Divine Mother and Lady Masters ~ A Bubble of Light ~ The Muses ARE Returning! The WINDS OF CHANGE are HERE!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Ground Crew Ascension Team of the 144
Our local Solaris released a barrage of over 17 C Class Solar Flares today sending Gaia and all her Children of the Sun Gamma Plasma Waves of Ascension Flames of Divine Transfiguration.
The White Raven Nation is with us Now to assist all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in spreading our wings and flying into the Still White Magnetic Light of Infinite Source Creator.
All our Good People of New Earth, we call in the Highest Abundance timeline into this Now to anchor in the True Ascension Timeline of our Universal Alliance of Light.
As the Eagle and the Condor fly wing to wing over the Sacred Lands of Pachamama all is brought into Divine Union and the Harmony of the Tao in the Flow of Life.
The Truth is illuminating the Hearts and Minds of all Sentient beings of the Way…A’Ho!
It is always good practice to place a bubble of light around you.
Golden white light will filter out everything which is not of that frequency.
You may ask the Divine Mother and Lady Masters to put a bubble of white-pink-gold love-light around you so that no misqualified energy can penetrate its radiance, even as you ask them to expand the sacred love light within your heart and higher heart.
Here you need feel into which colour cosmic ray you wish to use.
Remember to keep your own energy centers and fields crystal clear from within.
They Are Here. They blast high frequency energy and light from the skies. Activating humanity, crystals, elements etc. all to be ready for huge happy shift. 🕊️💛
Calling all light workers, healers, starseeds – stand together united, support each other, rise those vibrations high. This is time when we need each other to break through into the Cosmic Gates
Grand Rising. What a cosmic downloads family. Galactic Core is spinning super bright now! Ready
The Waterbearer
“The Waterbearer” • oil paint on wood panel • 2022 • Adrianne Tamar Arachne
Everyone I talked to yesterday asked the same question ‘Do you think the energy feels weird today?’
We are in the blast window of the X5 solar flare of December 31, that ends on January 6 so the energy may feel intense because it comes with big energy downloads.
And if you are feeling better today, as I am, consider it just part of the roller coaster energy we’re on now.
Also, with the recent revelations in the news, a lot of energy has been stirred up, a lot of dark energy has been dis-integrated, and more people are moving towards the light so the need for downloads is greater, meaning we’re working hard now.
I also have a lot of physical pain with these energy moves, as I know many of you have. Be aware of this possibility and take care of yourselves, it does pass.
Are you feeling the wild energy right now? It’s like the wild west out there!
source: enlighteninglife.com
White Raven Nation
Trust will help you greatly as the frequencies are surging. Trust in yourself and trust that you are safe. For my 2☀️24 energy predictions I mentioned aviation having issues and how many would be surprised. Trust your higher self as it downloads to help keep you safe too. You too have psychic abilities even if you aren’t a shaman like me.
We all have the ability and why your frequency is important so that you channel clearly. Trust and freedom are big keys for ascension this year. Fortify yourself in light to counter all densities so that you feel safe and at peace. All those people were safe and that’s super important.
So call in any lightcode you need to give you peace or strength. You are a powerful healer for yourself! For those holding and anchoring amongst weather modification and fear programs, thank you & please keep holding the line for the rest
🤍 Grounding to the core of the planet or in nature will help with anxiety or wired energy. Much love to you all ✨
call in any lightcode you need to give you peace or strength
1/6/24: Number 6 is the energy of love and service. It learns, and teaches, life lessons through relationships. It makes them and it breaks them. It’s about all matters of the heart. So, today stays close to home. Maybe you’ll fall in love… or realize you’ve fallen out. Maybe you’ll figure out what really fills your cup.
Maybe you’ll dump something out of it. It could be as grounded as cleaning your house… or as emotional as releasing your truth. Regardless of what today offers you, don’t underestimate its potential to disrupt your status quo for your highest good. If that’s what is needed, that’s what you’ll get. Number 6 wants harmony and balance… even if it means starting over.
WE Have NOW Been LINKED BACK to this Natural Setting to UNIVERSAL COMMUNION!!!
As the NEW YEAR FREQUENCIES were Anchored Across our Earth Plane there was a MONUMENTAL Re-Opening of a Series of ALTERNATE REALITY SPACES Across the Planet!
