You are currently viewing The Kurawaka ~ the Cosmic Womb of Creation ~ ECLIPSE SEASON BEGINS * Transmutation Process of SACRED Energy! Multi-Dimensionality
Universal counsels

The Kurawaka ~ the Cosmic Womb of Creation ~ ECLIPSE SEASON BEGINS * Transmutation Process of SACRED Energy! Multi-Dimensionality

The Kurawaka ~ the Cosmic Womb of Creation ~ ECLIPSE SEASON BEGINS * Transmutation Process of SACRED Energy! Multi-Dimensionality




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Golden Angelic Legion of Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

Happy Holi Day of our Hindu Celebration of the Eternal and Divine Love of the deities Radha and Krishna, the physical manifestations of Shakti and Shiva. The Eagle and the Condor hold the Sacred Codes of Divine Union for all of Humanity to anchor into and rise in Unity as Gold Phoenixes of the New Shamballa. We are moving through this most powerful eclipse corridor beginning tonight on the 13th into tomorrow the 14th with this Full Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Virgo the Virgin Goddess. Through this massive Stargate Portal opening we have massive New Earth Energetics flowing in with the Golden Spiral of Freedom activating every living Heart of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in Christ Consciousness in the Pure Awareness of Love and Truth of Infinite Source Creator. The Event has been activated to Shift all Sentient Beings into our New 5D Golden Age of the Timelessness of Eternal Life. This is the trigger of our tipping point of the Great Awakening as we reach critical mass of our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation. Stay in your Sacred Heart Center in this now, fully awake and fully aware as we make our Quantum Leap Consciousness as Buddha Mind of the Clear Light of Bliss…A’Ho!










Our Earth is Currently Expanding, Going through an ENORMOUS Transmutation Process of SACRED Energy!!! ✨🤍✨


WE Are Here to Serve The DIVINE!!!
As WE Move HIGHER in the LIGHT. . . WE Transcend the Limitations of the lower vibrations. . . Allowing us to Experience a Reality that is Vastly Different from Others!
WE Continue to Hold our LIGHT HIGH and BRIGHT for those Who are Still Unsure of their path!
WE are the Beacons of Hope for a BRIGHTER FUTURE for the HU-man Race. . . Illuminating the Way forward for those Who Seek Guidance and Innerstanding!
Our Unwavering Commitment to Embodying the LIGHT can Inspire Others to Awaken to their own Potential. . . Encouraging them to Rise Above the Chaos and Confusion that Currently Envelops them!
In this way. . . our Presence BEcomes a Catalyst for Transformation. . . Fostering a Collective Movement towards HIGHER Consciousness and GREATER Harmony!
WE are Here to Serve the DIVINE PRESENCE Within – our Beloved Creative SOURCE of All That Is. . . WHO KNOWS ALL OUR NAMES!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
Photo: Incredible Auroras – captured on 08.03.2025 over Norway.
Incredible Auroras
Incredible Auroras





This isn’t just Astrology; it’s History, Prophecy, and Transformation.

It’s a Celestial moment where the energy of the universe bends in your favor.







The Virgin Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 14, 2025, is more than an astrological event—it is a celestial reckoning, a merging of dreamlines, a celestial activation of Kemetic proportion and portal of karmic release, reaping the dharma of all past gifts of gratitude, given with an open heart, and ending cycles of karmic looping.
This is the moment where past, present, and future collapse into one, exposing hidden truths, dissolving old paradigms, and setting in motion the next phase of our planetary awakening.
🔻 Within The Kurawaka, the Cosmic Womb of Creation, the Blood Moon rises, unlocking the Immaculate Birthing Portal.
The Kurawaka Gate reopens now at the Northern Stargate of the King’s Chamber, her Blood Diamond beaming, her red clay-silica crystalline womb shimmering with the codes of Re-Genesis—the Genes of Isis. This is the Primordial Chalice, the living Grail, cradling the Mu Consciousness infused within Her Sacred Moon Blood.
She holds the keys of the 22 Star Clans, their quantum plasma weaving the celestial song that first birthed Her into form.
The Original Blueprint pulses once more. The Womb is Open. The Codes are Alive. The Return is Now. 🔺
This portal of the Great Pyramid is a resonance point between Earth and The Original starwomb through the eye of Orion, where the ancient architects of sacred birth embedded the codes of the Immaculate Conception—the blueprint of divine creation.
The Eclipse as a Gateway of Completion for your own immaculate conception.
The Blood Moon acts as a bridge between timelines, closing the past and guiding us toward our North Node destiny in Pisces—where intuition, spiritual remembrance, and the return to the cosmic dream take hold and allow us to swim through the new cosmic current of eternal life.
The Blood Diamond: Alchemy, Pressure & Sacred Transformation
Like the Blood Diamond, this moment is forged under immense pressure—it is the crystallization of pain into wisdom, of sacrifice into sovereignty, of endings into rebirth. The red clay of Kurawaka and the diamond’s fire are one and the same—the embodiment of the sacred feminine, the vessel of divine transmutation, the light that cannot be extinguished.
This is a Portal of Release & Remembrance.
The distortions are collapsing. The karmic loops are ending.
For those who have been walking the path of purification, this is your moment of passage.
✨ Stand at the threshold.
✨ Feel the pulse of the Earth.
✨ Know that what is unfolding now was always meant to be.
The Blood Moon has spoken.
The Diamond is revealed.
The Galactic Womb is Open.
Are you ready for your immaculate Rebirth ?
Love Te Raukura Turuki Galactic Grandmother of Mu

