1. Health Benefits. Medical beds can correct a patient’s medical problems to restore an individual’s body to its ideal state.
2. Growing organs. Medical beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.
3. New bone and healing. For those who have a denture, the denture will be removed by the bed and dissolved so that beneficial healing can take place.
4. Surgery. Surgeries performed on medical beds will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher who needs surgery can get into a medical bed and be ready to pitch right after the treatment. In fact, they will be ready to pitch before they wake up and get out of the medical bed.
5. VAX Damage. Medical beds can reverse vax damage, however, those who have not been vaccinated and have natural lesions, their lesions will be a priority.
6. Heart patients. Medical beds cure heart problems of all kinds.
7. Addictions. Yes. Addictions can be cured. But people will still need to work on why they became addicted in the first place.
8. Dissolving parts added by surgery. The beds will dissolve any surgically added parts and repair the damage, returning the body to the healthy state before the problems began.
9. Chemo. The Med Bed not only heals the damage caused by chemotherapy, but returns the body to complete health by removing all abnormal growths.
10. Allergies. Allergies will be eliminated.
11. Dentistry. All dental problems will be repaired. And the teeth will regenerate. The teeth will also be straightened again if necessary.
12. Overweight. Yes. You can return to your ideal weight.
13. Vision and hearing. Yes. Your vision and hearing can return to their optimal state. Cataracts can also be corrected.
14. Scars. Scars will be repaired and disappear.
15. Schizophrenia. Mental problems can be fixed.
16. Autistic. Autistic children can be helped to heal.
17. Ortho. Orthopedic problems such as bone adjustment and bone correction will also be treated.
18. Depression. DEPRESSION will be helped gradually.
Eventually, an individual will have to deal with the trauma in a positive way. There will be many spiritually trained counselors, human and non-human, to help anyone with depression.
19. Enhancements. Med Beds can make someone more empathetic, intelligent, etc. Additional languages can be learned/downloaded as well. It is important, however, to have a reason to use the enhancements you are requesting to download. For example, there would be no reason to download every language on this planet if you don’t plan on using them. And a big part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge you need.
20. Perfect Health. The beds will restore your body to optimum health.
21. Heal the mind. When you heal the mind, you heal the body.
22. Vitality. Medical beds restore individuals to optimal health. If you are 80 years old, for example, you will have the best health for your 80s. This does not mean that you will be as agile and fit as you were when you were 30. Age regression is possible to extend your life. Not everyone will be approved for age regression. It is not something that is taken lightly. It will be approved for the right purposes.
23. Birth problems. Beds can correct problems that appeared even at birth.
24. DNA. Medbeds will reverse gene expressions that are turned off, such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and methylation issues by detoxifying and cleaning DNA.
1. Hair. You can change your hair color and hair growth.
2. Eye. You can change the color of your eyes. Vision and eye problems can also be repaired.
3. Height. Your height can be changed, however, only in extreme circumstances.
4. Gender. Med Beds can change the gender back to its original gender if desired.
5. Memories. All memories will return if subdued.
6. Tattoos. Med Beds can remove tattoos.
7. Teeth. Teeth can be straightened and regenerated.
8. Smoking. Med Beds can undo the damage from years of smoking.
9. Knowledge. Information downloads are possible.
~ The 17th Letter ~
AT THIS HOUR! >>>>>>>
YOU ARE SAFE >>>>>>>>
/ TRUST THE PLAN! //////////
INTO AN / ERA OF LIGHT / >>>>>>>
The story is being told real time on Earth as it is in Heaven.
What a week of downloads, and massive alignments
I’ve experienced so much and I want to start to share them, because they have been magnificent.
We are being so held and supported now and it’s the full on guidance that’s kept me out of fear.
I’ve always said it’s going to take you to look way beyond your normal way of thinking to understand things.
I don’t want to harp on about the Olympics, but while I was watching the opening event, I was watching it with a very different perspective!
The final part of the performance sealed it for me and the hot air balloon was showing me the alignment of Wizard Of Oz and what this was opening up within the leylines of Paris.
That same evening, I looked at my EssentialMBS back office and I couldn’t believe it, I had someone on my website from Kansas.
I took a screenshot of it and I have shared it amongst the pictures here below, take a look.
It completely took my breath away and perfectly aligned with the balloon on the TV. This was showing me so much and confirmed what I was meant to understand.
There was so much that I saw and worked out, it would take me some time to share here, but the fact everything was unfolding the way it was, I knew I had to pay attention.
The opening of this event was going to be opening up a new portal within the collective, and boy oh boy haven’t we witnessed this, especially here in the UK!
I have two other posts I will share with you about the guidance I have received and how I experienced them, as they are important, but I wanted to share this post with you.
Children – of the Revolution… This is a message and connects and even in the film Moulin Rouge – there is a sene Children Of the Revolution
These children are speaking this into our reality.
This week in Southport three little girls were stabbed to death and many were injured. It’s been a heartbreaking week on so many levels and deeply upset me but the entire UK.
When they announced the three little girls who died, I couldn’t believe it.
One of the little girl BeBe King picture had a Wicked top on. Wicked is all about Wizard Of Oz!
And please take this the right way, I am devastated these children died, but this was all aligning with the theme I was connecting since the Olympic opening.
These children didn’t die in Vein…
These children died to trigger something big within the people here is the UK. It all has a purpose.
The Heart Chakra of the UK has been broken open by these children being murdered and the UK is rising very fast and these girls have escalated and triggered this rise!
One of the little girls who died this week – BEBE King is pointing to Elphaba and Glinda the Green Witch and White Witch
The news on the TV has highlighted her passion for the musical of Wicked.
One news reader showed a message that was placed on a green balloon left by someone – which said, BEBE King you are now Defying Gravity
I said to myself, this entire experience is most certainly reflecting this as a message and this event is creating here as it has triggered many hearts to break open!
