Information about Medbeds
From Gabi: information about Medbed
We bring you very important information about a quantum technology known as Medbed that is already in use around the world and will soon be available to the public.
This information that I am sharing is intended to educate you about one of the earliest technologies that was developed a long time ago and became known to the world.
These medical beds will have functions such as diagnostic support, surgical repair, cellular repair and DNA repair, ultimately ensuring that reconstruction and rejuvenation will become an essential part of healthcare and that the health of the world’s population, without exception, will make this possible.
These medical beds offer a variety of options and methods to return your body to optimal health.
This represents a quantum leap in the healthcare business in this beautiful world.
Because there are now enough medical beds to start being implemented in all countries.
Imagine a medical package that requires chemotherapy, toxic chemical radiation, organ removal, or living with scars, disease, and dysfunction for an extended period of time.
If you’re thinking that this all sounds too good to be true, or that it’s a science fiction movie or something, I understand your hesitation.
But remember that hiding in plain sight is a tactic of governments and governments.
An example of a fraudulent company that trades in people’s health.
The whole world is finally reaping the dramatic but hugely positive benefits of introducing these new technologies as part of this exciting life-improving package.
Below you will find details about these therapeutic beds, which come in three different types and have three unique functions and features, which are currently in use and ready to be shared with humanity.
1. Diagnostic and therapeutic beds
2. Regeneration bed that works with DNA and stem cells to regenerate old tissues and lost organs
3. Regression and rejuvenation which helps rejuvenate cells by providing age regression therapy and therapy to suppress unnecessary memories.
The three beds combine a 3D scanner, a refractive lens and a surgically precise laser that operates at quantum-level vibrations and frequencies to open and close wounds.
It also features various diagnostic and monitoring technologies that can provide sufficient information to doctors during diagnostic and repair sessions.
Using tachyon particle energy and plasma, this machine works to repair the human body to the maximum extent with minimal invasiveness.
The three Medbeds use similar technology and are tailored for three different applications and treatments.
The first allows for a more accurate, faster and less invasive live scan of the body for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease.
These beds examine all parts of the body, including skin, muscles, bones, organs, glands, nervous system and hormonal efficiency, for diagnosis and interpretation.
Blood and DNA tests can also be performed and genetic markers for certain diseases can be corrected, allowing for a quick and painless analysis of all body systems, and necessary surgeries, including heart surgery and appendix surgery, can be performed immediately.
These holographic beds are equipped with features like a transparent, airtight shield to reduce germs and claustrophobia.
It offers comfortable limb rest, aesthetic laser scalpel with liquid spray and laser mirror for vital signs, sensory and visual diagnosis and analysis, and computer-controlled surgical arm.
Although these beds are built with advanced technology, artificial intelligence is very limited and requires human connection to act as a precaution to ensure cooperation.
The coexistence of computers used in operation is very similar to MRI machines, but instead of magnetism and radiation, these beds use plasma energy to work with humans at a subatomic and vibrational level.
The universe and you are vibrant beings.
It is a highly homeopathic approach to healing, offering multiple benefits with few or no side effects and “eliminating long waiting times and endless tests and trials of ineffective drugs, I am very surprised and delighted.”
Say goodbye to chemotherapy, say goodbye to people dying from stroke and heart disease.
Number 2 or regenerative beds are particularly useful for people requiring organ transplants, organ replacements, missing or amputated limbs, and skin grafts for third-degree burns using techniques similar to number 1.
These beds focus on the direct manipulation of DNA templates using harmonic resonance fields that still exist in the cell’s memory.
As you know, your body has cellular memory, as evidenced by phantom limb syndrome.
These beds can change the lives of many people and have countless uses, but they are just the beginning.
The healthcare system is undergoing a true transformation, becoming a system of support and rejuvenation.
The last bed is for aging and memory regression.
This bed helps people suffering from traumatic memories by freeing their mind from unpleasant images and freeing their mind from the depths of despair.
This bed also helps to restore a youthful appearance and soft skin as it restores muscle tone.
Improves all senses, especially vision, hearing and taste.
By leveraging your own DNA blueprint, multiple refractive lenses, and your body’s natural biological clock, you can perform these steps painlessly while making the best possible adjustments to your mind and spirit. Feel great again.
