SWAN MEDICINE ~ Heart of the Sacred Inner Child * Temple of Goddess Ishtar ~ Wheel of Time ~ Nebula StarGate
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Blessed Luminous Light Beings of Holy Shambhala
As we navigate through the final three days of this intense month of June we have massive Cosmic Waves of Higher light flooding this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator.
As Mother Earth was inundated today with Soular Radiation she had a Severe G4 geomagnetic storm reaching high levels to Kp8.
We also had higher resonance in Gaia’s heartbeat today on the Schumann Charts reaching amplitudes of 38 hz, 50 hz and a big blast of white light at 54 hz. Fifth dimensional energetics fully anchored in and rising.
Pachamama also had a powerful activation on her Pacific Ring of Fire today with a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Peru, South America, in the Andes Mountains home of our Sacred Condors, at 5:36 UTC.
Together in Unity Consciousness we are lifting the veil of separation as we call in and anchor the highest most precious and beautiful timeline of Peace, Abundance and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.
As we Shift Life from survival mode to Thriving we rise in the Honor and Glory of the Great Spirit made manifest of Earth through all our Real Hue~man Beings of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
Recently things have felt deeply shaken up without this movement leading yet anywhere clear or defined. It may feel like a tornado of emotions and processes, of things to do. The foundations of your next phase have been redefined yet they are still taking form, taking shape, percolating.
We have never known this exact energy before, where things seem to be removed or not clicking without yet the Universe delivering the full right next “yes”. This is a big rebirth incoming. Individually & collectivelly. Keep creating, feeling your way through even in the dark. This is how the dark will become something else, a new milestone of light on your path.
As we move towards the Lions Gate, many may be feeling the call to be deeply in presence with parts of themselves that may have been long forgotten. This remembrance is bringing deep healing to the heart of the Sacred Inner Child
As we move through this Rebirth, we are also unraveling the falsehoods, shedding old belief systems and coming into a newfound sense of Self within this alchemical transition towards what is actually real, true and pure.
As the days grow longer and warmer, I find myself feeling most content in nature. Grounding with the trees, allowing my lungs to expand with the wind and taking deep dives into purifying salty waves of the ocean is all I have on my list of desires for the coming months ahead.
Yes there is still lots to do. But I’m tending to my inner gardens of fortitude and joy and I’m finding new life being born within this space.
There is a freedom felt within this beingness. The contentment and soul nourishment that comes from opening up to relaxation and more play
Black swan spirit medicine has been very potent in the Dreamtime this week. Always a symbol of change and transformation. Her presence marks a significant turning point in my life and I’m here to welcome it all as I swim with her, flowing side by side within her peaceful pond
In letting go of so much over the last couple years, it hasn’t been easy, but there have also been tremendous new gains and for that I am so grateful and blessed.
The message to integrate all that has landed over the last few months is heard as I come into new levels of personal fulfillment and happiness within. Inspired by this energy, you will find me creating new art, sipping tea in the garden, swimming in the ocean, camping in the mountains and sitting in warm glowy summer sunset ceremonies with my soul family
Everything IS happening
Take the time that is necessary to honour and nurture your vessel in every capacity for what’s to come in next.
6/28/24: You could find yourself today with more responsibility than you’d like, as you probably already have plenty of personal business on your list. Unfortunately you could be tapped for more… and disregarding your obligations could mean consequences more far reaching than any duty you’re asked to do.
This is not to say you have to do whatever you’re asked, or handle more than your share, but… just do the right thing. You know what that is. You can make good karmic progress today just by being a good human… even if you’d rather not. You can and should rest tomorrow. Today you get an A for effort.
Dear friends, an edge of a coronal mass ejection (CME) observed leaving the Sun on June 25 has been detected and will soon pass our planet. This increased solar wind may be creating some energetic and physical disturbances in our systems, specially in those who are energy sensitives. This strong geomagnetic storm is riding on the initial waves of the Saturn retrograde period which officially starts tomorrow June 29.
