March’s Energies ~ Gold/Seraphim Pillar Rehabilitation ~ THE PORTAL IS OPENING ~ ROSE FLAME OF DIVINE LOVE ~ Haleakala
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Guides and Leaders of the New Way Dreaming
Welcome to the Magical Mystical month of March where your Sacred Dreams come True.
We hold our visions and Pure Intent for our Divine Dispensations and Freedom in the Light of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Within our Heart our Soul and our DNA we hold the Love Codes of Creation to manifest Mother/ Father God’s Kingdom through kindness and compassion as a collective Ascension to our Higher Realms of existence.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144; keep Rising in the Light and the Love of Infinite Source Creator as we live our Passions and Peace of the Christos Sophia Consciousness made manifest on Earth, in this realm forever more.
We no longer need to fall asleep for the Joy of waking up for we may Now live in the Fully Awakened State of Eternal Bliss Consciousness for this is our Divine Birthright as Good People of the Way… A’Ho!
UPDATE. March is likely to bring more newness than Tower moments & falling down. Synchronicities are coming back around to show you that the golden path is still there. New opportunities starting to find you, allowing hope back. Your prayers are heard. Everything is connected. A chunk of you will have to go for you to experience a full rebirth, a brand new timeline. A new door will open when you choose to close the old one. The external is about to shift with you, reflecting back your inner changes. Trust.
“The 63rd Siddhi exists already. It has existed forever. We already know and are Truth. After Completion, the Truth will stand revealed for us all to see. This is the only Truth there is. At the same time we’re moving through a hall of mirrors as we witness the unravelling of Truth.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
The Portal of the Endtimes, will be the ultimate entry of ascension energy to planet Gaia. In that moment, that energy will lift consciousnesses to planes of light in 5th dimension.
Anyone who is on that frequency will feel this energy in their consciousness and they will be fully opened. All those who cannot vibrate in that frequency because it is not their times, it’s okay, the seed of that energy will remain in your consciousness, in your cells and will remain so until you are awakened when the time has to be.
Each one has concreted a time, a space and must be fulfilled. Every soul accepted a specific situation and it has to be fulfilled.
The frequency of the green flame of healing is linked to the healing of divine energy plans as a form of unification and wholeness. This flame will be dedicated to assisting from the planes of light through a channeled connection to facilitate the healing of beings who remain in third and fourth planes of consciousness to assist them in their ascension processes.
The Ruby Gold Flame will help Identify, the Violet Flame to Transmute and the White Flame to Purify and Elevate, as it is the bridge to this fifth dimension.
3/1/24: It’s time to nestle into your power and learn more about it. Last year you reviewed your values and systems to see if they really represented your truth. In February, you faced the world with new ideas and beliefs. Now you’ll be fine-tuning your personal energy. However, because you’ve changed so much you must redefine what empowerment means and adjust to how it feels.
This will not be a quick and easy process, but it is a vital one that March will help. Your Right Action this month is to pay attention to your choices and actions and be kind. You’re tapping into Flow this month and dancing with the Divine. You’re responsible for your part in it. The rest is out of your hands.
personal energy
March Awareness of Zero Point Stabilization
The Zero Point Ignition Completes IT-Self
March is here and worth celebrating! Riding the Quantum Choice of the Zero Point Ignition since November 2023, IT IS your moment to RELAX into your Unique Alchemical Shift. Having arrived at the balancing moment of March 2024 IT-self…we are now on a direct trajectory for the March 19 Equinox! MAKING IT to this moment MATTERS and this weekend sets the stage.
IT IS…the STABILITY of the Awareness of this…very specific NOW that will assist ALL to transcend the direct pull of the ever strengthening spiral energy.
Your Divine Mastery Presence is CALLING OUT for your integration and KNOWING. The mastery of your Self-Trust that The FEBRUARY CHOICE “template” will unfold throughout the rest of this potentiality as we collectively experience as 2024.
Sri & I first wrote about this in our best-selling book 2012: YOU Have a CHOICE! Today, the messages from the Ascended realms are more valuable than ever and the obvious nature of them being pre-seeded into this potentiality is a blessing!
The divine dispensation for us ALL to Remember and KNOW…
as we free our-self from the Addiction to Fear, Doubt & Hesitancy, the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation manifests into formed BEing and every-thing thrives.
Are you ready to release the addiction and move into your Mastery effortlessly? March 204 calls us into the other side of the Zero-point ignition. The anchoring of a completely NEW and co-created Harmonic Frequency of the Alchemical Shift It-self!
The ability to call forward and harness the motion of the “spin” as the Field of Adaptability becomes visible for ALL to BE with and create through! As each is discovering HOW to BE with this up-level moment…it is when we come together that we expand with ever greater Conscious Awareness.
