The Exact Date for Everything (Event, NESARA/GESARA announcements, EBS/EAS, Star Family reveal) is 11/5.
Hollow Earth will reveal the ships the next day, regardless of the agreed completion date of the EBS with the alliance, if the alliance fails to complete it by the agreed date.
The date was agreed with the Inner Earth Council.
The exact date for everything (camping event, NESARA/GESARA announcements, EBS/EAS, Star Family self-reveal) is 11/5.
Therefore, the agreed EBS date should be earlier than the later date, as Star Family may need a few days at least for their self-disclosure. Everything should happen now and not come anywhere near that extreme date. //
The Star Family already has the green light to reveal themselves and take action whenever they want. They don’t want the people to worship them because the people might think the beings on the ships are gods from the sky or some nonsense.
The Star Family is being very careful not to create any situation where the people here think that the Star Family is the savior of everyone who came from the heavens.
This is why modifications (EOs or otherwise) were made to push everything through the current legal systems for the entire Earth. And for the people of Earth to do the work and get the credit for cleaning up the Earth’s swamp.
Earth was invaded thousands of years ago, for an invasion, the no-intervention policy is canceled/null/nullified and no longer applies. The Star Family is also analyzing when is the best time for them to reveal themselves and make their self-disclosure.
And like I said, they already have the green light when they want it, and they’ve had it for over a year now. Earth should get the credit for cleaning up the swamp, rather than the Star Family just showing up and fixing everything for the people of Earth.
As I said before, they would rather have the people of Earth do 51% of the clearing of the swamp and then the Star Family will step in at that time and give a hand for the last 49% of the clearing and get everything moving in the right direction here.

The exceptionality of contemporary life on earth
Thousands of souls in the tomb begged for the grace of being born on earth today, because there has never been such an extraordinary time in the entire evolution of humanity. The most spiritually alive souls in the tomb realized that they would need many more earthly lives to be able to atone and expiate their offenses against their fellow men, who had tied their fateful threads.
Today, however, it is possible to achieve this through serious efforts for purity and goodness in one earthly life. With the right spiritual effort, it is possible to postpone karma, not even painfully, but only symbolically. Therefore, there is nothing that can balance the immense gift of the Creator to be able to live on earth right now, giving the opportunity to achieve accelerated spiritual development.
There are two types of people living on earth today. Some are spiritually asleep and others are spiritually more alive. The spiritually asleep are materially oriented people who incarnate here from lower levels. After their death, they always remain close to the earth because they know nothing beyond matter. Due to their persistent and blind material limitation, they are therefore subject to a perpetual type of lower incarnations. If these souls do not awaken spiritually, they will remain firmly attached to the grosser matter until the end of the material world, so that through their inseparable bond they will perish with it. Thus they will reach eternal damnation.
And there are people who are more spiritually alive, for whom spiritual values mean something. And there were many of them who, in the grave as souls, realized the great grace of being able to be born on earth now. Therefore, they begged the Creator to allow them to incarnate and complete their inner spiritual development in an accelerated process.
But one way or another, whether a person belongs to the materialists or to those who are more spiritually alive, absolutely everyone living on earth today has an exceptional and unrepeatable opportunity to significantly ascend spiritually, because there has never been so much help from the Light that would help people immediately when they demonstrate an inner rebirth and begin to seriously strive for spiritual ascension.
Why is the present time so unique and how should we use it properly to make significant spiritual progress?
Today, our Earth is in the concentrated action of powerful forces and events, which greatly encourage everyone who awakens a pure effort towards the Light.
The first of these events was the anchoring of God’s Truth on earth. When the Lord Jesus was here, He could not yet proclaim the full Truth because people were not mature enough to understand it. So He said, “I have much more to tell you, but you would not understand. But when the Spirit of Truth comes, He will lead you to the full Truth.”
And so it happened! When humanity had matured enough, the Spirit of Truth came and anchored the knowledge of the full Truth on earth in the Grail Message. From that moment on, there are no secrets for people. Whoever wants to can know the answers to all the fundamental questions of human existence. He can know the true meaning of our lives, what happens to us after death, and why there is suffering. He can know what life, death, resurrection, and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ were really like. He can know the answers to fundamental questions concerning the existence of the Creator and all levels of His creation.
The second thing that makes our time so special is the coming judgment of humanity. It is caused by the increasing power of the ray of the Son of Man, bringing an increasing radiation of Light to the vicinity of the Earth. The pressure of the Light forces everything that exists on earth and everything that is within people into accelerated movement. There is an accelerated sorting into wheat and tares, that is, into people who will awaken under the increasing pressure of the Light and begin their spiritual ascent, and into people who, in their spiritual lukewarmness and indifference, will remain focused only on matter.
All people, without exception, who live on earth today, are living in such a serious moment that, in deep awareness of this fact, they should quickly put aside everything they considered important until now, and the desire for Light and Pravde should take first place in them. The desire to understand the true meaning of life. The desire to find answers to the most serious questions of human existence. And the stronger this desire is, the more spiritual helpers will be able to help a person find everything he is looking for, to find the Truth and to adapt his life to the Truth, because only in this lies the correct use of the great gift of being able to live on earth at this time.
Based on this desire and effort, we will then receive all the help we need to finally overcome spiritually. So that we can whiten our clothes and be spiritually reborn in our perception of life and its experience. We must be persistent in our efforts and persistently draw a little closer to the Light every day.
Under the increasing pressure of the ray of the Son of Man, everything that clings to the old materialism and does not want to reorient itself towards the new path of Light begins to waver and collapse among people and in society. There are social upheavals, conflicts, tensions and deterioration of living conditions. This affects all people, even those who are most spiritually alive. Many of them allow themselves to be involved in this event and it disturbs them greatly internally. So much so that it disturbs their calm and inner peace.
But it shouldn’t be like this! Spiritually more alive people should not allow anything from the outside to disturb their inner peace and calm, because only through inner peace can we find and maintain the connection with the Light. Consciously maintaining inner peace is part of spiritual ascension, because in addition to the vital connection with the Light, from it can also grow a peaceful kindness, like a crown of spiritual love for others, for all living beings, for the entire creation and for the Creator.
Therefore, we must not allow ourselves to be disturbed inwardly by what is earthly. We must not allow ourselves to fall into a cycle of thought that expresses dissatisfaction with the present world, or even malice towards our fellow men. On the contrary, we must live with an inner sympathy for others, arising from the peace and quiet within ourselves. Starting from the peace of the Lord, in which we dwell permanently.
