Mother God says the Great Shift has Started
Linda LI
The great shift has begun dear ones. It is in a slow motion. The motion is slow and steady. Gaia is very pleased with the process and so is Mother Earth. Your Father and I have been uplifting the planet in this endeavor. The process could take somewhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. And the planet will feel the impact in a couple of days.
Meanwhile, the Divine has all the steps ready. We have quite some distance to travel. In the process, your Father may decide where we can take a break or two. Gaia is with us. She knows the importance of this great shift and she wants to make sure that everything goes well. Gaia has the map. She knows the steps. In order for the planet to have a smooth journey upwards, your Father and I have designed a map which is very suitable for the planet. We want the journey to be uneventful so that the planet and humanity will have peace and calm.
That being said, realistically speaking, we also anticipate some upheavals along the way simply because it is an upward movement for the planet. In order for the planet to achieve the higher vibration, things have to change. The low vibration will drop. That is just the norm.
In order for the journey to be safe, we have designed a great team of light workers who are accompanying us in the process. These light workers are the old souls who have been to the planet long enough to know how to travel back and forth. Their task is to make sure Gaia and Mother Earth have all the necessary support when there is a need. They are going to be involved in the whole operation till Mother Earth is successfully anchored in the higher realm, the new home.
I love you dear ones. I am your Mother God. Stay in the heart and be the peace my angels. In the next few days, you will see things happening and know that is because of this great shift. Let whatever happens happen dear ones. Be the peace for Gaia and humanity. Know this process is unprecedented. It is a history making event. And be proud that you are part of it. Be proud of yourself dear heart. Know the end has come. The new era is here. Go celebrate dear angels. Celebrate the entire journey and celebrate the process. Celebrate your love for the planet and human race. And celebrate your God self. You are loved, indeed. I am your Divine Mother God. Go in peace dear ones. So it is.
Fetterings of the Shadow Elements are cleared

Fortunes of the fearless are restored.
Spartans of Light forge the way.
Heart springs burst forth.
Elizabeth Peru
You may have noticed that since 11:11 and Mercury’s transit of the Sun, that you’ve taken a massive out breath. You’ve released some old angst. HUGE cosmic events help us to do this. So, this week you may be wondering, what’s next?
The Tip-Off connects you to your power everyday. Join us.
If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.
Pars Kutay
Sometimes we are consciously aware of this, such as during our Meditations or during various experiences that we may have had.
But we are experiencing these Codes, these “downloads”–many of us have been using that terminology for some time “downloads” of DNA Codes.
And they have been coming in, and are continuing to come in to ones that are aware of it, and ones that are not aware of it. And it is all about increasing the Collective Consciousness of all of Mankind.
Not only those of us, the Lightworker Community, but All of Mankind.
Now, of course, Not all will experience this, or are even ready to want to experience this. They are still Asleep.
And they are the ones that have chosen, you might say, to Not be a part of the Ascension process directly, Not at this time, anyway. This is what the Codes are about, largely, here.
And there is some information we cannot get at this time about this, because it is a continuing process within this Ascension process.
So we will receive more and more of this, just as those that have come to be able to work within the Light Language, even not knowing what that Language is or what it is expressing, have come into the forefront more and more, here, NOW.
It is the same within the Music / Sound that comes in. Not our music that tends to be of lower vibration—we do not speak of that music.
But we do speak of Higher Vibrational Music / Sound.
When we hear this Music, we feel a Heightened expression of Consciousness, or we feel a sense of Peace or Tranquility come over us.
Or we just simply feel Good by hearing this Music… It resonates within us, and that is what this is all about.
LOVE in Unity and Infinite Blessings,
Pars Kutay
~ 💜💥🌀💜 ~
Photo: Incoming Divine Source Energy Wave of Photonic-Plasma Light / Sound Codes… captured by Robin Redford
If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.
The Tzolkin Times
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its key words are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize.’ This sociable energy reminds us that working in a team can yield results and more importantly; we are all in this together. Cooperate with one another today instead of continuing the struggle on your own.
The Guide today is Red Dragon which happens to be the Ally of the White Mirror wavespell as well. This influence is very nurturing – demonstrating that ‘going with the flow’ can be very therapeutic.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm and its key words are ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation.’ If you attempt to make any big changes today you’ll end up banging your head against the wall. Surrender to the universe, it’s your only choice. Struggling on your own won’t help either and so joining a group meditation or some other relaxing social event is your best bet.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human which means our intuitions well be very strong today. Getting together with other humans will prove beneficial too! The Moon influences us and the Yellow Human is a channel, a vessel – their energies are complementary. ‘Going with the flow’ helps the channeling too, so listen to your gut feelings.
