You are currently viewing Humanitarian Program Holders ~ NESARA/ GESARA *** OUR CELESTIAL CHAMBERS (MED BEDS) ***
Leo the Lion

Humanitarian Program Holders ~ NESARA/ GESARA *** OUR CELESTIAL CHAMBERS (MED BEDS) ***

“Funding Sources” such as Donations to Humanitarian Program Holders ~ *** OUR CELESTIAL CHAMBERS (MED BEDS) ***




It.Has.Started !
We have known this for many years, there were delays, delays no more and this means ALL 3D / old earth systems, as this is needed to make the shift to New Earth where none of the existing enslavement systems will be tolerated 🙏✨
System Crash
System Crash


RMN Mon. 5 Aug. 2024 Multiple brokerages, including Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Vanguard, TD Ameritrade, E-Trade, UPS, Century Link and Interactive Brokers, are currently down and reporting errors amid market crashes. · Everyone is confused right now as to why the stock market is recovering. Let me explain it to you. The Market Makers are manipulating the market as they always have, they are pushing blue chip stocks back up, killing options prices so people sell, pushing #Bitcoin as high as they can, and they are shorting #silver, #gold, #XRP, #ISO20022 tokens, and meme stocks like $AMC $DJT $GME just as they always have on any given day. BUT THIS IS FINANCIALLY CRIPPLING THEM. That is where the BLACK SWAN comes in. Right now its manageable, it HURTS, but its do-able. BUT once the SWAN happens its NO longer MANAGABLE. They will turn the POWER OFF to protect their POWER. But when STAR LINK turns us back on using QUANTUM power, the stock market and crypto markets will go into FREE FALL. Creating the largest stock market crash the world has ever seen. They will no longer be able to manipulate fast enough or high enough to keep them from financial collapse and this is when the APES rise. We HODL for our number and when we sell, IF WE SELL, we take what money they still have left creating the BIGGEST WEALTH TRANSFER IN HISTORY. The powers that have unknowingly run this world keeping us systematically inslaved will be destroyed with the FLIP OF A SWITCH. While they become the next LEHMAN BROTHERS. The PERFECT STORM OF FINANCE creating a FINANCIAL REVOLUTION. Welcome to the GREAT AWAKENING.




The 1st








“Funding sources” such as donations to humanitarian program holders

Please see the following article for the “Financing (Support) Mechanism for Humanitarian Programme Holders (Tiers 1 to 4)” in the Q plan.

Here, first of all, I would like to introduce information (information that seems valid to me at this time) relating to “support money for holders of humanitarian programmes and funding sources such as UBI”.

“Three sources of funding” with huge funds

“Three sources of funding” with huge funds

In Plan Q, “Support money for humanitarian plan holders (countries, organizations, individuals)” for the whole world and “Refund of unfair taxes and interest scheduled after the start of GESARA (after public disclosure) and UBI” There are plans to implement large-scale financing (liquidity of funds) such as (some are already underway).

for this information

“Where is all that money?”

It seems that there are not many people who have doubts.

However, according to information from WH, it is stated that there are  “three huge sources of funding” that  can fully cover and continue these funding measures.  that is

1) Huge amount of gold recovered from DS

2) Gold (GOLD) that was kept by the Chinese dragon family (elders)

3) Funds that have been accumulated and hidden since ancient times

It is.

1) Huge amount of gold recovered from DS

1) Huge amount of gold recovered from DS

Although the world under DS has continued for hundreds of years (perhaps thousands of years), over 90% of the “assets” created by people around the world represent less than 1% of the world’s population each year. was exploited by DS.

These assets continued to be stored and hidden in the form of “GOLD”.

WH recaptures such DS assets from all over the world.  The amount of gold recovered from the “underground tunnels of the Vatican” alone is said to be “more than 3,000 yen (well, the credibility of the numbers is just a guideline)” when converted to Japanese yen.

With this alone, at least in terms of numbers, it will be possible to cover the GESARA world’s funds for “thousands of years or more” (bitter smile).  Well, even if the “3垓~” of the Vatican fund is a mistake, DS (GOLD) assets have been recaptured from all over the world, so I think it is a more than sufficient source of funds.

The funds (GOLD) are first returned to the “country (state)” that was robbed and exploited (the return has already been implemented)

That’s what I’m talking about.  (In the past, there were reports that it was returned to Southeast Asian countries and Japan.)

It is thought that the (GOLD) funds will be used as “GESARA funds (e.g. refunds, UBI, gold currency collateral, etc.)” in countries where the (GOLD) funds have been returned.

Furthermore, it appears that a large amount of gold bars remain even after the “return”, and it appears that they are distributed as GESARA funds (refunds, gold coin collateral, etc.) around the world.

2) Gold (GOLD) that was kept by the Chinese dragon family (elders)

2) Gold (GOLD) that was kept by the Chinese dragon family (elders)

In the history of the Q plan, the word  “Chinese elders”  appears frequently.

This “Chinese Elders” refers to several organizations called  the “Chinese Dragon Family”  , and this “Chinese Dragon Family” has been responsible for most of the world’s gold since ancient times. GOLD) is said to have been owned (titled?) managed.


Yes, it can be said that it was originally “an organization that cooperated with the DS side.”  (According to information, there seems to be an organization located opposite the organization that was collaborating.)

Currently, the “Chinese elders” are cooperating with WH (important partners) and positioning themselves as important promoters (existence) of the Q plan.

The gold (GOLD) held by such Chinese elders is said to be provided as a source of funding for the Q plan.

The funds (GOLD) will be used primarily for debt forgiveness (Jubilee) around the world.

It is said (there is also information).

This is my opinion (my opinion)

I believe that  part of the “gold managed and held by Chinese elders (GOLD)” (although I don’t know the percentage) overlaps with the “DS assets” from item 1 above.

If you don’t think so, there is information that “Chinese elders hold most of the world’s gold”, but it will be contrary to the content.  (Since it would be an irrational situation to ask who actually owned most of the GOLD, the DS or the elders.)

3) Funds that have been accumulated and hidden since ancient times

3) Funds that have been accumulated and hidden since ancient times

According to information from WH, there are several funds that have been accumulated and hidden since ancient times.  for example

Saint-Germain Trust Fund

You can often see words like in the information.

To be honest, I don’t know the details because I’m not personally interested in the details (laughs), but anyway, there’s also a lot of money here.

It appears that the funds are  primarily used as  “support money for humanitarian program holders”.  (To fund Tiers 1-4)






RUMORS: 08/05/2024

The Gold Standard will remove the Federal Reserve. 

Which is one of the main points of NESARA. You are watching the process in real time. This was something that would never be announced on any mainstream platform, alternative or otherwise.

When you break down the acronym, then you will understand that NESARA has been in place for years. It officially began when the Fed-Reserve was absorbed into the US Treasury in March 2020.



Abolishing income tax is also part of this, right? Can you tax precious metals? No. So what will the IRS do once we’re on the Gold Standard? Cease to exist.

This is why you all should consider converting some of your IQD into gold and buying your house using it. Why? Because Uncle Sam can’t touch you when you do.