Dear Lightworkers,
Over the past 24 hours, I have been sensing a profound and prolonged energetic shift integrating into the Earth. One with extraordinary power. You may have noticed in recent hours sensations such as feeling both wired and fatigued, an increased heart rate, or a sudden intensification of physical symptoms. This current wave of energy is particularly strong as we transition into Thursday. The sun also has been unusually active even for this time.
To navigate this intensity, I encourage you to practice grounding techniques, such as visual meditation through the root whilst cording down and out of it. Mindful movement will help and, if possible, exercise in water, which can be especially beneficial at this time. The next few days may feel slightly chaotic, as plans unravel, and the energy temporarily takes you in different directions. Expect the unexpected. Everything is going to feel very otherworldly for a short while now.
With light and support,

Numbers by Shey – Numerology

3/13/25: In keeping with March’s theme of illumination, the next two days will shine hard on us. Along with the full moon on the 14th, many will witness a Blood Moon full lunar eclipse. Plus, we have the karmic influence of number 14 which affects any imbalances created by extreme restriction or extreme overreach. Today wields the hammer that can strike the defining blow of transformation. The world we know is reflecting the expansion of human consciousness. Definitions, perspectives, and objectives must change. And they are… with each light that touches a shadow.




Moon eclipse energy is here.

Lets focus on creating massive positive change.✨🕊☀️⚡️💗

Begin by setting your intentions, focusing on release, transformation, and renewal.

Visualize a brilliant, pulsing light at the crown of your head, connecting you to the Source and the Great Central Sun.

As you inhale, imagine this light expanding, filling your entire being, and radiating outward.

As you exhale, envision any doubts, fears, or limitations being released, making space for the new energies.

Repeat a simple mantra, such as “I am Love, I am Light, I am illuminated and free.”

As you meditate, imagine the collective energy on Earth amplifying, creating a powerful vortex of light that anchors the higher frequencies.✨💓🌈💎🌎

Moon eclipse energy
Moon eclipse energy

Christy Ashley


Over the next few days we can expect energies to intensify as shadow aspects and hidden wounds may be brought to the surface that may have been pushed aside, unacknowledged or ignored in the past. This is making way to illuminate all that must be cleared, healed, repaired and transmuted during this powerful transition 🌓
Key questions to ask during this Lunar Eclipse in Virgo ♍️🌈
🗝️ Am I at times being too critical of self or others or lacking in discernment?
🗝️ Are there ways that I could redefine my views or opinions when it comes to imperfections?
🗝️ How am I being called to be of sacred service to myself and humanity during this shift?
🗝️ What needs to be released so that I can open more space for what is truly meant for me?
Call upon the Goddess Pele and surrender into her purifying fires as her flames rise through you, alchemizing and burning through all that is no longer in your Highest Service. Allow her strength to vibrate down throughout your throat chakra and her loving devotion to infuse your heart centre and womb space with her wisdom, power and eternal devotion 🔥🌋🐲
May all false realities, intentions, notions and identities be shown in the Light of Truth & Pure Divine Love 🗡️🌸🌈
Come now into the fullness and wholeness of your unique authentic self and embrace your hearts medicine and soul offerings 🌸🌈
🔥This energy is a game changer and anything that is not aligned with your current path will be in plain sight. Embrace this time to fully witness the reality of situations that may have been previously ignored or buried beneath the surface. Nothing will be hidden.
🔥Know and trust that everything that is happening is FOR you, not against you. Everything and anything that is being removed from your life at this moment is in order to clear space so you may travel on your sacred path with a lighter foot and heart. You are so divinely held and there is nothing to fear (illusion)
🔥 Eclipses have a tendency to steer the ship so to speak so it’s best to just ride along and allow yourself to be a conscious observer to what arises. INTEGRITY is key and it is very important that we remain anchored firmly within our truest heart of hearts and purest of intentions.
🌸🌈 Take extra care of your sacred space and body temple with devotional practices that nourish you on all levels while remaining open to the possibilities and gifts that are sure to come when all is said and done 🤸✨
With Love,
Christy Ashley 💖🌈🐲
Full Blood Moon
Full Blood Moon