BEBE King on its own is showing me the Lion God knows and as we are in the Lions Portal – this is
For sometime, I’ve known about the Wicked film that comes out 22nd November – Thanksgiving no mistakes it comes out on this day.
Part One – I have a feeling this film is going to reflect what’s happening in the collective right now!
But all of this connects so profoundly.
This morning, I gulped as the first image I saw on Instagram a week on from the Olympics opening, a Double Rainbow perfectly aligned over New York where the Twin Towers were. The post was saying – Somewhere Over the Rainbow – sung by Julie Garland
At the start of the Olympics the Moon aligned with the Olympic Ring in the Eiffel Tower.
This was showing me to pay attention to how everything is fully aligning and this guidance wasn’t wrong!
This week has been HUGE and this is a small part of the guidance I have been shown, there is more that I want to share and I will.
We are defiying gravity massively here and the power has always been with the people.
I think people are truly starting to see this – and boy oh boy this week I’ve witnessed this full on here in multiple waves
You won’t fool the children of the Revolution
There’s so much more I want to share and I will.
There’s SO much more to come and August energy is going to escalate everything!!!!
I love you
Emerald Tablet is Fully activated
The Yellow Brick Road is paved with the bodies of Children & Gold
Gold was discovered in Northern California in 1849. The Gold continues downward thru the Sierra Mountains. After my post yesterday on Super Bowl LVIII Silver vs Gold I believe that the Gold may have been more specifically Aztec gold. I have already linked different locations across San Francisco to both the Roman Empire & the Byzantium Empire
During World War II, Treasure Island became part of the Naval Base. The Government would build military bases to protect their power and assets. There is a nuclear training center on the island. Keep in mind the corruption is all reliant on who owns the top and we know now that most of our Presidents were corrupt.
The Navy allowed Anton Lavey founder of the Church of Satan to host weddings, and baptisms on the island. So that in itself says a lot.
If you look at the Naval Base on Treasure Island the barracks tell a story of their own. X marks the spot after all. But what else does that symbol represent in your mind? How about Walmart??? That is the exact look of their logo which also happens to be Gold!
The conspiracy claims that Walmart is one of the biggest leaders of this Human Trafficking front. Lets face it their are multiple Walmart’s in every city across the US this is why small businesses don’t stand a chance. When I lived in Europe I never saw a Walmart and small business flourished. Walmart also has a missing children’s poster in the front of many of their stores similar to the days of the milk carton.
So I looked into the Walton’s tie to San Francisco and what do you think I found? Walmart’s headquarters were in Arkansas. But guess who was on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors – Shamann Walton. There are 11 seats on the SF Board of Supervisors and they are all Democrats. Some other names on this board jump out at me as well. Matt Dorsey reminds me of Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter. His District overview includes both Treasure Island & Alcatraz.
The Navy created a full size mockup of a navy ship dubbed the USS Pandemonium (PCDC-1). Radioactive materials were placed on the land-locked ship to train crews in radioactive detection & cleanup.
The Pandemonium remained in use until July 1969.
Treasure Island was closed on 30 Sept 1997, as a BRAC III Major Closure. After the closure of Alcatraz 6 miles away in 1963. The tunnels from Alcatraz act as the Yellow Brick Road for Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking and the Hoarding of National Treasure (GOLD). You can then follow the Yellow Brick Road up to Bohemian Grove where the cabal worships Molach.
After the Navy base shut down 2 offers were made on Treasure Island for over 250 Million but Congress opted the property to the city of San Francisco for FREE, under Section 2711 of HR 2647. Sounds like that land is very valuable to them….Remember in the movie the Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantès got revenge after finding the gold in the water off the coast in a cave.
There are Villages on Treasure Island including a community of town homes & flats
California State Legislature created a “special” reuse authority for Treasure Island
There is associated submerged property on Treasure Island that the TIDA State Agency staffed by the San Francisco Mayor’s Office London Breed is responsible for. (London Has Fallen) Who else wants to know what treasures are under the island?
A quick Google search came up with tons of dead bodies found on or around Treasure Island. Were they Satanic rituals or did they find the Gold??? Q: “We have the GOLD”
Gold shall destroy FED. Interesting side note a yellow brick road was found off the coast of Maui in the ocean. The Maui Fires come to mind and all the celebrities hording the island. Are we destroying Emerald City or the Emerald Cities???
Patricia Cota -Robles
August 8, 2024 = 888“With every balanced Holy Breath I take, I AM empowering God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and the Immaculate Concept of the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences and coming together in Love, Oneness and Peace with the Divine Intent of attaining our highest level of Excellence. And so it is.”
The Opening of the Triple-Infinity of the 888 Lion’s Gate will take place August 8th, 2024. This is the final Celestial event the Company of Heaven will escort us through prior to the 38th World Congress on Illumination which will take place August 10t-15, 2024. Now, as you enter the Divinity within your Heart Flame on your Holy Breath, please listen to these words through the Flame of Illumined Truth. The Beings of Light have asked me to reiterate this Sacred Knowledge, so that we will experience a One Pointed Consciousness during the opportunity at hand.
On July 22nd, we entered the Sun Cycle of Leo. This is the day celebrated by millions of people around the World as Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day. Mary Magdalene is one of the exponents of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. On July 22nd every year she floods the Earth through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness with our Mother God’s wondrous Love. This Divine Love enhances every particle and wave of Life on Earth and prepares Humanity for the July 25th “Day Out of Time” and July 26th which is known through all time and space continuums as the Galactic New Year.
Mary Magdalene’s service to the Light also prepares Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her for the pinnacle of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate which occurs on August 8th, 8/8, every year. The year 2024 also pulsates with the number eight, so we will experience a Triple-Infinity 888 Lion’s Gate Portal.
