Stargates/Gateways have been opening/going wide open (today) for the last 2 days… we started with a mega-blast of Christed Light Codes/Purity Codes/Diamond Light Codes/2222 Higher Consciousness hUmaNITY Codes for the period of a whole day, to then opening wider…. for photonic Light to start working to clear distortions, for raising physical body’s vibrational frequency and body-field alignment/synchronizing (which we’ve been in all night and gets stronger right now), as we continue to go wide-open…..
There’s much going on with these “new codes” and the “target” or “point” of all…… Obviously to elevate everyone’s consciousness even more, to anchor more within us, clear out old programming, dissolving/dismantling the old and re-constructing all through NEW GEOMETRICS that replace unconscious realities….. mentalities/beliefs/practices/ways of living that were not fully aligned with Purity Consciousness (Soul)…..
THIS IS ABOUT THE FOUNDATIONS of each’s reality. This is about the CONSTRUCTS of each’s reality…. this is about how each “measures” reality and all HELD ONTO of the old…..
So many STILL trying to apply the old constructs to the new. So many STILL trying to fit reality into the old constraints/boxes and limits created that is called “3D”. So many STILL can’t see beyond their own fears, fixed mentalities and programmed/conditioned beliefs…
This process of that changing amplifies, yet again. Acceleration THROUGH the programming, through the limits, through the fixed linear beliefs, through the ENERGY THAT HELD THOSE FEAR BASED realities in place… in order to dissolve the constructs that bound each to those realities still….. all held in place by the root chakra/ego/closed heart/mind…..
So many STILL letting their root chakra/fear/mind aspects make their decisions, forming JUDGMENTS and holding onto separation within. So many STILL not opening up completely to surrender those ego constructs fully…..
That which all call 3D…. 3D is the realities that PLAY OUT UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAMS that represent each’s HELL inside……. 4D is where all remain, while clearing out the separation through becoming Conscious and working through this separation within. It’s where Consciousness awakens within the body (LightBody), yet it’s also where all is UNEARTHED, upheaved and shaken/stirred….. It’s where the FOUNDATION for each’s FIXED REALITY starts to “go”…. because the WHOLE REALITY WAS NOT BUILT/CONSTRUCTED in accordance/alignment with each’s SOUL……
Every person awakening goes through their own “Dark Night” (many call it Dark Night of the Soul, yet we’ve changed this), because it’s the Ego Separation that each’s EXPERIENCES TO THE EXTREME… it’s ego dissolution, ego constructs collapsing/dismantling (which will correlate to the physical, yet not as the human aspect “thinks”).
FOR COLLECTIVE HUMANITY to awaken fully, then COLLECTIVE DARK NIGHT will occur. For those who’ve already gone through this in their early awakening phases, this won’t be you (most likely), yet it will be EVERYONE ELSE that has not gone through it yet…. and it will be as ugly and messy and as long as it needs to be for all of that separation to play itself out/break down/dissolve….
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF THE PROCESS…. this applies to 3D/4D…. for the UPLIFTMENT OF HUMANITY, the ego programming must cleanse fully, dissipate….. so that each’s SOUL CAN EMERGE FULLY and everything start to REALLY SHIFT like it “needs to” for the “next phases” to begin. Utter chaos can be a result of this. As can many other things, deep deep deep emotions and physical body clearing/re-writes too…
COLLECTIVE CLEANSING accelerates in every way. These last few/many years of accelerating the “unearthing process”, the upheaval… was just the BEGINNING…. the awakening of the dormant emotions and all that was suppressed…. THE ONLY WAY TO TRANSITION EACH OVER is for each to be faced with their own stuff…. this is not pretty, in any way, yet it is a part of it all.
There are STILL SO MANY NOT LETTING THEIR HIGHEST ASPECTS RUN THE SHOW… they are still letting their human ego/judgments come into play, still trying to hold onto the old, no matter how “awake” each believes they are… if one has not gone through the FULL MERGE and surrendered completely to allow for SOUL UNION to yet occur, this process still has to occur. It’s not an “overnight process”. There is an “activation/experience”, then every moment after is the process of clearing out the density/separation still held, so that each’s SOUL is in charge…. fully…. (LightBody/various stages).
