Last Full Moon of 2024 in Gemini ~ Emissaries from the Future * The Emerald Womb Of Mother Earth ~ AWAKENING TO THE RADIANCE OF CREATION
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Ascending Spirit Nation of Divine Mastery
Happy Full Moon in Gemini the Twins!
With today’s final Full Moon of 2024 coupled with Mercury turning direct and the Solstice Corridor this week we have massive higher energetics of Pure Light flowing into this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator!
Our local Soularis continues sending consistent waves of Gamma Plasma Adamantine light, releasing 12 C Class Soular Flares and a M Class Flare maxing at M 3.11 at 20:24 UTC.
We also had big spikes of white light in the heartbeat of Gaia appearing on the Schumann Charts at higher amplitudes of 31 and 33 hz, bridging in our Code of the 33 of Divine Mastery.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Tonga at 15:03 UTC.
Everything is lining up in perfect order for our Grand Shift of the Ages and Quantum Leap into our New 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of New Earth.
Keep blazing this realm with the Violet Flame from your Sacred Heart Center as we transform the false 3d matrix into the Divine 5d Creatix of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica, MotherShip 33 of our United Star Nation of the New Jerusalema…A’Ho!
ABUNDANCE! All parts of the Trinity are now moving back into their platonic solid placement in connection to 5D! Because of this, great healing correction and miraculous upgrades are here! YES to this living restoration!
Mount Kailash, Tibet
Maryann Rada
We are emissaries from the future you will soon see. We are you in the times to come. What time is in the sense of linear accounting, moving one bead along an infinite string, is inaccurate as to how time actually works. It is a dimension of getting all things to fall into place without dropping any. As it becomes more apparent to you that it is not a constant as is an inch on a ruler, you will be able to understand how it is that we are nearer to you than you may know. We use time to say “Take us to your readers,” but as you do not see into the folds of time we can only communicate with you via the medium presently before you. Perhaps you will not have to wait so long to see us.
excerpt from “Remembrance: Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact” by Maryann Rada
from the chapter “Coming Soon to a Planet Near You”
TODAY’S ORACLE. Last Full Moon of the year. Helping you let go of what you deeply know no longer serves. Trust yourself. You know it’s time. You know more & better is coming. Clarity is returning. You are making space for more joy. Soften your load. Not all your past decisions are needed to go where you are going now. Let the storms and heavy pieces of 2024 go. Happy Full Moon!
12/15/24: Today’s full moon in Gemini, backed by Sagittarian spunk, heralds the end of Mercury Retrograde. Add today’s numbers 6 and 8 and you should finally feel some forward motion and motivation. December has muted the Dragon’s influence just enough for you to slow down, catch your breath, and make some important decisions and tweaks. It’s now time for some movement… but.
But you’re still mostly working on yourself, resting more comfortably in your power, monitoring your levels of self-mastery, and better understanding the space you inhabit on the planet and how that represents your truest self. Images and impressions will matter next year. Make sure you end this year happy with yours.
The Mirror Gateway 12;12-12;21 of Isis/Empress/ manifestation and Nephythys / High Priestess /veiled secrets amplifying the energies of A Full Moon in Gemini /Twins/ Lovers – A tug of war between Mind and Heart,Wisdom and Knowledge, Logic and Gut/ Instinct/ intuition, reality and illusion, earthly/ physical pleasures and spiritual pursuits, Endings and Beginnings…..It’s been an Interesting albeit confusing time…. Underlined by the fact that there is lots of retrograde energy also in the mix.
Definitely not a time for forward movement /action as endings/ culminations/ rerouting/ rethinking energy is strong right now. A strong call to let go of some long term attachment/ obsession as Nephthys shines a light on our delusional veiled vision with Mars retrograde because this delusion/ attachment/ obsession does not allow you to be Truth to yourself- who you are , the values you stand for and the higher path you aspire for.
This Goddess Mirror Gateway aligned with The Galactic Center is the Gateway to align with our higher evolutionary path and spiritual abundance/ Nephthys and earthly fulfillment/ Isis but the steps of the gateway are paved with Culminations / Endings.
We have been and are in a huge realignment and redefining of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine Within and Without with Mars and Venus in opposition (nodes past one and a half years and planets this week) which has/ is calling forth relational restructuring . With Venus at Throat Chakra , we are required to exercise patience and compassion while stating our Truth with the fumbling and bumbling toxic/ shadow masculinity (Mars retrograde in Leo) as it tries hard to remain relevant and in control..?!?!
