We have Reached the “Threshold” In the Blink of an Eye… BE THE CHANGE WITH THE MOON IN LEO ~ Meditation on Ocean Water
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Solar Winged Nation of the Halo Tribe of New Earth
Happy 333 Portal Activation! The Trinity Gates are fully opened and online through all Sacred Sites and Nodes of the Divine Mother.
As we complete the last two days of this magical and mystical month of March we journey over the threshold to the higher realms of Bliss and Joy.
To assist us on our Path our local Solaris released the X class flare yesterday and several more C Class flares today along with a powerful M 5.41 Solar Flare at 7:37 UTC. This is encoded with our Sign of the 73 into the 37 of Heaven upon Earth. Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being enveloped in Solar Radiation of full Electrical Potential. The Winds of Change continue to blow in to clear, cleanse and purge all that is not in harmony with the Divine Plan.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Chile, South America, in the Andes Mountains home of our Sacred Condors and Kundalini of Mother Earth. This occurred at 17:33 UTC . The epicenter was at 35 latitude and 73 longitude. more of our 73 Codes, more signs and omens from the Great Spirit of our Ascension Process.
Our Vessels of Light are being inundated with Adamantine Particles of Gamma Waves directly from the Great Central Sun. We are being tuned up to a higher resonance for our full transformations in the Light. We are receiving activations and upgrades in our Solar Plexus Chakras to take in more Energy into our Light Bodies.
Feel into the Power of the Silence within and let go, let go, let go until final release and dropping of the veils of separation is complete. Now we Rise in the Glory of the Dawning of the New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 11º Aries.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
An epidemic of mumps.
Sabian Symbol for 2º Leo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 2º Leo.
You hold the power within you not only to heal and uplift yourself, the light of your soul can and is healing and uplifting the whole world. Rise beloved, for you are divine essence, divine light love in physical form.
UPDATE. There is a real energetic push forward, and there is so much unknown. Fears of change, fears of what never happened before, fears of leaving the comfort zone, fears of loss, fears of « mistakes ». The energy has a vibe you never exactly experienced so far. A new facet of your path is just being born. The zones you are preparing yourself to go to are just so unfamiliar. It’s like all led you to this, and it’s about to be time. Feel it. Savour this unique energy, it’s like hearing your name called by a faraway drum in a language you still don’t fully understand. You are not alone. Our rebirth is collective. Don’t rush. It’s happening anyway.
Dear family of love and light, there are a lot of happenings in the month of March. As of today, the Divine and the company of heaven have been carrying out the Divine intervention to clear the planet and humanity per Gaia’s request. The Divine says that the Divine intervention and operations have accomplished a great deal. For that, Gaia and the Divine are very pleased.
Meanwhile, the month of March has a lot of activities that are designed to bring Gaia’s remapping process forward. The Divine says that most of these activities are on schedule. The Divine and Gaia are determined to move forward with the plan so that the Gaia’s remapping process can continue to gain more of the momentum.
The Divine says that in the month of April, the Divine will bring in more of the intense energies. And Gaia’s ascension plan will be intensified. The Divine encourages light workers to keep up the good work and know that Gaia’s ascension process has entered into a very intense period of time, and the Divine plan is working well.
Linda Li the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
The signs of Humanity’s Ascension have been given to me thru my PHOTOS, VISIONS, during my Near Death in 1981, and my Heavenly Encounters with Yeshua Jesus Christ and Divine Mother Mary.
I am Sure and certain
In the Blink of an Eye…
We are all so happy to feel within.. Our Graduation blending into our light bodies,
Our higher Divine intelligence,
Our Cellular Memory SPEAKING to OUR SOUL!
Sharing now
The signs and Clues…
See my photos depicting the merging of our 2nd Earth..
Blessings from
Cmdr. Victoria Liljenquist
My (3) 1997 VISIONS of the Arrival of OUR 2nd EARTH
Today is now..
Mar. 30, 2023
Exactly 26 yrs ago today..
