From the Light of the Kumaras and the Crystals of the Holy Mountain ~ Transmissions from the Galactic Center * Our Beloved Gaia has Shifted! Crystalline BEings
transmissions from the galactic center
From the Light of the Kumaras and the Crystals of the Holy Mountain ~ Transmissions from the Galactic Center * Our Beloved Gaia has Shifted! Crystalline BEings
From the Light of the Kumaras and the Crystals of the Holy Mountain ~ Transmissions from the Galactic Center * Our Beloved Gaia has Shifted! Crystalline BEings
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Queens and Kings of the Emerald Order of our Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
Happy 1:17 Portal of God Consciousness Activations!
Through todays Awakening Gateway of Higher Resonance our local Soularis has become very active again going ballistic releasing one after another Soular Flashes of Bright Light all day of Multidimensional Frequencies releasing over 16 C CLass Soular FLares and 8 major M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 7.46 at 13:35 UTC bringing in the 17 Code of the Q ,Quelle, of Source Creator, the Quantum Collective and a 17:17 Portal mirroring the 8:8 of the Lionsgate Energies of our Royal Lyran Nation of our Lion Kingdom of the New Lemuria.
Today we also have our powerful Astrological phenomenon of the Venus and Saturn Conjunction. Our Lady Goddess Venus is healing all the distortions, dark magic and curses cast upon our Saturnian Celestial Body of Light and Transforming him into a beacon of Light with the Rings of Peace and Power activating our Quantum Field with Holy Rays of Interdimensional Light.
The Crystalline Codes of Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind of pouring in through these Cosmic Doorways into Eternity as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human of homo- Luminous.
As our Sun transitions in the air sign of Aquarius water bearer this Sunday the 19th she will be clearing the air waves and making Sacred Space for all our Starssed Earth Angelics of the 144 to manifest and consciously co-create our Edenic Paradise of Peace, Joy, Health, Prosperity and Abundance for all.
All benevolence and grace shall be cast upon all Life as the Divine Feminine Mother Energies rise to her Holy Heavenly Throne and merge with the Divine Masculine as the Yin and the Yang make their complete Divine Union and the Eagle and the Condor fly freely over our Sacred Lands to usher in our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of the New Earth…A’Ho!
During this full moon the Twin Flames reached a very rare and unusual level for the cycles of earth. Thus, certain TF are now given permission to begin their elevated missions
From the Light of the Kumaras and the Crystals of the Holy Mountain of a Thousand Worlds “Everything has been healed and returned back to its organic state! All is well”
One may wish to ponder the odds of on January 17th, Divine Masculine Father #17 Representatives are engaged in an important Ascension Activation today, and an M 7.46 Solar Flare which equals 17 has supplied the Electric Masculine energy to the surface/Divine Masculine to be utilized in this Activation.
As this huge electric via the Divine Masculine is in motion on Earth/Gaia, the Divine Feminine may feel a little out of sorts, HOWEVER, on January 18th, Our Divine Mothers number, the Divine Feminine part of the Activation will be occurring that will be supported by a magnetic filament, that will uplift the Divine Feminine.
Because of not only these confirmations above, however, many more are occurring, it is irrefutably Divinely Confirming the significance of this Water Activation and the Tributary Activations connected to this whole sequential Activation.
Next, We will Individually Energize ALL Seed Crystals involved in the Activations. At any time in the future that these posts about the Activations may be newly read by some One, the One is able to allocate retroactively, Their energetic Divine Contributions to Complement the Activations. Whereas We are NOT constant nor restricted by linear time, We are able to from the NOW ZERO POINT, to access ANY time in the past and apply Divine Input.
The Earth feels more supercharged today than yesterday.
Her Frequencies have definitely increased, and the Sun is becoming active again.
Feeling a Deep Connection to Mother as she heightens in frequency, I feel the love elevating higher.
Been saying all day, you are supercharged with Love today, Momma Earth.
Rest as much as you can we are still evolving and moving into our 5th dimensional consciousness as we continue to change our perspective of things rather than being opinionated about it.
The separation game is slowly moving out as those who continue to expose themselves in the madness of their own minds.
This is why it is essential to stay in a Space of Love and Neutrality, if we engage, we bring our frequency down and sometimes it feels painful to go back down that hole again.
That is why we keep elevating the Love, higher and higher.