Mercury will go direct in a few hours , so don’t tie yourself up in knots trying to figure out “life” right now. Don’t blur delusion with reality but relish the now, enjoy the festivities and the many opportunities for creative outflow and fun at the moment. …..As Bryan Adam’s says…”And the moon is out and the stars are bright…And whatever comes gonna be alright ….”
Could this be another one for the romantics ? This full moon is about connections and communications with others, bringing relationships of all kinds into focus, perfect for the holiday season and the message of joy. This will also be a time for feeling the connections from other dimensions, meaning that connecting with guides from all realms, including our loved ones from the world of spirit will be felt by those who have the heart for it.
This is also a time for truths, for seeing what is really important or what really matters. Expect to be offered choices by fate, by timeline and by depth of perception. At this time of great shift the choices you make are vitally important, in thought, in word and in deed.
The 15th December ends Mercury in Retrograde opening communication to aspects of selves, understanding of others and rebooting our sense of vision for future opportunities. Combined with this Full Moon in Gemini we see support for the opening to connecting with fellow spiritual seekers, known and unknown. This supports the movement towards ‘The Gathering’ as is a lighthouse of cosmic proportions, spreading a light across our galaxy and connecting it to that of the invisible realms.
This reflected sunlight across the moon is always a magical portal of illumination, but on this night; and those around it, we are spiritually in communication with a life force that is beyond our realm of comprehension. This is a powerful night for healing prayers, contemplation, meditation and sacred ritual.
Dear friends, today on December 15, 2024, Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius, marking a significant shift in the planetary energies. As Mercury moves forward, it brings a renewed sense of clarity, optimism, and adventure to our communication, thought patterns, and daily interactions.
With Mercury in Sagittarius, our minds are expanded, and our perception is broadened. We’re more open to new ideas, philosophies, and perspectives, which can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This is a time to embrace curiosity and exploration, to ask questions, and to seek out new experiences that broaden our horizons.
As Mercury moves forward, communication becomes more straightforward, honest, and authentic. We’re more inclined to speak our truth, share our thoughts and feelings, and listen actively to others. This renewed emphasis on open and honest communication can help us build stronger, more meaningful relationships and navigate even the most challenging conversations with greater ease.
The combination of Mercury in Sagittarius can also spark creativity, inspiration, and innovative thinking. We may find ourselves drawn to artistic pursuits, writing, or other forms of self-expression that allow us to tap into our imagination and bring new ideas to life. By embracing our creative potential, we can tap into a deeper sense of purpose and passion, and bring new inspiration and joy into our lives.
As Mercury moves forward in Sagittarius, it sets the stage for a powerful conclusion to 2024 and a dynamic entrance into 2025. This celestial event marks a turning point, where we can reflect on the past year’s lessons, release what no longer serves us, and plant the seeds for new growth and opportunities in the coming year. With Mercury’s forward motion, we’re invited to envision and communicate our desires, hopes, and dreams for 2025, and to take bold, inspired action towards manifesting our aspirations.
The timing of Mercury’s forward motion is particularly significant, as it coincides with the Full Moon in Gemini. This lunar event also amplifies the energies of communication, curiosity, and exploration, creating a potent catalyst for growth, transformation, and self-discovery. As Mercury moves forward, it illuminates the path ahead, allowing us to navigate the Full Moon’s energies with greater clarity, purpose, and intention. By embracing the combined energies of Mercury and the Full Moon, we can tap into a profound sense of awakening, renewal, and empowerment.
In the lead-up to the Solstice on December 21, expect the energies to build in intensity, culminating in a powerful celebration of renewal and rebirth. The days preceding the Solstice will be marked by a sense of anticipation, as if the universe is holding its breath in preparation for the return of the light. Use this time to reflect on your journey, release any remaining baggage, and set clear intentions for the coming year. As the Solstice arrives, be prepared to emerge renewed, revitalized, and ready to embark on a fresh cycle of growth and transformation.
Have a wonderful week, and stay tuned for more updates as we keep navigating these powerful days between the 12:12 portal and the 12:21 solstice.
Many of you are feeling the big shift that is coming, for our bodies, as divine conduits, predict the many energies that we are now welcoming and that are transforming our bodies like never before.
