being strangled in every way with cyber attacks.
· We need them to issue these notifications of the second part of levels 4B soon. We are in a chronogram at the moment. The OK for release has already been given on a Global scale. It’s a very smart plan. It’s something that will surprise us.
· Wells Fargo and HSBC are leading these operations of all these processes in the World.
Nesara/ Gesara is taking place in the United States, and it is a very important step for humanity.
· Wells Fargo and HSBC are already financing the first layer that exists between 4 and 4B. 4B is the completion of 4A and 4A is already defined, so notifications from 4B begin an information process for Pay Masters, so level 4B is already receiving account movement.
· All ZIM funds will be placed into QFS accounts.
· Digital backed gold is also implemented in these systems.
· 1% of the funds will be released when they start paying.
· This week we will certainly have a lot of information about GCRV.
· One thing is certain, the work has been very hard and we have no doubt about what is happening.
· There was an interruption at the beginning of the month but the RV movement is progressing substantially and constantly. There is the turmoil of attacks but it is happening, the movements are being authorized with certainty. It needs adjustments related to the communication of systems that have already been made and it is all very intense but it is happening.
· In the Global Project, in the notifications, we cannot forget the German titles that are in the queue, followed by the Zim and the English titles.
[via WiserNow]
…all of this information…is coming from Iraq directly, and we have some sources there …was at the Baghdad International Airport and was able to use his credit/debit card. An Iraqi citizen was able to use his credit debit card to not only obtain lower denominations on the ATM, but also purchase airline tickets – in the ATM – which I didn’t know you could do…
He did have a rate, and he was…successfully able to transact business in Iraq – on the Iraqi dinar
…He said, our time will come in a couple of days, a couple more days, but I think he’s probably right…This should be a bang up weekend for us.—
from Iraq, from the source in Fallujah and this source was saying that we would have the Iraqi 2024 budget in the gazette over this weekend, that would be Saturday or Sunday.
…when we get to the point when things are very quiet, which they are…we know that we’re close, and we know that…this is about to go…
The Truth Will Be Known: Our True Story – Saturday, June 29, 2024
The truth will be knownSource: Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer
Our True Story
Although it may seem exaggerated, many people will be convinced when they read this version of our story, which will become popular and widespread in the 5D world, and will eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions.
Advances in astronomy, anthropology, archeology and Egyptology already tend to support this and other theses based mainly on translations of Sumerian writings.
The knowledge of the existence of the One God who must have created the Anunnaki founders, along with the understanding that life encompasses nothing more than a mere material plane of existence in which we now find ourselves, is all secretly orchestrated and protected by the secret societies. .
The Sumerian explanation of the origin and creation of man is extremely fascinating. Whatever the point of view, it is much more rational and appropriate than many of the scientific theories known today and in the past.
In any case, humanity exists in solitude in the universe.
The world architecture for the extraction of electromagnetic energy comes entirely from the Tartar-Aryan High Civilization. It is characterized by the use of arched openings, columns, domes and towers. In addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas; all three-dimensional architectural decorative elements are symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy that acts on molecules and alters the behavior of cells.
In the recent past, these waves have been used to heal, levitate, transport, and create feelings of harmony and euphoria.
Remember that all pyramids, theaters and coliseums had water channels underneath, which was an indication of where the sound energy was being directed.
Starforts appear to have been designed to create microdomes to protect inhabitants and resonate in harmony.
Please pay attention; this is our true story
How can we trust people who have lied for so long, so cruelly, so constantly, so diligently?
Official history tells us that Saint Petersburg was founded and built in 1703 by Peter the Great, a false tsar. An original poster was auctioned in London in 1903, made especially for the 400th anniversary of the founding of Saint Petersburg. Then Saint Petersburg celebrated its 400th anniversary in 1903. This is evidence that the city has existed since at least 1503.
They murdered and tortured people with wisdom and knowledge of ancient history who were not allowed to survive to pass the knowledge on to later generations. The systematic murder and torture of these witnesses was necessary for the emerging new Kabbalistic world order to publish its own historical narrative.