At 3:33 am back on
Mar. 30 1997
I had #1 of 3
Witnessing from space..
Our Earth and Saw A
2nd Earth..
One Earth was transplanting from
our Present Earth
The next night
I received
#2 OF 3 visions
Mar. 31, 1997
In my VISION..
APPEARED The ARRIVAL of an ominous, Gigantic,
2nd Earth
Moving quickly
Towards our Earth..
It completely FILLED UP
running around in mass of confusion…
They were Yelling at this huge planet headed towards OUR Earth.
“Who are you..
& What do you want?”
As this New Earth Planet literally began MERGING into Our present Mother Earth!
I exclaimed to the people..
be afraid,
This a glorious BLESSING
A wonderful thing”.
THE 2nd EARTH..then MERGED WITH our present Earth, and with Humanity
IT WAS Gathering those “pure in heart”..
those ready
to ascend..
those desiring to progress…
“New Earth”
this is your
The dolphins were swimming in the firmament..
I then saw
#3 of 3 Vision
Aug 31, 1997
The morning
Princess Diana passed tragically…
I received
A Panorama Vision..
I was Opening the shutter doors..
Looking out..
No sorrow or sadness..
I only saw a World similar to the things we love about Gaia..but it was Fresh & Clean
OUR New Gaia
A New Heaven, of OUR
2nd Earth..
I pray for every soul to feel this joy of A new Beginning.
After talking with different people these past few days
I realised that everyone felt the strong incoming energies, whether they were aware of them or not.
Some couldn’t sleep, some felt really energised or had some epiphany, others had some kind of a crisis taking place in their life and a few also experienced panic attacks.
These experiences became more intense after the 27th of March and are still going on.
To my understanding as the petals of the lotus both at the top of this realm and at the top of the human body have started rotating, they are firstly activating/recharging the upper part of the earth and human aura.
As the speeding up and the reconnection of all the rows of the petals will be progressing, the charging will be moving to the middle/sides and later to the lower part of the aura.
When the lotus flower reaches full recharging of all of its petal rows, then both the earth and human aura will be able to experience full reconnection to the 12 sound waves of the Heart, which is the state of reconnection to the Christed Self.
I have received the message that during the next 3 to 4 weeks another series of collective and personal events, episodes and synchronicities will take place that will help push everyone into a much more clear position on were they will stand from now on, meaning which reality their True Self has chosen to align to.
Through these events/episodes many will suddenly wake up to forgotten truths in them and will recognise the vainness of the false personality, the fallen game and how they were involved in it.
There will be a lot of letting go and surrendering to the true Self. Sudden departures will take place and pending but necessary endings will be finalised, sweeping the useless information out of the away, opening the way for a clearer vision!
Thus, the new horizon will be recognised!
At the same time a great release of toxicity will be experienced, helping the process of purification even further.
The old cannot co-exist with the new and the new cannot co-exist with the old anymore.
Beyond the point of this spring equinox, for anyone not letting go of control and holding onto either sides of the opposite spectrum/reality than the one they truly belong in, the experience will become very difficult and might also carry the potential for hurt and suffering.
The incoming energies are not meant to hurt anyone.
They are meant to just help all.
People who are still in the false personality/ego mind/trauma self and still choose the agenda of the old reality, are free to follow the program and take the longer road to awakening.
And people who are consciously dropping the old personality and embracing the true essence of the self, are also free to fully exit the program and freely follow the path of the rainbow and organic life, which will eventually lead them back to source.
This is a time that everyone will be asked to know where they are standing and taking a clear position.
The time of debating and analysing ideas, philosophies, ideologies or information is over, now is the time of Becoming or Not.
WE Are Beautiful BEings of LIGHT composed of ENERGETIC FREQUENCIES.
They Shimmer and Glow with a Radiance that is Uniquely ours. They Reflect Who WE Are at the Present Moment.
They are our ENERGETIC SIGNATURE throughout the Dimensions.
Our ENERGETIC FREQUENCIES are constantly CHANGING as WE Move Forward on our Ascension Path.
