Powerful 5th Dimensional and Beyond Med Bed Healing ~ REDEMPTION PROJECT
Powerful 5th Dimensional and Beyond Medical Bed Healing | Amazing Age Reversal Medical Beds and Little Known Current Technology
Are you ready to read this interview with Nicholas Veniamin and Maria Benardis on Zoom together? Maria shares some great additional information about Med Beds and other suppressed technologies, including dental technology. Expected to be released soon.
Maria Benardis is a Gourmand Award-winning author, intuitive chef, food alchemist, motivational speaker, intuitive health and wellness coach, and founder of Greekalicious.
Excerpt from Greekalicious:So why are we sick?Maria: Where we’re going, let’s set the scene. As we all know, we live in a world full of chemicals, toxic foods, and fluoride, which is why so many people are sick.Where we’re going now and all of these cures are to bring us back to ancient medicine, like ancient Greece, which was based on divine medicine, energies, frequencies, and vibrations. It’s all about mind, body, and spirit.
Vibrational HealingThe reason I wanted to set the stage is that most of these new treatments and techniques (not many yet, but more to come) are energy based. They are based on vibrational frequencies.That is why it is so important for people to elevate themselves to the 5th dimensional energy, or unconditional love of Agape. Because that is where you get the full reward of what is already there and what is to come.
LikeMedbeds and all sorts of other plasma related energy devices. Everything is energy and plasma based.
Dental Technician
Nicholas: Can you tell me what I can use for diseases etc. Do you think dentistry was also mentioned?
Plasma Pen
Maria: So here comes the person. I can mention it now. For example, there are plasma pens that you can use to actually do filling. In other words, it helps to regenerate the teeth and fill that gap. All those extractions are not necessary.
Viral Content: What is the Secret to Healthy Longevity? This Ancient Japanese Secret Tonic Recipe Will Help You Melt 54 Pounds of Fat.
What is the secret to healthy longevity?
We’ve provided links to over 5,000 published health patents so people can access them for further research.
mercury problem
Nicolau: That’s very interesting! Normally when you have fillings, there’s mercury in that filling, which is very bad for us. Also, can you explain to the listener why mercury is bad for you? Maria: Mercury is basically
toxins. That’s why people keep telling us not to eat fish like tuna because they contain mercury.
It’s actually like fluoride, it kills our cells and destroys our DNA. If you put something like that in your mouth, it’s going to
.slowly release mercury over time, damaging your cells and making you sick. Not only that, but it actually affects the pineal gland, so many people who drink a lot of that water and use that kind of toothpaste believe that the Creator God I find it very difficult to connect with Eliminate those toxins.
Nicolau: Right. Everything we eat, when I talk to JasonQ he goes into everything. He says no, you can’t eat like that or you can’t eat like that. There’s poison in everything. with our medicine. The dyes we put in our hair… the light bulbs… skin care Maria: Yeah, and moisturizers.
As you know, the skin is the largest organ in our body. When you try to absorb chemicals, they’re absorbed through the skin.
It’s also important not to spray anything in the environment that’s absorbed through the skin. People don’t realize that when they spray something around, the first organ, the skin, absorbs it.
WARNING: Scientific Study – Green Vegetables Causing Type 2 Diabetes in Millions – Big Diabetes Lies by Doctors Presented Speaking of the air purifier, one of the inventions out there is FDA approved. An air purifier by a company called Aerus. In the home, it actually detoxifies the entire environment and airborne bacteria, etc.
This is the future in our homes. A modern purifier that purifies the nasty stuff that comes from outside.
When do you think the medical beds will be released?
Nicholas: Wow, that’s great. So when do you think the medical beds will be released?
Maria: I’m following the information. Some intel says March. Actually, I think it’s more likely to be the end of March, because we have a big party with our beautiful president in March.
Currently in use with rescued children
Maria: Once the announcement is made, I don’t think anything will stop these Medbeds from coming out. They are already rescued children and we know that it is already being used for our service men and women, especially because they have gone through a lot of trauma to deprogram their minds and heal all of that trauma.
Holographic Bed
Maria for Missing Limbs: For those who have lost limbs, there is another bed (a holographic bed) that actually helps to heal and regenerate those limbs.
Age reversalmedical beds
Maria: Personally, I am looking forward to something that can reverse age and help my vision and hearing.
to prevent my hair from turning gray: A friend told me that she is looking forward to something that will prevent her hair from turning gray rice field. I told her that I really like gray! As long as my hair doesn’t fall out, I am happy.
Maria: Well, that is the role of the medical bed. It actually restores the hair to its original color. If you go back to your 20s when you had no gray hair, you will automatically return to your natural color.
Is this true?
Nicholas: You made a very good point about the med beds. Med beds are now also used for children. People are wondering when it will come out. Is this true? We are looking forward to them because they can cure any disease and save many lives, including our loved ones. As
effective as your energy
MARIA: But Nick, there is something very important that people should realize. Med beds are only as effective as your energy. They are based on intention. I need to go to a med bed with the intention to heal myself and I need to increase my energy.
And what this med bed does is it joins me and increases my energy a little bit more. That is why it is emphasized why it is necessary to go up to the 5D level.
What other technologies are available today?
Nicholas: When we have access to all these treatments, everything will be great.
