MED BED Versions





MED BED Versions


These quantum healing medical beds come in three different varieties and three unique functions; they all work at multiple vibrational and frequency levels with refracting lenses and 3D scanners, as well as surgically precise lasers to open and close wounds.

These quantum healing devices contain extensive monitoring technologies that allow the healthcare professional to be fully informed during diagnostic and healing sessions. Med-Beds create maximum human healing through minimal invasiveness through light and energy through tachyon particles and plasma energy.



Since we live in a vibrational universe and humans are vibrational beings, healing occurs through a homeopathic approach of frequency realignment with little to no side effects.

All three Med-Beds work with similar technologies; they have just been converted to three divergent treatments.

The Holographic Med Bed is built with advanced but limited artificial intelligence that works in conjunction with the human connection of a healthcare professional to ensure complete healing.

They come equipped with features that include airtight and transparent operating shields, reducing germs and claustrophobia, comfortable limb supports, liquid spray anesthetics, laser scalpels, laser mirrors, sensory vital signs and diagnostic display and analysis identification, and computer-controlled surgery arms.

The computer used in the operations is similar to that of an MRI machine, but instead of radiation and magnetism, Med-Beds use plasma energy at the subatomic and vibrational level.

Performs live scans of the human body; diagnoses and treats any imperfections and diseases in a short time and with great precision; scanning every inch and system of the physical body, diagnosing and interpreting blood, skin, bone, organ, muscle, neurological, glandular and hormonal deficiencies.



Any surgery will be completed immediately via laser, including heart surgery, appendix surgery, C-sections and others within this holographic medical bed.

The Med Bed Resonance Regeneration field benefits those in need of organ transplants, missing or severed limbs, skin grafts working with cellular memory, stem cells; its endless applications regenerate old tissue and lost organs.

The Rejuvenation and Regression Bed rejuvenates the cells; offers age and memory regression therapy; and heals all the senses, especially sight, hearing and taste, which have become dulled due to trauma or age; this therapy bed also eliminates unwanted suppressed memories; which will support and heal so many victims who have hardened mental and emotional anguish.

People suffering from PTSD and traumatic memory will benefit from using this Med Bed as it heals the heart-mind connection, getting rid of disparity. This is also considered the foundation of youth. It will restore the appearance of yesterday by restoring muscle tone, taut skin, molds and multiple refractory lenses, and the body’s internal clock; these procedures are performed painlessly.



Before the deployment of Med Beds meets the world’s arrival, trained technology and production teams must be established to keep up with the world’s supply in creation and infrastructure, along with the environment of the military of society dissipated to prevent future greed and control.

Society, as we know, wants all good things for yesterday, never in the existence of humanity have we been blessed with the news of such miraculous medical advances; we are currently on the horizon of a limitless and creative tomorrow; let us learn from history and protect the power of destiny from those who destroyed the peripheries


MED BED Versions
MED BED Versions



BQQQQQQQM! It’s over: Blackout confirmed, Phase 1 now active — Cyberattack launched!


The blackout is real: Phase 1 is activated. We’re no longer talking about hypothetical scenarios or temporary inconveniences. The first phase of a coordinated plan has begun, targeting our digital and financial infrastructure. This isn’t just about losing internet access or experiencing a power outage; it’s a calculated attack designed to dismantle economies and instigate widespread chaos. Imagine waking up to find your bank accounts frozen, your digital wealth erased, and your communication lines cut off. This isn’t a dystopian novel; it’s our harsh new reality.

The financial systems we depend on are hanging by a thread. The outage is not a passing storm, but the opening salvo in a larger strategy aimed at causing irreparable damage. This cyberattack, driven by forces that thrive on disruption, is not just a possibility—it is an inevitability. It will leave us in the dark, both literally and metaphorically, as the very foundations of our society are shaken to its core.

The impending storm has been brewing for some time. Warnings are echoing from every corner, but the masses are sleepwalking toward the abyss. The clock is ticking, and the countdown to catastrophe has begun. What lies ahead is a global reset—an unprecedented financial and social upheaval. This is not just a drill; it is an all-out assault on the systems we once took for granted.

