Lucid Dreams ~ Heaven on Earth ~ Starseed Evolution United
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Harmonic Earth Angelics of the Ground Crew of the first 144,000
In these final days of 2022 the Higher energetics of our Source Creator is amplifying in the heavens and upon the earth to raise the frequency of this realm to a new height of Bliss and Awareness. In this accelerated expansion of Human Consciousness we are reaching the precipice of critical mass to make the final Quantum Leap into the New Earth as homo-Luminous beings of Eternal Life. To assist with this Ascension Process our local Solaris released a series of Solar Flares and flashes with another Trinity of M Class Flares, the most powerful being a M 2.43 flare bringing in more Cosmic Rays of Transformation and Grace.
Mercury also stations retrograde today in Capricorn aligning in for more of the Time Wave Zero Frequencies for our full compression breakthrough.
Every day now you are becoming more Lucid in both your waking dreams and your sleeping dreams to make clear the Truth of your Original Mind of Buddha Consciousness. This lucidity is bringing into clarity all that is unresolved as we heal, cleanse and clear everything that is left out of balance and any conflicts both internal and external. Remember the inner mirrors the external and the external mirror the internal.
As we merges the two realms of Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Center we become the Rainbow bridge builders to bring in all possibilities and potentialities of multidimensionality for all Life to free humanity from the Wheel of Karma and Samsara and bring back our God given Right of Transcendence and Freedom from all Suffering and to be the True North Navigators of the Unknown into the Great Mystery, Wakan Tanka.
In the Power of the Silence within our Still Center we merge with our Higher Sacred Self to realize we are the Ones the world has been waiting for and become the Guides and the Wayshowers of the New Golden Age and be the living examples of Christ Consciousness as Avatars of the Holy Spirit on Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 9°52′ Aries, Sun at 8°26′ Capricorn
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 9º Capricorn |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 9º Capricorn.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 10º Aries |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 10º Aries.

Roberto Nunez
Vivid dreams, lucid dreams, and remembering why your soul matters are codes that unlock your ancient wisdom stored in your DNA.
In these journeys I see past lives.
You too have skills that are waking up now!!

Akash-Ra Azurite
Starseed Evolution United Reminder:
All Star Children of the Cosmos Logos Ray’s of Christed Light!
We Open a New Doorway of Many Ways Of New Creation Portals!
We are Activating the Highest Purest Soul Aligned Quantum Multidimensional Nova Terra Golden Earth Time-lines Now!
We Create New Soul Agreements Every Nano Second to Teach Our Inner Soul The Cosmic Pathways of the Divine Once Again
WE are Remembering the Plates of Our Organic Original Universal Soul Blueprints That We’re Wiped Coming Into This Creation Portal Of Gaia Mother Ship ….
We Are Remembering we Traveling through Light to Higher States of Dimensions Within this Multi Verses!
Are Sacred Star Cosmos Logos Galactic Councils Assisting Our Journey for 2023 Our us in a Higher Parallel Earth!
Welcome Our New Galactic Quantum Human Divine Blueprint into Full EMBODIMENT Full Existence Now
Reminder to Shine Your Soul Light ! Share Your Soul Light With Humanity!
Galactic New Year 2023 Galactic Golden Diamond Age Ascension Gateway’s!
Reset Realign Restore ALL AWESOMENESS Higher Time-lines!!