Energies that depending on the inner work we are doing at this time can bring many imbalances to the surface, experiencing profound sudden healings, clearings, and activations, as we continue allowing, surrendering, and remaining in our Higher Hearts.
Energies that may cause dizziness, or the sensation of vertigo, as we move between two dimensions, crossing the veils of illusions, and many other sensations as tremendous joy too, crying tears of joy to see all the wisdom we have too gained, and the harmonic timeline we are transiting into.
The change that many of us strongly feel is being anticipated by the Gemini Full Moon of tomorrow. Gemini is a great shifter, and as a catalyst of change, it is now aligned with Uranus in this moon, reflecting the massive transition occurring for all of us at this time, and that will be amplified next year. This is an important transit that anticipates what we are about to live next year, for we are already creating it with every thought, feeling, and act toward soul reclamation and hence, self-liberation.
The most important aspect in this Gemini full moon, apart from Mercury trine Mars and Jupiter Square Saturn, is the moon semisextile Uranus and the Sun quincunx Uranus, a significant aspect that triggers one of the most important planetary shifts that we will welcome next year and will be too reflected in our Heavens, Uranus moving into Gemini, on the 7th of July. A 7th month, for nothing in the Universe, happens by coincidence.
7th is a frequency that involves self-mastery, wisdom integration, and the acceleration in our ascension journey that many of us are experiencing. During this time many of you will start receiving the wisdom transmissions, the downloads, that will help you achieve a more illumined state of being, as nothing will be the same from this moment onwards.
Gemini moon in resonance with Uranus will help us heal all karmic memories, residual ones, and self-created ones, through fears, as often I find many of the ascending souls do not have karma, but fear of having it, bringing residual karma into their present selves.
It is a time to bring freedom into your wounded soul fragments, releasing painful memories and retrieving divine love for yourselves and all you have ever experienced, for you are not the same person you used to be anymore.
It is a time for adjustments and transformations that will conclude in divine timing, which is why it is so important to be patient, surrender, and trust in the divine, not wanting to force a certain result or healing to take place, for we never know when is the perfect time for All.
Gemini’s full moon, connected to Uranus, is the predecessor of this important planetary and individual gradual change. A frequency shift that we are preparing ourselves for, and that involves the total activation and reconnection of our light bodies, for we are just starting to shift at a physical level, reaching the initial steps to the process of body crystallization that awaits for all of us who are willing to transfigure our physical bodies.
Uranus and Gemini are great allies to radically show us what is not working in our lives, what is fragmented within and needs to be unified, which is why is such a sudden and often unpleasant energy. Forces that come to liberate us from the old paradigm, from who we are not, and from everything inorganic and false in essence.
Ours is the power to choose whether we wish to step into this path of conscious change and adaptation to it or continue in the old, for these Forces do not do the work for us, only support us in our chosen mission.
We are blessed to be living in this current planetary transition. Remember that each of you contributes with all your choices, energy, and intention.
May you always choose to continue becoming the illumined lovelight being that you are, Beloveds.
The Full Moon on the 15th of December is in Gemini It is encourages the Ascending to communicate universal Truths with clarity , integrity and human compassion. This will provide opportunities for higher self expression , reflecting true self , releasing residual pent-up emotions, liberating self from any lingering burdens that may be weighing heavy in the heart space . Consciously cleansing the heart chakra , speaking lovingly and honestly to ascending self , clearing internal negativity . Paving the way for open and higher self communication. Consciously focusing in the present moment . The point of true power .
This is what shifts us from past self focus . In this next full moon in Gemini many ascending are releasing previous past burdens from their unspoken and neglected feelings , thoughts, now moving forward in new earth creation with a stronger sense of self and liberation.
This Last 2024 Full moon will high light areas where Self has been Compromising or not feeling comfortable in, it will highlight areas of unconscious self-sabotage patterns , Focusing on the outer world dysfunction will deplete energy reserves and undermine self-worth , self belief and boundaries. The Ascending on transforming Earth are in this world but are not of this world . They are here for reasons that they innately know .
The Ascending are Activating their higher potential to recognise self’s manifesting powers , expressing their higher abilities to create a new earth reality based in soul desire and new earth energy alignment . Maintaining Self’s developed attributes , values , authenticity and standards in this world is the ultimate example for humanity , this is what reflects the age of Aquarius in its true form and essence.
