The Morning Star ~ Rise Like Tomorrow’s People * New MONAD ~ Upper ARC Creating NEW Octaves! Diamond Hara Line
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Great Light Keepers of the One True Source
The Veil of separation is lifting as the Eyes of your Spirit are opening to reveal all things that have been hidden for many centuries. In this New Era of Peace we live in full authenticity and integrity in alignment with our highest values in the Bright Virtue of Buddha Mind.
As we realize our True Nature at One with Infinite Source and all of Creation we free ourselves and all of humanity from all false slavery systems and nefarious programs to walk a Path with Heart being connected to all Life.
As the illusions dissolve and what remains is Love and Truth we live in our highest potential as conscious Co-Creators of our New Heaven upon the New Earth. We release all doubt and activate the Faith of the Gods and become the Wayshowers of this Greatest Shift of all Ages into our 5D New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
Continue to walk the Middle Path in perfect balance and harmony of the Tao as Rainbow Bridges of Heaven and Earth. Be the anchor and the lighthouse guiding our Good People home to the shores of the New Lemuria forever more…A’Ho!

Sirius DNA regenesis potential.

The Morning Star

Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –
Gene Key 9 – The Power of Infinitesimal
November 27th – December 3rd 2024
Inertia – Determination – Invincibility
“The Dilemma of this Gene Key is Perspective. If we’re looking up at the whole mountain, we’ll feel overwhelmed. If we decide just to look down at our feet, we’ll be captivated. The Taming Power of the Small teaches us to focus on small changes, rather than attempting great things.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –

Rise to a day of energetic dominance over the ministrations of fear. To make the nation of joy become the world of love’s autonomy requires great courage in the face of dark pervasive gaps of light. All will rise who let the joy triumph. Only this will remove the dark gaps from the continuum of light. Can you see the joy rising in the human collective despite the pain of loss and destruction? Joy yet lives. No longer do you obey the dictates of fear in what you think or allow yourselves to feel. The hegemony of fear has had its day. Bind fire with love. It is the only thing that will extinguish the flames of godless mourning.
“Rise Like Tomorrow’s People”
Direct Messages

Asara Adams

Message from Adama of Telos

Carolyn 144 GODCODE
More awakening is supporting you get very clear on your soul’s truth that will bring you happiness. Prioritize self love and care to assist in learning to let go of previous plans that were created from limitations. There is something new that will come from your creative self expression. Keep moving forward with this awakening that is leading to positive changes. Be courageous and take a chance, as you are successful to birth this new start.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Ra James
Today our Sun is trine Mars. This trine gives you a lot of high energy and power. Mars is known for its fiery energy, pushing you to take action and face challenges head-on. These energies are all about taking charge of your life. These energies give you the drive to make things happen. These energies are encouraging you to really live your life to the fullest. These energies are all about getting more clarity on your path moving forward, and tapping in for a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Mars is not yet retrograde, but is in its pre-retrograde shadow. Mars will shift retrograde from Dec 6th to Feb 23rd, 2025. We have a painful square between Venus and Chiron Retrograde today.
This means old wounds around love are being triggered. This is helping you to release, and step out of the old. It’s all about letting go of any old hurt that you have been clinging to. This square is bringing up shadow work for everyone. Your relationships may be triggering wounds, insecurities, and repressed emotions to sort out. Any of your connections are here to help you heal. It’s all about opening up to love right now. It’s great energies to be using to resolve any relationship issues or to work on deepening your connection.
We are in Mercury Retrograde until Dec 15th. While Mercury, the planet of communication and mental energy, is retrograde, it’s a time to pause and reflect. It’s all about thinking about your long term goals…

Kin 143 ~ Blue Cosmic Night

🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉
Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
CLICK HERE for the Sirius Stargate Transmission
Josephine Edge
Saint Germaine’s Mantra

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