Our LIGHT Flickers and Shines with increased BRILLIANCE as our Consciousness Expands.
Each time WE have a NEW AWARENESS. . . WE are BE-ing Invited to Incorporate it into Who WE Are.
WE are BE-ing Given the Choice to use this Expanded Consciousness to Release old energetic patterns and Allow NEW ONES to BE Formed.
When WE Allow this process to occur. . . WE are incorporating NEW PATTERNS that are Congruent with Who WE currently Are.
This will remain intact until our Consciousness Again Rises to a HIGHER Level. . . and the Process Repeats Itself.
It is an Ongoing Flow of Dissolving old patterns and Forming NEW ONES.
The more WE Remain Open to this Process. . . the more WE will BE in the UNIVERSAL FLOW. . . and the More our LIGHT will Increase.
BE-ing AWARE of Who WE Are in the Present Moment can Support this FLOW.
Paying Attention to our Thoughts and Feelings can HELP us Validate Where WE Are ENERGETICALLY.
WE can Facilitate this Process by Keeping an Open Mind to NEW IDEAS and CONCEPTS. This does NOT mean to accept them automatically. . .
but rather to Evaluate them from a HIGHER Perspective.
WE may Consider whether the NEW CONCEPTS are Loving and Kind and are for the HIGHEST GOOD of ALL. WE may Reflect on how they would Manifest in Daily Life.
Then. . . WE can Evaluate how WE will Incorporate them into our Own Path.
Perhaps WE may make a Conscious Decision to keep Positive Thoughts and Intentions that will lead to HIGHER FREQUENCY Outcomes.
WE may PAUSE BEfore Responding so that our Actions Reflect our HIGHER AWARENESS.
WE may place added Emphasis on keeping our own ENERGY FIELD Clear so that WE can more Easily Recognize the Signals that an old pattern has served its purpose and that It Is TIME for it to BE Dissolved and Reshaped into a NEW ONE.
WE can Keep our ENERGY FIELD Clear through processes such as using the Violet Flame. . . BE-ing gentle with our SELVES. . .
and Forgiving our SELVES if a Situation did NOT occur the way WE had Hoped it would.
Incorporating our Preferred Practices and Techniques into our Daily Life can Help to KEEP the Process FLOWING.
Our Consciousness Rises to HIGHER Levels with each NEW AWARENESS. . . and WE have the Opportunity to form a NEW ENERGETIC PATTERN.
WE are NOW Expanding our Consciousness and Forming NEW ENERGETIC Patterns for the HIGHEST GOOD.
Remain strong Beloveds. Release the thoughts and emotions that are expelling, and know you are ascending into the Bridal Chamber.
“Each person who enters the bridal chamber will spark the light. This is not like earthly marriages that are practiced under cover of darkness. Their fire burns at night, but is dead by daybreak. No, the mysteries of this marriage take place during a day whose light never sets. Whoever becomes an attendant of the bridal chamber will receive the light. If the light is not received there, it will not be received elsewhere. Whoever receives the light can be neither seen nor grasped. Nothing can disturb him, even while he lives in this world. And when he leaves this world, he will have already received the truth through images and symbols. The Fullness, the eternal world, is his world. It has been revealed to him alone; it is hidden from others not by darkness and night, but by perfect day and holy light.”
Appreciate this moment you have worked so hard for. A new eternal world awaits you Beloveds. Continue releasing the egos control, and receive the truth of eternal love that is supporting and protecting your way home.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
“Ultimately this Siddhi will be needed by all travellers into the beyond, because it takes Valour to die with an open heart. To give up our identity, our attachments, our body, and merge into the limitless light, requires the exquisite cocktail of courage and love.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus on March 30th, brings a unique blend of love, pleasure, and unpredictability.
Venus rules our relationships, values, and desires, while Uranus represents sudden change, breakthroughs, and surprises.
With Taurus as the sign of this conjunction, we’re encouraged to slow down and savor the moment while also focusing on stability, sensuality, and material abundance. This practical earth sign puts the spotlight on our finances, possessions, and senses, adding a grounded energy to the mix.
