9.11 Unification Begins! Mercury Releases – Equanimity Dances * God-Sovereign-Free ~ Law of One Dispensation
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Cosmic Time Keepers of Galactic Cycles
We have received a Trinity of Activations on this 9.11 Portal.
Massive energetics continue to flood this realm directly from Prime Source Creator as Mother Earths Crystalline Core holds and resonates with the 5D Codes and Frequencies of Heaven on Earth.
Our local Soularis has become very active again releasing over 6 C Class Soular Flares today and another 6 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 5.03 at 5:10 PM PST balancing the energies of the 5 Elements and the corresponding 10 organs of the physical vessels..
Pachamama has also received multiple activations all around her Pacific Ring of Fire with the 2 most powerful activations being 2 magnitude 5.8 earthquakes in Vanuatu and the most powerful 6.3 earthquake in Papua New Guinea at 16:46 UTC.
We also had two spikes today in the “heartbeat” of Gaia reaching amplitudes of 16 hz and 19 hz, fourth density into the fifth flowing in.
Synchronizing with these magnificent Events we are crossing over a dimensional Gate of Life and Death in time, on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. As we transition from Galactic Signature Kin 65 into Kin 66, From the perspective of fractal time, this represents a threshold of multi-dimensional transformation.
The Eagle and the Condor are holding the highest Codes of Divine Union for all our Good People of the New Earth. Keep holding your visions for our Paradisiacal Reality and with your Pure Intent and Divine Will of your Almighty I Am Presence call in the Paradise timeline forever more.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 have crossed over a dimensional timeline shift and universal threshold.
We have entered the Eye of the Storm as we reach zero point and in this time compression of Pure Energy we make our Breakthrough and Freedom into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
The Eternal Right provided through the Law of One Dispensation to return to sanity and to choose freedom, wholeness and divine right order.
The awakening of humanity in proper terms, the Ascending timeline.
Can be reached, it is within reach, it is a personal committed and collective effort..
Melissa Lyran
Magnetic disturbance today! GPS acting very off! Huge upgrades to Earth GRID SYSTEMS. FREE ENERGY INCREASING. Plasmic intelligent light hitting us now! Lucid dreaming is off the charts. Upgrades to all leylines and energy true vortex points & organic highest CREATOR BLUEPRINT!
How are you feeling today? The energy shifted a lot lately. Sometimes it felt amazing and at other times not so light but more heavy. We have made it through the 99 portal that brought many new revelations, changes into our physical reality, and we might have gotten answers to some questions that have a big impact on our lives.
The energy can be really powerful and also heavy right now. The eclipse season starts in 6 days and we can already feel that some energetic shifts are about to happen. The eclipse season always brings fast and unpredictable change that illuminates the shadows so we can face things we were not ready/able to see before.
We have evolved in the last few weeks & months, we have grown, we have cleared a lot of things, and now we will be able to realize which patterns, ways of being, doing, living are blocking our growth. What we will figure out during the eclipse season, will be really important for us and our future.
9/11/24: This is the highlight of our 3-day transformational shift. You’ve been, for the past two days, acknowledging what has been so that you can welcome what’s next. Today, expect conclusions you’ve avoided, and decisions you’ve put off, to hit you hard. But these must be addressed so you can move forward. This is no time to play ignorant, small, or safe. Fred Rogers told us to look for the helpers. Helpers help not because they‘ve been hurt but because they found strength in the pain… and love inside them. Your Right Action today is to summon your inner helper. The part of you that has faced the world and is wiser for it… the part that has earned your respect and confidence. The part that has stories to tell and love to share. Because, in 2024 especially, the more you give from the heart, the more you will get back.
In this sacred moment of planetary transition, we come to remind you of the great responsibility you have: to raise and maintain the Earth’s energetic frequency. Each of you is an anchor of light, a power point that sustains balance and collective ascent. The role you play cannot be underestimated, because you are an essential part of this great transformation process.
The incoming energies are powerful and sometimes challenging, but it’s essential that you keep your vibration elevated, cultivating peace, love and unity in every thought, word and action. The responsibility to sustain this frequency does not belong just to the few, but to every awakened being that walks the Earth. You are creating the new reality, and the more you keep your consciousness tuned to the light, the faster and smoother will be the process of ascension for all.
At this critical point, we ask you to remember that your conscious actions have a direct impact on the elevation of planetary energy. It is through your choice to stand in love, compassion, and harmony that you will help dissolve old energies that still try to withstand change.
