You are currently viewing Lakshmi Ma’s DIWALI Zero-Degree Lotus FULL Super Moon in Aries * Crystal Starseeds ~ Hail the Taurids
Our great grandmother

Lakshmi Ma’s DIWALI Zero-Degree Lotus FULL Super Moon in Aries * Crystal Starseeds ~ Hail the Taurids

Lakshmi Ma’s DIWALI Zero-Degree Lotus FULL Super Moon in Aries * Crystal Starseeds ~ Hail the Taurids




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Blessed Dragon Nation of our New Avalon Rising

Happy Full Supermoon in the Fiery Energies of Aries the Ram!

The Full Super Power of the Dragon Energies are flowing down in the descension from the Great Central Sun and rising up through the ascension from the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth. These Cosmic Energetics meet in the Middle of your Sacred Vessel of your Heart Chakra to illuminate and activate your Queens Chamber in the Core Zero Point of your Sacred Vessel.

In this activation we transform into the 5D Avatars of New Earth and raise this realm into the higher dimensions to free Gaia and all Humanity from these cycles of suffering and into the Freedom of the Totality of our Multidimensional Indestructible Diamond Mind of Buddha Consciousness. Fully Awake and Fully Aware.

It is time to rise and bloom and blossom as Enlightened Lotus Flowers of Eternal Bliss Consciousness…A’Ho!











TODAY’S ORACLE. Bold and energetic Full Moon in Aries. Restless for some. Let me tell you that momentum is resuming — your next chapter wants to start now. There is an organic draw to let go of choices, situations and projects that you chose for yourself in the past. It was good for you for a while but is outgrown now–a cycle has come to completion. Inner power is being reclaimed. Feel your self-worth, your inner fire, reborn.
You are feeling new priorities. Making new choices for yourself. Taking action to actively choose new paths. The energy is electric and charged. Walk through the doors that are opening for you. Feel the courage growing within you, giving you the strength you need. You deserve.
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, has shifted from the sensitive Full Moon in Pisces energies, into fiery Aries
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, has shifted from the sensitive Full Moon in Pisces energies, into fiery Aries
Now as things heat up exponentially in this next 2 weeks, keeping ourselves in the Sanctuary of our Hearts where we are held in Presence is important. So too is speaking of the many things you are Grateful for. This is a time for deep reflection and awareness of what you are able to do/Be to create a blank slate for New Beginnings. There is no need to look back and wish you had chosen this or that, done this or that, or been this or that. Leap out of what was.
That is merely the mind/ego, ‘the slayer(s) of truth,’ stirring the pot.
We are initiating and Being initiated now in the Way of Living as Unencumbered Particles of God paving the path for the many following and consider these words by Paul Selig..
‘Whatever I have done, whatever I have known myself as, all the things I have worried about and carried hard upon my shoulders will now be lifted to the sight of the Christ. I lift the vision of my life I have lived and attended to unto the eyes of the Christ, to meet me here where I Am Now. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is, Beloved I Am, beloved I Am, beloved I Am.
Love to ALL,

Aries Full Moon – Oct 17th

Think of this Aries Full Moon as the Footnote of the Eclipse Season we have had the past 1;5 yrs . The final powerful subtext which if overlooked can undermine the focal gains of this Eclipse Axis but if given proper consideration can significantly catapult the gains /lessons/ rewards we have gleaned through this Libra/ Aries Eclipse period since July 2023.
Only this time the Focus is more on our inner landscape. Where are we out of balance and alignment with our inner relationships to- Our Health/ food/ exercise, Our Selves- where are we choosing distraction instead of taking control, leadership and accountability , Our Joy – where are we allowing toxicity to persist , our relationship with others – which toxic patterns/ connections need to be severed, Our Wounds- where are we avoiding the healing wrt intergenerational/ ancestral/ past life wounds and baggage as well as Inner Child Healing of the Mother/ Father Wound, Our Finances. Ultimately where are we out of balance and alignment with our True Self Worth , where is toxicity still persisting that erodes our Self Worth, what investment is now required in our health/ relationships/ healing/ learnings that will enable us to function from our Highest Potential.
This is the Final Deep Structural and Foundational change that we are being called to make for the next 3 months . We may have been working on it for a while/years , but with Chiron in the mix , we are getting brilliant focused Key insights/ guidance as how to navigate this final level of transformation- transforming the Toxic Poison into Gold/ Potential -This is Pure Alchemy at play here……IF we are Courageous enough to take the plunge!!!
The Inner Masculine needs to rise to the occasion- Action, Not Reaction. The Wounded inner child is Reactionary. Action, based on a deep inner guidance , requires Courage- The Healed Masculine within is what we need to nurture and support. And it needs to be accompanied with positive self worth , deep self awareness and commitment to our primal selves and co creation and manifestations aspirations.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Aries Full Moon
Aries Full Moon
10/17/24: You may be facing tests of strength and endurance in this month of endings that can arise in any area of your life but will probably surface in the most vulnerable. These situations have a twofold purpose. The first is to keep you from clinging to what must remain in your past or will become a hindrance to your future. The second is to pull your power forward. Today, with its double 8 energy, and its full supermoon in Aries, is no time to play small, unsure, or weak.
This is a game changer. Set your sights on what you want. Be fearless in your dedication to it. Know that you have within you what it takes to get it. You will feel a shift today that says it’s time to power on. The Dragon year is still a force within you and it’s time to test your wings once more.
The Dragon year
The Dragon year

