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Medical Beds

Breaking News! 50,000 Medical Beds Have Been Distributed Across the US

Breaking News! 50,000 Medical Beds Have Been Distributed Across the US






Medical Beds
Medical Beds


Breaking News! 50,000 medical beds have been distributed across the US, underground clinics and centers are training technicians around the world to heal soldiers and rescued children!

Forget everything you’ve been told about the height of medical technology because the game has completely changed. With the emergence of high-dimensional medical technology,  specifically the Medbed,  we are on the cusp of a revolution that promises to redefine healing and longevity. This is a leap into what many believed to be the realm of the impossible.

At the center of this seismic shift are the  specialized Medbed centers in the United States,  serving as the epicenter for a global transformation. These centers are the harbinger of a new dawn, training legions of technicians in the art and science of Medbed technology. It is not a question of if, but when, these centers will proliferate around the world, adjusting their numbers based on the demographic and geographic needs of each nation.

The choice of locations for these Medbed facilities across the U.S.—ranging from underutilized medical clinics to underground bases—is a narrative straight out of a clandestine playbook. It speaks volumes about the strategic importance and game-changing capabilities of Medbed technology. With plans to deploy approximately  50,000 of these beds in the U.S. alone  , this isn’t just an upgrade to existing medical infrastructure; it’s the blueprint for a new world of healthcare.

The narrative deepens with the revelation of Medbed’s role in the aftermath of what has been described as a “full-scale battle with the DS”, employing space technology for healing purposes. The use of a lunar base to recover wounded soldiers and rescued individuals—predominantly children—paints a picture of a conflict and resolution that is almost mythical in its proportions.

Japan’s involvement in this narrative further underscores the global impact of Medbed technology. The strategic placement of these  devices within U.S. military  and Self-Defense Forces-related facilities suggests the strategic and perhaps geopolitical significance of this technology. The ambiguity surrounding the deployment and types of Medbeds available only adds to the intrigue and sense of urgency surrounding this technological leap.

At its core,  Medbed represents a radical departure from conventional medical treatments  . Its ability to restore genetic information to its original state, thereby eradicating disease and injury, is nothing short of revolutionary.

The ugly truth is that what we consider cutting-edge medical technology is actually antiquated. We are playing with stone tools while the cosmos wields lasers. The technologies about to be introduced post-NESARA are not new. Far from it. They have been used, not for decades, but for centuries, by civilizations that surpass ours not only in technology, but in their understanding of the human body and its potential for regeneration and healing.

The term “retro technology” may conjure up images of outdated gadgets and gizmos, but in this context it means something entirely different: tried-and-true technologies that are in use across the galaxy. These are technologies validated not by years of clinical trials, but by centuries of practical application. And they’re about to change everything.

The deployment of Medbeds,  which began in earnest in 2019, marks the first step in this medical revolution. Initially reserved for healing rescued children and treating soldiers bearing the scars of battles against dark forces beyond our comprehension, the scope of Medbed technology is now expanding. Countries that have aligned themselves with the principles of GESARA are beginning to receive these devices, albeit in limited numbers. But this is just the beginning.

The vision for the future is one of abundance and accessibility.  Medical and healing centers,  equipped with  Medbeds and other advanced technologies,  will become commonplace, offering their services to everyone, free of charge. This democratization of healing represents a radical departure from the profit-driven medical systems that have dominated our world, systems that have often placed financial gain above human well-being.

But the revolution doesn’t stop with public access to Medbeds. The ultimate goal is to bring these technologies into every home, transforming the way we live. This may seem like a distant dream, but it is a goal that is achievable — once humanity has evolved to a point where such power can be wielded wisely.

It is important to recognize, however, that the path to this future is not uniform. Different regions may adopt these technologies at different rates, tailored to their unique environments and needs. There is already a divergence in the availability and implementation of Medbed technology in countries such as Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan. This variation underscores the need for a tailored approach that respects and accommodates the diverse conditions and cultures across our planet.

Before the big reveal, there is an urgent need to prioritize those who are in dire need of this life-altering treatment. This selection process is not as simple as one might think. Instead of an open call for treatment applications, it is believed that quantum computers will be employed to sift through medical records and identify  candidates based on urgency and need  . Imagine the chaos and confusion that could arise from a premature public launch. It’s a scenario that benefits no one.

Once the initial phase of treating the most critical cases is complete, the doors will slowly open to the general public. Applications will be accepted and appointments scheduled, marking a new era in healthcare. But until then, the operation will remain secret, a necessary measure to ensure a smooth transition and integration of these innovative technologies into society.

Another layer of this intricate puzzle is the continuation of existing medical institutions until the implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI)  post-GESARA.  This is a pragmatic approach, recognizing the reality that not all stakeholders in current health systems are adversaries. Many are simply professionals caught in the crossfire of change, and their livelihoods must be considered. Thus, corporate medical facilities are expected to remain operational until UBI provides a safety net for all.

But what about the actual deployment of Medbeds in Japan? The strategy appears to be one of integration rather than replacement.  Existing hospital facilities,  particularly those at universities, are being seen as the initial homes for Medbed technology. This approach leverages the infrastructure and accessibility of current medical institutions while paving the way for the future of healing and healthcare.

However,  as we approach this new dawn,  caution is in order. The introduction of such a revolutionary technology is bound to attract opportunists looking to exploit the uninformed. Warnings have already been issued about the emergence of counterfeit technologies and schemes designed to capitalize on the uninformed. The golden rule? Remember, the real medical and healing technologies of this new era will be offered for free. Any deviation from this principle is a red flag signaling deception.

In conclusion, as we navigate the murky waters of this transition, it is essential to remain vigilant, informed, and patient. The journey toward a new dimension of medical care and healing is fraught with challenges, but the destination promises a world where health and wellness are accessible to all, free from the constraints and limitations of our current systems.

The way forward does not just involve technological advancement; it involves reshaping our social structures, ethics and priorities.







#XRP pumping… To the moon. $XRP is up 15.3% over the past 7 days and 9.13 % in the past 24 hour. keep it coming!! #XRPL #XRPLedger




Mr pool
The things written are not a “version of the future”…. It is the future! “Nobody can buy or sell without the new financial system, XLM and XRP” “People are going to loose all their assets ..” Digital currency is the way forward after the great reset… Now is to secure and

As the grand spectacle takes shape, a series of notable events will occur:

Source of translation excerpt  (no guarantee):

  • To neutralize satanic strongholds throughout the world,   God’s energy rods and weapons are used.
  • Planes and trains will be grounded   to disrupt the Cabal’s influence.
  • As the world switches to Tesla’s free energy,   lights and electricity will flicker briefly.
  • Bitcoin servers and data centers   will suffer a decisive blow that will lead to the collapse of 99.5% of cryptocurrencies, including China Coins.
  • ISO20022 currencies backed by precious metals   will emerge as a new financial paradigm.
  • A simulated World War III-like terror event   will send shockwaves through the population.
  • Nuclear sirens   will scream and send shivers down your spine.
  • A mysterious “water event”    will capture the world’s attention.
  • The stock market   will crash and reshape the global financial landscape.
  • Global martial law is   declared, ushering in an era of unprecedented control.
  • The mysterious “CASTLE ROCK scenario   around Julian Assange” is revealed.
  • Quantum systems   come to life.
  • NESARA/GESARA/RV will pave the way for a new era of prosperity.