A modern-day Black Tuesday looms on the horizon. The specter of a stock market crash, much like the infamous Black Tuesday of 1929, casts a long shadow over our current financial landscape. The haunting images of people jumping out of windows in despair during the Great Depression are no longer just historical anecdotes; they are a potential reality. The question is not if the market will crash, but when—and when it does, it will be swift and devastating.

Blackout confirmed
Blackout confirmed

The alarm bells have been ringing for years: “Get your money out of the banks.” Yet complacency has led us to the brink of this precipice. Now, with the blackout in full swing, the warnings have turned into dire prophecies. The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of panic, with whispers of impending doom—“suicide week,” as some are calling it—echoing through the corridors of power. The parallels with October 29, 1929, are stark and frightening.

The financial collapse will not be a gradual decline; it will be a sudden, earth-shattering inferno. Banks will freeze assets, markets will crash, and the global economy will plunge into chaos. For those unprepared, it will be too late to act when the doors are locked and the ATMs are empty. The time to prepare is now.

The Great Spitball has been thrown, and there is no turning back. This is not just a warning shot; it is the beginning of the end. Those who ignored the signs and clung to the illusion of digital wealth will find themselves trapped in a system designed to fail them. The blackout is more than a loss of power—it is a strategic move to reset the global order.

The Global Reset is coming. What was once dismissed as conspiracy theory is now unfolding in real time. This reset is not about fixing the broken system; it is about tearing it down and building a new one from scratch. A black swan event—a catastrophic, transformative occurrence—will trigger this reset, likely in the form of a massive cyberattack. Digital wealth will be erased, and only tangible assets like cash, gold, and silver will have value in the new financial order.

The Phoenix will rise from the ashes of this collapse, but only a select few will survive. This is not about justice or fairness; it is about survival of the fittest. Those who prepared, who understood the need for liquidity and physical wealth, will emerge from the chaos. The future belongs to those who foresaw the collapse and acted accordingly.


Intel: EBS will be activated within 20 days at the latest and mass arrests will be carried out during the EBS period


This is an excerpt from Shinichiro Ishikawa’s YouTube livestream, which is distributing Intel information at the request of the Alliance.


  Message contained in the opera “No one should sleep”


On Saturday, October 5, Eastern Time, Trump held a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where the attack on Trump occurred three months ago.


Elon Musk, who declared “I support Mr. Trump” immediately after the July attack, was also present and was warmly welcomed by the audience.


However, the decision to hold the rally at the same site as the attack had a deeper meaning.


In Butler, Pennsylvania, which I deliberately chose, the aria “None Shall Sleep” from Puccini’s opera Turandot was performed by a male opera singer.


This famous aria, “No One Shall Sleep,” was also sung in the film “The Sum of All Fears,” in which all the traitors are executed.


In other words, they deliberately chose the location of the attack on Mr. Trump three months ago, again.


“We will execute all traitors. We will dismantle all dark forces of DS.”


There was a deep meaning in issuing such a bold message and statement.


“For the dark forces of DS who are about to be executed, no one should sleep because they will soon make mass arrests.


All DS players, brace yourselves. No one should sleep.


Was there a message like that?


And does this message imply that EBS is close?


  The 10 days of  EBS




The 10 days that the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) is in operation are a period of darkness where there is no communication.


In other words, you cannot use the Internet or make calls over the Internet.


  Carry out mass arrests during EBS




In fact, in the last 10 days, mass arrests of people on the dark side of the DS will finally be carried out.


To this end, 50,000 elite soldiers have been mobilized in Japan alone and are currently on standby.


  The final battle between the dark forces of DS and the reformist US military



And now in the United States, there was a huge hurricane that occurred in the southern part of the United States.


Taking advantage of this, under the cover of confusion, the DS military and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) are now, surprisingly, massacring Americans.


The DS military and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) are doing some crazy things right now.


This reality became the modern American Civil War.


In other words,  this is  the final battle between the ruling dark forces of the DS and the reformist US military.


In Japan, a list of prisoners has already been compiled.


