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Medbed Information

Medbed Information

Medbed Information

Judy Note Medbed Information


  What is Medbed?


Medbed uses technology that uses your DNA code to restore your body to its optimal state.

 Medbeds will be installed in specialized healing centers.
 Medbed is free and open to the public.
 With the introduction of Medbed, everyone can freely regain their health and live a healthy life even in old age.
 Once Medbed’s technology is unveiled, hospitals and big pharmaceutical companies will be phased out.

  Query steps


Each country has a central hub where people can make appointments.


When you call the National Center, we will schedule an initial consultation date with the center closest to you.


At your first appointment, we will review your medical history and perform a full body scan.


Based on the scan results, we will discuss the desired treatment and input this information into a quantum computer.


A quantum computer determines the urgency of your medical needs, determines where you should be placed on the list, and tells you the date, time and location of your treatment.


On the day of treatment


Treatments can last from a few minutes to 15 hours, depending on the content.


Once your treatment is complete, you will be transferred to a recovery area where you will be cared for by a medical professional.


Most diseases can be cured with treatment.


More complex cases may require up to three sessions.


Treatment priorities


Unvaccinated people will have priority over vaccinated people.


This is because there was already a lot of information available about the potential risks of vaccines even before vaccination.


People who are born with serious illnesses or who have illnesses that involve other medical problems may access Medbed first.


All those requiring treatment are expected to be treated quickly, although priority will be given to those who have not been vaccinated.


There are also humanitarian teams that help the homeless, so that no one is left behind.


  Medbed treatment capacity



organ regeneration


Medbed can replace or grow limbs and organs.


new bones and healing


If you have a prosthesis, Medbed allows you to remove and dissolve it for beneficial treatment.




Surgery at Medbed provides immediate results.


Example: A baseball pitcher who requires surgery will be able to pitch immediately after treatment.


Vaccination harm


The damage caused by vaccination can be reversed.


heart disease


It can cure all types of heart problems.




Addiction can be cured, but the person needs to find out why they became addicted.


Dissolution of additional surgical specimens


Surgically added debris can be dissolved to repair the damage and return the body to the healthy state it was in before the problem began.




It not only heals the damage caused by chemotherapy, but also restores the body to full health and removes all abnormal growths.




Allergies will go away.




All your dental problems will be solved. Teeth are regenerated and, if necessary, straightened.




You can get back to your ideal weight.


Visual  and auditory


Vision and hearing can also be restored to optimal conditions.




The scars will heal and disappear.




Mental problems can also be repaired.




Children with autism can be helped to heal.




Orthopedic issues are also addressed, including bone adjustments and corrections.




Depression can be helped gradually.


Ultimately, individuals need to deal with trauma in a positive way.




Medbed can also be used for pets such as dogs and cats.


All living beings can benefit from Medbed technology.


  What cannot be treated with Medbed


psychological trauma


Mental and emotional traumas will not be fixed.


Technology can suppress memories, but at some point the trauma must be resolved.


3 or more age regressions


Currently, humans cannot regress more than three times   , as brain cells are not suitable for degeneration more than two times.


Secret space programs have not perfected the technology to address the effects of aging on the brain.


This technique works with age regression because age regression is a very different process than treatment.


Currently, three or more aging cycles increase the likelihood of dementia, scar tissue, and neurological and motor problems.




We must respect the beliefs of those who believe they need to resist miracle healing.


free will


If someone has a negative mindset, the next day after leaving a Medbed session, their thoughts may return them to their pre-bed state.


*We will not do anything that violates the laws of the universe.


Medbed technology is here to physically support health and vitality.


It is each soul’s choice to think, feel, and act in a particular way so that it may experience a specific life, and interfering with that choice of experience is against the laws of the universe.





People need some education on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so they don’t have to rely on technology.


If you go through treatment and then go back and continue doing everything you’ve been doing, your results may start to fade.


With the introduction of Medbed, it will be possible to live a long and healthy life for over 100 years.


Although they cannot live forever, they can live to be over 200 years old.


  The future of health


 In the near future, humanity will enjoy health, prosperity and abundance.


Medbed will be part of this prosperity.


  medical team


Medbed is an advanced medical technology and requires considerable training to use safely.


When first deployed, Medbed will only be used by professional, military-trained medical teams.


Doctors may be in short supply as many face charges of crimes against humanity.


Basically, we approach medical professionals and people with medical knowledge who have a truly high vibration.


Training costs nothing.


Military forces and benevolent beings provide training.


  medical center



Running a Medbed Center is a huge task, so the military and the alliance will be in control for a while.



Medbed Information
Medbed Information


Humanity on Earth will reach 1000 years of evolution in 3 years, from 2024 to 2026!



  1000 years of evolution in 3 years from 2024 to 2026



“Humanity is about to experience 1000 years of evolution in three years (2024-2026).
 Please understand that this happens for those who choose to ascend to the fifth dimension.
 Once again, you are Starseeds and this time you are taking the first step as leaders of the New World.
 As ambassador of the Galactic Federation to the new Earth…”
 This only happens in the New Earth timeline and I feel it will raise the bar for the entire universe.
 As the Old and New Earth timelines begin to separate, tremendous changes are occurring, including the downfall of Soka, the culprit behind Japan’s darkness, although the separation has not yet occurred.
 I always had a feeling that big changes would occur starting in 2024, and it makes sense that 1000 years of evolution would be achieved in just three years.

  Time flows from the future to the past



Until now, we have been taught that when it comes to time, “the past creates the future.”


However, time actually flows from the future to the present to the past.


That is, if the future of your destiny is great, even your soul will no longer doubt it.


Humans are the only ones who hold back because “that’s the way it was in the past,” while children and animals always live in the “now.”


Living in the present is exactly what “living with the soul” means.


In particular, the fact that you are separating and moving into the New Earth timeline means that no one who gets in the way will be able to reach this timeline anymore.


In other words, people who misuse GESARA and try to take control again if given the opportunity will remain on the negative timeline.


By believing in yourself, you will naturally be able to understand the flow of the future.


  Everything is ready to ascend safely.



Skye, who was spreading information about Medbed, posted an angry video saying: “When will this change?”


