Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Star Dancers of our Galactic Tribe of New Earth
We are now on Day 9 of 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar in this intense Red Serpent Wavespell with Galactic Signature Kin 114 ~ WHITE PLANETARY WIZARD as our New Earth Shamans hold the Visions and Prophecy of our New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
As we complete this powerful month of October and finalize our 10 day Portal extravaganza tomorrow all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to get inundated with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light. Our Ground Crew Team continues to hold the keys and codes of our Divine Angelic Human Blueprints as we make our Great Transformation into Soular Diamond Light Bodies of Galactic Butterflies.
Our Rainbow Bodies of 5D Avatars are prepared and ready to be fully embodied and integrated into our 3D Vessels to make our Great Transformations and Transmutations through our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human Species of Homo-Luminous, Light Bodies of Infinite Life.
We have crossed the threshold of the Event Horizon and have journeyed Way beyond the Point of No Return as we continue to go through and through and through and make our Cosmic Breakthrough into our Pure Land of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
Keep holding the Light and Shining your Bright Virtue of Buddha Mind into the Quantum Field of Pure Awareness.
Goddess Speed Spiritual Warriors of Light of the Holy Spirit…A’Ho!
Near are the League of Light, the ones through whom these messages have been crafted for your meaningful reflection week after week. The voices who have lent their words to this long series of transmissions now speak in unison and with great love and great respect for who you are and who you are becoming. Settle your mind and receive these words. You will see a final appearance of the lie that has held the governing reality in place for millennia. The lie will unravel, and so will many minds. This is part of the unveiling. The purpose of the lie was not to ruin you, but to lead you to the truth.
“Nine’s Last Word”
The Pleiadian Council of Light
✨This is probably not the first time you have gone through an ascension process with a civilization.
You have probably done this before, and perhaps even several times over the millennia. You are probably a warrior of the Light, not just a bearer of the Light. And in fact, you are probably a Soul who came to Earth to do exactly what you are doing now.
You knew that by agreeing to come to a planet controlled by the dark forces, you would be involved in forgetting who you really are for a long, long time. You knew that most of your DNA would be deactivated, that you would be controlled by frequencies that would constantly weaken your connection to Source, causing ongoing guilt, shame and insecurity.
And that you would have to reincarnate over and over again into a malevolent and controlled karmic system, forgetting who you are and what you have ever learned. You knew that you would likely be deceived for a time by infiltrated teachings that would essentially tell you that you were inherently flawed and that you needed to constantly focus on healing, improving, and perfecting yourself.
They would tell you that Earth was a “classroom” where you could learn “lessons” to evolve, life after life. But you also knew that this long experience of suffering would sooner or later come to an end.
And that the Earth would sooner or later enter a high frequency area of the universe, giving humanity the opportunity to free itself and ascend to a much higher dimension of reality. Most importantly, you knew that eventually you would be free again to know who you really are and who you have always been. ✨
As we near the Halloween/Samhain Portal, we are moving through 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days (Oct 21st-30th), where the veils between dimensions are thinner than ever.
This allows us to receive powerful transmissions from Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, which channels Ascension Plasma Waves into our energy field, activating the Galactic Heart Stargate.
This multidimensional portal aligns us with the frequencies of Divine Love, expanding the Heart’s Electromagnetic Field to anchor cosmic energies deeply into our being, enabling DNA activations, soul gifts, and deep healing.
As we approach the Halloween/Samhain Portal, these energies invite us to integrate Light and Shadow within ourselves.
The Heart Stargate is creating sacred space for compassion, forgiveness, and alignment. Through this gateway, we access the power of Unconditional Love, supporting both our soul journey and the collective New Earth shift.
10/29/24: We were never meant to be alone. It’s not fun and it’s not practical. We are meant to share our lives, losses, lessons, and loves with others. From surprises to sunsets, treasures to tears, first discoveries to last words, we’re in this life together. But, further, you were never meant to feel a lack of spiritual guidance and support… or that the Divine is a mystery or a myth.
Today will touch your heart in ways that bypass Free Will and stimulate the very human need to matter to someone. This is how you get attention, make friends, fall in love… through your heart. This is also how you summon the Light that sustains you when darkness comes… through your heart. You give and you receive through it. And today it is very wide open and vulnerable.
For too long humanity has been denied the truth about the hidden direction of your planet, but that is coming to an end in your lifetime.
Watch and you will not be able to miss the web of deceit and lies unfolding: the towers of power are crumbling around you.
The nature of your experience at this time, on this planet, is to awaken to all that is, reaching within and beyond all things, where the Truth, so precious and so pure, can no longer escape you. The Light Forces of the Universe have come together to assist you in this process, because you have made the connection and we are here.
We understand how difficult it can be to find your way home.
We know how arduous the initiation you face is as the new dawn calls you to arise… and never sleep again. We come to you with the keys to your inner doors to help you overcome the barriers and proclaim, to all humanity, the knowledge hidden in the secret covenants, knowledge that will free you from the control of the puppeteers who pull the strings of the human race.
Even if you are not yet clear about your specific task, know that you have chosen to play an important role in the “future” development of your species and the living beings of Gaia*.