Dear friends, as we approach tonight’s/tomorrow’s Total Lunar Eclipse, there is Kp5 index geomagnetic solar wind stream influencing our planet’s magnetic field, atmosphere, and potentially, human consciousness. This intense electric energy is disrupting our sleep patterns, causing vivid dreams, and restless nights. It’s also triggering seismic activity and floods, as the Earth’s tectonic plates respond to changes in the planet’s magnetic field. Unusual weather patterns are emerging, and communication disruptions are possible due to interference with satellite communications, GPS signals, and radio transmissions.
The emotional impact of this solar wind is just as significant, as it is acting in synergy with the deeply emotional full moon energies. People may feel heightened emotions, increased anxiety, irritability, or mood swings. On the other hand, this energy can also amplify empathy and sensitivity, making us more attuned to the emotions of those around us. Mental fogginess is another common experience, as changes in the Earth’s magnetic field affect cognitive function, making it harder to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions. However, this energy can also spark creativity, inspire new ideas, and enhance problem-solving skills.
On a spiritual level, the geomagnetic solar wind is facilitating energetic shifts, spiritual growth, awakening, and transformation. It’s releasing old patterns and energies, helping us break free from constraints and move forward on our spiritual journey. Intuition is becoming stronger, guiding us toward new insights and perspectives. People may feel a deeper connection to the universe, fostering a sense of oneness and unity.
As we navigate these solar and lunar intense energies, it’s essential to recognize that both our inner and outer world structures are being reconfigured and released. It’s the year of the Snake after all, and we are beginning to shed the first skin layer as we move through the upcoming eclipse corridor. The old frameworks that have held us back for so long are crumbling, making way for new, more evolved systems to emerge. This process can be uncomfortable, even painful, as we let go of familiar patterns and habits. However, it’s a necessary step toward growth, transformation, and the creation of a more harmonious, balanced world. As we release the old, we’re making space for the new, and this Total Lunar Eclipse is a potent catalyst for this process.
As we approach the eclipse in Virgo, the energies are likely to intensify. It’s crucial to stay grounded, centered, and open to the shifts that are occurring. This lunar eclipse will unleash everyone’s inner critics, making flaws feel clear and all-consuming. Learn to pick your battles and make peace with the things you can’t change, at least for now.
Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and engage in activities that bring you joy and balance. Remember, these effects can vary from person to person, and it’s essential to listen to your body and intuition. Have a great day and a wonderful eclipse experience, stay tuned for more energy updates as we move deeper into the influence of the first eclipse of the year.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ





Beloved Ones,
Many of you are already embodying the energies that planet earth is now embracing from the eclipses, for they are already being formed in our Heavens, even though we only see, from our human view, the final result, and from other sixth and seventh dimensional sources, outside of our Earth’s confines.
As you co-create with these energies, you may feel old ones resurfacing, being pivotal to clear them before we can continue with the crystallization process in our physical bodies, as many of you are already moving into further ascensional stages during this transitional time.
The Virgo eclipse frequencies are starting to profoundly impact our fascia, which, as you know, is the crystalline connective tissue that runs throughout the body. As the solar reconfiguration in our bodies continues and we reach a higher level of purity, many of you will feel blockages in your fascia, if your inner energies are not yet balanced.
Virgo is precisely about restoring our purity by cleansing the areas of our body that are not aligned to a Higher Light, to who we are, and to the purpose of our existence on this plane. To integrate the current crystalline and solar plasmatic waves in our bodies, our fascia and nervous system need to be cleansed of any energetic corruption, such as non-benevolent astral influences, which are the most common ones, self-created ones due to unconscious nutrition and other habits, and by habits I am also referring to lower thoughts and feelings, and by environmental distortions and other anomalies.
When we do not clearly know how to scan our bodies yet and we need to obtain a response about what to work with at this time, asking our bodies directly is essential to obtain further direction on how to proceed. Ask your body: do I need to heal my fascia network? if the response is a yes your body, as a pendulum, will respond in movements forward, from front to back.
If the answer is negative, your body will remain static or may spin in circles or in other directions, which is why I first suggest asking questions whose answers you already know before asking the ones you wish to make. There are many other ways to know what we need to work with at this time of profound integration, for we know what we feel and our personal stories.
Many of you are empathic and telempathic, and your fascia is drained due to the integration of others’ feelings or other challenging situations you experience as yours. Then you will need to daily work on yourself to clear your body of all that is not yours to experience, so you can integrate further energies. Doing “dissociation” exercises to distinguish your feelings from the ones you too integrate from others is also important to truly know what you really feel.
For those doing gridwork at this time or stabilization, remember that your crystalline system is connected to the earth’s grid one, and anything that the earth experiences you will too, being one of the most common causes of fascia and nervous system destabilization during periods of massive integration and gridwork.
The stronger your connection is to your soul, and the stronger your fascia, the more you will allow illumined energies into your body. At a physical level, acupuncture works well with restoring the fascia, although if you too have it imbalanced due to trauma or other non-benevolent influences, then you need to expand this work on other areas.
Energetically embodying the emerald ray first to heal it and then the white ray will too help you to wash your entire fascia system, enabling it to restore its balance.
After the eclipse, we will have a period of adaptation before entering into the Aries’s next eclipse. For those of you resonating with retrogrades, this phase will too be a quiet one, astrologically speaking, supported by Mercury, Juno, Vesta, and Venus retrograde, for we are being assisted this month to rest, recalibrate, upgrade, and distill all that no longer serve us.
Trust in your personal trajectory. Your soul knows what you need at every moment to heal, rejuvenate, expand, or manifest. The times are no longer the times our ego sets, but the ones our Divinity orchestrates from within ourselves
Surrender to healing, clearing, or any other phase you may be at this time, for we cannot micromanage our bodies or our reality at our human will.
The more fragmented we are, the more fear, disempowerment, and confusion, we will feel.
The more soul-aligned we are, the more guidance, Truth, and direction we will obtain.
We always have the choice and opportunity to redirect the course of our actions, remove all guilt, take responsibility for ourselves, our bodies, and our personal path, and create anew, for we are always loved, supported, and helped to shift direction when we are ready.
May you leave behind all limitations and emerge as the Sovereign being that you are beloveds.
Have a healing, loving, and blessed passage!
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Sovereign Self
Sovereign Self