So, what has been announced in the last 6 months that you think is amazing, what you are using now or what you have heard about recently
is oxygen therapy. A lot of research has been done in Israel and it is actually being used in hospitals in Connecticut to treat cancer and other diseases
. Many people don’t know that they can choose it . I highly recommend it. Of course, oxygen therapy is also used for anti-aging. If you google oxygen therapy, you can find it, but people don’t talk about it. I think this is very important.
Dr. Biezinski
Another very important thing, I love the work of this doctor. His name is Biezinski (?) and he is a doctor from Texas. He was curing people with cancer, then he was shut down. So
if anyone has this disease, please go to this wonderful doctor and start using his cures. He developed what is called Something is happening.
Ultraviolet Red LightWe have also seen the benefits of ultraviolet red light. I highly recommend that you start using ultraviolet red light on your body as it kills viruses. It was used to treat high blood pressure and treat pneumonia in the 40s and 50s. Precision
Smart Toilet
A toilet called Precision Smart Toilet has appeared. When you go to the toilet, it can actually diagnose your body and health condition and upload it to the cloud.
Taichung BedSo we also have electromagnetic field technology. For example, there is Taichung bed. They are available in every state, but you may only find one or two.This is basically an energy bed that helps to heal your chakras and any kind of negative field around you.
King Smarty – Pure Soul Energy Science
We had a guest on a show called King Smarty, and I actually use his product, Holotech, Holographic. I use it in my life and I have to say it gives me a constant boost of energy. So
I use one of those. It’s made a huge difference in my life. My vibe was already 5D and now I’m looking for more. That’s another type of maintenance.
Those are just a few examples… there’s a lot going on.
Age Reversal Med-Beds are more than just age reversal. It’s great to see it come to fruition, but more importantly it’s healing degenerative diseases and some of the debilitating conditions that people have to endure.
.. Nicholas, people should not rely solely on this Med-Bed healing technology, they should eat right. We know there will be replicators to help replicate healthy herbs and foods, but in the meantime people need to eat right . No. Despite media reports, the tuna that is said to be in the sandwich is not tuna!
Nicolas: Terrible. Fast food needs to be shut down. It should be a national emergency! SO
MARIA: I don’t know if you know, but now all these companies are being sued and asked to close down!
Another example of other companies being sued. Let’s name it…
Foods Whole Foods has questioned many products under the Whole Foods brand. For example, is the vanilla you’re using really vanilla? Now you have all these class action lawsuits. They’re doing this to shut down all these lines and brands,
and Whole Foods will be notified when that happens. You should add
Trader Joe’s
Trader Joe’s too. There’s a lot going on around us, but it’s not in the media!
Nicolas: That’s good. Because eventually the greedy people in these billion dollar corporations will only care about money and not our health.
When people start seeing this in the media, they’ll see a great opportunity to open businesses and provide for their families, serve their communities, and do the things that we’re passionate about.
Like you said with Whole Foods. I know a lot of private restaurants, family restaurants. They really go above and beyond when it comes to quality, membership, or customer experience, but you don’t get that from big companies and they don’t value it.
I really hope they get sued because they need to.
Maria: Yeah, yeah!
Monsanto, Bayer, the Environmental Protection Agency.
Monsantos has sued, Bayer has sued; the EPA is getting sued.
But Nicholas, you know, it’s not in the media. I do a lot of research every week for my weekly show and I find things like this so I can tell people about it, but it’s hidden. As JasonQ knows, I spend hours
looking for something like this. I want to share this because I want to give people hope.
Nicholas: I think it gives the Patriots a lot of hope.
We know where we’re going, but what’s holding us back a little bit right now is that we don’t know the plan. I don’t know everything about it. Like I said to
Charlie (Ward), there are only 10 or less people who really know the plan. It’s going to be a wonderful future.
back to the basics .
MARIA: Isn’t that also getting back to the biblical basics of trusting God?
This brings us back to the source of our trust in God… in God and in Christ… that everything is under control.
If you can trust President Trump, the [Q] team and everybody else, it’s like saying… we believe in you. This is what it takes to get back to Nicolas.
We have lost that faith and trust, so everything that is happening is very wise of the whole plan.
So if we don’t trust, we don’t trust God and we don’t trust ourselves. We need to know what they can do, the ancient Greeks say.
Nicolas: I can’t wait. It’s amazing. I’m listening to you because you are also trying to go beyond 5D. You have credibility and I feel that. It’s an exciting time to be alive.
The ancient Greeks were 5D and above. Connect with the Creator.
Maria: Let’s not forget Nicolas, the ancient Greeks. They were not just 5D, they were beyond 5D.
How do you think they made those buildings without technology?
People like Hippocrates and people like??? How did you know it had healing properties?
And the list goes on. They had to be connected to their creator and source. Nicholas: I mean, because we have God within us, they had 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th dimensional superpowers to accomplish these things. You are now saying through society that this was taken away from us by the shutdown.
