MahaShivratri ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Venus/Moon/ Mars at Gate of Manifestation ~ Lemurian Crystal Caves ~ UNEXPECTED ENERGIES, LIBERATION ~ RECONNECTION OF THE HOLY TRINITY
Colorful Dragon and Phoenix
MahaShivratri ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Venus/Moon/ Mars at Gate of Manifestation ~ Lemurian Crystal Caves ~ UNEXPECTED ENERGIES, LIBERATION ~ RECONNECTION OF THE HOLY TRINITY
MahaShivratri ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Venus/Moon/ Mars at Gate of Manifestation ~ Lemurian Crystal Caves ~ UNEXPECTED ENERGIES, LIBERATION ~ RECONNECTION OF THE HOLY TRINITY
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Holy Spirits of Divine Intervention
Happy MahaShivratri,”The Night of Shiva” Celebration
This is the moment of the Stillness of the full Power of our Divine Sacred Self coming into manifestation. The Holy Fire of Transfiguration is blazing in through todays Sacred Portal.
As Shiva merges with Shakti, in Divine Union, the Eagle flies with the Condor to Usher in our New Golden Age of Eternal Life. In Hieros Gamos we resolve the duality game of separation and feel into the Unity Consciousness as the Heart and Mind become One Coherent Force of Transformation.
To assist with this cleansing and purging by fire our local Solaris released a Trinity of B Class Solar Flares, 3 C Class Flares and a powerful M Class Flare today maxing at M 1.32 at 21:26 UTC.
We also has beams of white light appearing on the Schumann charts as Mother Earth’s heartbeat reached amplitudes of 14hz and 18hz. Higher Dimensional frequencies anchoring in!
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in the Philippines at 9:11 UTC.
Together we continue holding the visions of our New Heaven upon our New Earth and rise through the Ascension Vortex and into the Pure Land of Enlightenment, Peace, Joy and Prosperity for all Sentient beings of the Way…A’Ho!
Eclipse portal opening.. Running parallels delivering big choice points today, dictating chosen trajectories. Dream Big..The unfolding has already begun.
The truly encoded Divine Feminine is SO precise in her choice, her moves are divinely inspired. She’s safe in her own inner masculine to be incredibly decisive, she won’t succumb to the resistance around her. She moves with wicked intention, with every choice she makes. Her non-action is even more precise. She IS the Holy Mother, The Holy Father and Divine Child embodied. There’s something big happening..
Shiva, the embodiment of the formless, transcends the boundaries of time and space, residing not just in myths but within the core of our being. He represents pure consciousness and bliss, the silent expanse where creation and destruction dance in eternal harmony. This formless one is not confined to sacred texts or temples; he is the silent, omnipresent witness to the universe, residing in the stillness that underpins our very existence.
To seek Shiva is to dive deep into the self, beyond the physical and the fleeting. It is in the profound silence of meditation that one finds the essence of Shiva, a state of blissful awareness where the individual merges with the universal. Here, Shiva is not an ‘other’ but the very essence of our existence, a reminder that we, too, are part of the infinite dance of consciousness.
Embracing Shiva means recognizing the divine within, understanding that beyond our material form lies the eternal, formless spirit. It is an invitation to witness the universe not as a collection of separate entities but as a unified field of consciousness, with Shiva as its timeless rhythm, guiding us back to our true, formless nature.
3/8/24: Some of us will make an easy leap forward today. Others will take a harder path. The difference lies in ego. Those who think only of themselves and their desires, who choose to do everything themselves, who want to be the boss, will struggle today. Those willing to share both burdens and rewards will get the help they need and have fun doing it.
But those who tap into Flow… who follow Rightness… they will gain the most by doing the least. They will be open and curious. They will get out of their own way and trust they will get exactly what they need… and they will appreciate what they get. This month will educate us on how to manifest. It’s up to us what we learn.
March 8: MahaShivratri + Venus/Moon/ Mars at Gate of manifestation + Dragon Mothers begin birthing the Cosmic Egg Of Creation
March 8th brings the mystic energies of Maha Shivratri-The Great Night of Shiva , which is the Union Of Shiva/ Consciousness and Shakti/ Creative LifeForce / Kundalini Energies and by Divine Orchestration It is also the Moon conjunction with Venus /Inanna And Mars!!!