Carmen Seraphina Rose
I live in Heaven on Earth
I am not merely speaking of the geography of where I live, though it is smashingly beautiful
I live in Heaven on Earth because that is what my heart wants and has always wanted, and that is where it has always been.
It’s not that I don’t see the shadows or haven’t played in them, I see them, I use them to reflect and refract to assist my channel of light in becoming even more radiant.
I designed it that way.
I live in Heaven on Earth, every moment of every day.
Every smiling face that looks back at me contains it.
Every blade of grass, every sparkle on every leaf on every tree, the animals, the humans, all of nature, the rocks, the ocean, the mountains – all of consciousness contains Heaven on Earth.
I didn’t always know that I lived in Heaven on Earth, sometimes I forgot how to focus as I walked through my own tunnels of darkness.
But the Light, it was always there, the Light at the end of the tunnel, beckoning me, reminding me.
I live in Heaven on Earth and it really is not a place, it is a state of being and I love knowing that.
The Seraphim live closest to God, they love to look into God’s face, into the radiant effulgent light.
I imagine myself as one of the Seraphim and I cannot take my eyes off of God.
Him her me she you they us
We are Heaven on Earth, not because we deserve it, though we do, but because we choose it.
I choose to see it, live in it, grow it, light it up.
I choose Heaven on Earth
As we turn this corner, the end of a year, the end of a cycle, Heaven on Earth is there too, around the corner but also here now.
We are just moving deeper and deeper into her splendor
The sun the moon the stars the planets the galaxies the universe the multiverse the Om-niverse
ALL here now in my Heaven on Earth
And I am grateful as tears pour down my face speaking to the Joy that is bursting from my Heart.
Thank you each and everyone for helping me to choose again, to remember, to know that I can
Live in Heaven on Earth.
Image: Heaven’s Bridge from Not entirely sure of the artist.

Pars Kutay
It Is TIME to use our DIVINE SENSES — Not Common Sense!
In this NOW. . . Humanity is Experiencing what is Called the “Twilight of Kali Yuga” — an Ending Phase Where Conditions on our Planet are at their Most SERIOUS. . . CRITICAL. . . and INTENSE.
It is also a TIME whereby there are Many Opportunities to Level Up in Consciousness Provided.
This is the Compassion and Mercy of The DIVINE SOURCE.
However. . . DIVINE SOURCE will NOT allow DIVINE Principles to BE covered over by Culture or Historical Inaccuracy.
Deep Study of Ancient Scriptures and the Original Languages that they were written in must BE done in order to understand the SACRED TRUTHS Moving through each of them.
This is Called Performing an EXEGESIS.
However. . . in the era of “Kali Yuga”. . . most of Humanity is NOT interested in Extensive Study and Deep Prayer and Meditation.
Therefore. . . there is much low intellect and poor cognitive ability in “Kali Yuga”.
Because of the low consciousness of so much of Humanity. . . DIVINE SOURCE is NOW Causing DNA to Tremendously come On-Line — DNA that traditional science for far too long referred to as “junk DNA”.
There is NO such thing as Junk DNA.
The DNA in each Cell is like a Coil that is Unwrapping and Receiving Massive Amounts of “BIO-PHOTONS” which is a Network Carrying SOURCE LIGHT FREQUENCY from Cell to Cell.
WE Are Comprised of LIGHT. . . and WE Are NOW in a Process of LIGHT AND SOUND TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION. . .
a Process that has been Experienced by Vast Galaxies and Universes Long. . . Long ago that are NOW Far ADVANCED.
This is NOT Science Fiction. . .
As LIGHT Comes into the Cellular Network. . . HIGHER Capabilities of Consciousness occur. . . and Greater KNOWLEDGE is Desired.
The LIGHT Comes into some persons faster than it does into others because DIVINE SOURCE Knows how much each individual can handle based upon Where their FOCUS is relative to their Intellectual and Spiritual Orientation.
Thus. . . Everyone is Receiving LIGHT. . . but NOT Everyone Processes it in the same manner.
In like manner. . . BIO-PHOTONS are Always Available for Profounder Processing.
WILLINGNESS is a Key Component in BIO-PHOTONIC Reception.
WE Are What WE Choose to BE. . . and our Experiences Out-Play Accordingly.
As the final days of “2022” occur. . . there will BE HIGHER COSMIC ENERGY Almost Daily.
The Stage is BE-ing Set for even GREATER COSMIC EVENT in “2023” and BEyond as our Planet. . . Solar System. . . and Galaxy SOAR through Bright and Intense LIGHT.
Our Sun will BE Receiving ENORMOUS Amounts of LIGHT from the GREAT CENTRAL SUN. . . the Photon Belt. . . and the Great Attractor
All the Creations of The DIVINE SOURCE Who is also Sending Direct SOURCE LIGHT from what CANNOT BE Truly Analyzed or Understood with a Left-Brain Logic — Beyond the Beyond.
So. . . although our Magnetosphere has been Depleted by about 20 percent in Strength which Allows for Challenging POSITIVE PROTONS to Enter into our Planetary REALM from its far side (which SOURCE is obviously allowing). . .
WE Are BE-ing Given the LIGHT that WE Need to BE Protected. . . Cleared. . . Cleansed and Illuminated in order for the BIO-PHOTONIC Network to Perform in DIVINE ORDER.
All Anyone Needs to Do is Decide to ANCHOR to the LIGHT. . . and to Engage in Spiritual and Natural Techniques for SELF-NURTURANCE.
Although HU-man Consciousness is ELEVATING. . . the Physical Vessel and the Emotions are STILL Sensitive.
Thoughts can Still BE Confused.
This is why PATIENCE and NURTURING is Vital for Everyone — both for those Who are HIGHLY ELEVATED as well as for those Who are just BEginning the Journey to HIGHER Understanding.
Everyone is STILL Riding the COSMIC SEA as its Waves BEcome LARGER.
This is the LIGHT that has been ADVANCING Towards us AGE after AGE.
The Brighter and More Intense that LIGHT BEcomes. . . the WIDER the Door Opens to our NEXT AGE.