Keep cultivating that Love dear ones. We are ever closer to manifesting great changes on this planet.
We are off to infinity and beyond.
I love all you beautiful Souls out there, have a Stellar Weekend.
TODAY’S ORACLE. Fast moving energy & highly charged time. Much is being cleared & brought to awareness for healing. You aren’t avoiding anymore what you used to push to the side. You have deeply changed & outgrown situations. This is a “no go back” kind of time. You have become the new version you were seeking. You will find your strength and courage from within, and take action in the direction that your soul deserves. Enjoy this powerful time. Ground. You deserve this.
The art of Lightwork is not of avoiding darkness, but of finding a way to hold light for others during their darkest times; and if necessary finding the way to strike the initial spark during times when others may so need it.
This is the greatest strength of Lightwork which is often learned from a time of vulnerability or weakness. The gift of it is in passing on the light to others and radiating frequency to enable the return of hope, health or new vision.
Holding the Light can be a tricky art but it is really the most simple of manifestations of positive energy.
The New Earth Angels are sent as Light holders of purpose. They are portals for higher resonating frequencies of compassion. In this way they are the Divine Mercy in mission.
Those with the greatest sensitivity see the greater depths for healing. This is multi dimensional work, operating through the connected physical body, emotional body and lightbody.
The most sensitive of humanity hold greater depth of observation, and perception, bringing to light intuitive skills for attention to detail and clear sighted focus.
Individuals with these skills have the ability to improve life conditions for others. Through seeing what needs doing for better levels of comfort or happiness, in ways which can lead to the reaching of higher potentials of goodness and experience, they turn on the light to the invisible.
1/17/25: It’s only when we forget our power and our divinity that we become afraid or get lost in the dark. And it’s when we relate more to externals than our own nature that we will suffer. Your inner light is always available, always present, always the greatest love and comfort you will ever know. It is eternal and never at the mercy of a chaotic world. It will shine through as brightly as you will let it. If you ever feel lost in a dark world remember that we all have such light. It can be suppressed, forgotten, ignored, misunderstood, and even vilified, but it’s there. And it can be rescued. And one candle can light a thousand more. As we continue to move through the shadows of the past over the next two days, remember to light your candle.
Decide NOW, are you ready to lift your FREQUENCY HIGHER, and follow the NEW EARTH VIBRATION? Or are you wanting more of the illusion, and the experience of separation and ego lessons? You have free will the choice is yours alone to make. Don’t look outside for answers, you have them within!
We are all unique, yet all on broadly on the same roadway of onward and upward evolution. The speed at which you choose to travel on that road is the choice of your Soul. Your spark of Source, and no-one else has any power whatsoever over you. Remember, that NOONE HAS POWER OVER YOU. Your spark of is your own destiny, for good or to experience difficulties and learn from them. That choice is always yours.
We, as a collective, for we are all sparks of Source, and Lightworkers have been working as ONE LIGHT and LOVE for the good of ALL, and achieved what is called Point Zero, where every soul must choose either to follow the Higher Frequency of New Earth or stay in the lower 3D vibration and continue their learning on another planet, and experience through the UNREAL until they are ready to evolve further.
Planet Earth is ready for full ascension and can only take with her those who are working at her much higher rate. There is no right or wrong choice, it is purely WHAT YOUR SOUL IS READY FOR. Go within and discuss this within your meditations, then listen in the deep deep silence for your guidance. Always follow your soul’s guidance, for that is direct information from Source!
By disassociating ourselves from all the illusion, we automatically raise our vibration. Purifying and inner cleansing through shadow work are the preparatory steps, and a VERY NECESSARY REQUIREMENT. Meditation and mindfulness help still the outer mind and allows us to work fully from our awesome INNER PRESENCE, I AM.
This working with I AM, and by allowing it to lead your life, lifts your FREQUENCY, in other words you are allowing Source to fill your life, and you will discover a different higher level of being, where all difficulties dissolve, the way becomes clearer, and easier. This is the 5D FREQUENCY. IT IS REAL.
In these Extreme Moments. . . We Are Finding our SELVES Enveloped in an Intense ENERGETIC PULL!
The Significance of this Period is Crucial in these Challenging Times.
What We have Previously Ignored is NOW Bubbling Up into our Reality. . . Demanding our Attention and Resolution.