And at the same time, let us experience pure and joyful gratitude for the gift of our being and for the great gift of the Creator to live in today’s exceptional time on Earth, when the ever-increasing presence of the Light with all its aids will make our spiritual progress immensely easier if we decide to do so.
Milan Supa
They forget that some of us were born for this time. That some of us have been preparing for lifetimes.
They forget that some of us see through the deception and that our spiritual immune system is strong.
They underestimate our strength and our resistance to temptation.
They wrongfully believe that we are attached to our material world and that we depend on it for joy.
They forget that we know there is a better way and that we know the path that we are walking on. That we hold an unbreakable vision of peace and truth.
We didn’t come here for it to be easy.
We didn’t come here to be comfortable.
We didn’t come here to build our ego or our name.
We didn’t come here to build our material empire.
We didn’t come here for short term gains.
We came here to CHANGE THE WORLD. To spread LOVE and UNITY throughout the hearts and land.
We came here to stand for Spirit/God/Oneness.
Re: Redemption Centers (updated 7-15-2024)
“According to the Federal Register, 12 CFR Part 240, also known as Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions (Regulation NN), covers the authority, purpose, and scope of the regulation, as well as the definitions used in the regulation.
Section 240.4 of the regulation states that a banking institution must notify the Board before starting a retail forex business.
This notification must be provided in writing and in compliance with section 240.4, which requires the following:
* Treatment of existing retail forex businesses
* Compliance with the Commodity Exchange Act.
Other sections of the regulation include:
* Section 240.13(d)
Prohibits a related person of a banking institution from having an account with another retail foreign exchange counterparty, unless a person designated by the banking institution sends proper written authorization to open and maintain the account.
* Section 240.12
Requires specific authorization, and no banking institution may directly or indirectly effect a retail forex transaction for the account of any retail forex.”
This information should clarify where redemption centers really are inside a bank, and what, is involved in holding a retail foreign currency exchange account.
It is important to note that these guidelines have just recently been updated and amended.
© Goldilocks
Displaying title 12, up to date as of 7/15/2024. Title 12 was last amended 7/15/2024. (see below)
by Dave XRPLion,
Within 30 days of NESARA’s Announcement, we will be reindexing all items, on a 1:10 basis. That will take most of the inflation out of the world economies which will all be based on gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals. Gold will then be set at $50/oz; Silver at $10/oz and Platinum at $100/oz. All current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged $1:$1 with US Treasury Notes for all within this country. All printing plates for Federal Reserve Notes will be removed from their current locations and destroyed. (May 16, 2009.) KOS has the de facto authority, granted by the International Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARA Announced and the power to use his Martial Law authority “as needed.” (Oct. 16, 2008.)
Pay attention to the near future.. It’s very close 👇👇👇
We know that something powerful will take down the Mossad Media satellite. This will cause a worldwide communications blackout, transitioning us into a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate the military EBS.
Starlink is active and apparently ready for the Military to activate the Worldwide Emergency Broadcast System.
Project Odin, as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform anti-cheat mechanism and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs, outside the reach of the Cabal.
Q tells us that Mossad’s media assets will be eliminated. He has repeatedly stated that there will be a big biblical scenario where they present it as World War 3, but in reality they will activate the military all over the world and then start bombing this entire satanic place.
This will release the NESARA/GESARA funds and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.
What are some of the biggest Satanic Illuminati websites in the world? Which showed us things like:
* Buckingham Palace
* Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany)
* 3GD in China
*Cern on the Swiss/French border possibly
* Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel
*Israel/Khazarians control the CCP
* Communication etc.
* 34 Satanic buildings and dams will fall
Many events will also take place, such as:
* God Rods/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on Satan-targeted sites around the world
*Planes and trains will be grounded
*Lights/power will briefly turn off as they switch to Tesla free power
* Bitcoin Server/Data Center will be hacked and shut down forever
* 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese currencies
* ISO20022 coins backed by precious metals will be available
* Scary WW3 event will happen
* Nuclear siren
* Aquatic events
* The stock market crashed
* Global Martial Arts Rules
* CASTLE ROCK – Julian Assange Fund
* Quantum system
* Odin Project enabled
* Election disclosure through the Military Court – FISA
*Military trial
* 10 countries will implement EBS for worldwide coverage
* Tremendous truths revealed
* Trump and Kennedy inaugurations
* THE ISRAELI MOSSAD controlled the world’s media outside of America.
*Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink
* The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs outside the reach of the Cabal
* Satanic media assets will be removed.
* Israeli intelligence was forced to withdraw
* Media assets will be removed
* After communications are disabled, John F Kennedy Jr will appear.
To convert to Gesara/Grandeur, you must play this fake WWIII scenario to sound the sirens in each National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the entire planet many things that happened.
The Military Law Gesara has been implemented, including Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, executions, etc. As always, all armies will be there to help build new things. We have achieved freedom, saved our children, and freed the world from corrupt and enslaving governments.

The ODIN PROJECT will work together with EAS/EBS…
It is a military unit that supervises military forces in ground operations.
ODIN stands for:
During EBS
Every major media channel on the planet will be…
The documentaries will be broadcast for 10 days, all channels on the planet will be taken over by the Alliance, everything will be revealed, famous political and religious institutions
The last three days will reveal suppressed patents of extraterrestrial life and the new Earth.
PROJECT ODIN and military GESARA, a monumental combination that promises to topple the Cabal’s hold on global power.
Prepare for the most dramatic change in modern history as the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) emerges, signaling a new era of truth, justice and liberation.
The stage is set, the actors are in position, and the world is about to witness a seismic shift that will reshape the course of history.
PROJECT ODIN, a project shrouded in secrecy, is about to be revealed to the world.
But what is PROJECT ODIN and how does it connect to the military GESARA and the long-awaited Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)?
In this article, we delve into the heart of this remarkable transformation, revealing the hidden truths and unveiling the future that awaits us.
PROJECT ODIN: PROJECT ODIN, as mentioned cryptically by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is not just another code name; it is the key to dismantling the Mossad Media satellite network that has been at the center of global manipulation for far too long.
This bold mission is not for the faint of heart; it is the foundation of the Quantum Starlink system, a quantum leap in technology that promises to redefine our world.
The new Quantum Systems, part of Quantum Starlink, represent a paradigm shift in technology.