During the ascension journey into expanding consciousness, it is common at various stages to fluctuate between familiar past self energies and emerging new energies. Integrating this increased expansion of light now energetically available , it involves the releasing of more internal mis programming and conditioning, ultimately detaching from everything to attract everything .
The ascending are reaching their highest Conscious levels in human form , because of this it will feel unnatural and uncomfortable In transitional ascension stages. It is also natural for a time to feel inclined towards the comfort of the known past. This eventually fades out of conscious awareness and reality .
For the ascending it is now about choosing peace over panic, releasing previous remnants of catastrophe thinking , seeking truth above illusions, expanding in unconditional Creator Love , dissipating and dissolving fear templates , deeply stored in the cellular memory structures . Making peace with self and the past , letting go of the perceived Safe and familiar , consciously expanding and moving forward in new earth conscious living.
Engaging in deep inner work is highly important because reaching levels of profound self-worth is what strengthens the True self foundations , to the point that they become unshakable. By loving and respecting self enough to undertake personal rebuilding and re identifying is what strengthens resiliency and resolve .
In New Earth Energy Prioritising others feelings over our own will generally lead into unwanted and risky territory. Healthy relationships, including family connections friendships, require respectful boundaries to ensure that the ascending uphold a strong sense of their own self-worth, self-respect, self belief and self-love. These boundaries are absolutely essential for ascension and to maintain overall well-being and balance in any area of life and in all interactions.
December’s accelerated energies have taken many by surprise , it seems many ascending at this time are facing unexpected and unexplained situations , challenges etc , this is for new earth direction , alignment , accelerated conscious development, inner and outer success, inner contentment. To prepare for 2025 new earth energy alignment .
In January many Ascending individuals will deliberately choose to slow down to expand in moments of connection , stillness, focusing on being consciously present, breathing, listening, absorbing planetary ascending energies in nature and metaphysical existence. By intentionally setting time aside to relax, reflect, cognise , integrate and incorporate conscious ascension into new experiences.
January 2025 , the energy will not feel as fast paced , giving many ascending opportunities to recuperate , recover and reset , overall January will have a more peaceful and calming recalibrated planetary energy.
This final Full Moon 2024 is ruled by Mercury now direct and emphasises clarity, communication, and higher connection, highlighting the dualistic nature of Gemini to express thoughts and emotions with equilibrium. Taking inspiration from Introspection / soul desires etc , strategising in higher consciousness this leads to vibrationally aligned action plans and best outcomes.
This planetary lunar phase also encourages adaptation and acceptance of internal / external change, harmonising the intellect In Higherself / Soul aspects .
For We Collectively Align With The Greatest Intentions For Humanity. To Foster A Path Of Peace, Unity And Liberation Of Light.
There Is No Stopping This Light Liberation, For We Are Encoded With This Empowerment Of Now.
As We Align To The True Alliance Of Our Personal Mission And The Cosmic Light Liberation Mission.
A Collective Light Force Amplified, As We Continue To Expand In The Light Reality of 2025.
In Our Global Light Journey On The Weekend, We Were Informed Of The Great Activity Taking Place In The Present Now Moment In This Dimension.
We Were Advised To Take Care In The Following 2-3 Weeks. Be An Observer, Stay Low, Rest, Eat Good Food, Be With Close Family And Friends.
The Light Power Of The Advanced Community Is Alive And Well.
We Are The Light Keys Of Great Advancement.
Wonderful 2025 Is Now Arriving
We Are The Collective Light Of Now.
The Advancement Of Our Collective Mission Is Uprising.
There Is An Incredible Amount Of Cosmic Collective Energies Moving Through Our Atmosphere. We Need To Engage With This Light Frequency
Much Is Unfolding In A Wonderful Stream Of Light.
I Write This Message Encoded With Much More Information Today.
The Advancement Of Our Collective Light Mission Is Uprising
Rest, Ground, Observe In Light
Thank You Artist, In Light
Karen Lithika
Ra James
It’s the last Full Moon of the year. It’s in the sign of Gemini which represents the lovers. This is a good sign for your love life. This Full Moon all about tying up loose ends and letting go of any energies not serving us. These energies are all about manifesting your dreams. This Full Moon is like a cosmic nudge to manifest what’s been on your mind. This is our Cold Moon which brings closure to the year’s cycle while setting the stage for new beginnings.