It is true that many people who have been waiting for a long time think, “Don’t mess around!” while the Earth Alliance continues to ignore vaccines and raise prices.


The important thing here is that you first need to release your emotional stagnation.


If you keep feeling confused, it will get heavy.


Therefore, express your feelings in a way that does not hurt others.


By doing this, it will become lighter.


And there may have been some people in the Earth Alliance who tried to take control if they had the opportunity.


It might have been dangerous to do anything flashy, especially until the Old and New Earth timelines began to separate.


If high dimensional technology such as the Medbed was released without this timeline being separated, the frequency would have become chaotic and the ascension process could have failed.


This has been repeated in the past, in times such as Atlantis, and so measures have been taken to ensure the safest ascension possible.


And starting in 2024, after the separation of the timeline, the souls corrupted by darkness will also disappear from this timeline.


It is also possible that the energy you have accumulated so far will push you into higher dimensions all at once.


First of all, a huge amount of energy will always be dissipated somewhere, so even if you think like that, it is impossible for nothing to change in the future.


  Make the final decision with your soul…



In the end, decide based on your own soul and how you feel.


The invisible things are already important and what I have written is just a small part of the big picture.


To feel with the soul is to feel things that cannot be seen, and you cannot get there just by filling yourself with knowledge.


Things are already changing for the better.


It all starts with yourself.


Commander Ashtar – Major White Hat Operation on Capitol Hill

A major operation is underway in the tunnels beneath the Capitol, in the heart of the United States.

The White Hats are conducting this operation with our help and have explored these tunnels.

This was a large laboratory where they reloaded the Biden clone, where they edited, rebuilt and readjusted it daily.

All the big secret empire they had down there, under the Capitol, all the dirt they had down there. The White Hats intervened with our help.

Let’s wait and see what will happen, what they will say to society and to the people. But there is nothing left, all the lizards and lizards, all the strange creatures that they cloned there, there is nothing left of them.

There was a lot of technology there, we recognize that, but that technology is now gone.

They show us a big lizard, we think we know who it is at the government level. This lizard is one of the leaders of this whole network that they have in the Capitol and in the American government.

They had to clear out the warehouses, the laboratories, the basements and the cities that were underneath them because they are huge. From there they controlled, from there they had the power to manipulate and control all these politicians.

Many knew about it and many were there.

Many have been manipulated, their inner fields rewritten to obey the dark plan of the great dark government.

I assure you that you will not see this in the official media, you will know what excuses and lies they will invent when the puppets begin to disappear because they no longer know how to exercise power.

We are now very close to everything that will develop in this electoral process. The White Hats support us.

They want to do thousands and thousands of things to prevent these elections, but we are ahead of them. We are one step ahead of them and we will not allow their tricks and their evil thoughts to spoil the plan of the Light for this earth.

The American economy is in collapse, all systems are down.

We all continue to work hard as a team with the White Hats and all the forces of light to eliminate the evil Empire and the evil elite that are still at work.

I say goodbye to you with all my love, I am Ashtar Sheran, peace on earth my beloved Emanuel and Pastora, peace to all.

Emanuel and Pastora – Servium
Erks – 08/30/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar




Commander Ashtar
Commander Ashtar


DavidXRPLion -ΑΩ- “Messenger of GOD’S REVELATION”

“IT IS” here…………….!
quantum XRP
quantum XRP




For those who are awake: GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, QFS 20 Protocol and the Iraqi Dinar – QFS ISO -2OO22 Blockchain Financial System

Explore the future of global finance with For Those of You Awake: GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, QFS Protocol 20, and the Iraqi Dinar – QFS ISO -2OO22 Stellar Blockchain Financial System. Dive into how these groundbreaking protocols and reforms are set to reshape economic landscapes through blockchain technology. Discover the integration of ISO 20022 standards and their impact on the Iraqi Dinar, ensuring compliance and enhanced financial transparency across the globe.


The financial landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and for those who are  “AWAKE”  to the signs, the future is both exciting and intimidating. We are on the precipice of a new era, where old financial systems are giving way to a revolutionary paradigm shift.

In this article, we’ll delve into the components of this new financial system —  GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, QFS Protocol 20, and the Iraqi Dinar.  But be warned, this journey is not for the timid; it’s for those ready to take control of their financial destiny.

The current state of affairs:  As we navigate these strange times marked by erratic weather patterns, ongoing pandemics, and political upheaval, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. But amid the chaos, a financial transformation is taking shape—one that promises stability and security for those prepared to embrace it.

The new components of the financial system:

  1. GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act):  GESARA is a global initiative that aims to restructure the world’s financial systems and usher in a new era of prosperity and abundance. It seeks to eliminate debt-based currencies and usher in asset-backed financial systems.
  2. QFS (Quantum Financial System):  QFS is a digital financial platform that operates on the principles of blockchain technology and quantum computing. It promises transparency, security, and efficiency in financial transactions, making traditional banking systems obsolete.
  3. GCR/RV (Global Currency Reset/Revaluation):  This is a process through which the value of global currencies is recalibrated, often to realign with hard assets like gold and silver. The goal is to level the playing field and eliminate the dominance of a few reserve currencies.
  4. ISO 20022:  ISO 20022 is a global standard for financial messaging that enables uniform and standardized communication between financial institutions. It facilitates faster and more accurate cross-border transactions.
  5. BASEL III:  BASEL III is a set of international banking regulations that require financial institutions to maintain higher capital reserves. This ensures greater stability within the global banking system and reduces the risk of financial crises.
  6. QFS 20 Protocol:  This protocol is an integral part of the Quantum Financial System, designed to further simplify and secure financial transactions. It ensures that transactions are conducted with maximum integrity and efficiency.
  7. Iraqi Dinar:  The Iraqi Dinar has been a topic of great interest among investors due to its potential for revaluation. Some believe that this currency could see a significant increase in value as part of the Global Currency Reset.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial to take control of your financial future. The time for saving others is over, and those who have awakened to the opportunities presented by the new financial system have graduated to a new level of financial awareness.