In the past, it was not uncommon for people to live between 150 and 200 years. That was the life expectancy of our ancestors! In tsarist times, births and deaths were recorded in church books. Many people were between 100 and 180 years old. People over 140 were not uncommon in Russia.
It was the wrong Tsar Peter I who, as part of his anti-Russian reforms, carried out the widespread liquidation of family books – each family had their own family books which recorded all the important information from the lives of many generations of the family, so another great source of information was destroyed, all over a period of 200 to 300 years. This was done because after this Slavic history could be completely rewritten.
Even Pushkin in his memoirs describes his meeting with a 160-year-old Cossack in the Orenburg steppes. This Cossack remembered well the rebellion of Stepan Razin (1667-1671), in which he even participated.
In 1904, the newspaper “Tiflisskij list” reported that in the village of Sba in the Gori district there lived an Ossetian woman named Tense Abalva, who was 180 years old and so vital that she did her own household chores and even managed to sew with her vision. She was born in 1724, during the reign of Peter the Great.
Mahmud Eyvazov and Shiral Muslimov were very famous in her time. Mahmud Eyvazov from the Lerik region of Azerbaijan lived to be 148 years old, Shiral Muslimov from Barzav to 168 years old. He had 13 sons, 10 daughters, 106 grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. They even issued a stamp to celebrate her longevity.
Majid Agaev from Lerik region was 140 years old, Shirin Hasanov 150. In the search for long-lived people in Abkhazia, ancient tombstones were found with the following inscriptions:
“Kuba Ali was 300 years old and died from a bullet in the heart during the war with Ajar Khan. Churme Bike was 245 years old, married at 105 and gave birth to a son, a great warrior.”
Source: Yuri Frolov
So what was the world like?
The great civilization of Tartaria was destroyed with the help and planning of dark inhuman forces. The history taught in schools is a gigantic farce, presented as in a soap opera with phantom dynasties, events displaced in time and created thousands of years ago that did not exist. The “Middle Ages” were in fact the Golden Age of the Tartars, which ended only 100 years ago.
Was the Colossus of Rhodes the Statue of Liberty?
Everything we have “learned” is a big lie.
The defeat of the Great Tartars is recorded in official history under the names of “The Fall of Troy”, “The Fall of the Roman Empire”, “The Fall of Constantinople”, “The Fall of the Ottoman Empire”, “The Wars of American Independence”, “The Collapse of the Qing Dynasty”, “The Fall of the Russian Empire”, “The Defeat of Austria-Hungary”, but also “The First World War”. The Chinese emperors and the Egyptian “pharaohs” coexisted in the “Middle Ages” with all the other great civilizations to create a single harmonious culture with the same language and DNA, although they went down in history with dozens of names invented by commissioned Benedictine Jesuits who wrote “history” to order.
Hyperborea beyond the Arctic Circle was the land of our great divine ancestors and still appears on maps in the 16th century, before it was invaded by the cabal. The Church created a flawed theory of our solar system and blessed all wars and heinous crimes to kill the human spirit.
Another Deep State group has created false Christianity and other religions designed to subjugate, enslave and exterminate the human race. These religions boast of love, compassion and humanity while worshipping Satan under the guise of pretending to worship God and promoting the opposite, as do all the governments and multinational global institutions they run. The United Kingdom called “Albion” was a land of thieves and pirates, and its “history” is a complex novel invented, written and acted out by very strange people.Supposed ancient and historical figures also appear in contemporary photographs, and use old clothes and other disguises to invent non-existent historical figures and ghostly families. All to “adequately” fill the void of our completely destroyed recent past and history. These beings have lived much longer than we do.
Einstein, Poincaré, Faraday, Marconi, Hertz and Maxwell and many others were characters played by some “grey men” who destroyed the existing high technology in Tartary to give us some precious crumbs in a controlled way.