Lately in my CoCreation sessions, we have been guided multiple times to the realm of The Lemurian Crystal Caves / Womb of Creation for initiations into the New Spirals of Wisdom that many Lemurian Priestesses are now meant to birth forth. In a particular session with Robyn Smith @robynonearth it was the “ Dragon Mother Energy” that came forth in full Force , to bring into balance the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air so that The Cosmic Egg of New Creation that these Lemurian Priestesses/ Dragon Mothers are incubating within their energy fields may begin the ‘Birthing “ process. For this Birthing of the Cosmic Egg of New Light/ Potential it is essential that a Union/ Balancing of the Polarities takes place- Water/Fire, Earth/ Air, Masculine/ feminine, Right Brain / LeftBrain, intellect/ Intuition, Creativity/ Structure. The “Birthing “ portal commences with Equinox /March 20 – Easter/ 31st March. And Maha Shivratri brings in the Cosmic Energies of Balance/ Union to spark this very process of Birthing of the Cosmic Egg of New Light/ Spirals of New Potential. In preparation for this birthing process , we have been receiving Throat Chakra upgrades for a while (for the expression of the New Wisdom Birthing ) and womb/ Root chakra activations/ purification .
Venus/ Inanna reaches The Gate of Manifestation at Root chakra on her shamanic Journey of Descent to the Underworld, a journey of Death ,Rebirth and Ascension as the Morning Star as She Conjuncts the The waning moon in the Early Morning sky. It is here that She releases her Final defense/ shield- Her Royal Robe . She is Now completely stripped of all her shields/ veils/ masks/ armor – completely defenseless and Vulnerable. …. An important Rite of Passage where To be willing to die to the Old Self on the path of Self Realization requires complete surrender of Ego/ patterns/ distortions/ illusions that keep one divorced from one’s Path of Highest Potential and Spiritual Goal.
And we have Mars, who is on his journey of Ascent, at this Gate holding Space for Venus/ Inanna as She /we are asked to inquire into what illusions/ beliefs/ distortions we are required to part ways with that hinder our sense of Security and Survival so that we may move into Embodied Thriving Abundance . What Foundational Structures are no longer supporting us -Financial/ relationships/Health routines/ values/beliefs and need to be released. And it is here, by Divine intervention , here That Mars/ our Inner Solar Power/ Masculine ,the aspect of Discipline, Action, Will Power, Courage and Structure facilitate the process of aligning with and Manifesting our ultimate Goal of 3D incarnation at this point in time.
Maha Shivratri brings us cosmic assistance for the Balance/ Union of Creative Life Force/ Kundalini / Serpent/ Dragon Mother Energies with Source of Limitless Consciousness through the process of purification and Transcendence to Birth New Spirals of Wisdom/ Light/ Potential that bring us closer to Enlightenment / Moksha / Ascension..May we all play our parts in Birthing A New Age of Grace, Kindness, Compassion, Courage and Divine Justice!!
Happy Maha Shivratri .
Om Namah Shivay.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Art Credits
Shiv Shakti by @artiswellnl Shaunak Tewarie
Venus – Archangel Oracle
Dragon Mother – Night cafe AI generated Google image
Sri and Kira
The Harmonic Frequency of Balanced IN-formed Divine Mastery Presence
Celebrate WE Made IT!
Imagine …and then KNOW…that YOU were born for this moment!
You are HERE…NOW…as the full presence of your infinite nature inviting sacred union through Conscious Awareness. March is a month filled with “intense shift” that is inviting YOU to RISE…more!
As we unify our-self through the release of self-imposed judgements and limitations, the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation calls us to CHOOSE! The moment for your dreams to manifest is before you…literally NOW!
The key, or the “secret” is for YOU to KNOW that the commander of your life is YOU! To boldly accept the blessing of your unique experience of this life as the radiant carrier of ever greater inner Peace, Love and Joy!
IT IS…your radiance of unification that is the eternal attractor field ready to create…over and over again. Only this time…YOU ARE the conductor as well as the orchestra. Humanity has now arrived at the balancing moment of March 2024 IT-self… and we are on a direct trajectory for the March 19 Equinox!