It’s great energies for releasing old patterns and embracing transformative change. These energies are meant to help you to take a closer look at the stories and the narratives you’ve built your life on. It’s time to clear the limiting thoughts. These energies are actually being a much needed reset. That’s great for letting go of old thoughts. Full Moons are meant to be a time of release and rest. Mercury also shifts Direct today, bringing some much needed clarity. These energies are about to help us in finally moving forward. You may feel slow and sluggish for a few days, which is why the energies of this Full Moon are much needed.
This Full Moon signifies a major turning point. These energies are all about surrendering to the unknown, and welcoming the end of a chapter so a new one can begin. Mars is still in retrograde and brings opportunities to unload heavy baggage. You’re being asked to cut cords with anything not worth your energy. The draining connections must go. It’s time to let go of anything heavy that you have been carrying. It’s time to really declutter before the New Year…
December 15, 2024: 4:01 am – Full Moon at Gemini 23°52’;
3:56 pm – Mercury turns Direct at Sagittarius 6°23’.
This Full Moon activates a sense of manifestation delayed. There are a lot of options flying around but no clear path forward.
The Sun/Moon opposition forms a t-square with Neptune, recently turned direct (December 7). Mercury, retrograde since November 25, turns direct. Jupiter and Saturn move closer to their second exact square (December 24). Mars retrograde continues its backward movement through early Leo, opposite to Pluto/Ceres/Venus in early Aquarius.
Of these transits, it is Mars retrograde that is the most notable. Mars is the Warrior in our psyche. This energy moves us forward – breaking down barriers and setting boundaries. In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mars is Set, the Warrior King. Set is both a murderer and a protector – we never know which we’re going to get.
Mars in Leo is driven, creative, ego-centered, and fierce. This is a force to be reckoned with – except when Mars is retrograde. Leo likes praise and attention and at this time the Leo Warrior is stewing about ways in which he’s being ignored and disrespected – especially by the feminine. In Set’s myth he is betrayed by his wife Nephthys (Neptune). All those damn feelings! Mars/Set is defined by action but right now any action he takes just does not work out!
At this Full Moon there are lots of feelings, words, and “stuff” flying around. The desire to move forward is strong but the path is not clear. The Warrior is being directed inward, not the most comfortable place for this action-oriented part of our psyche. Impatience and frustration can follow. The best use of this energy is to cooperate. Go inward and meditate on the question of right action and use of power in your own life.
December 14, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
As the air cleared and the full moon appeared, she posed a question to her audience;
What’s your story?
Eager to understand the ideas and journey of each spectator she could not help but wonder if that question was landing on deaf ears, or if they were merely interested in her visual imagery and appearance rather than the deeper essence of what she was invoking and intending to provoke..
As the Gemini Full Moon looms in our skies this evening, she is offering us a moment to pause, take a breath, and ask ourselves, if we are speaking from our heart and engaging with others in a way that still holds true to the story we are each creating in this journey called life.
Are there moments when superficial conversation just doesn’t fit and you just want to speak from a deeper place of true meaning and connection with another?
Are those threads of thoughts you weave so well, positive thoughts that are in harmony with your wish to learn and grow ? Or is the carrousel just returning to the same song over and over and it’s feeling just tedious now?
This halfway point of the Gemini lunar journey is giving us a free pass to stop the carousel and change the music… to change the narrative that fits with the ups and downs of the journey you are taking now, and the steps you wish to make going forward; in greater resonance with your ideals and heartfelt conscious path of growth and emotional development…
Remembering that the
Gem -in- , that is nestled within all of us- is there to be polished and luminated – so let it shine.
On Sunday, December 15th, we have already experienced the Full Moon in Gemini and now we will experience Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in his turn back to Direct motion at 6 degrees of Sagittarius! Get ready to let loose your arrows of intention towards your dreams and aspirations! We are almost there! The Messenger still has to pick up speed as he travels forward, but our optimistic thoughts, ideas and communications can have a positive effect in the outer world now!