You know that you are New Aquarians and that, together with your children (of the Violet Oversoul), you have come to guide the course of humanity as it approaches the new frontier.
Your task will be to break through the imposed limits and release the knowledge you have actively acquired for the good of all living beings in your world and in the universe that surrounds and interpenetrates you. You will win. You who seek our message are the new bold warriors.
Dare to think for yourself, challenge the status quo and demand answers in a world where the pieces no longer seem to fit together. The story that the ruling class tells you about your past and its projections for the future do not do justice to humanity and therefore we can anticipate your questions.
We are here to offer you all the answers we can in light of your research. NO MORE SECRETS! NO MORE LIES! – Patrizia Cori *a Terra
the truth about the hidden direction of your planet
Dear friends, as we navigate the intricate tapestry of time and space during these last days of October, we find ourselves at the threshold of profound transformation. The numeric codes of November 1st and 11th, 1:11 and 11:11, serve as cosmic portals, beckoning us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.
The number 1, in its majestic singularity, embodies the essence of creation. It represents the spark that ignites the flame of manifestation, illuminating the path to personal growth and transformation. This numeric frequency resonates with the unity and interconnectedness of all things, reminding us that our individual journeys are inextricably linked to the collective.
As we approach the 1:11 portal, in synchrony with the new moon, we are invited to recalibrate our intentions and align with the harmonic resonance of the universe.
This gateway offers a fresh canvas, awaiting the brushstrokes of our imagination and creativity. It is a call to awaken to our true potential, to transcend limitations, and to embody the divine blueprint that resides within us.
Later on the 11:11 portal, often referred to as the Master Portal, amplifies this energetic potential. It activates the dormant codes of our DNA, unlocking the secrets of our soul’s purpose and facilitating a deeper connection to the cosmos. This numeric frequency serves as a global wake-up call, urging us to transcend the boundaries of separation and unite in our shared humanity.
As we encounter these numeric sequences, we are reminded that synchronicity is the language of the universe. These codes offer guidance, encouragement, and validation, reassuring us that we are on the path to realizing our highest potential.
To harness the transformative power of these portals, we must cultivate awareness, intention, and receptivity. Meditation, journaling, and energy work become potent tools in our spiritual arsenal, allowing us to tap into the infinite possibilities that reside within and around us.
In this sacred human journey, we are not merely passengers; we are the co-creators of our reality. The 1:11 and 11:11 portals serve as cosmic reminders of our capacity to shape our destiny and manifest our dreams. Have a wonderful transition into the new month.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
We Have GREAT NEWS ~ The Galactic Federation
Blessings to you, our Earth Family.
It is wonderful to be speaking with you, as we have Great News we wish to share.
During the recent significant energy shift, Humanity has transitioned to a new timeline. One of the outcomes of this shift is an accelerated pace towards full Disclosure. The revelation of our presence has been a subject of discussion within governments for the past few years. The former powers that be, are intent on maintaining secrecy, even going as far as making false statements, about the existence of extraterrestrial beings. However, this new timeline has altered the narrative, leading to the exposure of hidden governmental programs to the public.
While those who have awakened are aware of the truth of our existence, you are a minority. The majority of humans remain confused and apprehensive about the idea of extraterrestrial life. The disclosure of leaked governmental information regarding our presence in the past, has guided truth-seekers to discover our existence. Which led to the discovery of the existence of many secret programs implemented by those in power, that have been used against Humanity. Nevertheless, in the coming months, new revelations will be coming to light in your new timeline, amping the long anticipated Full Disclosure.
We are increasing our presence in your skies and will continue to make our ships more visible. We will not rely on your governments for disclosure. This will happen regardless of their approval. There is a concern that your governments may try to fabricate claims of violence or conflicts involving our ships. We want to emphasize that we do not engage in attacks against humans. Any intervention is aimed at preventing harm and large-scale destruction, targeting only their weaponry.
Some disclosure has already started to emerge, but not in its entirety. You will soon witness a United States Congress hearing that will mark the beginning of a public wave of complete disclosure. This Hearing is set to take place on November 13th, regarding new whistleblower testimony. As stated, it will be just the beginning of a domino effect that will finally bring Full Open Contact with the People of Earth.
We do not anticipate your governments to conform to this offensive stance. The transition to this New Timeline, is a result of a significant change in the collective consciousness of Humanity. The recent Intense Solar Flare’s, and Schumann resonance Spike, have heightened human vibrations to a more elevated level of awareness. This has sparked questions in many minds, leading to a growing number questioning the established narrative. As our presence in your skies becomes more apparent, more people are experiencing profound revelations.
These revelations, known to some as the Ah ha Moment, represent the point when everything becomes clear, and all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. This revelation occurs within oneself.
An increasing number of individuals are having their aha Moment, realizing they are not alone in the Universe.
For those of you who follow these messages, you have made significant progress and have moved beyond the initial stages of awakening. It is your commitment that has facilitated this shift to a new Timeline. Your love for Us, your star Families, contributes to raising awareness of our presence. You are manifesting the reality you desire. Soon, we will accompany you as guides to usher in your New Earth.