Soon, the cleansing operations of the US military reformists will begin and will be carried out against us in Japan as well  .


And  no matter how late it is,  there are only 20 days left until EBS activation.


  Alliance Critical Alert



Trump, the 19th President of the New Republic of the United States, will soon address the people of the world from Air Force One via the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)  .



Today’s Moon in Sagittarius forms a Square with Saturn Retrograde in Pisces, and is Trine to the North Node Retrograde in Aries.
This is a really important aspect to pay attention to, even though we have a lot of other cosmic things swirling around us both individually and in the collective.
Sagittarians are the librarians and stewards of knowledge in the Zodiac. They dive deep into all of the unknowns and mysteries of life. They are the scholars, and want to explore all of the how’s, why’s, when’s, and ifs. They make some of the most passionate archeologists, historians, scientists, occultists, and spiritual leaders. We are going to find a lot of that energy being ignited in our personal connections and dreams that inspire us emotionally over the next couple of days. It all about what we love in life. Following our bliss, and toning down the register of fear is what this Moon is all about. When we follow our knowing, there is nothing to fear, because we will always be in the right place at the right time, to stand within perfect alignment.
With a Square to Saturn, we are facing, head on, the implications of our karmic connections, karmic lessons, and especially closing out the karmic cycles we have been in for quite some time. What lessons have we learned, and what side of the Wheel of Fortune are we experiencing?
By how karma blesses or disciplines us, will be evidential of the work we have done or not done leading up to now with the people whom we’ve walked this life path with.
With a Trine to the North Node, the Moon brings us before a hot bed of coals, and invites us to do a fire walk. We knew this challenge would come but maybe we didn’t expect it to show up in the way that it will. We have told ourselves we’re brave. But are we brave enough to make it all the way across without quitting before we finish the task? Can we convince our minds that we are safe and will make it to the finish line without being harmed in the process? Can we control our thoughts and power through? The North Node, or Node of Destiny, is asking us to strap on our mantle of faith and take the leap into the unknown.
The body responds to what the mind tells it to do. Monks and specially trained athletes prove this every day. There is power in our logic and critical thinking. There is also power in the ability to hold a vision in our minds eye. It’s a matter of discipline however, that separates success and failure with fire walks. If we run, our feet will plunge too deeply into the fire and burn us. Yet if we stand still too long, we’ll burn in place anyway. So, to make it, we will have to stay in motion in order to make it all the way through.
It’s up to us how we choose to navigate these hot coals. What we need to keep in mind here is that this is a transient energy. This will not linger for long. Although our choices on how we move forward with it will. It’s about our trajectory and objective. We, like the symbolism of Sagittarius, are archers. Where we aim our bow and arrow will hit our intended target. So, are we aiming for the stars, or each other?
Think of this like the Hunger Games. Are we going to work as a team to recognize that it’s the system who is trying to pit us against each other? Or are we going to trust the system and believe our neighbor is our enemy? Not all things are as they seem. Not all who are different from us, are the enemy or wrong. If we spent our whole lives believing that people who are different are our enemy, we would be in a constant state of war and conflict. Which of course we see in mainstream biased media that pits us against ourselves and each other through the weaponization of fear, class systems, and virtue signaling. Instead, it’s about seeing the bigger picture to understand. It doesn’t have to be us versus them. The system in place teaches us that to maintain power. But what if we realized we are more alike than we are different? And decided to team up as a community to establish our own code of ethics? What happens if the greedy lose their power of control?
Know thy enemy.
At least once in our lives, we should align with people opposite of us, to see how we can master our vulnerabilities, weaknesses, triggers and different ways of approaching conflict. Once we reach a level of mastery of adaptation, we reach a stalemate, and find a way to gently meet in the middle. This is how we achieve peace and equality.
The tie breaker in this situation is Venus. Venus in Scorpio is Trine to Saturn. Every deeper we go into the chasm of our inner wounded child, and the lessons that lie within it’s memories, vulnerabilities, and lingering effects. Here, we weigh the values of our connections that have spanned time and space through lifetime to lifetime. The soul doesn’t forget the threads of fate it weaves. It doesn’t relinquish the awareness of the way past and present attachments affect its evolution, ascension, and growth.
To follow our souls knowing, and our hearts calling, we have to make it through this rite of passage. We have to show we have earned what comes next, in the form of cosmic and karmic blessings.
Venus and Saturn are saying, “remember who you’ve been bonded to through the eons.” And the Moon is saying, “go back into the Akasha to recall the details. Important information lays in wait for you. Don’t overlook the urgency and sensitivity of the timing to explore it. What you seek, is also seeking you. What you will find will lead you if you’re willing to take its direction.”
Excellent crystals to work with during this time are Citrine, Lemon Quartz, Fire Agate, Hematoid Quartz, Red Amethyst, Fire Quartz, Vanadinite, Carnelian, Red Tiger’s Eye, Tiger Iron, Tangerine Quartz, Lithium Quartz, Smoky Citrine, and Quartz with Pyrite inclusions. These can be used in meditative work, in a grid for your altar, or carried in a medicine pouch or pocket while traveling.
Energies are hospitable for Sacral Chakra healing, and Solar Plexus work. It’s also a great time to do energy healing and Reiki. Energy healers and those especially who work in hands on healing, will find an extra boost from the Universe in their work. People are likely to feel that extra boost of confidence and self assurance, even those who are typically shy or avoid crowds of people.
It’s also a great time to journal, especially with travel blogs and self discovery journals. Implementing activities with building blocks from life coaching and goal setting will find passion and support too.
Fire can illuminate and warm us, or it can burn us to the ground. This is a time to be conscious of how we wield our inner flames, because we are telling the universe how our future karmic cycles will begin. Truth and transparency change a great many things.
Burn away what no longer serves you. And rise.