If you’ve been waiting on the sidelines, it’s time to take action. Convert every penny you hold into gold and silver-backed digital currencies and move them to the QFS ledger for safekeeping. The digital realm offers a level of security and transparency that traditional banking systems can’t match.

Additionally, consider acquiring  ISO 20022- compliant assets  like XLM and XRP. These cryptocurrencies are poised to play a significant role in the new financial system. Even if you feel like you’re late to the party, remember that every revolution has its laggards who can still make a difference.

Seek guidance:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to navigate this financial transformation, you’re not alone. The path to financial empowerment can be challenging, but there’s help available. Feel free to send me a private message, and I’ll do my best to help you in my spare time. Together, we can explore how to move your gold and silver-backed digital currencies to the QFS ledger for maximum security and protection.

In these turbulent times, where the world seems to be on the brink of uncertainty, a new financial system is emerging.  GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, QFS Protocol 20  and the Iraqi Dinar are the building blocks of this new era. It is a future that beckons to those who are awake and ready to take control of their financial destiny.

The message is clear:  convert your assets to gold and silver-backed digital currencies, adopt ISO 20022-compliant assets like XLM and XRP, and move your wealth to the secure QFS ledger. The time for hesitation is over. The future is now, and the choice is yours — will you be part of this  financial revolution  or remain a victim of the old system?

GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, QFS 20 Protocol and DINAR are components of the New Financial System. They are all related!

From the smoldering ashes of the old system, a phoenix of financial revolution is rising. We are in the midst of a powerful paradigm shift, taking us from the confines of the known into the exhilarating embrace of a new era – the Great Awakening to Unity Consciousness. This isn’t just about currencies, regulations or protocols. This is about us – you, me and our collective dream of a golden age beyond our wildest imagination.


Let’s take the dates with caution… But we’re getting closer every day




Attention Patriots and seekers of truth: 🥳

The world is on the brink of a radical change that will change everything you know about money, power and freedom. If you are awake, you will already feel the revolution coming. It’s not just about financial transactions, it’s about taking back control of your destiny.
The old system is falling apart: We’ve lived under the corporate financial system for too long, a system that benefits the elites and leaves us in the dark. But the tide is changing.
GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20 and the Iraqi Dinar are not just slogans; they are a model for the new world order, ensuring transparency, justice, and abundance for those who are ready.


Restored Republic – Fri. 30 Aug 2024:

JUST RECEIVED THIS MOMENTS AGO! The time is at hand. I received notice from a valid source who was notified by US Military active duty. Be prepared this is from my VERY legitimate source! They ask that I spread the word to have the people prepare in 24 to 48 hrs.” …Carden Group

There will be 10 days of darkness where there will be shutdowns.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will send out alerts.

Banks will be closed, ATMs will not work, nor will debit/credit cards.

We will need to have a minimum of 3 weeks of food, water, and power source (generator) if possible.

There will be 24/7 education for the people airing 8 hours/reruns 3x/day.

The government will be shut down and replaced.



The Official White Hat Statement – ​​Trust the Plan – God Wins!

Discover the dramatic official statement from the  White Hats,  declaring their unwavering commitment to exposing the  Deep State  and defending freedom. With a powerful call to arms, they reveal an epic plan to rescue the world from corruption and darkness.  Trust the Plan—God Wins!


The alarm has sounded — will you answer the call?

At a time when the very fabric of our society seems to be unraveling, a group known as the White Hats has emerged from the shadows to issue a resounding call to arms. With a message that crackles with urgency, they declare their unwavering commitment to defend freedom, justice, and righteousness against an invisible enemy known as the Deep State. This is no ordinary proclamation—it is a rallying cry, a call for unity in the face of an epic battle that threatens the very soul of our nation and the world.

The White Hats’ declaration is more than just words; it is a clear call that demands immediate attention. As they unveil their plan to save the world, the stakes are nothing short of monumental. This is not a time to sit idly by — this is a time to act, to stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of freedom and truth. The battle lines have been drawn, and the time to act is now.

The Call to Arms: The White Hats’ Epic Plan to Save the World

Attention, world!  The White Hats, a self-proclaimed group of patriots, have risen up with a bold proclamation: they are here to save the world. Their message resonates with dramatic urgency, a rallying cry echoing across the nation and beyond. They declare their allegiance to God and country, vowing to unveil a plan so epic in scale that it will redefine the course of history.


This is no ordinary battle—it’s a fight against a shadowy force known as the Deep State, an entity that lurks in the shadows, manipulating and controlling the highest levels of government. The White Hats’ mission is clear: to expose this nefarious cabal and restore freedom and justice to a world on the brink of tyranny.



In these turbulent times, the White Hats stand firm, their resolve unwavering. They have drawn a line in the sand, daring the forces of darkness to cross it. There will be no surrender, no compromise. This is a fight for the very soul of humanity, and the White Hats are prepared to lead the charge.

A Fight for Freedom: Defending Against the Deep State

For years, whispers of the Deep State have circulated in the shadowy corners of conspiracy theories, dismissed by many as mere speculation. But the White Hats are here to bring those whispers into the harsh light of day. They paint a frightening picture of a powerful, secretive entity that has infiltrated the highest echelons of government, pulling the strings behind the scenes to orchestrate a sinister dance of control.


This is not just a battle against corruption; it is a battle against an enemy that has embedded itself deeply within the very institutions that are supposed to protect and serve the people. The White Hats vow to tear away the mask of this hidden adversary, exposing the web of deceit and manipulation that has ensnared their nation and the world.

Their commitment to this cause is unwavering. With an aggressive and relentless spirit, they vow to defend their freedom against the unseen forces that seek to enslave them. White Hats know that this is a battle that must be fought on all fronts—political, social, and spiritual. And they are ready to lead the charge.

A United Front Against Darkness: Victory Through Righteousness

The White Hats’ call to arms is not just a lone cry; it is a powerful invitation to all who yearn for justice and righteousness to come together. They understand that this is not a battle that can be won alone. It requires a united front, a coalition of the willing who are prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder in the face of overwhelming odds.


This is not just a struggle for political power; it is a struggle for the very soul of a nation and, by extension, the world. The White Hats call on all who will hear their message to join them in this epic struggle. They promise that together, they can achieve victory for righteousness, a victory that will shine as a beacon of hope for all who seek freedom and justice.