I LOVE YOU and HONOR your Unique journey! The potency of the divine messages and wisdom that are pouring forward is a gift for us ALL!
We have been riding extremely rare, rapidly evolving and successive waves of Planetary energies. The purpose-filled pressure waves of transformation are coming at us from all angles. Wave upon wave and flare upon flare are dissolving the past, forming the future and bringing us deeper into our Hearts.
Of the most significant shifts we are now making is the shift from Head to Heart. Our Stewardship of this shift is of great importance to steady our upward flowing path to our Ascended Higher Self. Painless and Limitless, through our Heart we return to Union with The Divinity of our Higher Self, with Christed Consciousness and the Grace of One Mind.
From Yeshua: The movement of Consciousness is amplifying through the Heart during the 6th Wave of Consciousness that Humanity is in.
In this 6th Wave of Consciousness we have entered the Age of the Heart (the flow of Truth.) This occurs primarily through the conception of Light. Through the Sun or otherwise it is Gods Holy Fire Light burning away what is not Truth…what is Not Love… transforming anything unlike itself.
The I Am Frequency that lives in your Heart is expanding… awakening your human consciousness that it BE transformed and alchemized into the Stabilized Consciousness of I AM.
A central aspect of the Age of the Heart is the conscious manifestation of a direct relationship with the Source of our Creation.
From Yeshua: For those that sought the return of the Christ, that would be You. The Christ within You. Instead of a Deliverer or a Messiah in the form of another, each one is to birth the Christ within. The Divinity within the Self when realized, becomes a Christ.
With Love to All,
Angels of Mercy
Jamye Price
March Ascension Energies: Connecting Love
Blessed Beings, March is a turning point, a shift in direction.
With your Awareness, that path is Connection.
While it twists and turns your head learns. Where it is straight you adjust your gait.
The balance you seek is not a guarantee, it is a journey of learning based on what you see.
When you allow Love to bloom before your eyes, mere sticks and dirt are beauty’s surprise.
It’s not what you see, it’s what you know. You, Blessing, feel the potential before the seeds grow.
You are Life, walking tall and sitting to rest. You are Love, nurturing life for the future’s best.
Connecting to Love is your greatest gift. It gives and receives and gives again.
It twists and turns and ripples out. It straightens paths to lead the doubt.
You don’t just give, you always receive. It is Love that transforms, whether in joy or in grief.
It magnetizes with the passive force. It creates the new by integration’s choice.
You are the vision of Life seeing what has been wrought. You are the heart of Life feeling Love’s future brought.
You are timeless within, Connecting Love to your time. Life supports your feet, your path infinitely sublime.
Connecting Love to hate is a warrior’s fate.Connecting Love to fear is a blessing’s tear.Connecting Love to life is a healer’s delight.Connecting Love within is a healing’s Light.
You illuminate the path, Blessed Light, and the glow of potential calls others to Love.
Connecting Love connects more Love and continues growing through Life.
Receive it and you give it, both day and night.
It breathes easily through you, pulsing Love’s potential into Life.
As we step into March, one of the most important months of the year, energetically speaking, we will feel the intensity and acceleration of time and the activations that our light body will experience if we decide to align with the energies to bring more healing, rehabilitation, and reconnection into our bodies.
This a season to continue with the planetary emancipation that has already started, through personal and planetary liberation, assisting in all we can to participate in the current transition.
March shows us where we are through its double 11 universal numbers, as we have on one hand the 11 master number that represents March, together with the 11 master number from summing this 8 universal year number plus the number 3 of March. Numbers of planetary awakening, personal mastery, stabilization, and unification that reflect where we, and our planet, are, at this time of conscious transformation and reconnection.
A month governed as well by an eclipse in the sign of Libra at the end of the month, together with the Equinox, that represents a source of massive stabilizing energies, for us to recalibrate our light bodies and continue assisting the earth’s grids, as the major planetary work beings now, and will continue until the end of April. We are going to be immersed in a phase of constant integration and stabilization with the eclipses, and it is pivotal to take care of the body, as we continue transforming ourselves as species.
At a planetary level, the rehabilitation of the Divine masculine will continue, as it was distorted for eons on our planet when the masculine principle was usurped by the false masculine archetype, whose history goes beyond what I can share in this article, but that you are aware, through your personal guidance.
Since 2021 onwards, the divine masculine, call it as you prefer, for it has many names associated with it, has been an ongoing process as many of you with this planetary mission know. An internal process of retrieval of the divine masculine within, and without, by helping achieve the same restoration and balance on our planet.