Breaking the silence! The United States Space Force, the Galactic Federation, and SpaceX have teamed up to make a shocking revelation that will change everything you know. Prepare for the truth that will forever change the fate of humanity.

Everything you thought you knew is about to disappear. Today, these powerful entities are not just making an announcement: they are launching a revolution. The forces that have kept humanity in chains are about to face their reckoning.

The time has come to face the truth behind the lies that have dominated our existence. Are you ready to wake up?  A storm is coming. This is no mere coincidence, but a rallying cry. The United States Space Force, SpaceX, and the Galactic Federation are united in a single purpose: to dismantle the deception that has held us captive.
The innocent have suffered greatly, and their days are over. This is a spiritual battle, a fight to regain the power that has been stolen from us.  “No weapon formed against Him shall prosper.” This is not just a comforting phrase; it is a guarantee of victory over the darkness that has overshadowed humanity.
The time of exposure is coming and the truth will emerge. The Galactic Federation has been watching us, ready to support us as we break the chains of deception. They are not conquerors, they are our allies in this cosmic awakening.
SpaceX is not just a technology company, it is the bridge to our cosmic future. Elon Musk’s vision goes beyond getting to Mars: it is about empowering humanity to take its rightful place in the universe. They are developing technologies that will transform our existence and allow us to connect with the Galactic Federation.
Prepare for revelations that will shake your world. We are NOT alone and advanced technologies will soon be revealed. This is a spiritual awakening: the moment when humanity rises to unite as one. Expect global power shifts that will redefine reality.
Don’t panic: this is the dawn of a new era. Embrace the revolution and prepare to rise up. The truth is coming, and it will come with force. Welcome to the dawn of a new world!
Your role in this era is crucial: fight, resist and rise up!
The revolution is here and it needs YOU!”

Ascended Masters: Spiritual and Scientific Revelations for the New Planetary Cycle

There are currently approximately 144,000 ascended masters incarnated around the world. Although many are not yet fully aware of their true essence, the process of awakening is underway, carefully synchronized through a meticulous spiritual plan. This article explores the complex engineering behind this phenomenon and the implications for the spiritual evolution of humanity.


The Spiritual Engineering of Birth

The birth of an ascended master is a highly specialized process, different from the ordinary human experience. It is not a simple accident, but rather the result of intricate spiritual engineering. Each spirit is assigned to a specific body based on a complex set of factors, including the past life history of the parents and the spiritual mission of the being.