Consider what this type of technology could mean for you, your family, and anyone who suffers unnecessarily from a curable disease.
Now, get ready. You’re about to take this quantum leap together…
All countries will benefit from this opportunity.
As a summary for better understanding, the healing abilities of a medical bed or treatment room are as follows:
1. Benefits of correcting the patient’s medical problem and returning the body to ideal condition.
2. Medbed can replace or grow limbs and organs.
3. Bone Healing: For those with dentures, the denture is removed and dissolved in the Medbed for beneficial healing.
4. Surgery: Surgery provides immediate results.
For example, a baseball pitcher who needs surgery may be in the medical bed and ready to take the field immediately after treatment, and may actually be ready before he wakes up and leaves the medical bed.
5. Medbed can restore damage caused to the entire skin.
6. Neovascular patients: Medbed treats all types of heart diseases.
7. Addiction: Addiction can be cured, but you need to first find out why you became addicted.
8. Dissolution of surgical attachments: Medbed dissolves surgically added grafts to repair the damage and return the body to the healthy state it was in before the problem began.
9. Chemotherapy: Medbed not only heals the damage caused by chemotherapy but also restores the overall health of the body by removing all abnormal tumors.
10. Eliminate all types of allergies.
11.Dental: All your dental problems will be solved. Teeth are regenerated and if necessary, teeth are lengthened and everyone gets new teeth.
12. Excess weight: Yes, you can get back to your ideal weight.
13. Vision and Hearing: Yes, vision and hearing can be restored to optimal conditions and cataracts can also be corrected.
14. Scars heal and disappear.
15. Schizophrenia: Mental problems can be solved.
16. Autism: Children with autism can also receive therapeutic assistance at Medbed.
17. Orthopedic Instruments: Also covers orthopedic issues such as placing bones within the body and editing existing bones.
18. Depression: Depression can be cured little by little.
Ultimately, the subject needs to deal with the trauma in a positive way.
There are many trained counselors available to help people with depression.
19. General Improvement: Medbed can make someone more empathetic or more intelligent.
You can also learn or download additional languages.
However, it is important that you have a reason to use the extension you are requesting to download.
For example, you don’t need to download every language on the planet if you don’t plan on using them.
And an important part of our experience on this earth is the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge.
20. Perfect Health: Medbed restores your body to optimal health.
This includes eliminating all negative factors associated with the vaccine administered.
21. Heal your mind: Heal your mind and your body will also be healed.
22. Vitality: Medbed restores people to optimal health.
For example, if you are 80 years old, you are in the best health condition for an 80-year-old.
Also, if you want to look younger by going back to your age, you can do that, and that includes deciding to have children if you want.
23. Problems from birth: Medbed can also solve problems that appear from birth.
24.DNA: Medbed reverses all genetic problems and restores DNA to its perfect condition.
Every health problem you can think of will be fixed by these Medbeds.
The great future that awaits humanity is in our hands.
Of course, enjoy this day and the joys that will come.
I’m Gabi.

Warning to the corrupt elite: The military is freeing up medical beds now, regenerating limbs and curing diseases
The elites have been playing God with your health, your life, and your future. They have hoarded the most advanced healing technology the world has ever seen—Medbeds—and kept it locked away in their secret bunkers, reserved for their own twisted use while you are left to suffer in a broken system designed to bleed you dry.
Medbeds represent the key to freedom from the clutches of a corrupt healthcare system that thrives on your pain, your illness and your despair. Medbed technology is here, and it is the miracle that could have saved millions.
But they hid it from you, manipulated you, and made you beg for crumbs while they enjoyed the fountain of youth, endless vitality, and perfect health.
The First Medbed: A Holographic Healer They Kept For Themselves
Let’s cut through the noise: The first Medbed looks simple—just a bed with no railings, right? But make no mistake, this is no ordinary bed. This is a highly advanced quantum healing device that uses holographic technology to interact directly with your body’s energy and cellular structure. It’s capable of tuning your brain, DNA, and entire biological system to frequencies that heal, rejuvenate, and strengthen.
Imagine a world where diseases disappear in minutes, where your body heals itself as it was designed to. That’s the world Medbeds offers—a world the elites have kept hidden from you.