Those who descend from the Gold Flame of Creation, descendants from the Seraphim, and hence bird-Avian/Lyran ones, will be immersed in a task of DNA rehabilitation, as genetic keepers, for they hold the records, the authentic God Codes of our human DNA, and their main task is to restore the masculine template and protect it (please do not confuse with the Blue Ray, who are Blue Flame/Oraphim/Essene descendants, and their main mission which is to act as unifiers more than only rehabilitate the masculine).
The Golden Ones or Seraphim descendants act as planetary protectors, although their mission goes beyond this brief definition of this soul group. As you know our human history is very extensive, and it is now that we are beginning to get to know it and start rehabilitating it, for it is now that we can restore part of our DNA, as the earth’s grids continue being healed and reconnected.
As we progress into March, I will expand into it, as my Guides shared it is a very important part of this month. March will be a time to continue with the process of masculine healing and with the stabilization required after a period of healing and integration.
The focus will continue to be on Iran/Iraq, as I previously shared, to continue supporting the masculine principle in that area, removing the false masculine template, that has been governing on Earth for years, and that still continues.
There are many benevolent energies during this month helping us at a personal level, to work on manifestation and rebirth. March is a wonderful and high-powered month to focus on our personal commitment, for each of us will have a different personal and universal mission, at this time. The Equinox will be key to unifying and balancing all the previous inner and planetary work, for as we step into April, the energies will continue increasing, bringing more light and clarity into ourselves and All.
Dear friends, today we officially shift into the new energies of March, representing the creative and productive frequencies of number 3. In the early Roman calendar, however, March, or Mars after the god of war, was the first month of the calendar year as it brought the first days of spring with the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, March brings with it shorter and colder days. March became the third month when January and February, which were added to the end of the Roman calendar around 700 BC became instead the first and second months around 450 BC.
If you thought that February was an intense month energetically speaking, fasten your seat belts and get ready for a new rollercoaster ride. While some of us who are energy sensitives are still recovering from the deep energetic shifts from the recent intense solar flares and full moon, March is also welcoming us with an energetic portal on Sunday March 3, the 3:3 Trinity gateway. This special portal acts like a fractal of the main 12:12 portal in December, meaning that on March 3 we will be showered by lightcodes that will reconnect us deeper with our trinity human essence: spirit/body/mind, father/mother/son.daughter, light/shadow/unity. These energies will take us further into a heightened awareness of our true nature–pure love. This process will be quite illuminating for some of you, while it may be a bit challenging for others who are still not willing to let go of their limiting belief systems based on duality. More info on this special portal in the next days.
On March 19, we move into the Fall/Spring Equinox, another pivotal energetic point for deeper inner shifts and more male/female energy balancing. The Equinox energies are always reminding us of our changing Earthly physical journey as well as our never ending journey through the Cosmos. During the Equinox we get ready to embark on a new life chapter.
And then we fully immerse ourselves into the eclipse season and the opening of the eclipse corridor, starting with the prenumbral lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, preparing us for the total solar eclipse of April 8.
…And right before the end of the month, we move into the energies of Easter and the reawakening of the Christ consciousness, also related to the trinity codes of the 3:3 energy portal. I’ll be writing more on all of these topics as we navigate through this energy-packed month.
March 2024 is positioned to be a key energetic catalyst for the full expression of our spiritual essence on this physical plane. Many inner shifts will be taking place in the next weeks
The trinity light codes will bring some energetic stability during this first week of the month. Some physical symptoms may still linger as we continue clearing and calibrating, specially in the nervous system. Dizziness, headaches, dry mouth, digestive malaise, fatigue, jaw tension, eye and ear issues, and others. Try to listen you your body and the signs it is trying to convey to you. What needs to be brought back into balance? Emotionally within, but also externally in your daily physical life? The energetic work and the clearing at the physical level will shift later this month from the nervous system to the hormonal axis, bringing more balance into the body.
March and early April will be definitely shaping our individual and collective timelines for the rest of 2024. As Pluto into Aquarius keeps sending its revolutionizing energy into our atmosphere, this month of March will be a time to remember, a before and after, for many of us. We are moving into new territories, where higher and brighter ways of being are being forged in the energetic realms of possibilities. All in Divine timing.
May you have a wonderful and transformative month, much love
During your Ascension journey, there comes a time when you must leave behind the familiar and venture into the forest of your dreams. This may disappoint some but inspire others. Guided by your intuition and illuminated vision, you are freeing yourself from self-imposed limitations and stepping out of the old thinking paradigms .
As Starseeds, you are transcending and reclaiming your power, rising like the Phoenix you are meant to be. Embracing change, shedding false identities, and being authentic, you are expanding your consciousness and stepping into new beginnings.
Absorbing peace in the present moment, attracting positive energy, and prioritizing your well-being are key. Building trust and faith in your Ascension process will support your journey toward the New Earth Energy.