  • Elections are   manipulated by military courts using the FISA law.
  • Military tribunals and confessions   are broadcast in ten intensive eight-hour sessions.
  • Ten countries   will jointly activate the emergency broadcast system that will cover the entire globe.
  • A flood of shocking truths   will come to light.
  • The long-awaited inauguration of Trump and Kennedy is celebrated  .
  • The Israeli Mossad’s influence   over the world’s media will crumble.

There will be   an internet blackout.

  • The white hat military   controls the bailout process that released funds around the world for the global monetary transition.
  • All banks   have signed confidentiality agreements.
  • GCR funds   come directly from the U.S. Treasury Department’s defense operations and flow into the treasuries of other countries.
  • Japan   revalued its currency.
  • In Brazil, payments began to be   made to bondholders.
  •   This week , US   bondholders were promised liquidity .
  • Notices   were sent to Tier 4a, a small group of Tier 4b and some bondholders.
  • Soon,   NESARA would be announced, and that announcement would be coordinated with a Supreme Court announcement on 2020 voter fraud—likely leading to the dissolution of the Biden administration and the entire Congress, as well as   setting the stage for new elections in 120 days or even November.



Gamma Photon Light is once again blasting into Earth to clear massive low-vibrational 3D & 4D astral debris. Recent transformational events on the surface have greatly aided in eradicating this dense Energy for good. Energy levels are super high now & levels are expected to continue to rise. When LIGHT is alive & activated in the holographic mind, our visualizations are projected into the quantum field, carrying the Light with them. Photon Light is the carrier of consciousness, the intelligent information that particulates into physical matter. The reflective mirror effect of the Universal hologram provides pictures stored in the morphic field of all that has happened in the Universe, flashing like images on a screen.

All of our history is still alive in the Aethereal body & Auric Field. This is the living Akashic Records. Ascension symptoms are currently in an elevated state & Starseeds all around the planet are reporting moderate to strong symptoms as these high frequencies make contact with the layered Human body complex, triggering one of the largest planetary DNA upgrades.

As big changes continue to sweep the planet, chaos is natural. Hidden things are coming into the Light like never before, entire ways of thinking & being are undergoing a Paradigm Shift & old world systems are being phased out & replaced all around this world — this will also settle.

As the world pauses, we are witnessing Gaia self-heal with cleaner air & water. In a similar manner, we must self-heal so we can unite in harmony & coherence with universal rhythms. When we join together in united focus & coherent Hearts, we influence the collective consciousness with new focus, priorities & systems. Absorb & breathe in more Light now — let it emit & shine. You will find the strength & peace you may need right now as the Grand Ascension of Humanity moves forward. We are the Bringers of New Earth. ✨🙏🏽👁🤍✨


Magdalena bloodline
Magdalena bloodline



Massimilian Grasso:

The unfolding of events. As the great spectacle takes shape, a series of extraordinary events will occur: Virgins of God and Direct Energy Weapons will be used to neutralize satanic strongholds across the globe. Planes and trains will be grounded, ensuring that the reach of the Cabala is interrupted. Lights and energy will flash briefly as the world switches to Tesla Free Energy.
Bitcoin servers and data centers will suffer a decisive blow, leading to the collapse of 99.5% of cryptocurrencies, including China Coins. The ISO20022 coins, supported by Precious Metals, will emerge as a new financial paradigm. A frightening simulated World War III event will send shockwaves through the population. The nuclear sirens will sound, sending shivers down your spine. A mysterious “Water Event” will capture the attention of the world.
The stock market will collapse, reshaping the global financial landscape. Global martial law will be declared, ushering in an era of unprecedented control. The enigmatic “CASTLE ROCK – Screenplay Julian Assange” will be unveiled. Quantum systems will come to life.
NESARA/GESARA/RV will open the way to a new era of prosperity. The elections will be overturned through military courts, invoking FISA. Military Trials and Confessions will be broadcast in 10 intense sessions of 8 hours each. Ten countries will unite to activate the emergency transmission system, which will cover the entire globe. A waterfall of shocking truths will be revealed. The long awaited inauguration of Trump and Kennedy will be celebrated.
Israeli Mossad’s take on the world media will collapse. There will be an internet outage. The White Hat Army has control of the buyout process, which has released funds worldwide for the global recovery of the currency. All the banks signed non-disclosure agreements.
GCR funds come directly from the U.S. Treasury Defense Operations Department, which goes to Treasury Departments in other countries. Japan has reevaluated its currency. Bond holders have started getting paid in Brazil. Bondholders in the United States were promised to be liquidated this week.
Notifications have been sent to Tier 4a, a small group of Tier4b and some bond holders. NESARA would soon be announced, and that announcement would have been coordinated with a Supreme Court announcement on 2020 voter fraud – which would likely dissolve the Biden administration and all of Congress, as well as set the stage for a new election in 120 days, or by November.
The unfolding of events
The unfolding of events


Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA)

Today, we stand on the cusp of another such moment: the advent of the   Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA).

But this is not just a stand-alone event; it is interconnected with the   Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV), the International Organization for Standardization 20022 (ISO 20022),   the Basel III international regulation, the QFS 20 Protocol and the DINAR. These powerful forces combined are propelling us toward an era of unprecedented financial liberation and abundance   .

The rise of decentralized finance breaking the chains of the traditional banking system

Imagine a reality where wealth is the birthright of every global citizen, not a select few, and prosperity is not a dream but a norm. This vision is not a distant utopian dream; it is a change that is on the horizon, waiting to be embraced. We are on the precipice of an extraordinary transformation.

This is not a mere fluctuation in our economic compass; it is a tectonic shift aimed at dismantling financial tyranny and building a decentralized, transparent, and equitable world.

Section I: Traditional banking chains: a relic of the past

For too long, the global financial landscape has been dominated by banking institutions that operate with a high degree of centralization. These banking monoliths have established a system of financial control that benefits a select few at the expense of the many. It is a system where the world’s wealth is concentrated in the hands of a select few, leading to unprecedented levels of inequality and injustice.

These financial Goliaths have long acted as the guardians of wealth, manipulating the financial system for their gain. They have used money as a weapon, holding nations and individuals hostage to their whims. But the time for change is at hand. A revolution is brewing. The chains of traditional banking systems are rusting and about to be broken by an inevitable force:   the rise of Decentralized Finance.

Section II: Decentralized Finance: The Harbinger of Global Prosperity

The shift to decentralized finance or  “DeFi”  is much more than just a buzzword — it signifies a complete paradigm shift in our approach to money. DeFi aims to take power out of the hands of the few and distribute it among the many. It is the very definition of a financial democracy, a system that empowers every individual with  control over their wealth.

DeFi projects, built on the backbone of blockchain technology, enable peer-to-peer transactions, eliminating the middleman and returning control of financial assets to their rightful owners — the people. It’s not just about freedom; it’s about fairness and creating a system that puts people first.

In this great financial renaissance, we are witnessing the emergence of decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and even insurance protocols that operate independently of traditional financial institutions. These platforms provide a transparent and secure way for individuals to interact with their finances. This change is not incremental — it is radical, innovative, and reshaping the world as we know it.

Section III: Break the Chains, Embrace the Future

We are on the cusp of a new era, one in which money serves as a tool of empowerment rather than a mechanism of control. Old power structures are shaking, and the walls of financial fortresses are about to crumble.

But this revolution will not come without resistance. Traditional financial institutions will not go down without a fight. However, the will of the people is the most powerful force. When the many rise up against the few, the outcome is inevitable. This is a fight for financial freedom, a fight for a better world. This revolution will not be televised; it will be decentralized.