This ENERGETIC PULL is a Profound Force that is Designed to Propel us Forward on our Journey of Ascension.
The Process of our Ascension is a Natural Occurrence. . . a Fundamental Aspect of the Universal Process of Evolution.
Everything around us–Be it the Environment. . . the People. . . or the Cosmic Energies–Affects us in One Way or Another. . . Whether We Are Consciously Aware of it or Not.
Thus. . . When We Encounter an Intense Influx of Energy or a Portal of Transformation. . . it Significantly Impacts our Emotional and Physical State.
Some of us may Experience Ascension Symptoms. . . such as Fatigue. . . Anxiety. . . or a General Sense of Overwhelm. . . while others may Navigate this Transition More Gracefully. . . Finding them SELVES Filled with Insights. . . Heightened Awareness. . . and a Sense of Enlightenment.
It is Essential to Understand that Everyone will inevitably Face Challenges Related to Unresolved Issues from their Past Lives or Current Existence.
Although a DIVINE ORDER has been Established to Elevate All of Humanity BEyond the Confines of the 3rd Dimension. . . Each Individual is Traversing their Unique Spiritual Path at a Quickened Pace.
The Force of this DIVINE ORDER is Actively Pushing and Accelerating the Process of Evolution. . . Making it Imperative for us to Engage with our Inner Work.
Remarkably. . . We are Experiencing this Profound Transformation in Just a Few Short Years within a Single Lifetime.
The DIVINE ORDER is Accelerating Our Ascension to 5D New Earth (Sheen)!
Those of us. . . Who are Aware of this Transformation. . . have the Freedom to Make the Choice to Raise our SELVES in Vibration. . . This is Done through the Inner Work of Releasing Negative Behaviours and Beliefs of Separation and Connecting with our DIVINE Inner Truth of LOVE.
Those Who are Unaware. . . Make the Choice through the Vibration of their Inner Truth. The Weighing of the SOUL. . . against a Feather. . . is an Ancient Egyptian Understanding of this Process.
In their Belief. . . If the SOUL was Lighter than the Feather. . . you would Ascend. This Meant. . . We Needed to BE a Good Person in Our Lives. BEing a Caring. . . Kind. . . and Generous Individual.
Trusting in the DIVINE ORDER Means Acknowledging that There is a Greater DIVINE PLAN at Work. . . ONE that is intricately Designed for our Highest Good.
As We Navigate through the ashes of the old world. . . Remember that a NEW DAWN is Emerging. . . One that Holds the Promise of Renewal and Transformation.
Have Faith that We are Cradled in the Loving Embrace of Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence. . . for it is His LIGHT that Engulfs us During these Precious Moments of our Ascension.
Trust in this DIVINE Guidance and Allow it to Illuminate our Path as We Move Forward. . . Embracing the Changes and Challenges that Lie Ahead with Courage and Resilience.
Remember that Each Moment is an Opportunity for Transformation. . . Leading us Toward Alignment with the ONENESS of our Beloved Creative SOURCE of All That Is.
…The new times are bringing new knowledge about nature and existence, and the challenge for all of humanity is to make room for this energy in physical form. This energy does not slip through easily and effortlessly; to receive it, you must be willing to change, opening your mind to the new. The transmissions from the galactic center are bringing tremendous pulses of energy that are activating deep truths and exciting new levels of creativity in humanity – these are life-enhancing energies that must be felt and absorbed.
When these energies encounter an obstacle, they begin to pool and create pressure in and around the blocked area, seeking to unravel and disentangle the tangle of problems that are creating the blockage. Clinging to pain, fear, and a paranoid view of life will inevitably only increase resistance. When change is happening in your favor and you still refuse to open the door to self-improvement, you are creating a block to the new energy program. The enhanced galactic transmissions are like an energetic thunderstorm, refreshing and invigorating if the environment accommodates them, and potentially destructive to areas unable to accommodate the abundance of natural power.
The energy coming from the galaxy has the tremendous capacity to empower everyone on Earth, to accept you and the mass consciousness of your planet into the cosmic family. To connect to the galactic center is to connect to a nurturing, true, passionate, flowing, compassionate, caring, and ever-supporting energy – the supreme goddess of the galaxy. And if you can accept these energies as your own, you will come closer to knowing who you are.