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The upcoming lunar eclipse set to occur during the full Moon in Virgo on March 13th/14th 2025, this marks a significant celestial event. With the approaching full moon a shift in timelines occur to shift energy into a higher consciousness , physically grounding into earths higher frequencies.
This transition represents a time for cleaning house, both internally and externally. It encourages activities such as decluttering physical space and addressing any emotional baggage that may be lingering in the background .
The upcoming total lunar eclipse combined with the full Moon in Virgo provides many opportunities for deeper and meaningful introspection, this full moon’s focus is about letting go of things that no longer serves any true purpose , these particular lunar energies are extremely amplified, serving as a reminder of the soul’s inner wisdom and knowing while encouraging the ascending to release any inhibitions that may be hindering self’s true potential.
Lunar eclipses are symbolic of shedding old patterns and embracing conscious evolution , while full Moons illuminate areas that were previously hidden or unexplored. This Lunar eclipse presents profound opportunities for inner self change, manifesting in unexpected ways. Signs and synchronicities increase during this eclipse. Virgo full Moon as it will highlight what has been suppressed and hidden under the surface .
A significant and abrupt planetary transition to elevated timelines is well underway. This shift places emphasis on rectifying any misalignments, highlighting aspects and individuals that lack authenticity. Whether in relationships, careers, or societal frameworks, anything founded and based on unstable foundations is destined for transformation.
The primary purpose of this radical planetary shift is to guide ascending individuals back to their true essence, original embodiment , creating authentic self-discovery by realigning with true self values and attributes, both on a personal and collective level, leading a life in new earth’s that resonates with your genuine and sovereign self.
The Ascending are in the midst of another timeline shift, This shift is deeply physical, and over the next few days, many may experience moments where reality feels slightly altered-like something in the planetary energy has changed, but you can’t quite pinpoint what.
You might wake up feeling a little more groggy in the mornings, needing extra time to adjust to physical time reality and adjusting to the changing sensations in the body. As the system integrates this shift higher conscious awareness surfaces, memories may feel jumbled coming in from both past and future timelines appearing as parallel synchronicities.
This is more than just a shift, it’s a merging of timelines, a healing recalibration and a reflection of the deep healing that has taken place within the self and ascending collective.
A lot of collective anger has been alchemised over the past few weeks. Self may have been working through past triggers, releasing emotional weight, and transcending past repetitive cycles this is profound inner work, self is preparing for another conscious acceleration, energy in self is now aligning, reality is shifting, and a new chapter is unfolding. The Ascending are prepared and ready .
The ascending are moving through this timeline shift with ease, grace and higher awareness, trusting in the unfolding of a higher divine plan taking place .
Energy enhancers : Sunlight, moonlight, nature, laughter, hydration, breathing, healthy foods, dancing, positive mindset , source unity, higher consciousness, fresh air, movement, sleep, rest, meditation, art, creating, being/ living in the present. Trusting the universe/ higher self.
Energy depletions: Fear, stress, guilt , obligation anger, resentment, deception, overthinking, overworking, negativity, stagnation, mess clutter, unhealthy food, unenforced boundaries, excess screen time, distractions, living in the past, control, anxiety and fear about the future.
The Ascending are awakening to more significant aspects that now demand their conscious attention and focus. The new self-energy can no longer tolerate lower consciousness as before, leading to a natural self alignment and balance in life.
This upcoming full moon in Virgo holds great importance, many in the 3D collective will feel triggered and this will show in their behaviour patterns however it brings positive and accelerated transformations for ascending individuals.
This full moon offers exciting prospects as we strengthen our internal relationships and create stable foundations that challenge conditioned mindsets. This is a gradual process and progress as we are navigating changing earth energies as best we can.
The full moon in Virgo will bring about profound revelations and exposures. Virgo, a benevolent zodiac sign ruled by Venus, highlights aspects of our world that are not in an appropriate and natural order. There will be a heightened expression of the dualistic nature within individuals during this period.
This full moon is particularly intense as it aligns with a lunar eclipse event, amplifying its effects on the Ascending, who will experience significant shifts in their spiritual growth and awareness during this time.
The lunar eclipse window offers opportunities to detach from energies, emotion and unhealthy connections that are not in alignment with the higher self. While these changes may initially feel challenging, surrendering to them leads to a sense of final liberation and lightness within .
Remaining open to the wisdom being imparted and trusting in the unfolding of the universe’s plan for your evolution. The transformational shifts initiated during this time will appear to start around the eclipse.
This planetary activity may bring revelations that challenge your existing perspectives, leading to a deeper understanding of yourself and others. recognising that even revelations that seem difficult at first embody the gift of aligning with your highest good.
The total lunar eclipse represents a convergence of water and earth energies, This combination creates a sacred and powerful energy symbolising both cleansing and nourishment for the spirit, encouraging you to release deeper embedded fears.
Virgo lunar energies together with the full moon will expose truth in expected and unexpected ways of what has been lurking under the surface , hidden in plain sight, it will reveal what is no longer in a conscious vibrational alignment,
During this planetary full moon and lunar eclipse corridor, ascension forces encourage the ascending to break free from familiar patterns, comfort zones , to welcome transformation, to actively seek resolutions and endings in various areas of life where necessary. By doing this we are creating a space to accommodate higher frequencies from the cosmos and allow new opportunities to take shape in our tangible and physical reality.
This Full Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces holds great significance it is highlighting divergent pathways to ascension, healing, and service. Virgo embodies structure and practicality, grounding in earthly wisdom while remaining receptive to higher self insights. Expanding in conscious changes and revelations brought about by this celestial alignment leads to accelerated ascension growth and alignment with the higher self .
In loving and devoted ascension service.
Source inspiration: by Ascension LightWorkers .