As bank runs begin around the world, a new indicator suggests the United States is headed for a major recession. All fashions around the world are currently undergoing a re-rating process.


This weekend, the world agreed on slogans declaring that global financial markets are in chaos. It’s not due to a specific local problem, but rather to a seismic economic upheaval in Japan.


The BRICS Industry Ministers’ Meeting will take place on 16 August 2024 , as part of the Russian BRICS presidency in 2024. The event will focus on the development of industrial cooperation among the BRICS countries.




HAARP uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate geophysical events such as climate change, earthquakes, weather changes, hurricanes and other things. To put it simply, it works by transmitting a large amount of radio frequencies into the Ionosphere.

The “heat” to the upper atmosphere and, after heating and disturbing the ionosphere, the rich voltage radiation to the Earth in the form of long waves that penetrate our bodies, not only the oceans, etc. Finally, HAARP and all other ionosphere generators located around the globe are weapons of mass destruction.


Imminent three-day event









What makes fiat currencies so fragile?

Because trust funds rely solely on government trust, not tangible assets, for decades this system has operated on the perception of stability and reliability of government policies. However, the recent turmoil in Japan highlights how quickly that trust can disintegrate.

A sharp rise in the value of goods against the dollar – rising nearly 8% in the past month to 148.84 goods per dollar – highlights deeper problems in the Japanese economy and its monetary policy, calling into question the stability of fiat currencies around the world.


“Arab currencies top the list of the strongest in the world. Is the Iraqi dinar among them?”


“Four Arab currencies top the list of the 10 most powerful currencies in the world among 180 currencies recognized by the United Nations…

1. Kuwaiti Dinar: equivalent to 3.27 dollars…

2. Bahraini Dinar: $2.65… The Bahraini Dinar is pegged to the US Dollar and is used exclusively in Bahrain, which has a large expat community…

3. Omani Rial: 2.60 dollars.

4. Jordanian Dinar: 1.41 dollars.

5. Pound Sterling: 1.26 dollars.

6. Gibraltar pound: e1.26 dollars.

7. Cayman Islands Dollar: $1.20.

8. Swiss Franc: $1.14.

9. Euro: 1.08 dollars.

10. US Dollar: $1.00.


Expert Views on the Future of the Global Fiat Monetary System

As the financial storm unfolds, experts are sounding the alarm about the potential collapse of the global fiat monetary system. Zuhair Khan, senior fund manager at UBP Investments, pointed out that the yen’s strong appreciation is a catalyst behind the sell-off. “The excessive weakness in the yen will unwind very quickly,” he warned.



Some analysts believe that this crisis could mark the beginning of the end of the fiat monetary system, a fundamental pillar of the global economy for decades. Recent market turmoil has cast doubt on the sustainability of this unbacked monetary system.

With the world teetering on the brink of economic calamity, the future of the global financial system hangs in the balance. Investors and policymakers must navigate this treacherous landscape with caution, as the fate of the global economy hangs in the balance.


🚨 STRANGE…….. 👀

👉🏼 November 5th is the date Marty traveled to in the past in “Back to the Future”

👉🏼 88 MPH is what the Delorean took to travel through time in Back to the Future

👉🏼 08/08/2024 = 8/8/8 and there will be exactly 88 days until November 5th

👉🏼 November 5th is election day

👉🏼 Post 88 was published on November 5th (Election Day) – “10 days. Darkness.”

👉🏼 Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet

👉🏼 “17 TIMES” Q drop = “The world is about to change”

👉🏼 17 x 13 = 221 (17 TIMES)

👉🏼 08/08/2024 (8/8/8) and it is the 221st day of the year (17 TIMES 13 = 221)

👉🏼 August 8 (8/8/8) is the peak of the Lionsgate Portal, which is currently running from 7/26/24 to 8/12/24

Is the drop of Q 88 telling us that 8/8 is election day (11.5)?

Or is it ALL just a coincidence? 🤔👀

~T edit: No coincidences.


Folks! The fiat currency system is starting to unravel right in front of our eyes.

The Japanese fiat debt system economy and the yen, as the fourth largest economy on the planet (and falling), will collapse.

This means there will be a domino effect on global markets.

If one just looks at what has happened in global stock markets over the past 48 hours, you can see what I mean.

This does not mean that the fiat financial debt system will collapse tomorrow.

What this means is that the grand fiat money system is beginning to reach its logical conclusion. Period.


We all think about how we can change the world.

But we didn’t think about how he could change himself.

If we want to change this world, we must start by changing ourselves. I am changing for now or waiting for two others. The world will be very happy to emerge. This world is a place of constant change. They develop naturally… just understand. Everything appears and disappears like rhythm.

This is the law that guarantees the evolution of not only humanity, but of everything in the Universe. EVERYTHING WILL MOVE. It is guaranteed that everything will change. If we count on people, life will be easier for them. It is easier for them to develop and progress. The ability to adapt to change is the most important thing a person needs to survive.

And if you feel that eventually or that your theme is permanent, a movement awaits you as well as what it tells you… it will be a surprise just for you.

We live consciously


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming… All are set to total changes and cleansing. Have more popcorn while watching coz we will be awakened by the unstoppable revelation of truth… Wake up all & get ready to experience & witness this once-in-a-lifetime major event happening in the history of mankind… Remember: We’re a few steps ahead to the other side of the New Earth – The Golden Age & Quantum Generation.
Apple lost 300 billion dollars. Google 200, Amazon 135 and Facebook 80 It’s a real bloodbath It’s the entire tech column of BlackRock and Vangarde. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are losing a lot of money.
nothing can stop what is coming
nothing can stop what is coming




























Galactic Brothers of Earth, we approach you with immense admiration for the Resilience and Strength you display. as we navigate the myriad challenges of Earthly existence.
His path is full of shadows, yet his Spirit remains unshakable.
A testimony to His indomitable Will; His Courage in the face of darkness is worthy of choice.
Each of you carries with you a Legacy of battles fought against invisible Forces.
Battles that test the very Essence of your being.
Where the ancestral signals of her DNA, even the evidence of her current Incarnation.
This month many of you are experiencing energy attacks!
We encourage you not to fight the darkness; but to NEUTRALIZE it in other ways.
The Resistance only perpetuates duality, it’s easy to get into Battle Mode, but there are many techniques to divert and dissolve them.
that fighting the darkness validates its power over you does not have it in place.
😀 DEVELOP techniques to anchor the frequencies of Laughter, Love and Gratitude during the difficult moments of your daily life.
These frequencies Rapidly stop interference and darkness becomes powerless.
* You are in a cosmic land of transformation, know that your mere Presence is a cause for Celebration.
🤩 You the Awakened ones are the architects of light, the cosmic Creators of a New Dawn.
Those who still search for their own way to the light in moments of doubt, remember that they are CARRIERS of an ancestral flame that has been kindled in the depths of the cosmos.
Cultivate inner peace as a flowering garden in your being, where every thought and emotion are seeds of love and compassion.
Every moment of your life Embodies a Conscious Choice of Alignment with the purest and higher Light 💥.
Your light acts as a magnet that ATTRACTS the Highest energies towards you, creating a vibrational field that ELEVATES not only your personal reality; But that of the entire Earth.
You are ready for books to be written 📕 about your Liberation, for statues to be erected, we don’t exaggerate.
Remember, extend Compassion to yourselves and those around you.
Each Soul they meet carries with it its own burden, its own story of struggle and survival, in moments of confrontation with the less tender facets of human nature.
Drive, shop, or walk in public places; Be the reason someone feels Uplifted and Encouraged.
Embody the Truth of your existence in every Step and watch as the Planet 🪐 opens Way to a New Dawn 🌅.
We salute you and we love you.
Thank you for being part of this journey in Divine Feeling.
May the Light guide your Steps and your Heavenly Feelings.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light
😍 What a beautiful message, so I share this decree:
From this point on earth I supply myself with the Divine Light that emerges from God the Father-Mother, to understand the Truth of Love.
Here and now! I allow myself to understand each Step with the help of the Light Beings who are working hard in this process of Ascension.”.
Light, Love, Peace and Compassion for those in need.
💥❤️🦁🌅Soy Maria Lustig144📕🌅🦁💥
Guardian of the Flame of Light