IT IS… the STABILITY of the Awareness of this…very specific NOW… that will assist ALL to transcend the direct pull of the ever-strengthening spiral energy.
Today the northern hemisphere of the earth a-lions to ignite a PROFOUND surge of energy within each and every ONE.
Tonight is when nature her-self is propelling YOU towards a spiritual pinnacle. Imagine the gift that is yours to claim as the New Moon begins to influence ALL.
Throughout Indian culture, Shiva is revered and worshipped as Mahakaal the Ultimate Destructive force…the devotee invites the dissolution of the limited ego to BE ONE with Consciousness IT-self. The experience of the unboundedness of the ultimate, divine energy.
And! Right NOW is the most conducive few hours of the year to experience it. To remember that Shiva is also widely recognized as the ultimate Giver.
Moreover, his benevolence knows no bounds, making him the innocent champion of generosity.
May this moment also be your special night for receiving as well.
You simply have to condition your body and spirit to receive the gift of the Yoga of Self-Ascension through your KNOWING Of the Peace, Love and JOY that are your CHOICE…
Please place your prayers for protection for today and the whole weekend.
The energies are very powerful so we are called to stay aware especially when outside or among crowds.
The unaware collective might be expressing these energies in unexpected, angry or dangerous ways.
A great exorcism is taking place.
Last night I felt that many demonic energies are unleashed and can be affecting people’s behaviours.
l also saw the word ‘enemies’.
We are in the process of the physical restoration of the Holy Trinity is us and in our relationships.
Last week after I left Parnassos mountain and Delphi I was travelling to another place and after a heavy rain I had to drive through an area where many rocks had fallen in the middle of the road and many streams of water coming from the mountains heading to the sea, were interrupting the way.
It was a quite dangerous ride!
Right after, the gps drove me straight into a forest in the middle of nowhere!
I ended up at a dead end at the edge of a cliff and there was a tree with a cross carved on its truck and next to it was a small chapel.
I was very upset but I managed to enter the chapel.
The chapel was dedicated to the Holy Trinity.
I got the message and left.
I realised that my gps had been hacked by an unknown presence who wanted me to find this chapel.
The Masculine energy (in all) is in the process of restoring his connection to Divine Father and he can do this with the right focus and intention.
He can be liberated from anger and resentment towards the Self and his Father!
This blessing is here for all!
The fact that I experienced him being accepted again in the Sphere of the Divine Mother, is connected to this.
His relationship with the True Mother was severed.
He had been feeling rejected and lost without her.
He was looking for her without knowing where to look or even remembering that She exists.
He had been following fallen energies.
Those who will answer Her call will begin experiencing a peaceful and calm heart.
This will allow them to actually make the reconnection and start moving upwards.
The connection to the Divine Father goes through the Divine Mother!
She said ‘YES’!
So the Trinity can be found and be established again in the physical!
Prayer can do miracles these days!
Also tomorrow Saturday in Greece is a special day for honouring and supporting the Souls our loved Ones who have departed.
If you have loved Ones who have departed, light a candle and say a prayer for them.
Souls also need love and support
On Sunday is the new moon and a new cycle of love and physical alignment to the Heavens begins for the Twin Flames.
As we journey to other dimensions, we awaken to many beings
Our Roles As Activated Souls is to seek our sovereign light family, as we learn to understand their role in our light journey.
To feel the Multidimensional Connection
Illuminated Being of Light
The Unicorns offer us strength, guidance and wisdom They are wise beings, available to provide energetic support and guidance.
Pegasus the Unicorn is a Wayshower of the Unicorn collective, a representative for Humanity.
As our world expands, as the layers become thinner, know communication with multidimensional beings is becoming easier.
As the elemental and devic beings work very closely with Gaia to assist our timeline, our biodiversity.
As you continue your own journey work, continue your own healing and integrating to reach your true flow and mission.
Simply open your meditation space to the Unicorns, create a space of Love and Unity
See what will unfold xo
With Love and Unicorn Blessings
Karen Lithika xo
Ra James
We have an exact conjunction between Mercury and Neptune. Expect this alignment to activate your senses. Expect a lot to flow through you psychically. Expect a lot of messages and downloads. Pay attention to the spiritual pulls you’re getting right now. They are meant to move you forward on your path. Let them give you more direction. Expect heightened telepathy. Expect a lot of dreams too. It’s a great time to be doing tarot or astrology. The Moon is also in Pisces kicking off an emotional start to the weekend.