The pineal gland and we have been suppressed…and we don’t realize it. Maria : That’s right! That’s what I discovered in my research and it helped me heal the ancient Greeks. Studying the ancient Greeks and learning the techniques to unclog the pineal gland and ascend to 5D through the mind, body and spirit . All Atlantis Med-Bed healing is based on 5D technology that was also used in ancient Atlantis, but then their ego destroyed them. We are being called to rise up. In fact, what we are being asked to do is rise up. We have God and we have that energy. We are being asked to ascend back there so that we can again use our telepathic abilities to communicate. No matter where we are in the world, we can communicate and heal the plasma energy around us… it’s there. Technology that turns air into water So there is technology that absorbs air and turns it into water . Anomaly… There is a video about it. It’s not a hoax. There is a video demonstrating this technique. All of this proves to me that water is abundant, because it’s all under control! Nicolau: Yes, absolutely. I think it’s rich in everything. It’s up to humans, and those in wise control, to ensure that. Med-Bed healing is just one of many technologies that are being released.
Some companies are already moving in this direction, but wouldn’t it be great if all of these 6,000+ patents were released to society ? And
the wellness patents have been largely suppressed and have yet to be published. Here are a few examples.
What is so important for humanitarians like us, who will be blessed financially by God in the near future, is to actually fund these inventors so that they can come out soon. In fact, we can have some of them in our own homes, so to speak, without having to visit a doctor’s bed! Nicholas: Of course ! Just like furniture, there should be things in your home that come naturally, like frequencies and equipment. Just like we have a refrigerator, we need healing technology!
Maria: Exactly! I see a lot of good things – some of them are amazing. But it’s all based on frequency, vibration and energy. That’s what people need to remember.
Anti-Aging Devices – New Inventions Previously Suppressed
Another thing is that, just like inventions, there are many anti-aging devices that have never been seen before. We’re not just talking about Med-Beds. This is an anti-aging machine. This is less sophisticated than the Med-Bed.
We can fund them so they can come out even sooner. I hope we can put money into this
so people can have them in their homes. This link has a lot of devices that I offer, so I need to fund these inventors to help them start inventing. This is so people can have them at their fingertips.
For example, I think the toothpaste that I mentioned earlier (in Part 1) would be great. Also a pen to regenerate teeth.
In addition, we need food, herbs, and spices. We don’t want people to think that we can just rely on this technology. It takes a Nick, Mind, Body, Spirit approach.
Nicholas: Absolutely! You have to want it energetically, you have to want to feel it, you have to have 100% of that feeling of abundance.
The other way is to hope to transfer wealth from the cabal to good people and put it back into the humanitarian projects that you’re talking about, so that we can help the inventors move forward. So let’s hope it gets done quickly too, so that everything goes smoothly .
Maria: Yes, this is one of my favorite projects. I have looked at many of these wonderful remedies and invested a lot of time and investment to choose the ones that I want to help people get back home as quickly as possible . The link I provided has a whole section on hemp energy devices. I see hemp as the future, not plastic, and… it can be recycled.
Nicolau: Interesting. When you use hairspray, deodorant or air freshener, you know that the container you spray it in is usually made of toxic metals like aluminum, so it poisons us. Just like we poison everything we eat, use, materials and clothes , it should be the other way around. Not only is it non-toxic, it should be really good for us. Cut Recycling!
Maria: And when you go back to nature, it just decomposes. You don’t have to recycle… you have to use plant material. Interestingly, it was used in ancient Greece for many of these purposes.
Even though it’s mentioned in the Bible, it’s illegal in many countries like Australia!
I think it’s the future and there’s a lot of suppression that people should start looking at hemp CBD. We believe you can look at hemp instead of plastic furniture.
We see hemp instead of plastic sheets… we see clothing… not only that, but we’re raising our vibrations by wearing clothing made of hemp instead of fake polyester.
So that’s how I see the future and the evidence is there. People can do their own research.
Were they just “fruit loops”… or were they actually like something? It’s important to emphasize that it all comes down to energy. The ancient Greeks were the first to recognize the existence of energy. At the time, they considered them fruit loops.
Nicholas: A friend gave me this and it has a healing stone inside. I don’t know much about pyramids, but they have healing stones inside. I’ll leave it here. I don’t know if I always feel good because this is here.
God gave us crystals to use in this vibration.
Maria: I also have a lot of crystals. Like essential oils, they’re very important because they raise your vibrational frequency. They’re also very important in my life in terms of maintenance.
Remember, the ancient Greeks used crystals to raise their vibrational frequencies. They recognized that crystals, like music and many other things, have energy. I am not surprised, I have a whole collection of crystals. The new healing technology of the Internet
The new quantum financial system will be based on energy. Heal us at the same time!
And since 5G towers have become Tesla towers, they all vibrate at the frequency of 432 hertz, the energy of unconditional agape love. I mean, this is another technology… even internet technology will cure us!
Nicholas: Wow, that’s what I mean.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information with us. Anything else you would like to say before you leave us?
Maria: Soon! Have faith.
…end of transcript…
______________________On June 14th, President Trump told the nation, “Within a year, almost every hospital The process will be out of date,” he said. Every city has many medical beds and Tesla chambersthat can heal and repair DNA as well as cure all diseases . humanity than the last 10 presidents combined I do so much for The proof is in the executive order he signed.MED beds have the ability to regenerate lost organs such as gallbladder, kidneys, and lymph nodes. etc. Through the use of light spectrums and frequencies.

The 1st

BQQQM!!! Behind the scenes: Q-Phones with QFS and StarLink QG…
The ultimate game-changer in communications, finance, GESARA applications and universal basic income distribution
In a dangerous world dominated by uncertainty, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) emerges as a beacon of hope and offerings!
a revolutionary solution: Quantum Telephony. Developed by QFS and StarLink QG and inspired by the innovative legacy of Steve Jobs, these devices are more than just communication devices.