As our bodies adjust to this energetic combination of solar and planetary influences, we may experience a sense of uncertainty and a feeling of “walking between dimensions”. Our nervous system is trying to find a new point of balance as these light codes arrive and interact with our fields. Sleep disturbances, strange dreams, ear ringing, fatigue, mild dizziness, digestive changes, heart palpitations, and a few other symptoms may manifest this weekend. Please stay well hydrated and rest as much as needed.
From the emotional perspective, this combination of solar wind and Saturn retrograde light codes may be stirring deep emotional issues from the past that are coming up for healing and closure. Saturn’s energy teaches us to absorb and integrate all of our life’s lessons so they can become key stepping stones in our evolutionary journey. As our master karmic teacher, Saturn looks back over the last few months, checking to see if we have done our homework and are embracing the lessons provided.
At the same time, this four and a half month period of Saturn retrograde will be asking us to let go of those repeating rigid behavioral patterns that have been restricting the expansion of our consciousness and human identities. We are individually and collectively redefining our selves, and this process requires the ability to be more emotionally and psychologically flexible, letting go of attachments to past issues that no longer serve our highest purpose.
As we end this month, and prepare for the new energies of July, we are passing through this transitional energetic area in which we may feel a bit unstable. Our lower chakras are sending this lack of energetic grounding so it’s important to keep our feet on the ground. July will bring some fresh energies and together with the 7:7 energy portal light codes, a newfound sense of identity will arrive. That said, the energies of Saturn retrograde will be with us until November, always acting in the energetic background, and assisting us to release any limiting and restrictive patterns so we can keep moving forward to our intended divinely guided destinations.
Have a wonderful weekend, and stay tuned for more updates as the energies keep flowing in. Much love
Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ
Maria Lustig
Electric Light Flows Emanate From The Central Sun Towards the Earth Plane Right Now.
This Lightning of Pure Consciousness is removing additional layers of illusion that, have been present for several lifetimes.
The Liberation of these veils is naturally aligning with another level of their higher potential, granting them access beyond the density and revealing paths to HIGHER REALMS OF CONSCIOUSNESS that have always existed on their Planet.
THIS is the time to evolve through this opening and return to another phase of YOUR EXISTENCE BEYOND HUMAN REALITY
Reintegrating the Multidimensional States that have always inhabited.
Simultaneously massive Transformation to your Higher Level is NOW possible, as you CHOOSE to Accept your DIVINE INHERITANCE by repositioning.
Their perspectives adjust and their Consciousness moves beyond where it was previously Aligned.
They are now advancing toward other Realms of Self-Realization by connecting with the Unlimited Spaces of their HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS that await them completely intact, Beyond the veils.
This Process Not Only Redefines Your Connection With Material Reality; But It Also Offers You The Opportunity To Explore Higher Dimensions Of Existence That Have Always Been Available, But Hidden Behind Veil Of Illusion.
As You Adapt To The NEW LIGHT ASCENSION You Will Feel As Your Perception Expands Into A Deeper Understanding Of Your Cosmic Purpose And Your PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE.
Alignment with your Divine Inheritance is KEY in this Journey of Spiritual Evolution.
Through this process they are Releasing themselves from old mental and emotional Structures that were limiting their Spiritual Growth.
This Liberacion,
Not only does it impact your individual being; but it also contributes to the Collective Elevation of HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, forming a Network of Light that embraces all Beings on This Planet .
THE INTEGRATION of these Higher energies, can be challenging; But trust that they are being Guided and Supported by Cosmic Forces that hold each Step of their Transformation.
This energetic acceleration of the Earth not only affects the physical environment; but it also CATALYZES a deep cleansing on an emotional and spiritual level.
You may feel as if you are Navigating into 2 Realities, experiencing moments of Clarity and Understanding together with periods of confusion and challenge.