This is very dreamy and creative energy. It’s also very romantic. You may be extra focused on love right now. It’s a great time if you’re single to be making connections, or if you’re in a relationship to take it to the next level of commitment. We have a huge focus throughout the collective on finding the One and shifting into Divine Union. Many of you have already found your Twin Flame, or know who they are. Today’s energies are setting the tone for next month’s Mercury Retrograde. Tomorrow Mercury will enter Aries. This is a passionate energy. It’s all about following your dreams with more confidence. The lines are a little blurred between reality and our fantasies right now. That makes these energies amazing for manifesting…
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, will enter the depths of water sign Scorpio
During Mercury conjunct Neptune, emotions and intuition are heightened, and this energy is expected to intensify in the coming days and weeks.
While Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces Sun, Moon, and Rising signs may feel this more intensely due to their ruling planets being Mercury and Neptune, all signs will feel its effects.
Set your intentions confidently, knowing that they hold the power to shape your reality, and remain open to the possibility of unexpected blessings and opportunities that may come your way. Trust in your abilities to manifest positive changes in your life, and be patient as you allow the Universe to work its magic.
Look out for signs and messages offering reassurance and guidance, as spiritual insights may arrive through intuitive nudges, déjà vu, synchronicities, or vivid dreams.
Remember that Mars at 19° Aquarius is exactly square to Uranus at 19° Taurus and this will continue to be operational over the next few days, heightened on Sunday with the New SuperMoon which is closer to the Earth in its orbit.
Hard aspects between Mars and Uranus especially in Fixed signs are a classic for increased seismic activity. Taurus is associated with our Earth, and both Uranus and Aquarius are linked to electromagnetic energy, being energised by Mars. So the geomagnetics and the ionosphere are currently more unstable at the moment, linked to this astrology.
Try to earth/ground if you can, bare feet on the grass or the Earth, and this will help to decompress any buzzy energy that you feel. Take time out to drop into stillness and bliss as often as you can over the next few days.
On Friday, March 8th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, connects with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in imaginative, water sign Pisces. Our thoughts are more compassionate, our ideas more inspired, our perceptions more intuitive, and our communications more loving. There is a gentle, flowing nature with Pisces and we will benefit by surrendering with faith and trust that what is, and what will be, is all unfolding as, and when, it should.
Our psychic impressions and healing abilities are magnified now, if we decide to tap in. However, we can also get lost in a sea of confusion, illusion and delusion if we are not careful. Use this energy to visualize what your would like to create for yourself. And then believe in the miracles and magic of the Universe to manifest it all when the time is right!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, connects with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in imaginative, water sign Pisces
Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces – The skies encourage a quiet moment in which to pause and reflect. Images bubble up from the subconscious, remnants of dreams, old memories, forgotten stories. Maybe you find yourself daydreaming, wishing, yearning. Thoughts wander when you should be concentrating. It’s okay to dream, to wonder. Drift with the tide. Relax. Breathe.
It’s true that what is happening now is very disorientating. It’s natural to feel a little lost or sad sometimes. Listen closely for intuitive messages that float through the mind. Meditate on problems to let your unconscious offer solutions. You may be more receptive to healing vibrations or clairvoyance. Visionary ideas and experiences are possible. The powers of the mind are unlimited. Practice mindfulness. Connect to the source. Whisper a quiet prayer for yourself and the world.
‘Solar’ is the name for the number nine and its keywords are ‘Intention, Pulse and Realize’. The ninth day of the Blue Monkey wavespell is a force to be reckoned with! The number nine always packs a punch and is the highlight or climax of a wavespell. It’s full of high energy and never dull, number nine days can be dramatic which is fine if you get off on drama. Make good use of this energy and by using your intention make things happen. We are still very much in the Blue Monkey wavespell with its agenda of magic. On this ninth day, we can make some serious progress with this agenda. Make it your intention to make today magical.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Self-Generation, Energy and Catalyze’. What a combination of number and day, it doesn’t get crazier than this. BUT if your intention is to make a big life-altering change, then this is the day to do it. Harness this energy or be blown away by it. Remember too that we are on a magical 13 day journey with the Monkey. There’s a lot of magic in the air to assist in making these huge changes.