As a result of our transition into a new dimensional sphere, our planet is undergoing massive changes. The Diamond/Rainbow Pillars have started to be anchored in many new locations. Planetary areas that many of you, as Light Pillars sustain, stabilize, and support with your daily efforts.
One of the most recent ones I was shown last night, as a stabilizer, is occurring in our planetary shield, which can be seen now as an Aurora/Rainbow sphere, protecting the Earth’s new timelines, and the authentic Earth’s records and Consciousness, damaged through eons of manipulation and false holographic planetary inserts.
Many of you, as New Earth’s Anchors, and Stabilizers, are too supporting the planetary shift taking place during this time, in many different ways. Our nervous system is especially impacted by the many energies we daily cope with, in our attempt to help reinforce the recent changes. During these stages drinking only pure water, and eating consciously is essential for the fascia and nervous system to act as light conductors of these new earth’s Light, for as Stabilizers, our body channels need to be free of obstructions and as balanced as possible.
Our nervous system and fascia act as energetic receivers, as well as our DNA receivers too, transmitting impulses, information, and what we call light, to our entire body, which is too connected, once our light body is activated to the planetary crystalline net we work with.
Personal challenges together with our planetary mission can be really hard to cope with at times. Keeping the ego balanced being in complete flow and surrendering to what happens helps us to accept and embrace any situation we may have to experience.
As my guides said: The greater the initiation, the greater the challenge. Remember that when you are being challenged beyond your human understanding. Often what we see as a failure, from our human mind, is a success, at a soul level.
Trust, let go, continue, move forward. All is well. We do not need to see it at the moment.
As the process of planetary liberation continues, we will be placed where required to continue acting as light harmonic pillars, for we not only assist at these levels but on many others that are equally important to sustain this shift.
This year I have just been informed by my Guides team, which includes the Auroras, of the Diamond/Rainbow pillars that are being created on the planet, to sustain the new Earth’s Consciousness and passages that are to support those ready for the last stage of physical ascension.
These are planetary fabrics and structures that help expand the new frequency that we are stepping into as well, individually, and that many of you are too anchoring on Earth, during this transitional time.
Many of you are earth’s records keepers, whose mission is to retrieve the earth’s original wisdom, and will be too now fully immersed in traveling to achieve this mission for future generations, as well as for its translocation into the new earth’s records.
To help reinforce the planetary shield and the many changes that are now taking place, my Guides shared the following locations, although you will be guided to the ones that are unique to you:
• South Carolina, USA, Charleston – clearing false 7th dimensional structures, so the Diamond/Rainbow shield can continue to be replaced.
• Iran, East.
• Chile, Easter Island – as the Earth’s original record keeper location that connects to All dimensions. This is to retrieve wisdom and work on interdimensional work, this location does not need clearing.
• Johannesburg, Africa.
• Lake Titicaca, extends from Peru to Bolivia.
• Thar desert, India.
• Iraq
There will be many others that you are physically or remotely guided to go or work with, that will be uniquely given to you, as part of your planetary mission.
Let us All unite our Hearts to continue assisting in all we can in this transition. Remember that we are humble Divine Conduits, emissaries, and helpers in this mission that the Higher Beings and Forces are undergoing.
Our task is to remain humble, open-minded, and hearted, to the Divine’s Will and guidance, and be light pillars to support the opening in Consciousness that is taking place on our planet, even though it is a plane to experience polarization, and we will always see both forces and energies at play, the New Earth has been created and our daily actions contribute to continuing anchoring and stabilizing it.
Thank you for all you do to assist in our planetary transition beloveds.
May you remain in our compassionate neutral Hearts for you and All Living Forms of Consciousness.
The Divine Masculine Christ are awakening to the truth of their Feminine match. Trust the process as this knowing is fortified. Nothing can dissuade them off the path of their Holy Grail Union. Consciously the Masculine are ready to learn more and receive this alchemical assignment. There is divine knowing that this mission must be fulfilled.
On Friday, January 17th, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in Virgo the discerning Priestess. Today she will create many connections….a challenging square to Jupiter, ruler of higher learning and belief systems, a positive trine to Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, an opposition to Venus, ruler of self-worth and the feminine archetype, an opposition to Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons and self-mastery, and a difficult inconjunct to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds and healing.