Obelisks, churches, mosques and cathedrals were extremely ancient and powerful Tartary powers to collect clean, free, healthy and wireless electromagnetic energy, generating all kinds of important frequencies, waves and especially infrasound. The cabals destroyed them or gave them crosses to cover up their original purpose.
The Tatar palaces were illuminated more than 700 years ago, long before the “gray man” called “Thomas Edison” began to deprive humanity of free energy and build energy monopolies for the benefit of “elites”, so that people stay economically trapped and enslaved.
The highly advanced global civilization of Tartary was gradually dismantled and finally destroyed by the Kabbalists in the 1900s-1940s using Direct Energy Weapons (DEW).
Photographs and images were later retouched to include fake lamp posts and wires. The events that caused great embarrassment were the fires in Boston in 1872, in Chicago in 1871 or in San Francisco in 1851 and 1906. The resulting ruins were then carelessly “repopulated” with corpses. They added “telegraph and cable” signs to the photos even though those cities, especially San Francisco, were completely wireless.
They put fake cranes on some buildings to make it look like they were under construction, but many buildings in these cities were built up to 1,000 years earlier, and in that spirit they took at least 1,000 years off the buildings’ stated construction date. when they updated these buildings.
San Francisco was an imperial Tatar city with more than 10 royal palaces, artificial islands and a strategic port facing Eurasia and connected to the Americas. Its elaborate buildings were well over 500 years old and its sophisticated technology belied the story of the city’s founding in 1776.
The entire honest story of official history had to be mercilessly burned and literally energetically erased. To be rewritten according to the Kabbalah script!
The cabals that seized world power were androgynous hybrid men and women with adopted children, created in a laboratory and genetically modified to create loyal families and elites.
They systematically faked their own deaths to play new “elite characters”.
Communism, capitalism, socialism and liberalism were socioeconomic theories created to cover up their form of oppression of humanity on six continents.
High-ranking gray eminences appeared such as “Mussolini”, “Hitler”, “Lenin” and “Trotsky” in performances that never left the terrain of illusionism and did not occur directly in real life and time.
The Khazarian “Bolsheviks” destroyed Great Tartary and rule the world to this day in conjunction with “Nazi Zionists”, “Fascists” and “Satanists”.
The revolutions and world wars were just a cover to hide the planned extermination of the Tatars and the destruction of ancient structures.
The energy weapons worked in the dead of night, destroying unarmed civilians sleeping in their homes in Paris, Beijing, Messina, Santiago de Chile, Cape Town, San Francisco and many other cities.
Source: Marcia Ramalho

BRICS and a multi-currency reality through a new Blockchain settlement system
The current financial system, dominated by the US dollar, has long been criticized for its limitations and drawbacks. These include the potential for political manipulation, high transaction costs and limited access for individuals and businesses in certain regions of the world.
In an effort to address these issues, a blockchain-based project called mBRIDGE has been proposed, with the aim of becoming the foundation for a new global alternative financial system.
At the heart of this innovative project is the notion of “de-dollarization”, or the gradual reduction in the use of the US dollar as the main currency for international trade and finance. This is being pursued through the creation of the BRICS+ bloc, an economic and political union of major emerging economies, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
The aim of this bloc is to foster cooperation and promote economic development among its members, while reducing their dependence on the US dollar and the Western-dominated financial system.
mBRIDGE is expected to play a crucial role in this ambitious project by offering a decentralized, secure and cost-effective platform for payment settlements.
The project structure is designed to facilitate the involvement of a range of key stakeholders, from governments and central banks to businesses and individual users. Through the use of blockchain technology, mBRIDGE aims to create a more transparent and inclusive financial system, opening up new opportunities for the global majority.
One of the key benefits of mBRIDGE is its ability to facilitate cross-border transactions without the need for intermediaries such as correspondent banks. This reduces transaction costs, increases speed and enhances security, making it an attractive alternative to traditional financial systems.