These systems are protected by secret space programs that operate outside the reach of the Cabal, ensuring their integrity and security.
As the Cabal controlled media crumbles, these Quantum Systems will emerge as harbingers of truth and transparency.
The Cabal’s Last Stand: Q, the enigmatic figure behind many revelations, predicted the elimination of the Mossad media.
But what comes next is even more profound. Whiplash has suggested a grand theatrical production, a deceptive depiction of World War III, which will actually serve as a catalyst for the activation of military forces around the world.
A Biblical Scenario Revealed: In a twist of fate, this orchestrated chaos will pave the way for the activation of Armed Forces around the world, unleashing a torrent of events that will bring the Cabal to its knees.
NESARA/GESARA funds will finally see the light of day and the people will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.
Identifying the Illuminati’s Satanic Strongholds – The Cabal’s network stretches far and wide, but Q has given us insight into its most prominent strongholds.
From the Vatican to Buckingham Palace, from the White House to the heart of China, these places hold the keys to the Cabal’s power. As the dominoes fall, 34 satanic buildings and dams will come crashing down, forever changing the landscape of the world.
The United States in an almost instant military dictatorship… led by none other than Joe Biden:
A multitude of events take place:
As the Cabal faces its reckoning, a cascade of events will unfold.

Payment for tier groups involved in RV – Dubai accounts finance RV:
- Dubai 1 funds RV Tiers 1 and 2 and Dubai 2 funds RV Tiers 3 and 4, while Dubai 3 funds Awarded Accounts and GESARA.
- Payment of Bonds and Coins is made in the order of the different levels. There are five levels that will be exchanged: Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and public (5).
- Liquidity Release is done in a certain order. Selected Elders, German Bonds and Yellow Dragon Bonds must be paid first.A. Dubai 1 released for liquidity which then triggers Dubai 2&3.
B. F&P’s are released to recipients (they need D1 liquid, this is their hold up)
C. Bonds will be liquid (they need D1 to be liquid)
D. Tiers 1-4b are notified. (they need D1 to be liquid)
It seems like everything is set to happen at or around the same time!
- Tier 1 sovereign nation debt from governments: Chinese royals, bondholders, payers, religious groups, CMKX, F&P, adjudicated settlements, farm and ranch claims, and other groups.
- Tier 2 Royals , Elders, Whales, Military Generals and some political type Elites with currency platforms, corporations, etc.
- Tier 3 Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Pentecostal group was now 100% under an NDA. Tier 3 was all Dubai 2 Trust Money and originally it was the Generals and the public. Now Tier 3 includes groups with projects including Admiral.
- The Admiral was sent to the end of the line and renamed Level 4A. The Admiral Group was composed of three parts – the most notable were the Level 4A main groups and 130 VIP groups.
- Level 4B (the Internet Group) is the largest group and is made up of the general public who paid attention to the intelligence – the people who bought currency and/or bonds and followed the reset through information on the Internet.
- Level 5 The general public who have never paid attention to Intel.
Supreme Court Shuts Down Chevron: Direct Blow to Deep State Control!
The Supreme Court’s recent decision to strike down the Chevron doctrine is not merely a legal recalibration—it is a frontal assault on the shadowy cabal that has for decades manipulated the levers of power from the murky depths of federal agencies.
This landmark decision strips these hidden powers of a critical tool they have exploited to bend national politics to their will, operating under the radar and beyond the reach of the electorate.
For too long, these agencies, cloaked in the opaque cloak of Chevron deference, have acted as puppeteers, pulling the strings of American governance. They have quietly shaped the landscape of American life, influencing everything from the air we breathe to the food we eat to the cars we drive, all without the sanction of Congress or the oversight of our courts.
This unbridled power has served as a driver for a control agenda that seeks to dictate rather than manage under the guise of regulatory expertise.
The case of the National Marine Fisheries Service is a glaring example. Ostensibly concerned with conservation, its real agenda was to tighten the noose around the neck of the herring industry, setting a dangerous precedent for other industries.
By imposing economically burdensome regulations, requiring mandatory industry funding for observers, they intended to extend their tentacles, testing the waters for broader, more comprehensive control.
However, the Supreme Court’s decision to dismantle Chevron deference destroys this secretive governance model. By restoring the judiciary’s role in interpreting ambiguous laws, the court has torn away the veil behind which these agencies operated.
They can no longer hide their manipulative interpretations behind the facade of reasonableness. This is a direct blow to the solar plexus of the bureaucratic beast, a beast that has grown fat and complacent in its ability to govern without accountability.
This move by the judiciary is a clear call to action for every American who values freedom over tyranny. It signals the beginning of the end for those faceless bureaucrats who believed they were above the law, dictating terms and bending rules to suit their agenda.
This decision forces these agencies to come forward, to defend their actions in court, where justice is not only blind, but also limited by the letter of the law.
What is at stake here is nothing less than the soul of the nation. The battle lines are drawn not just in the courts, but in the very fabric of our governance. The end of Chevron’s deference is a decisive blow to those who seek to rule from the shadows, manipulating policy and impacting lives without any semblance of democratic legitimacy.
This ruling is more than a legal victory; it is a beacon of hope for those who have watched with growing alarm as the deep state has expanded its reach. It is a vindication for those who have stood up for the rule of law, and a call to arms for vigilant citizens to hold their government accountable.
As we move forward, the impact of this decision will reverberate through the corridors of power. Every regulation, every rule that comes from above will now be subject to scrutiny like never before.
Agents involved in these agencies must now proceed with caution, knowing that the eyes of justice are watching, and the American people, emboldened by this decision, are aware of their schemes.
The war for control is far from over, but with this decision, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that in the United States, power ultimately lies with the people, not with unelected bureaucrats.
As this new era unfolds, it is the responsibility of all Americans to remain vigilant, to ensure that this victory is not fleeting, but the beginning of a sustained campaign to reclaim our government and restore the fundamental principles of our democracy.

The Gold Standard Returns: Iraq and Neighbors Prepare to Abandon Fiat Dollar Monetary System
The secret plans of Iraq and neighboring countries to strengthen their economies with gold reserves and join the new BRICS gold/oil-backed monetary system.
Iraq and its neighboring Middle Eastern nations are accelerating their gold accumulation at an unprecedented pace. This strategic move signals a clear intention to protect their economies from the potential collapse of the dollar-dominated fiat currency system.
