You are currently viewing Leo Full Moon ~ Celestial Crown of Radiance * Breath of Light ~ Reborn Queen of Heaven and Earth
Orca Shaman

Leo Full Moon ~ Celestial Crown of Radiance * Breath of Light ~ Reborn Queen of Heaven and Earth

Leo Full Moon ~ Celestial Crown of Radiance * Breath of Light ~ Reborn Queen of Heaven and Earth



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Royal Lyran Nation of our Lion Kingdom of New Lemuria

Happy Full Moon in Leo the Lion!

The Holy Fire of Source Creator is merging with the Holy Waters to create the Sacred Steam of the Rising of our Ascension Journey. Today is a powerful Gateway to our Freedom and Exodus from the old Earth into the Promised Land of the New Earth.

In Self Realization of the Mind of Buddha, the Awakened On,e we become the Chosen Ones of Immortality to anchor in our Highest Timeline, of Peace, Joy, Prosperity, Abundance and Perfect Health for all our Good People of the New Earth.

As we stand on the Precipice of Eternal Life we make our Quantum Leap of Faith as Sovereign Light Bodies of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica. All is coming into alignment and fruition of our life’s work as Keepers of the Wisdom and Knowledge as multidimensional beings of Infinite Light.

Nothing can stop us or our Divine Missions of full and total planetary and Galactic Liberation, as we stand together as one Legion in the Unity Consciousness of our One True Source and step into our roles as a collective of conscious Co-Creators of our New Eden of Eternal Bliss Consciousness…A’ho!










Dispensations of Grace. Synchronicities off the Charts!




image by: Debbie Edwards


WE Are in the BEginning Stages of the BIGGEST Collective Awakening Ever Seen in the History of Mankind!!!

WE Are Currently Experiencing MULTI-DIMENSIONAL Living!
Although WE Are moving through a Unique Ascension Journey. . . that is Guided by our SOUL!
WE Are also moving through an Ascension Journey that is Linked and Connected to ALL BEings upon the Earth and even within the Universe of our Beloved Creative SOURCE as ONENESS with All That Is!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence

Divine energy works

FULL MOON IN LEO ~ This is a LION’S ROAR of LIBERATION – a raw, pure activation of your True Self. No more smallness. No more playing it safe. It’s time to embody the full magnitude of your Soul Signature, without apology.
This fiery, electrifying Full Moon in Leo is ushering in the energy of quantum breakthroughs, higher heart activations, and soul-embodied wisdom.
This Full Moon is square Uranus in Taurus, amplifying unpredictability, radical shifts, and an intense rewiring of the heart’s energetic circuits.
This is about sudden self-expression, breakthroughs, stepping into your True Self, and breaking free from karmic cycles of self-sacrifice and misaligned relationships.
This Leo-Uranus energy is a BREAKTHROUGH CODE – a cosmic force that shatters old patterns, dissolves emotional walls, and clears energetic distortions that have kept you from embodying your highest frequency.
This Full Moon collides with Uranus in Taurus, bringing a threefold alchemical process, sending lightning through the solar plexus and the heart’s energetic pathways – calling forth a quantum leap into your most sovereign, radiant, and self-expressed timeline.
This is a complete rewiring of the heart’s electromagnetic field – not just an activation, but an unleashing of everything that has been suppressed, silenced, or restrained.
This energy comes through as The Point Of No Return – activating unprecedented soul codes, recalibrating the Solar Heart Grid, and unlocking quantum frequencies that push you beyond anything you’ve ever known
2/12/25: Much like rebellious teen years, the next week can bring pushback. It might come at you, but it could easily come from you. We all feel the growing pains of a changing consciousness. You’ve outgrown who you were, you have new tools and perspectives, you think you’re ready to go, but… where and how? And are you really ready to cut ties with the past? Your Right Action through this process is to make strategic adjustments to your environment, but also some mental and emotional ones. You can’t push the natural course of evolution, but you can hurt yourself and your relationships trying. Easy does it. The way will open in time.