This process is natural and necessary for the expansion of your Consciousness, where the limitations of the ego are transcended in favor of a broader Understanding of the Universe and its Interconnection with all that exists.
As you open to the GUIDANCE OF YOUR MULTIDIMENSIONAL HEART may you find the strength and Purpose to embrace whatever challenge comes your way!.
This Inner Guide is a Manifestation of your Connection with the Stars and their Higher Realms of Light.
They are Creating a New Paradigm of Existence on Earth , where UNITY, PEACE and MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING are the Pillars of a NEW GOLDEN ERA.
* Waves of electrical Brilliance are being driven around the Aura of your Planet!
This New Light Affects The Antenna Of Your Nervous System, It Will Feel A Little Tricky For A While, This Is Completely Normal!.
They must focus on inner alignment and open up to the authentic Guidance of their Multidimensional Heart.
During moments of Ascension, the process of self-transformation can at times become intense and unsettling due to the rapid acceleration of consciousness. As the ascending are now evolving rapidly , the inner shadow work of the past is now materialising in the form of daily shifts and higher self experiences, contributing to conscious selfs ongoing growth and metaphysical development.
Despite the many challenges the ascending may be facing , self is now dedicated in addressing what must be transformed . The new earth energies are collaborating with the self to cleanse, clear, and elevate every part of the being. Moving forward and much closer to realising self’s true potential as an Ascending Earth Master.
The energy of the planet has felt a little strange and unusual recently , this is causing a sense of a distorted time warp and rapid energy accelerations. Those ascending are encountering profound shifts in the energies of new Earth, which are also bringing about many unexpected changes.
All planetary changes and shifts are preparing the ascending for the current activations in the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age that many have incarnated for . These transformational occurrences on our planet are never just random , they are the reasons and purpose behind this collective awakening.
The Ascending are moving into their Mastery and integrating this higher conscious aspect into the human experience. They are fully awakening and embracing the transformational energies unfolding .
Every experience encountered in new earth is essential for the highest good . The changes self is seeking in the world are on the brink of materialising. The imminent change on earth and for many will soon be visible , this intensifying planetary energy may also be causing many different types of ascension symptoms .
Trusting in Self is essential to embodying wisdom. Living authentically in the truth and reality that is unfolding on ascending Earth, consciously dwelling in higher vibrations, The ascending are integrating extraordinary high-frequency light activations. Everything needed at any given moment in new earth is readily available.
During this time of outer 2-3D chaos, we are receiving opportunities to take a breather and further reflect on things. The combination of the solstice and full moon energies bring in moments of inner peace and calm . It allows the ascending to step back, to ground deeper into the earths vibrational core , to view all situations from a new and higher perspective .
This peaceful planetary energy gives the ascending the space to heal, reflect , forgive , embody peace within, to feel comfortable within the self regardless of outer changes taking place , The full moon energies helps the ascending to remain conscious in the present, giving self time to reset , recharge, and prepare for incoming changes .
Reconnecting to the natural synchronicity of the universe , recognising the signs, dreams, and unexpected messages. The Higher self Embodiment is guiding the conscious self through times of change , greatly assisting in the planetary purpose as this was the divine and original plan for all incarnations .
Starseeds are activating into the original self template , this ignites a revolutionary shift like no other seen before. They bring in energetic waves of conscious awareness that ripples across the planet into collective human consciousness , profoundly impacting our planet .
Starseeds are sovereign and are here to create a new world for Gaia earth , One where all cultures blend together into one big global community. Every person and every group will be valued for their uniqueness, making the world a more beautiful , harmonious and unified plane of existence .
The power of solstices is immense, surpassing all other planetary influences. For the next 48 hours, the ascending are lovingly urged to surrender to the impactful energies , recognising this planetary phase as a significant catalyst and step on the Ascension path . This is the dawning of a brand new era on planet earth.
intuition will heighten during this planetary shift , this can result in vivid dreams , out of body experiences, conscious dreaming , subconscious clearing. This surge of planetary energy greatly helps the asending to release old patterns and to prepare for new cycles . increasing the occurrences of meaningful coincidences. It’s an amplified time to restore balance and to bring in harmony .