The Ally is the White Dog. When not chasing his tail, he loves to relax and he is naturally sociable. Today will be good for Dogs and they also make great companions and so if you get a chance, take one for a walk.
Christina Papageorgiou
18 NOVEMBER, 2019
Universalizing flow
I seal the process of Universal Water
With the Crystal tone of cooperation
I AM guided by the power of BIRTH
18/11/2019 = 9/11/3 = 23=5
18 – Storm Warning!/Challenges
9 – Destiny/Compassion/Endings/Humanity/Grace
5 – Freedom/Change/Transformation
KIN 129 = 12 = 3
TODAY we have a DOUBLE 3 code – 3+3=6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
Day 12 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Our second last day in this current cycle of discovering our TRUE ESSENCE before we embark on the Monkey REGENESIS OF CELEBRATING our reclaimed INNOCENCE! Today is a day for COMMON-UNITY. Where we connect with others👬👫👭 through a shared TRUTH using our PURE MINDS to birth a better World for all. 🌈🌏🐬
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation.The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing our CORE FEARS and emotional blocks to claiming our FREEDOM and liberating our BEAUTY. We DISSOLVED all blocks to discordant relationships so that we can now UNITE harmonically. At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate,👭 or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. So focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of co-operation with others. Thus we create telepathic links in our communication grids ❄allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow. A day of greater CONNECT-I ON to each other and Mother Gaia! 👭🌏👬
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED MOON 🌝– MULUC Represents the GODDESS 👸 energies. MULUC heightens our intuition and sensitivity today enabling our MINDS to create the connections needed to bring in more flow.. MULUC focuses on purification and gently releasing old energies. As it is a MENTAL plane day MULUC assists in purifying our minds, by clearing away any false programming reflected by the MIRROR. Purifying our thoughts, beliefs and programs and those of our Collective, in order to attain CRYSTAL CLEAR, PURE MIND. Decluttering our Mind of troublesome thoughts, anxiety and worries FREES our MIND to be creative and co-create with other like MINDED souls. Open to the flow of Universal Waters 🌫to access PURE MIND and pure consciousness. 🌫The energies are pushing us to “go with the flow” becoming softer and more fluid,💧 allowing these powerful DIVINE PORTAL energies to flow through our vessels. Purify and release, allowing the GODDESS to enter your being and connect you to your feminine gifts.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED DRAGON 🐉 – IMIX represents Mother Goddess 👸who births all of Creation. IMIX is a deeply feminine energy, coupled with RED MOON we have the two sisters powerfully leading the energies today.. A beautiful day for the Divine Feminine to ARISE in our Collective Minds. 🐉 IMIX is the nurturer, Nurturing the New Consciousness that is based on more PURE realities. Today we REFLECT on all that is revealed in our daily lives through the MIRROR, 🔎 we thus can clearly see what no longer fits in our new story. Birthing greater response-ability within ourselves and choosing to co-create in a new and caring manner, nurturing our fluid and pure common union with ourselves and others. Going with the flow of the most pure intelligence, agenda-free community, birthing more sensitive and compassionate tribes 👭👫👬so that we can collectively B-EARTH a better world.🌎 🌈
SUPPORT: WHITE DOG 🐕– OC our beautiful loyal companion surrounds us with a blanket of unconditional love and devotion today. OC reminds us to see and feel everything with our HEARTS, and through the eyes of LOVE, purifying our thoughts to only hold LOVING 💕 thoughts for the good of all. WHITE DOG represents the COMPASSIONATE 💞 MIND, which is what Ascended Masters reflect to their followers. This is the spiritual devotion which forms the glue between hearts and minds. Seeing through the eyes of others, allows for pure communication from the heart,💓 with no agenda other than the willingness and desire to connect with others in order to cocreate through Divine MIND. Fostering a PURE, compassionate MIND enables us to love ourselves, our planet, and her Universal pure waters connecting us to the MIND of GOD through our own precious HEARTS..💓💓
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW HUMAN👴 – EB represents learning through past experience, and making WISER choices using our intelligence to choose a better world. Today we have the SUPERPOWER to cleanse our MINDS from the ancestral bloodlines, consciously choosing to REFUSE to propagate inherited and outmoded patterns in our thoughts. Choosing to THINK differently, uniquely and progressively, with a new focus of Service to GOD, Humanity and our Planet rather than pure survival and Service to self. Through purifying the archaic patriarchal system and its control mechanisms, we can reclaim our Collective POWER by listening to our Earth 🌏and her waters💧 and going with flow🌫 of our own PURE instinct. Overriding our own personal EGOIC mindset, and elevating our Collective MIND so that we can manifest the Collective dream of Abundance in the New time.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE STORM 🌀 – CAUAC is today’s GIFT, working synergistically with MULUC to cleanse, PURIFY and transform your MIND and the GLOBAL MIND. As catalysts to transform the old and co-create the expansion of the ever-expanding Harmonic Matrix of the Divine and elegant design of consciousness. This new RESET of our minds, co-operatively REALIGNS and RECALIBRATES our MINDS and our energies in COMMON-UNITY👬👫👭 In turn this PEOPLE POWER is set to revolutionize our world. CAUAC is moving us further and further up the evolutionary ladder. Allow the STORM to carry you forth to new shores beyond the horizon ☔🌀
TODAY is a brilliant day to do ritual, healing, GRID WORK🌐 and water cleansing 💧ceremonies of any kind, honouring Pachamama.🌏 Blessing of the waters and assisting in purification of our oceans, lakes and waterways which are the lifeblood of Mother Gaia and Hu-man-ity. VISUALIZE Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Grid flowing FREELY with great clarity connecting all LIKE MINDED KIN.