I am becoming more aware of multi-dimensionality and although I have experienced this before, it is now powerfully present.
I was shown a vast Aquamarine Pyramid on Saturday and Sunday, which not only holds the energy for the Aquarian Age, but also the seeds of life for the Golden Age. This was left deeply underground, since the Lion Kingdom fell and is now activating, for that the consciousness of the seventh dimension it holds, is now becoming available to those who are here to anchor in the Golden Age.
Many souls currently on this planet are a specialist group of souls, who were born especially for this task. Certain Soul Cluster Groups were prepared for this since the Divine decree and are from the first Master Soul Groups which were ever created. They are already working on this, and many in their sleep state supported by the Intergalactic and Universal counsels as well as the Ascended Masters and the Intergalactic Fleet.
There is so much happening that to those on the ascension path, this is now fast forward as the veils have been removed and whatever is still there, holding us in any form or way in the Old Earth, is disintegrating.
When I was doing my “Cosmic Transmissions” yesterday evening, St. Germain and Merlin came through very strongly and the message was crystal clear: We are in a huge alchemical shift, and in truth we can now finally see and sense and feel with the eyes of the soul, amplified by the open heart and love.
There are now aspects of our highest soul self, and the dormant factors of our higher mind (third eye and crown merging completely) in conjunction with our higher heart and higher throat, which are literally activating our soul faculties in the highest sense.
We will remember how to utilize these faculties as our consciousness levels rise.
The intergalactic counsels and fleet are assisting us enormously but will never interfere with our own free will and every soul has free will. You can choose to go ascend into New Earth, or not. It is your decision.
Such highly advanced technologies which have been dormant in the earth and upon it, for millions of earth years have been activated and will continue to be activated, and these include the arks and pyramids and they will only be revealed as we as our consciousness levels match that of seventh dimension, plus our pure intention. They were left here purposefully sealed off, until this time.
Again, all the tools to navigate these intense and immense shifts, and to embrace multi-dimensionality are within you. Not OUTSIDE. Within.
This is why it is so important to get off social media and internet and all the distractions there and get into nature. Stillness and quietude speak. And it is there that you inner seeing awakens, and inner hearing and sight, for in buildings and walls, and with all the interference, you will find it difficult at times to truly see.
Your soul has its own tuning in devices, and your inner AI far surpasses anything which humanity can invent.
All you need is there within you already.
But if you do not seek to utilize it, it will simply rest there.
With consciousness the star portals within you open and it depends on you, just how far you wish to go.
As for me, I understand more and more that all is possible now, and I intend to keep on exploring beyond the beyond, as I am guided to do so.
What an amazing time to be alive and well and stepping into the wonders of the New Earth with love and joy!

Universal counsels
Universal counsels

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Powerful emotions are clearing the way for transformation out of Earth school. Soul growth lessons are over. You’re ready to move onto the new you. The body is expanding into more pleasure and power. Focus on your health through self care will move these energies through you. Nurture your life force with creative imagination of what is to come.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

On Thursday, March 13th and Friday, March 14th depending on the time zone you are in, we have a Full Moon/Blood Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo, the sign of the Maiden, the Virgin and the Priestess. This lunation is opposing Saturn, the Great Teacher of Karmic Lessons. Full Moons are about completion, endings and healing. Virgo is about purity, self-improvement and alchemy. And, an Eclipse magnifies and intensifies the energy! This is the first of two Eclipses in March (with the other being a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries on March 29th) that will activate and lead to huge changes and redirections, on a personal and on a collective level. Virgo rules meticulous organization so the Universe is supporting us in the reorganization of the energies at play in our lives.
Virgo is about self-improvement and the concept of moving towards perfection, which is something that we already are….we just need to believe in our own worthiness to remember and embrace that. Virgo is about self-care and the idea that if we do not love and support ourselves on our own journey, we will not be able to be there for others the way we would like to. And, Virgo is about service and how we can guide and assist others on their path, to support all “parts” of the “whole”. On this Full Moon we are releasing old patterns regarding the shadow side of Virgo which involves being self-critical, narrow minded, full of self-doubt, cynical, anxious, obsessive-compulsive, and overly analytical.
The Eclipse itself will bring in the qualities of transformation, shadow work, introspection, emotional revelations, healing and letting go of the situations, circumstances, mindsets and beliefs that are no longer beneficial for us to hold onto. And, yes, it may shake things up in our lives, and with our relationships, in order to do that! We can expect endings and new beginnings, sometimes suddenly and unexpectedly, in order for us to be realigned with our soul’s authentic inner truth.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Total Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo
Total Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo
Lunar aspects. Venus retrograde in Aries sextile Pallas in Aquarius – The Virgo Moon inches towards tomorrow’s eclipse. It brings with it a need for order amongst the chaos, quiet amongst the noise. Maybe there are too many opinions, thoughts, ideas and not enough action. Don’t react, just find a constructive way to channel the energy. Fix what you can but leave the rest. Use humour to rise above tension.
Venus and Pallas are here to help. They remind you that you have the freedom to choose, the freedom to follow your heart. Love yourself enough to make friends with your future. Stop with the ‘I’m not good enough’ monologue. Here is an opportunity to explore patterns of relating and consider a change of strategy if necessary. Remove what it is out of place. Design your aesthetic with peace and harmony in mind. And while your about it, wear what makes you feel good.
Degrees and Times
Venus 08°Ar17′ R, Pallas 08°Aq17′ – 03:07 (UT)
Moon 13°Vi28′, Jupiter 13°Ge28′ – 10:12 (UT)
Moon 18°Vi49′, Mars 18°Cn49′ – 20:45 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Yamatori by Alfred Stevens

