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Holographic Medical Beds

How Holographic Medical Beds were intentionally hidden to feed a corrupt medical system! Thailand’s Universal Basic Income Program

How Holographic Medical Beds were intentionally hidden to feed a corrupt medical system! Thailand’s Universal Basic Income Program



How Holographic Medical Beds were intentionally hidden to feed a corrupt medical system!

It’s time to face a reality that has been cleverly hidden behind the curtains of our esteemed medical institutions. The advent of Med Beds, a groundbreaking technology poised to revolutionize healthcare, has brought to light a sinister side of the medical industry that many suspected but few dared to confirm.

Hospital Horrors: The COVID-19 Profit Scheme

The true colors of the healthcare system have been vividly painted during the COVID-19 plandemic. A scheme so sinister that it challenges the moral fabric of the medical profession. Hospitals, entrusted with lives, have been transformed into death mills, exploiting the vulnerable for financial gain.

The admission of Medicare patients, particularly the elderly, became part of a perverse economic strategy. For each patient admitted, a $13,000 reward was paid. This amount tripled with the use of ventilators, which, unbeknownst to many, served as a death sentence rather than a lifeline.

The drug Remdesivir played a critical role in this plot. Given to unsuspecting patients, it led to kidney failure, requiring the use of ventilators and ultimately leading to death. The disturbing truth emerges: hospitals were turned into organ harvesting camps under the guise of pandemic care.

A whistleblower’s courageous stand

Amid this grim reality, a former emergency department physician turned whistleblower has come forward with chilling details. She says patients were systematically screened for organ donation potential upon admission. The simple act of drawing blood was actually a screening process for organ harvesting, with the purple-topped tubes serving as a grim marker of this practice.

Even more horrifying is the revelation about pediatric patients. Hospitals have been accused of allowing a child to die every month in accidents, exploiting the lucrative market for the sale of infant organs. This revelation is a grotesque violation of the very essence of medical ethics.

The dilemma of coma and organ harvesting

The ethical divide deepens with the treatment of coma patients. Some doctors have warned about the practice of inducing comas, not for the benefit of the patient, but as a means of facilitating organ harvesting. This revelation casts a dark shadow over the decision to turn off life support systems, turning a moment of hope into a transactional opportunity for organ trading.

The dark secret of dentistry

Corruption extends to the field of dentistry. The routine removal of wisdom teeth, a practice that has become almost a rite of passage, is now under scrutiny. This often unnecessary procedure has been linked to a cascade of health problems, including heart disease and cancer, inadvertently funneling patients back into the corrupt medical system.

The promise of medical beds

Against this backdrop of deceit and neglect, Med Beds stand as a symbol of hope and healing. These advanced technologies are not just about healing; they represent a paradigm shift in healthcare. With their ability to regenerate and restore, Med Beds are poised to dismantle the broken structures of our healthcare system, offering a future where health is not a commodity, but a basic human right.

Now, we stand on the precipice of a revolutionary era, heralded by none other than former President Donald Trump. His startling revelation that traditional hospital equipment will be obsolete by the end of the year marks the dawn of a new era in medical science.

This isn’t just a step forward; it’s a quantum leap, driven by Med Beds, UV light therapies and a host of innovations stemming from the genius of Nikola Tesla – specifically, 6,000 patents that were previously shrouded in mystery.

But why now? Why this sudden unveiling of technologies that seem more like they belong in the realm of science fiction than in our everyday world? The answer lies in a series of covert operations that have been unfolding since 2020. Trump, along with the military and the White Hat Alliance, has been meticulously orchestrating covert operations in hospitals.

The goal?

To expose the deeply entrenched inefficiencies and malicious practices within these institutions. This revelation is a demolition of the old order, paving the way for a new paradigm in healthcare.

This transformation is not limited to the realm of healthcare alone. It is a sweeping overhaul that touches every aspect of our lives. The dismantling of private intelligence organizations like Mossad, CIA, and Five Eyes is a testament to this radical change.