While they lie in those beds and are healed overnight, you are stuck with expensive pills, surgeries, and endless doctor’s appointments that do nothing but drain your bank account and your spirit. It’s a rigged game, and they’ve made sure you never play it.
According to Medbed: The Ray of Transformation They Refuse to Share
The second Medbed is where things get serious. A circular beam moves over your body, scanning, healing and transforming on a cellular level. This beam doesn’t just treat symptoms; it eradicates them, resets your body to its optimal state and can even improve your physical and mental capabilities.
But here’s what they won’t tell you: This technology has been around for decades, hidden away in secret lab facilities, reserved only for the powerful and privileged. The elites have used this technology to maintain their power, their youth, and their health while feeding you lies about incurable diseases and genetic limitations.
They want you weak, sick and dependent on their medications and treatments that do more harm than good. Medbeds are your ticket to freedom, but they have slammed the door in your face.
Third Medbed: The Rebirth Capsule — Kept Away from Humanity
The third Medbed is the pinnacle of this stolen technology—a fully enclosed, egg-shaped capsule that does everything the other beds do, but on a whole new level. This is rebirth. Imagine stepping into this capsule and emerging with regenerated organs, cured of all diseases, and with the strength and vitality of your younger self.
The elites have used this for their own selfish gains, living decades longer, remaining young and vibrant while the rest of the world ages and withers. They have turned this into their own personal fountain of youth, a tool to keep their bloodlines pure and powerful, all while you are told to accept the inevitability of aging and disease. It is a lie, and the Medbeds are the truth they never wanted you to discover.
The Military: Protecting Humanity and Preparing for Deployment
This is where the truth really comes out: the military is not your enemy. Far from it. In fact, they have been fighting to release this technology to the public. While the elites have tried to keep it to themselves, the military has stepped in to ensure that Medbeds are prepared and deployed responsibly. Why? Because they understand the immense power of this technology.
The military is here to ensure that everyone has access, that no one else is left to suffer while the elites remain in their ivory towers of perfect health.
Over the coming months, the military will oversee the release of Medbeds to the public. They will start with those who need them most — the terminally ill, those awaiting organ transplants, and people suffering from chronic and debilitating diseases. This is a large-scale operation to free humanity from the shackles of disease and dependence on a corrupt health care system.
The military is training specialist teams to operate these Medbeds, ensuring that when they are finally deployed there is no chaos or misuse.
This is a monumental effort to free humanity from the chains of disease, and they are doing everything they can to ensure that this happens in a controlled and organized manner.
Make no mistake, this is the biggest healthcare revolution in history, and it is being protected by those who truly have our best interests in mind.
Medbeds: The Real Reason for Elite Control — Keeping Humanity Subjugated
Medbeds are the key to breaking the chains that have kept humanity enslaved to a corrupt system. The elites have always known that true health is the ultimate power, and they have hidden this knowledge from you because a healthy, conscious, empowered population is their worst nightmare.
They’ve seen what Medbeds can do—not just heal, but raise consciousness, increase intelligence, and unlock human potential like never before. They don’t want you to wake up to your true power because the moment you do, their game is over. This is about awakening humanity to a new reality, one where the elites no longer have the upper hand.
The Fight for Medbeds: A Battle for the Future of Humanity
The launch of Medbeds is a battleground for the future of humanity. The elites are fighting tooth and nail to control this technology, to prevent it from reaching the masses, because they know it is a threat to their very existence.
They are using every trick in the book: media blackouts, disinformation campaigns, and psychological operations designed to make you doubt, fear, and reject the very thing that could save you.
They want to keep you chained to a system that profits from your suffering and will stop at nothing to keep Medbeds locked up.
Medbeds and the Great Awakening: A Call to Action
We are on the cusp of a new era, one in which Medbeds can free humanity from the shackles of disease, aging, and dependence on a corrupt system. But the elites will not give it up without a fight. This is their wake-up call.
Medbeds are here, and they hold the key to a future where we are no longer at the mercy of those who profit from our pain. It’s time to stand up, to demand access to technology that can transform lives, heal our communities, and give us back the power that was stolen from us.
This is about freedom, sovereignty and the right to live fully without the chains of a rigged system oppressing us.