This is the time to assume your true responsibility as guardians of the Earth and the new frequency. Your spiritual practices, your positive thoughts and your inner light are the pillars that sustain the transition. The more you focus on raising your own frequency, the more you will contribute to the collective, allowing light to expand and reach all corners of the planet.
You are powerful beings, capable of transforming the reality around you. The responsibility to raise the energetic vibration lies in your hands, and we are here to support you, but it is through your commitment that this mission will be accomplished.
With immense gratitude and love, we honor your path and encourage you to continue, with courage and determination, to sustain the light and vibration that will bring the new Earth into existence.
Relax in this moment and invite your-self to see beyond that which may be trying to pull you from the STUNNING MOMENTUM that is YOURS TO HARVEST!
What are the jewels that are spinning around you right now?
Are you harvesting them and are you putting them into PASSIONATE ACTION?
The textures of the template of consciousness are coming squarely into your field of awareness. This is the moment that your divine nature is reaching out beyond the MIND. Calling out to YOU to remember how to sustain the fields of Conscious in-bodied bliss beyond the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The sustaining the field of ever expanding consciousness is fully open and your ability to claim and utilize the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation is RIGHT NOW.
With the Saturn Opposition fully unfolding, the RETURN is brilliantly shining upon the momentum of your EQUANIMITY!
The gift of Equanimity can only be harvested when you say
YES…to the KNOWING THAT YOU DESERVE! To soar through Divine Mastery Presence that in every way YOU EARNED this freedom moment!
A divine Celebration is before you….time to IN-JOY!
This is the moment to lovingly gaze at ALL of the aspects of your life experience that are reflecting before you…what is presenting and how is it WEAVING?
The mirrors of your life have gathered for this moment. Are you confidently looking into ALL of them beyond the fields of judgment and in the ESSENCE of your gratitude for the reflection?
YOU ARE shining brightly! Say YES to YOU…re-claim the gift of in-formed Divine Mastery presence and most importantly…REMEMBRANCE!
With hands on my heart, I AM…
honored to walk this extra-ordinary journey with YOU!
Dear friends, we are now moving directly into the second eclipse season of this powerful year. We just left behind the beautiful energy of the 9:9 portal, with its lightcodes still being processed and integrated by our energy fields.
Our Sun has been generating a few moderate flares during the last days, and we may expect some geomagnetic activity in the coming days as we receive some solar winds. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be already “pre-waving” this phenomenon. A mild sense of disorientation, sleep issues, and an overall feeling of energetic tension in the air may be experienced at this time. Stay tuned as these celestial winds approach.
The upcoming eclipse is a Partial Supermoon Eclipse on September 17-18, 2024, and will be visible in Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctica. Following this, there will be an Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024, visible in the south of North America, much of South America, the Pacific, Atlantic, and Antarctica.
The days in between eclipses is called the “eclipse corridor”, in which our energy fields will be experiencing most of the transformations during this period. I will be posting daily guidelines during this energetic corridor as a guide and tool to help us navigate and surf these solar waves of transformation.
Energetically speaking, these two upcoming eclipses will have different effects on us. The Partial Lunar Eclipse whispers secrets of the soul, beckoning emotional release and introspective reckoning. Like a midnight mirror, it reveals hidden truths, illuminating the path to inner renewal. The Annular Solar Eclipse blazes forth, a fiery herald of innovation and rebirth. With creative passion, it ignites the spark within, casting aside the worn veil of perspective, and unveiling the promise of novel horizons. Thus, the eclipses converge, a symphony of shadow and light, orchestrating a journey of self-discovery and metamorphosis.
Stay tuned for more updates as the magnetic and electric pull of this upcoming eclipse corridor gets closer. Have a wonderful day, much love
Today is an important day in the year 2024 we are entering higher frequencies and moving over the white bridge. This walkway that is different from the Rainbow Bridge given its vertical axis.
Then the lunar eclipse will allow each of us to see the version of facts, things differently. For some it has already begun so you continue your ascension in a whole new way of manifesting, perceiving and seeing things.
You will start to see for some that this white walkway that has 3 levels but depending on where you are you could only see two.
Presently several gods/goddesses who are actually forces of nature as well as ancestral brothers and sisters helping us to create an organic anchor that activates neutrality and elevates to activate the Kristos codes in each of you which becomes important to all for your mission as pillars of light and your ascension
Now we fully remember how this works and how much power we hold inside us and everyone must claim it…. everything is consciousness, everything is holographic image and everything is illusion.