Acknowledging the importance of inner work, decluttering, breaking old habits, and welcoming new soul expressions invite your soul tribe to align with you. Protecting your energy becomes vital as you integrate high-frequency vibrations.
To safeguard your energy, cleanse in water or salt, stabilise in nature, and connect with healing energies of the sun and moon. self-care is essential as your energy is your currency in the new Earth . Take care of Self , as you are valued and loved beyond measure on this planet.
There exists a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and their impact on human biology. These charged particles travel through the physical conduit that also influences Earth’s weather via its magnetic field. Just as Earth is encircled by a magnetic field serving as a generator and protector, so too do animals and humans possess their own magnetic fields.
Stand Your Ground , Embracing your truth may provoke negative reactions in others, amplifying love in those who are desensitised, and inciting discomfort in closed minds. Your authenticity will challenge ignorance, and your light will illuminate inner conflicts.
Ascension Success on your path may attract criticism, empowerment may breed envy, and courage can expose vulnerabilities. Despite this, your uniqueness, compassion, and unconditional love will continue to shine through , unveiling mental barriers and liberating many souls and minds.
Lightworkers: As spiritual beings with a higher purpose, the Lightworkers, possess the ability to transform darkness into light and act as their own healers. With a strong affinity for truth-seeking and authenticity imprinted in their essence, they are drawn to reveal the falsehoods in this world while radiating universal love and light. This connection to the multidimensional self is paramount as they ascend and expand in higher consciousness.
The current surge in solar flare activity activates breakthroughs and the dissolution of the old timelines, paving the way for a profound transformative Ascension shift in March. This marks a significant shift into a higher vibrational reality and a pronounced expansion of consciousness.
It presents an opportunity to align with the desired timeline and claim the rewards of the Ascension journey after enduring transformational challenges.
The Ascending Collective is currently undergoing powerful activations, transitioning to higher frequencies and transcending the old Earth rapidly. Vibrating at elevated speeds of light frequencies, it is crucial to continue surrendering and honoring oneself amidst this transformative journey.
As we shift away from the materialistic world and embrace the universal flow of energy and quantum evolution, our DNA blueprint is being activated and dormant DNA strands upgraded. New neural pathways are forming as we lead the first wave of Ascension to assist humanity.
Although the path may not always be clear, our Higher Selves guide us toward our purpose, as the Collective Consciousness ascends into higher frequencies of light. Recognise your sacred divine energy and interconnectedness with the universe as we come together to support and uplift many other souls.
The ascending souls, embody the collective of Wayshowers, Light Keepers, Lightbearers, and Lightworkers, serving as beacons of light and powerful deliberate creators. Understanding that information is light, and light is information, consciously raising the planetary frequency by seeking awakening , knowledge , wisdom and awareness.
As Lighthouses for Humanity and the architects of our own reality, we are building a new world based in love, peace, compassion, and empathy. Heart activations align us with our Higher Selves, empowering us to manifest the changes and realities we envision.
Recent purging and clearing processes may feel intense, with power surges amplifying within our blueprint systems to release what no longer serves us. It is essential to communicate with our higher selves and guides, setting intentions to navigate these clearings with grace and ease, while maintaining faith in ourselves.
Embracing the Quantum Fields of Energy and Creation, we accelerate and ascend at an unprecedented rate in humanity’s evolution, co-creating a harmonious and enlightened existence for all.
In loving and devoted ascension service
Source information by Ascension LightWorkers . copyright
I bring you the blessings and love from the Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Universal Archangel Mary, Lady Nada, Lady Venus, Pallas Athena and the Divine Feminine.
They are showering you with love and blessings, as they are expanding the heart centers of humanity with the sacred flames of love.
Lady Nada is dissolving all ego so that only love in its purity remains. She holds the flame of pure love.
Mary is placing her blue light in and around for higher healing of your heart and soul.
Mary Magdalene is placing her beautiful flame of unity, love, balance and harmony within and around you and opens your heart to unified oneness.
Pallas Athena is raising the frequency of your heart flame so that you can embrace the profundity of Divine Love on ever higher levels and fully become this.
Lady Venus, the Goddess of Love gifts you with the bright pink flame of Ascension with and through Love and harmony.
Universal Angel Mary the Aquamarine ray of the Divine Feminine.
Note how your heart flame expands and your frequency rises as you embrace the 5th and 7th dimensional state and higher of pure transcendental love.
Love all embracing, live it and draw it to you even as you radiate this out to all sentient beings.
Every encounter becomes an act of love.
Love is truth who you are.
Love is in every thought you think, every word you speak and every action you take.
Love is in your heart and understanding.
Love is omnipresent in all and every holy encounter.
Love is all there is.
I AM love in thought, word and deed, in all that I AM.