Don’t be a passive observer in this transformative period; be an active participant. Free yourself from the shackles of financial oppression and embrace the power of decentralized finance. Become part of this revolution and be a catalyst for global prosperity. This isn’t just about securing our financial future — it’s about reclaiming our financial freedom.

Section IV: The Time is Now – Join the Revolution

We are not mere pawns on the grand chessboard of global finance. We are the players. The future is here, and it is time to seize it. The revolution is not coming—it is already here. It is a rebellion against the old order, a movement toward a new world. A decentralized, equitable, transparent world. A world where prosperity is not a privilege, but a right.

The Impending Global Currency Reset and NESARA GESARA

The Global Currency Reset (GCR)  and   NESARA GESARA   have set their sails towards us! The black swan is preparing to descend with unfathomable magnitude, holding the promise of an epic turnaround.

In the depths of this chaos, the   Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS),   and the stunning revelation of insolvency among the world’s nine largest nations are all intertwined. Are we preparing for a global market crash? Let’s embark on a wild ride and explore the depths of this impending cataclysm.

Look, I’m not a pessimist, and I’m not your everyday conspiracy theorist. I’m just an ordinary woman who’s been paying attention. I’ve seen the writing on the wall, and I refuse to ignore it. The world as we know it is changing—in ways most of us can’t even imagine.

The GCR   is more than just a concept; it is a reckoning. Some believe it is the result of a well-orchestrated plan with roots going back decades. But alas! The veil of secrecy is so tightly woven that only fragments of the truth escape the public. The rumors and whispers tell a story of the world’s currencies being reset, realigning themselves based on the real assets each country holds.   Sounds fair, right?

But fair rarely equals painless. We are looking at an event that will hit the world’s economies like a freight train – unexpected, brutal and transformative.

At the heart of this financial maelstrom, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) looms as a supposed game-changer. It has been whispered about, discussed in hushed tones, with terms like blockchain technology, decentralized banking and digital currency thrown into the mix.

A system designed to replace the old, corrupt, centralized banking structures that have held us hostage for centuries. But what will the QFS actually mean for you and me, ordinary Joes and Janes just trying to make a living and stay afloat?

To spice things up even further, consider the  NESARA GESARA protocols   .

Shrouded in controversy and conspiracy, these financial reform proposals promise to eradicate poverty, redefine financial systems and give people back control of their money. But are they a solution or a smokescreen? Are we just another pawn in a larger scheme, a global experiment?

But wait, there’s more.   The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)   —traditionally a tool of last resort for national crises—is now considered a weapon in this financial war. What if, in the midst of all this turmoil, the EBS were activated, unleashing a cascade of revelations and information that could upend everything we thought we knew about our world and our financial system? Will the truth finally set us free, or will it plunge us into a deeper abyss?

Now for the real problem—the revelation that the world’s nine largest nations are insolvent. The financial giants, supposedly too big to fail, are on the brink of collapse. What will be the aftermath of such a revelation? Will it cause a ripple or a global market crash? A wave of change is coming, and all we can do is brace for the impact.

Now, some may dismiss all of this as unfounded scaremongering. But I say, don’t let your comfort blind you to reality. If anything, 2020 has taught us that the unimaginable can and does happen. The black swan is no longer a fable; it’s a potential reality that we all need to face.

The point of all this is to make you think, to question, to prepare. Because the truth, my friends, is that change is the only constant in life. Whether we like it or not, the   GCR, QFS, EBS, NESARA GESARA   and the revelation of insolvency among major nations are all pieces of a much larger puzzle. And it is up to us to decide how we will respond when the pieces fall into place. Will we be victims or will we seize the opportunity to take control and shape a new world?

The black swan is circling overhead, casting a shadow over our financial futures. But remember, even in the darkest hour, there is always a glimmer of hope. The world as we know it is about to change. And with that change comes the opportunity to rewrite our destinies. Because at the end of the day, the future is what we make of it.

Gold is approaching record highs and moves are being made across Africa

Golden Telegraph 

Gold is approaching record highs…
Moves are being made across Africa.

What is happening in Africa is very interesting.

Zimbabwe continues to optimize its gold-backed currency, and Africa’s largest oil producer aims to fight inflation with gold.

Nigeria’s plan to have gold constitute 30% of its foreign reserves clearly indicates its economic strategy for the future.

Gold represents 4% of the country’s reserves.

This is the largest oil producer in Africa.

Another important point?

The President of Kenya recently approved Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency, saying:

“It is appropriate to use mineral wealth to support local unity.”

A Russian diplomat said last year that Russia and Africa want to create infrastructure beyond Western control.

And it doesn’t stop there: today, we learned that Uganda plans to buy domestic gold to strengthen its foreign exchange reserves and reduce the risks associated with investments in reserves.

The story is getting good, isn’t it?

Welcome to uncharted waters.




This is now imminent: Reno will start releasing funds soon. Tomorrow they will have a big meeting. We will know when that happens. I am told the Codes are in, already locked. It is now imminent that we will be blessed.

Everything is yet to come… I can’t tell you the rest because it’s confidential, but you just need to know how to prepare yourself. This comes from above.

Once again, tomorrow there will be a great meeting and everything is becoming reality, as we have dreamed for many years.

I’ll be going abroad very soon; I can’t tell you where. I’ll be out of the picture for a while. I can’t tell you any more.

God bless you and get ready because the green light is coming.

I am much better now and have no pain at all. Thank you for all the private messages expressing concern for my health. I was waiting to receive the information I needed to share this news with you. Once again, Reno is imminent and we are about to cross the finish line. Have a beautiful day!

Be careful, 


PS (This is a note Wolverine placed in the Room of the Chosen: “I was told today that notifications will begin today… Please check your emails…” (Transcribed by Carpathia)

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA: I was shoveling my sidewalk today and noticed a small purple Vinca flower emerging from the sidewalk lines. There was no soil in that space, but there was enough room for a tiny windblown seed to bloom and grow miraculously.