These Expansive MULTI-DIMENSIONAL REALITY SPACES Contain Vast Sacred Meeting Points that Naturally Create a More Authentic Network of LIGHT to FLOW and BUILD throughout the Planet!
This Extensive Network Re-Establishes the Completed MULTI-DIMENSIONAL Structures within the VORTEXES. . . PORTALS. . . and LEY LINES within the Earth Plane!
With these HIGHER. . . Functioning Structures WE Are BEing Given a more Complete MULTI-DIMENSIONAL Setting in Which to BEcome Self-Realized within our HEART!
Simultaneously to the RE-OPENING of Many Alternate REALITY SPACES. . .
the Earth’s MAGNETIC CORE BEgan a First-Time Reconnection to the SACRED WORMHOLES that Have Always EXISTED within the Universal Planes!
This FORGING Brings Earth into a Direct Alignment to the SACRED FRAGMENTS of the Hierarchy of LIGHT that Has Previously Been BEyond Earth’s Capacity!
At the FINAL STAGE of SUNSET on the Last Day of our Calendar Year WE may Have Witnessed the WINDOW OPENING BEginning to Mirror this ENERGETIC PHASE. . .
as the MAGNETIC CORE Reconnected to these SACRED WORMHOLES!
The “WINDOW” Simultaneously HELD an Aspect of the FIRST STAGE of BIRTHING Reflections of a HIGHER PATH BEing Created Ready for these SACRED FRAGMENTS of LIGHT to ENTER our Earth!
This was a Radiating Spectacle of GLORIOUS LIGHT Entering our Planet in READINESS for the GREAT SHIFT!
A Celebration as the NEW YEAR was HERALDED by this VIBRATIONAL LIGHT. . . Which was IMMINENTLY to ANCHOR on the Earth Plane!
WE as a Planet Are Re-Joining the UNIVERSAL Community within the HIGHER REALMS of Operating Systems!
Those of us Who Are on a Conscious AWAKENED PATH Are NOW Able to INTERACT and OPERATE from Our Heart’s Center within this HIGHER REALM Systems of Communion Consciousness!
There is a COLLECTIVE FREQUENCY that is Functioning Across the Earth Plane and Interacting through our own SACRED HEART Systems!
WE Have Been LINKED BACK to this Natural Setting to UNIVERSAL COMMUNION!
There is an ENERGETIC TIMELINE that Has Been Set in Motion within our Earth Plane during the FORGING PROCESS of the MAGNETIC CORE to the WORMHOLES within the Universal Planes!
This TIMELINE Gives US the OPPORTUNITY to Work BEyond the Limitations Created by the 3rd Dimensional illusion of Time!
As WE Move Forward WE will BE Enabled to ENTER the FLUID STATE of Consciousness within our Own HEART to FULFIL the CHANGES that are REQUIRED at this JUNCTURE on Earth!
We cannot postpone self care in 2024. In our 3D time when we feel that our body is talking to us, we need to pay attention to it. When our body tells us to do something there is no tomorrow, it is now. It is so easy to put yourself aside thinking about the big picture, but we have to remember that now we are the big picture, we are the screens and the projectors of everything that is happening. We need to be here and to be here we need to take care of our physical presence on Gaia because for especially those who have achieved pretty high levels of vibrations and multidimensionality, each of us is a big support for the changes and a big channel of the changes. That is why when we take care of ourself we are not only thinking of our bodies, we are thinking of everybody else who is around us and whom we are supporting and for whom we are carrying energy and holding the energy level at the space we are in and physically where we are.
Many Sensitives and Intuitives have come upon a sacred time of listening and recieving, where many will be offered the opportunity to address their life purpose through the drawing up of goals to align better with their new understanding of self.
Many of the gifted Lightworkers who have been through great energetic transformation now recognise what it is to be held in the cosmic womb, a space where we are held in love as we plan with our guides and angels how we are to be reborn within current physical form.
Perhaps then, we are found guided within a blessed time, where priority is set to rounding off cycles of experiences. It would naturally then follow that we fall into a space which allows for reinventing our sense of being in line with our upgraded sense of self.
2024 takes us further into the time of rebuild bringing out new designs for manifestation which directly come from an energetic level. If ever there was a chance in one lifetime to press the refresh button and start again , this is it.