Leo Full Moon Feb 12th

This Leo Full Moon brings to a culmination the Venus Inanna journey that began in 2023 as its close to the degree Venus went retrograde in Leo and then emerged as the Leo MetaGoddess- Sekhmet/ Durga. This is the Final Illumination of the Celestial Crown of Radiance She has earned as the Reborn Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Look back at July/ August 2023. Where were you looking outside of yourself for emotional/ mental/ physical safety ,security,comfort, validation….where were you allowing your Worth / Value to be dictated by others (people or situations), where had you given your Power away to others to dictate the direction/ trajectory/ focus of your Life….Have you Reclaimed Sovereignty over Your Life Goals, Choices,Focus, Direction? Coz if not….there is still hope…..
The Leo MetaGoddess as Sekhmet carries the Uraeus/ Wadjet as her Illuminated Crown. Wadjet, associated with Uranus, is in a square to this Full Moon.Thus Sudden revelations or Ahhha moments could occur bringing sudden clarity and/ or revelations that could be crucial to reclaiming your Sovereignty and Power. The Veils of illusions / denial could suddenly be lifted or certain “divine” interventions could suddenly blast away obstacles from your path to unlock a whole new reality. As Wadjet is the Kundalini Cobra Goddess, she isn’t exactly known for her subtlety , But as Goddess of shattering Old constructs and Transformation, She gets results!!!
It’s a Powerful Full Moon to reassess where you stand on matters of Sovereignty and Empowerment, Self Authority and trust in your Inner Knowings/ guidance coz that is where Your Power Lies. It’s a Powerful Moon to Reclaim your Crown of Radiance,Vitality,Passion,Generosity, Spontaneity, Joy,Sensuality , Agency, Courage and Inner Strength!!!
This Leo Metagoddess cycle coincided with the S.Node in Libra (Venus ruled). Over the past 2 yrs, with the eclipses along the relationship axis , those Relationships have taken a lashing which are coming in from past lifetimes where Karmic dues were pending and toxic patterns needed to be finally broken. This story will further unfold with the upcoming Venus retrograde (where the past will be revisited) and last eclipse along this axis , but this full moon could bring in some lightning bolts of realization/ inspiration to set this very ball rolling.
Passion and Leo are synonymous , so if it’s a Full Moon in Leo(illuminating the unconscious aspects) it’s highly likely it’s the negative/unconscious passionate side that could be ignited – anger, jealousy, resentment, meanness , revenge, aloofness etc .
It’s important to understand that these emotions are actually the Shield or Smoke screen/ camouflage we put up to hide the ‘real wound’ we carry deep within and protect our ego self/identity / heart – wounds of abandonment, rejection , betrayal, guilt…..
The Illumination of The Crown / Uraeus of Sekhmet (previous post) initiated by this Full Moon ,which is meant to be our own Crowning Moment into our Divine Sovereignty of our own Creative and Manifestation Powers will not be complete Till we acknowledge the deep woundings which will definitely show up in varying intensity depending on our individual spiral of healing and growth .
Acknowledge the Wounds. Then instead of using the smoke screen for Protection …Choose NOT to Re-Act -the survival / protection mechanism we employ……
Acknowledgment and sitting with the discomfort of the core wound helps you make ‘Peace’ with your Wound. Idea is not to obliterate its existence, but to Accept it …this will reveal the patterns that have played out on loop in relationships/ connections/ family as the karmic or ancestral baggage you carry.
Acknowledge it, Accept It. It then loses its Power to Control You. Once the Shadow is brought into loses it ‘ power over” .This is Integration into Wholeness!!- A key aspect of The Venus / Inanna Cycle ie a journey of Sovereignty , Transcendence , ReBirth into the next higher octave of Consciousness and thus greater alignment with our Inherent Divine Radiance and Connection, Potential and Medicine /Gift.
This Full Moon takes place close to Regulus- Known as Little King/ Royal Star of The North / Crown Chakra and Heart of The Lion associated with Inner Child Healing and Healing of Ancestral/ Karmic Wounds!!!
There is third aspect of Regulus- connection to the Sphinx and The Akashic Records. Since here its a Full Moon near Regulus (as opposed to the Sun which activates the 8*8 gateway) the path to the next brand new Chapter/s in our life , held within our Akashic Records , is only possible by Healing our Inner/ Emotional Landscape…only then do we truly ascend as The Sovereign Queens of our Creative / manifestation Fires birthing our inner and outer Queendoms!!!
The Full Moon Fire Ceremony with Sekhmet saw the Illumination of the Uraeus with the Emerald 🔱!!! Healing ancient Atlantean woundings n distortions!!
May Your Faith Be Bigger than Your fears
May Your Dreams be Bigger than Your doubts
Sa Kei Na
Celestial Crown of Radiance
Celestial Crown of Radiance