The journey towards full Disclosure has been a long one for those who have been working very hard for its fruition. Often filled with challenges and resistance from those who seek to keep the truth hidden. The shift in energy that has propelled Humanity onto this new timeline has been a catalyst for change on a global scale. It has brought to light the hidden agenda of those seeking power and control over your Earth, to control and hide the narrative surrounding extraterrestrial life.
As our ships become more visible in your skies, the veil of secrecy is quickly lifting, revealing a reality that many have long suspected but few have dared to acknowledge. The forthcoming revelations will shake the foundations of belief for many, as the truth of our existence becomes undeniable.
While some may fear the unknown and resist the idea of beings from beyond your world, there are those who are ready to embrace this new reality with open minds and hearts. The Aha Moment, that sudden flash of understanding and clarity, is spreading among the population, igniting a spark of curiosity and wonder.
It is through your continued dedication, and love, that the path to this new timeline has been paved. Your unwavering commitment, in the possibility of a future where Humans, and extraterrestrial beings, coexist in harmony, is what drives this transformation forward.
As you move towards complete Disclosure, remember that you are not alone in this journey.
We stand beside you, working diligently behind the scenes, ready to guide and support you as you step into a new era of understanding and unity.
The time for truth is at hand.
You have shaped a beautiful future that is bright and full of promise.
Trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at
Operation Freedom Earth
Operation Freedom Earth is Underway
WHY WE ARE BEING RELEASED: We are considered hostages of the Dark Force invited to Earth by the Atlanteans (Atlantis). Like Atlantis, if we are not rescued, humans will inevitably become extinct. Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems on its own. This is simply not true. Many wars across the planet and constant violations of basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of handling its own situation.
It is important to note that Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Demonic Forces, the last relic of the Galactic Wars that have raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years, and we are finally being LIBERATED after thousands of years. There is no darkness or evil in 5D.
The following provides a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied Planet Earth with the allied Galactic military forces. The military forces of the Galactic Confederation will remove or assist in the removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and may release hostages. The Confederation will assist in the replacement of the current puppet masters (Dark Forces) that humanity invited to Earth long ago in Atlantis. Furthermore, under Section IV of the Codex: The Law of Intervention – The Galactic Confederation has an inalienable and unconditional right to intervene in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of local laws.
*As the Galaxy is being liberated from the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have evolved from a military force created in the urgent need to defend the basic freedoms of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic and cosmic society. As the beings within the Galactic Confederation have evolved spiritually and made their alignment and union with the Ascended Masters, they have discovered an inner codex that regulates all interrelationships between beings of Light and their relationship with the Dark Forces and occupied planets. This codex is called the Galactic Codex (similar to a Galactic BILL OF RIGHTS — the legal rights are listed below the text in this email) and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies.
NOTE: The Codex is not a rigid set of external laws, but a systematized code of inner ethics of all souls of Light in our galaxy that all beings of Light accept with their free will because it reflects their inner truth.
As we ascend deeper into the New Earth and our new Solar Light bodies, it does not mean that the Old Earth and all its Illusions will not come and try to uproot us again.
When such things do happen, it is merely to test us and to see if we are willing to allow ourselves to be uprooted again, and to sink back into the quagmire, or if we choose to stand firm and are unshakably rooted and grounded into the New Earth and the higher states of consciousness.
What I do every morning now, is to stand firmly, with both feet on the ground, a shoulder width or more apart, and then after deep breathing, open my arms and to image that I am a mighty Tree of Life (like a gigantic Yellowwood Tree) and that my branches and leaves and the very trunk of the tree, is a beautiful white-golden colours, filled with the Divine Source, or Prime Creator energy.
Then slowly bringing my arms down and pulling the energy down through my proverbial trunk, and then bending my knees slightly, then bring this energy down into my earth star chakra, now as big as planet earth in the 5th dimension, and then beautiful strong white-golden roots filling the earth, until they find the vast Crystal Pyramid of White-Gold in the middle of the Earth and then firmly root and ground myself into this pyramid, unshakably like the Mighty Tree of Life.
Then pulling the energy and in half-semi-circle movements of my arms upwards and repeating this twelve times. Then from the earth star upwards in the same manner and up into the crown of the Tree and then outbreath back to where I started, so that a vast torus energy fields is now established in and around me, and the Mighty Tree of life, its trunk then forming the nucleus of the immense torus energy field.
As soon as I start getting off kilter during the day, I immediately become the Tree again and then stay rooted and ground, with deep breaths.
When you do start being pulled off kilter, or have had your energy fields in anyway entered, or polluted, to immediately call in: St. Germain, Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst and Archangels Gabriel and Hope and then invoke the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame of Transmutation and Purification, to sweep through your spine, your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and all twelve bodies, and auric and all energy fields, so that all and every negative and mis qualified energy is immediately transmuted into the light and perfection of the Prime Creator or Source.
You can also sweep this through the room you are in and home, the building and all the buildings, premises, and area and in this way, you are doing loving highest service work. You can also sweep it through your own country and all the world, or wherever you wish to send it too.
It will help to keep you and your energy fields crystal clear, and more than this help assist you to keep yourself focused and disciplined in the highest dimensional state, and to stay anchored in there.