We align ourselves with God’s plan in truth.
And we must align ourselves with the frequencies with the parallel version of our avatar diamond heart and the New Gaia rising. After all the hard work that has been done we fly out of illusion, past and future, beautiful and ugly as well as big and small to find ourselves in the here/now and continue in this abundance of love and happiness for ever our ascension into the body of light realized for good.
Every soul of this earth that is awake/awakened is officially on mission today
This Is THE FINAL CALL ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council
Greetings in the Light, and Love of Our Infinite Creator.
We wish to revisit a topic that is now in fruition, and happening as we speak.
The time has arrived to prepare for the commencement of a shift in the collective consciousness. This shift will be felt by all, regardless of whether they align with the Light, or are drawn towards the Darkness.
Everyone will experience the 5th, 6th, and 7th degree frequencies of the Infinite Cosmic Rays, being directed by your Star Families.
As many have noticed, there is a significant division in the collective. This division is getting wider, as a result of many falling into traps set by the dark forces within your reality.
The intense frequency from the heightened Degrees of Light, will either awaken individuals from the Illusion, or cause them to shut themselves off from the awakening entirely. This is the Final curtain for Many. This is The final Call to align with the Higher frequencies.
This will lead to chaos erupting within the physical bodies and minds of Those who resist The Vibrations of Love and Oneness. The more they resist the Light, the more challenging it will be for them. Those of you who are elevated in the Light, will see the Choices of their Fellow Humans. Whether they choose Light or Darkness, you will witness it. Those who choose the Darkness will begin to spiral out of control, unable to keep their composure in any situation.
All individuals on Planet Earth must now choose their own vibrations at this moment in your timespace. These new Heightened Frequencies will set in motion, The transformation, into the 5th degree Consciousness.
What will take place within you, is akin to what occurs with sand or water when vibrations are introduced. It can either create a beautiful pattern or distort into chaos. This transformation takes place within your body and mind. By embracing the frequencies, you are opting for a beautiful design, to evolve within you.
No one will be exempt from what is about to unfold. The heightened Light that Earth is currently receiving is set to revolutionize your awareness, including a repair of your DNA and a recalibration of aligning you with the Universal Life Force Energies.
The human race’s DNA was tampered with malevolent intentions, in your ancient times. The Dark Ones, who have controlled your Planet, never intended for your ascension and sought to keep you enslaved indefinitely.
As your DNA is repaired through the Vibrations of the Infinite Light enveloping you, you will become much more aware of your inherent gifts and abilities. You will realize that you are receiving signals and frequencies, forms of communication from all beings around you, including animals, plants, and trees. You will sense the vibrations of others’ emotions and feelings, perhaps even receiving mental images. This will go far beyond normal Empathy. This is how the Universe communicates with you. This connection to the Universal Life Force, is inherent in animals, evident in bird and fish migrations. They can perceive the Earth’s magnetics and movements.
The Repair of Humanities DNA and it’s reconnection, serves as your innate link to the Universe, and the natural means of communication across worlds.
Verbal language is primarily used within one’s own race, with a form of Vibrational telepathy being the preferred mode of communication among all beings throughout the Cosmos. This includes when you communicate with animals, plants, and trees. Even the elements are sentient beings, emitting frequencies and signals that convey communication.
The Universal Lifeline, as understood by this channel, is your direct connection to the innate Source of the Universe, or what is known to her as the Universal Life force Energies. It is the Nature of universal Frequencies that encompass all things.
All beings are naturally connected to this innate Source. However, humans DNA, have been deliberately disconnected from their Truth. Since the dawn of humanity on Earth, you have been hindered from embracing your true essence. Anything linking humans to their nature was either eliminated or demonized by religions.
Nonetheless, this natural connection to the Universe, and your subsequent repair of your 12 strand DNA, will be transformative. Humans are luminous beings, and the more that you are connected with this Light, the more empowered you will become. This is why there are forces of Darkness that opposed your ascension. You will surpass your captors in power, as they once held the keys to immortality, which are now being bestowed upon Humanity. This is taking place through the Ascension into the 5th Degree Light. Soon your bodies will be transformed into the 5th density, To be able to embody your New Higher Consciousness.