During the opening of the Lion’s Gate the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo and a new cycle of Time and Space begins. During this auspicious time, the Company of Heaven is reminding us of what they revealed when we Birthed this New Decade. They said that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life.
They said that during this decade, 2020 to 2030, Humanity will begin developing our latent abilities through which we will literally Transfigure our Earthly Bodies and our outer-world Life experiences into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.
The Beings of Light said this incomprehensible Transfiguration will be accomplished through a greatly expanded collaboration between the Company of Heaven and an Awakened Humanity. Our Father-Mother God said this degree of collaboration between Heaven and Earth has never before been attempted.
In 2020, due to the monumental shifts that had taken place since the Birth of the New Decade and the forced Global Planetary Pause we were experiencing due to Covid-19, on August 8th, as the Opening of the Lion’s Gate reached its pinnacle, our Father-Mother God Breathed Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her through the original Lion’s Gate that pulsates above the Pyramid in Giza Egypt into the much higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Lion’s Gate that pulsates in the atmosphere above the 5D New Earth.
As this occurred, every man, woman and child on Earth reached a vibrational frequency that allowed our I AM Presence to fully integrate at an atomic cellular level into our physical, etheric, mental and emotional Earthly Bodies. This integration created the sacred space for every person’s I AM Presence to have greater access to our Earthly Bodies and our Conscious Mind than ever before.
For four years now our I AM Presence has been intuitively guiding us in ways that have been difficult for us to ignore. No longer is this communication from our I AM Presence just a “still small voice within” striving to be heard above the clamor and chaos in the outer world. This aspect of our Divinity is now an ever present Inner Knowing and Intuitive Guide that is not allowing us to comfortably behave in ways that reflect the obsolete fear-based patterns of separation and duality anymore.
Of course, we have the free will to ignore the Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence, but when we try to do that we feel the painful results of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions that are not based in Love much more acutely. If you are experiencing any doubt about that statement the Company of Heaven said all you have to do is observe the events unfolding in your life and notice how those events are affecting you mentally and emotionally.
Now, on August 8, 2024 = 888, we will once again be on the threshold of the Opening of the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate. Throughout this incredibly powerful year, day by day we have been guided through various activities of Light that have prepared Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth, at an atomic and subatomic cellular level for the next step of our Ascension process.
The I AM Presence of every man, woman and child is now standing in readiness to receive in NEW ways, the Light that will flow through the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024. This Light will exponentially intensify the strength and courage within every person’s Heart Flame thus preparing all of us for the next phase of our Ascension process which will take place during the 38th World Congress on Illumination.
The Lion’s Gate is guarded by two magnificent Lions that represent the Lion of Yesterday and the Lion of Tomorrow. As we pass between these Lion’s on August 8th during our annual passage through the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate, we affirm that we are moving beyond any control or manipulation from our past or our future. Rather, we are aligning within the Eternal Moment of Now as we join Forces with the Heavenly Realms to Cocreate the 5D Crystalline Solar New Earth.
This year, for the very first time, Mother Earth and All Life evolving upon her will pass through the Portal of the Triple-Infinity 888 Lion’s Gate from our newly Ascended position within the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun.
As we pass through the Portal of the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate, every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence has been given permission by our Father-Mother God to liberate the Heart-based patterns encoded within the Divine Wisdom and Sacred Knowledge in our Twelve Solar Strands of 5th-Dimensional DNA. This will pave the way for the I AM Presence of every person to liberate us into the Harmony of a Higher Order of Being. This will greatly expand the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth.
Through every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence we will soon be able to intuitively receive much higher multidimensional Divine Promptings, Ideas and Concepts from our I AM Presence, the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun and our Father-Mother God than we have ever known. The Beings of Light have affirmed that as this profound Truth resonates in every person’s Heart Flame, we will begin to Transfigure our physical realities into the Love-based patterns of perfection associated with the 5D Solar New Earth. The most powerful way of doing that is within the Eternal Moment of Now. So as we pass through the Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024 = 888, pay attention to the intuitive guidance of your I AM Presence. Miracles are waiting to be Cocreated by YOU.
This is when I suspect the market will fall when this fall happens. So be prepared for potential setbacks that most of you should be able to handle without a problem. Israel is indeed in a very compromising position.
The OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) issued a strong statement condemning the actions, increasing tensions in the region. The potential for a wider conflict is growing as neighboring countries weigh their options.
The ICC (International Criminal Court) is investigating war crimes, further complicating the geopolitical landscape and increasing pressure on international alliances.
The UN Security Council is holding emergency meetings to deal with the rapidly deteriorating situation, with world powers divided over the best course of action.
Financial markets are responding to the uncertainty, with investors seeking safe havens amid fears of global instability. Commodities such as gold are seeing a surge in demand, while stock markets are experiencing volatility. We are watching history unfold before us.
Remember back in January of this year when Donald Trump expected the market to crash before he was back in office? He was on the Lindell show when he said that. Because it looks like that is exactly what is about to happen. And once it does, all we have to do is wait for Iraq to make its move. That is why they are in the final stages of negotiations with the WTO. Who is obligated to intervene in countries that have suppressed currencies due to market manipulation? Do you now see the perfect storm you are in?
We haven’t even reached the singularity yet and we already have robots being released. China’s first full-size general-purpose humanoid robot has just debuted at the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai.
Qinglong, which features a highly bionic torso and anthropomorphic motion control. There’s a caveat to everything. Because we’re in a transitional period where creativity will be the new currency. Because all the heavy lifting will be taken over by AI.
As I’ve told you all before, once the Iraqi Dinar is back on the international market, you’ll enter a new phase of human development. The quantum shift of the ages will officially begin.