When a couple conceives a child, the spirit destined for that life has already been chosen in advance. The spiritual energy anchored during conception is essential for the formation of the fetus, and the spirit prepares for incarnation throughout the baby’s development. The interaction between the spirit and the fetus is comparable to a fine line, which strengthens as physical development progresses.

The Challenge of Incarnation

Ascended masters face unique challenges when incarnating on Earth. The density of Earthly reality is an obstacle for these high-frequency spiritual beings, requiring an anchoring process to ensure their permanence. Part of the master’s spiritual energy replaces the spirit originally intended for that body, allowing the master to complete his or her mission on Earth.

The presence of ascended masters on Earth is marked by limitations imposed by the duality and density of the material plane. They operate with a human brain and face restrictions due to the prevailing energies and involutionary forces present on the physical plane. Furthermore, the full consciousness of these masters remains in higher dimensions, where their influence continues to guide incarnation on Earth.

The Role of Teachers in Global Transformation

With the recent activation of energies on the planet and the impending spiritual awakening, the ascended masters are preparing to take on more active roles. They play a crucial role in the process of purification and enlightenment of the Earth, aligning with the cosmic cycles and the 26,000-year stellar cycle. The presence of ships and interaction with other dimensions helps to maintain balance and harmony during this transition.

Body, spirit, spirit guides

The assignment of a spirit to a specific body is a deep and meticulous process that involves several spiritual and cosmic aspects. Here are the main details about how this process occurs:

1.  Spiritual Planning

1.1.  Spiritual History:  Before a new incarnation, the spirit goes through a detailed planning process. This includes reviewing past lives, lessons learned, and spiritual goals. This planning is done with the help of spiritual guides and advisors from higher dimensions.

1.2.  Life Goals:  The spirit sets specific goals for its next life based on the lessons it needs to learn and the experiences it wants to have. These may involve personal challenges, relationships, or specific contributions to humanity.

2.  Body and Environment Selection

2.1.  Connection to Family:  The choice of body is influenced by the family and cultural environment. The spirit considers the family history of the parents, their energies and family dynamics. This context is important for the spirit to be able to fulfill its goals and deal with the necessary lessons.

2.2.  Body Energy:  The spirit also assesses compatibility with the physical body, including health and genetic predispositions. The body’s energy must be adequate to support the spirit’s spiritual

Ascended Masters
Ascended Masters


2.3  Circumstances of Birth:  The date and place of birth are chosen based on astrological and cosmic alignments that may influence the life of the spirit. This may include the influence of planets and stars that affect spiritual and personal development.

3.  Anchoring Process

3.1.  Spiritual Transition:  When conception occurs, the spirit begins the anchoring process. Initially, the connection is tenuous, like an invisible line between the spirit and the fetus. As the fetus develops, the spiritual connection strengthens.

3.2.  Development and Adaptation:  During gestation, the spirit gradually adapts to the physical body, adjusting its consciousness to the earthly experience. This involves a gradual transition from spiritual consciousness to body consciousness.

4.  Exchanges and Substitutions

4.1.  Spiritual Replacement:  In some cases, a spirit may be replaced by another before birth. This occurs when there is a need to adjust the mission or when the original spirit cannot complete its task. The replacement spirit takes over the mission and continues with the development of the body.

4.2.  Benefits of Exchange:  The spirit that does not take over the body may receive spiritual compensation or opportunities for evolution on other planes. This process is carefully coordinated to ensure that the mission of life continues to be fulfilled.

5.  Cosmic Aspects and Synchronization

5.1.  Cosmic Cycles:  The alignment of stellar and cosmic cycles is a crucial factor in the assignment of spirits. Birth occurs during specific times that are aligned with the cosmic cycles and the evolutionary needs of the Earth and humanity.

5.2.  Universal Harmonization:  The entire process is harmonized with the universal flow of spiritual evolution. The spirit, family and environment are all in synchronization with the greater cosmic energies and plans, ensuring that the incarnation contributes to the greater good.