That little Vinca flower reminded me of you and me… we had no idea wher

July 11, 2024 Wolverine: INTEL

  • We are about to start any time or day now  to pull the trigger for the green light, so get ready. This is what we have been waiting for, for a long time. The powers above are saying any time now for the Green Light.
  • This means that the opera  , Carpathia’s beautiful words, the video, and the Trumpets of Freedom will all be posted. This will be quite an exciting time for all of you, especially when the notifications arrive.
  • Some bondholder platform leaders have received notices,  including the NDA they need to sign and other things they need to do to receive payment. There are bondholders who have to go to a redemption center to withdraw.
  • So that’s it.  There’s nothing more I can say. We’re waiting.
  • Private contractors  are getting paid. Pretorious is about to go. Very soon, maybe today or tomorrow. I’m pretty excited for that to happen.
  • I’ll be traveling soon,  but I have to go. You won’t hear from me for a while.
  • I have a special guest today  . I want you to hear what she has to say. She is part of the Chinese Elders. Her name is Elizabeth Rodriquez Ruiz.
  • Ms. Rodriguez:  First of all, my time here is in the morning, so good morning to all the Chosen. It’s an honor to be one of your speakers with Mr. Wolverine and thank you for this opportunity. Wolverine saw my interview on YouTube and there’s a lot going on right now.
  • My name is Elizabeth Rodriquez Ruiz.  I was born in the Philippines and immigrated to the US from Guam in  1975  , so I have been a resident for 45 years, but I still have a Philippine passport. I was here in the Philippines since June  2019  before the lockdown, a kind of house arrest, as I could not leave because I did not have the vaccine and was isolated.
  • As I told Wolverine, I am the sole legitimate heir to the Rodriguez Trust  . This Trust will fund all projects in every country in the world. It all starts in July 2024, this year. This is the time of year that will explode with redemption.
  • How it works,  starts, when, how and who. I told Wolverine when I was back in the US in Las Vegas, NV that my sources told me it would always start in Reno.
  • Everyone will be given toll-free phone numbers  to tell you where to go and what type of facility you will choose.
  • The moment you start filling out the paperwork,  you must sign your confidentiality agreement.
  • The money has already been mobilized at 1%  and the remaining 99% will be received later by the center in the Philippines.
  • When the time comes,  they will have an inauguration in the Philippines. There will be a big change in the country. It will be a real monarchy.
  • After the inauguration, account holders  , including bank people and holders of all document accounts and assets, will be entitled to receive 10% of their share.
  • As heir to the Rodriguez Trust,  I am the sole executor and all accounts will be made by the sole executor as I am the only redeemer to execute this.
  • This month of July 2024 is the Platinum Jubilee  . Everything is in place, still waiting for the green light. We are looking at  any time  this week, or next week,  but July will have the most incredible global explosion. Soon, it will happen, everything must be willed by God, we cannot control it. If you are not part of the physical and spiritual, it will not work.
  • WOLVERINE:  I got an audio from a payer, I’m not sure which one. The payer said to be patient because the green light is about to go. This came in an audio. That’s good news.
  • MRS RODRIGUEZ  : We are waiting for the green light. I wish I could go to the bank now to pull the trigger, to redeem, but when you look at it globally, there is a time when this has to happen. But the war came with Russia, so things were delayed – the moment has to be properly prepared.
  • Soon – it may happen tomorrow or tonight,  remember that we should never lose hope and have faith. All this is only for the Chosen Ones, for you were chosen for this. If they know that you are a bad person, you cannot receive this blessing.
  • The White Hats  know about the trolls in the room.
  • All Cabal Elite and corrupt people will be eliminated  if you are not part of the Chosen One.
  • We will start a new thousand years  from this year 2024 in January. The old thousand years are gone.
  • This is the new generation  we are facing now. All the corrupt, all the evil, the dark side, they will not succeed. Many are already gone.
  • President Trump is one of those chosen  to lead the country and lead the USA.
  • My work is global,  those who are with me are Russia and China, and we will all work together for the best of humanity. Everything that is happening now is for all humanity.
  • We are The Chosen  . I want to congratulate all of you!

WOLVERINE:  Are Medbeds real? 

MRS. RODRIGUEZ: Medbeds were given to us, and the Cabal hid them because it would kill the pharmaceutical business. Who doesn’t want that opportunity? Pharmacists and doctors don’t like it. When the new cure comes to the people, they’ll disappear.

Medbeds  are funded by the Rodriquez Trust, just like Nesara and Gesara. This is an incredible invention that is real. It is already happening in South America right now, and in other quiet places around the country. It is 100% real. It will happen. The minute the RV comes out, Medbeds will come out.

WOLVERINE:  I spoke to the medbeds representative in Colombia, and he said the beds are ready. As soon as the RV is ready, they’ll be ready, but they need more beds, because right now there are only 2,000 in the country, and they need enough for 30 million people in the country.

MRS. RODRIGUEZ:  I am infinite money. No kind of money that runs out. I keep this infinite money to finance the entire globe – the money never runs out. When it comes to money for humanity, for all the cures for the sick and to help the poor, all of that will happen.

WOLVERINE:  Thank you, Elizabeth. Thank you for all this information.

MRS. RODRIGUEZ:  The Chosen are chosen to go to Redemption. You are all chosen to go to the Redemption Center.

Wed. July 10, 2024 Wolverine Newsletter Report to Mr. Helders, Ruben Baz:  “Just found out that Reno will start trading  today (Wed. July 10).  Europe will follow  tomorrow  (  Thu. July 11  ) and payments will begin on  Monday, July 15.  Please pray for no further delays. The 12 rigs will open  tonight (Wed. July 10)  in Reno and  tomorrow (Thu. July 11)  the six rigs in Zurich. Contracts will be sent  over the weekend  and cash to spend on  Monday, July 15.  Sow letters for 1 billion sent on  Tuesday, July 16  and sovereign buyers start on  Wednesday, July 17.”

Reno is imminent,  and we’re about to cross the finish line and start releasing funds soon. They’re having a big meeting tomorrow. We’ll know when that happens.

I was told that the Codes have been entered  and are already locked in. It is now imminent that we will be blessed.

I can’t tell you the rest because it’s confidential  , but for you, just know that you need to get ready.

This is coming straight from the top. Everything is coming to fruition, just as we’ve dreamed for many years.

I’m going abroad soon  – I can’t tell you where. I’ll be out of the picture for a while. I can’t tell you more. God bless you and get ready, because the green light is just around the corner.

I am much better, pain free, now.  Thank you for all the private messages concerned about my health. I was just waiting to get the information I needed to share this news with you. Have a beautiful day! Take care, Wolverine


Note from Judy: 

What we think we know as of Friday, July 12, 2024:

  • The US Federal Reserve and the IRS  were not government agencies, but rather owned and managed by the independent banking Deep State Cabal US Inc. Corporation.
  • Since 1913, the Deep State Cabal of US Inc., UK Royals and the Vatican  has been spending US taxpayers money laundering the money for themselves through their Central Banks and then charging us interest so we can pay their US Government officials.
  • There was no law requiring American citizens to pay taxes,  but honest patriots like Ken Cromar were in prison even after proving to a US Federal Tax Court that they owed no money to the IRS.
  • The reason for this was that the US courts and legal system  did not demonstrate loyalty to the rights of the people, including Cromar, as outlined in the US Constitution, but rather that US judges and lawyers swore loyalty to UK Admiralty Law.
  • The US Congress, blackmailed and bribed,  has made no move to change this system since it was installed in  1913.
  • Now, on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Fox News discussed the NESARA Act  – indicating that the nation had separated from the Federal Reserve System via a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies of 209 sovereign nations. This act shut down the Federal Reserve and the IRS, while the US moved to a sales tax on new items only – and the Deep State Cabal no longer had control over US taxpayer money.
  • President John F. Kennedy  faked his assassination. A clone was put in his place. He was protected by Onassis on his private island Skorpios. Onassis married Jackie to protect her as well.
  • Thu. 11 July 2024 Situation Update  Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: The biggest EVENT is coming. The world will be stunned. Peace. Republic restored via GCR: Update Thu. 11 July 2024

Possible time

  • Fri. July 12, 2024:  JFK Jr. said he would make a major announcement, while Biden called a press conference to also make an announcement on Friday.
  • Sat. 13 Jul 2024:  Start of the Scare Event. …Q Codez VII on Telegram
  • Mon, July 15, 2024:  Scare Event ends.…Q Codez VII on Telegram
  • Tue. 16 July 2024:  Lockdown.…Q Codez VII on Telegram
  • Wed. July 17, 2024  The 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.) on  Wed. July 10, 2024  Telegram posted a picture of President Trump with the caption “My VP speaks in 7 days. Who do you think it will be?”  Judy Note:  This seems to make sense for President Trump announcing his VP as JFK Jr. on  Wed. July 17, 2024.
  • Thu. 25 July 2024:  Lockdown ends. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram

Global Currency Reset:

Thursday, July 11, 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (   667-770-1866 , pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • An email was sent to Redemption Center leaders  and was received at 5:00 PM today,  Thursday, July 11, 2024.  The email stated that Tier4b would receive notifications from us on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday to schedule appointments on or before  Tuesday, July 16.
  • There was a meeting in Reno today, Thursday, July 11th,  where they decided when to pay the bondholders, private groups and platform traders.
  • Another source said it  would all start on Saturday night and culminate on  Sunday, July 14.
  • There was another meeting in Reno on Friday, July 12  , and Tier4b can be notified to make their appointments at any time, but most likely  Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, July 15.
  • There was a solid rate  on the Dong.
  • It would be much better to use the toll free number  to make an appointment at the Redemption Center to make your exchange. They offer much higher rates than banks. There was no reason to exchange at a bank.
  • The Redemption Centers  would offer a much higher contract rate for the Dinar than we expected.
  • At the Rescue Centers, they  will give you a new Q phone that works on the new system.
  • Thu. 11 Jul 2024 Goldilocks:  The Central Bank of Iraq is testing its new Iraqi dinar rate on the Forex market.
  • Wed. July 10, 2024 Jennifer Fallaw-Doering:  “Bonds have been funded. Notifications are expected  within a week  . Exchanges are getting ready for the run. I saw a man sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen. I felt like they were making sure the notification program was secure and working properly. People were walking around behind him. Someone asked in chat about the 100t Zim. I heard “3” and “7 zeros”. So the expected rate still stands. Keep going.”
  • Thu. July 11, 2024 MarkZ  : “I’m hearing the same thing from all my contacts – that everything is done and they’re just waiting for the green light to go. These are all my contacts: banks, group and bond leaders, Iraqi contacts, military contacts – everything is done. They’re waiting for the green light. …The Prosperity Packages have already started paying out.”
  • Wed Jul 10, 2024 Frank26  Link:  Hawaii Airlines and some hotels now accept IQD. HCL is talented and international.
  • Wed. July 10, 2024  : Executive Order 1110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own silver-backed money.  On June 4, 1963  , a little-known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to lend money to the government at interest. On that day, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110, which returned the power to issue currency to the U.S. government, bypassing the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy’s order gave the Treasury the power to “issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver bullion, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.”  RELEASED: President John F. Kennedy, the Fed, and Executive Order 11110
  • Thu. 11 July 2024:  The Monetary Revolution: Nesara Gesara Law, ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, QFS, GCR/RV, Gold-Backed Currencies and Blockchain Exposed – The Untold Story!


IQD Holders Get Ready
IQD Holders Get Ready

IQD Holders Get Ready – Goldilocks Update


Big breaking news

IQD holders prepare

“Platform Activity Transactions (FITR)”

Iraq is now showing transaction activity on the FITR platform. FITR are Exchange Traded Funds that fall under the category of cross currency swaps.

Currency ETFs are exchange-traded funds that track the comparative value of a currency.

These investment mechanisms allow people like you and me to gain exposure to the forex market.

“Currency swaps are commonly used for fixed income investments where cash flows are known with a high degree of certainty.

Hedging foreign exchange risk with a cross-currency swap effectively creates a synthetic local currency-denominated security by converting the security’s foreign currency-denominated cash flows or risk into a local currency payment stream.

Cross-currency swap hedging strategies can be adapted to active or passive buy-and-hold fixed income strategies.”

Here’s how the above quote works:

The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury can buy or sell foreign currencies.

The ESF also includes Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which are international reserve assets created by the International Monetary Fund.

The ESF may also enter into “warehouse” swaps with the Federal Reserve System.

The Federal Reserve has a repurchase facility for foreign and international monetary authorities, also known as the FIMA Repurchase Facility.

This allows foreign account holders to temporarily exchange Treasury securities for dollars to meet potential liquidity needs.

“According to TreasuryDirect, Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, TIPS and FRNs are transferable, so you can buy or sell them on the secondary market.”

Yes, foreign currency, also known as forex, is traded on the secondary market, which includes stocks and fixed income instruments such as bonds.

The foreign exchange market is a decentralized, over-the-counter (OTC) market that determines the exchange rate for currencies around the world.

Let me end this dialogue where we began it.

And this is a direct quote from the CBI website, “Float Activity Transactions (FITR)”.

This gives us an idea of ​​how close we are.

Let me be clear: we don’t know if these are test transactions or real transactions at this point.

But we know they are in training to use this trading mechanism for a reason.

© Goldilocks…

10-nation EBS activation
10-nation EBS activation

GLOBAL CHANGE ALERT: 10-nation EBS activation, Internet blackout, global martial law and transition to metal-backed currencies!

Rods of God and directed energy weapons are on the horizon, ready to strike satanic strongholds around the world. This is not a drill; the world is on the brink of a seismic shift.

The Cabal, with its insidious reach, is about to be paralyzed as planes and trains grind to a halt. A flicker of lights and a brief power outage will herald the transition to Tesla Free Energy, ushering in a new era of clean, unlimited energy.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will not escape unscathed. A decisive blow will cripple Bitcoin servers and data centers, causing a catastrophic collapse of 99.5% of cryptocurrencies. China Coins will fall, paving the way for ISO20022 currencies backed by precious metals to establish a new financial order. This is a meticulously orchestrated plan to dismantle the old guard.

A simulated World War III horror event will send shockwaves through the population. Nuclear sirens will sound, sending chills down the spines of anyone within earshot. Amidst this chaos, a mysterious “Water Event” will capture the world’s attention, its implications reverberating across the globe. The stock market will collapse, reshaping the financial landscape in ways we can barely begin to comprehend.

Global Martial Law will be declared, ushering in an unprecedented era of control. Quantum Systems will come to life, revolutionizing technology and communication as we know it. The dawn of NESARA/GESARA/RV will herald a new era of prosperity, promising to lift the shackles of financial oppression.

The elections will be overturned by military tribunals, invoking FISA. The public will witness confessions broadcast in 10 intense 8-hour sessions, revealing the depths of deceit and corruption that have plagued our institutions. Ten countries will come together to activate the Emergency Broadcast System, ensuring that every corner of the globe is reached.

An internet blackout will plunge the world into temporary darkness, a necessary step in the grand scheme. But this is a strategic maneuver by the White Hat Army, which is in control of the bailout process. Funds have been released worldwide for the Global Currency Reset (GCR), signaling the beginning of a new financial era. Banks around the world have signed confidentiality agreements, ensuring that the transition remains secret until the right time.

The GCR funds are not flowing from anywhere; they are coming directly from the U.S. Treasury’s Defense Operations Office, earmarked for other nations’ Treasury Departments. Japan has already revalued its currency, and bondholders in Brazil have started receiving payments. In the U.S., bondholders were promised liquidity this week, a promise that is being fulfilled as we speak.

Notices have been sent to Tier 4a, a small group within Tier 4b, and some bondholders, signaling that NESARA is on the verge of announcement. This announcement will be coordinated with a Supreme Court ruling on the 2020 election fraud, likely dissolving the Biden administration and the entire Congress. This monumental shift will set the stage for a new election within 120 days or by November, returning power to the people and restoring faith in the democratic process.

Make no mistake, this is the dawn of a new era. The events unfolding before us are not random; they are part of a grand design to rescue our world from the clutches of corruption and control. The White Hat Army, armed with advanced technology and unwavering determination, is leading the charge. Their actions are precise, their intentions clear: to dismantle the old guard and usher in a new era of prosperity and justice.