Emerald Palace
Current financial changes are a turning point in Plan Q August 3, 2024
Stock markets and the financial industry around the world are starting to fluctuate significantly this week, as if tied to the Bank of Japan’s interest rate hike.
Could the massive fluctuations (crash) in the global stock market have reached a turning point in the Q-Plan!?
This week, several financial changes are taking place on a global scale.
Bank of Japan interest rate hike and sudden appreciation of the Japanese yen
UK central bank cuts interest rates
Bitcoin is plummeting
US Stock Market Crash
Japanese stock market crash
Analysis of information from different perspectives shows that current financial fluctuations (crash, etc.) are not simply fluctuations in the financial market.
Important developments related to Plan Q
I assume this is something that was visualized.
Will July and August be the final period of destruction and elimination of the old social system (DS system)?
To make the transition to a new society (GESARA society), it is first necessary to destroy and eliminate the old social system (DS system).
Plan Q also moves in line with this idea.
Destruction/elimination phase
creative phase
is moving to.
We are currently in a transitional period where the “destruction/elimination phase” and the “creation phase” overlap.
This is just my personal feeling as I sync with the Earth.
The destruction and elimination phase will end in early September this year.
I hope so.
Because it is a flow felt from the earth (natural world), the “period” is aligned with the Julian calendar. I believe that July and August of the Julian calendar will be the final period of the destruction and elimination phase.
Currently (August 3, Japan time), we are in the second half of July according to the Julian calendar. The final destruction and elimination of the old social system (DS system) may have begun (I feel that way).
If the final destruction and elimination has already begun, the next step will bring about an important creation for the present! ?
Honestly, I don’t think there’s any need to worry too much about what the final destruction/elimination will be like. (The content will be in accordance with the play)
What is important is what will emerge when destruction and exclusion come to an end.
Creation of a new social system (GESARA society)
I believe that new elements and movements related to this will emerge.
We cannot speculate about its contents at this time. (Perhaps there is no point in guessing.)
However, as an element that has not been perceived intuitively so far,
USDN (US Gold-Backed Notes)
I would like to keep in mind the possibility that this could happen.
In fact, as I mentioned earlier, the “destruction/elimination phase” and the “creation phase” are currently overlapping, so there is a possibility that the above-mentioned change (creation of a new social system) will materialize without waiting for September in the Julian calendar. There is.
turning point in Plan Q
Skye: Q&A on Medbed, Replicator, and School
Basic information about Medbed
☆ Medbed’s basic treatment can be used free of charge by everyone except the bad guys (which Quantum understands) .
☆Everything is free, including accommodation and food (excluding travel expenses to the center).
☆Basic treatment: restore DNA to its original state → become a perfect body.
☆In addition to basic treatment, if you want to go through age regression, language acquisition, etc. , 5D consciousness is required and Medbed (Quantum) will make all decisions.
☆Order of treatment
①Patients with severe life-threatening conditions
②Humanitarian and 8 guests + animals
③ Open to the public after the humanitarian treatment is completed – Each country has a telephone number, so please call and make a reservation (the quantum will decide the order of treatment)
*At all times, priority will be given to those in an emergency situation.
Medbed: For those who understood from the Sky video
☆Question: How can I become a Medbed technician?
☆Sky: It will be a website.
A few weeks after scheduling your redemption, the website will have courses and vacancies available for you to sign up for.
You can register and learn more about Medbed Technician.
People who carry out humanitarian projects will be able to post job vacancies there.
☆Question: If we regress in age, will we remain the same age?
☆Skye: Yes, even if you’re 80 and you regress to 40, you’ll still be 80.
You are entering an era where age doesn’t matter.
Once this technology is available, your age doesn’t matter.
☆Question: Regarding our identity after Medbed treatment – I think we will need a new set of ID cards…?
☆Sky: Before leaving Medbed, you will have all the necessary documents, including identity change, such as driver’s license.
① Check-in at reception
②In the waiting room: The medical staff will confirm the desired treatment based on the examination results.
③ Perform treatment procedures in the medical room → recovery room
④ Choose 3 clothes/underwear and shoes in a small store
⑤Create documents in another room
If you change your appearance, your family won’t know it’s you unless you tell them .
However , animals can recognize you by your smell and vibrations, even if you have changed your appearance .
*Not all Medbeds used are available on Earth.
Some medical centers are located on spaceships or other planets.
You will be directed to a normal building, such as a medical center, hospital, or office building.
When you go through a specific door, it is actually a portal.
You just want to go to the medical center, walk through the door and come back.
You have no idea whether you actually went through the portal or not.
About Replicating Foods
Replicator food is the healthiest food you can eat anywhere in the multiverse .
It is all divine energy and does not contain any food additives or heavy metals that are harmful to the body.
Replicator foods are whole foods that contain exactly what you need to keep you healthy.
all schools closed
☆Question: How will the school change?
☆Sky: All other educational institutions, including universities, will be closed.
In fact, we have heard that all educational centers will be closed for 12 months and then some will reopen, albeit in a very different way.
Questions and answers about Medbed
☆Question: What should I do if I have a sick person who does not believe in Medbed?
☆Skye: Not believing Medved is your free will choice.
You don’t need to convince him to get treatment.
He may be convinced by seeing you being kind and healthy.
The military has no intention of persuading or reaching out to those who do not believe in seeking treatment.
August 8th, known as the Lions Gate, has been revered for several thousand years as the date that marks the peak of an influx of high-frequency energy onto planet Earth from the star Sirius, which is in its closest proximity to earth from July 26th through August 12th – the full period of the Lions Gate opening or Galactic New Year. Second in brightness only to the sun, to Ancient Egyptians this star was revered as their “Spiritual Sun” and referred to as Auset’s star Sopdet – Spdt, meaning “she who is sharp.”