Art Credits Hrana Janto





Today’s full moon is such a blessing for the Twin Flames!
It brings such a strong recalibration and correction which will gradually unfold in the next days and weeks and will push many to reposition and find inner liberation
but above all, find their true inner voice and express it clearly.
True desires, needs, dreams and choices will now be accepted and expressed with no regrets or doubts!
…and that’s about it ⚡
Talk about the true compasses kicking in!
Becoming more conscious and accepting of the Self like never before!
What a true joy and liberation this is that is coming and being established from within!
No one can affect it but the Self!
This is the unfolding of the notion of Self love and respect!
This whole period is an upgrade and realignment for the Twin Flames and Venus is showing them the way!
Remember that Twin Flames do not have the energy or the struggles of the karmic partners and this is a key to this liberation and growth!
The Lotus has now opened and a total new inner ignition is taking place!
This might not come as expected but through a plot twist and sudden shaking but IT IS HERE!
This explosive energy of correction and truth cannot be controlled or suppressed anymore!
Blessings of Bravery and Self Love!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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Dear friends, today’s Full Moon in Leo is all about embracing our inner light and sharing it with the world. This lunar event is like a big spotlight shining down on us, illuminating our creativity, passions, and generosity. It’s the perfect time to tap into our inner artist, express ourselves authentically, and let our unique spirit shine.
The energy of the Full Moon in Leo is all about creation, self-expression, and heart-centered connections. It’s a time to focus on what brings us joy, to nurture our inner child, and to cultivate a sense of playfulness and wonder. This lunar event is also connected to the themes of love, romance, and relationships, so expect some exciting developments in these areas of your life .
Now, let’s talk about the connection with the Lantern Moon in China. The Lantern Moon, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese celebration that marks the final day of the Chinese New Year festivities. It’s a time when people come together to release lanterns into the sky, symbolizing the release of negative energies and the welcoming of good fortune for the new year ahead.
The Lantern Festival, always celebrated on a full moon, marks the end of Chinese New Year festivities. The night sky is filled with colorful lanterns, symbolizing good fortune and family reunion. According to legend, the Jade Emperor, ruler of heaven and usually celebrated for being a great friend to humanity, became enraged when a town killed his favorite sacred goose. In his fury, he planned to destroy the town with a storm of fire on the 15th lunar day. The Jade Emperor’s daughter, sympathizing with the innocent people, warned them of her father’s plan. The townspeople then lit lanterns throughout the town and set off firecrackers to make it appear as if the town was already burning. Fooled by this, the Jade Emperor decided not to send down the fire.
The connection between the Full Moon in Leo and the Lantern Moon is all about illumination, release, and renewal. Just as the lanterns are released into the sky, we’re invited to release our own inner light and let our true selves shine.
This is a powerful time for spiritual growth, self-reflection, and emotional healing, so be sure to take some time to connect with your inner self and honor the beautiful Light that shines in your divine heart.
Have a wonderful day, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Beloved Ones,
We are now navigating a transformative, healing, and creative passage with the Leo Full Moon on the 12th of February. A moon that closely squares Uranus, The Great Shifter, supporting our personal and planetary liberation journey, our metamorphosis into Crystalline Beings. Leo offers us resilience to confront our shadows and challenges through the power of Heart reconnection and self-illumination.
This passage is supported by many Forces and Beings as our Creators the Anuhazi, the Lyrans, supporting us during this transitional year, in which many of us will shift roles, locations, relationships, and anything that we need to let go to initiate a new journey, within a totally different frequency and timeline.
This is a life-changing passage that will help many of you to realign to who you are and your new trajectory, and others to retrieve your planetary mission, as there is a massive awakening to your planetary roles taking place at this time, in many of you. Embodying our soul’s role can only be achieved when we reconnect to our True Self and Its Wisdom, which is what many of you have been working with for a while, especially during 2024.
Uranian’s frequency invites us to adapt to change, releasing all resistance to something we cannot control and that occurs when we are ready to embody a higher level of consciousness. Feeling emotionally vulnerable is common during this transformative and releasing time. Tears of letting go of the old, of old companions, of all wounds that our body has carried for so long may come. Open your heart and let it all go, as you let love in. We have the Leo moon trine to Chiron in Aries at this time, as a great emotional support for us to heal old traumas and emotional baggage.
Leo’s frequencies come when we are transitioning into a new sphere of Creation, shifting ourselves and our lives completely. It comes to offer us the courage to live from our hearts, rather than from a space of fear, balancing our ego and all lower emotions, by learning how to manage our energy, as our emotions whether positive or not are forms of energy, learning to create from a space of love, compassion, and soul alignment.
Leo represents the power of the heart, which beats to the rhythm of the Universe and is connected to all within Creation. With Leo, we move from soul disconnection and control over others to spiritual sovereignty, embracing God’s Willpower, not our egoic will.
With Leo, we unify our brain-heart complex, spinal cord, and thymus, for Leo rules all the parts of our anatomy that link us to our heart and soul, and hence to the divine power within us. Working on self-expression, and above all with our light body fifth-dimensional chakra and higher etheric body is pivotal to continue being divine channels, for we can only share Divine Wisdom when we first have healed our repressed emotions, traumas, and heart complex.
During this great shift for all of us, and especially with Piscean energies among us in the following days, many of you will embody new aspects of your mission, as the result of the unification that is taking place within yourselves and of the reconnection between your soul and human self, and heart-brain complex.
As our planet continues to be transfigured and re-encrypted with the assistance of the Auroras, and many other benevolent Forces within Creation, many of you will awaken to your roles as Aurora emissaries, acting as amplifiers of the Auroras’ healing transmissions to continue assisting the elementals in their transfiguration, for we are not the only ones shifting bodies.
As you grow in wisdom, love, and personal power, you will also grow in your mission, feeling the pulse of the earth and its calling to you where required.
The more you remain in your Higher Heart, as Leo invites you to do at this time, being courageous to embrace yourself, mission, and personal Truth, remaining in a compassionate neutral witnessing space, the more you allow this organic process of mission integration to take place within you. After all, our mission is what makes our hearts feel joy, what is natural for us to do, and what feels in total resonance with our ways of being and living.
Living with your heart fully open, loving, honoring, and embracing yourself completely is pivotal to giving and receiving, as well as to embracing your role on earth, which is unique, precious, and appreciated within and outside our earth’s confines. What you came here to personally seed only you can do, for like I always say God does not repeat Herself-Himself, and even if some of us carry a similar mission, it is never the same.
When you value and honor the role given to you, knowing your importance within Creation, although always remaining in a humble space, you honor God, and Its desires to bring unity, love, and harmony to All involved in this planetary process, through you.
Comparisons diminish yourself and your personal role. Embrace your uniqueness, your courageous essence, given to us by our Forefathers the Anuhazi, who created us, for we all carry this Fiery Lyran essence within to become the sovereign pioneers that we are already becoming.
Yours is the choice to shine who you are or remain in the shadows, for you are free to choose, as Guides remind us many times.
May you choose to love, recognize, and honor yourself and who you are within Creation, beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Creators the Anuhazi
Creators the Anuhazi