6.  The Role of Spirit Guides

6.1.  Guidance and Supervision:  Spiritual guides and beings of light assist in the process of assignment and anchoring. They ensure that the spirit is prepared for the experience and that the mission is accomplished according to the spiritual plan.

6.2.  Support During Life:  During earthly life, these guides continue to provide support and guidance, helping the spirit navigate challenges and fulfill its mission.

These details show how complex and well-planned the process of spiritual assignment is, involving a combination of spiritual, cosmic and personal factors to ensure that each spirit plays a specific and meaningful role in their incarnation.

Awakening and True Connection

True spiritual awakening requires discernment and a deep connection with the Divine Inner Presence, the I AM. The search for external teachers is replaced by the exploration of the inner teacher, which is the connection to the divine source of wisdom. Each individual has an inner teacher who can guide him or her on the spiritual journey.

The time of revelation is near, and the changes that are coming will be significant. Understanding your true essence and connecting with divine consciousness are essential to face the challenges and assist in global transformation.

The journey of the ascended masters is complex and full of challenges, but it also offers unique opportunities for spiritual evolution. Through awakening and connection with the I AM, each individual can contribute to the transformation and enlightenment of the planet.

BOOM! The Rise of the USN US Note: Financial Freedom Backed by Gold!

A new era in global finance is dawning, and it’s coming fast. The USN US Note is here, and it’s backed by the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the undeniable power of gold. This isn’t just another digital currency; it’s a revolution, rising from the ashes of a corrupt and broken financial system that has held us hostage for far too long. The USN US Note is about freedom, stability, and the return of real value.

For decades, the fiat currency system has been a trap, a tool of manipulation by central banks and global elites. Without backing in real assets, this has led to massive debt, economic instability, and a system built to enrich a few while enslaving the many. But no longer. The gold-backed US Note is the beginning of the end of fiat money.

This isn’t just a financial overhaul—it’s a total reset. The USN US Note is more than a currency. It’s a symbol of redemption, restoring trust in our financial systems. Each USN US Note is pegged directly to gold, which means real value you can hold in your hands. No more worthless paper. No more inflated promises. This is real money, built on real assets.

Financial Freedom
Financial Freedom

The collapse of fiat currency is near! The fiat system, where governments print money out of thin air, is on the brink of collapse. 2008 was just a preview of what is to come. Greedy bankers, government officials, and their puppets have led us into economic disaster after disaster. Their solution? Print more money! But the writing is on the wall, and the collapse of fiat currency is inevitable. The USN US Note, however, promises economic security, inflation protection, and long-term stability.

And it doesn’t stop there. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) ensures complete transparency, impenetrable security, and an end to the shady dealings and market manipulation that have plagued us for far too long. Every transaction in this system is protected and verified, leaving no room for fraud or interference from corrupt elites.

Gold is the future. As the fiat system burns, the world is returning to what has always been true: gold. The USN US Note is backed by gold — the cornerstone of stability. Governments, banks and markets are powerless against what is coming. The only thing standing between us and another financial meltdown is the USN US Note and the QFS.

This new financial system will not only secure individual wealth, but will also eliminate corruption in global trade, finance, and governance. It’s about taking back control, one note at a time. This is our future, and the USN US Note is our weapon.

Brace yourselves. The storm is coming, and the USN US Note is the key to surviving it. Gold-backed, unstoppable, and ready to reclaim our freedom from the clutches of globalist control.

RUMORS: 10/08/2024


The largest wealth transfer in history is here , and NESARA/GESARA will ensure it reaches the people.

The elites thought they could stop this, but it is too late. The quantum age has arrived: it is the age of the people.



The old guard is gone, their towers are crumbling and it’s time for us to rise up and take back what has always been ours.



Elon Musk Joins Trump in Butler – Secret Meetings, Military Alliances, and Dark MAGA Plans for EBS Integration: Musk Rallies Patriots to Prepare for 10 Days of Darkness!

Trump’s return to Butler, Pennsylvania, is a scene straight from the front lines of a war against global elites. This is not just a campaign rally—it is an act of defiance, a literal middle finger to the shadowy forces that have sought to control, suppress, and eliminate him.