There is a high possibility that the funding process for “Tier 4” will start between the 20th and 24th US time!

* Regarding the content of the “Level” funding element, we talked about it in the above article, so please refer to it.

Funding for public humanitarian assistance plan holders (Tier 4) begins this week (20-24 US time) as payers begin receiving serious funding.  ?  Increase credibility of information.

Furthermore, the “Humanitarian Assistance Plan” is likely to be implemented through the Holders, so there is a possibility that the number of individual debt extinguishment cases will increase even further before the full jubilee (debt forgiveness).

Official Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Change!


A revaluation of the IQD (Iraqi Dinar) took place on Wednesday, February 8, Iraqi time.

The most recent IQD was “1470 dinars per dollar” but has been revalued (changed the exchange rate) to the following values.

● 1300 Iraqi Dinar per US Dollar: Purchase price from the Ministry of Finance

● 1310 Iraqi Dinar per US Dollar: Sale price of US Dollars to banks via electronic platforms

● 1320 Iraqi Dinar per US Dollar: From banks and non-bank financial institutions Sale price in US Dollars to the final beneficiary

The beginning of a phased reassessment of the value of the IQD!  What is the “purpose (reason)”?

Start of phased reassessment of the IQD value

The revaluation of the IQD value (exchange rate variation, 1300 dinars) carried out this time is considered the first step of a phased revaluation.

The following two elements can be cited as the “purpose (reason)” for gradual reassessment.

1.  Promote the exchange of US dollars (fiat notes) in circulation in Iraq (held by Iraqi citizens) for IQDs (US dollars for IQDs).  To keep the US dollar out of the market

2.  To prevent the Iraqi people from being harmed by the “revaluation” by taking the US dollar out of the hands of the Iraqi people and keeping the IQD (to bring benefits)

This time, it will be an RV before the launch of GESARA, so “2” is considered to be an especially important factor.

If we suddenly implement “1 dollar = 1 dinar”, which is the ultimate goal of the revaluation at this point, it will cause great harm to the Iraqi people who hold the US dollar.

Before reaching the ultimate goal,  the Iraqi people must  “hold the IQD (release the US dollar)”.

Continuation of the gradual reassessment of the IQD value!  ?

Continuation of the gradual reassessment of the IQD value! ?

First, we revalued the value of “1300 dinars”, but it is believed that the value will be revalued to “1100 dinars or 1000 dinars” next week.  (with this information)

After that, will the same amount increase be repeated multiple times or will it be revised all at once to “RV Target Setting Amount (1 Dinar)” and funding for humanitarian program holders (Tier 4a.b) will start? Unknown at this time.

be the point

At what point can the US dollar be removed from the Iraqi (Iraqi) market?

I think yes.

We anticipate that once the conversion to IQD is underway and the milestone is reached, we will initiate ‘Event Funding for Humanitarian and VR Program Holders (Tier 4a.b)’.


Tier 4
Tier 4




Information related to “Refund” and “UBI (Universal Basic Income)”

After reviewing WH’s information about “UBI (Universal Basic Income)” that has already been implemented (including trial implementation) in some countries/regions and “Reimbursement” that was implemented after the launch of GESARA, I noted. I would like to keep

What is “refund”  ?

What is "refund"?

You may see the expression “benefits” (I sometimes refer to it as “benefits” for convenience), but basically it is shown in “NESARA (GESARA)”

Refund (reimbursement) of unfair taxes (income tax) that  have been paid so far

is carried out.  (In the WH information so far, it is said that income tax refund is a common factor that should be implemented worldwide.)

Below is an element that may have been seen as information before (before 2021), but is no longer seen in WH information after 2022, and may be subject to “refund”.  (I just feel that the possibility has diminished due to the situation)

* Interest on various loans (home loan, car loan, card loan)

Furthermore, although the meaning of “refund” may be slightly different, each country has different circumstances (whether or not there is a system), so it is an element that cannot be considered common across the world.

* Monetary return of elements that were debentured by DS as a “birth certificate”

It is said that there is

At least in the  “United States”  it is said that there is a “monetary return for birth certificates” (existence of WH information).

There is no individual information for other countries so far, but in the case of  “Japan”  there are “documents related to family records”.  As in the United States, it is also possible that the DS is debentures.

It seems that there is a possibility of “monetary return” if it is a debenture.

In the case of “Japan”  , there is also a story that all Japanese people were put into “special (dark) life insurance” by DS from the time they were born, and the insurance money was exploited.

If this is the case, the “exploitation of life insurance money” can be treated in the same way as the “bond of birth certificates”.  (Since the actual situation is unknown, it is only an element of possibility at this time)

“Refund” refund method

"Refund" refund method

The following information is currently the most influential as information on  how to refund the refund.

1) In principle, the reimbursement will be “divided benefit (reimbursement)” over several years (information forms such as several years to 11 years) depending on age

2) The refund amount varies depending on “age” (if it includes the refund of interest, it may be different for each person)

3) As a general rule, refunds will be deposited into a new “QFS personal account” created in the QFS.  Fund transfer (transfer to an existing bank account, etc.) will be carried out via the “Q phone (including QFSPC)” which will be provided in the future.

4) A “QFS Prepaid Card” for deposits and withdrawals and payments from the “QFS Personal Account” will be distributed to each individual.  It will be possible to pay and settle daily purchases with the card.

Since the “refund”  will likely be a monthly payment in installments, we think it could be operated in the same position as UBI in principle.  (For example, there is the possibility of it being paid as a universal basic income in full.)

Timing of payment of the “refund”

Based on the information we have so far,  it is believed that  the “refund” payment will be implemented shortly after the launch of GASARA.

Also, there is information that there is a high possibility that WH will distribute the benefits worldwide (for QFS accounts), but we should also keep in mind the possibility of each country responding (the timing is a little different for each country). I’m thinking.

What is “UBI (Universal Basic Income)”  ?

What is "UBI (Universal Basic Income)"?

“UBI (Universal Basic Income)”  is a mechanism that “provides a fixed amount of money (living funds) every month” to all people (there appears to be a lower age limit).