Kin 249 ~ Red Lunar Moon

Today is a ‘lunar’ day, the 2nd day of the wavespell. Lunar is the name for the number 2 and the 2nd day of the wavespell entails identifying your obstacles, so you may formulate a plan to overcome them. Dealing with problems and challenges is a fact of life and the better you are at facing them, the easier your life will be. Don’t curse the challenge but embrace it. ‘Stabilize’ is another key word for this number and this symbolizes that challenges must be overcome before you can achieve stability. Every 13 days the Lunar day comes around and so this is a great opportunity to regularly practise obstacle removing, an awesome discipline to incorporate into your routine.
Today is Red Moon and key words associated with it are ‘Flow, Universal Water and Purify’. It’s a tough combo of day and number and all we can do is relax and let go of the need to control the situation. How does one go with ow and deal with challenges at the same time? All I can recommend is you should face things as they wash up on the shore, deal with the tide as it comes in, there’s nothing you can do until then anyway. The Red Moon is always inviting us to surrender control but today you may find yourself resistant to chilling out.
The Guide for the day is Red Dragon, the nurturing energy of the dragon guides our actions today and so be kind to yourself and supportive of others. ‘Rebirth’ is another key word for Red Dragon and so the tide may bring about unexpected new beginnings. A helpful guide on this otherwise challenging day.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Storm, which represents big change. Red Moon days can drive Blue Storm people crazy. They are so consumed with the desire to change the world they forget they are not doing it alone. The Universe has its own ideas and sometimes the outcome of events are influenced by energies we cannot understand. If you are a Blue Storm, just surrender and it will turn out alright.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human which means our intuitions will be very strong today. The Moon influences us and the Yellow Human is a channel, a vessel – their energies are complementary. ‘Going with the ow’ helps the channeling too, so listen to your gut feelings.
The Ally is the White Dog and everyone knows how good dogs are at living in the moment and relaxing. Find a Dog to chill out with today…they are buddies with the Red Moon clan for a reason, their laid-back attitude is very similar to Moon’s energy. Go to a beach if you can, take the dog and watch the waves hit the shore.
Kin 249
Kin 249


2 MULUC – KIN 249
13 MARCH 2025



I polarize in order to Purify
Stabilizing FLOW
I seal the process of Universal Water
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I AM guided by the power of Birth.

13/3/2025 = 4/3/9 = 4/12=4/3=7


13- Goddess/Cosmic/Mystic/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 249 = 15=6 Heaven/Christ/Harmony

A deeply feminine code today, exposing challenges, in order to stabilize harmony through purification. .


Day 2 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR✨ WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle,🎆 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨

Today we are using our feminine💃 senses to detect and purify any polarization in our lives and relationships, in order to stabilize harmonic flow.


LUNAR- 🌜Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR 🌗 tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.

Today is a day filled with questioning how you can express your true feminine aspect through your artistic/creative side. The possible challenges that arise must be stabilized, in order to resolve your FEARS of separation and disharmony, leading you back to wholeness.

Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your belief in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole.

Examine the polarity of male and female within yourself. Explore your divine feminine and divine masculine aspects. ❓❓Has your feminine aspect been repressed from really stepping into your true BEAUTY and raw vulnerability?

It is real to express your true inner being and allow more receptivity to flow into your life. Do not hide parts of yourself, compartmentalizing fragments of your soul. No longer can we wear the masks of duality.🎭 It is time to take off all your masks🎭 that you have been hiding behind and become whole again.

The AUTHENTIC you, is BEAUTIFUL🌹 and RADIANT 🌟and in your raw essence. A SPARK of the DIVINE. Step out and SHINE! 🌟

Today’s question is “What do I need to PURIFY, 💧that is DULLING my SPARKLE,🌟✨ in order to FEEL GOOD and allow my beautiful🌹 life to FLOW?”🌟✨


Divine blessings for BIRTHING your authentic and BEAUTIFUL STELLAR🌟 self today.🌟🌺🌹

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

27 moons ago – last Galactic Spin KIN 249 aligned with the commencement of the previous LUNAR NEW YEAR – that of the YIN WATER RABBIT💧 🐇🐇🐇– on 22 JANUARY 2023..

Today we revisit that potent new beginning through the corridors of TIME.. We have reached 27 moons since which is 3 x 9 – triple the 9 month gestation point of the RABBIT YEAR – and that means triple NEW BIRTH = NEW EARTH
Today we have a 13/4 code operative which symbolizes building the foundation of a compassionate new world.