We are witnessing a transition from old-world dependencies on oil and gas to revolutionary Tesla Wireless Technology. Big Pharma, long vilified for its role in perpetuating the Rockefeller drug regime, is now recalibrating to embrace homeopathic remedies. This is not just a shift; it is a rebirth, a phoenix rising from the ashes of a corrupt system.

However, amid this monumental change, there is one caveat that cannot be ignored. Med Beds, as miraculous as they may be, come with a prerequisite. They are not a panacea that can be handed out indiscriminately. To qualify for this groundbreaking treatment, you must demonstrate a commitment to your health – a dedication to maintaining your physical and mental well-being.

It’s not just about having access to the latest medical technology; it’s about a fundamental shift in mindset. It requires a holistic approach to health that encompasses organic food, clean water, regular exercise and mental fortitude.

The path to these Med Beds is not paved with shortcuts. There is an underlying message here – a wake-up call to take responsibility for our health. Those seeking the transformative power of these beds must first show a willingness to engage in a journey of self-improvement.

It’s about proving your dedication to a healthier, more sustainable way of life. In this new world, the onus is on each individual to demonstrate their commitment to wellness before they can reap the benefits of these extraordinary medical advances.

In short, we are on the threshold of a new era, one that promises to redefine our understanding of medicine and health. This is not just a change; it is a revolution, fueled by the ingenuity of Tesla and the bold vision of leaders like Trump.

It challenges each of us to rethink our approach to health and well-being, to embrace a future that is as exciting as it is uncertain. This is the dawn of a new world, and it demands of us not just passive observation, but active participation.


Holographic Medical Beds
Holographic Medical Beds





Saint Germain: The Great Revelation is coming

I am Saint Germain. And I have come at this time to ask a question, to ask everyone a question. of you. That question is: are you enjoying the show?

Are you enjoying the movie? The scheduled events that are in progress? And yes, indeed, they are written. Because the Universal Plan is just that, universal. It is a plan that has been in progress for a very long time. Not only for this country, the United States, for America, but for the entire world, the entire planet is part of this plan. And it is in progress and approaching a full revelation presentation.

And yes, I speak now of your Republic, your Republic of the United States for America, as well as how it relates to the entire world, the entire world population coming together as one because of the Constitution in this country and the continuation of that Constitution throughout the planet.

This country, the United States for America, not of America, but for America, is the catalyst. It was the catalyst when it all started with the Declaration of Independence, where I played a big role in bringing that declaration to fruition, in creating the Constitution, in bringing the Bill of Rights to fruition.

All of this. And all of this is coming to fruition now. Finally, after all these hundreds of years together. But it’s not just hundreds of years. Thousands of years have passed here on Earth where this three-dimensional illusion has dominated all this time. But it’s coming to an end.

I won’t use the term anytime soon, but I know that the full reveal is very close now. The full reveal that you have all been waiting for, looking for, where you will indeed see the end of this movie and the beginning of the new reality that is yours, your destiny as part again of the great universal plan for this world and for many . worlds beyond, for many galaxies beyond.

Much is happening here now to be the catalyst for the entire solar system and galaxy, to bring light everywhere and see the darkness recede everywhere.

This is the promise that was made to you long ago in that great conclave where everyone found volunteers to be here, the promise that was made to you at that moment that if you persevere, you will come and you will be here at the moment when all is revealed… when the whole truth is presented when, in fact, the end of the movie is shown for what it is, for what it was. But I know that as you watch this movie, I know that certainly not everything is as it seems.

Many of you, even those who are awake at this time, will be surprised by many of the revelations that will be presented. And if you can imagine how many others around the planet who have not yet awakened, how much more surprised you will be. Very much so.

The big reveal. That’s the way you should look at it from this moment in this month that you’re approaching now and several months beyond that. The big reveal is coming.

I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, love and unity. And may you continue, in fact, to see this as a spectacle, a film that unfolds. Do not get caught up in it, get attached to it. Always continue to find yourself detached from everything. It is part of the three-dimensional illusion.


