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Divine Feminine Christ

UNLEASHING YOUR INNER FIRE ~ The Lotus is Ready to Bloom * It’s Your Time Divine Feminine! Galactic and Inner Earth Meetings

UNLEASHING YOUR INNER FIRE ~ The Lotus is Ready to Bloom * It’s Your Time Divine Feminine! Galactic and Inner Earth Meetings




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Great Awakened Chosen Ones of the Great Spirit Rising

Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to be enveloped in the Gamma Mother Plasma Liquid Light as our local Soularis has released constant Solar Flares today with over 16 C Class Soular Flares and 5 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.77 at 3:23 UTC. This Flash of God Light bridges in our 37 into the 73 Heaven on Earth Codes through the 323 Portal.

We also had a 30 minute blackout today on the Schumann Charts as Mother Earth and all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 Anchor in the Heavenly Light through the Zero Point Still center of the Magnetic White Light in the Middle Path of Pure Awareness we call Buddha Mind. This is a Clear State of Awareness beyond all concepts and duality at one with Infinite Source Creator.

As we make our Way to this week’s most powerful Gateway of the Full Supermoon in Aries we continue to raise the vibration of our Physical Vessels to assist our Ground Crew Team of Terra Nova Gaia to lift the Spirits of all our Good People of the New Earth and together usher in our New 5d Golden Age of Eternal Life!

We are on the Precipice of our Great Shift of the Ages. With feet planted firmly on the ground anchoring into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama and our Eyes to the Heavenly Skies, with hearts and minds full open and activated we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Hue-man species of homo-Luminous.

Goddess Speed Angels of the New Eden Timeline… A’Ho!





Grandfather Elder Tree Nation Elemental
Grandfather Elder Tree Nation Elemental



Wormholes ⭕️
Stargates 🤩 + Galactic / Inner Earth meetings oh my! #newtimeline
Angels Among Us
Angels Among Us
Presently The Golden Mother Of Dragons
Is Recalling Every Bloodline,
Every Conduit Of Electrical Energy
In Return To The Central Sun.
To Power Up The Magnoelectric Creational Engine
In Full Service To HER Eternal Vibration
This Ends All The Remnants Of The Electric Wars
Which Have Been Sustained Through The Fracturing
Of Humanity’s Electrical Body
In The Seperation Of Bloodlines
All Structures Of Seperation Fall
All Electrical Devotion Returns To Mother
All Creational Impulses Come From The Pure Eternal Vibration Of The Eternal Mother
Golden Mother Of Dragons
Golden Mother Of Dragons


for full Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries. (on patreon)

✨🌟⚡🌟The GAMMA LIGHT WAVES of 40-100 Hz have begun to HIT the EARTH.
✨⚡🌟⚡This SERIES of FREQUENCES create FRACTALS of LIGHT, which allow SPIRITS to be decrypted and to release all darkness to be transmuted. Due to receiving SOLAR CODES on LIGHT FREQUENCY, all evolutionary models are being UPGRADED.
✨🧘💫🌟⚡But this can only be useful to those who can RECEIVE and INTEGRATE THESE FREQUENCES, which, as it is always said, depends on the VIBRATORY LEVEL of EACH ONE.
✨🚨🧘💫🌟 ACTIVATING the NEW GENETIC CODE forms the SILICIUM CRYSTALLINE LIGHT Body, circulating each molecule of the body to HIGHER FREQUENCES, defragmenting everything that does not belong to the EVOLUTIONARY PLAN, completely reconfiguring the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, bringing HARMONY with the LAWS of the UNIVERSE.
✨🧘💫💫💫The process of recalibrating the bodies is uncomfortable because beliefs, habits and customs not founded on COSMIC RHYTHMS are sustained by ignorance and fear, manipulated by the collective consciousness formed by the thoughts of humanity. All symptoms in your body, don’t classify them as diseases!!!

Master Lady Kira Raa

The Lotus is ready to bloom

The Lotus is Rising as your seeds Germinate or Terminate.
Embrace Clarity of Vision: MOMENTUM is YOURS!

WE HAVE ALL ARRIVED! This is the moment for your deep dive into the Authenticity of the Yoga of Self-Ascension as your Life moves into Action!

