Sun Enters Leo ~ Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day * Dragon Star Order ~ Rose Ray of Light is Divine Love
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Divine Wayshowers of our New Lemuria Rising
Happy 22:22 Portal and Mary Magdalene Divine Goddess Feast Day! As the Sacred Fires merge with the Holy Waters, we begin Leo Season today as our Sun continues his journey through the Zodiac Sign of the Lion.
Through today’s powerful Divine Feminine Stargate we received a Trinity of Activations for each of our 3 Dan Tians. Lower Dan Tian for healing the past , Middle Dan Tian for living in the present Eternal Now and Upper Dan Tian for calling in our Highest Future Positive Timeline into this Now moment of embodiment.
Our local Soularis continues to send a barrage of Higher Dimensional Gamma Plasma Cosmic Mother Rays of Transformation with non-stop Soular Flares over the past 24 hours. All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being flooded with consistent Bliss Waves from 13 C Class Solar Flares and another 6 more intense M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.97 at 4:04 UTC.
We also witnessed another day of higher resonance in the “heartbeat” of Gaia on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 18 hz, 20 hz and a big beam of white light at 48 hz. Fifth dimensional energetics holding steady and rising.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Vanuatu at 5:04 UTC as the New Lemuria rises like the Phoenix with the merging of the Dragon Energy of the New Atlantis. This is the Prophecy of the Divine Feminine Condor of the South flying with the Divine Masculine Eagle of the North to usher in our New Golden Age of 5D Aquarius of Enlightenment for all Sentient Beings of the Way. This is the Hieros Gamos of Divine Union both within and without.
The Red Dragons through the Tibetan Ley lines have joined us in the Protection, Stewardship and Guardianship of Terra Nova Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun.
From the ashes of the old scorched 3d earth we take our maiden flight as Rainbow Bridges to our Pristine and Pure Land of our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Some aspects of your path are now gone. You may be placing *old things* at the distance that suits you now, further away. Recent weeks have clarified your true wants & goals. You are now investing energy in what you want to see growing — based on a long term vision. All hopes are allowed. Keep walking forward. Soon, you will be met halfway.
7/22/24: We enter Leo energy today with a quick burst of renewed enthusiasm… but it’s the remainder of July that returns to us the biggest rewards for our efforts, not August. Today’s motivation is just for this month because August is on reserve for other things. Today can help you to organize and focus your next steps because there are still responsibilities to wrap up…
and how well you handle them will determine how wide your path will be moving forward and how many opportunities it will hold. Keep pushing forward now through the end of the month. Not with aggression, but with determination and balance. This next ten days can turn the tide.
Today is Mary Magdalene day. She is one of the feminine masters that have been with me right from the beginning of my spiritual journey. She has shared so much beautiful wisdom during the years.
In honour of her and every human being that walks this planet here is one of her beautiful messages.
“Beloved one, you are me and I am you, we are one. Therefore there is nothing to seek outside of yourself. If you worship me as something or someone a part from yourself, you live in illusion of your own true self, that is already within. When you realise your true self and acknowlegde the holy grail within you, you will worship yourself as much as me because then you realise that we have never been apart.
You are me and I am you. You carry within you the holy grail which is the oneness with everything and everyone. Once you realise this, you will no longer experience me or any other being as separated or a part from you.
This is the true inner awakening bound to happen for every human, who wish to become whole and one with God. Seek within beloved. Feel my ever presence within you, for you are me and I am you”.
Mary Magdalene – The road to heaven
A few days ago Mary Magdalene said the following to me;
“When you walk the path of love there is a road within your heart you must follow. It is the road to heaven. On this road you will meet a beggar, a thief and a wealthy man.
The beggar will ask you for money, the thief will steal your money and the wealthy man will impress you with his money.
When you find out what they have in common the gates to heaven will open”
Now this is a little something to contemplate about, let me know what you think
~ Savannah Moon
Mary Magdalene day
Shannon Port
Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day July 22nd
On this day we are reminded of the spiritual power that is rising in our collective consciousness.