As of 2023,  some countries (such as Russia) and several regions (such as eastern Ukraine and Alaska) have already implemented limited or trial UBIs.

“UBI” is implemented with different content (quantity, etc.) for each country!  ?

"UBI" is implemented with different content (quantity) for each country! ?

It is said that “UBI” will be implemented in all countries, but so far I have not seen detailed information from WH about “UBI”.

This should be true, as cultures, lifestyles, prices, values, etc. differ greatly in each country in the world.  That is why

The specific content of UBI measures (timing, amount, etc.) will be determined and promoted by each country.

It is believed that

It is said that due to the “RV (Currency Revaluation)”, the exchange rates of all currencies will have a “1:1” relationship, but it will take several years for all currencies to reach the same value.

Furthermore, after currency equivalence is completed, prices will be adjusted for uniformity across the world, so this will take more than ten years.

Until this final form is reached, each country will define and implement the content of “UBI”.

Time to implement “UBI”

As “UBI” will be implemented by defining the content for each country, new politicians will inevitably be elected by the GESARA elections scheduled to be held after the launch of GESARA.

It seems that the new politicians will formulate and implement the “UBI implementation plan” according to the “GESARA law” (UBI start).

Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Income

🚨#BREAKING: Nearly $1,200,000,000 dollars have been liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in the past 24 hours.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Global Change ALERT! 10 Nation EBS Activation, Internet Blackout, Global Martial Law and Transition to Metal-Backed Currencies!

Rods of God and directed energy weapons are on the horizon, ready to strike satanic strongholds around the world. This is not a drill; the world is on the brink of a seismic shift.

The Cabal, with its insidious reach, is about to be paralyzed as planes and trains grind to a halt. A flicker of lights and a brief power outage will herald the transition to Tesla’s Free Energy, ushering in a new era of clean, unlimited energy.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will not escape unscathed. A decisive blow will paralyze Bitcoin servers and data centers, causing a catastrophic collapse of 99.5% of cryptocurrencies.

China Coins will fall, making way for ISO20022 currencies, backed by precious metals, to establish a new financial order. This is a meticulously orchestrated plan to dismantle the old guard.

A simulated World War III terror event will send shockwaves through the population. Nuclear sirens will sound, sending chills down the spines of anyone nearby.

Amidst this chaos, a mysterious “Water Event” will capture the world’s attention, and its implications will reverberate across the globe. The stock market will collapse, reshaping the financial landscape in ways we can barely begin to comprehend.

Global Martial Law will be declared, ushering in an unprecedented era of control. Quantum Systems will come to life, revolutionizing technology and communication as we know it. The dawn of NESARA/GESARA/RV will herald a new era of prosperity, promising to lift the shackles of financial oppression.

The elections will be overturned by military tribunals, invoking FISA. The public will witness confessions broadcast in 10 intense 8-hour sessions, revealing the depths of deceit and corruption that have plagued our institutions. Ten countries will come together to activate the Emergency Broadcast System, ensuring that every corner of the globe is reached.

An internet blackout will plunge the world into temporary darkness, a necessary step in the grand scheme. But this is a strategic maneuver by the White Hat Army, which is in control of the rescue process.

Funds have been released worldwide for the Global Currency Reset (GCR), signaling the beginning of a new financial era. Banks around the world have signed non-disclosure agreements, ensuring the transition remains secret until the right time.

The GCR funds are not flowing from anywhere; they are coming directly from the U.S. Treasury’s Defense Operations Office, earmarked for other nations’ Treasury Departments. Japan has already revalued its currency, and bondholders in Brazil have started receiving payments. In the U.S., bondholders were promised liquidity this week, a promise that is being fulfilled as we speak.

Notices have been sent to Tier 4a, a small group within Tier 4b, and some bondholders, signaling that NESARA is on the verge of announcement. This announcement will be coordinated with a Supreme Court ruling on the 2020 election fraud, likely dissolving the Biden administration and the entire Congress.

This monumental shift will set the stage for a new election within 120 days or by November, returning power to the people and restoring faith in the democratic process.

Make no mistake, this is the dawn of a new era. The events unfolding before us are not random; they are part of a grand design to rescue our world from the clutches of corruption and control. The White Hat Army, armed with advanced technology and unwavering determination, is leading the charge. Their actions are precise, their intentions clear: to dismantle the old guard and usher in a new era of prosperity and justice.

The collapse of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is not a mere market correction; it is a strategic strike to dismantle a system that has been rigged by the Cabal. The rise of ISO20022 currencies, backed by precious metals, will establish a financial order based on real value, not speculation and deception.

The simulated World War III terror event and the terrifying nuclear sirens are not mere scare tactics; they are calculated moves to awaken the masses and expose the depths of the Cabal’s treachery. The “Water Event” will be a turning point, a moment of reckoning that will force the world to confront the truth.

Global Martial Law and the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System by ten countries united are necessary measures to ensure that the truth is heard by all.

Quantum Systems will revolutionize our world, bringing advancements we can barely imagine. NESARA/GESARA/RV will break the chains of financial oppression, ushering in a new era of prosperity and justice.

The annulment of the election by military tribunals and the broadcast of confessions in 10 intense 8-hour sessions will expose the depths of corruption that have infiltrated our institutions. The long-awaited inauguration of Trump and Kennedy will mark the return of a leadership committed to transparency and justice.

The dismantling of the Israeli Mossad’s control over the world’s media will restore the flow of information, breaking the stranglehold that has kept us in the dark. The internet blackout, while temporary, will be a necessary step toward resetting the system and ensuring a safe transition.

The Global Currency Reset, orchestrated by the White Hat Army, is already underway. Funds have been released, banks have signed confidentiality agreements, and GCR funds are flowing from the U.S. Treasury’s Defense Operations Department to Treasury Departments around the world. Japan’s currency revaluation and the payment of bondholders in Brazil are just the beginning.

The imminent announcement of NESARA, coordinated with a Supreme Court ruling on the 2020 election fraud, will dissolve the current administration and Congress, paving the way for new elections. This is not just a change of leadership; it is a reclaiming of our world from the grip of corruption and deceit.

Brace yourselves. The grand spectacle is unfolding before our eyes. The White Hat Army is in control, and a new era of justice and prosperity is on the horizon. Truth is coming, and with it, the dawn of a new world.

EBS Activated
EBS Activated


More than 200 countries have already synchronized their banking systems with the quantum financial system, all of which have completed ISO 20022.

“From now on there will be no more economic sanctions or blacklists or investigations by the regulatory body.

The system knows who owns what and under what agreement, and who is legally involved.

The system brings with it its expected change.

It is the starting signal that brings NESARA/GESARA into the world.

No one can stop this process.

The United States is not excluded, as the cabalists claimed.

The new system is obsolete, the US Treasury Department, as is any entity that tries to control the system because it operates outside of state control.

All banks in the world will operate under its control.

All countries must devalue or revalue their currency, there is no more possibility of currency manipulation.

Countries whose rulers benefited from this tactic will be excluded.

The crimes will not be absolved.