The Guide for today is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. The Eagle shows us the way today, inviting us to look at the bigger picture. Consider this vantage point before making big changes. Eagle also teaches us to be creative with solving issues that present themselves. The Blue Eagle is a very handy guide because he flies up ahead and tells us what he sees. These ‘visions’ can help us with these big changes today. Try to fly high with your mind today and see what you need to know.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon which symbolizes relinquishing control. No chilling out today folks, the Storm is far too disruptive. No use hiding or staying home either, there is no escaping from time! If you are a Red Moon, today will be intense for you, luckily it will all blow over by tomorrow. If you are not a Red Moon you can be affected by it occupying this weakened position. If you want to relax and take it easy today, the Moon can’t help you do that. The powerful number nine never lets anyone take it easy, regardless of what day it combines with but today, it is powered by the Storm and so that’s a crazy, intense combination.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. When in this magical position the White Wind delivers messages with magical meanings. Your best bet today to get through this Storm, is to keep lines of communication open. Also this can mean that the big changes that the Storm blows your way come in the guise of a message. Keep on your toes and look out for those clues.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun who loves a good Storm and is unafraid of its disruptive power. If you need help today and you are lucky enough to know a Yellow Sun, they can be a tremendous friend in this situation. If you don’t know one personally, do what they would do and be as sunny as you can.
KIN 139= 13 = 4 -Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
A divinely majikal, VISIONARY day of great transformative power.
Day 9 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today we realize that MAJIK, PULSES at its utmost, when we SEE the bigger picture, the VISION that generates the energy of CHANGE.
Today we have tremendous energies available to fuel our VISIONS and to catalyze great JOY, expressed as fully creative, ALIVE and limitless.
SOLAR – Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – pulse, ESSENCE – intention The 9th day of the Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation.
The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin PULSING, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our DREAMS come true. This is POTENT manifestation energy today – particularly with a 10 MANIFESTATION day code!
Today we have the SOLAR tone fueling these grand ASCENSION energies, to PULSE forth those potent Solar Ascension codes catalyzing another HUGE PLANETARY SHIFT… Time to bathe in those SUN RAYS!
What VISION and intention are you PULSING into reality to catalyze great transformation?
Today’s question is “How can I catalyze the SOLAR pulses and WINDS of great CHANGE to fuel my greatest VISION, realizing my highest intention?” –
PULSE that out from your HEART TODAY.
Divine blessings for CATALYZING this tremendous SOLSTICE power today for positive progress.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 months ago – last Galactic Spin – KIN 139 occurred on the SOLSTICE PORTAL date of 21 JUNE 2023…
and what a day that was! Envisioning tremendous transformation!! Today we link back through the portals
in SPACE TIME to catalyze even greater transformation!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SOLAR STORM – CAUAC continues to strip away the density in order to reveal your inner diamond on your journey back to purity and innocence.
Our creative minds can see where we must push the boundaries of the old paradigm to catalyze true change. The SOLAR STORM is guided by the VISION of the BLUE EAGLE. We can pulse forth the INTENTION to create and realize the HIGHEST most beneficial timeline for humanity.
BLUE STORM is so powerful, it stirs up the core of your being. The STORM catalyzes the tremendous POWER of the forces available to you, to PULSE out your fullest GIFTS today, and share them with others. Today we have an 8.3.8. DIVINE ABUNDANCE CODE – bringing pulses from SOURCE to support your Mission.. The 10/1 code is bringing forth NEW BEGINNINGS where YOU are the MASTER of your DESTINY.
The energies are amplifying the need for you to make a lasting difference in this NEW WORLD we are building – marking your imprint on your contributions.
It is time to REALIZE the necessity for you to GO BIG or GO HOME!!!.
How can you reach a wider audience with your work and influence more people? Are you READY for this?
BLUE STORM supports us in making this collective shift to a more joy filled and creative reality for all.
Make the decision to set your intention to fully embrace your LIGHT, and be the MASTER that you came to EARTH to be!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SOLAR EAGLE – MEN gives you great power to SOAR above the storm clouds today. Using this huge catalytic energy as your FUEL to rise UP, UP and away! High above any perceived problems soaring on the SOLAR currents. .