Additionally, mBRIDGE does not support settlements made in US dollars, further emphasizing its commitment to de-dollarization and promoting financial independence among its users.
mBRIDGE founders Warwick and Lena Petrova recently discussed the project’s operation, structure, and benefits in a video presentation. During the discussion, they highlighted mBRIDGE’s potential to revolutionize the global financial system by empowering individuals, businesses, and governments.
A key aspect of the project is its focus on collaboration and inclusion, bringing together diverse stakeholders to create a truly global alternative financial system.
mBRIDGE aims to foster a culture of innovation and shared prosperity by harnessing the power of blockchain technology to democratize finance and promote social and economic development.
By offering a decentralized, secure, and cost-effective platform for payment settlements, mBRIDGE is well positioned to contribute to the ongoing de-dollarization process and the emergence of the BRICS+ bloc.
The project’s potential to facilitate financial inclusion, reduce transaction costs and increase transparency makes it an exciting development in the world of finance and a promising step towards a more equitable global financial system.
Watch the video below from Lena Petrova for more information.

July 4th – Saturday, June 29, 2024
Mar 06, 2019 23:13:37 EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27adf2 No.
Never in our history has a communication project like this occurred.
>Return power to the people
>Truth, transparency and equal justice before the law.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (& women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
But when a long series of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them to absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to overthrow such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We don’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and passed on so that they do the same.” -Reagan
United We Stand.
July 4, 2019.
Note from Judy
From the information contained in this document, it is assumed that matters related to the global currency reset and the shift to Restored World Republics are imminent.
The military waited at the World Court for the legal issues to be finalized in accordance with customary law between nations.
President Trump will be back soon and within 12 hours of his announcement, our world will begin to change.
Everything has been completed for NESARA/GESARA payments, including the announcement of GESARA through certain means, making it legal.
All debts of several nations, including the United States, have been paid off using GESARA funds collected from the Cabal. GESARA has begun paying out in several countries, with payments scheduled for U.S. citizens.
Payments for the global currency reset have been authorized, scheduled, and reported.
At this time, some Tier 3 Zim holders are reportedly in Reno meeting with their asset managers and proceeding with the redemption process. The Pentecostal Group has already begun paying out its Group One.
Thursday. On June 27, the new Iraqi dinar exchange rate became available to Iraqi citizens via their debit cards and ATMs.
Iraq has scheduled an announcement of its new dinar exchange rate, publishing it in its Gazette on Saturday. June 29, with celebration scheduled for Sunday. June 30.
Tier4b was expected to begin exchanges in China very soon, with the process moving through Asia, Europe and then the United States.
The Pentecostal group will begin paying Group Two on Thursday. July 4: The same day the United States will celebrate Independence Day and important announcements are expected.
UPDATE: Judy Note
Judy Note:
Hey, pedophile criminals, Freemasons, state judges, state prosecutors, Satanists, bankers, lawyers, crooked politicians, and fake Jews, listen up: Don’t touch our children.
Your time is now.
Take a look at just a small portion of our Earth Alliance defense war military operations under our command. This greatest Military War Machine ever commanded is now coming for you, the Satanic Minions, fascists and thugs.
Now our military is clearing you all, level 2 and 3 we have marked you, you cannot escape our Light. We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil and betrayal. Ever.
Sincerely , John, JFK and Diana Kennedy Kahlooni United States Republic
- February 20, 2017: WIKILEAKS: OBAMA DELETES PEDOPHILE RING FROM WHITE HOUSE – The Underground Report (
- The White Hats were training tens of thousands of Mexicans near the White Hats’ Cheyenne Mountain headquarters for a revolution to overthrow the Mexican government. The Mexican government has been controlled by the CIA’s drug, arms and personnel trafficking operations for over half a century.
- The World Court was finalizing the legal aspects of Common Law to be implemented across all sovereign nations participating in the Global Currency Reset.