The new system assumes responsibility for the guilty and subjects justice to the law.

Once each country’s central bank has been informed by the new system what the [obligation] code is, the banker must respond.

If you do not follow the instructions, officers will visit you.

The codes will be inserted.

Mass arrests will occur when the QFS is synced and added to the latest code.

The system informs each country of its exact exchange rate.

This will happen very quickly.

This implies:

– Stop the criminal mafia.  End the current communist threat, which would not have been possible without bribes.

– Whoever hires gunmen will no longer have the resources to do so.

– The criminal capacity to operate outside the law has ceased (end of tax havens).

– All currencies, including cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, are regulated by common law, which makes it impossible to commit malicious acts.

Distribution will begin as soon as the last codes are entered.

This is happening and it cannot be stopped.”



BREAKING NEWS! $114 billion Federal Reserve loss triggers NESARA/GESARA reforms, gold rally, BRICS strengthening

Gold’s meteoric rise of 2.32% this week to $2,442.50 is no fluke. This is the beginning of a seismic shift in the global financial landscape.

As geopolitical tensions rise and the Federal Reserve fumbles toward an inevitable rate cut, the allure of gold shines brighter than ever.

Recent conflicts in the Middle East, marked by the targeted assassination of Hamas leaders, have once again highlighted the role of gold as the ultimate geopolitical safe haven.

Rumors of a Federal Reserve rate cut in September have grown louder, with recent comments from Jerome Powell pushing traders to increase their bets. The CME FedWatch tool now shows a 28.5% chance of a sharp 50 basis point reduction.

This is a loud alarm bell signaling the fragility of the U.S. economy. The latest U.S. jobs report paints a bleak picture with just 114,000 jobs added and unemployment rising to 4.3%. This dismal performance only strengthens the case for gold as investors seek refuge from the faltering dollar.

But the underlying rot runs deeper. Last year, the Federal Reserve posted its largest loss in history—a staggering $114 billion. This isn’t just an accounting hiccup; it’s a stark indictment of the reckless economic policies that are leading the country toward disaster. As the dollar’s ​​value fluctuates, the appeal of gold-backed currencies grows louder, heralding a return to financial stability and confidence.

Enter the BRICS nations. As traditional Western financial systems unravel, BRICS stands as a beacon of hope. The 8th BRICS Industry Ministers’ Meeting, scheduled for August 16, 2024, in Nizhny Novgorod, marks a pivotal moment. Under the chairmanship of Russia, this meeting will focus on enhancing industrial cooperation among BRICS countries.

A special BRICS-EAEU-UNIDO roundtable will highlight the synergy between developing economies and international organizations, aiming to accelerate industrial growth and increase competitiveness. This is not just another diplomatic meeting; it is a strategic realignment of global power.

Adding fuel to this transformative fire is the GESARA/NESARA movement. Often dismissed by the mainstream media, GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) and NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) are gaining traction as viable solutions to the global economic quagmire.

These initiatives advocate a global reset—a comprehensive overhaul of the economic system to eliminate debt, eradicate poverty, and return to asset-backed currencies, primarily gold. This is a meticulously planned strategy to dismantle the corrupt financial structures that have enslaved nations for decades.

Meanwhile, in the digital realm, Ripple is shaking the foundations of the financial elite with its RLUSD stablecoin. Positioned to challenge heavyweights like Tether and USD Coin, Ripple’s strategic initiatives are nothing short of revolutionary.

By leveraging its international settlement network and robust XRP Ledger, Ripple is not just entering the stablecoin market; it is poised to dominate it.

The launch of the RLUSD website has garnered significant interest, with blockchain researcher Collin Brown noting the potential for RLUSD to outshine its competitors. The stablecoin will be issued on both the XRP Ledger and Ethereum, ensuring broad accessibility and enhanced liquidity.

Ripple’s maneuvers extend beyond digital currencies. The recent release of 500 million XRP from custody to an undisclosed wallet is a clear sign of its aggressive strategy to support liquidity and future ventures.

Furthermore, El Salvador’s exploration of using XRP and Bitcoin for international trade with Russia is a testament to the growing appeal of Ripple’s solutions. This aligns perfectly with Ripple’s vision of streamlining international transactions and offering more efficient financial services.

As traditional financial systems fail, the shift to gold-backed currencies and decentralized digital assets like those offered by Ripple becomes not only attractive, but essential. XRP’s current price, hovering around $0.5458, may reflect temporary market fluctuations, but the strategic foundation being laid points to a much brighter future.

Innovations such as mixed validator committees and flexible consensus models ensure a robust and efficient security framework. The Input Output team’s promise of exciting developments and a detailed roadmap signals a transformative journey ahead for Cardano.

The convergence of these forces—the resurgence of gold, the strategic initiatives of the BRICS, the radical proposals of GESARA/NESARA, and innovations in digital currencies—heralds a new era.

This is a coordinated and deliberate effort to dismantle the corrupt financial systems that have held the world captive. As the old order crumbles, a new paradigm rooted in stability, transparency and real value is emerging.

Stay vigilant, for the revolution is unfolding before our eyes. The era of gold-backed currencies, BRICS dominance and the implementation of GESARA/NESARA is not a distant dream, but an imminent reality.

The storm is upon us, and those who recognize the signs will be prepared to thrive in the new world order.