The Priestess within us is going through an energetic clearing process now. We may have some ups and downs today, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We may feel restless, or reserved, while we analyze what is going on in our inner world. Virgo is about self-improvement, so focus your attention on self-observation, and allow the alchemical purification process begin.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in Virgo the discerning Priestess
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces – Our imagination lifts us from the mundane realities of life to a place of inspiration. But to achieve our dreams, we must be prepared to do the work. This aspect is akin to the old saying, ‘The Gods help those who help themselves’.
Embrace your vision. The more you apply yourself, the greater the sense of purpose. Life feels more meaningful when you recognise that what you do makes a difference. Small steps towards fulfilment may feel like a drop in the ocean but they have the potential to create waves. Trust the divine timing of the universe. Every day is a miracle. Practice loving compassion. Transcend perceived limitations. Make time for creativity. Tune into the subtle dimensions. Honour the holy light within. Be the peace you want to see.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its key words are ‘Cooperation, Dedication and Universalize’. Crystal energy is all about working together, finding your like-minded folk and evolving as a group. Think of a hive of bees or a pack of wolves. They survive and thrive because of working together. Ironically, we live in an age where everyone seems bent on detaching themselves from the herd yet we’ve never been so overpopulated. Wouldn’t it be sensible to cooperate with each other to solve our problems?
Today is White Wizard and it represents ‘Enchantment, Receptivity and Timelessness’. We are always in for a fun ride when the Wizard rules the day. You never quite know what to expect. Sometimes, he puts us under a spell and it’s not till the next day you realize what happened. If you tune in to the energy, you can be a Wizard and be charming and use Enchantment to your advantage. As it is the Crystal Wizard, try getting together with others to create some communal enchantment! Imagine a group of Wizards in a sacred grove, conjuring up spells together and enchanting each other (sounds like some festivals I’ve been to). The point is – we can make more magic together than individually. This is also called Synergy.
The Guide today is the White Worldbridger which symbolizes ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. When Worldbridger guides us, he is inviting us to cross a bridge to a new place. Worldbridger is the gatekeeper and he has rules just like in a video game. You want to go up a level? First you may have to pay the troll under the bridge or fight a dragon to achieve that higher level. Follow the Worldbridger today and he will offer you a chance to cross the bridge if you are prepared to let something go or make a sacrifice.
The Challenge today is Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. When in the challenging position Yellow Seed finds it nearly impossible to get folk to listen to the wisdom they have to share. Keep your head down today if you are a Yellow Seed, it will all pass over by tomorrow.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin and when in the magical position, there is a real opportunity to have magical healing. If you are a Blue Hand, today your powers will be greatly enhanced. We can all benefit from this and so be prepared to feel much better by the end of the day. The Wizard casts as spell on you and this spell is healing.
The Ally is the Red Serpent who is very handy to have around today. Call one up if you happen to know one, they’ll be glad to give advice or offer support. Otherwise, use your instincts today and you’ll be alright.
MANTRA I DEDICATE in order to ENCHANT Universalizing receptivity I seal the output of timelessness With the Crystal tone of co-operation I AM guided by the power of death
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 194 = 14= 5 – Change/Transformation/Freedom/Liberation
A very HEAVENLY DIVINE DESTINY day today, lots of DIVINE MAJIK to guide our spell casting beloveds.
Another powerfully SUPER DUPER, MAJIKAL day – for enchanting your DREAMSPELL.
Day 12 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are CONNECTING and COOPERATING with our common-unities in a crystal clear manner of communication in order to SEED the Highest potential TIMELINE and make our DREAMS come TRUE!
We are reprogramming our MINDS with the new DREAMING codes of PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks in order to LIBERATE our Dreams of Abundance. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something new to emerge.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Today we are joining and merging with other MINDS through the power of our resonating Hearts and Minds, being receptive to the needs of our Common-unities.
The Crystal Wizard is DEDICATED to creating these new 5D communities through the unified power of co-operative alliances.
We are reprogramming GAIA’s crystalline grid to a much higher octave of PURE consciousness through telepathy and our Heart connections. Focus on the CRYSTAL CLARITY of your mind today through the power of co-operation with others. A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
A brilliant day for THINKING, NETWORKING, meeting with like minds and finding brilliant solutions!
Today’s question is “How can I become more receptive to the DIVINE MAJIK flowing now, to CONNECT and COOPERATE with my Common-unity through our ENCHANTED HEARTS and pure MINDS, in our UNITED purpose?