Solstice energies at this time combined with the full moon influence are extremely potent, personal and collective awakening and transformation is taking place, this shapes the course for the next six months , the ascending are experiencing profound shifts and activations . Allowing for reflection , release , processing , integration , cognition and recalibration .
The Ascending are preparing to rise up and soar to higher conscious levels and new heights of awareness , Consciously moving forward in the New world. Expanding into the quantum fields and unlimited possibilities of the Universe.
I am in the last few days my attention has been drawn time and again to Avalon, and the the surge of energies rising offshore of Wales and Ireland, also Orkneys, and this connects to the rising simultaneously of the energies, of Mu and Lemuria in the Pacific. For when Avalon had risen, Mu rose and then much later Lemuria.
Merlin was showing me, that those souls who once were involved there in their Golden Ages, have all returned and will start remembering more and more.
This is all happening as we are in for huge changes on all fronts, as the 6th and 7th dimensional frequencies rise to fore, as the 5th is already fully anchored in.
We Greet The Wayshowers Moving Across The Density Planes Of Light
Ebbing and Flowing Across The Multidimensional Light Streams, Transversing The Unlimitations Of Now
For the Hu-man Experience In The Physical Density Is Receiving A Mass Pouring Of Light
A Quantum Expansion, Expanding The Unlimited Capacity Of Now
For The Elementals Are An Endless Light Stream Initiated In The Multidimensional Layers Of Your World.
We Are Now Initiated Within The Quantum Light Source Reaching The Greatest Depths Of Insights For Humanity.
For Light Is A Term To Describe The Multidimensional Makeup of Your World. It is The Fabric Of Light Synthesis Reaching Every Being To Expand And Grow Between And Within The Physical Density Of Your Reality.
Multidimensional Light Expression Is A New Codex Of Light Now Reaching Your World
It Is Within All Of US As We Choose To Amplify And Explore This Light
Awaken To The Cosmic Expression of Now.
Connect To US In The Light Streams
See US AS Unconditionl Healing Rays Of Light
Together, We Are Co-Joining Creating And Amplifying Light
Continue standing strong in your power while it grounds into your root chakra and integrates. Your sovereign power will continue expanding through your aura, creating an energetic field of nobility and confidence.
This will support sharing your voice, thoughts, and ideas without having to hide. It’s your time to be seen, acknowledged and loved for who you are, even though family and friends made you feel undeserving and unworthy.
Those people have played a huge role in depleting your health and wellness. It may have felt like a seesaw of constant confusion and emotions through emotional manipulation, saying one thing and doing another, and tactics that kept a constant cloud of darkness over your shoulder. NO MORE! Time to kick that to the curb and take your power back dear Family. Avoid these conflicts and find yourself again.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Divine inner Power as a Sovereign being of the Light
Ra James
Today Mercury in Cancer is Square Chiron in Aries. This aspect will bring your attention to past wounds that impact your ability to speak your truth. This alignment may result in having difficult talks. Conversations carry an extra weight today. It’s all about what you’re working on healing right now. It’s an opportunity for some deep healing. Chiron is the asteroid associated with childhood wounding. It’s a great time to be working on healing attachment issues, insecurities, and unhealed childhood and relationship trauma that’s coming to the surface.
This alignment is all about healing any negative thoughts, narratives, and ways of seeing things. It’s all about healing the pain that has manifested into your stories. As these two planetary bodies connect this week, your conscious awareness that is Mercury comes into the alchemy of Chiron.
Narratives, stories, perspectives in your mind both conscious and unconscious come into awareness as revelations so that you may begin to re-write them. It’s all about healing the deeper subconscious beliefs, patterns, and programs right now. We also have a shift of Saturn going Retrograde tomorrow. This will bring a good karmic clearing. Think you will reap what you have been sowing over the next couple of months.