Master Lady Kira Raa

Lotus FULL Moon Hail the Taurids

BE-LOVED Master of the Yoga of Self-Ascension I bow before thee!

The imminent ascension Experience is opening as this specific Lotus Full Moon begins to BLOOM! Within the radiation of the power of the 17, this specific full moon opens a stunning five day portal of Eternal Life Ignition…PAY ATTENTION as this is leading to the “COLLISION OF CONSCIOUSNESS” on the 22nd that will begin to reveal what is waiting with the peak of the Taurid meteors on November 4 and 5!

Humanity is standing AT THE PRECIPICE as NEW LIFE Begins its BIRTHING cycle RIGHT NOW!

As the Taurids peak, the bombardment cycle will become fully illuminated. ALL that was hidden will be clearly on display for you to gain ultimate clarity.

How you move through this bombardment is your CHOICE!

This moment is calling you to go beyond the mind of form. As you embrace the energy and the JOY of the vision of life through the eyes of a child, the remainder of October become a gift that will take you beyond where any have been before!

October 17, Lotus Full Moon peaks and five day eternal life ignition begin…notice each of these five days util we arrive at the…

October 22, COLLISION of Conscious Awareness!

This OPENS the Field of REBIRTH for ALL and calls You into rapid results through the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation


the NEW WORLD is unfolding and YOU ARE Ready



Serpent Lotus
Serpent Lotus


OCTOBER 17 2024


Under the nuclear, shocking and explosive energies of this full moon, we will be able to see things that were unseen and receive energies of old unresolved issues that are now coming to a conclusion and a blessed healing.
There are certain symbolic bills that the universe will be delivering which carry the energy of the end of the old paradigm.
There are karmic balances that ask to be addressed.
This is absolutely necessary now.
We are deep in the inner restoration as the kundalini nodes are revealing everything that the yin and yang were holding as inner disagreement or disharmony.
Behind these disagreement are the deepest wounds and traumas which are calling to be felt and healed.
The Twin Flames are preparing to receive the energy of EROS.
All the clocks now are syn-chronising very fast and the wheels of the physical change of the system, are on!
The Twin Flames have arrived.
They hold the pendulum that carries a great meaning!
All of these new developments are very much connected to the galactic worlds that we are now reconnecting to…
but first a karmic settlement, liberation and resolution is to take place!
Blessings of karmic liberation!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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twin flame time travelers
twin flame time travelers