The collapse of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is not a mere market correction; it is a strategic strike to dismantle a system that has been rigged by the Cabal. The rise of ISO20022 currencies, backed by precious metals, will establish a financial order based on real value, not speculation and deception.

The simulated World War III terror event and the terrifying nuclear sirens are not mere scare tactics; they are calculated moves to awaken the masses and expose the depths of the Cabal’s treachery. The “Water Event” will be a turning point, a moment of reckoning that will force the world to confront the truth.

Global Martial Law and the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System by ten countries united are necessary measures to ensure that the truth is heard by all.

Quantum Systems will revolutionize our world, bringing advancements we can barely imagine. NESARA/GESARA/RV will break the chains of financial oppression, ushering in a new era of prosperity and justice.

The annulment of the election by military tribunals and the broadcast of confessions in 10 intense 8-hour sessions will expose the depths of corruption that have infiltrated our institutions. The long-awaited inauguration of Trump and Kennedy will mark the return of a leadership committed to transparency and justice.

The dismantling of the Israeli Mossad’s control over the world’s media will restore the flow of information, breaking the stranglehold that has kept us in the dark. The internet blackout, while temporary, will be a necessary step toward resetting the system and ensuring a safe transition.

The Global Currency Reset, orchestrated by the White Hat Army, is already underway. Funds have been released, banks have signed confidentiality agreements, and GCR funds are flowing from the U.S. Treasury’s Defense Operations Department to Treasury Departments around the world. Japan’s currency revaluation and the payout of bondholders in Brazil are just the beginning.

The imminent announcement of NESARA, coordinated with a Supreme Court ruling on the 2020 election fraud, will dissolve the current administration and Congress, paving the way for new elections. This is not just a change of leadership; it is a reclaiming of our world from the grip of corruption and deceit.

Brace yourselves. The grand spectacle is unfolding before our eyes. The White Hat Army is in control, and a new era of justice and prosperity is on the horizon. Truth is coming, and with it, the dawn of a new world.


July 11, 2024, The 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • The military doesn’t speak  because they are busy. Their actions are determined by a quantum computer that takes into account all aspects of the international situation. No one really speaks except to encourage.
  • Troops  will be positioned in all countries.
  • Then comes the Internet shutdown  and ten days of communication darkness.
  • The military will then arrest  everyone who cooperated with the New World Order and the creation of the Virus and Vaccines.
  • In these days and nights  the Deep State Cabal will fall.
  • We need 100% of people indoors  to see what the US Military will broadcast to everyone in the world.
  • It will be very painful,  but we can no longer separate people. The pain is happening now. It had to happen. Sleeping sheep must also feel the pain.
  • Now is the Great Awakening.  Civilization will never be the same again.
  • After the Great Fall,  those who didn’t notice the Global Collapse will wake up. It’s time to wake up the sheep. It’s actually much worse than you think.
The Great Awakening
This Revelation Will Not Be For Everyone.
Have faith.
You are Witnessing and LIVING a BIBLICAL Story.
What a Time to Be Alive.


The insolvency of 9 nations and the imminent global economic upheaval
The insolvency of 9 nations and the imminent global economic upheaval


RV/GCR: The insolvency of 9 nations and the imminent global economic upheaval!


A storm of unprecedented proportions is brewing, and we are caught in its eye! The RV/GCR (Revaluation/Global Currency Reset) is no longer a myth, an urban legend or the ramblings of conspiracy theorists. It is real and it is here, lurking ominously in the shadows of our global economic structure.

As our world grapples with this unsettling truth, nine formidable nations   – the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, the UK, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand –   teeter on the brink of insolvency, unable to continue their fiscal journey without the intervention of the RV/GCR. Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen;  the global economic landscape is on the brink of a titanic shift!

Now, let me tell you something. I am not your average Joan with a penchant for sensationalism. I do not revel in spreading panic or fanning the flames of fear. I am a woman who believes in the truth – raw, unadulterated, and sometimes unpalatable. So when I tell you that RV/GCR is upon us and the consequences will be monumental, you better believe it!


Think about it – nine powerful economies on the brink of insolvency. The mere thought is enough to send shivers down your spine. This is not a financial hiccup; it is a seismic event that will shake the very foundations of our global economic order. From Wall Street to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, from the City of London to Australia’s ASX, the shockwaves of this looming insolvency crisis are set to wreak havoc.

But why should you care? Why should the average citizen lose sleep over the financial misfortunes of a handful of nations? Let me tell you why. These nations form the foundation of our global economy. They are the driving forces of innovation, technological advancement, and economic growth. Their downfall would be the downfall of the world—a domino effect that would engulf every nation, every economy, every individual.

However, amidst this impending doom, a glimmer of hope emerges – the RV/GCR. The supposed global currency reset could be our savior, our life raft in this tumultuous financial sea. A reset of all global currencies, realigning them based on each country’s wealth and resources, could potentially serve as a catalyst to pull these nations – and by extension, the world – out of this economic quagmire.



And then there’s the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) that’s due to go down any day now. Think about it – an emergency broadcast in the midst of a global financial meltdown. It’s the plot of a Hollywood thriller, only this time it’s unfolding before our very eyes. The activation of the EBS could herald a whirlwind of revelations, enough to shake our collective consciousness.

Now here’s the catch – once the dust settles, and the stock markets crash and close for a “cooling off” period, the world will be introduced to Level 4b. And a few days later, the general public will have a chance to join in the fun. The notification to call an 800 number for a nearby Redemption Center to schedule an appointment to redeem Zim and/or exchange coins is the wild card in this high-stakes game.


What will this mean for you and me, the ordinary citizens of this planet? It’s hard to say. But one thing is certain – our world, our financial systems, our lives as we know them, are about to change dramatically. The RV/GCR, the insolvency crisis, the EBS disclosure – they are all parts of a puzzle that is rapidly coming together.

Global Currency Reset: The Impending  Black Swap Event That Unveils a New Financial Order

We are on the verge of a global market crash that will usher in the long-awaited Global Currency Reset (GCR), (NESARA GESARA) and Quantum Financial System (QFS). This is not the time to sit idle; it is the last call to board the crypto train, stock up on gold and silver, and understand the gravity of this impending financial revolution.

1. The Black Swan Event: The Global Market Crash

Every so often in the vast annals of economic history, a “Black Swan” descends, ushering in unforeseen changes that disrupt the very fabric of our financial systems. There’s a new swan on the horizon, and it’s threatening to upend global markets, leaving a trail of tumultuous economic change in its wake.

You may question the veracity of these claims, but consider this: Has the economic stability we have enjoyed recently been nothing more than an illusion? Our current systems are teetering on the edge of an abyss. Remember, the grace and beauty of a swan belies the frenzy beneath the surface of the water.

2. GESARA NESARA: A New Financial Order

Following this impending collapse comes the arrival of NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). Promising to eradicate corruption and implement a fairer economic system, these acts are being adopted by nations around the world.

While traditional financial institutions downplay the impact of NESARA GESARA, those in the know understand that these changes will irrevocably reshape the global economic landscape. Those who heed the call now, those who prepare for the great shift, stand to gain immensely.

3. The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the Quantum Financial System (QFS)

A key component of this new economic era is the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the Quantum Financial System (QFS). While central banks around the world are scrambling to transition to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), a much deeper shift is taking place.

The GCR will rebalance the world’s currencies, putting all nations on an equal footing. This move is not just about establishing financial parity, it is also about pushing back against the exploitation inherent in our current economic systems. The introduction of the QFS, on the other hand, is set to revolutionize the way transactions are conducted, ushering in an era of unprecedented security and efficiency.