The Lions Gate is the annual season when Spdt comes into her most pristine alignment with Re [the Sun], Geb [the Earth], and Sah – the Hunter constellation identified with ancient Egypt’s King Ausar – called Orion in Greek. During this cosmic portal, Sopdet – the spiritual Sun – emits an ancient activating energy so powerful as to cause the annual inundation which has sustained Nile River Valley communities over several millennia, whilst spurring the collective ascension of human consciousness throughout earth – the land or house of Geb/Keb. As God Djehuti proclaimed, “If the truth must be told, this land is indeed THE TEMPLE OF THE WORLD…” The August 8th peak of the Lions Gate is when Sopdet is said to perfectly align with the shaft from Queen Auset’s Chamber within the Great Pyramid of Giza, in concert with that from King Ausar’s Chamber aligning with Alnitak, one of the three stars of the Hunter constellation’s belt. Known as the “3 Wise Men” or the “3 Sisters,” these three stars form the cosmic blueprint from which the complex known as the Pyramids of Giza was built.
“As above, so below… As within, so without” are codes which remain key to Kemet’s ancient Mystery System. Thus, the Nile River represents the Milky Way (called Maziwa Mkuu in Kiswahili, meaning ‘great milk’) on earth ‘below’ as in heaven ‘above’. Two lions are said to hold open this magnificent time-space portal, one of which is represented by the Great Sphinx whose figure is an earthly representation of the constellation of Leo and a key piece of the puzzle of relationships within the Milky Way galaxy ‘above & below’. Lying on the west bank of the Nile river, the Great Sphinx is poised with its tail to the west [where the sun exits] as it faces directly east towards the sun’s reentry. The Lions Gate [7/26 – 8/12] opens within the astrological season of Leo, adding to the influx of regal energy from the alignment between Earth and the Universe’s Galactic Center, which reaches its peak on 8/8 over African soil. It is a powerful reminder of Heaven-on-Earth’s potency, symbolized ‘within & without’ through the quintessential Divine Love that exists between cosmic Hunter Ausar and his earthly Gatherer, Throne Queen, and Spiritual Sun – Auset.
According to the mythology of Ausar-Auset, in a jealous bid to usurp their Heaven-on-Earth throne, Set murders King Ausar, dismembering his body into 14 parts and scattering them in the wilderness [African Diaspora] so as to prevent his resurrection and return. Set the antagonist is god of chaos, foreign oppressors, violence, perversion, illness, and the desert who caused Egypt to be widowed of the gods and humanity to be trapped in his false predatory & parasitic matrix. After widow Auset searches the wilderness and manages to retrieve and mummify only 13 of her husband’s mutilated body parts, it is up to Heru, her posthumously/immaculately-conceived son with King Ausar, to become the Warrior who avenges his father’s fate and restores divine order to the kingdom by defeating Set…
Pyramid texts speak of Heru as the Great Lion: “Horus who comes forth from the acacia to whom it was commanded: ‘Beware of the lion’. May he come forth to whom it was commanded: ‘Beware of the lion’.” [Pyramid Text 436a-b]
Africa’s Acacia tree, which is sacred to goddess Auset, has long been associated with ancient mysteries including the secrets to life, death, healing, sustenance, and resurrection – hence their organic ties to matriarchal goddesses. Linked to the Akashic Records, the astral ancestral library where everything that has or will ever occur is recorded, the Acacia trees in Heliopolis were thought to have been the birthplace of the very first deities. Heliopolis (called On in Lower Egypt), was the ancient worship center of sun-god Re whose celestial boat was made of Acacia wood in its hind parts (palm wood in its fore-parts). The mythologies of Ausar-Auset are Heliopolitan in their derivation and orientation, e.g. the reference to Ausar as ‘the one in the tree… the solitary one in the acacia.’ This saying was based on the version of their story in which Auset releases her husband’s body from a pillar in Byblos [a prophecy relating to the scripted bible?] that had been fashioned out of the tree which enclosed the coffin King Ausar had been tricked into entering as Set’s ploy to usurp/colonize Egypt’s throne. Symbolizing the immortality of the soul in Freemasonry, the thorny acacia tree otherwise represents Ausar’s backbone, depicted as the Djed Pillar in this particular mythological account.
Trees act as resurrection portals and/or gateways between worlds in ancient Egyptian Mysteries, such as the Sycamores (associated with goddesses Nut & Hathor) through which Re rises as the Sun each day from the east: “I know the two sycamores of turquoise between which Re comes forth, when he passes over the supports of Shu to the gate of the lord of the east from which Re comes forth” [Book of the Dead: Ch. 109]. Auset & Nepthys were regarded similarly as “the two Acacias.” Thus, these Mother Trees act as do the two lions which hold open the portal for the “Spiritual Sun” Sopdet to rise as the consort of Sah during the Lions Gate season, in order to usher forth the blessings of the Galactic New Year with the annual inundation of the Nile River. Their child, hawk god Heru-Sopdu is referred to as “Lord of the East,” thus presaging mythologies surrounding the Ausar-Auset-Heru trinity as archetypal personifications of key spiritual motifs that connect us organically to our higher selves… “As above, so below.”
“As within, so without” is a principle that plays out in the eternal relationship that exists between Ausar-Auset, their love representing a Heaven-on-Earth divine order, which is interrupted by the chaos that Set’s predatory & parasitic rule brings, i.e. until Heru is able to successfully accomplish his Hero’s Journey and restore Ma’at/UbuNtu… unity-consciousness. For Africa, the earthly source and staging of these love-as-salvation narratives, Set is representative of a false matrix built on slavery, (neo)colonialism, apartheid, misogyny, misogynoir, etc. – controlling foreign narratives which have in-formed external elite-run global systems & misled most of humanity into profound states of isolation, alienation, disconnection, and disorientation from organic & natal bonds. Heru – “[the Lion] who comes forth from the acacia…” [Pyramid Text 436a-b] – thus has his work cut out for him.