Magdalene represents the next level of alchemy that will activate The Feminine Mysteries in our world.
Her archetype holds the keys to our higher awareness of the Light in Matter. She is beyond politics and religion.
Her knowledge is of the Soul and it’s ability to reach into the Cosmos as well as into the hearts of all human beings.
This is the real technology of the coming Age.
She leads us to Sophia, and teaches the mysteries of the manifest and the unseen. She unlocks the codes of the coming Epoch, to reveal the holy mysteries of the Universe. She opens our hearts to Divine Truth.
The feminine face of the Divine is what is needed in our world.
Beyond the noise of the world, there is an inner voice calling us. This voice is that of our Spirit, who can lead us into a world of miracles and alchemy.
This world is activated through our focus. It is through focus that we find the Holy Grail.
With the ever growing chaos on Earth, Magdalene is showing us another way. Those who find this Way, the way of gnosis and union, will hold the blueprint of the New Earth.
Magdalene teaches us how to embody the awakened feminine energy of the Goddess as the Holy Mother Spirit of Life.
She is the path to the power of the Word that is awakened when we hold this sacred energy.
It is this Word that moves the stars and commands the elements, and brings the universal substance, the Akasha, into harmony with our field and our heart.
May those who are called, awaken and remember this and hear the call in your heart on Magdalene’s Holy Feast Day.
Those who hear and answer her call, will become the Light of the World!
With Love,
Shannon Port
Art: Mariya Magdalena, Frederick Augustus Sandys, 1860
The Magdalene Dragons have stepped forward To SUPPORT HUMANITY with their JOURNEY OF EMPOWERMENT. Each year we celebrate Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day on the 22nd July, and each year feeling new energetic upgrades and codes coming in. Last year we received the Magdalene Red Rose Diamond Light Codes, this year it is the Solar Dragon Trinity Codes.
We are Being Upgraded Within our Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra, and our relationship to our Divine Power. Mary Magdalene The Mother Of Dragons has asked us to awaken more of our Dragon codes within, and align these codes within our Crystal Emerald Heart, So that we can embody The Dragon Heart. The Dragon Heart is our ability to hold ourselves within our Truth, Power, (Light-Love) while remaining In out Heart and Expressing This Through our Higher self and Lightbody.
Take a moment to feel the Magdalene Cosmic Dragons standing beside you, see one on your left and another on your right. They are here for you to feel their presence. They hold the Pure Power of the Magdalene Lineage, which is Divine Sacred Fire. The I AM Presence, through the acceleration by the sacred fire is also the process whereby the soul merges first with the Christ Consciousness and then with the living Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. This flame also represents hope.
We have hope because we have within us the Divine memory of the Ascension of Yeshua the Christos – Master Sananda. Our souls remember that Mary Magdalene, the Wife of Yeshua, and others who are unknown and unsung have also followed in Yeshua & Mary footsteps as the true heroes and heroines of the world.
The Sacred Fire comes in now to burn and purify all of the Power dynamics and overstepping of boundaries we may be feeling within ourselves and around ourselves. This Sacred Fire not only clears through current circumstances, but it is also purifying all of the power imbalances and lack of boundaries that you experienced throughout your past, all the way back to your childhood. Old memories may resurface now to be remembered, felt and cleared. The Sacred Fire is supporting us to burn through our fears/lower energy and our unresolved emotions/experiences.
Take a moment now to feel that Sacred Fire burning within you. As it alights within your Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra clearing all your fears around stepping into your power, setting boundaries and voicing your truth. Now allow the Sacred Fire to expand out from your Solar Plexus into your Heart, activating your Dragon Heart. As your Dragon Heart awakens, the Sacred Fire expands out to your entire body, as you entire body is submerged in the Sacred Fire, purifying all the distortion from your current circumstances and Past experiences.