Dear friends, the Arcturus Gateway opens its celestial doors annually from October 16th to October 20th, presenting a unique opportunity for profound spiritual and energetic alignment. During this period, we are invited to engage with the transformative energies of Arcturus, a star that resonates deeply with healing and personal evolution. On these dates, the Sun joins the star Arcturus at 24° Libra, opening an energetic portal that invites us to go inward and connect with our hearts. The lightcodes from Arcturus, transmitted and enhanced through the Sun’s rays, facilitate emotional healing, creativity, and spiritual growth.
As we align with these energies, we often experience a remarkable shift in our emotional and mental landscapes. This time is not merely a passage; it serves as a catalyst for integrating complex life experiences and transmuting stagnant energies into vibrant, higher frequencies. Many who resonate with the Arcturus high dimensional frequencies find themselves enveloped in a newfound sense of appreciation and joy, recognizing the beauty within themselves and the intricate web of interconnectedness that binds all beings. This heightened awareness fosters a deeper love and compassion for oneself and others, illuminating the path toward individual and collective emotional healing.
The Arcturus Gateway acts as a cosmic portal, facilitating reconnection with our true essence—an essence that transcends the limitations of time and space. During this alignment, we gain access to higher dimensions of consciousness, which can catalyze significant personal growth and spiritual awakening. Engaging in practices such as visualization allows us to receive these lightcodes promoting spiritual evolution, and align us more closely with our higher selves. Visualizing a radiant blue light being emitted from Arcturus entering through the crown chakra is a powerful method to harness these transformative energies.
In addition to healing and awakening, this period is particularly auspicious for manifestation. The alignment of the Sun with Arcturus amplifies our creative potential, making it an ideal time for setting intentions and manifesting desires, specially under this super full moon. Spending time outdoors—whether through sun-gazing, hiking, walking, or meditating in nature—enhances our ability to absorb the high frequencies available during this gateway.
Moreover, aligning with the Arcturus Gateway opens channels of communication with Arcturian beings—advanced extradimensional entities known for their wisdom and guidance. These beings are believed to have been assisting humanity in elevating its vibrational frequency and gaining deeper insights into universal truths. By engaging in heart-opening practices during this celestial event, we can significantly enhance our connection to these benevolent guides of light and amplify the benefits associated with the Arcturus Gateway.
In essence, this period invites us to embrace healing, transformation, and connection with higher levels of consciousness while empowering our manifesting abilities. The Arcturus Gateway is not merely an astronomical event; it is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. May you have an enlightening full moon and Arcturian gateway.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The Full Blood Supermoon on October 17 highlights a transformational planetary phase , one of releasing outdated patterns and undergoing deeper energetic purification. This celestial event activates profound shifts within , catalysing a deep cleansing of blockages and obstacles hindering the ascension path.
This potent energy of the Supermoon in Aries, also known as the Blood Moon, is a powerful and an unstoppable force of planetary energy propelling the ascending towards their intended and desired life trajectory. Consciously Expanding in this lunar energy allows for significant advancements , accelerations and paves the way for the realisation of destined manifestations.
The Full Moon in Aries will also activate a powerful karmic reset, this is a time where the self will evolve into higher versions and transition into the next phases of ascending life . Destined realignments are now taking place as higher guidance takes over , ensuring Vibrational aligned beginnings and deserving opportunities, connections that resonate with self’s true essence. hindrances obstructing destiny are being dissolved by this potent lunar energy, clearing the path for true and meaningful manifestations to materialise.
Pluto, the planet associated with death, rebirth, power, and transformation, has turned direct again. This shift signifies a planetary phase of profound changes and regeneration in life , particularly in how we relate to self and others. Through this process, hidden emotions and obstacles that have been hindering inner development and hiding the truth are being revealed and cleared.
The recent celestial events such as the 1010 portal , solstice and Eclipse season further intensified this accelerated transformational phase . With Pluto moving direct we are lovingly urged to let go of the outdated internal patterns and consciously welcome in new beginnings. This catalytic energy is expected to bring clarity, growth, and empowerment.
It is a time to step into self power, overcoming challenges and moving forward with confidence, the transformations taking place are opening many ascending to the opportunities for personal evolution and positive changes that lay ahead.
Until November 3rd, Mercury is moving through Scorpio this represents for many deep self-exploration and shadow work. This transit urges us all to delve into our unconscious, possibly confronting uncomfortable truths, and bringing hidden aspects of self into the light. Accepting this darkness leads to shedding masks, facing fears, and undergoing a transformational process symbolic to an inner rebirth.
Scorpio’s alchemy energies will empower Starseeds to heal and evolve , emphasising the importance of recognising and integrating the shadow self . By acknowledging and working through our inner complexities we access our true essence and progress on the path to enlightenment. Remembering that confronting the inner shadows ultimately leads to profound epiphanies and significant self-realisation.
The Super Full Moon occurring on October 17th is considered the biggest and brightest Full Moon of this year. This lunar event will provide increased clarity and insights, crown chakra activations allowing us to uncover what was previously hidden from conscious awareness.
Many ascending are breaking feee from more constraints and letting go of what no longer serves a higher or meaningful purpose . Some may find the courage and strength needed to make bolder decisions, setting clearer and healthier boundaries, taking inspired action to remove the self from situations that do not vibrate in the same conscious levels .
Astrologically this Super Full Moon falls in the sign of Aries, associated with action initiation, leadership, courage, and independence. During this time, the energy of Aries inspires the ascending to take Inspired action and asserting the self when necessary .
The intensity of a Super Full Moon strongly amplifies emotions and encourages all to address any areas of life that may require change or adjustment. It is a time for deeper self reflection, metabolising cognising and integrating powerful transformational energies . The planetary energy of this lunar event , it will shine light on the path and help self to feel equipped to navigate new earth , this intense energy will assist ascending self in making any important decisions, changes and enhance prioritising the well-being.
The Super Full Moon in Aries presents many diverse opportunities for personal growth, empowerment, and self-discovery. It highlights embracing inner strength, trusting the power is self’s intuition, pursuing the path, pursuing the souls calling , feeling in natural harmony and vibration with planetary energies , feeling connected to the part they play in our planetary alignment the co creating with Individual and collective consciousness .
This full super moon in Aries brings in powerful energy shifts, activating positivity increasing synchronicity , promoting abundance, rewards , blessings, expansion in consciousness and enhancements in Love .
This cosmic alignment will elevate inner enthusiasm and joy, prosperity increases over the next three months. The Ascending are preparing for the onset of new positive experiences and many divine blessings.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers ©️
Full Blood Supermoon
Full Blood Supermoon