A financial powerhouse linked to GESARA applications, ensuring financial security and transforming the financial and communications landscape. Prepare for world-changing events as these quantum devices redefine the way we live.
We live in an era of rapid technological innovation and social change, and secure communications and reliable financial systems are essential for survival.
Quantum phones break the limitations of traditional smartphones and put unparalleled power in your hands.
Features like quantum credit cards make withdrawing digital currencies as easy as pressing a button. This isn’t just about convenience; it also means breaking free from the central control of financial institutions.
The stakes are high. We are in the midst of a Great Reset that threatens to disrupt traditional assets. Account? Useless. Those who cling to it will be swept away by the wave of quantum technology. It’s not about surviving, it’s about thriving in this new era of financial power.
GESARA and NESARA are poised to usher us into a future of global prosperity, and quantum phones are the key to unlocking that world. This is not just a new dawn, but an earthquake that shakes the foundations of the current world order.
But don’t get me wrong. The transition will not happen without a fight. The old forces, desperate to maintain their crumbling rule, will resist with all their might.
Our mission is to be at the forefront of this change, embrace the future and leave behind obsolete systems. The choice is clear. Stay behind or take control of your destiny with a quantum phone. Now is your turn.
The time to act is now. These phones are not just devices, they are weapons in the war for our future. GESARA and Quantum Phones open the door to financial freedom. Are you ready to make your mark on history?
Steve Beckow: Evil Will Have to Leave an Ascending Gaia – Thursday, September 12, 2024
I referred the other day to “prestigious courts staffed with integrity who make fair and impartial decisions.” (1)
Impartial decisions? Give me a break. The legal war we’ve seen recently has made a mockery of the words.
But yes, there are ways to work with bias. Let me look at that for a moment, and then we’ll look at the difference that integrity or lack thereof makes in the functioning of any system.
Bias is an opinion, usually deeply held, that operates in a world of consciousness that we keep separate from our other mind-created internal (and external) worlds. When we shift from our normal, everyday conversation with ourselves to a normal, everyday conversation with another person, we may well have entered another world.
We may deny in our onstage consciousness a bias that we openly discuss in our offstage conversations with ourselves. This basic act of false denial is an irritant around which a pearl later grows. It is a bend in the branch along which the tree bends.
But there are several approaches I can take, if I have sincerity and integrity (not if I don’t), to minimize the impact of my bias or avoid a serious misstep. They are: (1)
Notice the bias and, if it is insignificant (such as in a brief, inconsequential encounter), remain aware of it and its potential impact; (2)
If it is significant, identify my bias and encourage awareness (be aware!) of the other party; (3)
If it is important to the outcome, identify my bias and recuse myself from the decision.
In a world where politics is ethical and moral, these options, given the circumstances, would probably be considered honorable and acceptable.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where prominent political figures have been corrupted by the deep state, cartels, and mafias, blackmailed with bribes and threats, (4) real or fabricated entrapments, hidden videos, etc. (5)
I could go on listing the human rights abuses they are guilty of, but even the names are traumatic. I’ll let Matthew put it this way:
“From time to time, we allude to future events that will shock most peoples on Earth to their core. If ever a period can be considered very dramatic in that the world is being turned upside down to shake off the dark elements, it is the period on your near horizon. In conjunction with mind-boggling revelations, surges of energy will be activating ancient portals and anchoring them as interstellar beacons.” (4)
Every day, our boundaries of what is unthinkable, horrific, or disheartening can be pushed back by new revelations. Or challenged by incoming energies. And unless we know what is happening, we can minimize it in our rush to return to comfort and complacency.
Michael warned us about the dangers of simply sweeping things under the rug, as we often do:
Archangel Michael: Everything that needs to be cleared, everything that needs to be let go of, everything that needs to be healed in this cesspool we call ‘chaos’ needs to come to the surface.
Otherwise – and this has happened many, many times in human history – what happens is that there is a belief [that] there is a cure, a compromise, a remedy, and then the human collective tends to think, ‘Okay, now it’s clean. Now it’s healed. Now it’s done.’
But the core – the core issues – of the collective and of course of the individuals, have not been addressed, and so the situation sits and festers. (5)
Another pitfall is that by embracing empirical materialism, the influencers in our society need to see and hear it to believe it. (6) Otherwise, the dragging (social leadership) out of the darkness will not happen.
And even then, it cannot be just them carrying the weight, Michael tells us:
Archangel Michael: It cannot simply be the light bearers who are holding the light, and shining the light, and radiating the light, and being the light – it cannot simply be them doing all the heavy lifting, so that the entire planet can move forward. (7)
Either approach can be used by decent people to produce beneficial results, or by dishonest people to produce corrupt results. It all depends on the intentions of the actor.
We as a world refuse to accept the existence of anything as evil as the elites of the world have created. But in the ten days of broadcasts, we will be brought face to face with the truth, perhaps as much as a human being can bear.
All this disregard we have done has allowed this mass of evil to grow and grow, until now it has the capacity, if our star family allows it (which it will not), to destroy most of the human race with a toxic vaccine or a nuclear World War III.