The SOLAR EAGLE will enable you to align and pulse forth your intention to CREATE your HIGHEST TIMELINE for realizing your full potential.
MEN provides inspired VISIONS today from the Collective PLANETARY MIND, that channel the solutions needed to evolve as a species. BLUE EAGLE provides the clarity and objectivity to overcome the tyranny of enslavement to our limiting MIND and irrational fears.
We are able to integrate harmony with our long-term VISION of what we must transform, in order to reach higher and higher levels of creative harmony. Raise your frequency, as you become so LIGHT you can easily be uplifted through these transformative air currents and solar codes, realizing your destiny as a Soul-ar CHRISTED HU-MAN..
HUGE CODES today for the PLANETARY MIND on this majikal day, to set forth the intention for lasting and BENEFICIAL CHANGE!
SUPPORT: YELLOW SOLAR SUN– A DOUBLE DOSE of SUNSHINE today BOOMING out the SOLAR LIGHT linking back to the SOLSTICE portal!!! AHAU is shining so brightly, fully PULSING out Soul-ar codes to awaken our DNA and fuel our Ascension journey. Deep within our cellular coding our real purpose has been hidden and has lain dormant for most of our lives. Now it is rapidly reAWAKEning, agitating and rising.
Today it fully IGNITES with a FLASH of brilliance, giving you the confidence to cast aside any doubts, fears or obstacles to fully embrace your purpose as a LEADER and wayshower, leaping up to take centre stage.
As HUMANITY AWAKENS and we become more EN-LIGHTON-ed, it is easier for our Planetary Mind to evolve quicker and creatively express the DIVINE PLAN for Humanity. We are well on our way to Mastery!
Today the SOLAR SUN will truly TURN UP OUR LIGHTS to SHINE a SPOTLIGHT in the darkest of places… ONE LIGHT is all it takes to shift the darkness.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE OVERTONE WIND – IK provides the energies of GREAT SPIRIT, through the whispering of the Wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination, vibrating higher and unharmed.
Follow the guidance of SPIRIT to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies! White Wind as today’s SUPERPOWER is COMMANDING that the DIVINE PLAN be realized, in order for us all to become our RADIANT truly empowered selves again. The Divine Sovereign beings, that is our birthright and heritage.
The WHITE WIND is powerfully setting INTENTION to BLOW your YACHT beyond the port, out to the expansive ocean of your endless DREAMS.
A beautiful GIFT from Spirit today for rapid evolution and forward momentum – the POWER of the STORM can be catalyzed into manifesting your greatest VISIONS supported by the Winds of change.
Spirit has your back!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SOLAR MOON MULUC is the GODDESS focused on compassion and empathy. We are challenged today through the shadow of RED MOON, which includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. Forgetfulness and lacking awareness of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit, is also a challenge of MULUC. MULUC beckons us to go within and TRUST our intuition and inner knowing.
RED MOON brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any density you have been holding onto in your body, mind or life.
The SOLAR MOON challenges you to PULSE forth your purified intentions, that arise from your Compassionate and sensitive nature. To reap the gifts today MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness.
As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Diana beautifully exemplified KIN 139. She was like a breath of fresh air (White wind superpower!), as she catalyzed incredible change in the old stale system of the British Monarchy. She insisted on being the first British monarch to be a “hands on mum” breaking protocol in order to raise her two boys and keep them close to her. She was young, fresh, naive and pure of heart symbolizing the pure innocence of the Divine child in the Monkey wavespell.
KIN 139 adds up to 13 which represents the GODDESS – which is also the GIFT of KIN 139. And indeed DIANA is the TRUE embodiment of the Goddess, as she rose to attain incredible natural power and adoration, through following the guidance of Spirit and her beautiful PURE HEART. She PULSED forth this SOLAR unconditional LOVE energy, through her HEART. intending to LOVE everyone in her presence.
Her challenge of the RED MOON caused her much self-doubt and low self-esteem in the early days, until she found her true path. Purification was her challenge, evident in her battle with low self-esteem, and the eating disorder -Bulimia. She was surrounded by great toxicity in the Royal palace (which she could not STOMACH!), but regardless, she continued to SHINE her SOLAR LIGHT in the DARKEST of places becoming a true beacon on the world stage.