This Sacred Fire Is Supporting Your Kundalini Awakening. The Kundalini energy is unleashed in an awakening, it flows upward through the seven chakras (energy centers) to the crown of the head, balancing the energetic body and accessing Christ Consciousness. Allow yourself to receive the Transmission of the Magdalene Dragons and feel their power and their stance beside you.
They are the keepers of the Sacred Fire. They stand still beside you powerfully holding the Sacred Fire within them, staying balanced within their power at all times. They are teaching us how to use our Power in a balanced way, through our Hearts. Its time to overcome the fear that we hold around our power, and awaken our Dragon Heart. This process supports us to ignite the Dragon Fire within us, so that moving forward we can continuously purify the dynamics and imbalances around us, speak our truth and not feel stuck or stagnate.
Mary Magdalene is igniting the Sacred Fire within us, so that we can embody the Magdalene Dragon codes and upgrade into our Dragon Hearts. In this process, may we feel protected, safe, stable, couragous, honest, powerful, and honouring of our boundaries.
With the ongoing release of the fear and limited beliefs in congruence with the Sacral Chakra expansion and upgrading, the confirming effects are being reflected into the consciousness. During this reconciliation period, the consciousness is resetting and eliminating the lower consciousness programing, both intentional nefarious programs, as well as Soul Chosen Programs for Divine Beneficial Reasons of development and Prowess, through the hands on experience.
Symptoms and noticeable side effects of this worldwide Sacral Reconciliation Period, are extreme internal heat and cold, itching and the production of silicon granules and Crystalign particles/Crystals that are released from the physical vessel, as well as a cloudy, foggy, numb, dizzy, off balance in equilibrium, pressure changes inside the ear, with the consciousness side of it.
The Consciousness is being reset in alignment to give Way for the New that is being created by the Vanguard Pioneers of the Ascension in alliance with the subsequent Waves of CoCreator ability and recognition. The overall perspective of Each Ones past changes to reflect a higher consciousness view and innerstanding, and this will equate into floaty sensations in the physical head. The reconfiguration of reality is playing out in the consciousness of Each Individual to some degree in preparation for acclimatization to a new reality, the highest of the 4th dimensional capacity, with many entering the mysticism of the 5th Dimensional States of Being.
Protons at an unprecedented rate have compromised the negative electron components of certain parts of a nefarious influencing subnet that contributed to subliminal programming and mind altering through technical and electronic devices. This shutdown was necessary for the recalibration of consciousness on a wide scale and will continue on a need to basis, if necessary.
The Internet infrastructure is being Divinely reconfigured to accommodate the new reality with primitive software being eliminated and fear software rendered inoperable. This is an adjustment period in this respect as complexity yields to simplicity, also eradicating unnecessary programs.
It is possible that the Ascension of the Earth to the 5th Dimensional State will be completed in November of this linear year. This suggests viral movement in the consciousness towards this specific time with a constant enhancement being confirmed.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Vanguard Pioneers
THIS IS THE MOMENT! The first horn has blown! YOU ARE READY & YOU KNOW it is the TIME!
Be-Loved Community of Self-Ascension,
Yesterday the call from the universe was CLEAR! WE HAVE ENTERED into the moment of the first horn! What does that mean?
As you walk through this week and starting with yesterday, NOTICE what is calling your attention and what is manifesting in front of you. The collective vision of a POSITIVE FUTURE is in YOUR HANDS. The momentum of our current world experience is fully within your capacity to command and direct!
It does take some expansion of the capacities of the current body and mind union. This is the week to fully IN-BODY your Divine Mastery Presence as the Cosmic BEing YOU ARE.
To call forward the abilities and remembrances that will support your infinitely into the fields of Abundance, Magic and CREATION IT-self!
YOU ARE READY …Humanity is READY…and the KEY Is inviting your-self to accept greater Conscious Awareness of the Heart Fields far beyond the seeds of hesitancy, doubt and fear.