Trust that the daily alignments we are experiencing are getting you on the path of your destiny, and true inner peace. The Soul Star Chakra is downloading Source Codes, awakening the truth in your heart. As they enter, it will detach your emotions from situations out of your control. This will support having a positive attitude so you can be joyful and trusting, despite life’s circumstances. Continue releasing the Old Earth to receive the New Earth opportunities that God is opening for you.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Ra James
Today is the first day of March. Welcome to a new month, of new energies. March brings us a lot of high energies and the Spring Equinox. Today our Sun in Pisces is sextile Jupiter in Taurus. Expect dreamy energies. Pisces Season is meant to help you to tap into your romantic side. The Planet of Love aligns with the Planet of Luck. With this alignment things are going to happen as if just by magic. This is a fated alignment. That means it’s bringing a lot of positive destined energies into your love life. Expect sudden positive shifts. It’s a great time to be healing your current connection, or if single manifesting a new one. Expect to continue to feel things on a deep level as we continue to move through Pisces Season.
These energies amplify your moods and emotions. These energies are all about tapping into the spiritual. Taurus brings powerful energies for healing your love life and your finances. It’s great for tapping into your goals. Expect super uplifting energies. Don’t be surprised if the focus is on love and your love life right now, it’s meant to be. These are great energies for daydreaming, fantasizing, and manifesting. You may feel your head is in the clouds a little more than usual. Use this to your advantage. It’s a great time for getting more clarity and psychic insights on your current situation…
Heading into the weekend, both the Sun and Mercury in Pisces form a sextile to Jupiter in Taurus as Venus in Aquarius forms a sextile to the ongoing conjunction between Chiron and the Moon’s north node in Aries.
Coming off of this week’s triple conjunction between Mercury, Saturn and the Sun, we have an opportunity now to expand on where we have concentrated our energies in terms of growing our highest ideals into something tangible.
Our hearts are set on the future and we can make more sufficient progress if we are willing to release old codependent associations and behaviors as we align with our sovereign mission…
And while this alignment is unique to our path, healthy collaboration which includes strong boundaries and agreements, is part of our mission!
On Friday, March 1st, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in the deep shadows of Scorpio. She has already created challenging aspects to Mars, ruler of impatience and aggression, and Venus, ruler of relationships and emotional demands, both in standoffish Aquarius. We may have felt these effects yesterday with negative interactions with others or troubles in other situations and circumstances. We may have also had struggles in our sleep and dream time as arduous energies rose from the depths of our psyche. The Moon still has three more connections to go.
First, a difficult inconjunct to Chiron, the Wounded Healer……then an opposition to Uranus, the Great Awakener……and finally, a positive trine to Neptune, the Transcender. This energy can guide us to look deeper at our old wounds and traumas, receive revelations and “Aha moments” of a higher nature, and then rise above it all through the power of self-love, compassion and forgiveness. Stay focused on the Light ahead and leave the darkness behind now.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in the deep shadows of Scorpio
Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus. Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries – Rabbits! Rabbits Rabbits! So said my grandmother every March 1st, a good luck charm calling on the same creative forces that would see Mother Nature decked in her finest flowers as the woodland buzzed to life. And here we are again, a new month, a new season (meteorologically speaking) filled with possibilities for personal development. The solar connection to Jupiter is a reminder that you are more than you think you are. Make your dreams big and bold, like sunflowers stretching towards an azure sky. Have a little self-belief. You make your own luck.
And to complement the nudge towards expansion, Venus and Chiron offer a path to healing. Maybe it’s the opportunity to fix a relationship or remedy issues connected to self-esteem or money matters. Perhaps it’s just that now we see there is a place for us, within the group, despite our differences. Build bridges. Forge connections. Love is infinite. Love is healing. And if your heart has been broken, scatter seeds of light in the cracks, water them with compassion, wait with hope.
Degrees and Times
Sun 11°Pi24′, Jupiter 11°Ta24′ – 12:14 (UT)
Venus 17°Aq15′, Chiron 17°Ar15′ – 14:57 (UT)
Note, for the last line, I took inspiration from a poem called Dive by Andrea Gibson “When your heart is broken, you plant seeds in the cracks and you pray for rain.” Do take a listen to her recital – it’s powerful stuff!
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Challenge, Polarize and Stabilize’. The 2nd day of a wavespell is about identifying what obstacles need removing in order to make progress. These days are never easy but we can’t avoid our problems indefinitely, sometimes we need a review of the situation. If there has been an issue that you’ve avoided facing then today is perfect for dealing with it.
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Free Will, Influence and Wisdom’. No doubt the human being has had a huge influence on all life on earth. The wisdom we’ve acquired has enabled us to become more than just a monkey. As humans, we have free will to do with what we choose. Today, use your wisdom to solve your problems. We are in the Monkey wavespell and it’s a challenge to be human today!