This is what it feels like to watch all that is evil come to the surface. I am reminded of scenes in horror movies where the source of the horror is picked up by a tornado and sucked out the other side. (8) Evil will have to leave an ascending Gaia, says the Divine Mother:
Divine Mother: Those people who simply say, “No, I don’t want to do that,” will be gathered together in mercy, in compassion, in kindness, in gentleness—they will not be taken away, let me be very clear about that—they will be brought home for reconstitution. …
They will die before or during, because they cannot embody the level of love energy – because that is what Ascension is – they cannot embody that… and literally… you have heard of situations, especially you… you have heard of situations where people’s hearts just stop or explode for no reason explained.
It is simply because they cannot go on, and the merciful thing to do is to simply, gently and kindly, bring them home. We do not know the meaning of punishment, of what in so many different religious activities has been called “hell”. “Hell” is when you are in that place – the depth of despair. (9)
It is not as if we are being asked to put on battle gear. Committed and brave men and women in the military have volunteered to do this on our behalf. There are many other things we can do in support of them and ours:
* Stay informed;
* Be prepared with food, drink, necessities and money (in small amounts) for yourself and others;
* Proceed as normal and peacefully as possible, which denies the dark forces the fear energy (loosh) that their upper echelons thrive on;
* Send them love bombs because love has the power to dissolve hate, freeing them from their self-imposed chains if anything can;
* Work to unite humanity in your neighborhood to drive out the darkness in all its forms;
* And hundreds of others.
All the while knowing, from everything you have read here and elsewhere, that the Light has already won. (10)
(1) See “Knowing the Truth of 9/11 This Year?” September 11, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/09/11/knowing-the-truth-of-9-11-this-year/
(2) A bribe of gold or lead – a bribe of gold or a death by lead bullet.
(3) Honeypot is an approach by a handsome or attractive intelligence agent to entrap an unsuspecting politician. Victims may also be drugged and photographed in bed with an underage child or a corpse. Operations that have used them have included Epstein’s Island, the Playboy Mansion, and the Getty Museum.
(4) Matthew’s Message, March 11, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/03/11/matthews-message-march-11-2024/. Are these “interstellar beacons” the Federation’s “monoliths”?
On the energy surges produced by the monoliths, see “Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, July 13, 2021,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/07/13/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-july-13-2021/.
(5) “Archangel Michael on Why All This Conflict Is Taking Place,” September 28, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=348361.
(6) The prevailing societal paradigm of empirical materialism holds that only what we can see, hear, touch, taste, etc., is real. Therefore, our society will have to see and hear it, or we will not accept that it is or was real. Our own paradigm condemns us to having to go through the experience of having that paradigm refuted once and for all.
(7) “Archangel Michael: Victory is at Hand!” May 10, 2019, athttp://goldenageofgaia.com/chrysalis2019/05/10/archangel-michael-victory-is-at-hand/; taken from Archangel Michael in a personal reading with EBSS through Linda Dillon, January 2019, at https://counciloflove.com/2019/01/archangel-michael-victory-is-at-hand/.
(8) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is an example. Seehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z43FTxB30A.
(9) “Universal Mother Mary’s Ascension Splash!” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 31, 2017 at https://counciloflove.com/2017/05/universal-mother-marys-ascension-splash/.
(10) See:
Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V1-Introduction-R9.pdf
The End of Darkness on Earth: The Dawning of Light at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/The-End-of-Darkness-6.pdf
Some Will Choose Not to Ascend: The Time of Separation in https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Some-Will-Choose-Not-to-Ascend-4.pdf
INTEL: Quantum Financial System, Global Currency Reset and 5D Med Beds ~ Trust the Plan!
Get ready for an explosive shift in reality. The Quantum Financial System (QFS), Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Med Beds are just the beginning. We are on the cusp of a revolution unlike anything before.
The moment Trump declared that the next few days would change history, the wheels were set in motion. This isn’t just about cryptic tweets. This is about power and freedom.
Elon Musk’s latest bombshell has been confirmed: the Quantum Internet will be live by the end of December. And guess what? The QFS will be activated simultaneously. The elites don’t want you to know this, but the black swan event that Musk hinted at is coming. A giant wave is about to hit and wipe out the old system.
As global currencies prepare to revalue, a massive shift is underway. It’s about more than money — it’s about restoring freedom and exposing hidden technologies, including 6,000 life-saving cures long hidden from the public. Yes, the elites hoarded these for themselves while keeping the masses sick and dependent.
And let’s not forget the underground war. As earthquakes shake Yang Lake and floods rage, there’s a secret battle raging beneath our feet. Rumor has it that CIA-backed underground bunkers are under siege by White Hats who are targeting the Rothschild dynasty and its network of control. This isn’t about China or Russia—it’s about the global elite losing control.
As the Rothschild financial empire crumbles, we are witnessing the rise of the new financial order. This is not speculation—it is happening in real time. Iraq has already unveiled its gold dinar, and the ripple effects are rippling through global markets. What does this mean for you? A complete shift in wealth and power.
Med Beds are the final piece of this puzzle. These aren’t just futuristic medical devices; they’re part of the 5D revolution. The age-reversal technology and healing capabilities of Med Beds are already operational, housed in secret military facilities. This isn’t a dream — it’s happening. The deep state is panicking because they can no longer control the narrative.
The next few weeks will be crucial. Prepare for the unexpected as the QFS and GCR take center stage. Trust the plan, stay alert, and watch the storm intensify. The truth is unfolding before our eyes, and we are about to witness the greatest transformation in human history.