WayShowers/Gatekeepers/Guardians/Light Emissaries and Guides…. observe and see your Roles. These will vary and be many. Your own current reality will show you yours…..
On the flip side…. 5D +, having gone through this already, then your new foundation and realities have been built. If they have not, then this will be a part of your building of your own, through your inner-actions, caring, support, kindness and respect, while not imposing or overstepping, while creating comfort without enabling/inner-fearing/trying to save….. because you realize how all works….
Dark is the word used by many still… when in essence it’s the ABSENCE of PURE SOURCE LIGHT, it’s the experience each goes through for resolving the BATTLE INSIDE (ego/higher self). It’s the absence of self-acceptance, self-love, self-caring and CONNECTION…. because that CONNECTION has been severed/lost, then all “hope” seems to go, the mind rampant with scenarios, stories, hurt, blame, shame, guilt, worthlessness and every program that created/perpetuated the SEPARATION TO START WITH….. This “rock bottom” process is where the strongest ego will finally break/dissolve and each’s heart will finally open to listen, finally open to “ask”, finally open to “hearing” something “other” than the POWER OF THE EGO that used to run the show…..
ROCK BOTTOM IS WHERE WE GO, when our hearts have been completely closed. It’s where we lived from “dependency” and gave our power away and listened to everyone else. It’s where we lived according to limits, mindsets, fears and NOT OUR HIGHEST SELF…..
ROCK BOTTOM is only necessary, if we refuse to surrender the old “principals” of what “reality” was…. It’s also where our THE LIGHT OF OUR SOUL can birth/be re-born…. (same for StarSeeds/Birth of a Star).
ROCK BOTTOM is not where we all ‘HAVE TO GO’ unless it’s the only way to break through all of that heavy duty programming… then it is.
The flip-side is that once each goes through this, then their LIGHTBODY can fully activate (in various stages) and their MERKABA can start to build…. for Ascension of Consciousness (Returning/Remembering) processes to begin (in stages too). Heaven inside can fully awaken, the bliss, the magic, the pure love, the freedom…… can all be felt and REALIZED…. if/as each is ready to LET GO of the old fully and ACCEPT that everything is SUPPOSED TO CHANGE…. and often look nothing like any of our old realities did….
THE FLIP SIDE is a whole new part of the process…. where your judgment, fixed mentalities, fears don’t run your show. Your EGO has finally dissolved to the POINT that you will allow your higher sefl/Soul to “move in” to your body and take over…. and be the ONE that makes your decisions….. and you will start to BUILD/CREATE/ALLOW your NEW EARTH REALities to come forth/emerge/materialize vibrationally, instead of fighting this whole process because it doesn’t fit into your boxes of before…..
THE FLIP SIDE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCES, yet now it’s about SERVICE in a whole new way. No longer living out separation, you as a SOUL… you experience everything differently….
You no longer live in lack inside, you live through the immensity of abundance that you ARE, the immensity of the SIMPLICITY and everything is abundance, everything is LOVE, everything is pure BEAUTY… in wonderment of the magic, the PURE PEACE and the Divinity that you forgot…..
You are no longer lacking inside, yet you must rebuild your entire reality in FULL ALIGNMENT… and just like building a house or a city, it takes awhile, because all new COSMIC LAWS/RULES/CODES apply….. You have to learn all new words, you have to learn to connect vibrationally and through feeling, without bringing your lack into the picture…. All of a sudden you are generous, kind and full of compassion (without pity), you can’t be manipulated or coerced anymore, you have no desire to participate in anything of the old…. and JOY, DREAMS and Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions….these all change too. Now your NEW REALITY unfolds, materializes and comes to you…. and every moment is you HOLDING YOUR HIGHEST EVERYTHING and not going back to anything that represents the old in any way.