4. Crypto Rush: The Last Chance

As we approach the activation of the   QFS,   it is imperative to recognize the incredible opportunities this presents. There is still time to invest in cryptocurrencies, precious metals such as gold and silver, and to secure your financial future in the face of these significant global changes.

Coins like   XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, IOTA, SHX, and HBAR are the future!  ISO 20022  -regulated cryptos    are not just digital assets; they are economic lifeboats ready to weather the storm. We’re not talking about a simple 10X or 100X return here – we’re talking about exponential growth that can see your investments skyrocket by 1,000X or even more!


5. Don’t fall behind

Consider this a clear call, a rallying cry to wake up and acknowledge the financial storm that is brewing. You don’t want to be the only one left adrift when the swan lands, markets crash and the global currency reset occurs.

The bell tolls to prepare for the coming changes – CBDCs, GCR, NESARA GESARA, and QFS. Understand this: the future of finance will not be determined by banks or governments. It is being shaped right now, in the cryptocurrency market, and by forward-thinking individuals who see the potential in digital currencies.

This is not a drill. This is the future. So stock up on the right crypto, gold, and silver and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

Wake up, world! The swan is almost here, and with it comes the chance for unimaginable wealth. Make sure you’re prepared to catch the wave when it arrives.

After all, you don’t want to be the only one left behind in the wake of the biggest financial reset in history, do you?


The Monetary Revolution
The Monetary Revolution


The Monetary Revolution: Nesara Gesara Law, ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, QFS, GCR/RV

The Currency Revolution:   The implementation of  NESARA GESARA, ISO 20022 and the emergence of the Quantum Financial System (QFS)  herald a new era of monetary stability and wealth distribution.

This article delves into the intricate tapestry of global financial reform, exploring the transition to  gold-backed currencies  and the pivotal role of blockchain technology. As we approach what may be the largest transfer of wealth in history, we uncover the layers and stakeholders involved in this complex transformation. 


The Matrix  as we know it is on the brink of extinction, soon to be replaced by the Nesara Gesara Law, backed by the Quantum Financial System (QFS) operating on a blockchain, along with ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, also known as RV. It’s time to take the leap into a brighter, freer future. Join us as we unlock the secrets behind this monumental shift and let the old system crumble into oblivion!

The Old Order’s Demise:   For too long, a shadowy group of elites has maintained absolute control over the world’s financial systems, keeping most of us trapped in an endless cycle of debt and servitude. This has been the Matrix – a complex web of manipulation, secrecy and control. But the time for change is upon us, and it’s happening faster than you might think.

The Rise of Nesara Gesara:   Enter Nesara Gesara – an acronym for the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) and the Global Economic Security and Recovery Act (GESARA). These groundbreaking pieces of legislation are designed to put an end to the corrupt financial practices that have plagued our world for decades. NESARA was originally introduced in the United States, but GESARA takes its principles globally.

According to the Nesara Gesara Law, we can expect:

  • Debt Forgiveness:  Say goodbye to crippling debt and predatory lending practices. Under these laws, your financial burdens will be wiped clean, giving you a fresh start.
  • Financial Transparency:  There are no more secrets behind closed doors. The financial system will become transparent and accountable to the people.
  • Abolition of income tax:  Your hard-earned money will stay where it belongs – in your pocket, as income tax will become a relic of the past.
  • Prosperity for all:  A fair redistribution of wealth ensures that everyone benefits, not just a select few.


The Quantum Financial System (QFS) – Powering the Revolution:   One of the pillars of this financial revolution is the Quantum Financial System, or QFS. Unlike the outdated systems of the past, the QFS operates on a blockchain, ensuring transparency, security, and efficiency like never before. No more manipulation or hidden agendas; your finances will be safe and sound within the QFS.

ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer (VR) – A New Dawn:   VR, or ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, is the key to unlocking your financial potential. It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for – an opportunity to exchange your old fiat currency for assets of real value. This wealth transfer will give you the financial security you’ve been longing for and the chance to participate in a   more just and prosperous world.

Join the Revolution – Leave the Old Matrix:   The time to act is now! The Matrix has held humanity in its grip for far too long, but we can break free. By adopting the Nesara Gesara Law, QFS and ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, you can reclaim your financial freedom and be part of a global movement for positive change.

Don’t wait for the old system to crumble on its own – it’s time to push it to the limit! Join us in the fight for transparency, accountability and prosperity. Together, we can bring about the end of the Matrix and usher in a new era of financial empowerment.

The days of the old system are numbered. The Nesara Gesara Act, supported by the Quantum Financial System and   ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer,   is the dawn of a new era. It is a revolution that promises to free us from the chains of financial manipulation and control, and it is happening right now.

Embrace change, join the movement and let’s collectively say goodbye   to the Matrix.   The future is bright and it’s time to reclaim what is rightfully ours – financial freedom and a world built on justice and equality. Don’t miss this opportunity for a better tomorrow.  

Switch to QFS NOW!





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Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


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Vital Frosi


Despite the veils that still cover much of human consciences, a major breakthrough has already occurred at planetary levels.
The Earth, as living energy, is already vibrating within the levels of the new 5D Dimension.
She’s our new home, so it’s only natural that she’s ready before her residents can occupy her.
As a continuously moving celestial body, together with the Solar System, the Earth has already entered the tracks of the Great Photon Belt emanating from the Galactic Central Sun.
This makes the planet’s energy change definitively to level 5aD and above. Not only the planet as a living organism, but all of nature follows this advancement.
We can see this recorded in Schumann’s measurement, whose graph almost always stays above 40hz.
Animals and plants do this process naturally, as they are energy very connected to the Earth. ..
So much so that by feeding ourselves from vegetables, tubers and grains, we are already receiving the highest energies, because our physical body accompanies this transformation, and we have to meet its new energetic needs through compatible foods.
The big problem of humans is the matter of conscience. ..
As the body moves towards higher energies, the consciousness, due to limiting beliefs, still remains in the old energy.
This breakdown is the cause of most of the physical and emotional discomfort that many feel in these moving times…
Only people whose consciousness advances proportionately with the new 5D energies, can feel in fact, what is happening and also feel full security with what is to come…
Fear prevents advancement, whatever it may be, and it also causes all the pains and sufferings that part of humanity feels today.
A classic example of that is the “apparent” chaos that many swear is happening on the other planet. It’s true! When you get stuck in what’s crumbling, you’ll definitely be dragged along the avalanche. .
Meanwhile, if you’re aware that the old house MUST BE KNOCKED DOWN FOR A NEW ONE TO BE BUILT, you’ll observe the rubble without clinging to it. You will understand that cleaning needs to be done, and you will know that in that place a new work will arise..
Way to go the Old Land! A huge mountain of rubble, and that will slowly be removed, and in its place, a new earth will emerge, with a humanity in a new appearance, that is, with a new conscience.
This humanity will be free forever from those who took advantage of and vilipend the meek and pure in heart, for only these, will inherit the new Planetarium House.
Darlings! Don’t worry about the horrible truths that will begin to be revealed.
Things that will really stir your stomach will be shown!
This is not a sign of increasing chaos; on the contrary, TRUTH COMES TO LIGHT TO BE UNDERSTOOD AND HEALED..
The beings who work with shadows, have always been among us. They always acted like this. The difference is, before everything was hidden…
Our very limited consciousness could not see any broader way than it does now. So if you already understand the evils and the schemes of those who always dictated the fate of humanity, it’s because your conscience has already expanded enough to understand that..
It was also said in 2019 that in the year 2020 the spread of truth, justice and revelations would begin.
It’s all in the Alta timeline!
The exploration of the dark has reached a physical level, which means, what time is the evil humans turn to be eliminated.
Get ready because the emotions will be on a thousand!
For those awake, there will be no surprises!
Meanwhile, for those who still sleep the deep sleep of the soul, the days ahead, will not be very pleasant..
Influential people will show themselves without masks. We’ll see who’s actually always been there, going through “good.”
Some Idols of the human masses, will drop their colored covers and appear as dark as the brea.
The perverted media will no longer be ashamed to confess what they did..
Personalities from all areas will show in fact which side they have always been on.
Scientists, religious, physicians, artists, bankers, industrialists from all fields, but mainly rulers, will be shown naked in their costumes, and the true face will be shown to all.
It is also true that among these, there is a group that already works for the light…
If today you still think that nothing is changing and nothing is happening, get ready because the disappointment will be immense! Prepare to suffer the pain of seeing your idols demoralized. .
You may not stand it! You don’t know what will be worse: the pain or the shame of having been next to the shadow all the time, defending tooth and nail these perverse crapulas.
Doing business with the dark can make you one of them. Yes, because there’s a very wise popular saying that goes, “Tell me who you hang out with, and I’ll tell you who you are.”
The storm won’t stop until it carries the last remnant of the Old Earth.
No stone will be left unturned! There will be no human left who still has ties with the shadows, that is, who still vibrates in resonance with the Third Dimension…
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.
Namaste ..