This Saturn Retrograde will take place in Pisces, the empathic, sensitive, psychic mutable water sign. Time to clean out your karmic closet. From now until Nov 15th it’s all about healing and letting go of the lessons of your past. This Cancer Season is encouraging you to connect with your emotions and focus on self care. Cancer energy is cuddly and nurturing. It’s actually great for your love life and closer connections…
Saturn is barely moving a minute a day now, and stations retrograde on Saturday 29th at 19° Pisces. It will stay at 19° Pisces for most of July, and remember that retrograde planets are always closer to the Earth, with the symbolism of the planet felt more strongly around the retrograde.
See where 19° Pisces falls in your chart, which house area. What is needed work, attention, discipline in that area of life right now, connected to spiritual matters perhaps, or water issues. It is almost laughable it is so literal for me in my 4th house of the home as since Saturn entered that house I have had numerous plumbing and leakage issues – plumber here again now to fix another leak!!
Saturn can be really excellent to focus the mind on a particular goal or issue. It acts as a reality check on how well we feel our spiritual progress is moving and for some you may have an urge to deepen your spiritual (Pisces) discipline (Saturn).
When planets move retrograde there is usually a sense of ‘going back over’ some ground connected with that particular sign or planet. Pisces is linked to viruses and illness, and Saturn linked to rules and regulations around those, often governmental as it rules Capricorn. This retrograde period of re-evaluation may get us to a different place versus how we may have reacted initially to such matters. Would we react the same again now, or has something shifted in our worldview?
Just a few days later on July 2nd, Neptune moves stationary retrograde at the very last degree of the zodiac, 29°55′ Pisces. This highlights the end of A WORLD, not THE WORLD, but I believe the beginning of the end of a major episode for humanity. Both Neptune and Pisces are linked to water, the seas and oceans, toxicity and pollution, drugs, addictions, viruses, blood, oil, the immune system, deceptions, lies and illusions. It feels like the veil is being pulled back on such deceptions at this time, that may result in some people feeling ungrounded or losing their footing.
Try to stay in stillness, peace, love, bare feet on the ground, feeling the Oneness of all living beings. Can you blend with the animals, the trees perhaps, and feel what they are feeling? This sense of merging or morphing will be using Neptune energy well, as long as you stay grounded. This energy is excellent for boosting your creativity and your spiritual practice, so meditate, do breathwork, listen to sacred music, paint, write, sing, dance . .. . and imagine that you are breathing in love, and breathing out love. Neptune when used well can take us to the ‘zone of no time’, dropping into that sense of deep presence and connection to Source and unconditional love.
As the old world crumbles and Neptune and Saturn in Pisces are a big part of the ‘dissolution of 3D reality and linear time’, start to dream a new dream. Many current aspects of our lives may fall away (see where Neptune is falling in your chart to get a sense of where this may be ‘dissolving’), and the astrological message is very much to let the old go. Start to imagine what an ideal life would look like; perhaps a different geography, with different people, different work/study etc. All of this is preparation for when Saturn and Neptune begin to enter Aries (0°-1°) from May to August 2025, then enter 0° Aries fully in February 2026, and we may start to get a glimpse of what that means for us with the retrogrades.
Saturn has a 29 year orbit and Neptune a 165 year orbit, so together they represent a new episode of ‘making real the dream’, and spiritual (Neptune) mastery (Saturn). By then Pluto will have entered Aquarius fully in November 2024 for another 20 years, and Uranus will have begun to enter Gemini for another 7 years in 2025. So we are entering a period of great endings and beginnings personally and collectively.
The outer planets are shifting from slow, heavy Earth and Water signs into Air and Fire, so things will be happening faster for us which we are all feeling now. Linear time will shift and slip as we discover more of our multidimensionality. The next two years are quite remarkable in terms of the speed of change for humanity.