For The Cascading Light Is A Transponder of Great Change 🙏🌿
The Great Uprising Of LIGHT
We Are Asked To Follow Our Truth
Feel The Great Light Of Now
The Innnate Observation Of Your Inner World
For The Crystalline Expression of You Is Uprising
Pay Close Attention To Your Internal Light World
The Great Messages Of Light You Will Be Receiving
For Each Of You Hold A Great Antennae Of Change
A Crystalline Light Tool Ready For Exploration And Birthing
Pay Close Attention To Following Your Truth
Your Internal Compass
To Bring Forth The Light Of Now Is A Multidimensional Expression Of Self
To Buying A Beautiful Plant For Your Home, A Wonderful Bunch Of Flowers
To Visiting An Ancient Temple To A Community Centre
Each Experience Holds A Crystalline Signature Of Light To Explore And Exchange
For The Birthing Of Your Unique Crystalline Light Expression Is Here
A Path Of Light To Explore, Weave, And Attune
For We Are A Community Of Light 🙏
Simply Play And Explore In Your Crystalline Truth
Wonderful Light Expansion And Expression Is Here For You
Together We Ride The Light Waves Of Creation
Be Love, Be Light 🙏💫
The Arcturian Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
Crystal starseeds
Crystal starseeds


Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE


Relationship abuse may have caused a lot of mental imbalances. Today’s Full Moon is delivering justice that is healing the mind. The Crown Chakra is activating with God Consciousness. This is showing you how to move away from deception, and into healthy friendships and systems. Huge changes are happening launching you forward into this fresh start.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



Integrity FIELD surrounding Relationships
Integrity FIELD surrounding Relationships


October 17, 2024: Full Moon at Aries 24°35’, 7:26 am EDT.