Art by: Andrew Gonzalez

12.02.2025 Full Moon in Leo

The full moon in Leo is a bold statement of the momentum of aligning with solutions for success and for having the courage to work towards progress through transformation.
This active encouragement could come across with intensity for those who are shying back of reaching for a better state of harmony. This could instigate the shedding of a skin for those who are doing the work on themselves to strive to see that which is invisible in their own make up, (which goes along nicely with the flow of the Wood Serpent of the Chinese astrological year.)
There is likely to be some bold coding reflecting in this full moon which gives us a helping hand in striding forward. Most importantly it shines a light on that which is disagreeable to us and which we must say no to. This will be the roar of the Lion in the moon who stands firm against suffering caused by power play within deception.
A Leo moon stands for truth. It just cannot guarantee that you are going to like it. This may be a time for you to take your turn to do a bit of roaring and maybe to push back on some issues that are staking claim on your boundaries. Whatever happens, you are likely to experience a re-evaluation of values, if you are finding new truths come to light within a situation; and this will instigate the greatest inner change you might have seen of yourself so far as we cross further into the new terrain that is unfolding to become 2025.
Be prepared for some energetic sensitivity as we recognise the deep purging that has been undertaken in the lead up to this Full Moon which sits amongst an arch of visible planets, lining up and showing up on the path of transformation.
Personal Responsibility or even Accountability will be a huge theme and may show up as abandonment or loneliness in the shadow state. Put into the Light this can be seen as the lighthouse of love of self and of a growing awareness of sovereignty which is ready to take the lead.
I Am Here For Me
Duality Gateway activation
Duality Gateway activation
To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
This Powerful Full Moon in Leo is a Duality Gateway activation and is highlighting any disharmony within to recognise what no longer resonates with your energy and for the highest good . Numerical 9 universal Vibrations embody the energy of closures , exposures, rediscovery, reinvention, karmic completions , attention to inner patterns and outdated cycles , beliefs are ending , preparing for new beginnings and infinite possibilities.
The full moon will activate Molecular and Cellular corrections in the DNA and genetic structures . This healing phase allows the ascending to overcome obstacles and limitations hindering the path .This planetary phase may bring in sudden surprises, unexpected blessings, divine justice, quantum leaps, profound insights, spiritual enlightenment, personal enlightenment , liberation, deeper soul connections, DNA/genetic repairs, new opportunities/awareness, and soul course corrections.
The Ascending have all been receiving powerful activations of the soul’s infinite embodiments and downloads of ancestral wisdom over the last week. Many can feel this powerful and intense energy building in energetic momentum, retreating when necessary into the preferred space within connecting deeper into the cosmic energetic womb of creation.
Expanding into this stillness as divine light codes are fully activating within. Before the next new moon many will begin to feel a deeper sense of acceptance and purpose in life , the ascending are birthing the true self into a new earth energy. Upgrading and expressing the authentic version.
This week many will experience flashbacks old memories , life reviews , coming up out of nowhere. Dream experiences may become very active , intense , conscious , vivid , lucid , with major purgings and clearings taking place during Sleep. Dizziness and head pressure may peak at times while accompanied by what is known as the elevator feeling. The inner feeling of an up and down motion.
The Ascending may also experience intense moments of heart palpitations and past grief may resurface temporarily. High pitched ringing frequency in the ears , for some it can feel like there is water trapped the ear drums that clicks and pops, jaw clicking, and an overall feeling of UN alignment in the jaw area. Regurgitation and trouble swallowing for some . This may be felt later in the week.
This is a supercharged week for things shaking up from within , breaking unhealthy thinking patterns, surprise encounters. Divine interventions, endings revelations, karmic retributions , Justice , balance , alignment, abundance, blessings, and breakthroughs are anticipated.
The stars are aligning and prayers are being answered, bringing in long-awaited blessings , preparing for manifestations. This amplified energy remains highly charged for the next 7-9 days .
During this intense full moon the ascending might experience heightened pain syndromes that appear and disappear out of no where , replaced by waves of bliss and healing throughout the physical body and energy centers. These shifts can also make the internal structures feel jittery and a little off-balance,for a short time.
The internal body is vibrating.The physical is adapting to higher vibrational energy frequencies , observing without judgment and supporting self just as you would a close loved one going through a significant life transition, the ascending self is undergoing drastic transformation.
Past Trauma may arise in the next coming days this is experienced by the mind, physical body, and subconscious, not by the soul or consciousness itself. The mind and body are finite , limited while the soul and consciousness are infinite , unlimited. It is important for us to recognise that the self is not limited to the mind or body. Self as a whole has the full capacity to heal and rise above any and all trauma experienced from this life and all life expressions .
All ascending are still clearing older realities from their auric fields . Strange memories are resurfacing as the timelines and past self emotions attached continue to detach and dissolve. The intensity within the collective during this full moon is rapidly increasing, leading to profound surges in emotional sensitivity for many ascending individuals.
This full moon will highlight what is out of alignment in the heart centre, it is a time of truth discovery in self’s current situations , planetary energies are aligning to prepare for profound global change , during this full Moon, collective duality is at play and will be amplified , however the focus for the ascending is expanding their light consciousness and activating transformation into unity consciousness and new beginnings on ascending Earth.
The heart and third eye chakra energy bodies are merging, unlocking cosmic communication abilities. There is a heightened shift towards heart-centered living in new earth , a much higher state of vibrational existence.
Love is now becoming the new normal for the ascending . There may be those that feel disoriented at this time transforming into a much higher state of conscious being. Allowing self to rest, practicing patience , self compassion , self forgiveness , self love .
Keeping dark thoughts at bay in this full moon, recognising self to be the master and deliberate creator here in new earth creation as conscious self recreation takes place , allowing for the true self emergence as the metamorphosis cycle occurs , recognising that this time on earth is truly sacred and one of miracles , strengthening internal beliefs as many will be tested during this full moon and duality gateway activation ,
Divine Love is true salvation on this dualistic planet and the ascending sovereign are here to fully reclaim their sovereign and divine birthright .
The All Seeing third Eye is activating and awakening, granting the self access to many hidden truths and higher realm wisdom. Expanding Into this alchemical process of transformation towards a lighter, multi-dimensional existence. Time on ascending planet is becoming fluid, and a new way of life is centred deeply in love , compassion and unity consciousness.
This intense planetary energy provides strength and courage to release what no longer serves and brings in heightened awareness to the unlimited potential and possibilities through transformation. Anything out of alignment in new earth is no longer supported and may possibly collapse during this intense gateway.
Solar Plexus upgrades and Kundalini activations are occurring in many, leading to temporary fatigue and disorientation due to the intense integration process. These energies help to conquer inner fears, to make vibrationally aligned and conscious choices, to be present, to take inspired action, to remain sovereign , authentic, true to the self , feeling supported and guided on the chosen path.
This full moon activation will rapidly shift many ascending into higher conscious time lines and accelerate their ascension , the ascending are experiencing heightened energy levels at this time as Cosmic Light Codes are pouring into our planet creating a significant collective Solar Plexus activation. This is intensifying in energy and aligning the ascending with soul’s truth.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
Source Inspiration by : Ascension LightWorkers