Trivia: The Executor to clear the bank and forge the GCR – Part 2

✅ So instead of a Cabal-controlled government imposing a CBDC on We the People for enslavement, the GCR imposes control, transparency, and tracking of all government transactions.

✅ This brings us to gold-backed stablecoins, the very future of currency.

✅ In a successful GCR, gold-backed stablecoins stand out as a promising solution for implementation and removal of government manipulation.

✅ These digital currencies combine the stability of gold with the efficiency of blockchain technology.

✅ By backing each unit of digital currency with a specific value in gold, these stablecoins offer protection against inflation (government abuse) and currency devaluation (manipulation) that are intrinsic to fiat currencies.

✅ This model (blockchain with its stablecoin) not only ensures monetary stability, but also restores confidence in the intrinsic value of the currency, which is absent in traditional fiat systems.

✅ Therefore, the ‘Enforcer’ (blockchain with its stable coin) will bring governments to their knees and force the dismissal of most employees, as their perks, bribes, freebies and all hidden agendas will be brought to light, making their jobs not so attractive compared to the responsibilities and obligations hanging over their heads!

✅ All governments desire the ability to control their citizens through fiscal and monetary policy.

– Fiscal Policy means taxing and spending (think Treasury and Congress).

– Monetary Policy means creating money and setting the interest rate (think Central Bank).

These institutions (and their counterparts in other countries) have no interest in reducing “their power” by allowing people to use artificial currencies outside their control, and stablecoins are enabling exactly the opposite.

✅ If We the People are involved in the valuation and distribution of currency outside of the control of the Banks, then we have essentially ceded control of Monetary Policy to the Cabal – power back to the people!

✅ But, the government is just the puppet totally controlled by the Cabal; the real problem is the Banking Cartel (Cabal) that controls everything, and this is where the head of the viper must be cut off for the Alliance to succeed.

✅ So how do you clean up the ‘banking cartel system’?

✅ By using blockchain technology in digital payments, transactions can be executed without the need for intermediaries such as banks, clearing houses or financial service providers.

✅ By simply switching to the blockchain system you can bypass the Cabal controlled banks, leaving them powerless and vulnerable.

✅ As we transition to this new financial system, it is crucial to highlight the “cleanliness and creation of safe protocols” that are set to redefine the international banking landscape for the flow of your bond money.

✅ The ‘Enforcer’ is here to ensure that banks can no longer get away with misconduct.

✅ Here are 30 shocking things banks will no longer be able to do:

1. Leverage inside information: Banks will no longer exploit privileged information for personal gain.

2. Shadow banking: Shadow banking practices will be eradicated, ensuring that all financial transactions are transparent and accountable.

3. Chain Sharing Scheme: No more opaque chain sharing schemes that manipulate the market.

4. Money Laundering: Strict measures will be implemented to prevent money laundering.

5. Profit Speculation Rules: Speculative profit-taking strategies will be closely monitored.

6. Phantom Ownership: The use of phantom ownership to manipulate markets will be impossible.

7. Extra Budgetary Items: Banks will not be allowed to create hidden extra budgetary items to mislead stakeholders.

8. The Front Beat: Front-running practices will be strictly prohibited.


Trivia: The Executor to clear the bank and forge the GCR – Part 3

9. Decorate the window: Banks won’t be able to paint a rosy picture to attract investment.

10. Round trip: Questionable round trip transactions will be scrutinized and avoided.

11. Ghost Employee: Fictitious employees will no longer be used to inflate bank assets.

12. Monthly fee: The charging of exorbitant fees for services will be reduced.

13. A boost to lending: Banks will not be able to inflate loan amounts to maximize profits.

14. Mortgage Fraud: Abuse in any way shape or form of your Strawman.

15. Cube: Complex financial structures and instruments designed to deceive investors will be a thing of the past.

16. Dishonest Trading: Unethical business practices will be penalized.

17. A ghost account: The use of hidden ghost accounts will be eliminated.

18. Market Turbulence: Measures will be implemented to prevent market manipulation that leads to instability. Banks will not be able to crash the economy as they do once every 10 years.

19. Double trade: Unscrupulous double trade practices will be prohibited.

20. Accepting bribes: Banks shall not accept bribes or engage in corrupt practices.

21. The Shell Company: The use of shell companies to hide financial transactions will be prohibited.

22. Identity Theft: No one can steal your identity anymore.

23: Terrorism, human beings, drugs, arms trafficking, financing of mass migration: All globalist agendas will be stopped.

24. Bribery and embezzlement: Everything will be exposed in all sectors of life.

25. Banking Crimes: Modern Fractional Reserve Banking is a shell game, a Ponzi scheme, a fraud in which fake warehouse receipts are issued and distributed as equivalent to the money supposedly represented by the receipts. For example, in Fractional Banking, if a person deposits $1,000 in a bank account, the bank keeps only 10% of the deposits, i.e. $100, as reserves, and lends out the other $900 of your money for exuberant profits. Banks are based on fractional reserve lending. This means that for every $1 in reserves they can create $10 (the ratio changes) in loans. Therefore, they can “create” money.

26. Phishing Scam: A technique for attempting to acquire sensitive data, such as bank account numbers, through a fraudulent email or website request, in which the perpetrator poses as a legitimate company or reputable person.

27. Insurance fraud: High rates and unwillingness to pay the claim.

28. Cybercrimes: Blockchain is inviolable.

29. Social Engineering: Advancement of certain ethnic groups or classes of people.

30. Account control: The bank cannot freeze or control your account.

✅ With ‘Blockchain Data Analysis’ it enables the identification and tracking of suspicious transactions, patterns and wallet addresses associated with these activities. This ensures direct or indirect exposures to such entities can be promptly identified and addressed.

✅ The decentralized and immutable nature of blockchain technology provides a transparent and auditable ledger of all transactions, meaning all banks and central banks can and will be audited where many have never been audited.

✅ Unlike traditional currencies, stablecoins are not backed by a central authority such as a government or central bank, which leaves both powerless!


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