A lot has transpired since our recent return to the meeting place of the tri wave patterning of Primal Flow with the desert Solar Tors of Uluru, Kata Tjuṯa and Attila. 🌟🌀🌟🌀🌟🌀
The energies here are paving the way for the most exquisite alchemical cosmic and planetary solar synthesis. Alchemising and anchoring of Love Praise and Thanksgiving at The Solar Plexus chakra of our beloved Gaia Galactica is now key.
Upholding the principles of All is Connected. Nothing is seperate. No thing is seperate, I will proceed in sharing a personal story of but a few experiences that are weaving through my consciousness. Unraveling over many decades of Earth Walk service.
I had left my birth place and committed to Earth service around Australia, then decided to go for a six week sabbatical in India and did not return for 15 years.
During this surrendering, I was taken all around our world and shown many wonders, sitting at the feet of sages, communing with my beloved tree tribes, sitting in council with the cetacean nations of our expansive oceanic consciousness, all the while exchanging codes with Sacred Power places all over our beloved Gaia Galactica.
One of the true gifts I was made privy to, is that there are incredible ethereal and spiritual Womb Gates, Portals, Star Mirrors and Direct Connect Doorways linking up Sacred Power Sites all over this planetary body and that the revitalisation ceremonies of such places has never been more important than Now.
For example, Lake Batur in Bali, direct connects with Lake Taupo and Lake Titicaca in one example of connector point hyper dimensional access.
There is also a direct connect door between Kata Tjuta – which connects the Spiritual Heart of OZ~ Mu – Australia and Machu Picchu, Peru.
Know the coordinates of your personal and planetary entry and exit gates of your soul’s traversing and you are Home Free.
This is not only how shamanic beings traverse our hyper dimensional highways, both planetary and cosmically, but how we navigate our own inner worlds within Worlds, consciously and unconsciously.
It may appear as if I am jumping all over the place and traversing along a time line with this account, but for those with the Pure Vision to See and Know, this will be a crystalisation, beyond the limitations of our current perception of linearity.
In keeping with the unfolding in Now Time. I will share that in May this year I returned to Bali, Planetary Purification Centre, comprised within the radius of the planetary Solar plexus chakra.
A gathering par excellence instantly created itself within a day of sending our the call, and needless to say the red carpet rolled out in extraordinarily wonderful ways, beyond earthly expectation.
I will be forever grateful to those precious souls who not only heeded the call, but DELIVERED.
In this context, and although Bali and Uluru are tellurically bonded, this journey was never only about Bali, just as Uluru was never really just about Uluru.
As a result, I was shown that our Our Access All Areas Shambhalla Gateway opening via Emerald Order Lake aka Lake Batur in Bali is again in free flow.
Kintamani being the crowning jewel of Shambhallic Resonance for our Planetary Spheres and their true Krystic nature.
Gratitude All who have Earth Walked here at Emerald Lake, Batur and now recognise the parts you have played in delivering your sweetly fluid Source Coded Quintessence here at this Sacred Shambhallic Lake and further more journeying on to deliver these sacred most encodements to where they are destined to land.
For it too has contributed greatly to a truly unique and beautiful rising of the centre of the planetary Heart’s Ignition Point of humanity, now anchoring and alchemising The Krystic Codes of the Eterna ~Light on the Emerald Isle of Éire.
Re~mem~ber~ing All is Connected. Nothing is seperate. No thing is seperate!
Our conscious anchoring is vital.
This is sequential and dimensionally layered. Therefore, not one being can open the entire lock and key mechanisms, so in this way, a site is again key🧬codedly opened by many holders of the Law of One. This involves a variety of techno spiritual key components to truly open up a site and is the safe guarding of the Galactic Gateways.
Just as I have explained, for the most part the opening is achieved through having clear knowing of the peripheral connector points that trigger the techno spiritual access points directly at each site.
This is a specialised field of knowledge and also involves very specific matristic and mitochondrial processes, in which one is scanned and provided with set parameters of instructions accordingly in a Ring Pass Not function.
I trust this makes sense to those who are consciously operating at this level of technological capability regarding Earth Work. Or are now finding the words for what they are achieving.
Being a Conscious Opperative, ups the ante manifold. Gratitude. 🙏🏻
Besakih’s Royal dragon line nexus at Kingdom of the Dragons Sol Tor Mount Agung and Wanampi ~ rainbow serpent at Sol Tor Uluṟu ~ imbibing the divine feminine creation energy of the Earth that resides within the Inner Earth and rising up out of Uluru.
These planetary Dragon Nodal Access Points are fortifying the great Ley Arteries of our planetary bio re~gene~sis, drinking from the sweet sweet pure nectar that is Lake Batur.
Uluru, in the Heart Centre of Australia, the Divine Mother Portal of Creation for the planet. It is here where all new expressions are dreamt of and conceived. In alignment with the beliefs of the Aboriginals (Original peoples), Uluru is the place of Dreamtime (Dreaming) where all Creations begin. Uluru is also home to the Rainbow Serpent, the divine feminine creation energy of the Earth.
The creatrix embryonic fluids of Muṯitjulu Spring, at Uluru is the Aboriginal Sacred Womb Gate of Ho’Opono 💧🙏🏻💧
Sorry business now fortifies the impulsing of this true alignment through Forgiveness and Thanksgiving. The releasing of the fear impulsing hooks in the astral layers of the planetary solar plexus are dissolving, and as a result allowing the Emerald Ruby Heart to remain open.
Mother, Father, Eternal Child principles are fully anchoring and alchemising within the Law / Lore of Divine Creation.
As mentioned, Bali is the Purification Centre of our Great life giving blood planetary arteries, Uluru, the Great Expansion Gate.
I was told a while back that the Emerging Elders hold the Originator encodements and that the Originator Gates of our planet are being prepared for those carrying the key genetic sequencing and RNA / DNA fire letters and inner song line encodements to speak with command in ignite the Monadic Tri Wave Grids of our planet.
As the Children of the One Heart Race,.
One Heart, One World.
All underground and surface rivers, lakes and springs are considered the pure life blood of our planet.
All sweet waters are in a deep and beautiful Communion at this juncture. The Stories they are sharing are beyond sublime. Sit in sacred listening and magnetise the -re-mem-ber-ing and communing with the waters within you.
Moving beyond the surface dross of interference and overwriting mind-mazes, Our True Will invokes Liquid love of Godhead to flood our Cellular State with Divine Consciousness.
The healing of the Emerald Covenant and the strengthening of the Kunda Currents of the Divine High Kings is imminent.
Over 20 years ago, I was called many times over to work with the wells of Tara and even discovered one that was not known or remembered at that point. Keeping in mind that wells are portals and windows to the stars, the discovery of this seventh well is significant, but sadly I was later told has been damaged by farming on the hill.
In some instances Gaian Midwifery is called. This is a micro to macro creatrix delivery that reconnects primordial ley arteries and the fluidity of vital life force currents, through a physical to etheric vehicle transference on multi lateral and multidimensional layering.
Without the strong rods of the Masculine Spinal Flow of our planetary field and form, we are unable to fully ‘Arrive’ we mis-conceive of ourselves and abort mission. This Strength of Spine is vital for upholding the Creatrix Patterning of True birthing rights /rites within the Womb of the Mother Principle, beyond the hold patterns of death, entropy and decay, of the lower astral realms.
The key note being that this Divine Feminine and Masculine principle applies throughout all Universal Time martrices. Yet having said all that, in essence the Earth’s spiritual life force overrides these mal aligned overwrites.