- “Trump was expected to return sometime between Monday. July 1st and Friday. July, 5th. We know that SCOTUS has already made a ruling on voter fraud in 2020 and a positive announcement on this is expected any day now – which would dissolve the Biden administration and the entire Congress.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sat. June 29, 2024
- THE BORDER IS NOT SECURE: MILLIONS of deadly doses of Fentanyl have been dumped in the US. 90 people on the Terrorism Watch List have been caught crossing the southern border this year. More than 400 migrants smuggled by an ISIS-affiliated group. President Trump WILL secure the border.
- Sat., June 29, 2024: The Executive Branch = Military and President
- Sat. June 29, 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: World War III Reaching DEFCON 1! False Avian Plandemic Flag! Imminent Bank Runs. . .
- The Earth is a living organism and, ultimately, produces an unlimited amount of water and oil.
- The release of Julian Assange ahead of the Presidential Debate has set the stage for the US Supreme Court to soon intervene against the Department of Justice’s January 6 political prisoner decision, thereby freeing hundreds of political prisoners and exposing an unfair JUSTICE SYSTEM.
- Fri 28 Jun 2024 Banking crisis: HSBC, Lloyds Bank, Nationwide, Virgin and Barclays banking apps are DOWN as thousands of customers experience outages
- The Nancy Pelosi Team Just Posted “How Dare Trump Blame Anyone But Himself for January 6th” On camera, paid crisis actor John Sullivan confessed that January 6th was a plot to overthrow Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter filmed the event and sold it to HBO. In it you can hear: “We did it! You were right, we did it! This won’t be the best film you’ve ever made in your life, of course, yes! There are no coincidences in the US government.
- Sat. June 29, 2024: Judy Byington, Un-Redacted: Trump says “checkmate”! World War III coming to DEFCON 1! False avian plandemic flag! Bank runs imminent! Special intelligence report 06/29/24
Global Currency Reset:
Sat. June 29, 2024 Wolverine: “The news has been overwhelming, coming from many sources. Some say it starts tonight. Some say it has already started. They are preparing in Iraq for the RV tomorrow ( Sunday, June 30, 2024 ). …The latest is that you should prepare. It is really coming. The G-20 (an intergovernmental forum comprised of 19 sovereign nations) has given the statement and emails to the Internet Group will be released sometime between Monday. July 1st and Friday. July 5th. …Some of the Bond People have already been paid. They are not taking my calls because they are under NDAs. Be responsible with your money. Use it wisely. You will be under NDA and will not be able to talk about the RV. If you talk about it, your money will be frozen and you will not receive it. I will be silent for about three months.” Get ready for tomorrow ( Sunday, June 30, 2024 ) for the biggest celebration you’ve ever had because that’s when the trailer will be released – around noon in Iraq. This is not a false alarm because it’s really coming. I can’t wait because all that hate that hit me will be gone. God bless you. I love you. Welcome to the new world. Bye Bye.”
Seated. June 29, 2024 Mr Salvage
• Levels 4A and 4B are ready to receive notifications.
• The United States is under pressure to release NESARA.
• Wells Fargo and HSBC are on high alert
• All transactions are under military supervision.
• All payers are ready and funded
• All notifications will be disseminated globally.
• All funds will be distributed globally
• Rumor is they expect it to happen within the week .
Sat. Jun. 29, 2024 Texas Snake: “I have nothing to confirm the time we will be notified of the swap commitments or the dollar amount thereof, I do know that the banker has had his team on a one hour call to report to their designated locations as soon as the release is authorized within the last three days, and that the in-country rate was published in the Gazette today, Sat. Jun. 29, 2024. So folks, we are extremely close. GOD bless.”
Judy’s Note:
From the information contained herein, it is assumed that issues related to the redefinition of global currency and the shift to sovereign republics of world nations were imminent:
- The military awaited at the World Court the legal issues according to Common Law, to be finalized between the nations.
- President Trump will be back soon and within 12 hours of his announcement, our world would change.
- Everything has been completed for NESARA/GESARA payments, including the announcement of GESARA through certain media outlets, making it legal.