The White Hats understand the power of unity. They know that when people come together, united in a common cause, they become an unstoppable force. And that’s exactly what they’re calling for—a united front against the darkness that threatens to engulf the world.

The Time is Now: Revealing Truths That Shake the World

Amidst the uncertainty and confusion, White Hats deliver a clear and resounding message: the time to act is now. They provoke with the promise of revealing world-shaking truths that have long been hidden from public view. These truths, they claim, have the potential to reshape the course of history itself.

This is not a message for the faint of heart. It is a challenge, a call to those who are ready to face the uncomfortable truths that have been hidden for too long. The White Hats promise that what they are about to reveal will shake the very foundations of society, exposing the lies and deceptions that have been perpetuated by those in power.

But it’s not just about uncovering the truth — it’s about what comes next. White Hats aren’t content to simply expose corruption; they’re determined to take action, to bring about real change. And they’re calling on everyone who hears their message to join them in this fight.


The Great Storm Approaches

In their enigmatic yet electrifying proclamation, the White Hats conclude with an ominous declaration: “A GREAT STORM IS COMING.” While the true nature of this “storm” remains shrouded in mystery, its implications are clear: a reckoning is imminent, and it will be of epic proportions.

The White Hats are not just warning of a storm; they are preparing to lead their followers through it. They promise to be at the forefront of this battle, guiding those who stand with them through the storm and into the light. This is not just a fight for survival; it is a fight for the future, a fight for a world where freedom and justice prevail.



The White Hats’ message is clear: the time to act is now. The storm is coming, and it will not be stopped. But those who stand with the White Hats will not face it alone. They will be part of a movement, a force for good that will emerge from the storm stronger and more united than ever before.

The Deep State: An Invisible Enemy

To fully understand the gravity of the White Hats’ message, one must first understand the concept of the Deep State. For years, the term was relegated to the realm of conspiracy theories, dismissed by mainstream media and political elites. But White Hats argue that the Deep State is very real—a shadowy cabal that has infiltrated the highest levels of government and exerts control over every aspect of society.


The Deep State, they claim, is not just a collection of corrupt individuals; it is a well-organized and highly secretive network that operates outside the bounds of the law. Its tentacles reach into every corner of government, the media, and the financial system, manipulating events and shaping public opinion to serve its own nefarious purposes.

White Hats believe that the Deep State’s ultimate goal is the complete subjugation of humanity. They see it as an enemy that must be confronted and defeated if freedom and justice are to be preserved. And they are committed to leading the charge in this epic battle.

The role of the media: a tool of control

White Hats aren’t just fighting the Deep State; they’re also taking on the media, which they see as a key tool of control. They argue that the mainstream media is complicit in the Deep State’s agenda, spreading propaganda and disinformation to keep the public in the dark.

White Hats accuse the media of being willing accomplices in the Deep State’s plans, using its vast reach and influence to shape public opinion and suppress dissent. They believe the media has been corrupted to its core, and that it is no longer a source of truth and information, but rather a weapon used to control the masses.

The White Hats’ message is clear: the media cannot be trusted. They urge their followers to seek out alternative sources of information, to question everything they are told, and to think critically about the news they consume. This is not just a fight for control of the narrative; it is a fight for the very soul of society.

The Global Implications: A Battle Beyond Borders

While the White Hats’ message is primarily aimed at Americans, its implications are global. They see the fight against the Deep State as a battle that transcends national borders, a struggle that involves all of humanity. White Hats believe that the Deep State’s influence extends far beyond the United States, reaching governments and institutions around the world.

This is not just a fight for the future of one nation; it is a fight for the future of the world. The White Hats are calling on people everywhere to join them in this fight, to stand up against the forces of darkness and fight for a brighter future.

White Hats understand that the stakes could not be higher. They know that if they fail, the consequences will be felt by people all over the world. But they also believe that if they succeed, their victory will inspire others to stand up and fight for their own freedom and justice.

The White Hats’ Plan: A Blueprint for Victory

The White Hats’ plan to defeat the Deep State is as bold as it is ambitious. They are not content to simply expose corruption; they are determined to bring about real, lasting change. Their plan involves a multi-pronged approach, targeting every aspect of the Deep State’s control.

First, White Hats are focused on exposing the truth. They believe that by shedding light on the activities of the Deep State, they can awaken the public to the reality of the situation. It’s not just about uncovering secrets; it’s about changing minds and hearts, about inspiring people to take action.


Next, White Hats are committed to dismantling the Deep State’s power structure. This involves rooting out corruption in government, the media, and the financial system, and holding those responsible accountable for their actions. White Hats believe that by removing the corrupt individuals and institutions that support the Deep State, they can weaken its control over society.

Finally, White Hats are focused on building a new, more just society. They believe that by restoring freedom and justice, they can create a world where people are free to live their lives without fear of oppression or control. This is not just a fight for survival; it is a fight for a better future.

The Role of Faith: A Spiritual Battle

At the heart of the White Hats’ message is a deep and abiding faith in God. They believe that their fight against the Deep State is not just a political struggle, but a spiritual battle. White Hats see themselves as warriors for righteousness, fighting not just for freedom and justice, but for the very soul of humanity.

White Hats’ faith is a source of strength and inspiration. They believe they are on the side of good and that their cause is just. This faith gives them the courage to stand up against overwhelming odds and the determination to see their mission through to the end.

The White Hats’ message is clear: this is not just a battle for political power; it is a battle for the soul of the world. They believe that by standing up for what is right, they are fulfilling their divine purpose. And they are calling on others to join them in this fight, to defend their faith and values.

The Future: A Vision of Hope

The White Hats’ message is not just one of warning; it is also one of hope. They believe that by standing up to the Deep State, they can create a better future for everyone. White Hats envision a world where freedom and justice prevail, where people are free to live their lives without fear of oppression or control.

This isn’t just a dream; it’s a vision of a better world, one that White Hats are committed to making a reality. They believe that by standing up for what’s right, they can inspire others to do the same. And they’re calling on everyone who hears their message to join them in this fight, to defend their freedom and their future.