Breath of Light

As We Move Through The Light Escallations, We are Asked to Review Our True Light Role.
The Crystalline Meaning of Light Coupled With The Unique Light Signature of YOU.
Our Global Collective Light Work has been a Wonderful Platform of Light. To assist the Humanitarian Light Journey and Join together In a Pure Crystalline Sphere of Light.
I share this to enable you to Connect to this Light Frequency and To Join Our Hearts Together to the Infinite Possibilty of Now Creation.
Inhaling The Light of NOW
As We Inhale Air, Be Conscious Of Your Breath
Fill the Air Deeply in Your Lungs
Understand this is an Important Tool to Breathing, Anchoring the Now Moment of Light Creation.
For Inhaling Air, You Are Inhaling Crystalline Light Codes Through the Physical Form.
SEE the Expansion of this Exercise
in A Crystalline Light Format.
For the Light Codes of Creation are Infinite and Everywhere ❤
I Breathe in the Light Creation of NOW
Together We Join In Light 💥
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Crystal Vibrational Healer
Light Alchemist
Breath of Light
Breath of Light
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Leo Full Moon is assisting in completing emotional purification. God is offering a new emotional experience, and you are ready to say yes. What needs to clear is being removed so you can fearlessly go forward with this opportunity. Your prayers are being answered, guiding to your manifestations. So embrace the unexpected as it’s bringing blessings and success to your life.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Orca Shaman
Orca Shaman

**FULL MOON 24° LEO – WED FEB 12 – 5:53AM PST**

This week’s Full Moon in Leo opposes Mercury in Aquarius while squaring Uranus in Taurus and forming a trine to Chiron in Aries as retrograde Mars in Cancer forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces.
The urge to ‘express’ is strong now especially if we have been holding back any part of our true nature and our authentic self and this urge can create some disruption in the form of either a valuable epiphany or a ‘wake up call’ depending on our unique situation.
Our minds are sharp enough to ‘grasp’ the messages that are coming thorough so, even if we receive some sort of information that is unusual relative to our previous experiences, there is a good chance that our intuition is spot on and that a change in approach is just what the doctor ordered…
The challenge is in TRUSTING that our sovereign needs are valuable, including the need for boundaries and for proper space in order to process our new epiphanies and to contemplate our next moves without the external pressures to act NOW!
Patience is on our side now and it is our patience with ourselves that is the most valuable.
patience and resilience
patience and resilience

February 12, 2025: Full Moon at Leo 24°06’, 8:53 am EST.

This Moon cycle began on January 29th with the Aquarius New Moon. Aquarius is about the collective. The Full Moon is in Leo, the sign of the individual. If one is wholly an individual, one cannot be part of a collective. Conversely, if one is fully part of the collective, one cannot be an individual.
We are now entering The Aquarian Age – a 2000-year cycle of Earth experience. Its intention is to create a new collective reality. There are questions inherent to the Leo/Aquarius opposition: when do the needs of the community take precedence over the rights and needs of the individual? And conversely: when do individual needs rise above the rights and needs of the collective?
In the Egyptian pantheon these oppositional energies are expressed through Ptah (ally of Aquarius) and Anubis (ally of Leo). Ptah is the creator of Heaven and Earth. Ptah is a visionary with his eyes cast toward the horizon. He is less concerned about individual needs and more interested in what needs to be created in support of humanity. Anubis has far more human concerns. He struggles with abandonment issues and grieves the loss of his mother. Healing these issues is essential; he cannot step into his sacred purpose until he resolves them. Anubis understands abandonment and his gentle compassion is an essential aspect of who he is.
This Full Moon opposition forms a t-square with Uranus, recently turned direct. Uranus is allied with Wadjet, the Cobra Kundalini Goddess. Wadjet uses her energy to shatter blocks to the free flow of life force energy. When Uranus/Wadjet is strong, people and events are unpredictably erratic. Expect the unexpected.
February 11, 2025, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
Leo energy
Leo energy

Ra James

Today is our Leo Full Moon.

It’s bringing with it a powerful energy. This Full Moon will appear full both today and tomorrow. That means we actually have two nights to soak up its glow. It’s all about what you’re manifesting right now. Today is powerfully for the intentions that you’re setting. Leo energy is great for helping you to do your own thing, and to stay focused on where your destined path is trying to take you moving forward. This is the Snow Moon. For some places this is the month that gets the most snow. This Full Moon brings vibes of luxury, romance, and passion.
Full Moons are all about releasing and letting go of what you need too. It’s all about letting go of anything not serving you. You’re being guided to take a look at deeper patterns that you keep playing out, in order to shift out of them. It’s all about shifting your energy into its highest alignment right now. This will help you in manifesting your hearts desires. Expect some major heart chakra energy. This Full Moon aligns with Chiron. That means it’s bringing up old stuff. There is always more work to be done. Any baggage you’re holding on to needs to be healed and let go of.
Expect anything from your past you have not resolved to be coming back up during this time. Once you release your past, you will feel as though anything is possible. Full Moons help you to see and understand things more. Just after Sunset today Venus, the Planet of relationships, will be at its peak shine for the year. Love is in the air as we prepare for Valentine’s Day.
Regardless of where your at expect this Valentine’s Day to bring a major healing for your love life. Those in relationships expect a beautiful vibe. Those single may be guided to reflect on things, and where they are at this year. Regardless of your status we are continuing to do a lot of deep healing in this area. These energies are all about what makes you shine…