I AM so excited to BE with you TONIGHT as we leap forward with a stunning COSMIC INITIATION! THEN!!! Tomorrow we all catapult into the realms of Alchemical Weaving as the gateway opens for the acceptance and full in-bodyment of your personal Alchemical Transformation through the weaving of the alchemies of your specific body of form … for this moment…now!
Avoid fear! Celebrate that YOU have CHOSEN To BE HERE NOW …Your mastery in-powerment is the KEY and YOU ARE READY>
I LOVE YOU so dearly and honor your unique journey of the Yoga of Self-Ascension. With all my heart, dedication and SUPPORT!
Dear friends, as the energies of the Capricorn Full moon slowly dwindle, our energy fields are recalibrating and trying to find a new point of balance. Full moons are moments in which we are consciously and/or unconsciously processing and releasing past and present emotional structures. And this recent full moon was/is specially intense, as we are currently going through a massive energy acceleration towards the Planetary New Year on July 26.
As we now move towards the end of the month, you may experience a little “identity crisis”. This recent full moon has stirred deeply seated emotional issues that are part of our human identity, and have been defining our personality and behavior for years. These beliefs are now being challenged and transmuted so you can move forward into new higher timelines.
You may be experiencing vivid dreams, odd spontaneous recollections of the past, random needs to check in with past relationships or activities. These are signs that aspects of your inner structures are being reconfigured so your overall energetic frequency can now be propelled into new territories. As we release these past situations, we may feel a bit lost and unsure of who we truly are and what our next steps will be in our life’s journey. But fear not, this may feel like a transitional state but be assured that a new more solid energetic foundation is being built within your new self.
It’s time now to focus on your true heart’s desires and divinely intended soul journey, using the past experiences as stepping stones for your next chapter, but without the need to identify and define yourself with that past. A new You is coming “on line” and reconnecting with the infinite cosmic web.
As we move into the 8:8:8 Lion’s Gate portal on August 8, many of us will be experiencing several of these “redefining moments”, days in which you will be asking yourself frequently existential questions such as: Who am I? Am I doing the right thing? What’s my role to play in this cosmic puzzle? Remember this is a natural process, and all answers will come at the right time. The 8:8:8 lightcodes will be triggering this inner search process as a guiding divine tool so you can find a more empowering and purposeful new multidimensional state of being.
Have a wonderful week, and stay tuned as the energies unfold this week. We are moving into the fiery Leo season, bringing an even bigger energetic push into our new defining personality process.
You’ve successfully completed some deep inner work and healing to the point where you are outgrowing where you are. You may be feeling like you know there is more to do, but unsure what that is, and how to get there.
Some assistance is entering to help get you moving down the right path. This is a sacred beginning that needs protection until a solid foundation has been created.
Self esteem and self worth are important parts of the success that awaits. Take time and go slowly as you build your confidence through taking the next steps. The Divine is partnering with you on this journey, and that is all you need. Trust, go with the flow, be carried, and shown the Way.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you
Ra James
Welcome to Leo Season.
It’s time to step into the light.
We have shifted into Season Of The Lion.
This Leo Season is bringing the heat and the romance this Summer.
It’s the hottest time of year.
The Sun has started to burn brighter, and so does the energy of the Universe.
It’s all about soaking up all the fun this Summer has to offer. Leo is a fixed fire sign and it’s all about tapping into your heart chakra.
Leo energy is all about following your heart.
This is a confident energy.
It’s all about stepping into your power.
This Leo Season is all about healing any negative self talk.
It’s all about self love and focusing on your positive traits.
It’s a great time to get creative.
This is a great reset for your energies.
Venus will be Retrograde the entirety of this Leo Season.
Retrogrades are a time to pause and reconsider recent events.
We will be considering how our relationships are going in this space.
July 25th is The Day Out of Time.
We also have a powerful square on this day between Pluto and the North and South Nodes.
This is a fated alignment.
Pluto is the Planet of power, rebirth and transformation.
It is currently Retrograde in Aquarius, which will crank up your emotions.
These energies are bringing up past baggage so you can release it and move forward with less resistance.