The Call to Action: Will You Heed?

As the White Hats issue their official statement, the question remains: will you heed the call? This is not a fight that can be won by a few; it requires the efforts of many. The White Hats are calling on all who hear their message to stand with them, to join them in the fight for freedom and justice.

This is not just a moment in history; it is a turning point. The decisions made today will shape the future of the world. White Hats believe that by uniting, they can defeat the forces of darkness and create a brighter future for all.

The White Hats’ message is clear: the time to act is now. The storm is coming, and it will not be stopped. But those who stand with the White Hats will not face it alone. They will be part of a movement, a force for good that will emerge from the storm stronger and more united than ever before.

Conclusion: Trust the Plan—God Wins

Ultimately, the White Hats’ message is one of faith and hope. They believe they are on the right side of history and that their cause is just. White Hats are confident that by standing up for what is right, they can defeat the forces of darkness and create a better future for everyone.

This is not just a fight for political power; it is a fight for the very soul of humanity. The White Hats believe that by trusting in the plan, they can achieve victory. And they are calling on all who will hear their message to join them in this fight, to defend their freedom and their future.

The White Hats’ message is clear: Trust the plan—God wins. This isn’t just a statement; it’s a statement of faith, a commitment to stand up for what’s right no matter the cost. White Hats believe that by coming together, they can create a better future for everyone. And they’re calling on you to join them in this fight.

BOMBSHELL!! Mass Wealth Redistribution Imminent: NESARA and GESARA Rainbow Currency Already Being Printed and Secretly Tested as Banks Collapse and CEOs Resign Around the World!

The veil is being torn, and those who have eyes to see can no longer deny it:  NESARA  and  GESARA  are not only the greatest secrets of our time, but the instruments of a global revolution that is already underway.

The global cabal that has enslaved humanity for centuries is on its knees, and the final blow is coming. You can feel it in the air, see it in the headlines they are trying to bury, and hear it in the whispers of those who know the truth. The world is being remade, and NESARA and GESARA are the architects of this  new reality.

Look around. The signs are all there, glaringly obvious to those who are awake. The recent, almost orchestrated, collapse of banks like Silicon Valley Bank and the sudden financial “crisis” that followed? These were not accidents — they were the first steps in dismantling the old financial order.

NESARA is here, and it’s already starting to drain the swamp of the corrupt financial elite. The Federal Reserve’s days are numbered, and they know it. That’s why they’re frantically trying to push their Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) — their last, desperate attempt to maintain control over a system that’s crumbling beneath them.

But it is too late.  The US Treasury’s new NESARA banking system, backed by gold, silver and platinum, is ready to launch,  and the dollar as we know it will be obliterated.

Remember the sudden and inexplicable spike in gold prices this summer? That’s the world’s biggest players hedging their bets, preparing for the  NESARA global currency reset.  The new rainbow currency is already being printed, secretly tested in “pilot programs” across the country.

Inside sources have confirmed that these notes are being quietly introduced in select regions under the guise of “special edition releases.” They are priming the masses, getting us ready for the big reveal when the fiat dollar is finally buried and  NESARA’s gold-backed currency takes its place.

And it’s not just the financial world that’s feeling the heat. The corporate world is in freefall, and  it’s all connected to NESARA.  Have you noticed the mass resignations of top CEOs in recent months? We’re talking about leaders at Disney, Amazon, and IBM, all leaving without warning.

This is no coincidence—it is the purge of the corrupt NESARA corporate elite who have been complicit in keeping humanity enslaved. These resignations are just the beginning. The entire corporate power structure is being dismantled, and those who have profited from our misery are running scared. They know NESARA is coming for them, and there is no place to hide.

But the financial and corporate upheavals are just the tip of the iceberg. NESARA and GESARA are about much more than just money — they are about freeing humanity from the chains of control that have kept us in the dark for so long.

More than  6,000 suppressed technology patents are about to be released to the public,  technologies that will change the world overnight. Free energy devices that will make fossil fuels obsolete, antigravity technology that will revolutionize transportation,  and medical breakthroughs that will make disease a thing of the past.

The reason these advances were denied to us?

Because the elite have been hoarding them, using them to maintain their power while keeping us dependent on their outdated and damaging systems. But  NESARA is revealing this conspiracy.  These technologies are being prepared for release as we speak, with insider reports suggesting the first wave could reach the public by the end of this year.

And let’s talk about the military. NESARA’s directive to end all offensive military action and bring troops home is already underway. The recent troop withdrawals from Iraq and Syria are not just political decisions—they are part of a larger plan to dismantle the military-industrial complex that has fueled endless war.

The real reason behind the US withdrawal from Afghanistan so abruptly? It wasn’t a botched exit; it was NESARA in action. The deep state warmongers are being forced out, and peace is being imposed, whether they like it or not.

What about the so-called “Havana Syndrome”? That was  a message sent by NESARA agents to the deep state  — get out or be eliminated. The purges inside the Pentagon have only just begun. Expect more “retirements” and sudden departures as  NESARA cleans house.

But the real bombshell is the Prosperity Fund. This is the ultimate redistribution of wealth, a complete leveling of the playing field. The recent moves by banks to quietly forgive large amounts of debt are directly linked to the upcoming  Global Currency Reset and Revaluation (GCR-RV).  This is not a test run — it is the beginning of the redistribution of wealth that will make every person on this planet a millionaire, debt-free and truly free.

For too long, the world’s wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few, while the rest of us struggle. NESARA is putting an end to that. The Prosperity Fund is already in the works, with internal reports indicating that the first distributions could begin as early as October. The old world of debt slavery is ending, and a new world of abundance is about to begin.

And if you think world peace is just a dream, think again. NESARA and  GESARA  are making it happen. The recent rush to disarm nuclear arsenals by 2025 is not about diplomacy — it’s about NESARA’s plan to eliminate the threat of war altogether. The UN’s sudden push for disarmament treaties and the mysterious “accelerated” timetables are all part of NESARA’s agenda.

The world is being forced into peace, not by choice, but by necessity. The military powers that have terrorized the world for so long are being disarmed, one treaty at a time. NESARA is ensuring that the future is one of peace, not because it is a good idea, but because it is the only way forward.