To our beloved Star seeds and wanderers, absorb and radiate the Light projected by Your many Star Families. Your DNA will be the first to be repaired, as it already carries the essence of your Star seed and Wanderer origins.
You are the guiding lights showing the way back Home, for all who seek it.
A magnificent celebration resonates throughout Creation. We eagerly anticipate our joyous reunion. You are the Masters returning Home.
We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you.
In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at Universallighthouse.com.
Separation and duality are neutralizing for you to return back to yourself. The truth is you are pure unconditional love, created from love, and worthy of love. Now more than ever it is easier to have unconditional love for yourself. From this foundation, everything you give and receive will be based on unconditional love. This love is Home with yourself and with God. It is healing you to the zero point from the pain and heartbreak experienced in the past. This is also what you are rebirthing from.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Love of Two Souls on the Mothership
Ra James
We are doing the 9:11 Portal today. Expect the energies to continue to be intense as we prepare for the Autumn Equinox. The energies of the 9:11 Portal helps us to see things from a higher perspective (9) and communicate with the higher realms (11).
These energies are powerful because they include the master number 11. 11 represents beings of love and light being present around you. You have Angels, Archangels, Guides, Ascended Masters, and Ancestors that are here to guide and protect you. The number 9 is the number of faith and trust. It is all about evolving through the hardships to reach your highest destiny.
911 is Archangel Michael’s number. Archangel Michael is responsible for guarding the gates of Heaven. 911 is also a Twin Flame number. Archangel Michael is also the Guardian of the Twin Flames. 911 means that you have Angelic protection around you. The 9:11 Portal is associated with endings and new beginnings.
You’re being guided to embrace change, let go of the past, and focus on personal growth and transformation. These energies are all about spiritual awakening. They are encouraging you to align with your soul purpose…
On Wednesday and Thursday, Mercury in Virgo exits the shadow zone from it’s recent retrograde (Aug 4-28) and forms a sextile to Mars in Cancer as the Sun in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini before Venus in Libra forms a trine to Jupiter in Gemini over the weekend.
Merging practical thoughts and ideas with intuitive action comes easier now as we push forward even if our direction is uncertain and even while knowing that we are likely to make several adjustments along the way.
Part of the reason for needing to make adjustments down the line will have to do with new potential options coming out of nowhere and which challenge us to maintain our focus and direction…
But it is in the process of ‘moving’ forward where we will be presented with opportunities for new people or situations to make themselves known to us so going forward with uncertainty is better than not going at all!
If we do this, then we just may be pleasantly surprised at how effortlessly some new connections can ‘take off’ as we head through the weekend.
On Wednesday, September 11th, the Moon, ruler of our intuition, in expansive Sagittarius will be in a square aspect to Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in dreamy Pisces. The square is a challenging connection so this could make us more emotionally sensitive and unsure about what we are feeling or what we even want.
However, this can also heighten our creativity, psychic nature and healing abilities. We just have to be aware of what is illusion and fantasy, and what is Divinely Guided and Inspired! This is a great time to meditate and daydream, do some journaling and creative writing, or get a reading and watch for the signs and synchronicities from the Universe!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our intuition, in expansive Sagittarius
First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius – Grand visions must stand up to scrutiny in the real world. The problem is that if you pick apart ideas too much, you could find your faith in them beginning to waver. Be adaptable, but not so adaptable you lose sight of your original concept or intention. What is needed right now is a careful blend of optimism mixed with due diligence and humility.
This isn’t the time to ‘wing it’, even if you could. However, neither is it beneficial to wait until your idea, proposal, product or LIFE is perfect before going out there and showing what you can do. There are always opportunities to improve skills and circumstances. The more you believe in yourself, the more you have to offer to the world. Dream big. Work hard. Take your game to the next level.
On the Tzolkin count of 260 days today is KIN 65 13 Serpent and marks the last day of the 13-day cycle of Prophecy commanded by the Skywalker and serves as a prelude to the entrance to the 13-day cycle of Death commanded by the World-Bridger.
From the perspective of fractal time, the transition window from KIN 65 to KIN 66 represents a threshold of multi-dimensional significance. How is this?
From a cosmological view, the KIN 65-66 transition window serves then as a holographic bridge between Cosmic Life (represented by KIN 65 13 Serpent) and Primal Death (represented by KIN 66 1WorldBridger).