Please visualize these Universal Waters flowing into the Fire ravaged territories of Australia, dowsing the inferno and transforming it into a watery vortex of purifing energy nurturing all those traumatized souls (human and animal) with the healing power of the Goddess.
Divine Gratitude 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
Let’s join together today with all our PLANETARY KIN through our PURE MINDS to nurture this NEW CONSCIOUSNESS being birthed.🐬🌏💞
Today’s question is “How can WE PURIFY💧 our COLLECTIVE MIND 🌐in order to UNITE with others👭 to cocreate and B-EARTH a PRISTINE NEW EARTH?’ 🌏🌎🌍
Divine blessings for B-EARTHING our PURE COLLECTIVE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS today! OUR NEW WORLD is drawing nearer every day! ❤🌏🌈
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik

Today’s Kin 129 (Crystal Moon / 12 Moon) opens the Mystical Harmonic 33 of the Dreamspell Journey, which covers the four central kins of the Tzolkin from Kin 129 until Kin 132. The Harmonic 33 also marks the Tzolkin Heart between Kin 130 and Kin 131.
This Harmonic 33 is the first one of the current White Magnetic Wizard Year, and also the first of the 13-year Wizard Cycle. Therefore, it represents a great opportunity to mediate upon the profound spiritual significance of Master Number 33.
As it has been pointed out by Tortuga 13:20 communications:
In classic numerology, the enigmatic Number 33 is referred to as the “Master Teacher” and it is associated with the Spiritual Evolution of humankind. The other two Master numbers are 11, which is related to “Vision,” and 22 which refers to “Vision with Action”. In numerology, these 3 Master numbers are the only multi-digits numbers that don’t get reduced or simplified. They create what is known as the “Triangle of Enlightenment” where 11 and 22 sit at the base of the triangle, and 33 sits at the top (11+22 = 33).
For the Dreamspell Initiates, the Revelation of Number 33 constitutes a higher dimensional teaching. In the Dreamspell Tzolkin Count (DreamTime), Jose Valum Votan is decoded Kin 11, Lloydine Bolon Ik is decoded Kin 22, and their combined power is Kin 33 (Resonant Skywalker).
The Divine Synchronisation between the incarnations of the Dreamspell progenitors predestined them to embody the Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33 in the Dreamspell Count. In this way, Valum Votan and Bolon Ik represent the Archetypal Mother and Father of the multidimensional realm of Dreamspell, and also the Master Teachers behind the Spiritual Evolution of humankind through the 13:20 frequency of Natural Time.
* Learn more about the Power of 33:
– Master Kin 33
– OMG 33:33 – Original Matrix of Avebury…/original-matrix-of-gar-33-33/
18 November 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog:
KIN 129: Red Crystal Moon
I dedicate in order to purify
Universalizing flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of birth
Harmonic 33: Lunar Process
Formulate Free Will of Challenge
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 129. Mystic Column 7 of the Self-Existing Dragon.
– Wavespell of the White Mirror: Day 12.
– Crystal Chamber (Tone 12): Cooperation of Form.
– Blue Western Castle of Burning. Court of Magic.
– Galactic Season of the Sun: Yellow Fire. Power of Universal Fire.