This is the moment we have been waiting for. NESARA and  GESAR A are not just coming—  they are here.  The old world is being destroyed, and a new world is emerging in its place. The signs are all around us, for those who are awake enough to see them.

The global elite are terrified, fighting to hold together their crumbling empires, but they are powerless to stop what is coming. NESARA is inevitable, and it is bringing freedom, peace and prosperity to every corner of the globe.

The revolution is here, and it’s only going to get bigger. Get ready, because the world as we know it is about to change forever.


⚠️Replicator Details⚠️ Kita!! ‼️ Details are out!! ️


⚠️Replicator Details⚠️ Kita!! ‼️ Details are out!! ️

⚠️Replicator Details⚠️

Kya, the details are finally out 😍

Actually, as I said in the talk 👍

Wow, I’m so excited✨

That’s right❗

In the story session, the replicator said:

“Just press the button,

You can make coffee~✨

And one will be distributed to each family❗

Let’s talk about it!! ️

Wow, I watched the video and it was amazing!! ️

Nantes is stunningly beautiful! ️

I really want this soon! ️

With emotion, excitement, admiration, surprise,

My head is dizzy☺️

Anyway, the replicator

Only history lies ahead,

What is it really like?

I didn’t know how to use it

In any case, free energy is a set,

It is a device the size of a microwave oven.

everything at the molecular level

For reusable items and products

It’s called playing! ️

So, a new “user”

Something came out,

This is a recycler! ️

What is a recycler?

Put anything in the utility

This means it will be recycled.

Eliminates the need to transport waste and garbage to landfills

Don’t wash the dishes, just put them in the utility bin as soon as you’re done eating.

It will be recycled ✨

We make new clothes and underwear every day,

Place dirty items in the utility.

Recycle and use the replicator again

Do something new!! ️

No washing machine or dryer needed! ️

How is this possible?

In fact, all substances

It is composed of the same “elements”,

The main thing is to combine the molecules correctly

It seems like it’s just a matter of putting it on 👍️

So what do we eat,

for clothing or household use

Everything you buy now is free at home

This means it can be duplicated 👍️

Therefore, I set aside time to do all the household chores.

I don’t need this anymore, I can do whatever I want,

This means you can use your time to have fun✨

If you have to spend a lot of time doing something,

It became a hobby ☺️

When this happens, there will be no need for all kinds of stores,

There is no need to work anymore,

For you, for others, for your friends

It takes time ✨

When the GESARA law is activated,

Approximately 6,000 new technologies like this

He will appear on the table✨

So far, the deep state has

for their own interests

This is a hidden technique! ️

This means that the Galactic Federation of Light appears on Earth,

when is it safe

It seems to be coming to the surface❗

After all, the DS are from the evil Space Force (ET).

They told me something that wasn’t very good.

President Trump’s Alliance

Because he took over the SSP (Secret Space Program),

Good things will come from now on!! ️

It’s better than me writing a mess.

If you watch the video you will see how amazing it is

You will be surprised✨

In the new world that is finally beginning,


🔸 free energy


🔸Replicators and Users

One of them will be distributed to each family.

Well, when it comes to this new world,

I wonder if humans will fall

I think there are people worried! ️

That’s why I keep repeating

As I say,

From now on, I will understand the purpose for which I was born.

For me, for others,

It’s about preparing what you’re going to do! ️

From now on, I will share with you all.

events that can be found

I’m thinking about doing this ☺️

The first will be held in Nagoya on February 23 (holiday).

Talk live and exchange meetings✨

Please join us,

How to live in the new world from now on

Let’s find it together❗

Looking Glass Project: A New Dawn for Humanity in 2024-2025 (Part 3)


Update on the Looking Glass Project| August 30, 2024

Submission received from alliance sources.

The Looking Glass Project uses a combination of quantum data collection, quantum computational modeling, artificial intelligence, and advanced visualization techniques to create a virtual model of the future. 

This model is constantly updated with new data, allowing us to see how different decisions and events can affect the outcome.

The basic idea behind the Looking Glass Project is that it allows us to peer into the future. This is not a crystal ball or fortune-telling device, but a scientific tool that uses cutting-edge technology to collect data from the present and project it into the future. This technology allows us to better understand the consequences of our actions and make more informed decisions for the future.

The Looking Glass Project is used by the Alliance to usher humanity into an era of prosperity, rapid technological advancement, and open public contact with our extraterrestrial friends. The goal is to transform our civilization into a space-capable utopia.

The following information is one of many scenarios envisioned by the Looking Glass Project. The future is not set in stone, and therefore each scenario provided by the Looking Glass Project is just a single timeline among an infinite number of timelines. Please also note that we cannot make the finite details provided by the Looking Glass Project public. The Looking Glass Project also provides scenarios in visual form. Therefore, what is shared here is described in words and “rewritten” to protect us and the public from disruptive forces.


A New Dawn for Humanity: 

The Vision for 2024-2025 (Part 3)

We are on the cusp of a new era, and the years 2024 and 2025 will be turning points for humanity. As the rumblings of change grow louder, we envision a future where compassion, unity, and peace prevail over division and conflict. At the center of this prophetic vision is an unexpected but powerful leader:  JFK Jr.  , who has been named the only president of our “United States, Republic, Nation on Earth.”

It has long been believed that JFK Jr. was trained and guided by positive extraterrestrial beings. Now he is taking on a role that could redefine governance as we know it. His leadership is more than just a political figurehead; it symbolizes a profound shift in consciousness where love, light, and justice take precedence over greed and corruption. In this new framework, the focus will be on collaboration and healing as humanity moves toward a collective rebirth.

In this transformed society, traditional governing bodies are weakened and replaced by a more enlightened structure led by councils of elders. These councils of elders consist of an equal number of men and women and embody the principles of balance and equality. They serve as guardians of the peace and providers of guidance, embodying universal laws that prioritize the highest good of all inhabitants of the Earth.

Elders do not act for financial gain or ambition; instead, they serve out of honor and selflessness. Their commitment to the people is a testament to their devotion to divine love, justice, and humanity’s higher purpose. By opening themselves to the collective consciousness of the universe, these leaders are prepared to create an environment in which all can thrive.