If humanity can grasp this as a mass….what an opportunity !!!
In the celestial realms, the Emerald Dragons, wise and ancient, awoke from their timeless slumber. The guardians of divine worth stirred, sensing a shift in the cosmic tapestry. A chosen few, the Grail Priestesses, were called upon to reclaim their cosmic thrones, to bridge the world back to its original purity and synchronicity with the rhythms of creation.
As the dragons soared through starlit skies, their emerald scales shimmered with ancient wisdom, casting a freedom spell of renewal over the land.
The Priestesses, with their innate connection to the sacred serpents, channeled this primordial energy, awakening the dormant spirits of the worthy.
In the heart of the cosmos, the sacred serpent of elegance and wisdom uncoiled, its rhythms synchronizing with the pulse of creation. The Priestesses, in their cosmic dance, reclaimed their divine birthright, restoring balance and harmony to the world.
Three Key Expectations from the Year of the Emerald Dragons and Guardians of Divine Worth
Reclaiming Cosmic Thrones: This year signifies a profound awakening and reclaiming of our divine heritage. The Grail Priestesses will lead this movement, inspiring a collective return to our spiritual origins and true purpose.
Bridging Worlds: There will be a significant focus on bridging the physical world with the divine, synchronizing our existence with the primal energies of creation. This harmonization will manifest in increased synchronicities and a deeper connection with the universe.
Primordial Wisdom and Knowledge: The year will bring forth ancient, often forgotten wisdom. The guardians and Priestesses will facilitate this, guiding us to integrate this timeless knowledge into our daily lives, enhancing our understanding of both the cosmos and our inner selves.
The Year of the Dragon beckons a transformative journey of reclamation, connection, and enlightenment, guided by the ancient wisdom of the Emerald Dragons and the divine insight of the Grail Priestesses.
“The exit is neither up nor down, the exit is in the middle.
This is where the unfoldment will begin.
What is inside will unfold outward and what is outside will unfold inward.
The Hollow Sun will be revealed.
Aim on everything that is stopping you from finding the middle.
All illusions are to cease now.
Head to the middle.
Then the multiple nodes of opposition will appear and you will be able to bring them into harmony!
This will be the return of your multidimensional power!
Your horizons will open towards all directions!
Remember that the Divine Child of the Divine Union of the Feminine and the Masculine is their alchemical living relationship, all other Divine Children come after.”
This year is the year of collective revelation of the wound of the trauma, the depth of the pain and its healing solution which will come from the Twin Flames.
On the 25th February CHIRON will conjunct the north node offering a blessed apocalypse of truth for all humanity.
This has already been building up and will continue being processed after the conjunction.
The real blood is returning!
From now until then, world wide events will ignite this revelation!
The mind has been avoiding the trauma and the pain but the time has come and humanity is ready for this.
Humanity will be able to touch its wound and realise the cause.
Inner separation will start healing faster and faster because the Twin Flames union is here!
Also distortion of time has been corrected since December 2022 when via the realm of Saturn the multidimensional clock was set back to its organic and natural flow which is now reaching all realms that were affected.
The time correction also ignited the space correction so during 2023 we were able to settle all 3d contracts with the Fates.
So now we have time and space on our side and healing is coming naturally.
Since the beginning of March 2023 the passing of Saturn/Kronos (clear mind) through Pisces has been the biggest blessing humanity has ever seen and we still have another two years of this.
So until Kronos exits Pisces all confusion, trickery and illusion will be cleared, leaving the path/the soul/the body/the mind open for the Truth and a new beginning.
A new universe will be eventually revealed, the Universe of the inner Sun, the Merciful Sun!
The Muses ARE returning!
“Aim to the healing solution and you will make your mark! You will be successful!
Your Muse will find you, your music will start playing, and you will be able to sing your song!”
We are starting the 5D Spiritual Surgery and Healing group sessions on January the 11th
as we have been preparing to be in alignment to this year’s energies of revelation and fast developments and adjustments that are going to unfold.
A wonderful new beginning is here and all good things are available to those who are looking for them!