So allow yourself to flow, morph, be lighter of foot, flexible, adaptable, and see if you can imagine your future self in a couple of years. Can you see yourself as more crystalline? More of the lightbody? Less ‘fixed’ in your habits and views? Neptune being highlighted here will increase our sense of compassion so polarities soften, and we shift closer to unity consciousness.
Start now to dream a new dream of your future self, and pull that vision towards you to magnetise a more evolved you.
As we head into the weekend, Mercury in Cancer forms a square to Chiron in Aries as well as a sextile to Uranus in Taurus as Venus in Cancer also forms a sextile to Mars in Taurus and as Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces (Jun 29-Nov 15).
Self-doubt and criticism can be a tempting ‘pity party’ with one attendee if we allow it to be so now but, if we take advantage of what is being asked of us, we have an opportunity to change our perception of ourselves…perhaps permanently.
Old wounds of inadequacy love to ‘show up’ in our relational exchanges and yet this is exactly where we are being gently challenged to TEST our capacity to ‘exist’ authentically…
At the very least, this sets us up to confront some unfinished business that we will surely be facing as we move through most of the rest of the year!
It’s difficult to clear a path without first making a mess…and it’s best to keep the focus of our energy on the path now rather than the mess.
On Friday, June 28th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in moody, water sign Cancer is in a challenging square to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, in angry, fire sign Aries. No, Cancer is not always moody and Aries is not always angry, but these are some of the shadow traits, and this is a difficult aspect. So, our thoughts and emotions may be a little choppy and turbulent today. We may be feeling overly sensitive and communications may be testy.
The Moon, ruler of our inner instincts, is also in assertive Aries and challenging the Sun, ruler of our ego, in sensitive Cancer. This may compound some of the previous strenuous energy. What is the positive? Healing regarding situations and patterns from the past, or within the home and family in the present, is indicated. And, later in the day, lovely Venus, ruler of love, connects with her lover Mars, ruler of action, giving us the opportunity to show our caring and compassion to others, and to ourselves.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in moody, water sign Cancer
Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries. Last Quarter Moon in Aries – Maybe you’re stuck on an error, a past mistake, a situation that can’t be undone, words that can’t be taken back. Maybe you’re afraid to speak up, to volunteer ideas in case others find them wanting. Deeper still is a cosmic push to take care of your mental health.
Part of you may want a soft place to fall, a comfortable nest. But inside is a burning desire to start afresh, free of restriction and the same tired, old ways. Feelings of insecurity could arise however if you cut off too quickly from your past in an endeavour to make a point. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t need to prove what you can do to anyone else.
It’s okay to keep a security blanket if it gives you the courage to move forwards. You can be bold and vulnerable, brave and tender, independent yet held and supported. Breaking out of your shell can take time. You don’t need to throw yourself into the air before your wings are ready. The right action becomes apparent when you tune into your deepest needs.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure’. Day 4 is all about the details, taking a closer look and scrutinizing. Weigh up what you need and what you don’t, make a list and take care of the practicalities. Only after you do this may you proceed. Gather information and plan your next move based on facts.
Today is Blue Monkey and key words associated with it are ‘Illusion, Magic and Play’. Monkey tricks us – to teach us. If you are being foolish or refusing to acknowledge a truth, Monkey will show you, often in a hilarious way, the errors of your ways. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘Define Magic’. Look at the details today and accept these facts or Monkey will MAKE you accept the facts. This is for your own good, so don’t curse the monkey for teaching you a valuable lesson. Don’t despair though…monkey’s intentions are always good and often magic is the reward monkey brings when lessons are successfully learnt. Do watch out for overdoing the details and introspection, as it can lead to intense monkey mindedness. If you find yourself going deep within but also going in circles, this is why. As always on Monkey days, meditation works well.
The Guide for the day is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. This suggests that if you pay heed to Monkey, much can be accomplished and this is healing. The Blue Hand can also have us reaching out to grab what we want. It is vital you don’t reach out too hard or take what you don’t need. Monkey could catch you out this way.