NESARA & QFS Plan Has Begun …Ben Fulford on Telegram
- The RV rescue process has begun , real signing forms like NDA and post-rescue plan documents – within the exclusive world of rescue centers!
- The RV redemption process is unfolding , and it’s about more than just money. It’s about taking back what was stolen from us by the Cabal, Deep State and bankers. The Redemption Centers are where we take back control, where NESARA/GESARA protocols are in full effect.
- We the People will receive higher exchange rates , QPhones, QLaptops, and even Rainbow Currency at these centers. If you have set up your Humanitarian Initiative Trust, you are in a prime position to benefit. This is not just a financial reset—it is God’s plan, working through us to help humanity.
What you need to know:
- Demand: A return to a better state. This is about more than just land or money; it is about restoring what was taken by the elites through their criminal systems. NESARA will do this for the citizens of the United States.
- Restitution/Reparation: Making up for the years of illegal taxes, loans, and financial slavery we have endured. Income taxes, mortgages, and credit cards? They were used to hold us as chattel, titles taken against our very lives, from birth certificates to social security numbers. This payment is reparation for the wrongs done to us.
- Who’s eligible? Those aged 24-61+ are in line for large lump sums, depending on their age bracket. For example: 61+: up to $61 million; 45-60: up to $38 million; 24-44: up to $23 million.
Types of rescue:
- Exchange: For those holding ZIM, dinar and dong bonds, you’re looking at double-digit rates at Redemption Centers, with gold-backed values. The ZIM bond is 1:1 to the new USTN dollar. You’ll be asked to allocate a portion of your funds to humanitarian projects — we’re not just saving ourselves; we’re saving the world.
- XRP Buyback: There is a $1 million per token value in XRP set by the QFS, already mirrored in Quantum Accounts. This buyback is part of a larger strategy to stabilize global markets and eradicate evil.
- This is about more than money. It’s about justice, about freedom, and about taking back what’s ours. The deep state’s grip is slipping, and this process is the path to redemption. The time is now, Patriots — we must be ready to rebuild and restore.
REDEMPTION PROJECT: Navigating Sudden Wealth After RV/GCR
Navigating Sudden Wealth After RV/GCR

Navigating Sudden Wealth: A Comprehensive Guide for Currency Investors
In the ever-evolving landscape of global finance, a select group of risk-takers are on the cusp of potentially life-changing wealth. If you’ve invested in exotic international currencies like the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), Vietnamese Dong (VND) or Zimbabwe Dollar (ZIM) bond notes, you’re part of a unique community poised for an extraordinary financial journey. As the world approaches a potential global currency revaluation (GCR), it’s time to prepare for the responsibilities that come with sudden wealth.
REDEMPTION PROJECT is your essential guide to this transformative journey. Specifically for currency investors like you, it provides a roadmap for navigating the complexities of wealth management in a rapidly changing financial world.
Key insights you will gain:
– The History of Currencies and Revaluations: From ancient times to BRICS, Kuwait and Iraq, explore the history of revaluations and what it means for the Iraqi Dinar and other currencies.
– Team Building Strategies: Learn how to build a dream team of lawyers, accountants, wealth managers, and other financial professionals tailored to your specific needs and goals.
– Wealth Preservation: Discover strategies to protect and grow your new wealth in a post-GCR world.
– Legal and Tax Navigation: Understand the complexities of trusts, foundations and international financial management.
– Investment Diversification: Explore opportunities beyond currency speculation, including stocks, bonds and real estate.
– Legacy Planning: Ensure your wealth transcends generations through effective estate planning.
– Humanitarian Projects: Gain insights into structuring charitable initiatives, including a bonus chapter on supporting homeless veterans.
Why it matters now
As more and more people recognize the radical changes in the international monetary landscape, the time to prepare is now. This book addresses the unique challenges you will face as the world transitions from the fiat US dollar to asset-backed currencies, including those proposed by the BRICS nations.
From lone investor to team leader
Your journey has been marked by calculated risks and unwavering determination in the face of skepticism. Now, it’s time to shift your mindset from being a lone investor to leading a well-coordinated team of experts. REDEMPTION PROJECT will guide you through:
– Bringing together the right mix of legal minds, investment experts and strategic thinkers
– Fostering effective collaboration and communication within your team
– Aligning your new wealth with your personal and humanitarian goals
Prepare for the Quantum Financial System (QFS)
As you anticipate the transition to QFS, this book will be your guide to assembling the perfect team for your goals. While your wealth may not have materialized yet, now is the time to start researching and preparing for the professional expertise you will need. Don’t leave your financial future to chance. Equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies you need to turn your currency investment into a lasting legacy.
Ready to take control of your financial future? Prepare now for the exciting journey ahead and ensure you have the right team in place when your investment in the global currency reset pays off. Your dream team awaits.
13/09: An unbelievable event will be triggered soon! The entire government will be invalidated
Friday morning, September 13, 2024
What will happen with the “financial collapse”? ?
We will continue to monitor the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!
Well then
From Judy Notes on September 12
I will extract the parts that interest you!
Today’s message
Believe in God’s government, God’s plan
The storm has arrived.
“Soon, at any moment, an unbelievable event will be unleashed. The entire government
will be shut down.
” God has answered us.
Wolverine has finally arrived, Wednesday, September 11, 2024. “
No one can stop what is coming. Nothing.