Divine blessings for enchantingly beautiful connections through Majik and Miracles today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL WIZARD – IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart and through LISTENING to the natural world. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe.
White Wizard asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in GREAT majik today. The MAJIK that emanates from our inner core being, our pure essence radiating pure consciousness energy. The spiritual power that weaves the beautiful shamanic web of creation connecting all our kin in one beautiful glistening web of LOVE.
WHITE WIZARD is a tool of the LIGHT, dedicated in his Service as a conduit for SPIRIT. Today we have DOUBLE WIZARDRY energy with the OVERTONE WIZARD yearly kin – boosting our DIVINE WHITE MAJIK today… this is UBER potent wizardry manifesting POWER!
A wise Magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing Majik to come in, rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A Magician dances the dance of LOVE through offering gifts of FREEDOM to others. This is real Majik. Freed from the need to use POWER to manipulate or control, a White Magician uses WISDOM to manifest LIBERATION and LOVE.
Open your heart and mind to allow GREAT SPIRIT to flow through your vessel guiding your enchantment today.
Today you can effortlessly connect to the WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARDRY PLANETARY GRID – that is ready and at your disposal. We can access these potent energies through being in a hyper receptive mode of anchoring with a deep receptivity to many dimensions. This requires stillness and attunement in order to conduct and flow these energies through your vessel.
The power of enchantment can be utilized to fuel your Dreams and creations through shamanic, ritual, ceremony and spell casting today. Make sure you say “This or something better, with harm to none.” Preferably for the benefit of us ALL on a PLANETARY level.
VISUALIZE all OPEN HEARTS and unencumbered MINDS connecting to this Planetary Grid through the crystalline network and send waves of PEACE, LOVE, JOY and PROSPERITY as a pulse, flowing through the grid to all connected hearts.
SEE us all UNITED as ONE PLANETARY family, building and fully grounding this Universal PEACE code through Nova Gaia’s foundation…
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI seals the store of Death! CIMI beautifully closes the old cycle ensuring your transformation and Liberation through KIN 194 . DEATH is always followed by NEW BEGINNINGS – always a tandem team.
Today we have the WORLDBRIDGER bringing CLOSURE in order for the New BEGINNING. We also have a 9.9.9. triple COMPLETION code – enabling us to CLOSE the door on the past. When one door closes – look for the new door OPENING. New opportunities arrive to transform your life into a new story.
I am seeing the MAJIK akin to that of the Cinderella story – from rags to riches! Her fairy godmother used ENCHANTMENT to transform a pumpkin into a Royal Coach, Cinderella’s shoes into Glass slippers, and her rags into a regal ball gown! In so doing, her lowly life was transformed to that of a Princess! From an enslaved house cleaner to a Royal Princess ruling the kingdom – now that is one MAJIKAL career promotion!!
Miracles abound to transform your life path NOW if you SURRENDER to this new energy.
Such is the POWER of the CRYSTAL WIZARD guided by the CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER – a formidable duo that can access all realms, to bring all the RESOURCES needed through ENCHANTING means A pure DE-LIGHT experiencing this MAJIKal alchemy.
This is the POWER of the DIVINE majik TODAY – we are transforming from the outcast and suffering despondent LIGHT “WORKERS” – and Blossoming into Divine Sovereign LEADERS of New Earth. Beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS rising up as powerful PLANETARY EARTH WIZARDS.
CIMI brings new majikal opportunities today, particularly in connection to others. New people arrive that can share their skills, knowledge, advice and resources. Shared ABUNDANCE in new and unique ways to solve our problems.
Our challenge is to become more RECEPTIVE to anchoring multi-dimensional planes, through accessing this huge information superhighway. Our capacity to SURRENDER opens our ability to receive more Abundance, enabling us to build the necessary bridges to wondrous new worlds and dimensions that we have been DREAMING of!.
NOW is the time that we must UNITE with our tribes and soul kin to establish our 5D businesses and launch our new projects ready to BLAST OFF in full SERVICE in this NEW GOLDEN ERA!
Today SPIRIT is bringing the RESOURCES and connections needed to propel your mission – but only for those loyal and dedicated souls placing the needs of HUMANITY and GAIA as the fundamental principles in their offerings through DIVINE SERVICE.
SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL SERPENT – CHICCHAN fully energizes the capacity of our life force to fuel our passionate heart’s desires, and our greatest DREAMING. . As we become clear vessels and align with our heart we become a vibrational match for that which we are creating. Our instinctual pulses will guide us through survival responses to create our greater mission, superseding our primal scarcity and lack fears, raising us beyond into a higher vibration in order to manifest our dreams.
CHICCHAN provides a beautiful HEALING panacea to provide the salve for our abundance wounds! Follow your PASSION and the ABUNDANCE and BLISS will FLOW effortlessly.
The CRYSTAL SERPENT also activates Gaia’s Planetary Grids , especially the 5D crystal within the body of ULURU – a HUGE MAGNETIC CRYSTAL receiver and transmitter. The CRYSTAL SERPENT is allowing for more communication and energy to FLOW through and be transmitted to those who are “tuned in” to our Planetary body. The CRYSTAL transmitter within ULURU is activated and fully POWERED to deliver the new DREAMING codes to those souls who are receptive and “listening” to these crystalline frequencies.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR HAND – MANIK governs healing, attaining knowledge, intuition and abundance. As the SUPERPOWER today, MANIK assists us to receive our deepest knowledge through our intuition, and guidance from Spirit.
The LUNAR tone beckons us to be STILL and receptive to afford greater healing – rather than rushing to accomplish through our MINDS. We must LISTEN to discover the solutions to bring us back to BALANCE and HARMONY.
We are all connected to HUMANITY’S great DREAM, that of collective ABUNDANCE for all beings and our PLANET. We each can accomplish GREAT THINGS, individually and collectively if we are operating with pure HEARTS through the Collective dreaming for our PLANET!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL SEED– KAN challenges us today to TAKE INSPIRED ACTION!! The SEED needs to GROW and EVOLVE in order to achieve its HIGHEST POTENTIAL. Now is the TIME to get moving, arise from the darkness and move toward the LIGHT. Follow the promptings of your HEART.
The best way forward is through CONNECTION and cooperation..Instead of trying to GROW on our own in a solitary patch, we can achieve greater success in a field with other like minded souls – guiding, protecting and supporting us. Be BRAVE and courageous and DARE TO GROW!
Reach out and CONNECT with like minded souls and those who ‘MAJIKALLY APPEAR!” in your space! Spirit is sending you, your tribe! As we join together with the same collective intentions we are assured of achieving a better outcome.
KAN gifts us with the capacity to MANIFEST and cocreate our DREAMS today, reaching for our Highest Potential.
Go forth and SEED the HIGHEST TIMELINE of ABUNDANCE, PEACE and JOY on our beloved New 5D Planet – Nova Gaia!
Aho, planetary kin!
Today’s question is “How can I become more receptive to the DIVINE MAJIK flowing now, to CONNECT and COOPERATE with my Common-unity through our ENCHANTED HEARTS and pure MINDS, in our UNITED purpose?
Divine blessings for enchantingly beautiful connections through Majik and Miracles today!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 12th through 18th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Cancer.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Divine Decree for the Kumaras and the Crystals of the Holy Mountain
In the name of the Infinite Source, I call forth the Divine Kumaras, luminous beings of wisdom and guardians of sacred truth. I invoke your radiant presence and the crystalline frequencies of the Holy Mountain to fill my being and this Earth with light and divine grace.
Beloved Kumaras, Masters of Ascension and Cosmic Love,
Ignite within me the eternal flame of divine wisdom, compassion, and unity.
Guide me on the path of enlightenment and align me with the sacred codes of the higher dimensions.
Crystals of the Holy Mountain, ancient keepers of Earth’s purest frequencies,
Awaken your light within me and infuse my soul with the power of divine clarity, healing, and balance.
Let your crystalline energy harmonize my body, mind, and spirit, anchoring the vibration of peace and ascension into every cell of my being.
By the divine light of the Kumaras and the crystalline heart of the Holy Mountain:
I decree that I am a channel of love, truth, and light in service to the divine plan.
I decree that all beings awaken to their highest potential and the eternal truth of oneness.
I decree that the energy of the Holy Mountain radiates across the Earth, uplifting all life into the 5D frequencies of unity, harmony, and divine love.
With gratitude and reverence, I accept this decree as fulfilled now. So it is, so it shall be. I AM that I AM.
Divine Decree for the Kumaras and the Crystals of the Holy Mountain
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