The elites have had their run, but their time is up. The Medbeds represent more than just advanced technology—they represent hope, empowerment, and the end of a corrupt era. Don’t let them keep you in the dark any longer.
The revolution is here, and it starts with Medbeds. Stand up, speak out, and demand the future that has been hidden from you.
The power is in your hands, and it’s time to take back what’s rightfully yours. Medbeds are the tool; we are the force. Let’s take back our health, our freedom, and our future. The time is now.

Wanna know what’s going on? This: ““The storm is upon us and the truth is emerging faster than they can hide it. High-level workers are confirming that Quantum Financial System (QFS), Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and NESARA are not just rumors, they are ready for launch! ”
The signs of the end of this planetary cycle are visible.
The great work that represents planet Earth is now in the final stages of completion. We long for an external savior.
Although Earth has everything to help two more evolved worlds and their humanities, the most important part belongs to each individual, since we are in a school of souls, it is someone who must demonstrate that he is ready to ascend to a higher level.
Read and study this number carefully, as it represents your final preparation for the test of personal ascension to the higher level of consciousness called the Fifth Dimension.
The BRICS alliance of 188 countries, led by China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, will play a key role in facilitating the flow of real news needed for the introduction of the new QFS asset-backed monetary system.
The finishing of a work is always a more delicate part and requires more attention. The entire structure, despite its great resistance, can be rough, irregular and a little misshapen; but the finishing makes the lines more harmonious and gives it the beauty you expect it to have.
Planet Earth and its human inhabitants are one of the most beautiful works of art in the universe. As a result of the Creator’s intention, all are following the Divine Plan, even if sometimes our limited consciousness does not understand the work that is being done.
This justifies the end of the cycle of atonement and tribulation and the beginning of a new era called the world of rebirth. In fact, we are in the darkest hour of the night, just before dawn.
Or as the Bible’s message says: “And when all things seem one, it will not be one thing; it will be the beginning of a new age; of a new earth. If you could be filled with your past lives now, you would see how it all fits together.
A time not passed has created a reaction now, a mistake made has given us the opportunity to correct it now. An experience not understood before can be experienced again in this present incarnation. faith and trust in the Divine Plan for humanity to move into a new day.
Learning and a reason for every situation. These are the last courses before the final exam. to a higher level in this school that is now climbing the hierarchy. We cannot yet know what steps are necessary to find a safe path to a new land.
But I always feel the intuition that we are together, within a tripod that has been placed here so many times: unconditional love, harmony and respect. There is a treasure beyond the horizon. It is yours. All you need to do is go and look for it.
The only obstacle is a door that must be open. The key that opens it is your consciousness. One sense is the frequency of consciousness. The frequency is based on the pattern mentioned in the previous paragraph. You do not depend on anyone to check it and that is the most important thing.
When you understand everything, nothing will be able to stop you from ascending to a higher level of consciousness, to a New Age. A new reality, a new timeline and a new future are coming!
This is along the horizon line.

Daily Reflection The Great Solar Flash is Coming
Message from the Pleiadian High Council
The articles in the Final Awakening Call have been carefully researched and written in understandable language, but they are not advertised. The truth presented will be recognized, understood, and spread only by the truly awakened.
Finally, it’s time to present some revelations that many have been waiting for. Waiting was a difficult decision, but absolutely necessary, because the revelations that are coming will shock many people in the population. Especially those who are still asleep.
When you wake up from the illusion, you will not even understand the true reality. For those who are awake and aware, great changes are coming. Here is a look at the near future to confirm that we are on the right path in our lives.
Rest assured that all is going as originally planned by our superior extraterrestrial helpers, the Galactic Federation.
This time, all the parameters are set to ensure success. It is about to begin. Bring us the light to higher levels of action to remove all negative forces and completely purify planet Earth.
Then we enter the new positively polarized world. This is a huge undertaking, but in the end the triumph will be ours. Most people have no idea what has happened on planet Earth and do not understand or do not want to understand what the removal of the Deep State means for the entire universe.
They will not and cannot follow Ascension because they have remained in lower vibrations and have not at least developed their fourth dimensional consciousness to be ready for their fifth dimensional Ascension.