- All debts of several nations, including the US , have been paid off using GESARA funds collected from the Cabal. GESARA has begun paying out in several countries, with payments scheduled to be made to US citizens.
- Payments for the global currency reset have been authorized, scheduled and reported.
- Word was that right now some Tier 3 Zim Holders were in Reno meeting with their Wealth Managers and moving forward with the redemption process. The Pentecostal Group has already started paying its Group One.
- On Thursday, June 27, the new Iraqi dinar rate was available to Iraqi citizens via their debit cards and ATMs.
- Iraq has scheduled an announcement of its new dinar rate via publication in its Official Gazette on Saturday, June 29, with the celebration scheduled for Sunday, June 30.
- Very soon, Tier4b was expected to start trading in China, the process moving across Asia to Europe and then to the US.
- The Pentecostal group will begin paying its Group Two on Thursday. July 4th – the same day the US will celebrate Independence Day, with big announcements expected.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Economist reveals the main factors that influenced the implementation of the Maronites, 30 June
Economist reveals the main factors that influenced the implementation of the Maronites
Former Director of the Financial Supervision Bureau, Salah Nouri, revealed today, Friday, the basic factors that influenced the implementation of the budget approval.
Nouri told Al Furat News Agency: “The main factors affecting the proper implementation of the Maronites are:
_Approval of the budget early, at least in the third month of the fiscal year
_Accuracy of financial allocations according to the priorities of the government program
-The speed of cash financing for public spending units. This concerns the duties of the Ministries of Finance and Planning, the Council of Ministers, and the Representatives
As for the executive departments, Salah added, “Transparency, integrity and quality in the use and spending of funds according to the approved financial allocations.”
He stated, “The efficiency of the executive human resources in the public spending units, based on the basics of implementing the aforementioned general budget, will greatly affect the achievement this year in terms of delays in approving the budget and delays in financing, in addition to the weakness of efficiency, transparency, integrity, and quality, especially in investment projects.”
NEW on Patreon – Reiki Healing Guided Meditation:
Connecting with Universal Energy with my Sacred Condor 
Reiki Healing Guided Meditation | Connecting with Universal Energy with my Sacred Condor
Welcome to our Reiki Healing Guided Meditation! This session is designed to help you Connecting with Universal Energy and activate inner peace, balance your energy, and promote deep relaxation and healing. Whether you are new to Reiki or have experience with this powerful healing practice, this guided meditation will support you in connecting with universal life force energy.
What to Expect:
Calming Environment: Begin by settling into a comfortable position in a quiet space. Light a candle or use essential oils if you wish to enhance the ambiance.
Guided Relaxation: We will guide you through a gentle relaxation process, helping you to release tension and calm your mind.
Reiki Energy Activation: You will be guided to visualize and feel Reiki energy flowing through your body, clearing blockages and restoring balance.
Chakra Balancing: The meditation includes specific focus on balancing and harmonizing your chakras, aligning your energy centers for optimal well-being.
Affirmations and Intentions: Positive affirmations and intentions will be used to reinforce healing and inner peace.
Closing and Integration: We will gently guide you out of the meditation, helping you to integrate the healing energy into your daily life.
Benefits of Reiki Healing Meditation:
Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Balances energy and chakras
Enhances emotional and mental clarity
Supports physical healing and well-being
Increases feelings of peace, love, and joy
Who Can Benefit:
This meditation is suitable for everyone, regardless of experience level. Whether you are looking to alleviate stress, support your healing journey, or simply wish to enhance your sense of well-being, this Reiki Healing Guided Meditation is for you.
Preparation Tips:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
Wear comfortable clothing.
You may want to have a blanket or pillow for added comfort.
Keep a journal nearby to note any insights or experiences after the meditation.
This guided meditation lasts approximately 16 minutes, making it easy to fit into your daily routine.
Join us on this journey of healing and transformation. Allow yourself to be open to the universal life force energy and experience the profound benefits of Reiki Healing. Thank you for being here and for choosing to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
CLICK HERE to Join and receive this Blessing
Benjamin Fulford June 29 Report:
- Julian Assange’s FAKE BODY DOUBLE was killed in London prison in 2020 and another body double was placed on him.