The Guide today is Yellow Seed which represents Sowing Awareness. The Yellow Seed is all about sharing knowledge and so this suggests today we are motivated to share the wisdom we have with one another. Help your friends and loved ones out today and problems will be easier to solve. This is a very helpful guide and the Yellow Seed is very informative. If you don’t have the answers, research the problem further.
The Challenge today is the White Wind, the communicator. Expect crossed lines and misinformation today and don’t believe everything you hear. If you have something to say, save it for another day. If you do try to express yourself today it may go down like a lead balloon.
The Occult power is the Red Moon, the lovely, relaxing chilled out energy. When in this magical position, the Moon shows us that magic can flow our way when we surrender and trust in the Universe. The Moon is so powerful, especially when in this Occult position, that there really is no point in trying to control anything. If you can truly surrender, magical things may wash up on the shore for you.
The Ally today is the Blue Hand which symbolizes healing. If you need help with this challenging day, a Blue Hand can be very handy to have around. If you are not lucky enough to have one on hand, do what they would do and put your hands to good use. Physically remove obstacles that are in your path and reach out and ask for any help you need in removing those obstacles.
KIN 132 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
*NOTE: KIN 132 occurs over 36 hours – from the LEAP DAY – 29th FEBRUARY 2024 at 12 noon until 11.59 pm the following day on 1st MARCH 2024.
This BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL spans over 14 days – rather than the usual 13. This is because we have a D.O.O.T. day on the 29th FEBRUARY 2024 – because we are in a LEAP year in the GREGORIAN Calendar..
The DREAMSPELL CALENDAR treats LEAP days as another DAY OUT OF TIME.. To correct this anomaly the LEAP/DOOT day becomes a BRIDGE in time – between KIN 131 and 132.. The first half of the day this THURSDAY 29 FEB, until 12 noon has the energy of KIN 131 – the BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY, and then from 12.01 pm until 11.59 pm the energy is that of KIN 132 – the YELLOW LUNAR HUMAN.. and so in fact KIN 131 and 132 are S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D- over 36 hours instead of the usual 24. The DOOT day – is a DAY OUT OF TIME – or rather NO TIME.. BLUE MONKEY lets us stay out and PLAY a little longer!!!
It is very appropriate that the BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY is our guide through NO TIME – as he is a master illusionist and TIME TRAVELLER.. Moving through multi dimensions in the TIME SPACE continuum is his speciality!!
This is SUPER TRIPPY because all this occurs in the central MYSTIC COLUMN – the HEART of the TZOLKIN and at ZERO POINT – HUNAB KU!! It seems SPIRIT wishes us to LINGER LONGER in the cradle of SOURCE ENERGY…
Enjoy the RE-UNION beloveds – WHAT A HOMECOMING!!!!!!!.
March is the 3rd Gregorian month. The number 3 – is very HOLY as it symbolizes the HOLY TRINITY.. the HOLY SPIRIT it exudes a frequency of JOY, HAPPINESS and CREATIVITY.. When we add the 3 to the year code of 2024=8 we get an 11/2 UNIVERSAL MONTH.
11 is the portal which leads to ILLUMINATION – it is an AWAKENER that activates our spiritual DNA and accelerates soul growth.. BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 and the 11th wavespell.. and the BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY occupies the 11th day in the Mystic Column of the TZOLKIN… – KAPOW we have a quadruple 11 code ensuring we keep moving through these ASCENSION doorways that are opening now at exponential pace!!
MARCH is also the domain of PISCES – which is the final sign in the Western Zodiac – aspiring to higher ideals as a devoted servant of Spirit.. NEPTUNE is the ruler of PISCES flooding us with higher love and much wisdom on our journey through these DREAMY times where we can fall prey to the ILLUSIONS of the time/space reality… Connect to your INNER MAGICIAN to find your way through the MIST!
45 months ago – 5 Galactic spins – KIN 132 occurred on the 8/8 LION’S GATE PORTAL which gives us access to that REGAL portal in the space/time continuum… a higher r-evolution as we flow with the higher GOD frequencies.
Last Galactic spin we had a 9 (3×3 triple divinity code) and a 6 Heavenly day code, pouring forth the Holy Divine Spirit through Heaven’s Gates. Today we have another 3 DIVINE code blessing our day.
These codes are opening the gates to DIVINE FLOW and ABUNDANCE as we reconnect to this endless infinite energy… We are still in the energy of Hunab Ku – Galactic Centre so we have a plethora of high frequencies encoding our cells in our RE-GENESIS.
GENE-ISIS – as we reactivate our GODDESS cells.