As a fractal reflection, according to most geological recorded evidence, it was 65-66 million years ago when the dinosaurs went extinct, signaling the start of an entirely new evolutionary cycle on the timeline of Life on Earth.
This is therefore a great opportunity to dive into the ocean of Time and navigate through these cycles and celestial stargates with renewed awareness.
In order to establish a coherent flow of ideas in the description of the holographic process taking place we will present below a brief summary analysis of how the 4th and 3rd dimensional layers of reality are being inter-penetrated by the same themes and patterns.
As mentioned above, from the evolutionary perspective, this KIN 65-66 transition fractal window is mirrored on Earth’s evolutionary timeline by one of the most life altering events on the planet took place precisely 65-66 million years ago, when the dinosaurs went extinct via the impact of asteroid beneath the Yucatan Peninsula known as the “Chicxulub-impactor”.
“Imagine sunrise on the last day of the Mesozoic era, 66 million years ago. Shafts of sunlight rake through the swamps and coniferous forests along the coast of what is now Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. The blood-warm seas of the Gulf of Mexico teem with life.
As this lost world of dinosaurs and outsize insects squawks and buzzes and whirs to life, an asteroid the size of a mountain is hurtling toward Earth at about 40,000 miles (64,000 kilometers) an hour.”
★ According to the Manifesto for the Noosphere Timeline: “The ever-quickening pace of the evolution of the biosphere into more diverse and complex ecosystems, particularly in the Cenozoic era beginning some 66 million years ago, climaxes in the Quaternary period with the emergence of the human type. It is here that the hominisation of the planet began.”
★ This 65+1 Million year evolutionary timeline has its fractal correspondance in the 5 cycles of 13 baktuns each comprised in one “Great Year” of 65 baktuns. The start of the Long Count has been associated with an event known as the “Birth of Venus”…
The current KIN 65-66 window is of special prophetic significance as it also marks the fourth 260-day cycle from the completion of the 2012-2020 “Venus-Earth Pentagram” enclosed as the 5-pointed star that both planets create in the sky every 8 years.
In simpler words: TODAY we are EXACTLY 6 cycles of 260 DAYS from closing the 8-Year Pentagonal Cycle of Venus comprised from 2012 to 2020. These 6 cycles of 260 DAYS correspond also to 24 cycles of 65 DAYS since the Venus synchronization with KIN 65 in 2020. Remember: There are 65 EARTH+VENUS INTERNAL conjunctions and 65 EXTERNAL conjunctions within ONE VENUS ROUND of 104 YEARS.
From the 4th Dimensional perspective, this 65-66 passage is at the heart of a 26-day window commanded by the 2 solar seals associated with Planet Mars: Skywalker+Worldbridger…
Planet Mars has been associated with War represented by the Masculine aspect or Active Principle of Creation going out of balance…”
The number 1 is called ‘Magnetic’ and its keywords are ‘Unify, Purpose and Attract’. The 1st day of a wavespell is about identifying the 13-day journey ahead and setting off on that journey with ‘purpose’. The number one also represents Unity and this is symbolized by all the days in the wavespell that get grouped under one ‘leader’ which is the first day. This Magnetic day ‘attracts’ the attention and focus and its meaning sets the tone over the 13 day wavespell. The days in between have their own personality but they are part of a team following an agenda that is set at the beginning. The number is so important because it gets us attuned to the timing.
Today is White Worldbridger and so, the Worldbridger sets the tone for the 13 days. Its keywords are ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. In Shaman’s terms the death aspect of Worldbridger represents the need for something to die. Your old life, a bad habit, an unbalanced ego etc. Before setting off on this journey you must decide which bridge you want to cross? Where do you want to go? Be prepared to travel light as your baggage will weigh you down. Beware of the trolls under the bridge, they always require payment. This symbolizes sacrifices….what are you prepared to give up in order to be lighter? Remember the Worldbridger offers ‘opportunities’ so don’t miss out on your chance to take things to another level. I find this is one of the most interesting wavespells in the Tzolkin.