- CIA Director Pompeo said he wanted to kill Assange. Reports have emerged that the US government conspired to kill Assange.
- The CIA went after Assange and killed the lookalike in 2020. Then another Assange lookalike was placed by the White Hats (they were trolling the CIA/Deep State).
- Assange was placed in protective custody the entire time. The REAL story is that TRUMP (with worldwide associates) paid for Assange’s defense. (Trump also transferred funds personally… All of this will be released in due course with a paper trail).
- Two months ago, the White Hats of Military Intelligence received Assange’s Kill Switch and made moves to free him.
- NOW the White Hats/military have FULL control of the KILLSWITCH servers, software and Assange Internet programs and have finished all investigation and sealed the indictments connected to ALL INFORMATION WIKI LEAKS HAD STORED ON KILLSWITCH OPERATIONS.
- There is great panic in the Pentagon, CIA Deep State Military Intelligence, and Washington DC ELITES as the real ASSANGE resurfaces for real. They know there is no point in killing him now because the military has all the data, servers and KILLSWITCH KEYS.
- There is real panic in DC’s corrupt three-letter agencies and Deep State military leaders as KILLSWITCH HOLDS THE KEYS TO THE TRUE EVENTS of the 9/11 documents, emails and phone calls that connect Bush, Cheney, Clinton, CIA Darpa to the events of 9/11.
- Trump also said he wanted to expose Anthony Weiner . All of this linked to ASSANGE AND MILITARY OPERATIONS. This is why there is total panic within Hollywood and at the top of the music industry.
- At the same time, the US military has been receiving Mexican citizens for emergency training in the mountains of Colorado. Large underground bunkers near Cheyenne Mountain. The reason the White Hats are secretly training thousands of Mexican citizens for war and battle is because they are being sent back to Mexico on underground Maglev trains. There is panic in parts of the Patriot communities because CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN has been taken over by cartels and Mexicans. This is far from the truth. The REAL TRUTH is that the White Hats are training tens of thousands of Mexicans for a revolution that will overthrow the Mexican government controlled by CIA operatives for over half a century.
BRICS’ rejection of the dollar will affect an important US sector
-Saturday, June 29, 2024Source:
Major US sector to suffer if BRICS abandon dollar
Vinod Dsouza
June 29, 2024
The BRICS alliance intends to launch a gold-backed currency to topple the US dollar. The announcement about the formation of a new currency could be released at the next summit in October 2024. The objective of the BRICS is to create a multipolar financial world where developing countries will have a limited connection to the US dollar.
Global trade will be settled mainly in the new BRICS gold collateral currency or in local currencies of other developing countries. This would help them safeguard their native economies as accumulating the US dollar in reserves poses a risk. Rising debt in the US reached $34.4 billion this month and developing nations want to distance themselves from the dollar.
BRICS: The main US financial sector will be impacted if the dollar is abandoned
The main US sector to be affected if the BRICS abandon the dollar is the banking and financial sector. Banks across America will be forced to take concrete steps to safeguard the outlook for the US dollar. Furthermore, new currency pairs could occupy the center of the forex market, adding more pressure on the US dollar.
Furthermore, banks lend millions of dollars worldwide and the amount disbursed could be reduced considerably. Therefore, the US dollar will suffer a breakdown in the supply and demand mechanism and banks will suffer the first blow due to the BRICS de-dollarization initiatives. US banks are already in crisis, with several banks facing closures and bankruptcies since 2020.
If the banking sector is the first to take the hit, the next hit will inadvertently be the financial sector in the US. The financial sector is broad and involves consumer and retail goods, technology and fintech, among many others. Even inflation could hit the US homeland, causing prices for everyday essentials to peak. The BRICS abandoning the dollar for global trade and transactions will begin to have adverse effects on the US economy and everyday life in America will be impacted.
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