On Wednesday, February 12th, it is the day of the Full Moon in Leo the Lion. Full Moons are a time of closure, completion and transformation. It is a time to release and let go of old patterns and energies that are no longer beneficial for us to hold onto, in preparation for new beginnings.
Leo rules our self-expression, creativity and leadership, so what we are letting go of are energies that keep us from shining our most brilliant Light and true sense of Self. This Full Moon is connecting with Mercury, the Messenger, who is in the innovative sign of Aquarius, and Uranus, the Great Awakener and planetary ruler of independent Aquarius.
The liberating energies of Aquarius and Uranus are guiding us to break free of old stories, perceptions, belief systems….and, possibly situations and circumstances that are holding us back from the expression of our authentic self. Listen to the intuitive guidance you are receiving from your Higher Self and the Cosmos. And then, roar like the strong and passionate Lion that you are, in order to create the changes that you wish to manifest, as you move forward into your future!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the day of the Full Moon
the day of the Full Moon
Full Moon in Leo – The peak of the lunar cycle springs a surprise. Here is a jolt awake, a sudden happening, an unexpected move. Maybe it’s your own inner rebel leaping to the fore, pressing for new experiences, more risks. Peals of laughter erupt from crazy ideas. But then it’s tears because all the inner child wants is validation – to be seen, loved, cherished. Right now, it all feels too precarious, too unstable. Enough surprises. Just give me a cape and let me be the hero of my story, for once.
For once upon a time, you were the hero, the luminary, the sparkling child, the angel sent from heaven. Once upon a time, you had hopes and dreams, games, bruised knees, ice cream and colour pencils. Cut the threads that leech energy and hope from you. Cut the cords from those that don’t cheer your every success. Let the mask fall. Be the star you were born to be. Awaken to your true identity.
Note – The Full Moon is square Uranus and conjunct asteroid Atropos (the cord cutter).
Degrees and Times
Moon 24°Le06′, Sun 24°Aq06′ – 13:53 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
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Painting – Self-Portrait as Pierrot, 1911 by Zinaida Serebryakova
Self-Portrait as Pierrot
Self-Portrait as Pierrot

Kin 220 ~ Yellow Crystal Sun

‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Cooperate, Dedicate and Universalize’. The number twelve is associated with groupings. Eg; A dozen eggs, or a juror of 12 peers, Jesus had 12 disciples and King Arthur had 12 Knights of the ‘Round Table’. Today is about getting together with other folks and so if you like, find your own people and see what you can achieve by cooperating.
Today is the Yellow Sun which symbolizes ‘Enlightenment, Life and Universal Fire’. Clearly working with others today will lead to enlightenment and so, it’s a good day to participate in a study group or a think tank. Twelve minds are better than one! As always on Yellow Sun days, expect spontaneous revelations and good ideas to just suddenly pop into your head. Put your minds together if you want to maximize today’s potential.
The Guide today is the Yellow Human which represents ‘Influence, Free Will and Wisdom’. Always when Yellow Human guides, he is urging us to follow our intuition. Go with your gut feelings today and this will lead you in the right direction. Expect to download information from the Universe. This combined with so much sunny energy means we are going to learn a great deal today.
The Challenge today is the White Dog which is the symbol of ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. People are thinking logically today, with their heads and not their hearts. Make sure any decisions you make today are not too heartless. If you are a White Dog, you may not feel like playing today. Matters of the heart may require attention as the Dog in this aspect is weakened.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Being and Birth’. If you’ve been feeling burnt out lately – maybe you need to take better care of yourself. Dragon offers magical opportunities for rebirth, so bonus points are available for being good to yourself. This also makes starting new projects ideal as the Dragon represents new beginnings. As it is a number 12 day which symbolizes cooperating in groups – then anything new that you launch today, should involve other people and then success is more likely.
The Ally is the Blue Storm, the instigator of changes. If you are going to do anything in a group setting today make sure you have at least one Blue Storm. As an Ally, they are in a great supportive position. If you don’t know one you can still harness this energy and make good use of it. The Storm when occupying this position, is friendlier and much less disruptive and so, expect any changes that occur to be gentler. The chances of storms in teacups are less likely too.
Kin 220
Kin 220


12 AHAU – KIN 220
12 FEBRUARY 2025

EN-LIGHT 💡ON-ing Connections 💡🌐

I dedicate in order to ENLIGHTEN
Universalizing life
I seal the matrix of Universal Fire
With the Crystal tone of cooperation
I AM guided by the power of Free will.

12/2/2025 = 3/2/9 = 3/11 = 3/2=5


12- Acquiring great knowledge/strength
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/ Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 220 = 4- Building a PEACE filled foundation.


AFTER THE STORM🌪🌩🌧 passes, the SUN rises⛅🌤🌅 and brings out the RAINBOWS!🌈🌈🌈

A very beautiful code on Planet Earth after our momentous double STORM DAY..🌀🌪🌩.

Today we are UNITING together to MANIFEST beautiful New RAINBOW connections, as we build a PEACE full and solid foundation for Terra Nova. 🌈🌎🌐

🌞💎💠🌀💕🌞💎💠🌀💕 🌞

🌞🌞🌞“Oh fierce SUN, I turn to you knowing that a power which is like your LIGHT will give me all that I require this day”

This is a very powerful prayer that you may wish to use to start each day, particularly if you are a SUNGAZER.🌞 Muchos gratitude to beloved siSTAR Arlene King who channeled this whilst meditating in the Yucatan. 🙏💟🙏💟


Day 12 in the HEALING RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS,👸 who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity, as we PURIFY our vessels in order to find our natural FLOW.🌫

Tone 12 on the 12th FEB gives us a 12.12 portal code today!

Today is a day of ENLIGHTENED💡 CRYSTALLINE connections👫👬👭 with our planetary kin. 🌞🌐

On a YELLOW SUN☀ day, the Crystal💎 tone creates the BUDDHIC MIND,🙂🎆 an uninterrupted and powerful conduit for the Universal/GOD MIND!