NOTE: We are currently in the 2nd moon/month of the YEAR of the YIN WOOD SNAKE🌿🐍 a year of SHEDDING our old skin.. to reveal our resurrected self. 🐦‍🔥


CONSCIOUS SELF: RED LUNAR MOON👸 MULUC is the Goddess and her powers relate to the Universal waters – purification, feminine flow, communication, emotions, softness, intuition and receptivity.

Day 2 of the YELLOW STAR🌟 WAVESPELL is challenging our concept of BEAUTY! 🌹🌺🌹

❓How can we add more BEAUTY and GRACE into our lives?
❓How can we allow ourselves to feel more beautiful being in our PHYSICAL bodies?
❓Do you unconditionally love and accept your physical, mental and emotional aspects of your human vessel?
❓Where is it challenging for you to just FEEL good, and just go with the FLOW of life?

Flow through your river of emotional waters and really FEEL your true feelings. It is time to be authentic.

❓Are you happy now?
❓What makes you really happy?
❓What are your true heart’s desires?
❓How can we create more Beauty in our lives, and the world around us?
❓How can we express this beauty through our creativity?

MULUC is really challenging us to “soften” and get in touch with our feminine side (whether you are in a male or female body).
Connect with your psychic senses and intuitive knowing which is your internal G.P.S system guiding you in the right direction of your soul’s calling. Surrender the struggle between HEART and MIND and just FLOW with absolute knowingness – your gut instincts and DIVINE GUIDANCE. What FEELS right for you?

On a PLANETARY LEVEL issues may arise from the divine feminine being repressed by the old patriarchal system – the clash of masculine control over feminine – love and compassion, may rise to the fore. Both forces YIN receptive and YANG active, need to FLOW in a state of EQUILIBRIUM in order for conception and NEW BIRTH to happen. It is not a competition of which force is more DOMINANT – but rather a beautiful flux expressed through a harmonic dance between the two – a beautiful symphony to behold. 🎶🌹🌺🌟

MULUC will reveal any disharmony that is blocking you from having a BEAUTIFUL🌺 ABUNDANT🍇 LIFE..

LAMAT🌟 the YELLOW STAR – is also an ABUNDANCE portal – so any challenges relating to self-worth, and financial wealth will come into the SPOTLIGHT today.. Once you can SEE what has polarized your FLOW, you can CLEAR, ERASE, DELETE the density or toxicity in order to stabilize a beautiful continuous FLOW of JOY and prosperity in your wonderful LIFE.. 🌟🌹💞

A BEAUTIFUL GIFT to clear negativity


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED LUNAR DRAGON🐉IMIX is a beautiful feminine pairing with MULUC as the two siSTARS teach us the true POWER of the DIVINE FEMININE. IMIX represents the Mother Goddess, the Creatrix who birthed us all into existence from the VOID of Creation… RED DRAGON is tribe number 1 – so they start the ball rolling and bring forth tremendous raw CREATION power, to birth your new creations, new life and our New Planet!

Once we have STABILIZED polarity conflict, we can then begin to BIRTH the NEW in a state of HARMONY and JOY.
Through great friction and adversity we are honed and become polished like DIAMONDS.💎
The challenges are the resistance that STRENGTHENS us! 💪💪

We are constantly growing and evolving – becoming WISER and more beautiful each and every day. As we rediscover our TRUE LOVE of SELF❤👸 we unleash a store of pure CREATION power to express our soul’s desire through CREATIVITY and JOY. EXPANSION is the mechanism that drives the soul to EXPAND, constantly evolving and becoming greater versions of the original SELF.

IMIX reminds us to not only love and nurture ourselves, but also our children, and offspring. Our hobbies and new projects are our children, and we need to tenderly nurture them into existence.. respecting our creative talents and allowing them to FLOW freely without judgement or self-criticism… if you FEEL it inside you, then let it FLOW…who knows WHAT is incubating inside you waiting to be birthed!

When you follow your intuitive promptings and EXPRESS physically what you were BORN to do – then all the conflict, resistance and discord will melt away as you find your natural flow in life… Becoming ALIGNED with your talents and gifts, is how your life becomes Harmonious. 🎶

Time for reflection is required today to really listen to your Inner Goddess. 👸Tune in to what your intuition is telling you in order to make the required changes helping you birth🐣 a new and better version of yourself. 🎆

SUPPORT: WHITE LUNAR DOG 🐕 OC brings forth more feminine codes in the form of Unconditional Love❤ and Devotion – to ourselves, our family and to Divine Spirit.. By aligning with Spirit we can embody more LOVE❤ and truly GLOW as the beautiful STARS🌟 that we are..

OC our loyal and faithful companion is part of the WHITE tribe who represent PURITY and refinement of energy… In synergy with the LUNAR tone – the Universal Waters 🌊 are seeking to purge our density so that we can become PURE and WHOLE once again in order to have a STRONGER connection to Spirit.

The WHITE DOG highlights the issues of – Love, loyalty, trust, unconditional love, faith, honesty, integrity and compassion. Issues of TRUST and BETRAYAL are deep wounds which can really impede the flow of LOVE into your life…

It is time for FORGIVENESS on all levels in order to move forward and experience HARMONY and BEAUTY in your relationships.💑👪

Reflect on the qualities that WHITE DOG encompasses.
Examine how you embody these qualities.
If any are deficient, how can you integrate more of them into your new and unique expression of yourself?
How can these qualities flow through you and your creations?