There are also those who do not want to believe in this change on planet Earth and still live in their comfort zone. The choice is theirs and no one can question it, because it was their soul that decided that it needs more time to develop spirituality in order to ascend to higher vibrations.
Phil Schneider, a US government geologist and engineer with over 17 years of experience working on secret projects, is arguably one of the most important whistleblowers in modern history. Phil traveled across the United States in the 1990s, educating the public about the aliens living beneath the surface of our planet.
He even had a close encounter with a 7-foot tall alien named Gray and barely survived. He has posted several videos online in which he mentions the 1979 Dulce massacre, in which we lost 60 people and the Grays lost 35.
It was then that the powers that be decided to initiate an active program to eliminate these alien races and finally inform humans of their existence. With the help of friendly aliens such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians and Andromedans, this battle was recently won.
A war against approximately 20 million interdimensional beings, some of whom disguised themselves as humans to blend in. Phil Schneider was finally killed in 1996 and left behind videos to watch and learn from.
The Deep State Cabal has collapsed on all levels, the cleansing is in full swing and major changes are coming to bring people into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimension as the Light moves forward.
Time was not wasted. Prior action was needed to put everything in place. To bring our planet to a higher resonance frequency and encourage people to move forward. The Global Mafia’s battle against the Light is definitely lost. They will have to answer for everything.
No one will escape until justice is served. My back is literally against the wall. This time victory is ours. A monumental task awaits us: to prevent the hidden cabal mafias from wreaking havoc when they are forced to accept defeat. In retrospect, much has been achieved in recent years.
Life on Earth was under serious threat until 2012.
Thu. Sep 19, 2024 Wolverine: INTEL
Invitations for Group P have been sent.
They’re starting this weekend. It’s happening. …September is called the Golden Month by the Bondholders because they’ve been told that everything is happening in September.
Bondholders are currently in Reno and other parts of the World awaiting the release of liquidity for the Global Currency Reset.
We are defiantly close. The Rescue Center staff has been trained. The QFS is fully integrated. …
Rubem Baz said: “At 3:30 pm, Brazil time, on Tuesday, September 17, was the last procedure between Brazil and Reno (USA).
Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 18, after 11 am, invitations to go to the bank will be sent. In 48 hours (Friday, September 20), we will enter liquidity.
This installment is 1%. Finally, there is nothing more to do. Payments will begin now.” …
“Things are defiantly happening behind the scenes. Let’s celebrate this week. There are things I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are definitely moving.” …
“I agree with Mr. Salvage’s report on German Bastidas, who is one of the leaders of the Pentecostal Group.
They have now finalized all contracts with Call Centers that are located in Brazil.
On Monday, September 16, 2024, notifications began to be delivered.
On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, they closed the platforms and were ready to begin the blessing.
They will start sending transactions from October 1st to 2nd to each member.”
If you want to obtain high-dimensional technology, increase your “soul level”!! In the age of wind, “soul accumulation” becomes even more important!!!
Impulsive and destructive actions caused by emotions lead to regrets
People have emotions, but emotions are like shrews.
You may think it is consistent, but it is not, and it tends to change in a short period of time.
In other words, it is the superficial part of our consciousness called ego, while the deep part of our self-god doesn’t care about anything.
A true adult is someone who can master his or her discerning emotions and firmly control his or her own impulsive actions caused by emotions.
However, on the internet, there are people who attack you with abusive language that you would never say in person, even if you don’t know their faces.
Attacking someone for something is a temporary emotion caused by evil spirits, and even if you try to hide this kind of bad behavior, it will always show up in your interpersonal relationships.
When attacking someone online becomes the norm, it’s the same as hurting yourself, so before you know it, you’ll end up feeling jealous or resentful in your interpersonal relationships, and your dissatisfaction will explode.
Lashing out at someone to express your feelings that you don’t like gives you an adrenaline rush and can easily become addictive.
However, if you accumulate them, your karma will expand and when the time comes, luck will no longer be on your side, resulting in a destructive cycle.

The longer you fail to realize the trap, the more painful the problem your self-divinity will make you realize, and unless you realize that it is of your own making, it will continue to create an endless cycle of hell.
If you look at Plan Q and complain about it, saying things like “it’s not coming” or “it’s late,” and then lash out at others in anger, you’re just creating an even worse reality.