We can use this powerful energy to break free from limiting beliefs and patterns that have been holding us back, and open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities.
This conjunction delivers the potential to manifest abundance and prosperity in all areas of our lives, from love and relationships to career and finances.
The Moon has now moved into brave and fiery Leo, while bringing with it a huge wind of motivation and change!
For the first little bit, the Moon will be Square to Mercury in Aries. So, in our attempt to communicate our passions, we may be likely misunderstood as coming across too intense or hostile. While it may not be true we are hostile, there could be some misunderstandings as a result, including temperamental disagreements. This will be short lived though, as the Square falls away and Mercury rests exclusively with its Conjunction to Jupiter in Aries. Onward ho!
A few days ago, Mercury and Jupiter in Aries entered a Conjunction with one another. As mentioned in my previous article, this is a huge opportunity for us to speak our mind with vigor, passion, and purpose. And then take action to do something about it! This is where even the shy guy will walk his talk and be demonstrative. This is the “unblocking” or “unboxing” we have needed in order to step into our power to become true leaders of the life we’ve felt like passengers in.
The Moon is also Trine to the Sun in Aries and Neptune in Pisces. This Trine does work in our favor, even if we’ve been a bit unsteady with our attitude in recent times. The level of positivity will be more dominant than anything adversarial if we know how to channel it properly. Can we say, dreams do come true? YES! Aries has such a dramatic flare for optimism because it’s an adventurous and passionate energy driven by impulse and opportunity. Not every new thing works out, but there’s certainly no lack of jumping in with both feet to try it out. This is also a perfect energy to utilize for taking detours which can lead to wish fulfillment of the right kind.
Neptune in Pisces is ever so dreamy. That can lead to disillusionment too of course, and impractical expectations. But Neptune in Pisces opens the veil and allows us a peek into the 5D so we can bring it down to Earth and make it a reality.
We can be powerful leaders, advocates of change, and pioneers of innovation if we want to be. Through this Leo Moon period, we are garnered a sunnier perspective on how to overcome the obstacles we face in life because our fears get a back seat. The steps towards manifesting our happy ever after are there. We just have to strap on the mantle of bravery and courage to make it happen. We are certainly not short of this energy being lent to us by the cosmos. Are we awake and paying attention enough to see it?
Today, Venus and Uranus in Taurus made an exact Conjunction. This energy helps us shake up routines in matters of love and money! We can expect this energy to ripple for days following, as much as it did for days leading up to today. This brings us breakthroughs, breakups, and breakouts. This is exactly what we need to upgrade our love languages, communications between the heart space, and sedentary routines we’ve fallen into. This is necessary change, and we can either let it reshape what we value, or let it cost us our peace. It’s up to us how well we embrace the change it brings.
Some folks may feel triggered by the uprooting of so much of the life they’ve built for themselves but even those who have been in hermit mode will feel the trembling beneath their feet. Especially since the Moon will be in Opposition with Pluto tonight. The Moon wants healthy change, while Pluto might bring about destruction and chaos in the process.
By tomorrow, the Moon will be Square to Venus and Uranus, putting an even stronger pause or stop to the chaotic vibes this waning transit will bring. Some folks may need a time out to get themselves in check, and come at it all from a new angle. What do we really feel love for? And what ignites our passion? Is it healthy? Can we advocate for change but in a constructive way? We’ll be asking ourselves these questions.
Tomorrow the Sun will be Square to Mars in Cancer but still Trine to the Moon. This is a bold move, energetically. This is father sky saying, “Let’s tackle your grievances with solutions rather than temper tantrums, pouting, or crying fits”. We need to handle our situations with strength and resolve, which will set our hearts free anyway. And this is what Mars in Cancer really needs; to be heart, to be felt, and understood as it pushes onward in its masculine energy of action.
Overall, let’s get er’ done and be the change we wish to see in the world without feeling a need to knock it all down in order to build anew. Think BIG, think BOLD, and let’s make it happen.
Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces. Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus – Even though at times we may feel like we’ve crawled to a stop, the flowing connection between Mars and Saturn suggests that slow progress is exactly what we need if we want to accomplish our goals. Saturn benefits from Martian motivation and Mars gets the benefit of Saturn’s discipline so it’s a win-win. Take time to build your muscle. Fortify yourself. Shore up your defences. Define your goals. Channel emotions into creative or spiritual projects. Play the long game. Steady as she goes.
Meanwhile the meeting between Venus and Uranus entices us to embrace novel experiences, new connections, different tastes. Free your heart from insecurities that tell you that you aren’t worthy. Make room for new growth and fruitful investment of time and energy. Find joy in unexpected discoveries, self-sown flowers in life’s garden. Be open to change. Sometimes the universe offers us delicious surprises.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number 4 and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure.’ The fourth day of any wavespell is about taking a closer look at the details. Reading the finer print and scrutinizing, so you may proceed armed with the knowledge necessary to move forward with the wavespell. Yesterday we flew with the Eagle and saw things from a higher perspective, now we must swoop in closer to see what is going on.
Today is Yellow Warrior and the keywords associated with it are ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Yellow Warrior invites us to go on a mission, to accept a quest. Try thinking about what you could achieve today using your willpower and tackling things like a Warrior. Don’t hesitate to wield your sword and don’t be shy about marching forth. As it is a number four day and that represents definition, today’s mission therefore will be about the quest for information. The Warrior loves to ask questions and it has a thirst for knowledge so the number goes very well with the day. The combo makes for a fact finding mission that should prove to be very interesting. Expect to learn something new!
The Guide for the day is Yellow Human which represents ‘Channeling, Wisdom and Free Will’. This suggests that by using your intuition to guide your actions today, that will help you discover the answers.
The Challenge of the day is White Worldbridger, so if you were born on Worldbridger day will find it tough going. You must use your willpower and be a Warrior. Yes, bridges may be difficult to cross today but if you read the details of the instructions…that will gain you permission to cross over. Worldbridgers are always seeking peace but using Diplomacy may not be an option today, so be aware that playing ‘piggy in the middle’ isn’t going to work.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which invites you to shed your old skin and emerge feeling like a new person. In this magical position, the Serpent is powerful and can really help you transmute any poison within you. This symbolizes letting go of pain or fear or anything that does you no good.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Consult one if you need help today, their dreams can inspire you. If you are a Blue Night, you can be very helpful to others today influencing people with your great imagination. If you don’t have one handy, do what they would do and sleep on it. You’d be surprised how friendly your dreams can be to you today. May you have a message that helps you with the fact finding.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 56 = 11 = 2
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity
2- Twins/Partnership/Cooperation
Today is another powerful NEW EARTH day.. We have a 3.3.3 HOLY TRINITY code, and a 4/4 coding through the day 4 total and Tone 4 – the SELF-EXISTING tone. This is bringing forth divine consciousness for building NEW EARTH.. The QUEST of the RAINBOW WARRIORS,
Another POTENT day continuing the gifts brought by yesterday’s BLUE EAGLE, calling us to ACTION our DREAMS and our DIVINE purpose.
Today we are working on the MENTAL plane, and using our minds to QUESTION what it is we need to SURRENDER, in order to SHAPE our new reality, and EXPAND our consciousness!
Yesterday marked the CLOSURE of the cycle of WAR and BATTLES on our beloved planet, GAIA!
The RAINBOW WARRIORS have gloriously ARISEN and are VICTORIOUSLY reclaiming this realm, in order to lead us into the LIGHT at the end of the RAINBOW.
SELF-EXISTING Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
The WARRIOR plus the SELF-EXISTING tone are a very MIND focused energy.. leading to much mental analysis, questioning and defining today, (and possibly ARGUMENTS, CONFLICTS and battles). So remember to keep your cool!
The WARRIOR will necessitate that you define what FORM, your DREAMS and the collective DREAMING of our Planet shall take, in order to be created. It is time to build a SOLID FOUNDATION for New Earth together.