Again, in this case the acacia reference represents a fascinating organic matriarchal portal between worlds for Heru as a human prototype resident in each of those who do not entertain predatory or parasitic relationships of dysfunctional dependency [read “slavery… apartheid… (neo)colonialism… misogyny… misogynoir…”], but strategically translated into self-referential Europatriarchal scripture as mankind’s singular “savior” [Jesus]. Deep inside Africa – the regal lion‘s natal home – the acacia tree itself has a characteristic dome-shaped canopy due to the way indigenous giraffes graze, which they have to do carefully because the acacia senses this feeding activity and releases tannin, a defensive poison that can kill from the overgrazing of its leaves. The acacia then emits ethylene on the wind, a chemical that alerts other acacia trees to preemptively defend themselves against “predators” by producing tannin also. DMT, a hallucinogen associated with spiritual experiences, is present in various species of the tree such as the Acacia Nilotica.
The Lions Gate represents so much to so many, especially during this dramatic period of humanity’s ascension in 2020 (Gregorian timeline). Feline power, highly revered in Kemet, is front and center as the astrological symbol for Leo and also as the identity of the African goddess annointed as “Opener of Heaven’s Door.” Among her other titles, Goddess Seshat – “Foremost of the per-Ankh” – is also known as the “Panther Goddess” and “She of Seven Points” in reference to her highly emblematic dress and crown, respectively. Appropriated by Europatriarchs in their design of Lady Liberty following America’s post-Civil War end of slavery, Seshat‘s 7-pointed crown has symbolically countered the racist & misogynistic tendencies of false 3D matrix systems. Seshat‘s traditional panther-skin dress returns our consciousness to humanity’s African source and the need to descramble & purge predatory Victorian-era matrix codes which, during the receding Piscean era, morphed into parasitic neo-colonial arrangements, hijacking the human spirit and its potential. These & other ancient unity-conscious codes [UbuNtu] are key to human ascension and Heaven-on-Earth reparations in the dawning age of Ma’at… “Return, return, O Shulamite; return that we may look upon thee…” [SoS 6:13] “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” [Rev. 3:11] Blessed Be…
If you’ve ever wondered about currency exchanges in the QFS and how it might work… this episode is for you.
– The QFS alternative to the current fiat currency system
– Importance of gold as collateral in the QFS
– Clearing up misconceptions about the QFS
– FinTech (Financial Technology) explained
– QFS as a decentralized ledger system
– Sovereign Digital Currencies vs. CBDCs
– How exchanges and redemptions could work in the QFS
– Bypassing Traditional Banks with QFS
– And much more…
The prevailing rumor is that the green light was given yesterday… and will be given sometime between now and the 5th… We hear these rumors so often that I’m afraid to get excited about it.
I’m getting a lot of posts about notifications going live in the next 48 hours! Some of my contacts are from 2016/military. Everyone is saying to keep your email open and notifications turned on.
Bruce (The Big Call)
…everything is complete – everything is ready with Iraq…we are ready to move forward…we are getting to the end point -we have good information saying it is ready to go -the green light has been sent…This should be a great weekend…
Question: Do you really feel in your heart that we are close?
MarkZ: Yeah… they’re still saying between now and the 5th. No one knows the timing, but that’s what a lot of people are looking at.
The prevailing rumor is that the green light was set yesterday… and will go sometime between now and the 5th…
US national debt surpasses $35 trillion
The US has reached “yet another dubious milestone” with its national debt surpassing the $35 trillion mark, the US House Budget Committee announced.
Committee Chairman Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) called the development an “alarming milestone,” calling for more fiscal and spending responsibility to address the growing national debt.
76% of all US personal income taxes went to service Washington’s $34 trillion national debt
Central banks are closing – bankrupt. Old financial systems have failed. Congress, the White House, the IRS, the Feds, the Reserve Bank are closed – the US Corporation is bankrupt.
Gold-Backed Currency, Digital Assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara is booming! ✨
QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested. The Global/Galactic Alliance is still working to remove the DS cabal’s control of humanity – currently removing the Satanic spell over the global mass. The journey of the Great Awakening will be more intense and more turbulent.
Earth and humanity are under construction while businesses are still open. The DS is in total panic, desperate and injured and launching savage attacks.
Satanic energies can no longer hide as they are prevalent for all to see throughout matrix society.
True colors are being revealed. Much more horrible truths will be revealed to the public.
What I told you is happening now, gold is in the process of RV-ing!! Wait until it hits $3,000, can you imagine your gold backed bond payout!
Would you like a payout now or would you rather bite the bullet until you reach $3,000?
I know what I decided…
The Gurus who scream the “Tiers are all liquidated bonds paying now” scam have no idea that MCT, who runs the RV/GCR, wants the best for you, that’s when they bring donated gold off the Elders ledger and onto the ledger via the gold backed BCBPS!
I know you are going through a very tough time right now, but trust me, the wait for the US DoD controlled God fearing MCT RV/GCR will be so worth it…!
The Trump Factor: Political Implications
The intersection of finance and politics is inevitable, and the work has not gone unnoticed in political circles. Notably, President Donald Trump has expressed interest in the QFS and the potential benefits of a gold-backed currency standard. While the details of their interactions remain under wraps, it is clear that XRPLion’s ideas have caught the attention of prominent political figures.
This political interest is significant as it suggests a potential shift in national and international monetary policies. If leaders like Trump champion the QFS, we could see a concerted effort to move away from fiat currencies, potentially leading to a global realignment of economic power. The implications for international relations, trade and finance are profound, with the potential to reshape the geopolitical landscape.