In the long run, it is much more profitable to use your energy to attack others and complain about them than to improve your soul.
Even in windy times, “accumulation” becomes even more important!!
In the Age of Wind, as in the Age of Earth, some people may think, “Doesn’t accumulation matter?”, but in the Age of Wind, genuine accumulation becomes more important.
The accumulations of the Earth Age were nothing more than fiat money and securities that would become nothing after death, but the accumulations of the Wind Age will remain even after death and reincarnation.
In the Earth Age, people had to rise up by kicking other people or forcing them into traps to be recognized by society.
Therefore, in order to avoid the return of karma, people are encouraged to worship the devil and completely separate themselves from God, and to put it bluntly: “It’s all good while you’re alive, but after you die, you’re left with karma that you have to face.” There were many of them.
The accumulation of the wind age is essential and becomes “how much virtue you have accumulated.”

Quantum computers can determine this in an instant, and the range of advanced technology that can be used will change depending on the level of the soul.
The accumulation of experiences during the Age of Wind will be reflected in the soul, so when it becomes normal to see the aura, people who have lived naturally, communicating honestly with their own God, will become popular and wealthy. I will.
On the other hand, if a person accumulates karma through bad deeds, his aura will turn black and no one will come near such a person.
If you want to create a world where you can no longer do bad things and where there is no conflict, you need to be on the right frequency for you and for God.

If you intend to use advanced technology, you must raise the level of your soul.
If you want to use advanced technology like Medvet or Replicator, you need to reach the appropriate “soul level”.

Originally, skill level and soul level were supposed to be proportional. For example, in an RPG, you can get the strongest weapon or magic only after you have increased your level considerably.
If this balance is disturbed, there is a high probability that civilization will perish.
This is because although advanced technology is convenient, it can easily be ruined if used incorrectly.
For example, a replicator could create whatever it wanted on the spot, but if it created a nuclear bomb, the universe itself could be wiped out.
Therefore, to prevent this from happening, there is a separation of souls based on their level.
I think the reason why he couldn’t ascend in dimension in the past was because he didn’t advance in his socialization and give Roku advanced technology before his soul level reached that level.
To raise the level of your soul, the first step is to accumulate “small gratitudes”.

Focusing on the small gratitude and happiness in everyday life, which are similar forms of fractal structure, so that big things become happy like the Flower of Life.

On the other hand, if you get angry and complain about the slow progress of advanced technology, you will lose sight of the small gratitude and become an energy vampire without realizing it, which will actually drive you away from advanced technology.
Doing nothing or giving nothing and just wanting results is the same frequency as exploiters and if that is the case, it is no surprise that they are eliminated.
Due to the energy of Pluto in Capricorn and the energy of ascension, your soul has already been completely exposed and you can immediately see “what kind of person you really are”.
In the future, using false pretenses to deceive yourself will become obsolete, and it will be much easier to honestly raise the level of your soul now.
Of course, this information may not be 100% accurate, so do your own research to see if it is true.
RUMORS: 09/20/2024
The second assassination attempt on Trump on Sunday is believed to be an inside job by Homeland Security and the FBI.
Which brings us closer to the three-day Big Bang event.
We’re just waiting for the green light.
Starlink sends EBS to every cell phone in the world.
As corrupt governments fall – mass arrests.
Ten-day implementation event of the Quantum Financial System, GCR, NESARA/GESARA.
The Quantum Internet Emerges – Quantum Voting Restores Democracy.
Trumpsara creates a lean, efficient government with honest patriots.
And medical beds create a healthy society.
Here is today’s article, September 18, 2024, from my hometown of Rochester, New York, stating that Nosara payments go to non-profits in New York State!!! Over $360 million has been donated to us!
I, MS🌟, have personally been to Tom Golisano Hospital here and it is one of the best in New York State. Tom is visibly tearful as he shares the news about the NESSARA funds he can distribute.
My heart is full and I’m emotional right now because this is proof that this is finally happening because this is my home and I see it on the local news!! 📰 🗞️ 📺
Praise God. We are here. Please share this everywhere! 💜🌟🕊️🎉💕❤️🩹
With love, New York’s Morning Star
A new gold-backed monetary system is on the horizon!