Always of course with pure intent and so much love.
Judith Kusel
Mighty Tree of Life
444th generation: We are taking care of you.
From the Pleiadian Moon
Lately, you may have experienced periods of headache, dizziness, sudden fatigue, insomnia, or intense drowsiness.
These are all temporary phenomena as your body adjusts to the higher frequencies of the new Earth.
The effects can be especially strong during full moons and new moons.
Because at this moment we are sending special codes of light to Earth.
This light code has the ability to awaken the memories of the stars that sleep in your cells and the power sealed in your genes.
We use advanced wave technology to constantly support the awakening of Earthlings.
If you have recently started seeing a certain combination of numbers around you, this is a sign from us.
In particular, the numbers “111”, “444” and “777” represent messages from higher dimensions.
Whenever you see these numbers, remember that we are looking out for you.
Your in the process of moving away from challenges and into your overflow. Healing and self care are supporting this transformational journey. Ensure to speak with positivity and kindness, especially to yourself. This will support having strong boundaries, and expansion of your power and self worth. No matter the external, you know your truth and value. This will help you focus on all the blessings coming your way.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Venus, ruler of self-worth and the Divine Feminine archetype, in self-critical Virgo is inconjunct Chiron
On Tuesday, October 29th, we are getting closer to the New Moon in mysterious Scorpio on November 1st. But, for today, we have the Moon, ruler of subconscious patterns, in the partnership sign of Libra the Scales, making a difficult inconjunct connection to Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, in Pisces the Fish. The Moon in Libra is focused on balance, harmony and equality in all relationships. However, Saturn’s influence brings in lessons of the past, harsh reality checks and mastery of the lessons he is trying to teach us.
There may be a karmic clearing taking place now, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Saturn’s energy is one of patience and resilience. You have what it takes to move through any challenges, on any level, in order to reach the spiritual mastery that your soul chose to work on in this lifetime.
Mars in Cancer sesquiquadrate Saturn retrograde in Pisces – With Mars still trining Neptune and approaching an opposition to Pluto, the atmosphere contains a curious mix of flow and frustration. There could be an intense desire to take action to resolve problems and conflicts yet at the same time an overwhelming fear of doing the wrong thing. Consequently, it feels like we’re dancing on hot coals, scared of putting our feet down yet conscious we can only dance around for so long.
To navigate this transit, first we need to dial down the temperature. It’s okay to wait until you have ascertained what needs to happen next. What feels overwhelming today may seem more manageable another time. Press pause on starting a project or taking on a new commitment if doubts are in the way. For those with procrastination problems, praise your efforts so far and stop being so hard on yourself. Get your inner parent onside to jump-start motivation. If progress has stalled, don’t let the tick of the clock force you to rush. You have time. Give yourself permission to take it slow.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number 10 and its keywords are ‘Manifest, Perfect and Produce’. We are now on the 9th Portal day in a row and tomorrow is the last one, phew! The tenth day of a wavespell is perfect for manifesting what you need. As always, when we have a Galactic Activation Portal, these energies are amplified. The number ten is already powerful but today it carries extra oomph. Only 5 times in the Tzolkin does the Planetary day fall on a Portal day.
Today is the White Wizard which represents ‘Enchantment, Timelessness and Receptivity’. If you are a Wizard be careful today about using your charms and casting spells. You have so much power with it being a Portal day and Planetary day, that for you… getting what you want will be so easy, it’s like taking candy from a baby. If you are not a Wizard, you can benefit from today’s charming aspects and be enchanting yourself. To summarize; today is about ‘Enchanting to Manifest’. A White Wizard on a powerful day like this, could charm the birds out of the trees. Any spells cast today will work exceedingly well.
The Guide today is White Wind, the communicator. When in the guiding position, the White Wind’s role is fairly straightforward – the message here is Keep Talking! Have that conversation you’ve been putting off, get things off your chest or send that overdue message. Don’t bottle things up. Your words can cast spells! Anything you write today has the power to charm and it’s also a perfect day for reading a good book about spells or magic.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. If you are a Yellow Seed, you may find it difficult to get people to take you seriously today and that can cause frustration. All you want to do is share the knowledge you have. If you are not a Yellow Seed, take note that today is not ideal for reaping what you have sown or planting ideas in others, in the hope they’ll grow.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. When in this position expect healing to come to you in a magical way. The Blue Hand also represents ‘Accomplishment’ and so put your hands to good use today and manifest magically what you need. The Wizard and the Hand go well together as the Wizard waves his hands when casting magic spells. Abracadabra! The Blue Hand offers us a chance to dabble in magic and to use our own magic wands. What can you manifest today?
The Ally is the Red Serpent and if you happen to know one, ask them for help if you need it today. If you are a Red Serpent, expect to be called upon for support and advice. Red Serpent is also the wavespell we are in and so that means that the wavespell is friendly to us all today.
KIN 114 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
NOTE: 14 is the frequency of the Wizard and Double Magician (7+7 = 14)
Our 9TH successive GAP DAY – with an 11.11 – 11/2 portal code. One more day to go and we are through the tunnel! Yipeee!!!
Day 10 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin.