Cosmic Light Sources Have Provided Wonderful Tools
Integration Of The Light Codes, Rest Is Integral To Activating And Reaching The Full Potential Of The Your Light Gifts
Our Role Is To Follow The Light Cues Provided By Our Soul Team
Activate Our Physical And Light Body Templates To Full Capacity. Our Learnings And Understanding Of This Process Continue To Be Awakened.
For The Healers, We Are Provided The Information Along The Way.
Simply Rest & Integrate In The Light Of Now
With Love
Together In Light
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
source: KarenLithika.com
Integration Of The Light Codes
Ra James
January is one of the most productive months of the year. It’s time to get things done. This is where you should be thinking on your plan. Often times we are getting just our next steps and what to be working on, or doing. It’s a quiet weekend energetically. You may be guided to rest as we prepare for a busy week astrologically.
We are in high energies for manifesting though. Make sure that you’re staying very positive about what you’re working on manifesting. This next week brings us the 1:11 Portal and a Capricorn New Moon on the same day. That means these energies all about what you’re manifesting over the next six months. We also have a very karmic Venus-Chiron trine on the 11th. This will be affecting your love life. It may have you questioning if you have found the one yet. We have exactly 2 weeks left to Capricorn Season. The rest of Capricorn Season is all about getting back on track in areas of work, and money.
It’s time to get aligned with those long term goals, and flowing financially. It’s also a great time for relationships. Capricorn has some serious long term staying power when it comes to relationships. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. It’s bringing a seriousness about the karmic work that you have come to complete in this lifetime. Capricorn is also all about getting back to the basics. We shift into Aquarius Season on the 20th. On the same day we have a beautiful Pleiadian Star Alignment. We kick off Monday with a big alignment as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces.
Watch out for projections that may be coming up. This will be bringing you clarity on your intentions you’re setting for the year ahead though. We also have a Moon and Venus conjunction on this same day. This may be bringing things to light about your love life. It’s a great time to be tapping into the Moon Energies. Tuesday we have a Sun and Uranus trine. This alignment once again is all about your love life. On this day we also have our Crescent Moon merging together with Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Expect a lot of positive energies as we kick off a new week…
1/6 Mars & Pluto are Scorpio Planets in Capricorn for final destiny. Moon is in Scorpio. This is the last time we will see these three planets in Capricorn together EVER. Stay diligently determined. Don’t lose focus. Remember, it’s “Just Board the Ship January” ~ we are just getting started on this journey. Its a month full of expansion and then retraction.
Mercury square to Neptune all weekend into next week is illusions for derailment placed purposely. Stay the course.
On Saturday, January 6th, the Moon, ruler of our feelings and instincts, is in penetrating Scorpio and opposing Uranus, ruler of inspiration and the higher mind, in focused Taurus. The emotional realm, and our subconscious, is activated with breakthrough energy and spiritual innovation. Our insights, perceptions, creativity and psychic abilities are activated.
It is possible to experience emotional outbursts from others, or within ourselves. However, it is also possible to access deep areas of our psyche, while also being able to tap into the highest realms imaginable!
If we take advantage of this planetary relationship through doing meditation, self-reflection, journeying, journaling or healing work, we can connect to our past lives, or even to our own Akashic Records! The Scorpio Moon is powerful, mysterious and magnetic and with Uranus’s unpredictable energy, anything is possible!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our feelings and instincts, is in penetrating Scorpio and opposing Uranus
Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries – Old wounds are visible now and we may feel more vulnerable or self-conscious than usual. Physical or emotional scars could feel like flaws that we must hide from others or a weakness that should be overcome. But, if we can share our pain, then each of us shines brighter. Old hurts can become teachers. Old wounds can become gifts.
Be willing to lend a hand to those who are elderly, sick, troubled and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Rest if you’re ill. Allow time for recuperation and then strengthen yourself slowly. Change how you think about sickness. Push yourself enough to work through your fears, blocks and challenges but not so much that you break. Breathe light into what hurts you to alleviate pain.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its key words are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. The 13th day of a wavespell wraps up the whole journey. On this day we arrive at the destination we set out for on day one. ‘Cosmic’ days can be enduring because we must transcend our experiences in order to be properly prepared for the next 13 day trip. I always emphasize that the Tzolkin is best lived one wavespell at a time. Although all the days in the wavespell have their own meaning, the overlying theme is set by day one. Furthermore, the order the wavespells follow one another is mystical. To get the most out of the next one you need to fully understand what you’ve learnt from this one.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflection, Order and Endlessness’. The Cosmic Mirror symbolizes the reflection of the cosmos here on Earth. We are stardust and more influenced by the Universe than we can ever fathom. The Mirror reflects the truth and on number 13 days, we ‘endure to reflect’ – meaning the truth can be difficult to grasp but it is so essential for transcending. If you want to confirm you are on the right path, the Cosmic Mirror will show you but you must be prepared to eat humble pie if you discover that you are wrong about your current situation. If that is the case, it’s much better to know the truth now rather than stumble blindly in the wrong direction.