We are on the cusp of a new era, where traditional financial systems are being replaced by a revolutionary new paradigm. Get ready, because the Golden Age is within your reach!
MarkZ – [via PDK]
Question: …about a month ago you talked about how your contacts told you that your Dinar estimate was “too low.” You were at something like $3.70…so are we talking $5? $7? $10?
MarkZ: All they’re telling me is that my estimates are too low.
Digital transformation is here and it’s only going to grow and grow and grow in totality… When they’re going from a cash economy to a cashless digitized economy, what are you going to get? Article VIII compliant currency in a global international Forex market. That’s what we should expect any day now…
Frank26 (KTFA) – [Boots on the Ground Report from Iraq]
FIREFLY: Saleh on TV saying that we will have more digital banks in Iraq than in the entire region around the Middle East. They are saying that the new banking reform will eliminate the black market.
FRANK: BOOM! There it is. There it is. There it is.
Wolverine – [via Judy Byington]
Things are defiantly moving behind the scenes. We are going to celebrate this week. There are things I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are defiantly moving…
The Fed plans to sell immigration bonds in the future.
What many don’t realize is that the real bonds for both taxes will be 6%, maybe more.
This is significant because the US Treasury is in a divided state. And Powell has cut rates. To me, this looks like a market failure.
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s funding bill has been killed and the government will have to shut down on October 1 if Congress doesn’t start.
September 18, 2024
The Fed cut statutory taxes to force banks to adopt Basel III by October 1. Now you know why the government is dating October 1.
A new monetary system backed by our future is on the horizon! We are in the midst of a new era where traditional financial systems are about to be replaced by a revolutionary new paradigm. Get ready because the Golden Age is within your reach!
On the fourth day, September 18, 2024, the third assassination attempt on Trump took place . Operation Stormbreaker is activated.
The National Guard is deployed from coast to coast
. Alliance militaries are going global around the world as NATO strikes back: nuclear missiles fired at Russia raise fears of a third nuclear world war and an event that suggests the collapse of civilization.
An emergency broadcast system and military law are expected to be activated soon across the world.
On September 11th: In case you missed it – the planes have been digitally inserted into the videos. The buildings – all three of them – are set to explode. The Pentagon has been hit by a missile. …A 17th letter (JFK Jr.)
Trump just sent a message to the deep state!
Right after his speech in New York, he played “Nessun Dorma.” This is the area in the movie “The Assault: The Sum of All Fears” where all the traitors and deep state perpetrators were executed. So far, Q Drops has been mentioned several times. Trump is very specific about his song. He played it for a reason. Confirmed! They (the deep state actors) will all perish.
The US military has been deployed to 360 cities awaiting a Supreme Court ruling on Brunson’s voter fraud case that would tear Congress and the Biden administration apart.
US military and Washington DC police are preparing to evacuate Washington DC
A global military alliance takes and holds military stands against over half a million members of the global political elite of the Deep State cabal.
CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, Biden and Democratic Party have no suspicions of being linked to Trump assassination attempt and child sex trafficking
Thousands of children crossing the U.S. border are being trafficked into the child sex trade to satisfy the demands of top pedophiles in Congress and the state, according to intelligence sources.
Sunday, September 15: Massive data releases from Iran’s central bank and US Social Security system
The world is changing and we have eyes to see it is remaking the signs.
Israel is not just a nation; it is the command center of a global conspiracy that threatens to bring everything down or cost us dearly. The Rothschild dynasty, based in Israel, manipulates the world’s financial and political landscape. This is nothing less than a conspiracy – it is a truth we are trying to bury.
Starting October 1, 2024 , all banks must be Basel III compliant, meaning that because of the US fiat dollar, they can no longer use US Treasuries as collateral to print money and must date unless they have enough cash to make loans.
MarcaZ – [via PDK]
I have several group leaders and bankers who swear we will get there in the next 4-5 days. I hope we are right.
Question: Can anything or VR happen before the day?
MarkZ: I still think it can. The world needs a lot of that.
Comment: We’ll see what we see in the next 10 days.
MarkZ: 90% of sources agree with you.
Comment: I have a feeling this could happen any day.
MarkZ: I have the same feeling.