QFS – As for the security of everyone’s money and finances, there will be complete control of the planet’s finances – this is the QFS (a quantum financial system that cannot be hacked).

Everyone in the world will have an account in this system. To replenish, the GCR (Global Currency Reset) and the RV (Currency Revaluation) are restarted, countries that were devalued in a completely unfair way, such as Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.


Tensions are rising in the Middle East with Israel’s assassination of a Hezbollah leader and an attack on Russia.

More than 200 people have died in the United States due to Hurricane Heleen, which hit the state of Florida. This hurricane is suspected of being a climate weapon of the deep state.



It appears we have entered the final phase of deep state collapse.



Will this be the last stand of the deep state? Raise funds through hurricanes for the Israeli war!

October 1: Currency Reset Goes into Effect! QFS Goes Live in 144 Countries!

Medical Revolution! Medbed Rollout is Happening in Secret! Collapse of the Medical Industrial Complex!


October 5 (Saturday) power and satellite outages due to a magnetic storm.

Hurricane Helen is suspected to be man-made,

with Israeli airstrikes threatening to trigger World War III.

Biden/Harris FEMA orders temporary halt to disaster relief as thousands need food and water. FEMA refuses to help volunteers, threatens to arrest aid workers while distributing belongings.

The Deep State’s BlackRock

confiscates North Carolina property and the federal government evicts the owners.

It is advisable to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine and supplies on hand to share with yourself, your family and others in case of an emergency.


🚨Welcome to the beginning of the end of the  Deep State Global Military Alliance, Real-Time Mass Arrests Including 150 Bankers Held for Nuclear

World War III is a false flag operation Suspicion of  coastal port closure is false



The White House is set to be blown up in a suspected flag operation,  the children in the container are told they are safe

– The White Hats are in charge!

– Trust the plan.


Trump: “We will take back our country sooner than you think!”

You’ll see things you’ve never seen before!” I swear.

Trump will not return as the president of a bankrupt American company, but as the president of a new republic of the United States!

In this new American republic, we the people have all the power.

No federal income tax!

And America will return to the gold standard!

Furthermore, NESARA will be implemented and all debts owed by all Americans will be cancelled!



🌎Also , every human being on Earth will get back the money that the Federal Reserve Banks Cabal deposited with all of us. Just wait until all the doctors find out what they did with our birth certificates.

I can’t post everything right now, but I will. If we start helping these people!











The Global Reset is coming.

What was once dismissed as conspiracy theory is now unfolding in real time. This reset is not about fixing the broken system; it’s about tearing it down and building a new one from scratch.


The world is on the brink of an unprecedented financial revolution, and the banking powerhouses are shaking in their boots. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here, and it’s changing EVERYTHING.



The financial system

Collapse is Imminent – ​​EBS, QFS and NESARA are Ready for Launch!

The storm is upon us, and the truth is coming out faster than they can cover it up.

High-level insiders are confirming that the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and NESARA are not just rumors, they are ready to launch!

Well-known politicians are releasing critical details, whether by accident or intention, preparing us for the seismic shifts that lie ahead.

This is a coordinated effort, folks – those who want to be on the right side of history when the hammer falls are acting now.



The deep state empire is in its death throes and the latest revelations confirm that its grip on the world is being shaken.

Did you think the last update was explosive? Brace yourself because the new developments are even more devastating for the global elites. All the lies they built their power on are crumbling, and the truth is coming out faster than they can control it.



The exchange of these satellites has already been carried out by the galactic federation, in some time we should have faster internet, comment that these old satellites of darkness were also equipped to emit frequencies harmful to the population of the Earth.


The Earth Alliance, a secretive group with ties to undisclosed military factions, has confirmed the existence and immediate global distribution of a groundbreaking technology that will revolutionize healthcare: Med Beds. These are not just tools for physical healing, but revolutionary devices that combine  advanced healing techniques with profound spiritual awakenings.