Aries, the sign of the Warrior, ruled by Mars. Mars is the Warrior’s Roman name; Aries is his Greek name. In Egyptian myth, this is Set, the Warrior King.
The Warrior archetype is severely wounded in our modern world. In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, the fire sign Aries is aligned with Kephera, the Spiral Dancer. Kephera is associated with the Scarab, a representation of the beautifully complicated dung beetle. Dung beetles are pathogenetic, meaning they hold qualities of both the feminine and masculine. They lay their eggs and fertilize them. They protect and nurture those eggs until they hatch.
Warriors are intended to be protectors of the community and nurturers of those in need. This multi-faceted expression of the Warrior has been lost in our modern world. In the complicated myth of Set, he is the protector of Ra and also the murderer of his brother Osiris.
At this Full Moon, the Sun/Moon opposition forms a Grand Cross with transiting Mars in Cancer – the sign associated with nurturing – and Pluto. This final transit of Pluto – Osiris – through the earth sign Capricorn is proving to be quite difficult. The structures of society are under stress, many to the breaking point.
The Aries Full Moon will be in a tight conjunction to Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord. Both are conjunct to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. The Warrior is running amok, but there is also evidence of action directed by compassion. I live in western North Carolina. I am fortunate; the effects of Hurricane Helene were minimal in my immediate area. Just 50 miles down the road there are scenes of total destruction. And there are amazing examples of people organizing to help those in need. This is the very best of Mars/Set. This Warrior knows his purpose – to nurture and protect. In this, there is hope.
October 16, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
Image: Kephera by SiriusUgoArt
Last April 8th with the Aries Solar Eclipse we sparked a new vision, deep within our unconscious we conceived a renewal of the flame that we need to put into the world. A healing vision of heart, to bridge us into creating a reality that nurtures us. A sacred rainbow vision to create a world of gold.
Today the Full Moon illuminates that intention we conceived 6 months ago. Awareness dawns, we realise how the light of our heart needs to be brought into the world. We can see clearly the patterns, not just personal but ancestoral and collective ~ that need to be released. That need understanding and integration to heal the pattern. To choose a different pathway forward.
The energies are intense, tension spread out over many areas of our lifes. Deep change needs to take effect so that we can see a transformation in actions taken, so that we can empower ourselves and our lineage in a way that doesn’t seek power externally ~ seeking power over others ~ as this is bred from fear. Egoicness. Survival.
Seeing the pain carried in our DNA, seeing the effects of misused power, seeing the suffering and the frustrations carried down through our feminine line ~ desires suppressed, women historically seperated out from their creative source. Women, easy targets for projection of accumulated rage and the disconnect from our true essence.
Our great grandmother are felt strongly at this time. Their tears seek to wash away our pain. Their love seeks to encourage us to courageously choose a different path. Encouraging us to breath a vision of deep love, drawing from the well within us.
Change is needed. We do have a say in how our world changes. Believing that we don’t is an accumulation of disempowered ancestoral scripts that weigh us down. Every action has a reaction, a ripple effect. We can never know how far the smallest change reachs on the air ways.
Notice how your can change your immediate environment, how you can create change in your personal interactions. How you can use your voice to bring a vision new to life, creating change within your family dynamics or your community. And know that your intension will be carried futher that your eye will ever see.
I ask that we send prayers world wide, a bridge of light warm from our heart to melt the hardest of hearts and to uplift the saddest of hearts. May nobody be forgotten 🙏🏼
The Metta Prayer is a prayer or mantra used as part of the loving-kindness meditation.
May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.
May all beings be free.
Aries full moon reflections Deeply Woven #fullmoon #astrology #deeplywoven Blue Rose School of Astrology, Ireland
Our great grandmother
Our great grandmother
On Thursday, October 17th, we just experienced the Full Moon in initiating, fire sign Aries! Did you sleep last night, and stay balanced in the energy of peace? Now, Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine, connects with the power of Pluto, ruler of death, rebirth and transformation. By this afternoon, Eastern Time, she will leave the shadows of watery Scorpio for the transmuting fires of Sagittarius where she will stay until November 11th.
During this time she will seek out freedom, liberation, independence, expansiveness, new horizons and higher knowledge and wisdom. Her quest for spiritual truth is magnified and her desire for adventure is calling! Will you heed the call? Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Full Moon in initiating, fire sign Aries
Full Moon in initiating, fire sign Aries
Full Moon in Aries. Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Venus enters Sagittarius – The skies are alight, the head on fire. The energies reach boiling point, and the heart feels an acute need for change. Right now, anything and everything feels urgent. Our inner warrior screams for action, the gut says, ‘do or die’. Mentally we may feel in a dark place – or perhaps it’s just that it all feels so complicated right now. Choose your battles carefully. Consider what is worth fighting for. Pay attention to what is consuming your energy. Think about what you want, not what you don’t want.
Sometimes the truth is inconvenient, painful, unwelcome – and yet it is truth that blasts through blocks. Truth is the catapult required to get out of a dark hole, the catalyst to change a life, the jump start needed for an emotionally flat battery! Make way for the truth and she will lay a kiss upon your brow. Whilst these energies are potentially explosive, sometimes it’s the only way to get to the treasure buried under years of garbage. Stand tall brave heart, you’ve got this.
Degrees and Times
Moon 24°Ar35′, Sun 24°Li35′ – 12:26 (BST)
Venus 29°Sc38′, Pluto 29°Cp38′ – 13:30 (BST)
Venus 00°Sg00′ – 20:28 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – The Flame (Goddess of Fire) by Odilon Redon
The Flame - Goddess of Fire
The Flame – Goddess of Fire