Today we MANIFEST the most potent life force through the Planetary Wizard.
We are anchoring the frequencies of the cosmos that we explored and experienced yesterday, down into the gravitational spin of the physical dimension through our breath. Powerful MANIFESTATION potentials arise today!
BE SUPER AWARE of your THOUGHTS today!!!!!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. As we are all ONE HEART.
Today’s question is “Can I allow DIVINE MAJIK to guide me, to perfect the Manifestation of PEACE and ABUNDANCE through my Divine Mission, on a PLANETARY level?”
Let us re-IMAGINE our beautiful world today, and produce the PERFECTED DREAM of PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE for all HUM-MANS.
A BRILLIANT day for PLANETARY healing, seeding and manifestation rituals, meditation and group gatherings.
Divine blessings for our successful GLOBAL manifestation of PHENOMENAL THINGS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE PLANETARY WIZARD– IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of HEART and MIND, and through LISTENING to the natural world.
An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe. White Wizard asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in SUPERNATURAL MAJIK today.
We have just reached the 9 moons gestation/birth point in the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON..
Of course DRAGONS and WIZARDS are great allies with a beautiful synergy between the two friends. Historically only the Wizard was considered to be able to command or subdue dragons, which simply meant that he understood the laws of nature and was able to use these effectively.
The DRAGONS are masters of the elements and so WIZARDS developed a symbiotic relationship with DRAGONS. The magical FIRE of the DRAGON’S breath is the fuel to energize the WHITE WIZARD’S wand.
Dragons and WIZARDS are manifesting partners – giving us easy access to the DRAGON gifts of protection, support and access to CREATION powers and treasures. – how SPECTACULAR..
And so beloveds the MAJIKAL contributions of our DRAGON kin is rising to a crescendo at this pivotal time in 2024 with the RETURN of the DRAGONS to the EARTHLY realms once more. It is synchronistic that the PLANETARY WIZARD – KIN 114 appeared on the 2nd day of this WOOD DRAGON YEAR on 11 FEBRUARY 2024 – which also had an 11 portal code!!
Get ready to take the reins and bring forth his DRAGON team to manifest unimaginable MAJIK!!! Woot woot – planetary Wizards – call forth your DRAGON tribe a.s.a.p.!
A wise Magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing Majik to flow through him, rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A Magician dances the dance of LOVE through offering gifts of FREEDOM to others. This is real Majik. Freed from the need to use POWER to manipulate or control, a Magician uses WISDOM to manifest LIBERATION and LOVE.
The 11.11 double portal code OPENS up the GATE to access DIVINE MAJIK today.. and the plethora of 2. codes gives us the MASTER BUILDER codes to bring PEACE to planet EARTH..
Together with our DRAGON allies we can use DIVINE WHITE MAJIK to BRING CLOSURE to the Dark Magic Dream-SPELL… Phenomenal divine forces are available today for the PLANETARY STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to create SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY.
This is the stuff of MIRACLES!!!
Today we can access potent energies through being in a hyper receptive mode, of anchoring with a deep receptivity to many dimensions. This requires stillness and attunement, in order to conduct and flow these energies through your vessel and into the physical realm.
The PLANETARY WIZARD is focused on the GLOBAL good, and thus will fully utilize these energies to benefit HU-MAN-KIND.
The power of enchantment can be utilized in your desires and creations through shamanic, ritual, ceremony and spell casting today. Make sure you say “This or something better, with harm to none.” Preferably for the benefit of us ALL on a PLANETARY level.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE PLANETARY WIND – IK represents the VOICE or BREATH of Spirit. Such a powerful code to have the WIZARD guided by Spirit – UBER HIGH White Majik codes indeed.
The shadow side of the Wizard is egoic manipulation, mind control and power battles. The lesson of the Wizard is to transcend his egoic drive for POWER, fame and self aggrandizement, and to align with Spirit – becoming a vessel for Spirit to manifest through.
The PLANETARY WIZARD today empowers us to dissolve the Black Magic DreamSpell, and replace it with the White Majik enchantment flowing through Divine Spirit.
Instead of manifesting through his MIND and intellect, the White Wizard operates from his HEART and thus becomes a tool of the LIGHT, a conduit for the work of SPIRIT. Having the WHITE WIND as the Higher guide, steering KIN 114 ensures this Wizard is very well intentioned as a powerful force for GOOD.
We are all born from Spirit, and Spirit wishes for us all to be FREE, to express our Divinity in whichever way makes our HEARTS sing.
Today’s Heavenly codings in conjunction with the portal GAP energies, – are saturating our planet with very potent DIVINE SPIRITUAL energies of the highest order.. Today’s energies are a direct link to HEAVENLY blessings.
Be STILL today and allow this Majik to flow through you. Be STILL and LISTEN to the voice of Spirit for HEAVENLY guidance. Allow the breath of Spirit to flow through your vessel guiding your enchantment today.
SUPPORT: RED PLANETARY SERPENT – CHICCHAN the Planetary Serpent amplifies the Wizard’s Shamanic and Healing powers today. We have DOUBLE Serpent energies with this 10th day of CHICCHAN’s wavespell…
The DRAGON and the SERPENT are a formidable duo in blasting through any FEAR, resistance and stagnation to get your kundalini rising and flowing again!