The Jupiter retrograde is the moment of Passionate Action through the Clarity of YOUR VISION. THIS WEEK IS WAXING your DREAMS into REALITY!


the October, November and December expansion?

OR! Are you resisting?

With a hand on your heart, notice IF AND WHAT you are Questioning.

The RAPID ASCENT HAS BEGUN and whether you are aware or not matters little.

EVERY-ONE is ascending into the ETERNAL nature of Divine Mastery Presence,

This specific Full Moon is the Lotus rising!

The EXPANSION of YOU and ALL THAT IS beyond the mud that tried to keep you stuck in that which was!

Like it or not the world experience has shifted dramatically and the CHOICE that will blossom from the next moments is the energy that will continue to flow throughout 2025! ARE YOU DIVING DEEP and BEYOND THE EGO?

On Thursday the 17th that portal will rise into a five day ignition of Eternal life presence that you can In-body and Manifest WITH !

We are ALL Heralding a New Year unlike any we have ever had before!


YOUR HEART all-ready knows it

Rather than surf that which depresses and angers why not invite your true nature to evolve into the Peace, Love and Joy that is your birthright?


I LOVE YOU and honor your unique journey.

With a deep bow and so much appreciation,



The Lotus is ready to bloom
The Lotus is ready to bloom


10/15/24: Today looks at earthly love. The kind that can come and go and has expectations and responsibilities. The kind we have to maintain and that can swing on a pendulum from attraction to obsession and from bliss to agony. You know this kind of love and how it fills you up and empties you out.
Your Right Action with earthly love is to understand that even though it’s malleable and usually reliant upon conditions and reciprocity, its purpose, like all earthbound emotions, is soul growth. It is vital to the full human experience because of what we learn from it about ourselves. But it is ultimately an opportunity to expand into Divine Love. Divine Love and earthly love are two very different but connected partners working together toward a common purpose.


Dear friends, as the celestial canvas unfolds, the October 17 full Supermoon beckons us to venture into the uncharted territories of our souls. This Super Hunter’s Moon, suspended at 26° Aries, forms a dynamic dichotomy with the Sun in Libra, casting a luminescent glow on the delicate dance between independence and interdependence with the cosmos.
Standing at the threshold of a nascent cycle, the fiery essence of Aries ignites within us a burning passion and unwavering drive. This Supermoon amplifies the symphony of our emotions, rendering our sensitivity and intuition more acute. The shadows that shroud our deepest desires and hidden vulnerabilities begin to dissipate, inviting us to confront and embrace our authentic selves.
The current celestial energetic landscape, a tapestry woven from complex and dynamic threads, reveals Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also in the sign of Aries. The centaur’s presence during this Supermoon may bring some ancient wounds and vulnerabilities to the surface, beckoning us to confront and heal the fissures that have long divided us from our truest selves. Empathy and self-awareness blossom in this fertile soil.
Meanwhile, other planetary players are also adding extra layers of energetic complexity to this week’s super full moon. The Mars-Jupiter connection is kindling confidence, energy, and expansive thinking within our endeavors. The assertive vitality of Mars merges with Jupiter’s boundless optimism, fueling our passions and creativity. This harmonious convergence empowers us to pursue our aspirations with unwavering courage.
As these celestial forces intersect, this Supermoon becomes a potent catalyst for emotional release, relationship transformation, personal growth, and empowerment. To harness its transformative power, engage in activities that ignite your inner flame. Perhaps it’s time to go back to activities and hobbies you once cherished and resonated deeply with your soul.
Bask in the moon’s silvery glow, reflecting on relationships, personal growth, and emotional authenticity. You may focus on dissolving and cutting energy cords relinquishing the burdens that no longer serve you. Embark on physical journeys that stir your passions, whether through yoga, gardening, cooking, hiking, or other paths that deepen your soul and body connection.
As you navigate this potent lunar event, heed the call to embrace your emotional authenticity, honoring your feelings and expressing them genuinely. Maintain balance between independence and interdependence in your relationships, being aware of the interconnectedness between you and the surrounding universe. Take courageous action, stepping out of your comfort zone, and pursuing new goals that honor your inner divine fire. It’s time to stand up for yourself, for what you want in life, and for what’s important to you in life. If you aren’t quite sure what these issues are, prepare for this super Full Moon to illuminate these aspects for you.
Riding on the recent shifts triggered by the eclipse season, the October 17 Supermoon in Aries extends an invitation to illuminate our inner world, release deep emotional wounds/burdens, and embark on a new journey of self-discovery and growth – an odyssey that promises to transform the very essence of our being as we venture into the last months of 2024. Are you ready to take the first step?
Stay tuned for more energy updates as we navigate together this last Supermoon of the year. Have a wonderful day. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