Furthermore, the Middle East is strengthening its ties with the BRICS Alliance, distancing itself from the Western G-7 bloc. This alignment suggests that countries such as Iraq are preparing to actively engage in a new BRICS gold-backed financial system and the UNT gold- and oil-backed monetary unit for international trade.
Such developments would lead to a significant revaluation (RV) of their currencies against dominant global fiat currencies such as the US dollar and the euro, signaling the beginning of the global monetary reset (GCR).
In this article
- Significant increase in Iraq’s gold reserves
- Collective gold holdings of Middle Eastern nations
- Strategic alliances with the BRICS over the G-7
- Implications for global exchange rates
Iraq and its neighboring Middle Eastern countries are rapidly accumulating gold reserves, strategically positioning themselves in the event of a collapse of the global fiat monetary system.
This trend highlights a shift towards enhancing financial security through tangible assets, away from reliance on dollar-dominated fiat currencies.
Significant increase in Iraq’s gold reserves
Iraq has significantly increased its gold reserves, reaching 142.58 tonnes in the first quarter of 2024, up from 138.44 tonnes in the previous quarter.
This marks a historic record for Iraq, reflecting a strategic effort by the Central Bank of Iraq to diversify its foreign assets amid the current economic uncertainty.
Historically, Iraq’s gold reserves have averaged 46.32 tonnes from 2000 to 2024, with a record low of zero tonnes in 2000. The Central Bank’s strategy includes purchasing small amounts of gold in multiple transactions, ensuring a steady accumulation in line with market conditions.
Collective gold holdings of Middle Eastern nations
The latest World Gold Council data from May reveals that five Arab countries, including Iraq, collectively hold more than 1,000 tonnes of gold reserves.
Saudi Arabia leads the pack, followed by Lebanon, Algeria, Libya and Iraq. This significant accumulation underscores the importance of gold as an essential investment for central banks in the region amid ongoing geopolitical and economic uncertainties.
These nations’ focus on gold reserves highlights a regional trend of leveraging gold as a hedge against the obvious implosion of fiat currencies and the mathematically unsustainable global debt they create.
Strategic alliances with the BRICS over the G-7
Interestingly, Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq, are strengthening ties with the BRICS Alliance rather than the Western G-7 Alliance. This alignment suggests a strategic pivot toward a gold-backed financial system being developed by the BRICS.
The potential participation of Middle Eastern nations in the new BRICS gold-backed financial system and the UNT gold- and oil-backed monetary unit for international trade represents a significant shift in global economic alliances.
This move could herald a new era of financial stability and independence for these nations, reducing their vulnerability to fiat currency volatility.
Implications for global exchange rates
The accelerated accumulation of gold by Iraq and other Middle Eastern nations sets the stage for a significant revaluation of the exchange rate (RV) against dominant global fiat currencies such as the US dollar and the euro.
As these nations prepare to participate in a gold-backed financial system, the traditional dominance of fiat currencies may be challenged. This shift could lead to more stable and resilient economies in the Middle East, promoting greater economic security and sovereignty.
The bottom line
Iraq and its Middle Eastern neighbors are strategically accumulating gold reserves, positioning themselves for a future less dependent on fiat currencies and more aligned with gold-backed financial systems.
This trend highlights a significant shift in global economic dynamics, with potential implications for currency valuations and international trade. As these nations strengthen their alliances within the BRICS Alliance, the global financial landscape will witness a significant shift in the financial system, heralding a new era of economic stability and independence for humanity.
Supporting articles:
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Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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Tomorrow will mark a pivotal date in history – Thursday, July 18, 2024
SEC vs Ripple (July 18)
WTO meeting in Iraq (July 18)
Secret Service filings deadline (July 18)
Donald Trump security briefings (July 18)
Siemens Transform 2024 event (July 18)
Gene Ho’s final film reel (July 18)
Tomorrow will mark a pivotal date in history for ages to come, where dark energies have been confronted and expelled from this realm. The process of cleansing this earth of demonic entities will truly begin in earnest.
Why do you think all of the above points cover the most important areas?
• Financial
• Alphabet Agencies
• Politics
• Technology
Folks, it’s time for you to officially acknowledge that you are living in a transformative time unlike any other in the history of this planet, one that will be remembered for hundreds of years into the future. And you know what’s crazy about that notion? Most of you will still be here to realize it.
In full health.
In full knowledge.
In full glory.
A Quantum Leap Forward
- Independent Team
- Private Contractors
- Municipal Financing
- Location Undisclosed
- Cutting-edge technology
- International Team of Professionals
- Non-Government Funded Project
- Classified Operations
- Confidential Research and Development
- Clandestine Collaboration
- Proprietary Security Protocols
- Exclusive Expertise Network
- Sub Rosa Innovation
- Undetected Advances
- Stealth Infrastructure
- Secret Resource Allocation
The process starts tomorrow. Donald Trump has told everyone that we will go through a 5-month transition period. This means that normally this would be structured and extended over a four-year period, starting in January 2025-2028.
But given that everything has been in the pipeline since he left office in 2020, the production of life-changing technology in most industries is on hold because of the “Pause” we’ve been on with the outgoing J. Biden administration.
And you can see that companies like Microsoft have already started to transform and transition away from liberal policies when they shut down their entire DEI department. The lull is almost over.
What you are about to witness is the next phase that will see many things introduced. But the official debut of some of these will come on the heels of massive deportation campaigns that will be launched. Not to mention the reinstatement of the IQD that will fund many humanitarian projects.
Many people like Jared Rand, who I spoke to years ago, have things lined up that will have a more private method of practice that will not be announced to the masses until certain goals have been achieved. And you can expect something like the above, get an idea of how this will play out.
🚨 Breaking News
Zimbabwe wants to internationalize its currency, which now has the backing of the International Monetary Fund.
Do you all have your Zim-Notes?
Because this country is ready to return to trading in international markets.
The first known bond in history dates back to about 2,400 BC in Nippur, Mesopotamia (ironically, modern-day Iraq). It guaranteed payment of grain by the principal. The bond guaranteed repayment if the principal did not make the payment. Corn was the currency of the time.
Zim-Notes are considered bonds. Do you understand why Zimbabwe is bringing back gold with its currency? Do you understand that until now it was impossible to pay off the Zim Bonds? That the country had to go back to precious metals?