Today is Guided by Worldbridger as well and so a double helping of that energy today. The first day of a wavespell is always ‘guided by itself’. This concentrates the message into a simpler one. The guide of any day is important to take into consideration as it affects the day so much. Also, the guide is always the same color as the day itself.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Warrior so if you are a Warrior, this whole 13-day episode may test your patience. Sometimes, you must relinquish your willpower and lay down your arms. You too can cross bridges, if like everyone else you contemplate what weighs you down. Yellow Warriors love to ask questions and they have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. You can tap into this energy today and questions – how can I proceed? What’s been holding me back or what’s weighing me down? When our challenge day comes around every 20 days, it’s a great opportunity to work on what is unbalanced within us. It’s a great habit to adopt into your routine and with time you’ll notice it bothers you less.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle who loves to soar high and see the bigger picture. This will be a great wavespell for Eagles, you can easily see the bridges that need crossing and you are already journeying. You provide magic today for everyone else so do fly down to us who are grounded and share a little of your magical visions. One of the keywords associated with the Blue Eagle is ‘mind’. If you are an Eagle, you spend a lot of time in your mind and this represents the Crown Chakra and also flying high. This is how you have ‘visions’. The other characteristic of Eagle is ‘creativity’ and therefore, today is perfect for anyone to pursue creative ideas.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker whose energy is very similar to Worldbridger and we just had the Skywalker wavespell. These buddies are allies and if you need help crossing bridges, a Skywalker can show you how to do it. Not only are they bold and adventurous but they can see things from a different perspective which is very handy. If you don’t know a Skywalker, be like one and summon some courage!
LET’S CELEBRATE OUR ACHIEVEMENT in BRIDGING these two worlds, as we transition from the old decaying and rapidly crumbling EARTH to the new pristing UTOPIAN EARTH.
TRIPLE WHITE WORLDBRIDGER energy TODAY kicking off a brand new 13 day wavespell and FINALLY bringing closure to this old chaotic cycle of separation, challenge and oppression, as we UNITE in jubilation, merging back into ONENESS!
The themes of CIMI – the WORLDBRIDGER are surrendering, letting go of the past, and preparing for a full RESET, ready to LAUNCH into the future with more plans, connections and social activity.. How wunderbar!!!
The commencement of this WORLDBRIDGER wavespell coinciding with PLUTO’S return into CAPRICORN (old paradigm/world/systems/patriarchy) in a RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR – brings phenomenal catalytic energy that can really ROCK your world – pulling the rug out from under your feet as the old world crumbles. Many TOWER moments – bringing SUDDEN ENDINGS and sadly even DEATH – in order to catapult you from one world to the next.
These energies are amongst the MOST POWERFUL to date. Throw in a sprinkling of unprecedented SOLAR FLARES – through intensity and duration – and we have highly combustible energies for FORCED transformation..
CIMI’S medicine is in the Art of FORGIVENESS and SURRENDER – So prepare to Forgive your past – LET GO – and SURRENDER to the energies flowing through you!
And remember to PRAY for guidance (and MERCY) if things get too difficult. It is okay to CRY! Mourning and grieving for what is LOST is very HEALING.. So be kind and gentle to yourself and others through this tricky wavespell.
Day ONE in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
The WORLDBRIDGER Wavespell accentuates communication, connections, technology, innovation and creativity.. All the codes are aligning for the FINAL DEATH/CLOSURE and the NEW BEGINNINGS that the Worldbridger brings.
Today is the day to contemplate our renewed PURPOSE for this 13 day cycle.
What do we wish to SURRENDER and LET GO. And WHAT do we wish to ATTRACT?
How can we Magnetically ATTRACT all that we require, and UNIFY with our KIN through EQUALITY, sharing our wisdom to build the bridge to our new COMPASSIONATE world?
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY!
Today’s question is “Am I willing to totally SURRENDER and release the old world and old ways, in order to be BORN ANEW, RISING UP to attract the new beautiful UTOPIAN EARTH?
Am I READY to build our NEW EARTH communities based on UNITY and EQUALITY?”
Aho, divine SOVEREIGNS of NEW EARTH What a GLORIOUS HOLY remembrance day!
Divine blessings for the CLOSURE of the old cycle, and your REBIRTH, over the RAINBOW BRIDGE to a beautiful NEW WORLD of fabulous opportunities!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina – White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Last Galactic spin – 9 moons ago – KIN 66 occured on CHRIST-MASS DAY – 25 Dec 2023 – today it coincides with the 23rd Anniversary of 9/11.. A huge contrast – from celebrating the birth of Yeshua/Christ to the death and destruction of the Twin Towers claiming countless lives. Such is the energy of DEATH, DECAY and REBIRTH associated with KIN 66.
CHRIST MASS DAY through the MAJIK of the TZOLKIN KIN 66 today connects us to these HOLY CHRISTOS consciousness energies. 66 also holds the frequency codes of CHRIST consciousness too – so we have a huge boost through these codes today.