Elders’ governance will be rooted in universal laws, principles that transcend cultural boundaries and guide their decisions. Through this connection to higher consciousness, they will seek solutions that enrich the human experience and protect the planet. Their collective focus will be on sustainability, well-being, and nurturing environments that foster growth, creativity, and spiritual awakening.

As old institutions crumble under the weight of outdated ideologies and practices, councils of elders have the power to reshape the foundations of society. With their commitment to serving humanity and their connection to divine wisdom, they can create a world characterized by peace and love.

How much money is there in the world?

The country with the most money in circulation is China, followed by the USA. Brazil ranks 22nd, close to some of its peers in the global economy (Russia and Mexico) and nations with much lower GDPs but high living standards (Switzerland and the Netherlands).

In dollars, it is US$118.2 trillion. This is the amount of money in the form of banknotes and checking account deposits, plus the money in investments that are easy to withdraw — interest-bearing accounts, savings accounts, CDBs… These are investments that economists call “aggregate M2 investments.”

M1 is paper money plus current accounts. In M2, both M1s are plus highly liquid investments. In M3, roughly speaking, all of this is plus long-term investments. In M4, M1, M2 and M3 are added to the money stored in the form of government bonds.

M2, in any case, is the most widely used parameter to define how much money there is in circulation. And it changes all the time.

Monetary aggregates

These are sets of financial investments issued by financial or government institutions, or even representatives of investment fund shares, aggregated into categories of decreasing liquidity and cumulative volumes. According to the  Secom Communication Manual  , in Brazil, they are divided into the following concepts:

  • Monetary Base:  sum of paper money held by the public and bank reserves, which are held by banks and deposited in the Central Bank;
  • M1:  immediate credit financial assets, corresponding to the sum of demand deposits and currency held by the public (as reserves are a fraction of deposits, M1 is always greater than the monetary base);
  • M2:  the sum of M1 plus savings deposits and securities issued by financial institutions, such as financial bills, CDBs and term deposits;
  • M3:  the sum of M2, fixed income, foreign exchange and multimarket investment funds; and
  • M4:  the sum of M3 and government securities.

How much liquidity circulates in the Brazilian economy?

In Brazil, at the end of July, M2 was R$5.4 trillion (US$1.1 trillion) — 1.7% more than in the previous month. The Central Bank is the one that puts new money into circulation, as the autarchy “prints money” and lends it to banks. Because of this, the total amount of money in M2 tends to increase in the long term. And the same happens with prices. Without this mechanism, there would be no inflation — nor economic growth, but that is another story.

The country with the most money in circulation is China, followed by the USA. Brazil ranks 22nd, close to some of its peers in the global economy (Russia and Mexico) and nations with much lower GDPs but high living standards (Switzerland and the Netherlands).

How did the financial system we know today come about?

The financial system as we know it today is a recent creation. It came into existence in 1971, when Richard Nixon abolished the gold standard. All countries that held dollar reserves had the right to exchange the US currency for gold with the US government. The US Treasury agreed to store the metal in its vaults and give it to foreign governments in exchange for dollars, at a rate of US$1.23 per gram (US$35 per ounce).

The measure served to make the American currency pass; to say that it was not just a piece of paper, but something that was literally worth gold. And it ended up being traded for currencies of many countries — by exchanging other money for dollars, convertibility into gold was guaranteed.

This system was implemented in 1944. But the idea that paper money should have been used was as old as paper money itself. Banknotes first appeared in 17th-century Sweden, and the idea was copied around the world — before that, people carried their currency in their pockets, in the form of gold, silver or bronze coins.

But the gold standard was not perfect. Aware that few citizens were willing to exchange their notes, governments began printing more money than the amount of metal in the official coffers would allow. This practice created outbreaks of inflation. To escape them, countries returned to the gold standard, regulating the production of new money.

In 1971, however, Nixon understood that the latter was not necessary to ensure such discipline. He ended the direct convertibility of dollars into metal, and killed the gold standard once and for all. Modern money was born: something whose perception of value does not come from the existence of a backing somewhere, but from  the user’s trust; in other words, a 100% fiduciary currency, calculated on faith.

But since then, there have always been users who were suspicious. If the government printed money without limits, the currency would lose all its value. And the economy would cease to exist. It was this fear, in essence, that led to the creation of Bitcoin.

But this is not the only major contribution that cryptocurrencies have made to the future of money. With the creation of the Ethereum network came the emergence of “smart contracts” and the ability to automatically verify ownership records when you buy something or make an investment using a digital asset.

Drex will enable several types of secure financial transactions with digital assets and smart contracts to be made available to you. These smart financial services will be settled by banks within the  Drex Platform of the  Central Bank of Brazil  (BC), which is an environment under development using distributed ledger technology (DLT).

We are moving towards a future where investments, insurance, financing and international transactions will be increasingly instantaneous, connected and intelligent. What we are witnessing is a true revolution in the financial sector, where speed, connectivity and intelligence are not just ideals, but tangible realities that shape the way we interact with our finances on a daily basis.

*This article was published with references from the  VoceSA portal  .

MARLON KLEIN  — Founder and CEO of ContaRico, passionate about innovation and technology. Participate in the promotion of digital currency in the development of the Brazilian economy and work on ways to promote greater access to real estate credit through tokenization.






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8/31: Operation Castle Rock is about to begin! And “NESARA” is coming on September 11th

Saturday Morning, August 31, 2024What will happen with the “Financial Collapse”? ?We will continue to check the “financial markets” related to the “World Currency Reset”!Well thenFrom Judy Notes on August 30I will extract the parts that interest you!
Today’s message
As the global financial collapse approaches,
the greatest transfer of wealth in history is underway.On Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM ET, the Deep State Cabal’s central banking system will be shut down.
It has perpetuated debt slavery worldwide since the 19th century.

By Thursday, August 29, 2024, the global financial system will be fully implemented as follows:
All QFS banks worldwide are now fully integrated.