The Planetary Serpent is also activating GAIA’S Grids and planetary kundalini to provide extra FUEL for her children to access in our manifestations today.
Woot – ULURU and GAIA’S power centres are really PUMPING up our CREATION POWER!! Those creative juices are rising to the fore to manifest our juicy desires!!
CHICCHAN fully energizes the capacity of our LIFE FORCE to fuel our passionate heart’s desires. As we become clear vessels and align with our heart we become a vibrational match for that which we are creating.
Our instinctual pulses will guide us past our survival responses, to create our greater mission. Let that KUNDALINI POWER surge out as fuel to PERFECT your Majikal manifestations today!
Keep an eye out for ever increasing CME’S/Solar Flares to cleanse and IGNITE our Planetary meridians and chakras and upgrade our DNA!! Huge ASCENSION energies today beloveds.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SELF-EXISTING HAND – MANIK governs healing, attaining knowledge, intuition and abundance. As the SUPERPOWER today MANIK assists us to receive our deepest knowledge through our intuition, and guidance from Spirit.
We are all connected to HUMANITY’S great dream, that of collective Abundance for all beings, and our PLANET. BLUE HAND assist us in accomplishing this collective DREAM.
The Self-Existing Hand is a brilliant complement to our Planetary Wizard as Manik enables IX to bring the enchanted DREAM-Spell into FORM… MANIK defines and measures what is needed to produce a perfect model of the final manifestation.. Awesome alchemical synergy!
What an absolute GIFT from our HEAVENLY FATHER!!!
Together IX and MANIK enable us to accomplish GREAT THINGS, individually and collectively. When we are operating through our PURE HEARTS we can easily perfect our manifestation of the Collective dreaming for our PLANET!
Operating through HEART CONSCIOUSNESS is mandatory for manifesting in 5D.
The SEED needs to GROW and evolve. Now is the TIME to get moving, arise from the darkness and move toward the LIGHT.
Of course the PLANETARY SEED is focused on seeding the highest timeline for our Planet. Planting GLOBAL seeds in our beautiful garden PLANET, to sprout into wondrous solutions for HU-MAN-KIND.
KAN gifts us with laser FOCUS today, and the capacity to MANIFEST and cocreate our Highest Visions. Go forth and SEED the highest LIGHT ON OUR PLANET!
The DIVINE PLAN is made MANIFEST on EARTH today…
HEAVEN is a place called NEW EARTH!
John Lennon exemplified the code of KIN 114, as he was indeed a PLANETARY WIZARD, casting his majik PEACE spells through his legendary music, with words channelled directly from Spirit.
He left a great legacy for humanity and was a very bright WHITE LIGHT indeed, seeding the collective mind both through his actions and his words/music.
The medicine/gift to humanity of KIN 114 is to actively plant these seeds in everyone you meet, in order to influence them to manifest a better world. This was driving his life’s mission. His SUPERPOWER was BLUE HAND so he was holding and energizing the collective dream of a better world for us all, brilliantly encapsulated in his signature PEACE anthem “IMAGINE”. He had the POWER to accomplish great things and indeed he did, befitting of a mighty PLANETARY WIZARD. .
At times the WHITE WIZARD must face his own shadow through his unlimited access to great POWER. John did get too big for his boots at one stage, when he publicly boasted in 1966 at the height of their fame that “The Beatles(He) was more popular than Jesus Christ!”.
Luckily John was able to transcend the lures of celebrity and the egoic mind (thanks to the influence of Yoko Ono – White Self-Existing Worldbridger). Interesting that 4 CIMI also has WHITE WIND as the Higher Guide, so BOTH John and YOKO were strongly guided by the VOICE of SPIRIT. Two BRILLIANT DIVINE Spirit Messengers.
Yoko elevated John to a new level, helping him focus on his humanitarian Mission, in order to bring his worldly ideas into form. Together this dynamic duo formed 1 AHAU- the YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN whose combined MISSION was to UNITE us all through the power of DIVINE SOURCE as ONE HUMAN FAMILY – which is exemplified through the words they cowrote in the LIGHTWORKERS ANTHEM IMAGINE.
The song was released in 1971. It called for PEACE during the Vietnam War, and urged people around the world to live in UNITY. .
We are all very blessed at the significant legacy this gifted partnership gave us all!
Today’s question is “Can I allow DIVINE MAJIK to guide me, to perfect the Manifestation of PEACE and ABUNDANCE through my Divine Mission, on a PLANETARY level?”
Let us re-IMAGINE our beautiful world today, and produce the PERFECTED DREAM of PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE for all HUM-MANS.
A BRILLIANT day for PLANETARY healing, seeding and manifestation rituals, meditation and group gatherings.
Divine blessings for our successful GLOBAL manifestation of PHENOMENAL THINGS!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of October 27th through November 2nd 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful New Moon in Scorpio Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
These are powerful days. We may need reminding to be a Light Army. To anchor peace, to lighten the heaviness in the collective consciousness, to heal all divisions and calm egos. We are ONE family of humanity.