Today’s question is “What do I need to fearlessly SURRENDER, in order for my DIVINELY directed ideas and DREAMS to take FORM?”
Divine blessings for the realization of your great dreams to take FORM!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR CIB is the Ancient GALACTIC warrior who answered the CLARION CALL from GAIA to come from all corners of the Galaxy to assist her in Ascending to the New Golden Age.
After a long, arduous battle, the RAINBOW WARRIORS have NOW fearlessly reclaimed their mighty SWORDS of POWER and have RISEN in FULL SOVEREIGNTY as the DIVINE WARRIORS of CHRIST – fearlessly defending and creating the DIVINE PLAN for human-kind.
This PEACE focused WARRIOR is the brave revolutionary of ancient times, constantly QUEST-I-ON-ing our physical reality, and the nature of our existence in order to LEAD us to a better world. CIB wields his SWORD of TRUTH and cuts through all the extraneous packaging in order to get to the CORE of the package deep inside the box.
The Warrior uses his intelligence to cut through the ignorance of the illusory world, by challenging the status quo. His fearless spirit cuts through obstacles and falsities along the way, so that others may follow paths of increasing intelligence.
The YELLOW WARRIOR banishes FEAR, so that you can see your true face bright and clear.
Today you are asked to look at any MENTAL challenges and blocks.
What are those FEARS, beliefs, and old programs that are restricting you from building your new life.
What better thoughts can you construct that will assist you with majikally manifesting your goals?
How can you use your mental acuity, to define and shape your existence into a better LIFE for one and ALL?
CIB fearlessly questions our actions in order to EXPAND and awaken to greater consciousness. The SELF EXISTING WARRIOR is extremely FOCUSED on redefining the world he experiences, until his DESIRED reality is shaped and takes form.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW SELF=EXISTING HUMAN EB Influences others and emphasizes FREE WILL. EB and CIB are best mates, these two work in tandem, as well as BEN and CIMI do. YELLOW HUMAN brings forth great mental capacity through his wisdom and intelligence, thus the WARRIOR has SUPER MENTAL abilities today, as these two brothers combine their gifts.
The YELLOW TRIBES are the RIPENERS – they get things DONE and bring them into fruition, through concentrated FOCUS of intent. YELLOW HUMAN is strongly guiding the WARRIOR to align with DIVINE WILL today – to ensure he is fearlessly defending and CREATING the DIVINE PLAN and not just recklessly battling for his own agenda.
When the WARRIOR has a NOBLE cause, he is elevated to DIVINE status as an instrument of the DIVINE – The PEACEFUL SPIRITUAL WARRIOR A true WARRIOR of CHRIST.
As such he is then afforded DIVINE PROTECTION, as he carries out his QUEST for TRUTH and JUSTICE in GOD’S name. He thus becomes a beacon influencing others to join his crusade in the name of TRUTH and JUSTICE.
YELLOW HUMAN helps the WARRIOR to raise his vibe to open his golden chalice and let the wisdom of Spirit flow through, melting any FEAR, doubt or self derision. He can then find the confidence, courage and belief in his innate abilities to KNOW the right path to take.
EB guides the CHOICES made by CIB leading to Divine outcomes, so that the Will of God can take shape and form on this Earth realm.
SUPPORT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING NIGHT AKBAL enables the WARRIOR to connect with his intuitive promptings which is absolutely essential for his SAFETY and SURVIVAL… Simply following the promptings of the MIND, can lead the Warrior astray.
The WARRIOR must align his MIND with his HEART and be guided by his instinct and intuition, that is, his gut intelligence. If something does not sit right in his gut, then his instincts are guiding him to CHALLENGE what is presenting. AKBAL will also reveal what lies deep in the abyss which takes great courage to unearth and FACE.
4 AKBAL is the galactic signature of Nikola Tesla – It holds very potent CREATION POWER!! This is the MAJIK GENIE that can GRANT all your desires… so take HEED and capitalize on this phenomenal GIFT today.