We also have the Sun, ruler of our confidence, in the same sign of the Archer in connection with Uranus, ruler of the sudden and unexpected, today! Be open to surprises, redirections and revelations! With the Full Moon in information based Gemini involved, this can be both a time of healing and releasing mind-sets that are no longer helpful to us, and opening up to the beneficial guidance and messages that are bestowed upon us from the heavenly realm! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in his turn back to Direct motion at 6 degrees of Sagittarius
Full Moon in Gemini. Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius – Everything stops, a pin drops, a tinkle of sound amidst a wider cacophony. The planets want us to listen. Here is a teacher standing at the front of the class, nails wrapping on the desk. Fingers on lips! Shh! Shush!
And so we wait, heads craned to see what we’re meant to be listening to. And in the silence comes a ghostly voice, an echo, a long-lost recording. What was drowned out becomes clear. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle, the missing letter in the word, the word that was on the tip of your tongue but would not take shape.
Let go of ideological conflicts, wars of words, over-explaining, proving a point. The point is just to listen, forgive misunderstandings, accept that there are multiple truths, multiple sides of the story. Follow up on intuitive prompts. Ask the Gods for guidance. Focus on what brings you a sense of meaning. Luck is based on how you think about it. Choose to feel blessed and affirm it to the universe.
‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its key words are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of a wavespell is when the energy really shifts upwards and onwards. Take advantage of it and feel empowered. This is not a relaxing energy, I repeat, this is not a relaxing energy. If you planned to take it easy today, cancel that plan and instead make use of this empowering energy and put it to good use. So much can be achieved on Overtone days, the energy commands your attention!
Today is Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Birth and Being’. The Dragon represents birth and this can mean a new life, a new career or the birth of a project. As it is an Overtone day, anything you begin today will have a good chance of success. Nurturing is also a key characteristic and therefore Dragon days are great for taking care of one another. This is a great combination of day and number, and if we consider these aspects in the context of the wavespell of the Red Earth, then you’ll understand the fantastic potential for evolution today.
The Guide today is the Red Moon which symbolizes going with the flow. Surrender yourself today and may this free you to believe that everything is going the way it should. Red Moon energy usually equals relaxation but as it is a number five day, this may prove tricky. Then again saying that, it could very well be the fact that you trust in the Universe, and relinquish control that you are led to what you need. We can still be empowered by today’s number 5 and we can take it easy at the same time too. These two energies are not as opposing as you think.
The Challenge is the Blue Monkey who loves to monkey around but this can leave Monkey quite tired. All that poor Monkey needs is a little nurturing but it doesn’t seem to come easily. If you know a Monkey, give them a hug, they may be having a hard day. This symbolizes that the internal chatter that goes on in Monkey’s mind, deprives him of proper rest. It is hard therefore for Monkey to start new things as the Dragon offers. If you are a Monkey, you may find today frustrating as no one wants to play.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Life and Enlightenment’. When the Sun shines in the magical position expect revelations and insights into things previously that were a mystery to you. Occult subject matters that have eluded you are now understood and this is an empowering experience.
The Ally is the White Mirror which symbolizes reflecting truth. If you are a Mirror, expect to be called upon to help out those in need. If you need a friend today and you don’t personally know a White Mirror, your best bet is to find someone who is always honest and truthful and ask them for help. This also means that the truth is friendly to us today and so the chances of harsh truths is much less likely.
iT’S A LOVELY DAY TODAY! A beautiful RADIANT day, for birthing new creations. Divinely PERFECT!
Today we start afresh atop a new column in the Tzolkin Calendar… column 9 which is all about completion/closure/Destiny/Service/Compassion and Humanity… all these codes will be added for the next 20 day journey. We are cranking up our Divine contracts as we head towards the SOLSTICE PORTAL.
Day 5 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythyms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we are focused on B-EARTHING the new – our NEW lives and our NEW world. HOW BRILLIANT IS THAT?!!!!!
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence, through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
TODAY’S energy of the 3 RED SI-STARS – DRAGON, MOON AND EARTH combined with the OVERTONE tone of RADIANCE is very feminine and astoundingly beautiful!
The RED clan are the INITIATORS as they provide the impetus for CREATION. These 3 Divine sistars are the NEW EARTH MIDWIVES bringing forth this New World and New Era.