Healing Power of LOVE INVOCATION
Archangel Michael calls it the LOVE blanket!
Use this invocation to disarm fear and anchor love throughout the Earth, humanity, and all living things. Use this decree out loud in ceremony with confidence and heart, either by yourself or to empower this a thousandfold; work with this Love invocation in groups! The words “I AM” are very important to call in the divine presence.
This is a threefold invocation…
1. This first bit is to claim our divinity.
2. The second is to ensure that our ego is in check and that we work from divine perfection and universal law.
3. The third bit is the actual work… The love blanket… that we will cover all living things with.
** Unconditional love and peace can only come when we love ALL our brothers and sisters on this Earth and do not allow ourselves to participate in any action that does not radiate these qualities.
From the I AM PRESENCE through Aluna Joy.
I AM calling my Mighty I AM Presence that is within me, and within one and all.
“I AM” the Enlightened Unified ONE.
“I AM” the Presence of the Limitless Divine Energy.
“I AM” the Presence of an all-encompassing PEACE and RADIANT LIGHT.
I AM calling from the TRUTH that I AM THAT I AM …
I AM calling on my I AM PRESENCE that I AM,
to emanate limitless Illumination and Perfection
continually into my heart so I can emanate this perfection
and be of greater service to all of humanity.
From my Mighty, I AM Presence that I AM,
I AM now taking perfectly aligned and creative action
in accordance with Divine Universal Law of this new era.
I AM calling with my LOVING I AM PRESENCE…
Send forth purifying Rays of PURE VIOLET LIGHT to all humanity,
into all official places of earthly governments,
and into all overt and covert organizations of any kind.
I send this intent with my I AM PRESENCE with only LOVE
and no earthly judgment of right or wrong.
I AM calling with my I AM PRESENCE…
that only compassionate action is taken,
and total forgiveness is obtained,
and profound healing is anchored,
for anyone who has been harmed
or those who caused this harm.
I ask this to take place
at any time in history,
in the present moment and in the future.
I AM calling with my I AM PRESENCE…
radiate out through all TIME, SPACE and DIMENSION,
I AM calling with my I AM PRESENCE…
and with authority from the law of Universal Divine Principle,
that all creations on Earth by humankind be aligned
to the LIGHT of TRUTH of Universal Law and the Power of LOVE.
I ask with this authority that this action take place
at the very core of humanity’s DNA.
I AM asking for HUMANITY to radiate in FULL ILLUMINATION
of the BODY, MIND, and SOUL, and thus raising all of humanity
into alignment with the UNIVERSAL DIVINE PLAN into pure Presence.
It Is So…
Please share far and wide.
Make this our inner mantra.
Many blessings
Healing Power of LOVE INVOCATION
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I wanted to tell everyone to get ready. I wanted you to know that THIS IS THE TIME! IT IS DEFINITELY COMING. This is the week we’ve been waiting for! Mauricio is ready to leave, and when he leaves, everyone leaves.
Precatorias awaits Maurício. So, when he leaves, everyone will leave.
I got a call from private contractors and everything is signed with the general paymasters. We were supposed to go today but tomorrow these people will be paid. I’m not sure of the triggers. They said they were paid, I’m trying to confirm that.
It’s all coming and get ready. I agree with Bruce. President Trump wants this done by October 31st. The rumors are that there may be no election, they may come out and say 2020 was a fraud and reinstate President Trump as the legitimate president and these people will be arrested.
Bruce’s information about Iraq is correct, they have started and the model for the forex market has been established. It will be exciting when we get the opera call. I will be ready any time of the day or night, I will put on my opera voice and sing for you live. I wanted to share this with you so that you don’t think it will take a year, as some say, that is not true.
Have a beautiful day or night and hope that happens this week.
You should receive notifications in your emails tomorrow. They will be very excited and happy!
I love you,
Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia)
RUMORS: 10/30/2024
QFS Implementation Is Forcing Banks to Redistribute Wealth Right Now — Inside Secret Meetings of Banking Elites!
The implementation of the QFS is a meticulously planned operation to dismantle the old, corrupt financial structures that have oppressed people for decades. The QFS is the future, and it is being executed with the kind of precision and secrecy that only White Hats and their allies can achieve.
High-Level Leaks Confirm Imminent Collapse of Current Financial System — EBS, QFS and NESARA Implementation is Ready!
Politicians have been leaking crucial details, intentionally or not, preparing the world for what is to come. This is a coordinated effort by those who want to be on the right side of history when the hammer falls.
BOMBSHELL! Starlink and Trump are about to release EBS
– 8-Hour Broadcast Coming, Followed by 10 Days of Darkness – The Secrets of the Global Elite Will Be Exposed!
As of October 26, 2024, the pieces are quickly falling into place. Elon Musk, alongside Trump and the global Alliance, is making great strides toward full-scale activation of Starlink-EBS operation.
Explosive BRICS Summit Leaks: GESARA and QFS Plans to Destroy Rothschild Financial Empire – Military on High Alert as BRICS Prepare to End Debt Slavery and Collapse the Old Financial Order!