A new monetary system is on the horizon! We are in the midst of a new era, where traditional financial systems are being replaced by a revolutionary new paradigm. Get ready, because the Golden Age is within your reach!
Our world is global fashion.
It always will be.
Keep in mind that the world continues to divide and division has more and more control.
Maximum 2 month copper reaches.
At the end of all economics.
EXPLOSIVE REVELATION! Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Strikes Back: Demolishing the $3 Trillion Federal Reserve Scam, Exposing Rothschild’s CIA Dirty Money, and Releasing Hidden Technologies Seized Across the Country! …
Michael Jackson on Telegram
- The walls are closing in on the shadow elite. The shift in power is monumental, the likes of which the world has never seen. This is not just another news story—it is an all-out war against the darkest forces that have manipulated humanity for millennia.
- The White Hat Alliance is taking down the Deep State, dismantling its entire operation. The Vatican fell in 2016—an event kept hidden, but the truth is now bursting into the light. The families who thought they could rule with impunity, the Payseurs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others, are no longer untouchable. They have orchestrated wars, manipulated economies, and taken advantage of human lives. But their reign is ending.
- That 2016 raid seized trillions in gold, along with evidence of sex rituals, human trafficking, and off-the-books financial schemes. It wasn’t just another raid. The Vatican’s immunity was stripped. Trump’s follow-up visit wasn’t diplomacy—it was the moment the pope surrendered. The evidence was undeniable: files, data, everything documenting the cabal’s darkest crimes.
- Fast forward to September 8, 2024. The pace is accelerating. Switzerland—long a safe haven for the cabal’s dirty money—is under siege. The Swiss National Bank has been exposed as a laundering operation for the Rothschilds, CIA, and Mossad. Billions have flowed through these accounts, funding bioweapons research and covert space operations.
- The Great Awakening is in full swing. Leaks are flooding the internet, exposing Swiss banks as the heart of the devil’s operation. They manipulated currencies, hoarded gold, and financed the wars they claimed to broker. But the reckoning is here. White Hats and Q Ops, with the Space Force, have intercepted more than just financial transactions. They have the blackmail files—the files that have kept politicians, CEOs, and Hollywood stars in line. These are the secrets that have protected the cabal’s sick agenda for far too long.
- Epstein was just the beginning . His island was the center of t******** and a***e, but now, Trump’s knowledge of these operations is a weapon against the elite. The mainstream media won’t tell you this, but Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund is a declaration of war on the Rothschild debt slavery system.
- The Federal Reserve is falling apart. $3 trillion in hidden reserves have been uncovered. These funds, stolen from the American people, have been used to finance global chaos—from fake pandemics to climate manipulation. Yes, they’ve been playing God with storms, controlling droughts and earthquakes to instill fear and control.
- Elon Musk is also a player in this, even if he doesn’t know it. His Universal High Income proposal is just the beginning of the financial reset. His satellites, his technology — it’s all part of a larger game to dismantle the cabal’s control.
- We are on the brink of a Golden Age , the time when humanity will finally be free. The cabal is running out of moves. Their wars, economic collapses, and false flags are failing. The military is in control, the courts are underway, and there will be no mercy for those who perpetuated this global nightmare.
- This is not chaos. This is a controlled demolition of the Cabal empire. The truth is pouring out, the dam has broken, and the Great Awakening is unstoppable. Humanity will no longer be shackled by invisible chains. The fall of the Cabal is here. Brace yourselves, because the world is about to change in ways few can imagine. The storm is upon us, and nothing can stop what is coming.
🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉
Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission
EBS, QFS, and NESARA deployments are ready! NEW! September 20, 2024
Breaking news! High-level leaks have confirmed that the collapse of the current financial system is imminent. EBS, QFS and NESARA deployments are ready!
The cracks in the old system are widening and the truth is leaking out faster than it can be hidden. Whispers about the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and NESARA have become a big deal among those in the know.
Prominent politicians are releasing important details to prepare us for the big changes that are coming.
They know the hammer is about to fall, and they want to be on the right side when it does. Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene were heard in the halls of the Capitol discussing the “imminent announcement” of a new financial system that would pull the rug out from under the feet of the corrupt.
Green added that EBS is ready to go live and warned of an upcoming global lockdown. This is a direct warning from our insiders.
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