The Lions Gate Portal opens up on the 26th.
This is the Galactic New Year.
We go through a massive energy acceleration alongside the Heliacal Rising of Sirius.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 for the 8/8 Portal.
It takes place when the sun is in Leo, the Earth, Orion’s Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius.
Expect huge Galactic energies over the next few weeks. You want to be tapping into and harnessing these energies…
Abandonment is a wound experienced by many. Abandonment in childhood can happen through overt cruelty, but most abandonments result from either unconscious behavior or are simply unavoidable. A loved one dies, moves on, lets us go. Whatever the reason, the one left behind suffers the pain of abandonment.
Leo is a fire sign, associated with the qualities of leadership. Confident and self-possessed, these are the politicians, performers, and celebrities of our world. The Leo native needs to be seen, heard, and acknowledged. If they are not, their response can range from angry withdrawal to a loud assertion of self. Leo does not like to be ignored.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Leo is allied with Anubis, Shower of the Way, psychopomp to the newly deceased. As an infant, Anubis is abandoned by Nephthys, his mother. She has her reasons – Anubis is the result of a tryst with her sister’s husband, Osiris. Nephthys is married to Set, the Warrior King, and cannot take her baby home because Set will kill him. Her solution is to leave Anubis in the desert. She abandons him.
The story has a happy ending. Anubis is rescued by Isis, sister of Nephthys. Isis raises him as her own and shares with him the mysteries of magic. She cannot erase his pain, however. The pain of his early abandonment lives in his cellular memory, causing him great suffering. He comes to understand that in order to become the being he is meant to be – to ascend to his Soul Purpose – he must release his childhood wound.
As must those with Leo strong in their chart. All Leos carry a great need to be validated by others. It is only when they stop looking to others for recognition and begin to appreciate and believe in themselves that they are ready to ascend to their greatness.
The Sun will be in the emanation of Leo/Anubis from July 22 to August 22.
There is so much going on right now, so many shifting scenarios, that it’s hard to keep up with them.
Remember something important – Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 to begin the dis-integration of 3D so we could integrate 5D as part of our ascension pathway.
Pluto’s work is nearly finished and it’s currently retrograding, heading back to Capricorn for a final visit from September through mid-November, to finish the job.
Pluto goes scorched earth, it is the excavator, it takes everything down to the lowest level so it can be rebuilt with a new intention and purpose.
Hold that thought for the next few weeks because it’s going to get wild before it calms down. And yes we still have Uranus/Algol happening too, and we’re in the energetic resonance of the July 21 full moon.
Rest when you need to, remember to breathe, shine your light, and don’t get sidetracked by the chaos around you. Chaos is the byproduct of dis-integration and it’s all dis-integrating right now.
We live in times of peril, power, potential, and transformation and we are at the point where it is all coming down at once so buckle up and hunker down because it’s not finished yet.
On Monday, July 22nd, the Sun, ruler of our ego and self-expression, has just shifted into Leo the Lion at 3:44am EDT. Today, he will oppose Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, in rebellious Aquarius. This comes just one day after the powerful “karmic clearing” Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn. Now that the Sun is in fire sign Leo for the next month, the focus is on leadership, determination, confidence, courage, creativity and inner child healing.
With the opposition to Pluto today, there is a magnification of the metaphoric energies of death & rebirth around us, and within us. It is about owning our power, taking back our power, and being empowered! So, transmute and release the old patterns and beliefs, and step into your inner authority and “take charge” Self!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of our ego and self-expression, has just shifted into Leo the Lion
Sun in Cancer trine Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Sun enters Leo. Mars in Gemini trine Pluto retrograde in Aquarius – Tune in to your inner lion and roar your radiance to the world. Bask in the spotlight or just the sunshine to connect with this playful energy. Let light, love, fun and frolics re-kindle your passion for life. Pay attention to what warms your heart, what brings you joy. These things that move you speak of your purpose. Remember you carry a spark of the divine within. You are a co-creator with life, connected to the source of all things. Embrace the moment. You have the strength and power to direct your future. Energy flows where attention goes.