The Overtone works with spiritual power… “in New Zealand Maori language we have a specific name for this… the word is MANA – meaning the power which comes from spirit, which radiates and gives one the glow of spirit… and today is a day of Mana” … a day of Mana where our surrender to the flow of the Goddess empowers the New Time, reflecting the Majik of BLISS through our joyful childish exuberance.” SOURCE: Vasumi Zjikaa – Divine gratitude
So precious hearts, once we REALIZE that we are fully healed, ALL IS POSSIBLE, and we can awaken to our Sovereign power to birth the NEW!
This Divinely feminine power, provides us with the opportunity to B-EARTH a NEW TIME and a NEW EARTH in the coming days.
Today’s question is “What dreams have I nurtured, that can NOW be COMMANDED and B-EARTH-ed into the full RADIANCE of creation?”
Divine blessings for B-Earthing your beautiful New cell-ves today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED OVERTONE DRAGON– IMIX represents our Divine Mother and our Birth Mother. The beautiful nurturing energies that envelop us with unconditional love so that we can become RADIANT beings.
The DRAGON kin are also AKASHIC guardians and gatekeepers – the SOPHIA wisdom keepers. The mystery and power nurtured and kept SAFE over eons, through the sacred lineage of the Divine Feminine. Access to this feminine wisdom deeply EMPOWERS and ACTIVATES the feminine energies within our DNA.
The OVERTONE DRAGON is a wonderful, majestic and regal energy of a Divine Sovereign Mother Goddess, caring for the welfare of her citizens in her QUEEN-DOM. She is commanding responsibility for empowering her children to GROW and RISE through accepting the RADIANCE of their own soul essence.
Today we have the power to nurture our creations, our dreams and whatever it is we wish to birth, both now and in the future.
Collectively this energy allows us to BIRTH the NEW TIME.
An era of radiance and PEACE birthed through the power of the 3 Sisters who are bringing forth this New World through the Mother Dragon’s Den – the void of creation, COMMANDING it into being.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED OVERTONE MOON– MULUC How DIVINELY PERFECTO that MOTHER GODDESS is the higher guide today, as the midwife birthing these new energies. We are currently FINDING OUR NEW 5D FLOW..through these wondrous Ascension energies – opening to the NEW HARMONIC TIME..
MULUC brings forth the Goddess energies of intuition and FLOW through her Universal Waters. We can flow with deep sensitivity to the blood lines and waters of the Earth as they bring forth new life. We are drawn to FLOW with the synchronicities that lead to the greatest vitality.
Today we are responding to the FLOW of life, and what appears in our path. Accepting responsibility and trusting that all things will flow smoothly with ease and grace.
RED OVERTONE MOON represents the SACRED women who walk beautifully and powerfully, with their abilities to respond and listen to the Earth’s calling, fully in sync with her messages. The Shamans, the Healers, the Priestesses and the Mother aspect of GOD/GODESS.
MOTHER GODDESS was “ghosted” and erased from our her-story, but now the TRUTH is being revealed of this deliberate misogyny. MOTHER GODDESS is coming out in her FULL GLORY and taking her place upon the throne together with FATHER GOD, as the EQUAL in our Divine Parenthood. MOTHER, FATHER and Divine Child – making up the TRUE HOLY TRINITY – as the foundation for HUMANITY. Today we have a holy divine 3.6.9 Universal Majik code – amplifying this message!
What WISDOM is GAIA sharing with the Earth keepers and grandmothers today?
Attune to the ancient wisdom of our Mothers and Grandmothers where we will find our most positive FLOW to birth this new world.
SUPPORT: WHITE OVERTONE MIRROR– ETZNAB reveals all that inhibits the flow from one world to another, from your old life to the New! The reflections of many worlds and doorways brings us to a timeless space inside, open, receptive to the many dimensions that reflect TRUTHS and INITIATIONS through this WINDOW in TIME, into the many worlds that we truly inhabit, beyond the physical.
The OVERTONE MIRROR beautifully illuminates our new path – casting a deep shadow on the obstacles to your RADIANCE and empowerment. Trust in the POWER of the SWORD of TRUTH to cut away all illusions and bring CLARITY and confidence in our new direction.
The OVERTONE MIRROR will shatter all illusions in the MIRROR WORLD, and reveal the TRUE path of empowering a better world.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SOLAR SUN – AHAU – brings us DOUBLE the SOLAR POWER today to warm our souls. Yesterday KIN 160 illuminated the SHADOWS, to reveal the path with the most LIGHT, on our quest for enLIGHT-ONment through higher consciousness.