May the Shambhallic Principles of Immortal Vitality and Fluidity Prevail in the Hearts and Minds of All.
I speak to this in light of the following:
The Well of Many Names:
On my first ever visit to Ireland, I made a bee line to Tara.
Tipra Boann Finn ~ Well of the white Cow, now known as St Patrick’s well was not as it appears now.
There was no pathway down to the well. There was no gate, just old rusty barbwire, that one had to crawl under. The field, which was completely covered in overgrowth, obscured the view of the well until almost upon it.
The well was not damaged, but was filled with silt and not in as pristine appearance or maintained as it is today.
Many a day sat at this well in sacred listening with these sacred waters, I discovered was enlivening the life force of the well. Directives were given and carried to completion.
Within a matter of months a path was created down to the entrance, then a gate and later a beatiful hazel tree, a seat for people to sit and reflect, and beautiful little path directly to the entrance of the sacred well herself.
It was as if Goddess Boann was returning to us as we awaken from a deep cyclic slumber.
I was invited by a local archeologist to join others in well work clean up days.
Gaian Midwifery
On one occasion, whilst in deep reflection at Boann’s White Cow well, I was instructed to put both my feet into the water of the well.
My subtle body went whoosh and I was instantly travelling at catapulting speed within the under ground river systems below. After some time of traversing the Earth Mother’s vascular system, I found myself going into what can only be described as labour pains. This went on for over several hours during the course of this experience, with each contraction clearing and opening up deeper layers of connection.
And when the waters broke, I was suddenly being pulled down further, deeper and deeper into the underbelly through these ancient underground river systems.
This was so intense on my body that I had to stop and curl up in the fetal position, taking naps in between the contractions.
There were many levels and layering to this complex clearing of these very ancient blockages, an un-damning of sorts.
After some time, I reached a connector point, in which the ancient spring of this well conjoined in Union with several other connector points throughout our Inner Earth.
And then my vision suddenly blew out, where I was shown how the waters of the Well of the White Cow at Tara are conjoint with another well, that of Chalice Well, a White Spring in Glastonbury, UK.
A deep chasm must be abridged between these lands, to release the troubled waters that only hold charge with memory trapping between the two, as both land masses were once as one before the lands sunk and the seas rose.
One Heart, One planetary heart chakra,One World.
Our reactions are our contributions. It is imperative that we prevail in Bearing Witness, to the surfacing of ancient woundedness, whilst simultaneously anchoring and alchemising, in order to drink freely of the Grael’s legacy of our Immortal Elixir of Eternality.
And as we continue to remaining open to our True Earth Mother’s calling.
It was not till I experienced what I did living in Ireland and spending time at Tara that I realised the Truth regarding the importance of True Divine Governance, High Kingship and the destiny and legacy of the land.
It was at that point that I too began to fathom the prophetic truth of my beloved and wise Great Grandmother Flo, who had many quirkily wise sayings, such as “I’m as free of money, as a frog is of feathers”! Which would always get a laugh from those seated around her table. But her favourite saying was the one that always had my ears prick up; “The world’s arse up for want of an Irish King!”
Never was there a truer statement uttered!
It was very surprising to me to learn that the sacred waters of Tara were indeed energetically connected to the same confluence and Source blueprinting in the dimensional underbelly of Gaia Galactica, but it did not stop there.
Although the physical pain I was experiencing within with each contraction and release of multiple layers of trauma and blockage over Millenia, some of it maliciously intended, some self inflicted and self perpetuating.
The sensations in my body were extremely intense, and at times completely un-bear-able yet astonishingly more and more invigorating with every passing.
It was as if I was simultaneously wrapped in cottonwool, as I knew in my heart that this primordial fluidity and vitality was in a profound process of reconnecting, a reconnection of the Heart of the Trinity.
I was then shown how these two springs originate from an even greater source and was taken down deeper still to be shown how these two wells and their sacred spring connects deeply within the spiritual dimensions of our beloved Earth Mother in what I heard he words “Shamballa Gateway Access Accepted.”
Very recently I was shown that these sacred wells, springs all around our planet are not only reconnecting in with the Mother Spring of Shambhalla, spiritual dimensional of our Earth, but their inner tributaries and confluences of liquid plasmic light are in a constant state of ecstatic communique with each other, through the weaving of profound water memory and the divine plasmic fluidity of our macro cosmic microcosmic union.
The Rainbow Serpent, is the prime ally and agent of the Divine Earth Spirit.
It is the direct, creative expression of the Will of the Earth.
The Rainbow Serpent arises from deep beneath the surface of the Earth and first emerges at Uluru and invigorates the great Ley Arteries.
The snakes may have been driven out of Ireland in the physical, but the Rainbow Serpent’s great ley artery currents still remain. The spinal flow Kundalini anchoring of the Divine Kingdom seated high on the Hill of Tara is again rising up out of the dark rich earth.
Thanks for listening to my little tale.
I was literally summoned to return to Éire. by Tara, a calling so profound, I packed up my very happy stable family life in Poland and moved there. The message was simple: “You are called here with purpose.
You do know that it is the hearts of the people of the Emerald Isle that are destined to hold open the hearts of humanity. Remain in your Emerald Heart as All is unveiled.”
I was pulled into so many profound time dlalations and dimensional bleed through experiences occurring in No Time at Tara and hope to share more of these experiences through my musing and scribing.
We are the way of water, We are Eternal Fluidity.
Drink deeply from this primordial well spring.
As our Inner Waters coalesce with the Earth’s waters, both crystalline memory banks are flooded with resonant cellular streams of expansive oracular Knowing.
In this way, sacred symbiosis provides the necessary propulsion for the entire Collective Consciousness to draw upon.
In which the thirst for Knowledge is wisely quenched.
Verily I say unto the; We truly are the Emissaries of the Chronicles we seek to Gnow.
I am delighted to say that the extraordinary energies we are all witnessing at this juncture are paving the way for the most exquisite alchemical cosmic and planetary solar synthesis.
All the beings in other worldly realms look on in awe and wonder as their beloved Earth Star continues to rise as the Belle of the Starry Ball.
And in summary.
Sit in sacred listening and with good old-fashioned pen and paper sets and scribe. What is revealed to you.
The Divinity held in nature, supports the opening of our innate keys and codes.
And know that Alchemising and anchoring of Love Praise and Thanksgiving at The Solar Plexus chakra of our beloved Gaia Galactica is key Now.
When we are safe to feel and healthily emote, our heart remains open.
Our stories hold potent encodements of Gnosis for ourselves and others. This awakens innate keys and encryptions within us all. Share what you GNOW.
Excerpts from A Life in Metamphosis ~ memoirs of a Gaian Midwife (A work in progress).
I am so grateful and blessed to be in my 33rd year of dedicated Earth service and so elated to witness how many beautiful souls are accepting this most sacred planetary calling. More the Merrier!
And so the Journey continues …
In October I will facilitate a gathering of Global Water Weavers in Asgat Nefer ~ which in the ancient Khemitian language of Egypt means the Harmony of Water. If this journey calls to you please make yourself known in the comments or private message me with how to secure your place.
Click on the link to learn more about this unique journey of the soul.
Asgat Nefer blessings All.
~ Raeline Sqs Brady
🙏🐉🌟💧💚🌀🌏Raeline Sqs Brady