In May 2023, Zimbabwe launched a gold-backed digital currency for peer-to-peer and business-to-business transactions, as well as to act as a store of value, as the country’s currency continues to lose ground against major currencies.
Holders of physical gold coins, “at their discretion”, can exchange or convert, through the banking system… into digital tokens backed by gold,” the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said in a statement inviting individuals and companies to use the Digital Currency which can be purchased in Zimbabwean dollars or foreign currency.
This shows everyone what I have been shouting from the mountain tops. We are moving towards a system where all currencies will be accepted.
We are not moving towards a model where oligarchs like Kraus Schawb wanted to eliminate these options and just allow CBDCs for all users, whether we wanted them or not. That is why at one point he urged Western nations to abandon the dollar or paper money altogether.
Fun Facts: Zimbabwe’s Payment System Pointing to the World – Part 1
What you’re about to discover should leave you on the edge of your seat with excitement…
✅ Russian Senate Leader Predicts Use of CBDCs in BRICS Payment System – July 2024. See (
✅ Valentina Matvienko, Chairwoman of the Russian Federation Council, spoke about the role of national digital currencies, also known as CBDCs, in increasing the use of national currencies in BRICS trade.
✅ Matvienko said a hypothetical BRICS bridge, a joint payment system, would leverage the digital currencies of all states in the bloc.
✅ In other words, BRICS nations would exchange their CBDCs through a BRICS bridge.
✅ She then described the use of national digital currencies in the BRICS payment system!
✅ National Digital Currencies, also known as Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), would play a role in organizing a hypothetical joint BRICS payment system.
✅ She highlighted that the work established between BRICS representatives is potentially called the BRICS Bridge.
✅ These tools, each country’s CBDC, are useful for facilitating decentralized business transactions.
✅ She says that this means that “none of the participants will be able to limit the actions of the others”, that is, pure sovereignty of each country’s currency!
✅ Matvienko stressed ( “In this case, digital currencies of the central banks of the associated countries can be used, the rate of which will be pegged to the value of national currencies.”
✅ Before we continue, let’s extract the crucial points:
1) BRICS Payment System.
2) CBDC of each country.
3) BRICS Bridge.
4) Decentralized.
5) Currency sovereignty.
Memorize these fundamental concepts before we proceed!
✅ Before this, Nasser Kanani, the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, also proposed ( to link all existing payment systems in the BRICS nations!
✅ Redemption from the very beginning categorically stated that the financial systems of various countries will be interconnected!
✅ It is very important to understand that there are already two systems in operation:
1) The Cabal’s fiat-based CBDC for total control and enslavement, driven by their own QFS. Yes, you heard correctly, they have a QFS for their nefarious CIA-led activities. The facts will come out.
2) The Alliance’s CBDC connected to commodities ensuring total freedom and sovereignty, a Bridge System powered by Quantum Technology, interconnecting all BRICS Nations!
✅ Now, which country was/is the testing ground for establishing such an Alliance system?
✅ While the world was still sleeping, Zimbabwe already made a foray into such a commodity-linked CBDC in November 2023. See (
✅ And not just any commodity, a gold-backed CBDC!!
✅ This is the BRICS Alliance’s playground to create a system so advanced it boggles the mind!
✅ Zimbabwe is crucial for several reasons, of which I will mention a few:
1) The 2008-2009 Bonds are for GESARA Benefits.
2) The Elders donated the Gold to support the 100T Blue Bonds.
3. Unlimited unmined gold reserves back the entire Billion Special Agro Check Bonds series.
4. Zimbabwe will join BRICS when the time is right.
5. Zimbabwe is insignificant in the eyes of the world – out of sight, out of mind – to research and develop the BRICS Cross-Border Payment System.
6. The country with the highest currency denominations is set to have the most severe VR impact when millions of bondholders redeem their bonds.
✅ Now, let’s get into the details of this jaw-dropping payment system that will move the golden ledger donated by the Elders to pay for their bonds…
Fun Facts: Zimbabwe’s Payment System Pointing to the World, Part 2
✅ The year is 2023 and the article says: “Zimbabwe makes foray into gold-backed CBDC!” See (
✅ Most people didn’t understand, “incursion” means “a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something;
✅ Zimbabwe turned to the gold standard to shore up the beleaguered Zimbabwean dollar,
– first issue of gold coins and
– later digital tokens
to use as a means of payment.
✅ Going back a year, in June 2022, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) already introduced the Mosi-oa-Tunya gold coin, which could be purchased at the bank in national currency or a variety of offshore currencies, but few paid attention.
✅ The article stated that gold coins are issued as a store of value, and since the central bank commits to redeeming them in dollars, it effectively provides a peg to the US dollar.
✅ While gold coins can be a means of distributing a non-dollar store of value throughout the economy, the RBZ’s goal is for them to also form the basis of a medium of exchange (2022).
✅ RBZ claims that these tokens can be used for payments, with tokens available for purchase through banks, which will create dedicated e-gold wallets and cards to facilitate person-to-person or person-to-business payments, both online and offline, this is in effect a central bank digital currency backed by gold.
✅ Although issued by the central bank, the Zimbabwe Gold Token is more like a Stablecoin – a token with a price pegged to a real asset.
✅ The RBZ said the token settlement system ( is working on the bank’s existing systems, but may look at ‘blockchain records’ in the future (November 2023).
✅ Let’s list the additional crucial points to our list:
1) BRICS Payment System.
2) CBDC of each country.
3) BRICS Bridge.
4) Decentralized.
5) Currency sovereignty.
6) Stablecoins/Gold Tokens.
7) Blockchain/Ledger.
Here we have the 7 key elements fundamental to producing a fully independent financial system powered by Quantum Technology!
✅ But let’s go back another two years, to March 2020, under the guise of the Covid scam, the Zimbabwean government announced its intention to regulate cryptocurrency. See (
✅ Since then, March 2020, the Zimbabwean government has also sought to partner with Apollo FinTech to develop and launch a gold-backed digital currency for its citizens.
✅ In 2021, Zimbabwe drafted the “Blockchain Technology and Digital Assets Business Bill, 2021” and from then on, the focus was on Blockchain and a Gold-backed Stablecoin.
✅ The Zimbabwe Information and Communications Technology Division (ZICT) of the Institution of Engineers Zimbabwe has endorsed Harare Information Technology (HIT) as having some of the best brains when it comes to Blockchain technology used to develop cryptocurrency.