AHAU continues to ILLUMINATE our choices today, so that we can continuously EVOLVE and effortlessly respond to the flow of life. The SOLAR SUN beautifully PULSES forth the RADIANCE that we embody… the POWER and self-confidence we have claimed through our Sovereignty, as divine Solar SOPHIA CHRISTOS BEINGS.
Today we have the SUPERPOWER to realise our FREE WILL by fearlessly shining our LIGHT as independent SOLAR SOVEREIGN beings.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE OVERTONE MONKEY – CHUEN challenges us today to perfect our responsibilities by bringing our duties into a sequence of flow that creates joy and fun. This provides ABUNDANT FLOW where we can access whatever resources we need to quench our thirst for more JOY, PLAY and Divine Bliss.
Connect with the DIVINE CHILD within, and the DOLPHIN totem of CHUEN, to access these codes and find your FLOW of BLISS.
Effortless flow and joy, begotten from being fully present in the now and not being overwhelmed by the future “burdens”. Responding to your spontaneous Heart’s desires which lead you to make the best choices.
It is TIME to BIRTH a RADIANT life by being HAPPY and carefree, focused on the wonderful innocence found through the present moment. Attained through the act of spontaneity and synchronicity. Going with the BEAUTIFUL FLOW of each day.
CHUEN beckons us to TRUST in the MAJIK of change, and the healing this brings to us. As alchemists we may feel the power to transform any situation with a divine innocence, radiating a command to push all boundaries that hold us back from truly healing our lives.
Trust in the MAJIK of the larger pattern to provide what you need to B-EARTH your New reality.
Despite ILLUSIONS we are making GREAT PROGRESS to birth our New World.
Full steam ahead Planetary STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS – GAIA/s waters have broken!
So precious hearts, once we REALIZE that we are fully healed, ALL IS POSSIBLE, and we can awaken to our Sovereign power to birth the NEW!
This Divinely feminine power, provides us with the opportunity to B-EARTH a NEW TIME and a NEW EARTH in the coming days.
Today’s question is “What dreams have I nurtured, that can NOW be COMMANDED and B-EARTH-ed into the full RADIANCE of creation?”
Divine blessings for B-Earthing your beautiful New cell-ves today.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 15th through 21st 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony for the Full Moon in Gemini and leads a Guided Meditation for the December Solstice.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Sacred Prayer for the Full Moon in Gemini and the New Earth
Under the Radiance of the Full Moon in Gemini,
I stand as a vessel of light,
Awakened to the wisdom of the stars
And the whispers of the cosmos.
Blessed Moon of duality and balance,
You reflect the infinite possibilities within me.
As your light illuminates the night sky,
Illuminate my mind with clarity,
And guide my heart toward alignment with truth.
Under your sacred glow, I release…
All thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve me,
The words left unspoken and the wounds unhealed.
I let go of division within myself and the world,
And open to the flow of unity, connection, and peace.
Moon of Gemini, I call upon your gifts:
The gift of communication—may I speak with authenticity.
The gift of curiosity—may I seek new perspectives.
The gift of adaptability—may I flow with grace through change.
And for the New Earth, I offer this prayer:
May we awaken as stewards of the Earth,
Anchoring love, light, and harmony into her core.
May the foundations of this New Earth be built
On the pillars of compassion, respect, and oneness.
May our voices rise in truth and unity,
Weaving a tapestry of peace across the globe.
I honor the cycles of the Earth and sky,
The union of opposites, the light and shadow.
With each passing phase, may humanity rise,
Conscious, whole, and connected to the divine.
Sacred Moon, guide me now
To walk in alignment with my highest path,
To create with the energy of love and abundance,
To awaken the New Earth within myself and my community.
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To manifest a new way of being, you must first master a new way of thinking. True transformation begins in the mind, where old patterns, beliefs, and limitations must be gently dismantled to create space for fresh perspectives and higher understanding. The journey toward authentic being requires a conscious shift—a commitment to align your thoughts with the energy of possibility, purpose, and truth.
When you change the way you think, you change the way you perceive yourself, others, and the world. This shift opens the door to a deeper connection with your soul’s essence, allowing your actions, emotions, and decisions to flow from a place of alignment. To be is to embody the wisdom and clarity that come from this new way of thinking. It is not merely about doing or achieving, but about living fully in harmony with your higher self.