NOTE: Ironically Kate Middleton – the current PRINCESS of Wales is also having STOMACH issues!!! History repeats!!
Diana always had the BIG PICTURE in view. Diana was a fearless advocate for change, working tirelessly in her charities to assist the vulnerable people – children, the poor, the disadvantaged, the ill and the outcasts. She was able to leverage tremendous power to catalyze her Divine Mission. She held the VISION of UNITY and EQUALITY for all Earth’s citizens and gave her love unconditionally to all whom she met. In return we crowned her “The Queen of Hearts” –
Princess Diana was proven to be the ‘Queen of Hearts’ when the Global Consciousness research program at Princeton University measured an unprecedented outpouring of human emotion, after her funeral which (post 9/11) remains the highest reading ever recorded!.
This global connection, through the outpouring of collective grief, shifted our planet onto a higher timeline of unified compassion, greatly catalyzing our planetary evolution. This is the tremendous transformative POWER of the BLUE SOLAR STORM!
NOTE: This collective response to the Death of Diana was analogous to the SHOCK that the world (and in particular citizens of the USA ) experienced when their much beloved “people’s” president – John F Kennedy was assassinated on 22 November,1962… Yellow Spectral Star day – when indeed the DOUBLE STAR that JFK was shining brightly, was dissolved, released and liberated through his death.
JFK was a White Planetary Worldbridger and like Diana his death was a significant marker in our Planetary AWAKENING process… (NOTE: According to Amanda Ellis – who channels Diana – both Diana and JFK belong to the same REGAL Galactic bloodline/soul group – which accounts for their Planetary impact on our collective psyche!)
These quotes show why Princess Diana is so loved:
“Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can do.”
“The biggest problem in this day and age is that of people feeling unloved.”
“I don’t go by the rule book. I lead from my Heart, not my head.”.
Princess Diana epitomized the qualities of true Royalty, including the heart-felt knowledge that they are indeed privileged to serve Humanity as Divine Emissaries of Spirit.
Princess Diana’s presence was indeed a huge blessing and GIFT to our PLANET and all HUMANITY! That is the difference ONE soul can make, holding a BIG VISION and walking hand in hand with Spirit.
May THE GODDESS forever BLESS her beautiful pure soul!! We LOVE you eternally DIANA!
Today’s question is “How can I catalyze the SOLAR pulses and WINDS of great CHANGE to fuel my greatest VISION, realizing my highest intention?” –
PULSE that out from your HEART TODAY.
Divine blessings for CATALYZING this tremendous SOLSTICE power today for positive progress.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading 🕉
March 3rd through March 9th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 3rd through March 9th 2024, reads two powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation “3-3 Portal Energy Activation – A powerful time of Transition and Transformation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste 🕉
I ask the Great Spirit to remove all non-harmonic energy from my total being, that the dark entities that surround me or may be sent to me never reach me, and be delivered to the light so that from Higher Wisdom they are taken to the place of the universe that they match.
May ill wishes, envy and evil thoughts directed towards me consciously or unconsciously dissolve on the way becoming energy of unconditional love. ..
I ask that dark energies, dark devices and dark connections of my total being, and also of my home, of the animal siblings living with me, of my properties and of all that is in miles and miles around me be transmuted and delivered to the Light ..
I ask my power animal to locate and recover the fragmented parts of my soul, to purify, heal and reintegrate them into the main body of my soul.
I ask the assisting Spirits to fill and protect me with bright Divine Light, and to repair the energetic cracks in my auric field and that of the people around me.
I visualize a column of warm and loving Divine Light coming from the Source filling my entire body, cleansing and healing every part, every cell and every organ of it.
I visualize this Divine Light spreading in all directions around me creating a toroid of Light that shelters all that surrounds me.
I visualize that toroid expanding throughout the universe.
View my home, work place,
car and places I visit. They are all being cleaned, filled and protected by a bright, warm, pleasant, white, purifying light.
I ask the God and Goddess who dwells within me to protect me as long as my soul exists.
I pray for the protection of my family, as well as all the animals and other inhabitants of Pachamama.
I ask my body to cleanse, heal, balance, restore and bless all my vital energy centers when needed, and cover and protect them at all times.
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