If you’re struggling, relight your fire by letting your inner child out to play. Draw on your knees. Roll down a hill. Colour in pictures. Create your own story. You can be king, queen, hero or heroine. You’re a being of light, made of star stuff. Wear your crown of glory with pride.
Degrees and Times
Sun 29°Cn49′, Neptune 29°Pi49′ R – 04:25 (BST)
Mars 00°Ge53′, Pluto 00°Aq53′ R – 04:47 (BST)
Sun 00°Le00′ – 08:44 (BST)
Original quote by James Redfield ‘Where Attention goes Energy flows’.
The second day of a wavespell is called ‘Lunar’ and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. Lunar days can be testing but that’s not always a bad thing. When you are feeling strong, problems are easy to solve.
When you are feeling overwhelmed, even the simple tasks can seem daunting. ‘Lunar’ days are good practice for problem solving but don’t focus on the issue itself, focus on your ability to deal with problems generally. Luckily, this number comes round every 13 days. Yes, I did say luckily! Because when we get into a healthy routine, when we practice solving problems we get much better at it naturally. That’s why I often call the Tzolkin ‘yoga for time’. Don’t despair even though it is challenging, rather get yourself some attitude!
Today is Blue Eagle and key words associated with it are ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. It’s very handy that every 20 days we have an Eagle day. Seeing everything from that high perspective and flying with our minds always brings solutions to problems we’ve been stuck on. Today, enjoy having a ‘vision’ and may this lead you to creative solutions to dealing with this number two energy. The best way to remove obstacles in your life, is to first of all see them for what they are and sometimes that can only be done by stepping back, way back, so you can truly see the bigger picture. It is not an easy day but you can make serious progress in your life.
Today’s Guide is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. This guide can make us feel quite ambitious…so expect to feel quite motivated today to face challenges and deal with problems. The Blue Hand was in a super strong position yesterday too. When guiding us the Blue hand’s ambition can lead to us feeling very ambitious too. The Eagle gives us visions to see our problems but it’s the Hand that reaches out to solve them. Be encouraged by this pat on the back and allow the Blue Hand to hold your hand and guide you today.
Today’s Challenge is the Red Serpent and if you are a Red Serpent today will be tough for you, there’s no beating around the bush. Eagle days are always challenging for you and today is a ‘Lunar’ day. Don’t feel sorry for yourself as that won’t get you through the day. Being creative is your only option. Be aware that your sensitivity is more a liability today than helpful. You may feel like crawling under a rock.
The Occult Power is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. This suggests that it is possible today to cross a bridge despite the challenges, there is still ‘opportunity’ for magic and the Eagle always helps us see where these bridges are!
The Ally is Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. Yellow Seed people are renowned for sharing knowledge and wisdom. Today their eagerness to share information can provide a valuable service to others who may be struggling with their problems. Yesterday the Yellow Seed was the challenge, today he is better placed.
ANOTHER very powerful DIVINELY Majikal day of DESTINY, focused on constructing the BIG PICTURE for our Planet through our unified collective UTOPIAN VISION.
Day 2 of the WHITE WIZARD Wavespell where we are focusing on manifesting Majikal Miracles through the power of our pure Hearts. We are utilizing the power of spell casting through enchantment, endlessness, authenticity, integrity and TRUTH, connecting to our Divinity.
Today we are being challenged to focus on the BIG PICTURE – holding the TRUE VISION of what we desire to CREATE, despite the apparent obstacles.
The Shamanic Wizard and the prophetic seer the BLUE EAGLE are a formidable duo! BLUE EAGLE represents the PLANETARY MIND, and the WIZARD can enable our collective mind to SHIFT to higher gear today.
We can SEE into other realms obtaining the CLARITY and perspective that we have been unpacking during the past few years. A very powerful code for AWAKENING humanity to the bigger Utopian VISION for our Planet.