I return, I am reborn, I am birthing anew- My Lemurian Transmigration Journey

MU frequency is amplifying at an astounding rate on the planetary grid. I can feel her palpable heartbeat move through the Earth in anticipation of a New Wave of Time. The time cycle is reset to begin again with a greatly enhanced vibrancy. What will be possible now will astound and delight us all.
In my personal journey, I am preparing to migrate from one of Mu’s ancient pillar lands back to Mother’s Homeland. The great Lemurian migration from the fallen MU continent included establishment of its culture here In Colombia. The Kogi tribe is the embodiment of the elemental stewards of MU and retain its full wisdom and magic, and a Muisca tribal elder told me they once called themselves the pillars of MU.
A six year journey of transformation beyond what I could have ever imagined in Colombia is coming to a close with love, and a new adventure and homespace are on the horizon.
The Rose Heart Temple is migrating to the Lemurian Motherland in Hawaii.
As I say goodbye to Colombia and wrap up my life here, I can feel Her flowing in my atoms. On this enchanted verdant land overflowing with abundant flowers, drinking her holy spring water, breathing the Andean cloud-forest mists and atmosphere, being sparked (quite literally!) by her tempests of elemental thunder and rains, communing with her creatures and elemental kingdoms, my body has become made of Mother Colombia. Each cell now carries Her resonant imprint.
Truthfully, She left nothing to spare, the bones were picked clean. My initiations were intense- even as I was surrounded by the immense beauty and splendor of this magical mountain-top temple where my actual ancient bones remain from ancient temple eras.
I, along with so many soul family members who have come and gone from the temple to bring their unique gifts and magic, have woven the interdimensional grids and implanted and opened a portal of Lemurian Light that spans and links across the leylines. From South America up the spine of Turtle Island to North America and stretching back to Shasta/Telos and the Motherland homespace.
My work inside and out is complete here. It is time to say goodbye.
I depart with a prayer of immense gratitude in my heart.
I can tell you this….do not curse your tempering and challenges. They are the gifts of your divinity and call to your highest mastery. The human self does not want to be bothered with troubles of growth or limitation, but the soul comes here eager for this astounding privilege.
An easy path may not yield all that is needed for you to claim and deliver what is calling to be brought forward in your sacred service to life. This journey to the Epic Self is a grand adventure in time and space. Remember this and it helps ease the growing pains.
You become like a polished diamond only when you submit to the loving grind of transformation. The Great Mother has trained me well. I bow to Her immense and totally encapsulating love.
Now on to what’s next! The new spiral begins.
My Lemurian Transmigration Journey
My Lemurian Transmigration Journey

What most do not realize, is that in the last weeks, with the immense energy shifts, a lot of souls are already fully living in the 5th dimension, and some are not quite realizing the full magnitude of this.
You will suddenly realize that something deep within has shifted. Your value systems have changed, and so has your perception changed. Whereas before you were still doing the balancing act between the third and the fifth. Now you are looking at the old through glass windows, as from afar. You can still see it, hear it, notice, but not be in it anymore.
When the old somehow gets you to open the windows a fraction, you do engage, but make very sure you do not get sucked in.
From this higher dimension, you just start living, acting, being, differently. You start noticing that you somehow ARE different, feel different, and suddenly words seem superfluous as you often cannot find words to describe what you are experiencing within, as your full soul faculties open up whole new, as yet unexplored worlds of wonder for you.
Life becomes simpler. You live from the heart and soul and you do what you love, and love what you do. You start to explore new possibilities, free flow, and finally your free spirit is let loose, and every moment there is something new golden experience, to grow exponentially, and more than this, experiencing wonder, unity, awe.
The change is subtle. Silent.
And as you expand even more, you notice that so much falls away, just as silently, replaced by the new.
And then, suddenly, one day, you just know!
And smile!
5th dimension
5th dimension