The Challenge today is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘Nurturing’ among other things and so when in the challenging position, it is hard to get that much needed nurturing. If you think Monkey gets on your back just be thankful you are not a Red Dragon.
The Occult power is White Dog. Monkey loves to be playful and that is why he gets along with Dog. They have in common that spirit of joyfulness and fun. It is a good day for White Dogs as they supply magical experiences for others today. When Dog is in this magical position, the chances of falling in love at first sight is more likely.
The Ally is Yellow Star. If you need support for this crazy monkey day, ask a Yellow Star as they will know how to help. If you are one – you can be a great help to others today so shine like the star you are. Also, this is the wavespell we are in, meaning the agenda is friendly to us today.
BLUE Monkey is tribe #11 giving us an 11 DOORWAY to walk through into another DIMENSION of existence!! Travelling through TIME, into new realms through the portals that BLUE HAND is holding OPEN for us all!
Today we are walking through the majikal doorways and DEFINING a new reality built on MAJIK and PLAY!
4 CHUEN guided by 4 MANIK – Accomplishing GREAT MAJIK – to break out of the old box and DEFINE a NEW REALITY!!!
The calvary is coming!
Day 4 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Today we are Measuring and defining the parameters of our Play-ground, using our Majik to create a more SPARKLY stage, upon which to SHINE our STAR-LIGHT!
Speaking of PLAYGROUND – Planet Earth is renowned for being the most challenging PLAYGROUND of them all… here’s a reminder WHY we chose to PLAY and GROW here..
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further GROWTH takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundation on the basis of fun, creativity and majikal manifestation.
Today’s question is ” What FORM will my new Majikal playground take? Is it BIG enough for me to SHINE EXTRA-BRIGHT???
Go forth and enjoy your cheeky monkey play day!!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SELF-EXISTING MONKEY CHUEN is the Master illusionist.. the cheeky Monkey… and the great time lord
BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 – which is the doorway to Majikal realms…accessed through the Hall of Mirrors. The MAJIK continues today as we are given easy access to multiple DIMENSIONS to choose where we shall roam!
Once the illusory world is exposed it begins to crumble and then the WHOLE HOUSE OF CARDS COLLAPSES! …
Take the hand of CHUEN today and let him guide you through the MIRROR WORLD – finally EXITING the old Matrix, as you set your EYES on the beautiful rainbow coloured PLAYGROUND beyond, filled with de-LIGHTS – in the greener pastures beckoning your soul to come out and PLAY.
Today we get to LIGHTEN up and PLAY, in the most majikal way possible! Hooray!!!
Today is a very happy, sunny, playful and majikal day, in which we DEFINE harmony in our capacity to know JOY. Although we get some time out for a PLAY DAY today, (yaaaaaayyyy!!!) we are very mindful of examining our mental thoughts, patterns and beliefs which have kept us contained in our little boxes. Imprisoned and separated from our exuberant Divine child and SOURCE – Father/Mother God. .
Note: The shadow side of BLUE MONKEY is deceit, betrayal, illusion and trickery, so make sure you brush all seriousness aside and entrain your “monkey mind” to relax, let go, flow and enjoy your day.
Make a conscious decision to CHOOSE Joy, happiness and BLISS, and dispense with ALL the old triggers which may dampen your PLAY day! Disconnect from the dross and FOCUS on the BLISS!
Where in your life have you denied yourself from experiencing joy and happiness?
Drop everything today, all your burdens and responsibilities, grab a Nescafe (or Chai latte) and enjoy your play day! (Ha ha BLUE MONKEY is coming through in his very cheeky way!) Express your creativity in the most exuberant way!
It is TIME to make PLAY the foundation of your day!
Keep it LIGHT and innocent and do what makes your HEART SING!