Very strong spiritual, HEAVEN and CHRIST consciousness -66 – energies today, with a MAGNETIC tone unifying us as ONE family on this DIVINE HOLY DAY..
How PERFECTO that CIMI the worldbridger aligns with these CHRISTOS energies to take us over that RAINBOW BRIDGE into a new era.. bridging the DEATH of the old, and heralding a NEW BEGINNING.. The BIRTH of CHRIST/YESHUA heralded the ARRIVAL of the CHRISTOS energies to planet EARTH and so today this is a TRUE celebration.
18 MOONS ago – last Galactic Spin – KIN 66 arrived on….
The WHITE WORLDBRIDGER seals the store of DEATH, and brings forth ENDINGS and closure of the old cycle and old world. Synchronically EASTER SUNDAY marks the END of SUFFERING through the sacrifice that JESUS THE CHRIST made, clearing the SINS and karmic debt of humanity, through his RESURRECTION into the LIGHT.
And so KIN 66 the WORLDBRIDGER bridges these TWO potent CHRISTOS EVENTS in our calendar – the BIRTH of the CHRIST and the RESURRECTION, whereupon Yeshua – rose from the DEAD on his ASCENSION day!!!!!!!! Woweee EXACTLY- 9 months from RESURRECTION to REBIRTH.. a very significant marker for our evolutionary journey.
Today these 2 HOLY EVENTS flood through to transmute all the PAIN, suffering and damage to our global psyche caused through the 9/11 devastation.. SPIRIT always has the perfect panacea to HEAL the pain – through DIVINE ALCHEMY – transmuting negativity and density into higher LIGHT. Such is our EARTH journey and experience.
KIN 66 is indicating a DEFINITE ENDING of the old paradigm for the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS who are making a QUANTUM LEAP today.. We are BREAKING FREE from the old paradigm.. and the 3D reality as we all RISE UP TOGETHER on the crest of this SOPHIA/CHRISTOS wave!
As we LET GO and become RESURRECTED, our FINAL SURRENDER enables us to RECONNECT with our DIVINE SELVES – forging STRONGER connections to SPIRIT, our guides and our GALACTIC families..
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI assists us in attracting a deep SURRENDERING from one world into another, completely LETTING GO of all attachments to any identification to anything. Thus allowing us to EXPAND into a whole new world and New Time – building the bridge to the NEW.
CIMI seals the store of DEATH on our old world as we knew it! These evolutionary energies allow our Collective family to UNITE as we radically SURRENDER and release this discordant and chaotic Artificial Time Matrix.. This is a much needed GIFT from Spirit at this juncture in our Planetary evolution to have the energies of CIMI supporting this separation and REUNION into the new era.
After we have finally released the old way of being and put it to rest, then we can set about our new task. CIMI will help you to access the wisdom from the great AKASHIC library, everything you need to know can be accessed in all realms and dimensions. All the wonderful new building blocks that are needed to establish our new way of living, being and communing with our kin.
This wavespell is a tremendous GROWTH opportunity to retrieve and acquire wisdom and knowledge. You can then SHARE this wisdom with others to educate, inform and empower them to come together, unified in equality as Sovereign Global Hu-mans in our joyous new rainbow common-unities.
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to gather and break bread with our families and beloveds, to celebrate this HOLY DAY and birthing the new GOLDEN ERA.
SUPPORT: RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER BEN has just completed his 13 day wavespell as our leading guide, and yet here he is BACK again today lending support to his best friend CIMI. Much like the faithful and loyal Samwise Gamgee in Lord of The Rings. He stayed by the side of Frodo on his QUEST to Mt Doom in Mordor, to cast the ONE RING of POWER into the depths of the volcanic fire.
BEN is back again as the BRAVE adventurer , ready to assist in the FINAL CLOSURE of this OLD CYCLE.
THE END OF EVIL on this planet.
BEN’S mission as the Angelic Messenger, is to anchor the Divine Plan here on Earth – the desire of our Creator to recreate HEAVEN ON EARTH... and of course that is what YESHUA taught us.. that the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is OPEN and accessible to everyone here on EARTH.. we do not need to DIE to access it!!.
In order for this Mission to be accomplished, BEN must first guide us to New Realms, so that we can discover new possibilities and new ways of seeing, doing and living. With this broader perspective we can then anchor the new foundation we require for creating our new found BLISS ON EARTH!