Saint Germain
Saint Germain








We’ve been always told that it’s coming. Many ignore this, but it has been hitting worldwide affecting us and everything on the surface
The Big Split/Big Shift has slowly and stealthy working.
White Hats in control
GOD sends command and orders.


Big Shift
Big Shift





planned i’m sure! what is Bill Bates aka Gates up to? trying to open the gates to hell…. Failed!!!


Microsoft has confirmed that a CrowdStrike update failure has impacted 8.5 million Windows devices, leading to global disruptions in the banking, energy, and travel sectors.

Black Swan Capitalist

US #banks will face significant failures as our national #debt spirals out of control. Central banks and #financial institutions have set the stage for the full adoption of #Ripple‘s technology and #XRP to address the next global banking crisis

🚨🚨 Just In!! 🚨🚨




Since White Hats own Blackrock… (editor note: taken over by White Hats!!)

Blackrock owns Crowdstrike…

Crowdstrike took down Internet…
White Hats Orchestrated Outage…
Crowdstrike is linked to Dominion… Dominion linked to election fraud …
Crowdstrike had servers in Ukraine… and you wonder how Trump knew…

TRUMP (45-47) HAS IT ALL!!!

REMEMBER: BRICS+ was architected by Trump and the White Hats…
EO13818 captured Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet, JPMORGAN, and ALL Central Banks…

First White Hat took over The Fed…
Then Twitter 1.0…
Then Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet… and more…
Then we used Blackrock to shove over the top ESG down everyone’s throats to awaken them…
We then used the Aladdin AI system created by Blackrock to:
– Gather evidence on all illegal banking and investment transactions
– Methodically crash the FIAT economy/currency
The Fed slowly increasing rates drove up inflation aiding the controlled economy crash…
BRICS+ is the partnership “we” have with global leaders to support the takedown of global deepstate…
We used The Great Reset playbook against them by accelerating the plan…
The reset will happen…
But it’s controlled by us…
continue reading…

XRPLion1 -ΑΩ- “Messenger of GOD’S REVELATION”

We told you it was coming…..Three Rivers Gorge Dam! Bitcoin Servers Turned Off: 99.5% of Crypto Gone In a shocking move, Bitcoin servers have been turned off, wiping out 99.5% of cryptocurrencies, save for the resilient China Coins. This massive digital blackout sends ripples through the financial world, creating a vacuum that leaves investors and traders scrambling. The cryptocurrency market, once a wild frontier of unregulated growth and speculative investments, has been brought to its knees. This purge is not just about financial loss; it’s a strategic maneuver to dismantle the decentralized power that cryptocurrencies represented. By eliminating the majority of digital currencies, control is wrested back from the decentralized masses, paving the way for a new, regulated digital financial system. The survivors, primarily China Coins, signal a shift towards a more controlled and state-backed digital economy.
(editor note:) XRP will survive and thrive to help free humanity from the Debt Slavery System. XRP is created and run by the Earth Alliance and is part of the Quantum Financial System!!

Good Morning Crypto



Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Income

GESARA? Thailand’s $13.8 Billion UBI Plan: What You Need to Know  

Why Thailand’s Universal Basic Income Program Is Likely to Be a Catastrophic Economic Failure

Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been championed as a revolutionary solution to poverty and economic inequality.

However, despite its utopian appeal, UBI is fraught with pitfalls that undermine its effectiveness and sustainability. I argue that UBI can lead to financial irresponsibility, increased inequality, and social disintegration.

By providing income without requiring work, UBI risks eroding the value of employment, reducing incentives for labor force participation and fostering dependency. Individuals gain not only income but also purpose, skills, and social connections through work.

Disconnecting income from productive work also leads to social decay, higher crime rates and family breakdown.

Furthermore, the immense cost of a UBI could strain national budgets, requiring higher taxes or cuts to essential services. Financing a UBI that ensures a decent standard of living for all citizens would lead to growing deficits and economic instability.

In this article

  • Overview of Thailand’s New UBI Program
  • Economic implications of the digital wallet scheme
  • Criticism and concerns surrounding the plan
  • Future prospects and potential outcomes

Thailand is set to begin implementing Universal Basic Income (UBI) in less than two weeks, a move that has generated significant debate.