Today we are finding the pure flow of UNIFIED planetary christ consciousness. DIVINE PERFECTION once more!


CRYSTAL 💎– Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.

Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks/old patterns, in order to LIBERATE new FLOW and opportunities.

At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Today we are joining and merging with other UNIVERSAL MINDS through the power of illumination, as we UNITE as a GLOBAL family – celebrating THE VICTORY OF THE LIGHT! ✨✨✨

NOTE: Crystal days are brilliant for offering crystal clear clarity, which like a diamond 💎 further illuminates that which is being examined. We are connecting to and ACTIVATING DIAMOND CONSCIOUSNESS 💠– through the Planetary Grid🌐


The CLEAR multi facets of the DIAMOND💎 ensure we have multi-dimensional access to CLARITY🔮 and UNIVERSAL WISDOM!
CRYSTAL actions encompass Cooperation and Dedication. These days are great for networking, communicating and seeking answers, either through your own inner wisdom or by seeking out wise counsel.

CRYSTAL days are the days you schedule 🗒meetings, negotiations, contractual agreements, brainstorming, writing, channeling, meditating and communicating. CRYSTAL tone people are fantastic advisors, thinkers, counsellors, tarot/card readers, writers, speakers, inventors etc as they have a very clear and direct access to information.

CRYSTAL tone people have a natural affinity with the CRYSTAL 💎 mineral realm, and can easily connect and communicate with the crystal deva. Therefore making them fantastic Crystal Healers, Gridworkers and the like. Interestingly many are also very adept at working with computers and IT that have a Crystal chip. Today is a BRILLIANT day to CONNECT in any way, shape or form and honour your crystal allies.

A wonderful reprieve for our Planetary family bringing cohesiveness and UNITY🌐 consciousness through CLARITY, healing the division, separateness and factional rifts between HU-MAN-KIND!



Today ALL the Pyramids of the Sun throughout the world are fully ACTIVATED🔥 and communicating together, recalibrating to the higher UNIFIED 5D codes of LOVE and UNITY consciousness.

We are reprogramming NovaTerra’s crystalline grid🌐 to a much higher octave of PURE consciousness – particularly with this MASSIVE influx of Solar🌞 activity and C.M.E’s entering GAIA’s magnetosphere! 🌍🔥🌎🔥🌏🔥

This time our PLANETARY GRID🌐 is fully programmed for PEACE, vitality and prosperity, and so the giant super planetary computer, will be broadcasting these codes to all who have their “receivers” tuned in to that station/frequency. .

Focus on the CRYSTAL CLARITY of our HIGHER MIND today, through the power of cooperation with others to transmit and receive these potent codes. A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS❤ and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!

Today’s question is “How can I unite with UNIVERSAL MIND, opening to the FLOW of pure ENLIGHTENED consciousness, and elevating my life to become a divine HU-MAN, ?” 🌞✨

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬

Divine blessings for crystal clear and LOVING HEART/MIND connections today. 😊☺🌞😎💕💞

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN💎 🌞 AHAU brings much needed PLANETARY AWAKENING💥 and ILLUMINATION ✨ today through the LIGHT of Universal Fire.🔥The SOLAR CODES that have been the SPARK, activating our DNA on our Ascension journey.

🌞🔥🌞It is highly likely that the stream of CME’S, Solar Winds from Solar Flares will MAX 🔥🌞 out today, as the CRYSTAL SUN💎🌞 is a potent ASCENSION CODE.

The SUN shines its LIGHT in the darkest of places, bringing forth its wisdom through the ability to SEE what was previously hidden in the shadows. The BLUE STORM enabled you to access those blocks within the depths of your subconscious, and thus dissolve them with the Spectral tone. Now the SUN provides the impetus to progress to the next level of your soul’s journey on its ultimate path to ENLIGHTENMENT!

The Mayan name for the SUN🌞 is AHAU and indeed its energies provide many AHA moments!🌞🌞🌞

YELLOW SUN people RADIATE their LIGHT☀ and their wisdom to all who venture into their presence. They are natural born LEADERS, very regal and majestic souls like the sign of LEO,🦁👑 . This tribe, like our actual SUN, energizes every other tribe to be a stronger version of themselves, thus YELLOW SUN people are BRILLIANT to have in your team.

YELLOW SUN is tribe number 20, the final and ultimate destination of the Dreamspell journey through the tribes that commenced with the RED DRAGON. Tribe number 1 birthed the creation energies through the dark void, from Source/Mother Goddess.

AHAU☀ is said to encompass ALL the codes of the preceding 19 tribes that came before the YELLOW SUN.☀️☀️☀️..
The AHAU kin are VERY evolved souls – generally having mastered the other kin signatures, and now choosing to MAGNIFY and strengthen the energies of those lucky enough to be in their presence.

NOTE: Twin Soul👫 partnerships frequently create the SUN 🌞 tribe 20, through their union of individual energies, which is needed in their 5D MISSION. This reflects the significance of the AHAU🌞 codes for the evolution of humanity into 5D and higher Solar 🌞 consciousness

🌞“I AM THAT, I AM.🌞.

This mantra of Yellow Sun is a meditation for accessing the “I AM” presence within you, that contains great power and universal truth.