What 3 DESIRES do you WISH to take FORM?
VISUALIZE it in your MIND’S EYE – and then ABRACADABRA it will be made manifest into FORM!
The SELF-EXISTING tone carries the capacity to access the ELECTRICAL currents created the previous day – through the BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE. Thus you can harness GREAT energy to fuel YOUR desires, inventions and YOUR innate imaginings through your 3rd eye and psychic VISION. PURE POTENT TESLA POWER!!
TESLA had incredible MIND POWER!! Whatever he invented or wished to create, eventuated out of a lengthy CREATION process.. The plans, drawings and structure of the inventions, were all crafted in his GENIUS MIND first. Then they were modified and refined, over and over, until TESLA was sure he had a successful model in which to build. He did not begin to physically construct it, until it was 90% perfected in his MIND.
POWERFUL minds SHAPE reality by honing and refining the details, UNTIL it is perfected in the MIND’S EYE, and made MANIFEST!
BLUE NIGHT encourages the WARRIOR to pursue his DREAMS, knowing that there is a better path in which to tread. The WARRIOR will slash through the illusion, and follow the yellow brick road, to the treasures he intuitively knows lay on the path ahead.
The SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR is fearlessly INTENT on measuring and defining HOW this DREAM of a better life, and better world, shall take SHAPE. This NEW DREAMING of the collective, forms the basis of his valiant QUEST, the reason he volunteered for this QUEST. The BRAVE RAINBOW WARRIOR will FEARLESSLY defend this DREAM, at all costs, until it has been made MANIFEST!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED PLANETARY SERPENTCHICCUAN represents your basic motivations, instincts, desires, and your innate movement toward wholeness. RED SERPENT asks you to release all your Battles (particularly your INNER battles) and your FEARS, shed the skin of your past, and step into the fires of alchemical transmutation. In this, rebirth is revealed. This desire is an innate response encoded in the depths of your being.
RED SERPENT combines with BLUE NIGHT to ease your survival fears and old programmed instincts. We each hold a store house of chi within us. Unlock the VITALITY in your kundalini channel, to release all blocks to your MANIFESTING the life and body of your DREAMS. An optimum time to use TAI CHI, Yoga and body work to allow the CHI to FLOW effortlessly awakening your creative SPARK!
CHICCHAN is a PLANETARY SERPENT so he has the POWER to enable your ideas and projections to easily be made MANIFEST in the physical world. The PLANETARY tone also highlights the COLLECTIVE DREAM and the DIVINE PLAN for the whole of humanity.
CHICCHAN unleashes incredible PLANETARY POWER for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to succeed in their QUEST in creating this NEW WORLD. Tap into the POWER that GAIA provides through ULURU and power centres around the globe, draw forth the magnetic CREATION force through your feet and dantien to fuel your desires.
A POWERhouse of creation energies exists within our being. Unleash the POWER, PASSION and LIFE FORCE that Chiccan provides, to IGNITE your desires, and PERFECT the PLANETARY DREAM, of PEACE ON EARTH for all Planetary kin. Aho!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER CIMI The shadow challenges of WHITE WORLDBRIDGER includes the FEAR of DEATH, endings and change. Reluctance or inability to LET GO and move forward, clinging to the old way of being.
Death is a natural part of transformation. Sometimes we are brought to experience symbolic deaths such as loss, divorce, illness, or separation from others. Embrace these seemingly dark or difficult experiences; they will release you from attachments and expectations, clearing you to more fully receive the LIGHT creating more space for LOVE to fill the void.
What are you afraid of, in order to take the next step?
The transformation offered in CIMI is found in SURRENDER, release and forgiveness. Through DEFINING what is IMPORTANT, we can more easily LET GO of what does not align with our new VISION.
By releasing what does not fit in our new form, we can move forward, and CIMI can build the bridge to the new. New relationships, connections, opportunities and grand new adventures, creating space for further soul expansion and growth to occur.