Anchoring Love & Light ❤

We ask you to open your Heart, find the space to EXPAND.
In every second, you are actively contributing to the Mission and the life force of Gaia.
As your light body integrates, you will notice more space in your mind, more virtual awareness as your thought processess take a whole new meaning of expansion and expression. The term BEING will resonate and relate on a whole new level.
As your multidimensional self becomes your reality – you will need a period of time integrating the Greater Aspect Of You.
We ask you to be gentle & sensitive with yourself & others.
Self care, good rest and harmony is an integral step in the process.
Focus your thoughts in a heart centered space of Love & Light.
Know we love you dearly Galactic brothers & sisters xo
Sending waves of Cosmic Love for your day❤
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Authentic Light Message
Anchoring Love & Light
Anchoring Love & Light
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

It’s your time Divine Feminine!

The Divine Feminine Christ in all of us is being put first, overriding all lower densities of the Feminine expression. As she rises, it will be easier to harness back your Feminine power from abandonment and separation wounds that were imprinted through relationships in the piscean age.

A new trajectory is putting the Divine Feminine Christ back into her sovereign leadership, Union, and Creation position this week through Light Body Upgrades.

The Divine Feminine may specifically feel this in the head and the heart, the mental and emotional bodies.

The Divine Masculine will feel this in their reproductive organs, DNA, and genes.

A cleansing of lower feminine expressions of temptation is detoxing off the Divine Masculine. This will clear their pituitary gland and release emotional stagnation off their chakras, supporting them to have an awakened perception of these two aspects of the Feminine.

Both the Masculine and Feminine are receiving huge upgrades this week of the Divine Feminine Christ energies to awaken them to their Union through the lens of Christ Consciousness.

A Collective cleansing and healing is supporting recovery of your life force energy. The focus is on you and your bloodline, so you can end your role in assisting your Family Tree. Your Ancestors are helping you move up through the Stargate, into your new timeline. The Scorpio New Moon on the 111 PORTAL ushers in the completion of your efforts. Keep going to the finish line.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Divine Feminine Christ
Divine Feminine Christ
The upcoming full moon on October 17th holds profound significance due to several factors, notably the rare celestial alignment of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Jupiter, forming a square in the heavens not seen since 79 AD, coinciding with the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius all of those years ago.
This Hunter’s Moon, a supermoon, will be one of the brightest this year and will coincide with various cultural and religious observances globally, marking the seasonal transition and cultural as well as religious and historical observances. It is the 3rd of 4 consecutive supermoons, culminating on November 15 this year.
In the Hebrew calendar, it aligns with Sukkoth’s commencement, while in Hindu tradition, it marks Sharad Purnima. For Buddhists, it signifies the end of Vassa and Pavarana.
The Thadingyut Festival of Lights in Myanmar and Vap Poya in Sri Lanka also coincide with this event.
Occurring in the Chinese Year of the Dragon’s 9th month and Rabi’ al-Thani’s 4th month, it will reach peak brightness at 4:26 a.m. cst on October 17th, 2024, in Aries, bringing energy, excitement, and passion.
Notably, Artemis, the moon goddess and the Great Huntress, is reflected in many areas including the namesake rocket Artemis 2, mission to the moon, and her newfound companion moon who will remain present throughout October and November.
 Artemis, the moon goddess
Artemis, the moon goddess
On Tuesday, October 15th, Venus, planet of love, in passionate Scorpio is taken to a higher level as she connects via a positive trine aspect to Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in dreamy Pisces. Venus rules relationships and in Scorpio she feels intense, sensual and powerful! The connection to Neptune brings in an ethereal, inspired and mystic merging with the Oneness of the Universe. This is a beautiful energy filled with unconditional love, compassion and understanding.
The only drawback is the possibility of wearing “rose-colored glasses” and romanticizing a situation. That is not all bad though, as we are able to see the inner beauty of the soul. Venus also rules personal resources, finances values and self-worth. In money matters, stay focused and grounded, and do not get drawn into an illusion or fantasy. With values we hold onto a higher ideal. And, with self-worth we understand the spiritual value of our own divinity.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Venus, planet of love, in passionate Scorpio
Venus, planet of love, in passionate Scorpio
Lunar aspects – We’re building towards the next lunation but first to finish the zodiacal round. Luna in Pisces doesn’t want to hear the noise of the other aspects. Right now, we need a soft spot to fall, a quiet room, gentle whispering, a bedtime story no matter the time of day. In Pisces land, we’re reminded of the invisible realms and soul urgings. Spiritual needs become more pronounced as worldly materialism falls away. Dreams stir longings, imagination takes over.
Maybe there were let downs in the past, things that never worked, promises that evaporated. But still times are changing and there are hints of new roads, new possibilities, new thoughts. Wait for your heart to confirm the right path. Follow your passion. Offer up a prayer. Commit to transformation. When the Moon moves into Aries, all systems are go.
Degrees and Times
Moon 21°Pi16′, Jupiter 21°Ge16′ R – 07:37 (BST)
Moon 21°Pi55′, Mars 21°Cn55′ – 08:40 (BST)
Moon 26°Pi29′, Uranus 26°Ta29′ R – 15:58 (BST)
Moon 27°Pi25′, Venus 27°Sc25′ – 17:28 (BST)
Moon, Neptune 27°Pi51′ R – 18:09 (BST)
Moon 29°Pi38′, Pluto 29°Cp38′ – 21:00 (BST)
Moon 00°Ar00′ – 21:34 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
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Painting – A Story by George Stefanescu
A Story
A Story