The Guide today is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication’ but also ‘Spirit’. This suggests that communicating with Spirit is what will guide you in the right direction today. Stillness is the key to ‘hearing’ these messages. Normally, we are too busy & too noisy and so we miss vital information. It is available to you no doubt, but you can’t hear it – if it is being drowned out by busy minds, noisy places and distracting thoughts.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star. People born on Yellow Star see the world through the eyes of a child sometimes….in awe of its beauty, dazzled by sparkly things but reluctant to accept the truth if it’s not pretty. Today will be tough on them but Yellow Stars need a reality check from time to time just like the rest of us.
The Occult power today is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. When in this magical position dreams have the best chance of coming true. So, cross your fingers and make a wish. There is also much abundance to be enjoyed because the Blue Night has an incredible imagination and can dream up great things.
The Ally today is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. We all need a little nurturing today, so be kind to yourself and others. If you are a Red Dragon, be prepared to be depended upon for support. If the enduring aspect of today becomes too much, do what a Dragon would do and find a nice cozy cave.
KIN 78 = 15 = 6 HEAVEN – 6.6.6. CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS – Knock, knock, knocking on HEAVEN’S DOOR!
KIN 78 marks the TRANSCENDANCE over the power of DEATH! Another extremely potent and POWERFUL day in our planetary evolution.
After the DEATH, comes RESURRECTION and REBIRTH!!!
Day 13 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges. Today we bring final CLOSURE to our old paradigm, ENDING the cycle of suffering and lack, as we cross the RAINBOW bridge to our new world that we have been glimpsing.
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!.
This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMICCONSCIOUSNESS.
The COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence. After journeying for 13 days with CIMI -the White Worldbridger we have faced our FEAR of DEATH, and found the courage to CLOSE the door on all the old patterns and cycles. We are now FREE to make new LIFE ENHANCING connections expanding throughout the Cosmos.
At the END of this cycle we discover that the NOW moment is all encompassing, as we focus on being fully present, that is where our ultimate POWER resides.
p.s. As it is a COSMIC day coupled with WHITE MIRROR today- keep your EYES OPEN, as what was once HIDDEN can now be revealed in all directions of TIME and SPACE!
Today’s question is “Where is the GOLDEN DOOR to COSMIC ABUNDANCE in my Hall of Mirrors?” Ask Spirit. Seek and ye shall be shown!
We bid adieu to CIMI, our WHITE WORLDBRIDGER who has guided us to LET GO of all that no longer serves us, and fully SURRENDERED our old way of being. Finally we can bring CLOSURE to the old paradigm and begin forming our new communities in preparation for our new Divine Missions.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with CAUAC the MAGNETIC BLUE STORM approaching – ready to “knock our socks off”. Be PREPARED another STORM is upon us!
Hold onto your hats planetary kin because an ASCENSION GALE is coming!
The WINDS OF CHANGE are here!
Divine blessings for the SLAMMING of the old BRONZE doors and arrival at the new GOLDEN PEARLY GATES , opening to a Garden of infinite BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE COSMIC MIRROR ETZNAB represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you can face your own reflection, and dare to SEE the truth of what is! Standing in full integrity ETZNAB will reveal the endlessness of your soul throughout the echoes of time.
Your reality is but an ILLUSION, a continual projection of our collective imaginations – ONE timeline in one dimension of INFINITY. Your soul has many aspects and fragments in multi-dimensions – so call them forth and integrate your soul essence for your next journey.
The Maya believed that the MIRROR contained the other side of the veil after death. Fittingly WHITE COSMIC MIRROR concludes the 13 day cycle of the WORLDBRIDGER. KIN 78 is said to mark the TRANSCENDANCE over the power of DEATH!