Kin 102 ~ White Spectral Wind

‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its key words are ‘Liberation, Release and Dissolve’. The 11th day of a wavespell offers everyone the chance to release and let go. Experience how lighter you can feel when you no longer lose energy over things you once gave importance to. Ponder today what really matters and let go of the rest…we can waste too much time and energy on circumstances we have no power to change. Today we are liberated from the agenda of the wavespell. We are free to do what we like.
Today is White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Breathe and Spirit’. White Wind days are a breeze! The words to the Pink Floyd song ‘Keep Talking’ sums up today perfectly. Keep those channels of communications open, make that call or write that email or say sorry if that’s overdue. Write a poem or a story, give a talk or engage in a debate. As it is a ‘Spectral’ day this suggests that we can be liberated by what we say …so get it off your chest! The time is now. The White Wind also represents spirit. Try having a chat with the Universe today as that may lead to your liberation.
Today’s Guide is the White Wind and so we have a double dose of this energy. The White Wind can be guided by either the Mirror, Dog, Wizard or Worldbridger. Every day in the Tzolkin is guided by the same color as the day. When the Wind is guided by Wind, there is no external influence. Did you know that it is the number that decides what the guide will be? Numbers 1,6,11 are always guided by themselves.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Human and as we are in the Yellow Human wavespell, this leaves us in an interesting quandary. We must open the channels of communication but channeling or using our intuition is challenging. This means that speaking is easy but it is harder to know intuitively what to say. It is not impossible…you just have to try harder and be very careful you don’t blurt out something you regret saying later, try using a filter!
The Occult power is the Blue Storm which is a powerful game changing energy and when in this powerful Occult position, expect magic to help make these changes. If you want the Blue Storm to breathe fresh air into your life, have an open mind and believe in magic. If you are a Blue Storm, you will enjoy today immensely as you are able to make the changes you feel so compelled to make. If you are not a Blue Storm, you too can make magical changes today as the Storm is so beautifully aspected.
The Ally is the Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’ and people born on Red Earth will be of great help today. They go hand in hand with Wind Energy because communicating with one another is how we evolved into Human Beings in the first place. To further your evolution, locate a Red Earth to talk to…they will have encouraging words to say.
Kin 102
Kin 102