Kin 100 ~ Yellow Solar Sun

‘Solar’ is the name for the number nine and its keywords are ‘Intention, Pulse and Realize’. The ninth day of a wavespell is always impressive, it’s a powerhouse of energy and there’s huge potential for action. If you can summon up just a little determination, the number nine will boost you up and deliver the goods. All you have today is Realize the opportunities you have available to you. We are in the wavespell of the Yellow Human remember, with its agenda of fine tuning our intuition. On this ninth day we see real progress!
Today is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life’. Yellow Solar Sun is a special day because the number nine is called Solar and it is sun energy that falls on a Yellow Sun day. The sun gives life and today’s combination is so bright it is blinding. Don’t get burnt by it, instead convert this energy into something brand new in your life. All you have to do is use your Intention and Enlightenment shall follow. The Yellow Sun also offers us a chance to shine the light on things previously unseen. If we consider this within the context of the Yellow Human wavespell and its agenda, our intuitions should be given a boost now.
The Guide today is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When guiding the day, the Warrior invites you to follow him on the warpath. Symbolizing action! Enough talk has taken place, time now to get ‘er done. Be a soldier on a quest today and be motivated! This goes so well with the energy of the number nine. The Warrior has a lot of willpower and the number nine represents intentions.
The Challenge today is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The Yellow Sun in its quest for enlightenment sometimes forgets to be loving. Shining bright can sometimes cast shadows over others. If you are a White Dog, you will find today tough going, all you can do is summon up some intention and be tenacious about standing your ground. You might not feel very playful today. If you are not a White Dog, beware that matters of the heart may surface. Lovers may have spats and you may lose heart when trying to deal with stubborn issues.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. The Dragon in a magical position is a wonderful thing and brings some relief from the glaring sun. Take care of yourself and others today, engage in acts of random kindness. If the sun is too bright, find a nice cozy cave and have some rest. You will emerge feeling on top of the world and ready for anything.
The Ally is the Blue Storm who loves to be disruptive and make changes but also, they are a very useful Ally, a great friend to have around today. If you are a Blue Storm expect to be called upon for help and guidance. If you don’t know one to ask for help, you can do what they would do. Throw a lot of energy at whatever it is you are dealing with. Blow away your problems!
Kin 100
Kin 100
9 AHAU – KIN 100
15 OCTOBER 2024
I PULSE in order to ENLIGHTEN🌞
Realizing LIFE
I seal the matrix of Universal Fire
With the Solar tone of intention
I AM guided by the power of Intelligence
15/10/2024 = 6/10/8 = 6/18=6/9 =15=6
15- Spiritual Magician/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Family/Fertility/Harmony
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 100 = RESET 1-00 – New Beginnings/Leadership – Recalibrating to SOURCE CODE as we FLY through HEAVEN’S GATE!!✨🕊️✨
☀☀DOUBLE THE SUN 🌞 ENERGY TODAY – SOLAR☀ tone + SUN AHAU 🌞🌞🌞 lot’s of FIRE 🔥 🔥🔥and heat to draw upon to fuel your PASSION and MISSION.
HUGE evolutionary energies🔥 for liberating more LIFE FORCE, and STEPPING UP FULLY INTO YOUR LIGHT and your POWER!! 💡