…Q Telegram September 11, 2024 (Wednesday, 9/11: Lies and Truth)
It is a good idea to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and emergency supplies.
For yourself, your family, and to share with others in case of an emergency.
Judy’s Note
What we think we know as of Wednesday, September 11, 2024:
The day before 9/11 (September 10, 2001) was the biggest red flag.
On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld said at the Pentagon that he had not accounted for over $2.3 trillion in funds.
And that number keeps growing. And the numbers keep piling up. Or, more importantly, are you looking for someone?
America is considered the world’s largest child sex trafficking/organ harvesting/adrenochrome ring.
Meanwhile, immigration authorities have admitted that they are unable to monitor unaccompanied migrant children released by DHS and the US Department of Health and Human Services.
“He was going to expose everything and they raided his house.” Before it becomes news
Obama and the elites practice pedophilia with satanic human sacrifice rituals:
Respected journalist Tucker Carlson released a video exposing Barack Obama practicing satanic sacrifice rituals. Video obtained revealing Obama practicing satanic sacrifice rituals with other gays and pedophiles.
Biden administration supports a Europe without freedom of speech: -The Biden administration recommends that French President Macron arrest the owner and founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, who is currently in a French prison. This is what Carlson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are arguing about the lack of freedom of speech in Europe.
Trump is the supreme commander of the US military, commanding over 50,000 secret troops.
Zionists control US government officials and are behind the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers:
President John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Bobby Kennedy have the American Zionist Council registered as a foreign agent and cannot make contributions to U.S. government officials. U.S. government official JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. RFK was assassinated on June 5, 1968.
AIPAC replaced the American Zionist Council without any opposition.
Vaccine toxins being injected into our food supply: 100 million animals injected with
Dr. Brian Ardis: 100 million animals injected with mRNA technology. Dr. Brian Ardis
: “They’re already injecting mRNA technology into vegetables. Already in China for our beef supply.”
Trump vs. Harris and ABC News in a biased debate: Harris was likely asked the questions during the biased debate against Trump on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
Harris was likely asked the question during the biased debate against Trump on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. He/she
was wearing earrings and seemed coherent for once, instead of the shrill look I had seen on the campaign trail.
Even though I usually can’t finish sentences.
The biased hosts clearly supported Harris.
They didn’t even try to answer basic questions. Harris’s crowning moment came when she admitted that Covid was developed in a lab.
19 has been admitted to being developed in a lab. This is something Trump has repeatedly accused of being a lie.
The general feeling people had was that Trump won anyway. Because Harris failed to defend the last four years of Biden’s failures. Cities are full of illegal immigrants and they are attacking citizens. News anchor Megan Kelly is fed up and ashamed of her profession
K**amala Har*ris was born a boy in Benghazi. His parents are Donald Harris and Shyamala Gopalan from Jamaica.
Shyamala Gopalan named him Kamal Allush. He is not black, but is half Indian and half Jamaican.
At the time of his birth, his parents were British citizens, not American citizens. Therefore, he is not even qualified to be President of the United States. She later worked as a prostitute in the United States, was a Marxist, refused to prosecute sex offenders as a prosecutor in California, and was fraudulently elected Vice President in the 2020 election.
He/she was tried for the fraudulent 2020 election and executed in GITMO.
And then the actor ran as a presidential candidate for the bankrupt and failed Democratic Party.
A bankrupt and defunct joint stock company of the Vatican/British Royal Family/Rothschild Bankers/Corrupt and Privately Owned American Corporations. Isn’t that confusing?
159 sovereign states qualified to participate in the BRICS global currency reset.
Eligible to participate in the currency reset to gold/asset backed currency. More countries are asking for consideration.
The Vatican and its ‘Ndrangheta mafia transferred thousands of abducted children to Satan-worshipping European businessmen, politicians and royals through international pedophile rings.
Since 2013, six international court judges have considered evidence including:
Including Pope Francis, Pope Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth. In 2013, an international court found Queen Elizabeth and Pope Ratzinger guilty of “crimes against humanity.”
Apparently, on October 10, 1964, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip removed 10 children, all around the age of 10, from the Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. Since 2008, Queen Elizabeth II and the Canadian government have rejected the continued requests of the ITCCS led by Kevin Annett.
They continued to deny Kevin Annett’s request to exhume 34 mass graves of children discovered in 80 native schools across Canada. The ICLCJ tribunal in 2013 found 40 global elites guilty. Convicted of the disappearance of over 50,000 Canadian indigenous children.
A few days later, Pope Ratzinger resigned. Witnesses Say Vatican and Drug Cartels Are Trafficking Children to Satan-Worshipping Pedophile Royal Families and Corporate Leaders: Politicians Before News (beforeitsnews.com)
Osama bin Laden worked as a spy for the CIA in the 1980s.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024: Breaking News Trump Begins Military Trial Against the Enemy! The Fight for America’s Future Begins Now – Call for Military Justice!
September 11, 2024 (Wednesday): Big Bang Event: GESARA Revolution from the Bay of Pigs Spark to Quantum Mechanics – The Dawn of a New World Order
Possible Time
Sunday. On September 8, 2024, the White House, a symbol of American leadership, was lit up in orange.
Trump, often referred to as the “Orange Man,” may be signaling that his return is imminent with the “Trust Plan.” Everything will happen as planned and nothing will stop it – NCSWIC.