This is an opinion piece that appeared on the “Rumor Mill” website behind the scenes at INTEL on Tuesday night, July 30, 2024. Here is an update on the EBS timing as described by Telegram podcaster Shari Raye in Texas.
His military contact explained that these three things must happen in the correct sequence. 1 – Biden must go2- Mass arrests in over 206 countries of corrupt politicians and corrupt CEOs of large corporations3- THEN THE EBS IS ACTIVATED Then NESARA WILL BE COMPLETED.
Here’s the problem: of the 206+ countries that have made a pact to become a peaceful Republic with a gold-backed currency, two are behind on mass arrests: CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES!! Both are behind, hence the delay in the global shutdown!! The Rider of the Storm
BWWWW! Q Phones and GESARA:
Trump’s Plan for Q Phones and GESARA Using Stellar Blockchain for a Global Monetary Revolution!
Explore Donald Trump’s innovative vision for the future with Q Phones and GESARA, leveraging Stellar Blockchain to revolutionize global currency. This in-depth article examines the impact and technology behind this transformative economic reform and digital currency integration.
Q Phones and GESARA use Stellar Blockchain for a global monetary revolution!
Declassification of information:
NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), Banking Cartels, Brunson Brothers and People’s Empowerment!
Discover the explosive truth behind the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the White Hats’ mission to bring down the corrupt banking cartel. Witness the inevitable rise of GESARA and NESARA as they disrupt the old financial order, ushering in an era of transparency, equity, and power for the people. Join the revolution for financial freedom and justice now!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Breaking News: Trump’s Secret Plan with the Military, the Collapse of the US Corporation and the Launch of a New Gold-Backed Economy!
As the old world order crumbles under its own corrupt weight, a new era, defined by integrity and innovation, is rising from the ashes. Central banks? Bankrupt. Traditional financial systems? Obsolete. Government entities like Congress, the White House, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve?
They have all been exposed for what they truly are—components of a failed, now inoperative and ineffective American corporation. It is the dawn of a new era, championed by the unstoppable forces behind gold-backed currencies, digital assets, and the revolutionary Quantum Financial System (QFS) alongside Nesara Gesara, signaling a seismic shift in the global dynamics of wealth and power.
Amidst this transformative turmoil, the QFS and Nesara Gesara are not just emerging, they are thriving, paving the way for a financial liberation the world has never seen.
This is a manifest reality that is rapidly dismantling the old guard and setting the stage for a truly free global economy. What we are witnessing is the embodiment of hope and renewal, a beacon of what is possible when the chains of conventional financial slavery are broken.
Why has this seismic shift been hidden from public view? Because the deep state cabal, a nefarious force that has long manipulated humanity, is losing control. This cabal, entrenched in dark and satanic practices, has been the puppet master of global misery.
But their reign is ending. The Great Awakening—a term that understates the monumental rise of global consciousness and enlightenment—is intensifying. Humanity is breaking free from the sinister illusions cast by these malevolent forces.
The Earth itself, along with the entirety of humanity, is undergoing a monumental reconstruction. Although business continues, the panic among the old elite is palpable; they are the wounded beast, thrashing about in its death throes.
The dark energies that once moved hidden in the shadows are now visible, exposed to the light of truth for all to see. This revelation is not the end, but the beginning of a deeper cleansing where the most unspeakable truths will become known to all.
Enter the visionary leadership of President Trump, whose strategic acumen and unwavering commitment to America—and indeed the world—are guiding this colossal transformation. Trump’s plan, closely aligned with military precision, is more than mere policy; it is a crusade to reclaim the soul of America and restore power to its rightful owners: the people.
JD Vance and Vivek Ramaswamy stand out as titans in this battle, directly challenging the likes of Bill Gates for control of American farmland. Their supposed public disagreements? Mere strategic distractions to confuse their adversaries.
The truth is that they are united, and their synergy is the cornerstone of Trump’s broader strategy to dismantle the globalist agenda and defend American farmers, restoring their sovereignty and ensuring the country’s food security.
The implications of his mission extend far into the future, with Trump Jr.’s exploratory talks with J.D. Vance about a 2028 presidential run — a clear sign of the lasting legacy and sustained vision Trump intends to imprint on the American political landscape. They are paving the way for a future in which leaders like Baron Trump can continue to champion true American values.
Vance’s deep understanding of Skull and Bones society gives him the unique insight needed to expose and dismantle the corrupt networks that have long controlled American institutions. This is not mere political maneuvering; it is about exposing and rooting out corruption at its core.
As the DS cabal dissolves into its own fear, and its control systems collapse, the truth of its operations is exposed for all to see. The DNC and RINO panic is just further confirmation of its impending obsolescence.
In this monumental shift, every revelation, every move by Trump and his allies is a blow to the corrupt, a blow to freedom. We are on the brink of a new era, ushered in by heroes who dare to dismantle the old and corrupt to build something better — not just for America, but for the world.
Be prepared, be vigilant, and above all, be hopeful. The golden age of prosperity, transparency, and true freedom under Trump’s guidance, supported by GESARA and QFS, is upon us. Embrace it, support it, and be part of this historic transformation.
the Collapse of the US Corporation
Shinichiro Ishikawa Intel: EBS can be performed now – Black Swan → EBS → GCR/RV → GESARA
This is an excerpt from Shinichiro Ishikawa’s YouTube livestream, which is distributing Intel information at the request of the Alliance.
Tokyo’s Nikkei stock average plunges
“The higher the peaks, the deeper the valleys” are the words left by our predecessors who were successful in the stock market.
The stock market can sometimes rise dramatically.
However, the higher the price, the greater the risk that it will drop significantly later.
On August 2 (Friday), the Nikkei stock average in Tokyo plummeted.
This was the second largest decline after Black Monday in 1987.
New York’s Dow Jones also began to fall.