KIN 100🌞🎆 is a VERY POTENT ASCENSION 🎆 code and links us back through SPACE TIME to the 7/7 portal and the 20/10/20_10 portal. Nothing is by CHANCE and the DREAMSPELL codes are all DIVINELY orchestrated to keep fuelling our Planetary Ascension through synchronic coding! HOW AMAZING!!
Today the PYRAMIDS are fully cranking up this GRID through the Solar ☀ Rays, pulsing in through their apex into the vortices and chakras. The 13 Planetary Solar Disks☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀ are also spinning and aligning to activate the LEMURIAN Consciousness ASCENSION GRID 🌐
GAIA’S hard drive is being completely SWITCHED ON, CALIBRATED and firing on all cylinders 🎇 HUGE PLANETARY ADVANCEMENTS – ready for our next phase of POWER ups! 💥💥💥
Take some time to PLUG into this POWER BANK 🔌💡today, and utilize the vast SOLAR🌞 energy to fuel your Mission and Gaia’s LIBERATION.❤ 🌍🌎🌏💥
🚫🚫🚫SOLAR ALERT!! With DOUBLE SUN🌞🌞 energy PULSING strong today – the Solar Flares/CME’S 🔥🔥 are likely to be IMMENSE… stay grounded and hydrated!
Day 9 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance.
Today is the day for ✨COURAGEOUS ILLUMINATION,✨ the day that you 🌞DARE TO SHINE!🌞
SOLAR 🌞– Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – pulse, ESSENCE – intention The 9th day of YELLOW HUMAN Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation.
The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our WILL affects the reality we experience, so we begin PULSING, extending our focused intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our DREAMS come true. This is POTENT manifestation energy today!
What GIFTS and intentions are you PULSING into reality?🤔
Today’s question is “AM I READY to courageously ILLUMINATE 💡my true core essence, pulsing out unconditional love❤ through my unique contributions to this world?”
NOTE: If it is your Gregorian birthday today-14 OCTOBER 2024, CONGRATULATIONS you get to embody this special code for a whole year!!.🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈
What a GLORY FILLED day to be A-LIVE on planet EARTH.🌅🌅🌅
NOW is the TIME to fully ALIGN with what we are here for!! How we SERVE the Divine to truly step up, and give our gifts, to birth the New Earth and the New Time! 🌍🌎🌏
We are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day supporting us to IGNITE OUR LIGHT🎇🔥. STEP UP and truly SHINE🌞 very, very, very BRIGHT today, as we awaken to our full remembrance of who we truly are,
Divine blessings for the IGNITION🎇 of your BRILLIANT ILLUMINATION✨ through your unique SPARK of DIVINE SOURCE! 🎇✨
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
9 MOONS ago – last Galactic spin – we had the LEO FULL MOON fully activating KIN 100 through the FIRE🔥🔥🔥 element.
63 moons ago (3.6.9. TESLA code) = 7 Tzolkin Spins on 20 October 2019 (20/10/20-10 code) – it was the double manifestation of GREAT AWAKENING 👁👁 code – it was a KIN 100 day!
On this date a great TEAM of LIGHTWORKERS ✨ participated in a GLOBAL🌍 activation to FIRE UP THE GRID🎇🔥💥 – reclaiming the POWER of all the OBELISKS throughout the Planet – particularly in Washington, Vatican City and London).
The OBELISKS were UNPLUGGED from the dark Grid and the toxic energy being pumped into Gaia’s power centres was blocked. OUR MISSION WAS SUCCESSFUL 👏 and now 63 moons later we ARE witnessing the FINAL collapse of the old system, as the NEW EARTH rises. BOOM! 💥💥💥
Today we have a potent 15.15 spiritual MAGICIAN code and a 6.6. HEAVEN’S GATEWAY to support our new adventure!
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SOLAR SUN ☀🌞– AHAU- this is a HUGE CODE today!!! AHAU🌞 is shining so brightly and fully PULSING out Soul-ar Ascension codes through the Universal FIRE🔥 as the SOLAR WINDS 🌬🍃 continue blasting our Planet, to awaken our DNA and jump start our soul’s remembrance of our Galactic Missions.