LUNAR– Tone 2 operates in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. A day filled with questioning how you can transcend duality, using your inner Magician through your power of expansive VISION.
It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges in order to resolve FEARS, leading you back to wholeness. Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your beliefs in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliance. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Examine the opposites and polarity within yourself. Explore your divine feminine and masculine aspects.
Has your feminine aspect been repressed from being receptive to the majik that surrounds you, and enchanting others by your true beauty and raw vulnerability?
It is real to express your true inner being and allow more receptivity to flow into your life. Do not hide parts of yourself compartmentalizing fragments of your soul. No longer can we wear the masks of duality. It is time to take off all your masks that you have been hiding behind and be whole again. The authentic you, is beautiful and radiant in your raw essence. A spark of the divine. Step out and SHINE!
Today’s question is “How can I SEE past the polarity challenges that have limited my imagination and creativity, in order to CREATE a BRILLIANT FUTURE ?”
Use your majikal powers to SEE and ACCOMPLISH the brilliant solutions, and experience endless MIRACLES manifesting your HIGHEST POTENTIAL
Divine blessings for your Majikal journey in Mastering duality challenges and creating a better brighter FUTURE! .
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE LUNAR EAGLE MEN provides us with a beautiful gift today. The gift of CLEAR/CLAIR VISION. In particular the gift of foresight, and seeing the BIG PICTURE to finally and permanently solve our challenges both personally and collectively.
By zooming your lens outwards to more expansive panoramic views, your problems become miniscule and you are able to easily grasp brilliant solutions. A new and broader perspective allows for more ideas, wisdom and information to colour your landscape with wondrous opportunities for growth.
Are you expanding your VISION as you integrate all your experiences?
The friction and disharmony you have experienced is evident as resistance that blocks your path.
What is the original cause of this resistance?
There is a great synergy between the union of Shamanic wisdom and the EAGLE’s vision. Great SHAMANS often used actual Eagles to fly ahead and act as scouts, to warn of any impending danger, bring back signs or messages and even to hunt for food. The EAGLE is a powerful tool for accessing SOLUTIONS to assist in moving forward unobstructed.
Use your majikal Wizardry powers, to unravel the knots blocking you, and get to the very root of these problems. The EAGLE will pinpoint the EXACT moment in your timeline where this knot occurred. Call on your BLUE EAGLE today to hone in and use his beak to pull out the knots obstructing your path.
How can your solution and new perspective be woven into this grander landscape to create more ease, grace and harmony in your life, in your family, in your community and in your world?
What is your expanded vision and Soul’s purpose on this planet?
Meditate on this today to get clarity on your divine mission. Step up and get ready to go BIG!
Today is a good day – to seek HIGHER GROUND to gain a better perspective, or to do a VISION QUEST as our native ancestors did. As we purge our bodies of toxins and density our MINDS become CLEARER enabling the SOLUTIONS to flow more readily.. CLEAR MINDS are vacuums for SPIRIT to enter.
Einstein famously stated “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” –
Our current global issues cannot be solved if we constantly focus on THE PROBLEM and get caught up in the FEAR – which only MANIFESTS more FEAR and problems…
In order to find solutions we must THINK DIFFERENTLY!
We need to step back and view the scene with NEW EYES
The WHITE WIZARD is a MASTER at this, as he easily detaches from the problem at hand. IX places his mind in a state of stillness, where he can become receptive to creative inspiration.
By raising our consciousness as a collective we can discover the BRILLIANCE that is revealed through the collective MIND working in unison for the benefit of Humanity.
Through flying AHEAD and focusing on the FUTURE, we keep energizing this timeline and the benefic outcome becomes inevitable. As we spend most of our TIME in this place – we pull forth the rest of HUMANITY to join us in stabilizing this wonderful future. Aho!
Keep FOCUSED on WHERE YOU WANT TO BE – in order to totally escape and be FREED from the lower 3D plot.