11 IK – KIN 102
17 OCTOBER 2024
🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀
Releasing breath
I seal the input of Spirit
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED
🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀
17/10/2024 = 8/10/8 = 8/18 = 8/9=17=8
✨17.17 LEGACY code ✨✨✨
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
kin 102 = 3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity
A beautiful FLOW of abundant support from Spirit today through the 8.8.8. code.
A brilliant day to connect with the DIVINE messages, releasing all impediments to starting afresh.
Day 11 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today we are able to dissolve and release anything that is impeding our evolution to greater wisdom, sovereignty, Abundance and FREEDOM. 💥
SPECTRAL🌀 is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and LIBERATING!💥
This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE the PAST and move forward FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions. The SPECTRAL action works to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you claiming your true POWER in order to REBUILD the new.
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW WORLD.
Today’s question is “What do I need to RELEASE in order to be truly LIBERATED and become a clear channel for Spirit to FLOW through me?”
“Have I aligned with the DIVINE PATH to LIBERATE my soul’s Mission on Earth?”
Blessed be dear ones, a great day for listening and channeling Spirit through writing, meditating, journaling, drawing, singing, chanting, prayer and connecting through the natural world.
Divine blessings for allowing the breath of Spirit🌬🍃 to flow through your purified channel today, heralding great revolutionary TRANSFORMATION.🌬💥💥
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀
Be mindful and be observant as the communication channels are much clearer today. The VOICE OF GOD, will come through much STRONGER today, so find yourself a quiet sanctuary and be STILL in order to benefit from the whisperings of White Wind.
There is much WISDOM to be found through channeling Divine messages, greater than any library or google search!!!. The Divine can teach and show you incredibly wondrous revelations, beyond our limited comprehension or technology.
In times of chaos and confusion the best solution is to GO WITHIN – connect with Spirit🕊 and ask the DIVINE to show you the TRUTH.
You will feel it with all your being, in your HEART, in your gut and in your entire body, with all your knowingness. TRUST that the DIVINE TRUTH is accessible to ALL souls who honestly are seeking the TRUTH.
The WHITE KIN 🕊 are the PURIFIERS, they assist you in cleansing your mind and body, in order to raise your vibration, becoming the hollow vessel for Spirit to FLOW through effortlessly. Once connected you can ascend to a greater level of faith, confidence and service to the Divine, knowing that ALL IS WELL and Spirit has your back.
🌫✨Allow the DIVINE MAJIK to FLOW into your vessel and your life through this LIBERATION SPIRIT GATEWAYl! 🌞✨🌫
Spirit may guide you to go to places or connect with people, in order to bring them more freedom and liberation. Trust in the messages.
Open your EARS👂 and EXPAND your MIND through the codes and data streaming forth today. Become the hollow bamboo and allow the breath of Spirit 🌬to flow🌫 through your being, directing the new way to GO GO GO… Open your mainsail and let the winds of Spirit set your course. ⛵⛵⛵
On a global level we may witness more disclosure and TRUTH flowing through our media and information channels, as the word of Spirit is gaining FORCE. We are very likely to HEAR speeches and words of WISDOM from wise leaders seeking to LIBERATE humanity from oppressive forces, which have limited our CHOICES and FREE WILL.
As the pressure builds the people are rising to the challenge, to reclaim their POWER and LIBERATE their FREEDOM, choosing to live in alignment with Natural Lore and the Divine Plan for humanity. ✨
Yellow Human OPENS the doors to ABUNDANCE and today the 8.8.8. triple ABUNDANCE GATE – ensures that Spirit is FULLY SUPPORTING our Divine Missions providing a FLOW of resources needed for us all to THRIVE.
This is the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and Spirit has our back. TRUST and you will receive all that you need to create your legacy on EARTH.
🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀
SUPPORT: RED SPECTRAL EARTH 🌏– CABAN today synergistically reveals the signs and symbols from Spirit which puts you in the flow🌫 of synchronicity. We need to LISTEN and observe more intently in order to respond with more sensitivity and compassion as an instrument for spirit.
Act on inspiration as it comes to you, without analyzing it. And remember: the breath of Spirit can be as subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense it and experience it.
The SPECTRAL EARTH 🌀🌎 is known as QUAKING EARTH💥🌎 – this can be EARTH SHATTERING! Together with the ELECTRIC STORM – Occult SUPERPOWER today, this dynamic duo may result in GAIA liberating more energy from her Planetary body 🌎🌏🌍– through Earthquakes, Volcanoes, 🌋🔥Tsunamis,🌊🌊 Tornados🌪 and Storms🌩🌧 both physical and GEOMAGNETIC.
GAIA is in full alignment with the Divine Plan for her Ascension and will – when push comes to shove,- finally claim her POWER – usually in a ✨SPECTACULAR fashion. 🔥✨💥
🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE ELECTRIC STORM🌀🌩🌪 – CAUAC brings forth the transformative energies that bring the change that LIBERATES us, allowing the flow of pure energy to catalyse the transformation that is needed.
As this is an ELECTRIC🌩 STORM this SUPERPOWER today has a very volatile charge! Tempers may erupt and e-motions may flare🔥 as the build up of tension seeks to be released and LIBERATED💥..
🚫🚫There is much fuel🔥 for conflict today if this POWER is not channeled WISELY. Ensure that you are still and take a DEEP BREATH before speaking or acting on any bubbling emotions rising to the surface.
The ELECTRIC tone seeks to bond and unite in Service to humanity, so it is likely for groups to unite in their common interests in order to VOICE the collective need for FREEDOM.
Uniting in your Divine Mission to transform the lives of others (and Gaia) for the better, is the purpose of the ELECTRIC STORM. 🌩🌪
🌬🕊🌫Being aligned and unified with Spirit, imagine yourself being infused and purified with white LIGHT 🌫permeating your being, clearing your neural circuitry with the frequency of WHITE WIND🌬🌫 and BLUE STORM. 🌀🌩🌪
❓❓❓Then ASK – “How can I be of greater SERVICE to enact the Will of the Divine for planetary transformation?”🤔🤔🤔
🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀 🌬🍃🌀
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SPECTRAL HUMAN – 🌀👱 EB Today we have DOUBLE the WISDOM, having our intelligence boosted by DOUBLE HU-MAN power (the challenge and wavespell). Choosing to fully align our free will with DIVINE WILL, is the challenge that strengthens💪 us today.
The SPECTRAL HUMAN🌀👱 liberates us from the constraints of our EGO. We realize that we are all part of the larger whole, and that each one of us can influence the unfolding of the Divine Plan. Through liberating ourselves enough to co-create with Spirit, knowing that we are ultimately one and the same.
The PURER your intent🕊 and the more you dedicate yourself to Divine service, the more Spirit will co-create with you, bringing forth people, resources and guides to assist you in realizing your greater Divine mission.
Aligning with DIVINE MIND is the best form of liberation, as we surrender our egoic drive to return to Spirit, ultimately leading us back to oneness. ✨☀✨
NOTE: You can also use this very potent CLEARING CODE –
Double Wind🌬,
Electric Storm🌩🌪
Shaking Earth 🌏💥 and
Spectral energy🌀 today to
FOCUS (Yellow Human) on your specific objective.
You can COMMAND this energy to CLEAR, CLEANSE, DISSOLVE and TRANSFORM – ANY ENERGY that you request (with harm to none!)….
So get ready to AIM your Super Divine driven Vacuum Cleaner and suck out all that density and garbage!
✨✨✨EARTH SERVICE: 🌏🌎🌍You may desire to use this code to VISUALIZE all Gaia’s – rubbish/ density and negative toxic energies are sucked up into the vacuum and recycled into Divine energy that can be returned to Gaia in the form of natural resources, energy and LOVE!! ❤❤❤ IT IS DONE 🙏🙏🙏
Today’s question is “What do I need to RELEASE in order to be truly LIBERATED and become a clear channel for Spirit to FLOW through me?”
“Have I aligned with the DIVINE PATH to LIBERATE my soul’s Mission on Earth?”
Blessed be dear ones, a great day for listening and channeling Spirit through writing, meditating, journaling, drawing, singing, chanting, prayer and connecting through the natural world.
Divine blessings for allowing the breath of Spirit🌬🍃 to flow through your purified channel today, heralding great revolutionary TRANSFORMATION.🌬💥💥
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈








🔥 New on Patreon 🕉Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries🔥



Join my Sacred Condor for this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries. (on patreon)

this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation designed to help you harness the transformative energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries. Aries, the sign of the warrior, brings bold, fiery energy that empowers us to take action, release what no longer serves us, and ignite personal growth.

In this session, you will be guided through a sacred ceremony that includes:

Energy cleansing to release blockages.

A meditation to connect with the Full Super Moon’s energy, embrace courage, and awaken your inner strength.

Rituals for setting intentions and manifesting bold new beginnings.

Techniques for balancing the fiery energy of Aries with calm and grounding practices.

The Full Super Moon amplifies the power of this meditation, making it an ideal time to align with your highest self, clear away old patterns, and step confidently into your personal power. Whether you’re working on healing, setting new goals, or seeking clarity, this ceremony will help guide you on your spiritual journey.

Make sure to have a candle, journal, water, crystals, incense and a quiet space prepared before starting. Let the energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries inspire you to embrace new beginnings with courage and grace.


Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Prayer for the Full Supermoon in Aries

Beloved Divine Source,
On this powerful night of the Full Supermoon in Aries, I call upon the sacred fire of transformation to ignite within me. May the bold and courageous energy of Aries guide me to release all that no longer serves my highest good.

With this lunar illumination, I surrender my fears, doubts, and limitations, offering them to the light for healing and renewal. May the blazing energy of this Supermoon awaken my inner warrior, giving me strength, courage, and clarity to step forward on my path with purpose and passion.

I ask for divine protection and guidance as I embrace new beginnings, setting clear and inspired intentions aligned with my soul’s true desires. May I rise with confidence and trust, knowing that all the power I need is within me.

Thank you, Great Spirit of the Moon, for your light and wisdom. I trust in the flow of the universe and open my heart to receive the abundance, love, and opportunities that await me. May my actions align with the highest good, and may I move forward with grace, conviction, and love.

So it is.

Sacred Prayer for the Full Supermoon in Aries
Sacred Prayer for the Full Supermoon in Aries

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