Your BASELINE has changed, for what is acceptable. ONLY UNITY, PURITY, LOVE… KINDNESS and OPENNESS, sharing, caring, deep sacred Respect will do…. This baseline is your 5D Foundation, for all of your NEW REALITIES…. and in order to HOLD your new in place… you are the ONE RESPONSIBLE for the ENERGIES YOU ALLOW…..
NOW, why you are here changes, what you are here to BE/DO changes…. and what you will accept changes…. and your NEW EARTH REALITIES are born/birthed constantly, taking shape/forming through your own PURITY….
Your Ego was not Pure. It was your lack, your separation from YOUR PUREST YOU….
WE move into a massive EGO DISSOLVING process, which means all of those realities built on Ego programming, all of those constructs ….. dissemble, collapse, break down… so that ALL NEW ONES CAN BE BUILT… from deep within each….
This process will last as long as one tries to live from their ego/separation…. for some this could be years. For others a few months or sporadic “moments” SPREAD ACROSS days/weeks/months/years, because this is how the SEPARATION OF TIME works, the MORE separation programming is held/housed within…..
Many will have deep dives, then emerge, go through expansion, the dive again. This is a huge part of resolve the DEEP STATES of AMNESIA/UNCONSCIOUSNESS…. the polarities playing themselves out in extremes.
STARTING TO FEEL EVERYTHING is an important part of the CLEANSING PROCESS as well as re-writing of the nervous system and awaken the VIBRATIONAL BODY so each can “learn” how to read vibrationally, first with our bodies, then “out there”, eventually the intensity will go, and immense love and pure peace will be the baseline……
I COULD WRITE FOREVER and never cover it all. Right now, it’s beyond important for each to REALLY GO DEEPER INSIDE and really connect/find that place/space where everything else falls away….. and allow your inner reality to shift fully, relaxing the muscles, opening your heart fully and allow your mind to take a back seat……
If you’ve weathered these parts already and are living the magic fully, then your roles will vary during these upcoming phases.
Those awakening in 5D, your physical reality will now be yours to realign. There are many ways this occurs. It’s through your own DEEP Sacred Connection, BEing fully and then “DO”ing as you see……. and it won’t make any logical sense, especially to others on the outside viewing through their own fractals/fractured lenses…
Where all are fully conscious, this is simple…. and all can be done through consciousness/love. Where there is any separation/ego programming… then the “how” will be relative to the ENERGIES and any karmic timelines that have to be cleared.
3D is a FULL ON Karmic Timeline
is you clearing your own Karmic Timelines/Programming and reversing all,
repairing your own DNA and RETURNING to Consciousness…..
YES, EVERY ASPECT of your LIFE IS AFFECTED BY “THIS”. It’s supposed to be…. that’s the whole point.
Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers/WayShowers…. you/WE often have very different roles. Embrace this, honor you and HOLD YOUR NEW, while fulfilling your Service Roles in all the ways that you see are appropriate for you.
UNITY OCCURS as each’s separation falls away… as each’s HEART OPENS FULLY and each’s SOUL EMERGES…
Realities 5D – 12D are the opposite of 3D/4D Realities are….
Remember, YOU/WE are all on MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH… which means when you shift fully, all will vibrationally shift in response. ♥
I love you and I didn’t want to write this, yet it’s important, so I do. ♥
Mega love for your dedication and service as Light BEings here. For those living NEW EARTH FULLY… IN-JOY! More will be joining us all… for the RE-UNION, as each “comes through” “to the other side”…. crossing that RAINBOW BRIDGE and ready to fully LIVE THIS TOO.
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
If you do not understand/OBSERVE/see from your highest place, then your
lower aspects will suck you into this, for a clearing of your own. If
you do, then you will RESPOND as your purest/highest aspect of
yourself. ♥ This is where each’s “real self” can emerge…
Your HUmanity is emerging for all of us to unite as love. ♥