✅ 2021: It took almost a decade for Blockchain in FinTech ( to mature into a respected asset. See (
✅ Zimbabwe is all in on FinTech: As of August 17, 2022, Zimbabwe has two FinTechs ready to sandbox as the country delves deeper into CBDC. More (
✅ April 29, 2024: The proposed crypto exchange in Zimbabwe would ideally be built on a scalable layer-1 blockchain. This platform could effectively democratize access to global currencies, with features that allow users to convert Zimbabwe’s new currency, the ZiG, into its US dollar equivalent and then into various cryptocurrencies. See (
Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) 17-07-24
Seeds of Wisdom
OPEC Plus alliance deal improves global oil market balance in second half of 2024
Russia has announced that the global oil market will be balanced in the second half of the year and beyond, thanks to the OPEC Plus alliance agreement on production .
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said the OPEC Plus alliance, which includes the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and allies such as Russia, has been implementing a series of production cuts since late 2022 to support the market.
The Alliance agreed on June 2 to extend the previous cut of 2.2 million barrels per day until the end of September and gradually remove it from October.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration said last week that global oil demand will exceed production by about 750,000 barrels per day in the second half of 2024 due to declining OPEC Plus output.
Last week’s OPEC report also indicated a shortfall in oil supplies in the coming months and into 2025.
Novak explained that the global oil market will be balanced thanks to Russia’s moves.
Source: National Iraqi News Agency
@ Newshounds News™
Read more: Iraq News Gazette
“Gold tokenization is one of the recent blockchain use cases that is rapidly gaining popularity among crypto enthusiasts, investors, and businesses. The current market cap of tokenized gold has already reached 1.17 billion, which is a steady upward trend that reflects the rising prices of physical gold.”
“But is investing in a gold-backed cryptocurrency as safe as physical gold? What are the benefits of tokenized gold and what risks are involved?”
“Investing in ETFs is a safer option in terms of investing in pure gold. However, ETFs are not stocks, bonds or other securities that you can hold in your bank account and exchange for physical gold. Like any other ETF, gold-backed ETFs are just derivatives of the stock market instrument that an owner does not actually own. That is why such investments are also a risky strategy with limited control of the investor.”
“When it comes to tokenized gold investing, things are much more transparent and simple for investors here. The scheme works as follows: “
1. The project acquires a certain amount of physical gold and stores it securely in its vaults.
2. The company issues tokenized gold coins, the cumulative number and value of which is equal to the amount of gold in its vaults.
3. The coins enter circulation and are used by traders, project users, buyers and sellers. Their price is stable, pegged to the price of gold, and in some cases, the coins can be exchanged for the corresponding amount of physical gold at any time the owner claims such possibility.
“In this way, you can think of digital gold as gold ownership tokens – securities that verify your right to a specific amount of physical gold.”
“All the risks and challenges with the security, liquidity, and fungibility of digital gold have given rise to the popularity of the tokenized gold market. Digital gold is equivalent to physical gold stored in a secure location by the coin issuer, freeing them from the need to take care of gold storage solutions.”
“At the same time, each coin you own comes with ownership rights to physical gold, giving you direct ownership rights unlike those of investing in gold ETFs. These are the reasons why tokenization of precious metals has become so popular in the crypto space.”
“Overall, investing in gold opens up a lot of interesting opportunities for you… ”
1. First, you can deal with inflation by investing in this conservative instrument with fewer risks and limitations.
2. Second, you can take advantage of rising gold prices, similar to traditional gold investments.
3. Third, getting some digital gold into your portfolio is always a great diversification measure that can protect your assets from rapid price swings in the crypto market.
@Newshounds News™
Read more: 4 IRE Labs
Study: Digital wallets will overtake debit cards for in-store payments by 2027
Digital wallets have revolutionized the payments space in recent years. They provide an easy, contactless and secure way to make purchases and transfer money through the convenience of smartphones.
The method is the fastest-growing payment option in the United States, which is especially true among younger consumers. A majority of Americans say they use digital wallets more often than traditional payment methods. Even more intriguing, consumers who use this payment method tend to spend more than non-users. According to a new report from Worldpay, the payment method will surpass debit cards in transaction value in North America for in-store payments by 2027.
The popularity of digital wallets and the value of payments make them a top-priority tool for businesses to incorporate into their payment suites. However, merchants have to keep up to date to keep up with this unstoppable trend. Some notable obstacles — including perceptions about security, complexity, and legacy technology — are still holding many back.
The “ Money Mobility Tracker®” examines the meteoric rise of digital wallets. It also looks at how payment providers can help small merchants overcome concerns about security, complexity and technology to offer this payment method to their customers.
—Convenience translates into increased usage — and spending
—Expanding adoption of digital wallets by merchants
—Consumers want additional uses and features in digital wallets
@ Newshounds News™
Read More: PYMNTS
“In recent years, the concept of tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs) has gained significant traction in the world of finance and investment. RWAs refer to the process of representing physical or financial assets on a blockchain through the use of tokens. This innovative approach has opened up new opportunities for investors, particularly in the realm of precious metals.”
REMEMBER THIS TERM – (RWA) Real World Assets)
“By incorporating tokenized precious metals into a well-balanced investment portfolio, investors can potentially mitigate risk and protect their wealth from the erosive effects of inflation.”
The Process of Investing in Tokenized Precious Metals
“Investing in tokenized precious metals is a straightforward process, but it requires careful consideration and due diligence.”
1. The first step to investing in tokenized precious metals is to select a reputable platform or issuer. It is crucial to choose a provider with a proven track record, strong security measures, and transparent operations.
2. Understanding the custody and storage of the underlying physical assets is another critical factor when investing in tokenized precious metals. Reputable issuers should provide clear information about the location and security of the vaults where the physical precious metals are stored.
3. After selecting a reputable platform and assessing regulatory compliance, the next step is to purchase and store the tokenized precious metals. Investors can usually purchase tokenized precious metals directly from the issuer or on secondary markets such as cryptocurrency exchanges.
4. Finally, some tokenized precious metals platforms offer the option to redeem tokens for physical precious metals. This feature provides investors with the flexibility to convert their digital assets into tangible assets if desired.
“One of the main risks associated with tokenized precious metals is regulatory uncertainty and the evolving legal landscape. As highlighted in The Legal Roadmap: Tokenizing Commodities within Regulatory Frameworks, the regulatory environment for tokenized assets varies across jurisdictions, and there is a lack of clear global consensus.”