HIGHER SELF/ GUIDE: BLUE SELF-EXISTING HANDMANIK brings forth healing, wisdom, assistance, support and accomplishment today. MANIK gives us the power to accomplish GREAT Majik, through wisdom and recognition of the patterns that create FORM.
Pushing the boundaries of our own minds, thereby gaining more knowledge on what it is to create and manifest. To play with the knowledge that we carry, so that deeper patterns can reveal itself. To trust our inner knowing, we laugh at our silly notions that have kept us limited, and free our minds for more expansive possibilities.
The Self-Existing tone 4 combines with BLUE HAND, to give material form to what we are manifesting, through our light-hearted PLAY and new found expanded wisdom.
BLUE HAND and BLUE MONKEY combined are the Magician’s tools! Magician’s possess very SWIFT hands!
Great MAGICIANS always have many TRICKS up their sleeve – and like a gifted poker player – they never reveal the cards in their hand – UNTIL the crowning moment! The BLUE HAND gives the MONKEY great agility and amplifies his majikal powers to accomplish the seemingly IMPOSSIBLE.
“Everything is only IMPOSSIBLE, until it becomes POSSIBLE”
Start to BELIEVE what is beyond the capabilities of your MIND, in order to build upon infinite possibilities.
It is TIME to absolutely relish the ART OF PLAY!
LIFE IS A GAME! Take the TIME to enjoy it!
Are you PLAYING and having FUN whilst sculpting your creations?.
Day 4 of Yellow Star Wavespell is about creating harmony and beauty, through Majik and JOY!
Searching for the joyful and positive aspects of our lives, reveals greater harmony and increases our life force and vitality. Our joie de vivre!
Sing along to our little STAR LIGHT song today to LIGHTEN UP – Make the WISH you may, in order to make PLAY the order of your day!
It is time to SPARKLE, Miss Markle!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE PLANETARY DOG OC is back today as the SUPERPOWER, ensuring the wave of unconditional LOVE enfolds our planet and blesses all global citizens.
OC encourages us to love, nurture and play with those we trust. When unconditional love and loyalty are present, we can completely let go and reveal our Divine child through play and lightheartedness.
Are you free to be your natural authentic self around your nearest and dearest?
Do you like the person that you are, reflecting within those relationships?
To be your true and authentic self you must be free to reveal your inner nature without fear or ridicule. Everyone is an ARTIST and we must be free to create, without judgement or criticism by others.
We DEFINE ourselves by the company we keep! Surround yourself with people that allow you to feel young and free, so your new BOX becomes an ADVENTURE PLAYground!
The PLANETARY DOG gives us tremendous MANIFESTING power to manifest our TRUE HEART’S desires into FORM.. so use this SUPER POWER of LOVE’S ALCHEMY today, to manifest a FUN FILLED world for us ALL.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SELF-EXISTING DRAGON IMIX Our mind needs to be OPEN to know greater possibilities, so that we can birth them into our reality through our creativity.
If we don’t BELIEVE IT we can’t CONCEIVE IT!
EXPAND your thinking to access the highest potentials available in any given moment. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE within the void of creation.
Invite Mother Goddess to assist you in energizing your creations bringing them into FORM. Herein lies the Majik of creation. Cocreate with the Goddess through the sacred womb, and invite MONKEY to come out and play. Bring some toys and don’t forget the bananas! .
Our creations need to FLOW effortlessly and joyfully into FORM. No struggle, force or birthing pains are required. Allow the feminine to guide you in the “funnest” way possible! Allow the beauty and harmony to flow freely, transforming struggle into ART!
Allow your new life to become a palette of infinite RAINBOW colours!
Today’s question is ” What FORM will my new Majikal playground take? Is it BIG enough for me to SHINE EXTRA-BRIGHT???
Powerful Healing Shamanic Ceremony with Paul White Gold Eagle. Cutting all Chords and Releasing and removing all Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all False Programs, nefarious etheric and energetic implants, inserts and overlays: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65746655
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