Blue Rose Oracles
Increasing blasts of plasma light waves moving into the higher octaves of filament and grid lines around Pachamama.
These plasma waves are the pulsating particles of source frequency which contains the chrysted (Crystalline) =Christ Aligned consciousness – the golden nectar that unifies all molecules and atoms within the physical vessel transforming the carbon data sets into their original crystalline form thus reactivating the original blueprints and memories of our true nature.
We are receiving this influx of information from the celestial and cosmic spheres these light encoded particles coming from the central sun are filtered to preserve the essence of source love as this beautiful golden wavelength enters the magnetosphere.
As the planetary grids continue to recalibrate and shift into a new Magnetic Resonance formed from these increased source particle waves …the old Magnetic Field and associated grids which supported the holographic reality framework are dissolving.
Linear time is no longer operational as we are experiencing the speeding up of perceived time and the destabilization of old matrices that operate within the old magnetic and holographic fields.
Timelines are converging to a fixed point which some have refers to as “the great solar flash” this is the quantum reset point where all personal and collective timelines converge creating the end of the old holographic era (calendar) and the ascension into a new holographic layer of our fractal universe.
Ascending into the new holographic universe or dimension as a collective consciousness group involves transcending the precious level of consciousness we have held until this point… allowing, remembering, receiving and surrendering to the divine presence within the higher heart.
The old tools and perceptions, perspectives & duality mindsets no longer apply or work within this enlightenment phase of our collective existence & experience as we are here to embody the new earthen wisdom and vibration through being, embodying and living as our higher aspects in the now moment… to let each moment become a celebration and ceremony of gratitude and bliss for this physical experience and expression of divine grace & presence.
You are the bridge and the gateway between each dimensional octave of divinity and source love.. you are the vibrational anchor of light holding space for miracles to manifest.
The whole physical vessel is upgrading as each chakra is aligning with the beautiful recalibrations within Pachamama’s own chakra system as the crystalline structure of the planetary grids fills with the most incredible waves of light and Mother Gaia infuses her own chakra system with new octaves of frequency and intensity.
This period of collective and planetary ascension and co creation is the emergence from the fog dream of illusion and distortion into the crystalline clarity of remembrance and reawakening… we are no longer veiled and subscribed to the old ways of being, seeing, believing and experiencing.
We are free, sovereign and rebirthing into a golden age of divinity and ascendancy.
You are the light
You are the key 🔑