@Newshounds News™
Read more: Block Apps
Why is XRP price high today?
XRP has outperformed the broader crypto market, driven by its underbought RSI and whale interest.
Crypto Market Recovery Drives XRP Higher
On July 17, the price of XRP jumped nearly 7% to $0.618, its highest in three months, despite sell-off fears led by the ongoing Mt. Gox refund. The XRP/USD pair is up about 62.20% when measured from its local low of $0.381 set on July 5.
Interestingly, crypto market cap has far underperformed XRP’s recovery, rising by around 24.50% over the same period. In fact, XRP/USD is still down 1.71% year-to-date, compared to the crypto market’s 40% returns.
This puts XRP holders in a good position to benefit from this recovery, especially with the increasing chances of an interest rate cut in September.
“We may be about to witness one of the most significant breakouts in crypto history,” pseudonymous crypto trader Crypto Michael wrote on X. He highlighted a bullish pennant pattern forming on XRP’s seven-year price chart, a rare occurrence where the price consolidates inside a triangle pattern after a strong upward move.
@Newshounds News™
Read more: Coin Telegraph
Hong Kong to prepare stablecoin legislation as public consultation wraps up
Hong Kong authorities plan to submit a draft law to the Legislative Council before the end of the year.
— Hong Kong regulators have published the findings of their consultation on a stablecoin regime.
— The next step is to prepare a draft law for the Legislative Council.
Hong Kong’s financial regulators said they plan to submit a draft law on fiat-pegged stablecoins to the Legislative Council later this year.
The Financial Services and Treasury Bureau (FSTB) and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) have published the results of a consultation and concluded that the stablecoin regime “would primarily focus on representations of value that rest on decentrally operated ledgers” in which “no person has unilateral authority to control or materially alter their functionality or operation.”
The consultation paper for stablecoin guidelines published late last year received 108 submissions from stakeholders. Regulators plan to receive suggestions from respondents before finalizing the draft bill for the legislative process.
Regulators have confirmed their initial proposal that anyone issuing a stablecoin in Hong Kong must obtain a license. While they say holding reserve assets with licensed banks in Hong Kong could provide greater user protection, they are open to considering proposals about placing reserve assets in other jurisdictions.
Foreign entities seeking to apply for a license will need to establish a subsidiary in Hong Kong and have key management personnel, including a CEO, in the territory.
After considering the responses, the HKMA said it is “inclined to reduce the frequency of public disclosure.” It proposed a monthly attestation by an independent auditor and will continue discussions on the matter.
Hong Kong is trying to keep pace with other major jurisdictions to become a leading crypto hub. Europe’s MiCA stablecoin regime came into effect this month, and members of Congress in the U.S. are actively trying to push stablecoin bills forward.
In March, the HKMA launched a regulatory sandbox to provide immunity to potential stablecoin issuers in testing certain operations. In today’s announcement, the HKMA said it is processing applications for the stablecoin issuer sandbox and will announce more soon.
Judy Note:
Many, myself included, were more than a little surprised when Trump announced his vice presidential nominee as Senator JD Vance instead of JFK Jr. – the main man behind the Q Movement who was supposed to have come out of nowhere to run for vice president with Trump.
Then, on Wednesday, July 17, Trump announced that with Operation Kraken underway, the Final Battle would begin in seven days ( on Wednesday, July 24 ). I looked at my calendar and discovered that Wednesday, July 24 was also a possible date that JFK Jr. would announce that he was alive and kicking everyone’s ass.
Suddenly, everything started to make sense.
Those in the know understand that JFK Jr. was already the Vice President of the Restored Republic , with Trump serving as President. J.D. Vance was just a Vice Presidential candidate for a bankrupt US Inc.
See, Kraken was the nickname for the 305th Military Intelligence Corps Computer that counted official watermarked ballots from the 2020 election. By November 2020, Kraken had verified that Trump won the election in all but two states by more than 80 percent of the vote.
Kraken’s announcement on Wednesday, July 24th was what we all expected: the 2020 election was a fraud and US Inc, the Biden administration and the entire Congress would be dissolved, as we headed towards a Republic Restored election.
Speaking of Joe Biden, on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, Biden had his own surprise. The US president made an announcement on stage that Biden would not be speaking at the Las Vegas event because he had just tested positive for Covid.
In the language of the White Hat Covid Code Chart, “Testing positive for Covid” meant that an imprisoned person had confessed to their treason crimes and their execution would be kept secret.
The only problem is that by December 2020 Biden had already been arrested and put on a military trial. He was found guilty of espionage, election fraud and treason and executed at GITMO. He’s been played by actors ever since. It was a great movie, huh? All kinds of twists and turns.
Perhaps this Covid diagnosis was the Deep State’s way of getting rid of a senile, angry fake president who refused to give up running against Trump again but was never elected to the office of US president.
It was all a gigantic, well-crafted show – which was about to end Big Time.
On the other side of the fence, the White Hats seemed to actually agree with the Covid diagnosis. Their Global Alliance was about to expose Everything Biden in its Operation Kraken: The Final Battle – which was set to begin in seven days.
- On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, Operation Kraken will begin the Final Battle, according to President Trump on Telegram on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
- Kraken was the nickname for the 305th Military Intelligence Corps Computer, located at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
- During the vote count of the November 2020 election, the military counted official watermarked ballots on its Kraken computer and found that Trump had won all but two states by a vote count of over 80%.
- In the same month of November 2020, Obama, Biden and CIA Director Gina Haspel were arrested for espionage and voter fraud: Tue. Dec. 1, 2020 Obama, Biden and CIA Director Gina Haspel are apparently arrested for espionage and voter fraud | Politics | Before It’s News (
- Three and a half years later, on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, it was discovered that: “46 of the 50 states have now recounted and confirmed that Biden lost the vote.” …Dan Scavino on Telegram, Wednesday, July 17, 2024
- Apparently, for years, the Democratic Party and some Republican political elites have been working in cooperation with the Chinese and other communist parties to overthrow the US government and establish a New World Order.
- Trump and the White Hats of the Alliance have set up the 2020 Presidential Election as a setup to catch these crooks in Treason – with information gathered by “The Kraken.”
- In November 2020, CIA Director Gina Haspel, Obama, and Biden were indicted for their connection to major voter fraud issues centered around Dominion Company servers and the 2020 presidential election that Biden claimed to have won.