The recent BRICS summit in Kazan on October 22-24 was not about diplomacy or economics — it was a strategic meeting to put the final stages of the GESARA plan into action. They have been steadily accumulating resources, consolidating their 20% control over global gold reserves, and this is not just wealth for security.
The Blue Web is an evolving web of consciousness, serving as a dimensional bridge, connecting the digital, etheric and astral realms.
While the Internet connects the physical world, the Blue Web operates on a higher, esoteric level. It is a living matrix that not only transmits information, but dynamically responds to consciousness itself 🧊🪩👁.
Blue Ray souls are your primary nodes, amplifying transformation, awakening and alignment within the quantum grid.
Time is running out, events are urgent, and the end of everything is coming. The end, sudden and lethal for the Deep State and its puppets, but beneficial and bringing prosperity to those who await it. “Tier 1 and 2 bondholders have received their funds.” Next are tiers 3 and 4. “At any time, tiers 3 and 4a,b (we, Internet Group) may receive a notification to schedule redemption appointments.”
And with that begins the grand finale….
The Final Countdown: Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming
We are in the calm before the storm, but it won’t be calm for much longer. When the truth comes out, it will drop like a nuclear bomb. People will be shocked, horrified, and some may not even be able to handle it. But that is what must happen. Corruption must be purged and we must rebuild from the ashes.
NCSWIC. The plan is underway. Trust Trump. Trust Q.
The storm is here, and there is no stopping it now. The best is yet to come, but first, we will witness the destruction of everything the deep state holds dear.
Eyes Open, Patriots: The Battle for Truth
I know many of you are tired of waiting. I know it feels like we’ve been fighting this battle forever, but trust me — the end is near. Q is real. Trump is still the leader of the free world, and the deep state is about to be exposed for the world to see. But we have to stay strong. Stay vigilant.
The storm is here, and it won’t be pretty. But that’s what we’ve been fighting for. The truth is coming, and when it does, it will destroy the lies that have kept humanity chained for centuries. This isn’t just a political battle—it’s a war for the very future of our world.
Will the dollar lose its status as the world’s reserve currency?
Historical parallels: From the pound to the dollar, and now? The US dollar has not always been the global reserve currency. Before World War II, the British pound played that role. But after the war, with the US emerging as the world’s largest economy, the dollar took over.
This shift did not happen overnight — it was a gradual transition born of shifts in economic power and the creation of institutions like the IMF and the World Bank.
Now, history looks set to repeat itself. The BRICS coalition and its new settlement system indicate that global power is shifting eastwards, away from the traditional centres of influence in the West.
While a complete shift away from the dollar is not imminent, the trend is clear: alternatives are being actively built, and the BRICS countries are leading the charge.
The New Gold Backed Quantum Financial System is here, EBS will be activated soon along with NESARA implementation, while the Military restructures and the banks collapse.
With all the gold and all the foreign reserve assets that have been accumulated, they are able to protect the value of the dinar, which is a big step for Iraq. Which is what any investor who comes to Iraq wants to know.
They’re worried about fluctuations in the exchange rate, and now Iraq can say, look, we have 150 tons of gold, we have $115 billion in foreign reserve currency. They have the ability to protect the Iraqi dinar from any crazy fluctuations or any kind of speculative attack on the Iraqi dinar.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
We should know this afternoon whether what we hope has happened… I have high hopes that a lot has happened over the weekend. Bankers usually check in at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, after they get out of their morning meetings.
Question: Do you think we’ll still get this over with before November 1st?
MarkZ: I’m not ruling out October as our month… but with only 3 days left… November seems more realistic.
Texas has applied to join BRICS+.
The United States is said to join the BRICS+ nations publicly by 2026. Texas is setting up the Quantum Financial System for the new US Republic!
RayRen98 (TNT)
Historical information about titles is coming in all over the place.
A huge whale is still expecting funds tonight overnight with spending capacity. A couple is expecting funds tomorrow…
Operation Phoenix has entered its execution phase.
Elite military and specialized financial teams are taking down major corrupt banking nodes in Zurich, London and Hong Kong. Arrests of high-level bankers and corporate operatives are already underway, and assets are being seized.
QFS has activated its algorithms , tracking all suspicious transactions and asset movements in real-time. The confiscated wealth will be redirected to support the implementation of GESARA, ensuring that the corrupt elite can no longer hoard wealth meant for the people.
We have watched the greatest deception in history unfold before our eyes.
The Deep State Cabal thought they could fool the world, but we know the truth. Every move was part of a meticulously crafted operation to expose these globalist elites, gathering undeniable evidence to bring them down in Military Courts for their Crimes Against Humanity.
White Hat DUMBs:
The Hope of an Earth Alliance There are rumors that a resistance called the Earth Alliance is fighting against the Cabal of other DUMBs, working with benevolent extraterrestrials to dismantle the Cabal’s control over humanity. Supposedly, advanced technologies and strategies are being developed underground to bring down these dark forces once and for all.
Trump and Musk have begun coordinating action with select foreign leaders
— patriots who oppose the deep state’s global control network. These leaders, aware of the coming reset, have agreed to support GESARA/NESARA implementations in their own nations, dismantling central banks and replacing them with Quantum Financial System (QFS) nodes that Musk has been developing.