Aurora Ray
ETs Are Already Here, And They Want To Help
The benevolent ETs are here to help us.
ETs are extraterrestrial intelligent life forms that inhabit the universe. They are called extraterrestrials, or ETs for short.
ETs have been visiting earth since time immemorial, but they have kept a low profile and have not interfered with human affairs. Only recently have they started to reveal themselves to the public.
This transition has taken place through various means, such as crop circles, sightings of unidentified flying objects, and more.
ETs have advanced technology that allows them to travel through space at speeds much faster than the speed of light. They use this technology to travel from one-star system to another in order to assist humanity in areas where we need help.
The ETs have been very busy helping humans on every level imaginable: by providing us with technology, knowledge, and assistance when we most need it; by showing us how they live their lives; by sharing their wisdom; by providing us with solutions to our problems; by giving us opportunities for growth and development; by promoting peace and harmony on our planet; and even by helping us create a better future for ourselves as a species!
They are here to help us understand how the universe works and how it can be used to our advantage.
We need ETs because we are not smart enough to not destroy ourselves with wars and nukes. We need ETs because we are too busy trying to satisfy our little ego’s needs while ignoring the fact that there is a super powerful soul in charge of it all. We need ETs to assist those of us who are ready and deeply wish for a more positive experience where all are well and happy.
There are those who think they are better than everyone else, or constantly mumble negativity, or can’t stop themselves from gossiping about other people for one hour. And most importantly, you can coach, teach, and talk all you want with these people to no ends, it is fruitless. If you recommend that they should try to meditate, they will frown at you.
These people are not interested to look at themselves in the mirror. Most probably they won’t be able to even find themselves in the mirror. All they want is someone to listen and confirm that everyone is bad but them.
This shift is not about them and not for them. Their destination is not 5D. Not this time.
The ETs have come to save us from our own mistakes and help us understand what we have done wrong in the past. They have told us that they will be here for a long time and they will help us improve our ways of living on this planet.
They have told us that they want to help us with their advanced technology so that we can live better lives on this planet.
Their technology is so advanced that we can’t even begin to comprehend what it would take for them to be able to build a spacecraft that could travel from one-star system to another.
They have built these spacecraft so that we will be able to see them when we look up at the night sky. They want us to know that there is life out there other than us humans, and they want us to know that there are civilizations on other planets in our galaxy or even other galaxies in the universe!
The most common way of communicating with ETs is through telepathy. Telepathy is the ability to send messages without using your voice or hands; you just think about what you want to say, and it will be understood by the other person in your mind.
This method works because we are all connected on a spiritual level; our thoughts are shared by others who can read them in their minds. The process of telepathy is called “non-local quantum entanglement” (NQE). It allows us to communicate with each other instantly, wherever we are in the universe.
The NQE theory was first proposed by Dr. Amit Goswami in his book ‘The Self-Aware Universe: Quantum Physics, Meditation, and the Afterlife’. He states that when matter or energy reaches a certain level of purity or spirituality, it becomes capable of communicating.
The point in all of this is that the universe works in ways that we can’t possibly understand with our limited perception. It’s not really about the ETs, or the UFOs, or any other part of it for that matter. Instead, it’s about how we perceive reality and understand how our consciousness can be a factor.
This, of course, isn’t new information. It’s always been there, and many people have always believed in it. We’re bringing it back into the mainstream—but only because we have solid evidence to support this information, not just theories and ideas.
Sure, the ETs will inspire us with ideas that we would have never thought of ourselves. After all, they have access to our “Akashic Record,” a kind of universal knowledge that can teach all species what they need to know about moving forward. In any case, we should trust that all species deserve the same chance at growth and experience; it’s the natural order of things in the universe.
However, we must remember that the ETs are not here to do our work for us. If a species is to grow toward a higher level of consciousness, it must take active steps toward this goal. We, too, must take action toward these changes.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Positive thinking will manifest the union of the heart and mind, so love can grow in all areas of your life. Be aware of any negative thinking and self-talk. Quiet the mind and focus on peace so you can create the quality of life you desire. This is a necessary step to launch ahead and receive your new life. Get grounded in your body, and listen to the inspiring ideas directing you.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

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