Deep within our cellular coding our real purpose has been hidden and has laid dormant for most of our lives. Now it is slowly reawakening, agitating and rising. Today it fully🔥 IGNITES with a FLASH 🎇 of brilliance, giving you the confidence to cast aside any doubts, fears or obstacles, to fully embrace your purpose as a LEADER and wayshower, leaping up to take centre stage.
We have a 6.6. HEAVEN’s GATE code supporting you to STEP UP and into your DIVINE MISSION = Lead the WAY to influence others.
Tremendous codes, universal FIRE🔥 and SOLAR 🌞energy is flooding our planet through the linking to the two Majikal 💫 portals today, and 36 moons ago KIN 100 lead us into the 12.12 and 21.12 gateways… .. portal💫 upon portal💫 upon portal💫 through this MAMMOTH ASCENSION passage. ✨💫✨💫✨💫✨
Take advantage of this to use your INTENTION, for HOW and WHERE you are CHOOSING to direct this vast resource. Fantastic energetic support, particularly for those STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS ☀ who have been in stasis awaiting further instructions for their greater Galactic Mission. Woot woot! 🎉🎊🎉🎊
For the general populace they may have a FLASH💥 of AWAKENING🎇 to the Divine TRUTH, realizing that they are DIVINE SOULS and have been asleep… 😴💤🛌
The BRIGHTNESS of the SUN 🌞 cannot be ignored as all shadows are illuminated. 💡💡💡 The sleepers will need to slowly adjust their focus so that their lens can reveal the greater perspective of what is unfolding on our Planet.
🌞We are all CHILDREN OF THE SUN 👫👬👭🌞– and our Solar Father🌞 is calling his children home.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW SOLAR WARRIOR☀ 🌈🏹-CIB The RAINBOW WARRIOR code is fully activated today in the Higher Self guiding position. CIB is leading the QUEST to discover the Holy Grail 🏆of greater en-LIGHT💡ON-ment.
CIB imbues in us the much needed COURAGE and tremendous will power, to FEARLESSLY choose to step into our FULL GLORIOUS☀ RADIANCE today. Questioning the old FEAR PARADIGM and rejecting it unequi-vocally!
We use our intelligence to gain revelations and bring fearless illumination into our lives and those we influence. Consciously choosing to fearlessly create the most ENLIGHTENED culture that we can imagine! That is our collective mission and NO-THING can get in our way of realizing that Divine plan.✨
SUPPORT: BLUE SOLAR STORM ☀🌀🌪🌩– CAUAC continues to stir up the old pot today ensuring the old DENSE energies are dispersed and transmuted. The SOLAR ☀ STORM🌪🌩🌧 may in fact be realized as erupting CME’s🎇 and Solar Flares🔥 from our actual SUN arrive on EARTH. The HEAT is ON!! 🔥🔥🔥
We have a DOUBLE DOSE of STORM energy with the RHYTHMIC STORM amplifying this SOLAR STORM today.. very forceful energies propelling us forwards at an accelerated pace!
BLUE STORM🌪 is so powerful it stirs up the core of your being, to catalyze the tremendous POWER of the forces available to you. You can then PULSE out your fullest GIFTS and share them with others. It is time to REALIZE the necessity for you to GO BIG or GO HOME!!!. ✨🌞✨
❓❓❓How can you reach a wider audience with your work and influence more people? Are you READY for this?
BLUE STORM supports us in making this collective shift, to a more JOY filled and creative reality for all. Make the decision to set your intention to fully embrace your LIGHT, and be the MASTER that you came to EARTH to be!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED OVERTONE DRAGON🐉☀ -IMIX is the Mother Dragon who enables us to BIRTH 🐣 our creations into reality. The OVERTONE DRAGON is truly RADIANT and COMMANDS her power, and in so doing empowers others in her care, to do the same.