• Kin Synthesis: 12 Moon
Solar Seal: Moon
– Action: Purify
– Essence: Flow
– Power: Universal Water
Galactic Tone 12 = Crystal
– Function: Cooperation
– Creative Power: Dedicate
– Action: Universalize
* Oracle
– Guide: 12 Dragon (Kin 181)
– Analog: 12 Dog (Kin 90)
– Antipode: 12 Storm (Kin 259)
– Occult: 2 Human (Kin 132)
* Root Race:
– Red Family of the Red Root Race.
– The Initiators. Keynote: Birth.
– Red Members: Dragon, Serpent, Moon, Skywalker, Earth
* Earth Family:
– Gateway Family: Open the Portals.
– Members: Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm, Yellow Seed.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Red Blood Clan.
– Position: Root. Action: Transmit.
* DreamTime:
Galactic Maya Dreamspell Tzolkin Count
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
Under Fair Use:
For educational and memorial purposes only, and not for profit.
* RealTime:
Ancestral Maya Sacred Tzolkin Count.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 5 Ak’bal (Night) = 5 Night, Kin 63
– Ak’bal = Celestial Serpent, Dawn, Darkness, Between Day and Night.
– Trecena of Kawak = Storm Wavespell
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin #DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell #MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #1320Matrix #1320Frequency #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #Telektonon #13Moons #ValumVotan #BolonIk #BookOfKin #Kin129 #CrystalMoon #12Moon #5Akbal
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In the Sanskrit language, the planet Jupiter which is now conjuncting the Galactic Center, is known as “GURU” which translates as “One who brings LIGHT from darkness”. The Sanskrit word for “Victory” is “JAI”. Thus, “JAI GURU” means “Victory to the one who brings LIGHT from darkness!” This makes an excellent greeting to everyone today who is of the Higher Consciousness to realize the power of cosmic currents of energy and their effect upon Earth and all of creation. Numerical codes featuring Master numbers ” 11″ , “22” , and “33” have been coming in for myself and my students for several years now. Other double and triple numbers such as “44” and “55” as well as “444” and ” 555″ were seen too. However, yesterday, Monday, 11/18/2019, the codes were coming in almost hourly on clocks, license plates, sales receipts, etc. In our modern era, this is the manner in which SOURCE gets out attention. The “God Particle” between the right and left hemispheres of our brains is being cleansed, purified, and illuminated. Thus, a profound upgrade is occurring. I have noticed that these codes can give us messages when analyzed from the perspective of Kabbalistic Science. For example, let us look at the number “10:10” . In Kabbalah, the number “10” is the letter ” YOD” and indicates that a “Divine messenger is in the midst”. This could be an angel or an ascended Master or an Avatar. Meditating and envisioning the letter (in this case, YOD looks like a comma) may give us a vision or even an audible message from the Higher realms. There are so many sacred paths from which we can glean great knowledge–ancient Mayan, ancient Kemetic (Egyptian), ancient Vedic, ancient Bon (Tibet), ancient Kabbalah, etc. A Divine influx of wisdom is being poured forth, and part of the downloading are the numerical codes.
Physical symptoms yesterday seem to have primarily been experienced as fatigue, headaches, heart palpitations, and sinus congestion. Cosmic rays are easily penetrating Earth’s geomagnetic field due to low solar wind streams, and thus, this causes some of the activations that are also called “symptoms of the shift”. Earth’s depleted shields are being repaired by SOURCE, and the planet is also being taken further thru the Photon Belt and higher into the cosmos where there is a faster vibration and brighter LIGHT. Spiritual healing (such as prayer, meditation, chanting mantras) and natural methodologies (such as Yoga stretches, walking in Nature, deep breathing techniques called “Pranayama” in Sanskrit, wearing blessed prayer beads called “Malas”, wearing essential oils, taking baths with sea salt and essential oils, eating organic meals, drinking lots of spring water, getting more rest, and other natural processes) will all assist in our being able to be comfortable during this transformation into crystalline energy. We are not turning into quartz crystals! The term “crystalline” refers to our becoming elevated in consciousness and thus clearer in mind power and more spiritually-oriented. However, many world scientists have indeed seen crystal-like substances surrounding human cells when viewed under a microscope. These are the natural magnetite substances within the cellular structure which are seemingly becoming brighter for those of Higher consciousness.
May everyone have a wonderful Jupiter experience as it comes to the Galactic Center. Peace and Love to All!
Sandy! I’m going to put my email up here. Contact me if you ever need some help or to have a chat. [email protected]
I won’t be on this site any more. I have too many questions which will never be answered here.