We have the DIVINE presence of Father God/White Wind as today’s GIFT and Mother Goddess/Red Moon as the SUPER POWER – bringing forth BOTH masculine and feminine aspects of OUR SOURCE code to unlock these GIFTS through these GATEWAYS…the CROWNING GLORY .
Day 2 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment and a return to Innocence.
How was your DAY 1 beloveds? I hope the MAJIK MONKEY came out to PLAY with you!
In this cycle we need to be mindful, to fully focus on BLISS and avoid the delusion and trickery...
Befriend your Monkey playmate with offerings of Mango , watermelon bananas…(and eat more yourself to align with his vibration)
Invite CHUEN out to PLAY with you, and show you GRAND MAJIKAL ADVENTURES during this cycle. Plan some “play dates” in your diary, ….avoid the dross and FLY HIGH into the sky on your majik carpet. Things always look better from this grand perspective…. divine alchemy and MIRACLES await!
Today we are choosing to use our FREE WILL to seed our MAJIKal creations. Seeding Divine New Realities on the physical plane!
It is time to start AFRESH with a new BLISS filled LIFE.
LUNAR- Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies and physical world.
The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, duality opposition, through friction and possible conflict, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from seeding a new and higher reality. The essence of this tone is to align with NEUTRALITY – the ZERO POINT – accessed through HUNAB KU and DIVINE WILL..
Do not be drawn into the ILLUSION of EGO and duality consciousness – keep your VIBE HIGH through FUN and PLAY which is the key to UNITY.
Today’s question is “How can I best apply ancient wisdom in alignment with Divine Will, to SEED the Divine Plan on Planet Earth?”
Divine blessings for a beautiful alignment with SPIRIT today! ZERO POINT = MAJIKAL CREATION POWER!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW LUNAR HUMAN – EB relates to wisdom, intelligence, free will and Abundance. We are half way through the Tzolkin calendar and thus we have acquired Higher Wisdom, the wisdom of the ancients, and the wisdom gleaned through experience living in a physical body on this physical planet.
Our struggles and pain through our Spiritual initiations on this Earth plane – are completing after passing our Spiritual tests in 2023 – the 7 year of Spiritual Mastery. We have become much stronger and resilient souls who can access much higher Divine wisdom now.
Much Spiritual wisdom is gleaned through past experiences. Humanity is becoming much WISER by the day.
The LUNAR HUMAN is ultimately seeking to UNIFY opposing factions, through the power of his experience and WISDOM. In order to achieve stabilization – firstly the polarized opposites are revealed – and then elevated to a unified cohesive field.
When we choose to align our free will with that of the DIVINE, we elevate ourselves to a higher consciousness and a higher Mission. From this vantage point we become a LEADER and begin to influence greater numbers of people with our WISDOM and intelligence. Yeshua/Jesus thus attracted his disciples and a huge following eager to hear his teachings and the WORD of GOD..
At this time on our Planet we are witnessing great polarization and factions in this battle between the forces of DARK and LIGHT! Humanity has been polarized and pitted against each other for eons.
Sadly this is the negative AGENDA, to DIVIDE and CONQUER through keeping us SEPARATED. This BAD DREAM of SEPARATION has now concluded, and all conflict will be revealed until we can stabilize and UNIFY these energies.
Taking the higher DIVINE PERSPECTIVE we can honour all choices and decide to LOVE and ACCEPT all souls as our family of man, regardless of which choices they make! UNITY and reconciliation is the path to HARMONY.
Those who have the WISDOM and INTELLIGENCE to break out of the box, can now take charge, and LEAD the masses through the chaos into greater harmony. SOVEREIGNTY will be granted for those that are humble and wise!
The other struggle that the LUNAR HUMAN reveals, is that within ourselves – the battle of the EGOIC MIND.. Our life journey involves us learning to acknowledge that a higher majikal power exists within our world, and that Spirit really does KNOW BEST. When we release the attachment of our EGO to CONTROL every aspect of our lives, we can surrender to DIVINE WILL and FLOW with the spontaneity of life, allowing Spirit to lead the way. Stabilizing our EGO enables us to experience more JOY and MAJIK in our lives.
Today we are focused on how we can utilize this greater WISDOM, and use it to INFLUENCE and UNITE others to cocreate a higher Divine reality.
We can use spells and Earth majik, utilizing power talismans and crystals to hold our focused intent in attracting more Abundance, JOY and BLISS, in order to improve our lives. Grounding this ancient majikal lore, to create better outcomes for humanity and our planet.
We can recognize that our FREE WILL can assist us in becoming wiser elders, that can influence future generations.