It is interesting to note that the nation of AMERICA 🌎– was originally named to be the expression of the I AM consciousness. This explains the far reaching influence that the USA has on global relations.!🌈🌎🌐

Yellow Sun is the mystery unveiled, the simplicity of unconditional love and infinite BLISS.💞 Known by many names, Yellow Sun is the Solar Lord, the Mind of Light, the Center that is also your center. Yellow Sun is your solar home, the Great Central Sun. 🌞✨

Yellow Sun is a reminder that you are, at every moment, in the center of ALL THAT IS. ☀

In your journey of remembrance, you are crafting a LIGHT body to return to a home in the STARS✨ that you never really left. Return as a child of the sacred to the Great Central Sun! ☀

You are the crown of creation,👑 infused with the blueprint of the Solar mind. You are a God-SEED, the reflection of cosmic consciousness. You are love made visible! SOURCE: Ariel Spilsbury The Mayan Oracle


HIGHER SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN 💎🙂 – EB is a very complementary energy here, as it brings forth wisdom and the higher divine mind. IF one wishes to elevate their consciousness ABOVE that of the lower egoic mind, or unawakened human condition, then use your FREE WILL to connect with your mighty I AM presence.

The CRYSTAL HU-MAN elevates our consciousness today to the DIVINE MIND – the GOD MIND of superconsciousness.. This guiding energy today will ensure that the masses have a BOOST of CRYSTAL 💎 CLARITY to align them with DIVINE WILL and the BIG PICTURE – the DIVINE PLAN for HU-MAN-ITY.

Connection and UNITY will be the focus of this energetic stimulus. A welcome aid to those souls AWAKENING from their slumber!

The CRYSTAL HUMAN once aligned with DIVINE MIND, also embodies the BUDDHIC MIND, enabling those wise sages to use their influence to direct others to make WISE CHOICES. WISE and compassionate men/women as our LEADERS is what we need to SHIFT our global consciousness to a higher level!



SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL STORM 💎🌪🌀 CAUAC – Continues its purification and cleansing action today. The STORM is actively ensuring your total transformation is delivered by the Thunderbeings.🌩🌪🌩

“BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the LIGHT body. Blue Storm comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of ALL THAT IS.” ❤🎆 Ariel Spilsury 🙏🙏🙏

The CRYSTAL STORM PURIFIES the MIND to SEE and KNOW the DIVINE TRUTH of what IS. Another BRILLIANT tool to cleanse away confusion, stagnation and the illusion of the veil. Another refreshing WAKE-UP CALL for humanity, to all RISE up together in these transformative times.


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR DRAGON 🐉🐣 IMIX represents DIVINE MOTHER who births all of creation in her Holy temple. The RED DRAGON tribe are tribe number 1 who initiate the whole Creation journey.
RED DRAGON offers the gifts of birth, new beginnings and the impetus to rise from the ashes to be rebirthed as an Enlightened Divine HU-MAN!

Mother DRAGON is also a WISDOM keeper – holding the Sophia codes – the feminine aspect of Christ Consciousness.. A perfect PAIRING for our elevation to GOD SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS today!

Today the LUNAR DRAGON will reveal all the friction and opposition to UNITING and COOPERATING with your kinfolk. Any resistance to UNIFICATION and collaboration will be quashed through the LIGHT of LOVE.. Choosing compassion, forgiveness and ACCEPTANCE is the favoured path for greater harmony with our Planetary family.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL DOG 💎🐕 OC The power of the WHITE DOG is through the HEART! ❤ White Dog’s freely offer unconditional love to all their kin. Their love is forever, they are man’s faithful and forever loyal servants always willing to please.

All YELLOW SUN☀ kin have the WHITE DOG as their life’s lesson, both their CHALLENGE💪 and GIFT.💝.

The CHALLENGE on the path to enlightenment is to forgive ALL and focus on ONENESS through your HEART CONNECTION.. Once you FULLY embody UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, you become ENLIGHT-ONed.. this becomes your MEDICINE and GIFT to humanity. Very appropriate that LOVE is the PATH to ONENESS and SOURCE!

Any heart walls that have been created due to LACK of TRUST, betrayal, unforgiveness and lack of self-love will surface today. ALL will be illuminated by the LIGHT of the SUN☀ in order to be examined and totally dismantled.
Break down the walls that separate you from your kin, let them tumble like the Walls of Jericho so that you can rejoice and celebrate with your beloved family.

The CRYSTAL DOG will forge strong links and connections through LOVE, DEVOTION and UNITING together for the purpose of DIVINE SERVICE, the PATH to higher consciousness.

We are collapsing all blocks to LOVE💕 on a Planetary level, so that Nova Gaia can once again return to her natural state.

Allow WHITE DOG to bless you today with Mother/Father GOD’S eternal love for you and our planet.

Open your HEART💟 today as a flower 🌻 to the Sun🌞, and become the LOVE 💞 that holds universes together!


CHILDREN of the SUN!🌞 👭👬👫🌞


Today’s question is “How can I unite with UNIVERSAL MIND, opening to the FLOW of pure ENLIGHTENED consciousness, and elevating my life to become a divine HU-MAN, ?” 🌞✨

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬

Divine blessings for crystal clear and LOVING HEART/MIND connections today. 😊☺🌞😎💕💞

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 Past Life Regression Guided Meditation 🕉

Unlock Your Soul’s Hidden Memories with my Sacred Condor 🔥



With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.

🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding

✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike

🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation

💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.


CLICK HERE for the Past Lives Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Prayer for the Full Moon in Leo

Divine Light of the Cosmos,
On this sacred night of the Full Moon in Leo,
I call upon the radiant fire of the heavens,
The golden flame of courage, passion, and truth.

May the bold heart of the Lion awaken within me,
Infusing my soul with confidence, strength, and authenticity.
Let all fears dissolve in the brilliance of this lunar glow,
As I step fully into my divine power.

Great Spirit, guide me to express my truth with love,
To shine unapologetically, and to share my gifts with the world.
May this moon illuminate my path,
Igniting creativity, joy, and boundless inspiration.

I release all that dims my light,
And embrace the divine radiance that I am.
With gratitude, I honor this celestial blessing,
And step forward as a beacon of love and truth.

So it is.


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