BEN and CIMI will work together crossing through doorways to other realms and dimensions. BEN the SKYWALKER adds the element of multi-dimensionality, astral travel and exploration to CIMI’s profile. These buddies can help you build your rainbow bridge and connections through networking and joining together in cooperative projects forming new alliances.
Through UNITING together with our buddies, we have greater forward momentum, to rocket fuel our Divine Mission and establish PEACE ON EARTH. .
Call on BEN, your best friend, to help you find your BLISS ON EARTH during this cycle.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE COSMIC EAGLE MEN the ALL SEEING EYE brings forth the power of VISION. All that was hidden can now be fully SEEN, coming into full CLEAR view.
KIN 66 possesses the SUPERPOWER of COSMIC VISION meaning this Worldbridger is indeed a pioneer, prophet and futurist, having the ability to SEE very far and wide throughout the TIME/SPACE continuum, accessed through his multi-dimensional aspects. This SUPERPOWER will be available to all during this 13 day cycle, so make good use of this phenomenal GIFT.
Using his LOOKING GLASS to SEE the highest future timeline for our collective family and our Planet, the COSMIC EAGLE is able to ACTIVATE this future VISION of creating BLISS ON EARTH, anchoring it into the Planetary MIND in the PRESENT TIME… the POWER of bending REALITY!
The PLANETARY MIND has just been recalibrated and is now operating through the programming of the DIVINE LOVE QUANTUM SUPERCOMPUTER which is transmitting the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet through every human MIND. The COSMIC EAGLE is transmitting these new codes through the SUPERPOWER today! It is TIME to fully instigate the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.
As we begin to SEE the motivations stored in the collective unconscious, we are able to transform these into serving a much greater VISION of change for all.
BLUE EAGLE gives you clarity and easy access to wisdom needed to form these new tribes, unions and alliances. You have the SUPERPOWER of prophecy and foresight today. Being able to gaze into the future timelines, and anchor those that suit your Divine purpose, of creating unity and equality through ONENESS in this Utopian world we are cocreating.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW MAGNETIC WARRIOR CIB gives you the capacity to QUESTION the old paradigm and old rules, using your intelligence to discern what is TRUE Divine Wisdom. This reveals the BEST path to take, leading to the highest good.
The MAGNETIC WARRIOR is seeking to attract people to UNIFY for this common cause and treats everyone as EQUALS, defending the vulnerable members of the tribe. Often the STRONG commitment to his QUEST may cause divisiveness among people due to the WARRIORS resolve to bring forth this greater VISION. Sometimes this necessitates walking away and releasing those souls who are not aligned with his grand Mission.
The brave fearless WARRIOR will also give you strength and courage to face those final farewells in whatever form they occur in your life.
YELLOW WARRIOR challenges you to fearlessly SURRENDER the battles and the old paradigm.
RELEASE and LET GO of your heavy burdens, anyone and anything that is not in alignment with your soul’s journey. Remember, Divine Rainbow Warriors, endings are hard, but everything is cyclical:
A culmination always occurs on the edge of a new beginning.
As one door closes, another OPENS – look for the OPEN door rather than the one closing BEHIND you… Don’t look back beloveds – ONWARDS and UPWARDS to great things.
CIB will provide the gift of your new RAINBOW LIGHT BODY TODAY, born from the FIRES of TRANSFIGURATION. Take off that heavy armour that has been weighing you down. It is time to FLY HIGH, so RELEASE all your worries and arise again REBORN and fearlessly moving forward in your new Divine Mission.
TRUST in the guidance of our dedicated team -CIMI, BEN, MEN and CIB – all very strong VISIONARY LEADERS to show us the path across the veil and over the RAINBOW BRIDGE to our wondrous New World.
Today’s question is “Am I willing to totally SURRENDER and release the old world and old ways, in order to be BORN ANEW, RISING UP to attract the new beautiful UTOPIAN EARTH?
Am I READY to build our NEW EARTH communities based on UNITY and EQUALITY?”
Aho, divine SOVEREIGNS of NEW EARTH What a GLORIOUS HOLY remembrance day!
Divine blessings for the CLOSURE of the old cycle, and your REBIRTH, over the RAINBOW BRIDGE to a beautiful NEW WORLD of fabulous opportunities!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 8th – September 14th. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Ascension Column of Creation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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