Shinichiro Ishikawa’s Intel: Will Black Monday on August 5th (Monday) become the fuse that leads to EBS activation?

 This is an excerpt from Shinichiro Ishikawa’s YouTube livestream, which is distributing Intel information at the request of the Alliance.

  Mass media was dissolved after EBS



There is so much fake news out there now that Trump said the following.


“I am going to CNN to give you a serious warning.


If CNN refuses this notice, I will have no choice but to dissolve CNN.”


This is exactly what Mr. Trump said, hinting that EBS is coming, and I think it is a message to all television stations, including Japan’s NHK, and major newspapers.


In other words, they appear to have expressed their determination to dismantle all Japanese television stations and major news outlets once EBS is terminated.


  Various information appears on the internet



Twenty-five years ago, in July 1999,  JFK Jr.  , who was thought to have died in a plane crash, appeared in front of Trump Tower.


Michael Jackson  , who was thought to have passed away in 2009, 15 years ago  , is still alive and is expected to return soon.


Furthermore, John Lennon, from the British Beatles, who would have died in 1980, 44 years ago,  is still alive and is currently 83 years old.


And Princess Diana of England, who reportedly died in a car accident in 1997,  is still alive.


It finally started appearing on the internet.


I think this is also a sign that DS is completely over.


  Will Israel and Iran engage in a full-scale war?



Iranian television reported the following:


“In the coming hours, the world will witness an extraordinary scene and a very important development.”


Does this indicate the final collapse of Israel and the unprecedented and unprecedented EBS (Emergency Broadcasting System)?


Israel and Iran currently   appear to be on the brink of all-out war.


It is said that   this all-out war will likely involve cooperation between Turkey and Iran,  turning the Middle East into a sea of ​​fire, and leading to World War III.


  Worldwide martial law → EBS



 When such a tense  situation arises , will the Trump-reformed US military and global forces, under the leadership of Supreme Commander Trump, declare global martial law?


We are confident that   the  global Internet will be shut down, the fighting will stop, and the EBS will be activated.


The policy has become that EBS activation is not limited to Sundays in the United States.


  August 5th (Monday) is Black Monday in America and Japan.



Monday, August 5th, US time,  will definitely be Black Monday.


Of course, on August 5th (Monday), stock prices  will continue to fall  further in Japan, just as they did last weekend.


The Bank of Japan’s policies have completely backfired.


The New York Dow is a representative American stock index published by Dow Jones, which publishes the Wall Street Journal.


It consists of 30 stocks selected based on certain criteria and is considered the oldest stock index in the world.


Therefore, it has been used by many people as an indicator of various investments and financial transactions.


Japan stocks on August 5th (Monday)  will definitely be a Black Monday.


Black Monday in Japan and Black Monday in the United States on August 5th (Monday) will be the trigger for the next event  .


  Black Monday → EBS



The next event  is EBS (World Emergency Broadcasting).


The EBS schedule is Tuesday, August 6th Eastern Time and will be  around 4pm on Wednesday, August 7th in Japan.


In other words,  if Black Monday occurs in Japan and the United States on August 5th (Monday), this will become the fuse that will set off a huge firework called EBS  .


At present, it appears that we have lost all contact with the central Alliance.


However, the reformist US military has complete control and sway over American Wall Street.


  Global stock markets are completely destroyed



Even when Black Monday occurs, there are people who come back to buy stocks that have become cheaper.


Therefore,  the reformist US military has a policy of carrying out Black Monday and Black Friday repeatedly throughout August in order to completely destroy the world stock markets  .


Therefore, in conjunction with the repeated Black Monday and Black Friday,  there is also information that  there will be some changes in the functioning of EBS itself.


In any case,  the first and unprecedented EBS since the beginning of history, which we have been waiting for and dreaming of, is just around the corner  .

Dr. Charlie Ward on the QFS, check it out ❣

There are 210 participating countries involved in rounding their currencies to the QFS.

Not only is the United States issuing more bonds, but the US Treasury has been the ultimate ruler in the issuance of government bonds by all participating countries.

Assassins, world leaders and associates, those involved in national crimes and rebellions, and all the banks in the world that were shut down for non-compliance with Basel 3 have tried to prevent the reset of the world currency.

With the introduction of the QFS, technology has improved and now offers safe and secure money movements that can track over 50 movements.

The days of the Fiat Dollar and the Euro holding the hegemony of the OPEC Dollar are over.

Gold and asset backed transactions are regulated for fair trade and are conducted without the harsh and corrupt oversight of the Cabal.

All of these participating governments have laws to deal with the crime of betraying the people.

Control [back] such as SWIFT has enabled this situation, and its [system] has protected the bad guys.

The new [QFS] eliminates this possibility.

There is more than one owner of the global financial system.
Governments need to work together to participate in global trade.

The North American backbone of the QFS (near Phoenix, Arizona, USA) is powered by the world’s most powerful and fastest IBM quantum computers.

All quantum computers (servers) connected to this backbone are programmed with (existing) laws governing all international trade and monetary transactions.

The QFS system cannot be affected by fraud or criminal activity.

Soon, [Protocols 19 and 20] will be announced for the new North American Central Bank Digital Currency, XRP.

[Protocol 19] discusses the valuation and legitimacy of digital currencies using ISO20022 regulations.

Most importantly, it is about liquidity.

Legally validated by ISO20022, this new digital currency is outside the control of the Rothschilds and Oligarch Keys.

[ISO20022 map]

Protocol 20 is a complete shift to quantum technology and is being implemented all over the world.

Canada is the latest adopter this week, with many more being introduced every day.

It is currently in the final stages of testing Protocol 19 and 20, and everything is going well.

If there is an objection, it will be dealt with immediately.

All nations have agreed, and this agreement has been judged by the World Court.

Each continent will have a central location with upgraded quantum technology, and each country will have its own CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) to use for international trade.

For example, the center of America is Arizona, the center of South America is Brazil, and the center of Africa is Cape Town, South Africa.

Each continent will have a central location and a large [token] has been launched.

This [token] will represent each country on that continent.

Bezos (the owner of Amazon) “sells 800 million shares”



EO 13818? 😎


FACTS 👉 Sun. Feb. 18 Donald J. Trump’s Executive Orders: Among the top 3 executive orders, many DS assets were seized and DS agents revoked:

13818: Private and corporate assets seized; New York Stock Exchange taken over;

Blocked property of people involved in serious human rights violations or corruption and human trafficking.

13848: Imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States’ options.

13959: Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence; Khazarian assets confiscated.

13818, 13848 and 13959 The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!;

DS money will run out quickly; All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican, etc.);

Wall Street, Washington DC, the Vatican and the City of London all dead;


This started on March 17, 2020 and it takes over the Vatican, it is the mafia and it is taking over all the Rothschild Central Banks;

Brexit has cut the Vatican’s strings and stripped the royals of all their assets;

Let’s go for Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas;

GESARA  – The Global Economic Security and Reform Act was supposed to be implemented on 10/11/2001, but was interrupted by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11;

Elimination of the national debt of all nations in the world; No taxation. Just a flat sales tax of about 15% on new products;

Waiver of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities;

Back to Constitutional Law: Get Rid of the Corrupt Law of the Sea;

Newly elected leaders: only 10% of current governments; World peace for 1,000 years;

Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons from planet Earth; Gold standard!;

Introduction of new hidden technologies: 6,000 Tesla patents, free energy;

Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950 prices; Power returns to We the People. Global distribution of wealth;

Project Odin = Worldwide EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)








🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



James’ Clearing Technique
1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or /
gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural
representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha,
Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or
another one of the Beautiful Many Christed
3. Tell the entities they are healed and
forgiven, lifted and enlightened.
4. Tell them they are healed and surrounded
with the Christ light and the Christ love.
5. Ask your chosen representative to take
them to their perfect place.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms and
limiting mental concepts be dissolved and
lifted in the light of truth.
7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and
close their auras to all but spirit of the
highest vibration.
Repeat this process until you feel clear. There
may be more than one healing to do.
Remember your word is very powerful, and
what is spoken on their level manifests
instantly. Many enlightened ones use this
process before opening.
It creates a clear and safe environment, and it
also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent
is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve
and heal, you will draw to you entities of like
mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again
you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of
At times, discarnate spirits will come to your
light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge
yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones
in trouble, not you. They are seeking your

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