Aligning our personal will, with that of Divine Will, will unlock the majik and codes of Creation. Through today’s codex we have a brilliant opportunity to elevate our consciousness and align with the GIFT of Divine Will.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW LUNAR SEED KAN is the SEED that holds all the ingredients to allow us to GROW into our highest potential.. The two YELLOW kin today create a very masculine YANG energy which denotes ACTION , and outward projection
we can use this POWER of creation through alignment of our will and focused intent, using the physical resources available to us in order to FLOWER and achieve better outcomes, realizing our full potential. .
The SEED energy is AMPING up as we move towards the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL in 12 days time on 14 MARCH 2024. These SEED energies are accelerating our progress in moving on, to achieve our highest potential flowering.
We can also use the powerful MAJIK that the BLUE MONKEY brings, to talk to the plants, the trees, the flowers, the fairies, the animals, the elements. Trusting that we can gather the ancient wisdom from these living libraries that hold the Akashic memory of our planet. Unlocking these codes to receive their highest potential wisdom.
The Australian indigenous people would ask the scar trees to reveal the songs that they needed to learn and sing, through traveling on the song lines. They could not enter a territory unless they knew the SONGS of that region. The songs were embedded in the land. These ley lines wove together all the ancient wisdom of our sacred land which could only be accessed through HEART connection with the Spirit of the Land.
Indigenous people appear to hold GREAT MAJIK – but this is simply our natural state – accessible to all who align with SPIRIT and DIVINE WILL. Those WISE and beautiful souls who hold the intention of harmlessness and the WILL to DO GOOD.
We need to unlock the capsule that has been waiting since ancient times, that holds the codes to seed the New Time. Everything we need to seed our New Reality already exists within our-cell-ves, our bodies and the body of our Earth Mother. Tune in and choose to apply this natural wisdom today.
SUPPORT: BLUE LUNAR HAND – MANIK assists us in gaining the knowledge needed to HEAL our bodies through the plant medicines: utilizing herbs, flowers, essential oils, fruits, vegetables and whatever exists in the Garden of Eden, gifted to us by our Creator. We can choose to return to this Garden that contains everything we need, to anchor wholeness in our bodies, our lives and our planetary body.
We CAN heal all that has resulted from unwise choices, with that knowledge. Making new choices based on healing our whole planet!
As we heal Gaia, we too shall heal.
MANIK brings forth the power of accomplishment today, so we can attend to our bucket list of desires, or our daily chores! The choice is ours, we have the free will to focus on the mundane, or look further afield to accomplish our higher desires and Divine Mission.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED CRYSTAL MOON – MULUC the GODDESS is today’s SUPERPOWER. The CRYSTAL GODDESS reveals that the way to transcend duality and conflict is through the power of unity, kindness and cooperation. By using LOVE, nurturance, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance of all that appears, in order to return to a place of love and greater connection.
The CRYSTAL tone seeks alignment, rather than opposition or resistance.. Seek the common ground, in order to resolve and stabilize disharmony. Hopefully this superpower can achieve reconciliation and mediation of the warring forces, and effect great change for the betterment of our world.
The GODDESS requires us to RESPECT the natural world by allowing ourselves to FLOW with the changes, accepting and honouring them as the wisdom from Great spirit.
GODDESS asks us to become much softer, and flowing today. Allow your intuition and feelings to guide your choices through smarter options.
Open, LISTEN and become more receptive to the MAJIKAL FLOW that connects us all, co-operating responsively with others, by going with the flow. Becoming sensitive to the collective needs of our whole Planet brings us back to Common-unity.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE LUNAR WIND – IK challenges us today to balance our EGO and FREE WILL, with the Will of SPIRIT. Becoming a hollow pure vessel receiving the whisperings of the great white wind to guide our path.
Listening to the promptings and messages from Spirit brings us SOLUTIONS needed to HEAL our bodies, our relationships and our planet. There is always a DIVINE SOLUTION for all that ails and separates us. UNITY is the natural default leading to HARMONY and BLISS for all those who SURRENDER their ego to higher wisdom.
We thus become co creators, acting in unison with the will of Spirit, in order to effect greater influence and become the wayshowers and leaders of our new communities. Drawing together to manifest Divine Will for the betterment of ALL as ONE.
So precious souls enjoy this 2nd/3rd Monkey day of grounding and anchoring the Divine majik of our natural world, communing with all her kingdoms, in order to stabilize Heaven on Earth...
The kingdom of God/Goddess is calling us now …….can you hear it?
Today’s question is “How can I best apply ancient wisdom in alignment with Divine Will, to SEED the Divine Plan on Planet Earth?”
Divine blessings for a beautiful alignment with SPIRIT today! ZERO POINT = MAJIKAL CREATION POWER!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading 🕉 for the week of February 25th through March 2nd 2024 with Paul White Gold Eagle 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week we covers the astrology for the coming week from February 25th through March 2nd 2024. We also read three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a very special prayer for the new earth and the new golden age.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste 🕉
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