- Haspel, evidently in Frankfurt to protect server data that would incriminate Deep State leaders such as Obama and Biden , is said to have cooperated with investigators to reduce her own sentence and revealed information about a widespread voter fraud scam perpetrated by Democrats in the 2020 election.
- The military attack captured Dominion voting servers , which were found to have transferred votes from Trump to Biden from their locations in Germany, Canada, and Spain. Simultaneous attacks occurred in Toronto (home of Dominion Voting System) and Barcelona, Spain (another CIA Scytl server farm used in vote-switching fraud in the election).
- Covid 19 is a Global Military Intelligence Operation to gather and execute those who fall under Executive Orders 13818, 13848 and 13959. Also THE CLOUD ACT.
- Tue. July 16, 2024: BQQQM!!! Q has released a massive set of files he calls “Year Zero” and which mark the largest exposure of CIA spy secrets ever
- Wed. Jul 17, 2024 Xi Jinping reportedly suffered a stroke at the third plenary session of the CPC:
- Wed. 17 Jul 2024 (Video) Republic Restored Through a GCR: Update as of 17 Jul 2024 – The US Military News
- Wed. July 17, 2024 ALERT!!! Bombshell report! Judy Byington: EBS Alert! Martial law declared in hundreds of US cities! GITMO tribunals and redemption centers set up. . .
Possible schedule:
- The timing of a pending Internet shutdown and Ten Days of Darkness across the World will be determined by a Quantum Computer’s analysis of the entire international situation. Mainstream Media will shut down while people will be asked to stay home to watch documentaries explaining what was happening. Meanwhile, military troops stationed across the Globe will arrest anyone who has cooperated with the New World Order and its creation of the Virus and Vaccines – an operation that could begin any time this week.
- On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the world’s financial capitals of Zurich, London, Toronto, and Rhine activated a global currency reset of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies. On the same Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Three Gorges Dam in China burst. Three Gorges was the first of 34 Satanic sites to be destroyed. It contained the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party’s child sex trafficking ring and bioweapons labs.
- On Saturday, July 13, 2024, Reno began GCR payments to the whales, and according to Q Codez VII on Telegram, it was also the date for the start of a chilling event – which turned out to be an inside job of an assassination attempt on Trump.
- On Monday, July 15, 2024, GCR payments to the upper tiers began , as did the start of the Republican National Convention, which was the end of the Scare Event.
- Wed. July 17, 2024: World Day for International Justice:,observed%20all%20around%20the%20world
- Wed. July 24, 2024: Operation Kraken: The final battle underway… President Trump; possible JFK Jr. comes out of hiding.
- Thu. 25 July 2024: Lockdown ends. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram
- Wed. July 17, 2024 Timeline of coming attacks on Trump:
- Wed. July 17, 2024 What’s About to Unfold Over the Next Five Months:
Global Currency Reset:
- Wed. July 17, 2024 Wolverine: “Bondholders are getting paid. Private contractors are getting paid. Reno said it started. I was told it was released to Pentecostal Group. It’s definitely our week, but it’s a process and Tier4b may not have it until next week.”
- Wed. July 17, 2024 TNT CC Close Tony. “OK, guys. Let’s wrap it up right here. The window is open after 2:00 PM today. Expected after 2:00 PM – could see something between 2:00 PM and 2:00 AM. They’re all ready to go. Something’s going to happen tonight. Be ready to go.”
- Tue. Jul 16, 2024 Bruce: “ Sources are saying we should be notified to make appointments sometime between now and Thu. Jul 18. Money is moving and bondholders should receive an email Wed. Jul 17 to access their funds on Thu. Jul 18.”
- Tue. Jul 16, 2024 MarkZ: “Some of the Zim charity platforms may go first – that’s what I’m hearing all of a sudden. Maybe even before some of the historical titles. So I’m hearing positive things for those who have added Zim for humanitarian reasons. That said… I’ve heard that the initial releases of money are being pushed hard for humanitarians. That’s the priority. But that doesn’t mean there’s a delay for us currency holders, just that humanitarian projects are the priority. I’m hearing that from multiple sources. I’ve also had multiple sources from groups reach out in the last 12-14 hours that if we have projects to submit, make sure to get them unpacked, prepped, and ready.”
- The Gold Standard Returns: Iraq and Neighbors Prepare to Abandon Dollar Fiat Currency System. Iraq and neighboring countries’ secret plans to shore up their economies with gold reserves and join the new BRICS gold/oil-backed currency system.
- Tue. 16 Jul 2024: GESARA: The Hands of God! This is Wealth Creation!
- Wed. July 17, 2024: Breaking!! Trump’s role as future king, the Military Alliance’s plan – The implementation of GESARA with the Quantum Financial System!
Restored Republic:
Wed. July 17, 2024 Project Odin will be revealed to the World. … Mr. Pool on Telegram
- Project Odin and Military GESARA – a monumental combination that promises to topple the Cabal’s hold on global power.
- PROJECT ODIN is a military unit that oversees military forces in ground operations that will be carried out in conjunction with the EAS/EBS.
Judy Note: What we think we know as of Thursday, July 18, 2024:
Failed Trump assassination attempt – an inside job?
- The FBI had Thomas Matthew Crook’s phone number at least 24 hours before the attempt.
- The parents of Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks called police hours earlier to report that their son had an AR-15 and was missing.
- The Secret Service spotted Crook on the roof nearly 30 minutes before the shooting.
- Protesters noticed a man on the roof and reported it to authorities, who did not appear to react to repeated attempts to point him out.
- Forensic analysis of the attempted murder revealed that 11 shots were fired from three separate firearms.
- The gunman who killed alleged assassin Jonathon Willis said he was ordered not to shoot and didn’t do so until after Crook’s first shot grazed Trump’s ear. Willis was later arrested by the FBI, questioned and lost his job for not following orders.
- The head of the Secret Service confessed to having ordered this withdrawal.
- Wed. July 17, 2024: BREAKING NEWS: Parents of Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks called police hours earlier to report their son had an AR-15 and was missing
- Wed. Jul 17, 2024: 1 minute ago: Trump Leaks Secret Earth Events to World “I’m Sorry About This…” via The Shooter | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
Wed. Jul 17, 2024 White Hat Intel
- Russiagate EXPOSED corruption in the FBI
- J6 Indictment EXPOSED corruption in DOJ
- Trump’s shooting EXPOSED SECRET SERVICE corruption
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