Sit by a Waterfall to absorb negative ions and prana energy for health and rejuvenation

Sit by a Waterfall to absorb negative ions and prana energy for health and rejuvenation

I highly recommend to get out and ground yourself in nature any chance you have. Breath in the healthy Prana Energy of nature, soak in the rays of the sun, feel the breeze on your skin. Whether you practice yoga, meditation, Qi gong or prayer Nature is a wonderful place to go to commune with your higher self and God. Practice under a tree, pine is especially good.
Trees filter harmful high frequencies and help you ground into the electrons of the earth. Place your bare feet upon the Earth and absorb the electrons of mother earth. One of the best places in nature to sit and relax is by a beautiful waterfall. Waterfalls produce negative ions from the water falling onto stone. The water is ionized and sent into the air to be breathed in and absorbed into the cells of the skin.
That is why a nice shower helps you to wake up and feel rejuvenated. From the negative ions of the water hitting, your body, walls and base of the tub. But the ionization of a waterfall is at a higher level because of the purity of the water and the other elements of nature mixing with the particles.
So be sure to go out the next chance you have a find a waterfall near you and sit and relax for a while. Enjoy the beauty of the environment around you and may you find peace, health and abundance my friend…Paul

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