As you raise your frequency through the MAJIK of your impassioned creative expression, you will just VIBRATE right out of that realm.. It no longer has any hold on you..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE LUNAR HAND MANIK provides the TOOLS to solve the PROBLEMS today.. The QUICK FIX can effortlessly be ACCOMPLISHED, as MANIK works with BLUE EAGLE to reveal both the final outcome, and the steps needed along the way to accomplish that outcome.. A wonderful combo for overcoming the polarity challenges and creating balance and stability.
MANIK can access great knowledge and information for the question at hand! Together with the Shamanic powers of IX the information flows effortlessly.. great healing is then accessed through these revelations..
Whatever needs HEALING in your life today, can be resolved by sitting in stillness, and asking for guidance and solutions. By applying the majikal solutions, you can erase those old triggers and strongholds, finally freeing you from the push/pull game of duality consciousness.
On a PLANETARY LEVEL – the LUNAR HAND can enable our collective PLANETARY MIND to HEAL and accomplish the harmony that we all seek through a unified world.
SUPPORT: YELLOW LUNAR SEED KAN provides the focused inspiration today, bringing more LIGHT to your IN-SIGHT and visualizing your creative solutions.
Whatever ideas, projects and inventions are channelled through the WIZARD – KAN is able to bring them into the LIGHT of day, in order for you to create and manifest through the blueprints – the SEED of creation.
KAN forms a team with CIMI, today’s hidden power. CIMI symbolizes THE END, and then passes the baton to KAN who denotes a new beginning. A time of using the EAGLE’S vision to look into the future where there is no resistance, no duality and full support for your Divine Mission.
How can you plant these VISIONS into the ground now, in order for them to bear fruit and nourish you?
What is it that you wish to CREATE?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER CIMI Today’s Superpower of the day is the DEATH card! CIMI beautifully closes the old cycle ensuring your majikal freedom is ACCOMPLISHED.
As we collapse the old law of polarity – which gave rise to conflict and opposition, we can bring in greater stability, by building bridges together through our common unified VISION.
The FRICTION and resistance to the Ascension energies that we have become accustomed to, is rapidly losing ground. The obstacles are dissolving and the opposing force has NO POWER! The PATH is CLEAR now as the LIGHT ILLUMINATES our path accelerating our forward momentum – both personally and as a GLOBAL collective.
The CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER also provides a CLEAR LENS, so the brilliant solutions and resources can be easily accessed to implement our NEW VISION. Raising our consciousness means that more souls can access the Higher timelines and the Higher Visions of a Utopian world.
As we become LIKE MINDED, conflict and discord will naturally dissolve like water under the Rainbow Bridge.
The CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER is holding the VISION of 5D EARTH in our planetary MIND’S EYE.. Today’s 22/4 building a PEACE filled NEW EARTH code is solidifying this VISION!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED LUNAR SERPENT CHICCHAN carries the power of life force, kundalini, instinct, survival, wisdom and AWAKENING. It can also hold the store of FEAR and survival challenges.
RED SERPENT challenges you today to release your old FEARS.. your FEAR of DEATH and FEAR of survival, your FEAR of Lack and all the struggles that entails.
All those old blocks, patterns and programs that are rooted in survival and defence mechanisms must go!! Most of your core wounding relates to your base chakra issues so draw up your awakening kundalini power to raise and release these energies funneling them into Majikal creation power!
Draw on today’s gifts of PASSION, VITALITY and hypnotic enchantment to fuel your BIGGEST VISIONS.. ensuring you have the POWER to CREATE and manifest them, into this Earthly realm.
Today’s question is “How can I SEE past the polarity challenges that have limited my imagination and creativity, in order to CREATE a BRILLIANT FUTURE ?”
Use your majikal powers to SEE and ACCOMPLISH the brilliant solutions, and experience endless MIRACLES manifesting your HIGHEST POTENTIAL
Divine blessings for your Majikal journey in Mastering duality challenges and creating a better brighter FUTURE! .
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of July 21st through July 27th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Capricorn.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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