The WARRIOR’S greatest act of humility is to spare the life of his greatest enemy, surrendering his fate into the hands of the DIVINE. In this way he can release the pursuit of retribution and realign with a greater destiny and QUEST..
Knowing WHEN to SURRENDER, and change course, is a DIVINE act of humility and Spiritual maturity.
Choose to LET GO, and choose HARMONY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE!
Allow CIMI to send out new golden threads, to all the wondrous new connections you will be making in your new chapter. Remember at all times to release FEAR and choose LOVE. Ironically to do this we usually have to accept the DEATH of something old in order to build this new bridge to LOVE!
Allow CIB the fearless Warrior to lead you over the rainbow bridge on your new QUEST, to manifest and shape the NEW WORLD of your DREAMS.
NOTE: Warrior’s fearlessly charge into battle, so be wary of arguments, disputes and conflicts today. Thankfully the emotional charge is lessened today as the tone is in the MENTAL realm. However this may translate to VERBAL battles and arguments!
Do not engage in PERSONAL battles but save your energy for the greater good – your Divine Mission and the PLANETARY focus!
This elevates the focus of the Warrior to higher states of consciousness, and thus accordingly his behaviour! WHITE WORLDBRIDGER can bring forth an end to battles in any arena. So disengage and FOCUS on PEACE and UNITY. OM AH OM!
Today’s question is “What do I need to fearlessly SURRENDER, in order for my DIVINELY directed ideas and DREAMS to take FORM?”
Divine blessings for the realization of your great dreams to take FORM!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW!! HATHA YOGA: for beginners 🔥
This is the first in our series of Yoga Training. This is a Hatha Yoga Practice for beginners. This session runs about 20 minutes and is a light and gentle Yin Flow Yoga for all ages. Enjoy your Practice! Namaste 🙏 CLICK HERE to sign up for training
Aquamarine light, dark blue, hints of gold sunrise with silver linings flood in with the sunsets and waves of Mother Gaia’s ocean.
Meditation for All:
I feel surrounded by the aquamarine, dark blue, golden, silver light. The light envelops me as a warm embrace.
I no longer feel myself as a sphere of light, yet as an endless wave of ocean water. I have No beginning and No ending.
I AM ever- expansive as Her waters.
I let go and surrender into the watery elements. The fire is gone for now. I feel encompassed in a watery field, as I did in my Mother’s womb, Gaia’s womb.
I lay there, floating and relaxed. I move with the waves, smoothly. No angles are present. I AM One with the water. I AM the water.
The lights again of aquamarine, dark blue, gold and silver give flecks of brilliance through my being. I AM one with the fluid nature of my surroundings. I AM at peace with this natural expansive part of myself.
When I am unable to ground to solid Earth or feel connection, I flow and move as water has taught me to do. My voice and words flow with the water. My heart flows with the water. My mind flows with the water. My feet and hands flow with the water.
The spirit of the water innately guides me. The Divine Source of water lifts my physical vessel.
Mother Sophia and Father Time as incarnated here in multitude of form, guide me.
Water teaches surrender.
Water teaches grace. Water teaches unity and going in the direction of the Collective. As the molecules of the collective move, so too will my physical vessel move. I have no grip in water. My hands can not clutch anything. I exist. I move. I let go and let the Divine guide my path.
I AM Fluid.
I AM Expansive.
I AM Light.
I AM Graceful.
I AM Aligned.
I AM Powerful as I Surrender to these currents, shifts and waves around me.
Seraphim, Rosalyn, Shekinah, Miriam, Magdalene, Sophia, Ishtar, Diana, Yeshua, Knighted ones, Cathars, Essenes, Mystics, Grail Keepers, Rose Mothers, Grandmothers, Archangels, Thrones, indigenous chieftains and warriors, and all others be with us on this wave. So be it; as we walk through this Dream.
Ashnia- ah, Afnia ah Aknia, Alia Ania Aknia ah. Hania ha. Halia ha. Ishnia Aknia Alia ah.
Blessings from the Buoyancy And Grace of the Ocean,
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