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN😊 EB – highlights the more masculine aspects of – Wisdom, Intelligence, Free Will and Focus as today’s SUPERPOWER bringing more BALANCE to today’s code.

The CRYSTAL HUMAN gives us the power of connection and discern the clearest pathway to supreme Divine intelligence. With more purity of MIND and HEART we can easily align with DIVINE WILL and our destiny path.

YELLOW HUMAN gives you the wisdom to rise above the egoic mind with its constant dialogue of you not being “enough” in any way, shape or form.
As an evolved soul you now have the intelligence to know you are beautiful “just as you are” without any needed “modifications” or cosmetic improvements.

✨🌟✨You are your own individual and unique fragment of Divine SOURCE, that is eternally whole and magnificent in any “skin suit” it occupies. ✨🌟✨

✨ I AM THAT, I AM! ✨

of my RADIANT SOUL expression.🎆🌟🌟🌟


CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE LUNAR STORM 🌀🌪CAUAC the YEAR that was (in 2021) – is today’s CHALLENGE – so we are all too familiar with what that brings. THE LUNAR STORM – kin 119 ruled the DREAMSPELL YEAR that we farewelled 4 years ago. 🌪🌩🌫. And what a tumultuous and chaotic year it was, paving the way for SMOOTHER waters to follow in its wake! 🌊🌊🌊

Today we have LITERALLY just commenced the 9th gestational month of Galactic DREAMSPELL RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR – which occurs on 12 APRIL 2025 – with the GALACTIC RETURN..of KIN 19.

NOTE: This is the Gregorian solar return/birthday of Tulsi Gabbard and the Galactic birthday of RFK JR – a very important day for TRANSFORMATIVE EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE!!

More instability and forced CHANGE to come as we complete this current Galactic year on 24 July 2025.
In 4 weeks time we will commence the NEW DREAMSPELL YEAR of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM – creating BALANCE and equality through transformation…


And TODAY the DOUBLE STORM is coming!!! The LUNAR STORM unites with the RHYTHMIC STORM to bring a hurricane of CHANGE – forced change! These potent energies are getting STRONGER each day – with the purpose of bringing the CHANGE that humanity needs to EVOLVE and TRANSFORM.

The LUNAR STORM is challenging us today to become PURER💧… through its actions of detoxing our bodies, minds and lives of anything that is dense, draining or discordant.. The LUNAR STORM aims to uncover all the disharmony and dross in our world by stirring up the mud for us to collectively SEE and recognize and then transmute. This encourages us to MAKE BETTER CHOICES as we clean up the mess and become more responsible in the way we think, act and conduct ourselves. Be extra observant at what the STORM reveals today!

BLUE STORM🌩🌪🌧 is synergistically supporting the actions of the LUNAR GODDESS👸 through the power of her Universal Cleansing waters.💧💧.. We have DOUBLE 🌀🌀 the turbo cleaning power today – WASH, SPIN, RINSE and REPEAT!!

BLUE STORM emphasizes the necessity to cleanse and purify our Universal waters, those in our physical bodies and those of our Planet. The purer the water that flows through us, the greater the LIGHT🎆 we can embody.

CAUAC is gifting you today with the POWER to regenerate and REBIRTH 🐣 your new eternal Divine SHINY self.✨


Today’s question is “What do I need to PURIFY, 💧that is DULLING my SPARKLE,🌟✨ in order to FEEL GOOD and allow my beautiful🌹 life to FLOW?”🌟✨


Divine blessings for BIRTHING your authentic and BEAUTIFUL STELLAR🌟 self today.🌟🌺🌹

Namaste’ 🙏💟🙏💟🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





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Astral Projection Guided Meditation | Deep Journey Beyond the Physical ✨

with the Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Embark on a profound journey beyond the physical realm with this Astral Projection Guided Meditation. Designed to help you achieve an out-of-body experience, this session will guide you through deep relaxation, vibrational alignment, and conscious detachment from the physical body.

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Allow yourself to float beyond the limits of time and space, exploring the astral plane with ease and clarity. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced traveler, this meditation will support your journey into the unseen dimensions.


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Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Prayer for the Full Blood Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

O Divine Mother, Cosmic Weaver of Light and Shadow,
I stand beneath the Blood Moon, bathed in the sacred glow of transformation.
As the Lunar Eclipse veils the night sky,
I surrender to the tides of destiny, the shifting currents of my soul.

Great Mother Moon, in your Virgoan wisdom,
cleanse me of all that no longer serves my highest path.
Release the burdens of perfection, the weight of doubt,
and restore within me the sacred balance of devotion and grace.

May the Earth’s shadow reveal my hidden truths,
illuminating the lessons I must embrace.
May this eclipse burn away illusions,
guiding me toward divine clarity, healing, and service.

I open my heart to the sacred alchemy of this moment,
where endings birth new beginnings,
where the old dissolves, and the purest light within me rises anew.

Under this crimson moon, I honor my path,
I trust in the unfolding,
I embrace the wisdom of the cosmos.

So it is. So it shall be.

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