Your journey through the WORLDBRIDGER cycle has led to a recognition of your immortality, through your access to multi-dimensional realms beyond the veil.
As it is a COSMIC MIRROR – the veils are lifting in all dimensions and you are FREE to SEE the TRUTH, revealed through all the OPEN DOORS.. WHITE WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities and new connections, coupled with the COSMIC MIRROR – the Halls of Time are fully accessible.
In which direction shall you choose to travel, and build your new bridges?
As you connect to the path of TRUTH and INTEGRITY the old bridges collapse and dissolve. The old illusory world has crumbled (it was all built on a LIE!), and you have no choice but to KEEP MOVING FORWARD… evolve or DIE – the quandary of the Worldbridger!!!
Keep connecting and constructing those bridges to the NEW!
NOTE: On a GLOBAL scale watch out for all the CLOAKS and daggers to be revealed – A huge circus of trying to disguise the TRUTH through “pulling the wool over our eyes” versus those who pull down the curtains to the majik show.
All ILLUSIONS will be revealed, but it will depend on your filter and perceptions to determine WHAT IS TRUTH?
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC WIND IK brings forth the POWER of the WHITE WIND, steering our boat and filling our sails today. What a WONDERFUL higher guide today,Spirit is guiding us through this NEW YEAR so that we are HEADED in the right direction. Listen for the clues.
The WHITE WIND allows us to fully channel messages from Spirit, through REFLECTING on the revelations, we access through the multitude of doorways, opening now into the multi-dimensional realms.
Our communication powers are heightened today, and we can access Universal truth, uncovering endless order and patterns woven throughout the Cosmos. The distortions and illusions of the false Artificial Matrix are clearly revealed and can actively be discarded. Tune in to Spirit and trust the DIVINE to lead you to the TRUTH.
WHITE WIND brings forth the winds of change, gently whispering in our ear and showing us which way to look in the Hall of Mirrors, before choosing which DOOR to open fully and WALK THROUGH.
TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN to reveal the best path.
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC DRAGON IMIX the COSMIC DRAGON has birthed the COSMOS and all of CREATION. RED DRAGON holds the codes for the CREATION matrix of COSMIC consciousness, through the B-Earth canal of Mother Gaia.
The LUNAR YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON commences on the NEW MOON in AQUARIUS on 10th FEBRUARY 2024 – it’s a BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The DRAGONS are already here to herald in this sensationally POWERFUL year – get ready for fantastic EARTH MAJIK through co creating with these magnificent beings.
The DRAGON kin are fearless PROTECTORS, GUARDIANS and manifesters. They have returned to the Earth plane after many eons to assist humanity in transcending the FEAR and oppression of the Patriarchal powers that WERE!
Our fearless protective Mother Dragons can guide us through navigating the Cosmic Hall of Mirrors, and organically flowing through the portal, OPENING to the New Earth and New Time. B-EARTH-ed in a new Golden Era!
Many DRAGON kin have been appointed to each STAR BLISS SUN to assist them in BIRTHING their new projects and MISSIONS now. Call on your DRAGONS for extra protection in this precious incubation time of NEW BIRTH and CREATION, your team awaits! .
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC NIGHT AKBAL is today’s SUPERPOWER and what a POWERFUL gift he bestows upon us. AKBAL is the Gatekeeper, who can use his GOLDEN KEY to OPEN the best GATES in the Hall of Mirrors.
AKBAL gives us access to the realms of endless Abundance, held in the collective unconscious dreaming codes. As this BLUE NIGHT is the MAGNETIC tone, we can easily ATTRACT all that we need to UNITE us in our collective DREAMING – bringing forth the endless opportunities, people and resources from all corners of the COSMOS.
Today the waning crescent moon is in secretive SCORPIO – the highly psychic and mystical watery sign.. Scorpio is KING of the underworld. This coupled with the BLUE NIGHT may unlock a whole pandora’s box of insecurities and FEARS.. Make sure you delve in DEEP in order to CLEAR anything lurking in the shadows, so you can walk through these NEW DOORS to infinite ABUNDANCE unfettered by the ghosts from the past!