2024 IS THE YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON 🐉🌳 – so every time IMIX appears in our DREAMSPELL codes – her powers are MAGNIFIED to the MAX… SUPER DRAGON energies this year to fuel your MANIFESTING and CREATION powers!!
The OVERTONE DRAGON is a RADIANT☀ SOLAR🌞 WISDOM keeper, as she pulses forth the Mother Sophia Wisdom🌹🌹🌹 codes to en-LIGHT-ON all that bask in her glory.
IMIX endows us with the Dragon’s courage and determination to protect our unique visions from corruption, in order to fully empower them into manifestation. We can use our DRAGON’S BREATH to energize and COMMAND them into being. . 🐉🌬🍃
We must BELIEVE in our dreams, ourselves and our unique contributions to this New world we are birthing. We become fully empowered 👑 to accept FULL responsibility, for our role and flow with the collective evolution of Earth and all beings. We step up and place our unique puzzle piece in the Giant jigsaw of our Divine Creator.
Together we are birthing this new CREATION. 🐣🐣🐣
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SOLAR DOG ☀ 🐕-OC challenges us to express PURE unconditional love,❤ compassion and acceptance towards ourselves and others. As we do this we become illuminated💡 into the full expression of our divinity. Magnifying our full presence.
The SOLAR DOG’S ☀🐕encodings are a true GIFT🎁 for humanity, as they contain the powerful SOLAR☀ rays, encapsulated in the ✨Sophia/Christ Conscious✨ qualities of loving kindness, COMPASSION, empathy, devotion and forgiveness.
✨If only humans focused on pulsing forth the unconditional LOVE💓 that DOGS do so effortlessly, our Planet would be truly UNITED and enveloped in a blanket of LOVE! 💞✨
Make LOVING KINDNESS❤❤ your mission each day.
As you move toward your core of ✨LIGHT✨, you will find a clear-light awareness that is innately innocent. In this place, the mind is restored to its original state of receptivity. Clarity and FREEDOM become expressions of being, and BLISS 🌈 😍 becomes the body.💞
✨A new reality is born. 🐣
From the union of the divine masculine and feminine,👫 is birthed the solar🌞 androgyny of cosmic consciousness.
Open your HEART❤ as a flower🌻 to the Sun,🌞 and become the same LOVE❤ that holds universes together! 💞
You are the dawning🌅 of the new Soul-ar ☀age.✨
Today’s question is “AM I READY to courageously ILLUMINATE 💡my true core essence, pulsing out unconditional love❤ through my unique contributions to this world?”
NOTE: If it is your Gregorian birthday today-14 OCTOBER 2024, CONGRATULATIONS you get to embody this special code for a whole year!!.🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈
What a GLORY FILLED day to be A-LIVE on planet EARTH.🌅🌅🌅
NOW is the TIME to fully ALIGN with what we are here for!! How we SERVE the Divine to truly step up, and give our gifts, to birth the New Earth and the New Time! 🌍🌎🌏
We are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day supporting us to IGNITE OUR LIGHT🎇🔥. STEP UP and truly SHINE🌞 very, very, very BRIGHT today, as we awaken to our full remembrance of who we truly are,
Divine blessings for the IGNITION🎇 of your BRILLIANT ILLUMINATION✨ through your unique SPARK of DIVINE SOURCE! 🎇✨
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 13th through 19th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 13th through 19th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

Click here for the Goddess Transmissions



Heart Intelligence activates the Higher Kryst mind ~ clear, direct communion with the I AM.
Higher Kryst mind
Higher Kryst mind

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