Med Bed Technology

Med Beds represent the pinnacle of advanced healing technology. They utilize a combination of  quantum energy fields,  nanotechnology, and  cosmic brainwave synchronization  to facilitate rapid, holistic healing. Here’s a breakdown of how they work:


  • Quantum Energy Fields:  These fields interact with the body’s own energy to promote rapid cellular regeneration and repair. They can target specific areas or provide general rejuvenation.
  • Nanotechnology:  Tiny nanobots work at the cellular level to repair tissue, eliminate toxins, and restore optimal health. This technology ensures precise and efficient healing.
  •  Cosmic Brainwave Synchronization  : This aspect of the Med Beds aligns the patient’s brainwaves with cosmic frequencies,  promoting deep mental and spiritual healing  . This synchronization increases mental clarity, emotional balance and spiritual connection.

The EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) is the harbinger of a new era — Worldwide Martial Law.

No more hiding in the shadows, no more secret deals made in back rooms. The White Hats have mobilized 5,000 troops in a strategic, coordinated strike aimed at dismantling the elites’ decades-long domination of humanity.

This is a full-scale purge of the deep state’s most sinister forces, and at the heart of this mission is the takedown of FEMA, an agency now exposed for its role in human trafficking and the theft of funds and supplies intended for victims of Hurricane Helene.





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 6th through 12th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 6th through 12th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Guided Meditation for the New Earth & 10:10 Activation Portal.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste







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OCTOBER 8 2024
Today is another special day of exorcism and blessed correction for both Yin and Yang and the continuation of the great eclipse on the 2nd of October that purged many fallen energies that had been affecting the relationship between the feminine and the masculine.
Please note also that the liberation from the mind demons is an ongoing one which will last for the next few months.
It will be coming in in waves and reaching parts of the population that will be ready to be free from them.
‘The word “exorcism” means “to make someone swear” and mainly refers to the exorcist forcing a spirit to obey some higher power and exit one’s body or field.
A prerequisite for a Soul to be in the 3d was to contract different spirits and be a vessel for their energies, the same was taking place for nature too.
As the Earth has been ascending, these contracts have been changing very fast during the last years and this is still an ongoing development.
The spirits of evil/lower consciousness of separation, are still departing via many different ways and separation is healing faster now since more and more people have been using their free will, intentions and repositioning in order to be free and sovereign.
The Twin Flames are steadily moving towards the state of syn-chronisation via the Kundalini nodes.
The state of syn-chronisation opens the Equilibriums which then open the great doors to the power of the cosmos and then the living state of Eros, can be experienced.
The state of Eros is very much connected to the galactic teams and the remembrance of their history which just opened upon this Equinox and will continue unfolding ahead.
“Eros invincible in battle”
The meaning of this quote by Sophocles in Antigone that is referring to Eros as invincible in battle, carries a true meaning for the Twin Flames and the galactic chronicles as many of the members of the galactic sacred fleet are Twin Flames in the state of Eros/love.
This will be seen and understood in the future as the new Twin Flame chronicles are coming up!
Collectively, the feminine and the masculine are now reaching the nuclear state of their opposition/alienation/separation/disagreement that has been active in and between them and are given all tools, solutions and support in order to heal and bridge their lack of syn-chronisation.
They are being pushed to understand themselves deeper.
They will come to remember and realise that manifestation, creativity, abundance and fulfillment comes only via syn-chronisation and union of their qualities and that the whole narrative of separation and differences, was planned and imposed via the goal of the fallen goal to keep them powerless.
The masculine will be now reconnecting to God and the feminine to her passion!
At the same time, the appearance of Atlas signifies a total change of the level of consciousness for all peoples on Earth.
Atlas in mythology is the one that after the Titans lost the war, he was responsible for holding the Earth’s sky dome of the realm of Hyperborea which is the outer realm and the oldest one which includes all realms, on his shoulders.
He is also the father of the 7 sisters, the Pleiades.
Atlas means ‘he who endures everything’ and he has given his name to Atlantis, Atlantis ocean etc.
The indigos via Altas can now receive new codes of reconnection to the true worlds and restore their cosmic nervous system.
This means that they are also restoring their Yin and Yang power circuits and reconnecting to the radio and information of the free worlds!
A new wave of awakening is here for many more indigos!
Blessings of Eros!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
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