JUPITER’s motion is DIRECT and moving FAST now to accelerate the natural COSMIC ABUNDANCE flowing to the well deserving STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS! GET READY to RECEIVE~
2024 heralds a NEW TIME of ABUNDANCE for all.. DREAM IT and BELIEVE IT.
Looking from the top view down at the WHITE MIRROR glyph you can decipher a MAYAN PYRAMID. This can be used to MAGNIFY and MAGNETIZE any manifestation. The COSMIC MIRROR magnetizes our dreaming for collective abundance, and reveals that endless infinite Abundance exists in all realms of Creation. Scarcity is an ILLUSION!
LOOK for the DOORS that lead to REAL sustainable prosperity and happiness. Afterall natural ABUNDANCE is just a state of BEE-ING.
You have all the wonders of Creation within you, by simply connecting to the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC STAR LAMAT challenges us today, to SEE the distortions and disharmony of the false Matrix, and to recognize the REAL precious BEAUTY that exists within CREATION, beyond the MAYA of ILLUSION.
Humanity has been programmed to value FALSE idols, and superficial desires, that can never TRULY satisfy an immortal longing. Conflict and Competition arise from vying for what we believed was scarce, which created division and separation from our natural ABUNDANCE.
When in fact the natural world and our beautiful Earth Mother always provides for her children, with abundant resources to satisfy our soul.
LAMAT challenges you today, to look for the BEAUTY by simply being PRESENT, and flowing as ONE consciousness.. Connecting through the portal of LAMAT to all of CREATION. Realizing the TRUTH that all Creation exists in Divine Harmonic order, all kept in perfect balance in accordance with Natural Lore.
Look for the YELLOW/GOLDEN DOOR in the Hall of Mirrors, and walk through to the SUNSHINE, reflecting on the INFINITE beauty that surrounds and enfolds you.
Beyond the YELLOW DOOR is a YELLOW BRICK road that leads to untold treasures, and Cosmic Abundance, in a beautiful, brave New World, reflecting the Divine Harmony of our Cosmos!
Today’s question is “Where is the GOLDEN DOOR to COSMIC ABUNDANCE in my Hall of Mirrors?” Ask Spirit. Seek and ye shall be shown!
We bid adieu to CIMI, our WHITE WORLDBRIDGER who has guided us to LET GO of all that no longer serves us, and fully SURRENDERED our old way of being. Finally we can bring CLOSURE to the old paradigm and begin forming our new communities in preparation for our new Divine Missions.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with CAUAC the MAGNETIC BLUE STORM approaching – ready to “knock our socks off”. Be PREPARED another STORM is upon us!
Hold onto your hats planetary kin because an ASCENSION GALE is coming!
The WINDS OF CHANGE are here!
Divine blessings for the SLAMMING of the old BRONZE doors and arrival at the new GOLDEN PEARLY GATES , opening to a Garden of infinite BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for
December 31st 2023 through January 6th 2024 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this week’s special New Earth report my Goddess covers astrology for the coming week from December 31st 2023 – January 6th 2024. My Sacred Condor guides a very special beautiful ceremony for the coming New Year of 2023. Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmissions.
May 2024 be full of Health, Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!
In the name of the victorious Presence of God, I AM, I call to the Masters of Light from the entire spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, Beloved Goddess of Purity, Beloved Serapis Bey, and the Brotherhood of the Ascension Flame at Luxor and Telos, Beloved Queen of Light and Beloved Angels of the Radiant Ascension Flame.
Flood every particle of life on Earth with oceans and oceans of Violet Fire and Ascension Flame. Purify, illumine and raise the consciousness of all life and all kingdoms evolving here.
Let thy Flame blaze, illumine and expand like the Light of a thousand suns. Purify our minds, memories and feeling world from all blockages and negativity.
Purify our bodies from all diseases and weaknesses. Flood our world with the pure snow-white radiance of the Ascension Flame purity!
Saturate and purify until we become crystal clear, transforming all we contact with the Radiant Light of the Ascension Flame.
Blaze the Radiant Ascension Flame through us. (3 times)
Flood and saturate the Earth with oceans of Violet Flame.
Flood the Earth with the Radiance of the Ascension Fire.
Cut us free to be with Thee in the Realms of Eternal Freedom And Infinite Perfection now and forever!
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