Will there be a financial crisis, Black Friday, that is supposed to occur before the EBS?
And next, will the unprecedented EBS (World Emergency Broadcasting) begin?
Tokyo Disneyland is coming to an end
It has been reported that Space Mountain at Tokyo Disneyland has been closed for renovations.
Disney is also coming to an end.
New York Stock Exchange goes bankrupt
The New York Stock Exchange is now completely controlled by renegade US military under President Trump’s executive order.
Therefore, there is currently no insider trading involved.
The New York Stock Exchange is a legal entity called a stock market.
If this company goes bankrupt, your duties and responsibilities will disappear.
Both the Vatican and the British Royal Family had complete control over the New York Stock Exchange in the United States.
And the New York Stock Exchange has been used as a place for the dark forces to make money.
Therefore, the New York Stock Exchange will have the same results as America, Inc.
It’s time for EBS to become a reality
The question has long been, “When will EBS start?”
The time has finally come for us to answer this question by saying, “We can make it happen!”
Act 1 before EBS: Black Swan Event
Before EBS activation, the first act: Black Swan event became open.
A black swan event is a shocking event that, once it occurs, destroys everything.
Now this is completely below the surface and ready for use.
Three Gorges Dam to be 100% destroyed
The Three Gorges Dam was a global base for human trafficking, a base for the production of youth elixirs, and a base for money laundering using Bitcoin.
Furthermore, the underground base of the Three Gorges Dam was also the base of a DS world created by dark forces.
The base of the Three Gorges Dam is heading towards 100% destruction.
99% of it is already ready for destruction.
Bitcoin mining center has already been recaptured by US military renegades.
Information is also coming in that the Three Gorges Dam itself is disappearing from China.
During the final war between the US reformist forces and the remnants of the DS
The current situation can be described as “the final war between the reformist US military and the remnants of the DS.”
If we compare it to boxing, this is the phase when “the US military reformists and the dark forces entered the ring.”
The gong signal is the moment for EBS activation.
As we enter August, Earth’s ascension will continue to accelerate.
The unprecedented and unprecedented EBS we dream of is coming.
When EBS is enabled, GCR/RV will also be enabled.
And GESARA will also accelerate.
And with a light mind, we can face the new world with dignity, brightness and joy, and live the best life possible.
10-day blackout underway – GESARA NESARA and QFS set to trigger the largest wealth transfer in history!
Martial law has been imposed on hundreds of cities across the United States, marking the beginning of a transformative period in history. As we brace for a 10-day blackout, it’s clear that this is no simple power outage; it’s a strategic move designed to stage a scenario reminiscent of World War III.
This calculated event will trigger alarms at all National Military Command Centers, setting the stage for the next phase of global transformation.
This spectacle is necessary to justify the implementation of the Gesara Military Law, the establishment of secret military tribunals, forced confessions and executions – all part of a grand plan to usher in a new era of transparency and justice.
At precisely 10 a.m. on September 11, 2001, NESARA was supposed to be enacted, promising to revolutionize our financial system and deliver prosperity funds to millions. However, the tragic events of that day, orchestrated by Bush, served as a monumental distraction.
The destruction of the World Trade Center towers obliterated the computers and data crucial to the implementation of NESARA, effectively hiding it from public view. The subsequent Iraq War further diverted attention, ensuring that NESARA remained buried.
The corrupt US Supreme Court did its part by imposing a gag order on government officials, military personnel, law enforcement officials, bankers, lawyers, judges, the media, and anyone with knowledge of NESARA.
This gag order ensured that information about NESARA was kept from the public, preventing its widespread demand and implementation. But the time for silence is over. The truth is emerging, and with it the promise of a new dawn.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is dismantling the old, corrupt banking structures, revealing their manipulative control over our lives. The QFS heralds a new era of financial freedom and transparency, freeing us from the shackles of traditional banking. It’s time to embrace this revolutionary system and reclaim our financial autonomy.
Along with QFS, quantum healing technologies such as Med Beds are emerging as groundbreaking advances in healthcare.
These Med Beds, part of Trump’s NESARA initiative, promise to cure all diseases in minutes, revolutionizing medical care and offering hope to millions. This is a leap forward in holistic wellness, blending love and science to heal humanity.
Prepare for a return to 1955 prices. The stark contrast between $8,000 in 1955 and $85,896.23 today highlights the inevitable collapse of our current fiscal systems. Fundamentals always prevail, and history teaches us that fiscal recklessness will eventually lead to a reset.
The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on high alert. The anticipated World War III scenario is not a real threat, but a staged event to justify the imposition of martial law and the blackout. This calculated move will serve to reveal the truth about NESARA and the QFS, preparing the public for the transformative changes that are to come.
We are on the brink of the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This is a historic event in which we are all participants. Raise your vibrations, stay aligned with the divine, and prepare for the revelation of truth.
The HCL crisis has been wisely resolved. Baghdad has no more excuses, and with the HCL signed and made official, the RV can be released within days. The Iraqi banking sector is buzzing with optimism, expecting a significant change in the coming days.
As we approach the precipice of unprecedented change, it is crucial to remain vigilant. The truth, long hidden, is now emerging. The EBS, RV, and NESARA are converging to herald a new era of transparency, justice, and prosperity. Keep your notifications turned on, stay informed, and be prepared for the dramatic transformation that lies ahead.
The next 48 hours are critical. Martial law, the 10-day blackout, and the staged World War III scenario are not just random events, but strategic moves designed to reshape our world. This is not a theory; it is reality unfolding before our eyes.
Stand firm, stay alert, and embrace the new dawn that is upon us. The promise of NESARA, GESARA, QFS, and quantum healing technologies are within our reach. Together, we will witness and participate in the rebirth of a world founded on truth, justice, and boundless prosperity.
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