Monday, September 9, 2024: The United States is positive about maintaining Iraq’s international status!
Sunday, October 20, 2024 Blackout – A night the world will never forget. Martial law is imposed in many parts of the world and power outages occur like never before. Lights out, no communication, no news. The cabal’s stronghold of power will crumble, and in its darkness its armies will move like clockwork.
In the darkness, the army moves like clockwork, clearing the city and arresting the elites who have bathed the people in blood.
… Tuesday, September 10, 2024 8:40 PM Julian Assange Telegram Post #78 STORM! Trump’s imminent return will trigger a global military conflict. Martial law is declared and the entire world suffers a power outage. Mobilized to the forefront of the ultimate global operation! – Daily
According to Reuters, Iraq and the US have reached a preliminary agreement for the withdrawal of Iraqi troops starting in September.
It will start in September 2024 and will continue until September 2025.
That’s all
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RUMORS: 09/13/2024
Trump was a very close friend of JFK Junior
in New York
and when
he saw the
Twin Towers
fall and then the
Third World Trade Center building
he knew it was an inside job.
All documentation
for the nesara was in the
World Trade Center Building 7
that was imploded
along with the towers
and they strategically
reached the part of the Pentagon
who had all the records about Nesara.
159 sovereign countries have already qualified to be part of the BRICS global currency reset program for gold/asset-backed currencies, with more on the list asking to be considered.
Quantum healing suggests therapeutic access to our higher dimensional body, with our soul’s design determining our DNA and our DNA reflecting our soul’s design.
The Global Financial Reset is approaching.
The stock market is about to plunge in an event so big it’s being called a Black Swan. With 209 countries facing a monetary transition, the global economic system will be changed forever.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
Question: Is your gut still screaming between days 11 and 15?
MarkZ: Yeah, it’s… I know the Iraq talk has been fantastic.
…my expected window opens today… (11 to 15).
Mountain Goat
…we were recently told that this electronic platform will end by the end of 2024…corruption and money laundering are ending and they need to end or we will not see any reintegration. The instrument to do this is Electronic Banking practices…Having the US Treasury inside Iraq now helping with all these banking reforms is a VERY good thing, not a negative thing. This will boost the VR process for us…We can even say that it is the LAST piece to be put in the VR puzzle to clearly see the end of this VR saga.
RayRen98 (TNT)
The price of oil will collapse.
Why do you think BRICS is moving towards a gold-backed currency? Gold is the liability that settles their trade imbalance (of raw materials) during industrialization.
✴️Information related to GCR/RV
An important event related to “GCR/RV” is scheduled for October 1st next month, US time. That’s…
✅Issuance of the Basel III code by the world’s leading banks
The event in question “is a major milestone for GCR/RV.” The following article also states that “QFS (Quantum Financial System) will begin operating in financial institutions (banks) around the world.” (Explanation and Opinion)
As part of this process, we also present our opinion on the relationship with exchange rate gains (Tier 4B/5) associated with VR (exchange rate revaluation).
✴️Related Stories about RV (Currency Value Revaluation)
This time, we cover a story related to “RV (Currency Value Revaluation) and foreign exchange gains”, which are still widely misunderstood. The specific content is written in the article below, so please refer to it.
Isn’t there basically a misunderstanding about the “value of money”? That’s what I thought and I wanted to talk to you in the hope of clearing up this misunderstanding.
Well, my story is also in a situation where there are still uncertainties regarding VR, so if the assumed conditions (prerequisites) change in the future, I will need to change my way of thinking.
Title redemption has been achieved.
It is always event-driven.
Dates are given as educated guesses by experts and prophets.
We’ve reached the final event before GCR and RV: bond redemption.
This provides gold assets for countries to use to revalue their currencies. This is the GCR.
“REVANGE” (0128012901300131)
The end of September will be the hottest yet!
It’s over! The treasure chest has been opened!
– No one expected light to radiate from him! 🌅
– Green Light 🚦
– [Freedom]
🕊️This is a call to everyone here.
You need to share this channel everywhere!
The biggest bomb has yet to be dropped.
– We don’t have much time left.
⏳For the greater good, everyone needs to see.
It has always been event driven.
Dates were offered by gurus and prognosticators as educated guesses.
We come to what amounts to the final event before the GCR and RV, which is the redemption of the bonds. This will provide the gold assets for countries to use to revalue their currencies – which is the GCR.
We are witnessing the beginning of a new era, where a meticulously orchestrated global military alliance, led by Trump, is dismantling the old world order built on lies, manipulation and exploitation.
This is about freeing humanity from the clutches of a centuries-old cabal that has thrived on secrecy and corruption. Under Trump’s leadership, this alliance is destroying the infrastructure of control and laying the foundation for a future defined by NESARA/GESARA, the Quantum Financial System (QFS), and unprecedented human prosperity.
This is not just a financial event;
It is a paradigm shift. The revaluation of global currencies aims to correct the imbalances that have plagued the world economy for decades.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
…my expected window…(11 to 15).
The news remains consistent… There is nothing negative… There is still a lot of talk about this until the 15th. Many people are related to each other and we know this is a great possibility.
Basel III is the endgame for oil being priced in dollars.
US banks will not comply with Basel III by October 1. The rest of the world will not reconstitute the dollar as a currency (trade).
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