It is a good idea to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, cash, medicine, and supplies on hand.
For yourself, your family, and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy’s Note

Operation Castle Rock will begin soon.
This included the activation of Operation Omicron Variant.
It is the code name for a military demining operation designed to arrest Chinese Communist Party perpetrators, pedophiles and traitors, and rescue tortured children at their hands.

The events at Castle Rock would usher in a return to the principles of 1776. It
also means a return to 1950s prices and the return of all taxes
. Compensation for stolen birth certificates, illegal vaccinations, etc. Vaccine damage has been reversed, as
treatment in medical beds is now available free of charge.

Castle Rock will also expose corruption in the Biden administration and energize militaries around the world, including the US military.
And it will activate military forces around the world, including the US military, to overturn the results of the 2020 election and restore Trump as the duly elected President. We will restore Trump to the position of duly elected President of the United States.

The 2020 Election Nullification through FISA Military Tribunals includes military tribunals,
confessions and a 10-day documentary that exposes the corruption of the globalist deep state cabal.
To achieve this, the world will experience the grounding of planes and trains and the switching of electricity to Tesla Free Energy.

It is expected to destroy satanic symbols around the world, switching to Tesla Free Energy and bombing 34 satanic buildings. Bombing dams with 34 demonic buildings and nuclear power plants, including the Three Gorges Dam in China.

The Three Gorges Dam housed the Chinese Communist Party’s biological warfare laboratory and was the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party’s international child sexual abuse organization.
It was the Chinese Communist Party’s headquarters for international child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and adrenochrome, drugs, and mass shootings.
There was a Chinese Communist Party bioweapons research institute.

This fear of World War III has necessitated worldwide martial law.
Nuclear sirens sound, floods occur, the stock market crashes, and Bitcoin servers go down.
This will wipe out 99.5% of cryptocurrencies, especially Chinacoin.

Another fake World War III scenario activated by militaries around the world was:
The police and the judiciary system run the country under the Constitution of 1776.
Under People’s Law under the Constitution of 1776.

With the introduction of quantum systems comes NESARA/Gesara.
In addition to refunding the people for the money stolen by the Deep State cabal, it also includes a global currency reset.
In addition to returning the money stolen by the Deep State cabal to the people, including a global currency reset, NESARA/GESARA is coming and the rest will be re-educated into the 1776 Constitution.

The global monetary reset stems from a treaty signed by 209 countries in 2014.

The goal is to reset the value of national currencies through the Cross-Border Interbank Payments System (CIPS) and achieve one-to-one parity.
Stabilize international trade and eliminate currency manipulation.
Eliminate currency manipulation.

The reset aims to stabilize currencies, affect export markets and balance trade.
Influence export markets and balance trade. Fiat currency no longer exists.

Quantum Financial Systems (QFS) operate around the world to assign a predetermined and consistent value to currencies.
Assign a predetermined and consistent value to a currency, while simultaneously balancing supply and demand to ensure a stable and fair financial environment.
There will be a fair financial environment. Gold-backed digital currencies are backed by tangible gold certificates.
Allows exchange for real gold.

See details here: Castle Rock Scenario Event Quantum System and Project Odin – An event that nullifies the election and reinstates King Trump as a hero! – American media group

 Thursday, August 29, 2024 Rumor: Biden to be arrested Quantum computer has been activated.
Why did we start the green light digital war? If we fail, freedom fails. …Q Victory, Q Leak, 17, Thursday, August 29, 2024

 Thursday, August 29, 2024: -Once the quantum financial system is activated, all governments will be reduced by 90-95% and new elections must be held within 60 days. Allied forces take the lead. Elections in November? Doubtful with the current timeline. …John F. Kennedy on Telegram

 Thursday, August 29, 2024: Newly discovered documents reveal that NASA was planning a mass extinction event in 2025.
A global market crash was imminent. With the global currency reset movement, banks around the world have closed or become service only.

Over 900 bankers were recently arrested by the Global Military Alliance.
Prepare for the shutdown Several countries have been shut down due to Omicron.
It is military code for operations against the Chinese Communist Party, pedophiles and traitors.

 Thursday, August 29, 2024: Multiple countries return to lockdown due to the Omicron variant.
The Omicron variant is the military code for the Chinese Communist Party’s purge operations.
As multiple countries return to lockdown due to the Omicron variant, the military code for operations to eliminate pedophiles and traitors, we begin full disclosure of the EBS, Military Tribunals, and the Galactic Alliance.

The 5:5 MIL OPS dispatch was a GIS confirmation of our primary objective: to rescue children from the tunnel.
BOLOS. News reports reveal case map as remaining countries go into lockdown and COVID-19 diagnoses are reported. Offline archiving and preparation. Turn off …GITMO TV on Telegram

 Thursday, August 29, 2024: Military Intelligence and Covert Ops: Celebrities, Judge/Olu Unit,
Gitmo, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Guam Naval Base, White House, and FISA Declassification

Garcia, Pine Gap, Guam, and Washington, DC are home to high-ranking prisoners who are facing or have faced military trials. Will be or have been tried and convicted by a military tribunal.

 Thursday, August 29, 2024 Status Report: Bombshell Statement! Judy Byington Cabal
End of Central Bank Debt Slavery. BRICS launched a banking system. And met with 126 countries to discuss abandoning the US Dollar…

 Wednesday, August 28, 2024: Event: Castle Rock Scenario! Quantum System and Project Odin – An event that will nullify the election and restore King Trump as a hero!

 Wednesday, August 28, 2024: BQQQM Quantum GESARA aka TRUMPSARA: GESARA,
Quantum Technology, Farmer’s Plan and more – STELLAR for the People!

 Wednesday, August 28, 2024: Military Intelligence and Covert Operations: Celebrities, Judge/Olu Unit, Gitmo, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Guam Naval Base, White House, and FISA Declassification


possible time

Sunday. On Sunday, August 25, 2024, all bank accounts will be converted to gold/asset-backed currency in the quantum financial system.
Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM ET. This conversion will result in a “centralized” banking business, as the QFS will operate completely independently of the existing “centralized” banking business.

 By Thursday, August 29, 2024, the global financial system will be fully implemented and ready to go live at all QFS banks.

That’s all

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