This controversial $13.8 billion plan, known as Digital Wallet, aims to distribute digital money to millions of citizens in an effort to stimulate the economy. However, critics argue that UBI schemes are harmful to society and question the long-term benefits of such a program.

Overview of Thailand’s New UBI Program

Starting August 1, qualified Thai companies and individuals can register for the Digital Wallet program.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has announced that 50 million citizens will receive 10,000 baht (approximately $275) in digital money to spend at local businesses. The initiative was a major campaign promise by the Pheu Thai party, with the government claiming it will boost the economy by increasing consumption.

Economic implications of the digital wallet scheme

The government predicts the stimulus will boost Thailand’s GDP growth by 1.2 to 1.6 percentage points.

Despite these optimistic forecasts, financing the program has been a significant challenge. Initially, the State Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives was expected to cover part of the financing. However, due to financial warnings, the project  will now be funded from the fiscal 2024 and 2025 budgets  .

Criticism and concerns surrounding the plan

Economists and financial experts have voiced strong criticism of the Digital Wallet scheme. They argue that such handouts are an ineffective way to achieve sustainable economic growth.

Deputy Finance Minister Julapan Amornvivat announced that budgetary financing became feasible only after the cost estimate was reduced to 450 billion baht ($12.4 billion). Despite the reduced cost, the program faces skepticism about its long-term economic viability.

Several reasons highlight why UBI, including Thailand’s Digital Wallet, is a bad idea:

  1. Financial irresponsibility  : Universal distribution of funds, even at modest levels, is often unaffordable. This can lead to larger deficits and require higher taxes or cuts in essential services such as health and education.
  2. Increased inequality and poverty  : UBI can lead to greater inequality by reallocating targeted social benefits into a universal grant, reducing the resources available to those most in need.
  3. Undermining social cohesion  : Decoupling income from work can erode social structures, leading to increased crime, substance abuse and family breakdown in areas with high unemployment.
  4. Reduced incentives to participate  : While stronger safety nets are essential, UBI may discourage individuals from seeking employment, reskilling or moving in search of better opportunities, potentially fostering a culture of total dependence on government

Future prospects and potential outcomes

While the government touts the Digital Wallet as an economic savior, there are questions about its effectiveness and sustainability. The World Bank’s Thailand Economic Monitor projects modest GDP growth of 2.4% for 2024, far below what the government hopes to achieve.

Furthermore, limiting UBI to low-income Thais has sparked debates about fairness and the real impact on poverty reduction.

The bottom line

Thailand’s ambitious UBI rollout is a bold attempt to revive a struggling economy. However, the criticisms and challenges it faces suggest its success is far from guaranteed.

As the country moves forward with this unprecedented program, the world will be watching closely to see whether it can actually deliver on its promises or falter under the weight of its own ambitions.

Supporting article:

July 19, Ben Fulford: Pay attention to the near future. It’s very close: PROJECT ODIN=EBS

  • We know that something powerful  will take down the Mossad Media satellite. This will cause a worldwide communications blackout, leading us into a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate the Military EBS.
  • Starlink is active  and apparently ready for the Military to activate the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System.
  • Project Odin  , as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform Anti-Cheat Engine and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal.
  • Q tells us that Mossad’s media assets will be wiped out.    He has repeatedly stated that there will be a big biblical scenario where they present this as World War III, but in reality they will activate the military all over the world and then start bombing this entire satanic place.
  • This will release the NESARA/GESARA funds  and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.

What are some of the biggest Satanic Illuminati websites in the world? Q showed us things like:

* Vatican

* Buckingham Palace

* Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany)

* 3GD in China

*Cern on the Swiss/France border possibly

* Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel

* Israel/Khazarians control the CCP

* Communication etc.

* 34 Satanic buildings and dams will fall

Many events will also occur, such as:

* God Rods/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on Satan’s target sites around the world

* Planes and trains will be paralyzed

*Lights/power will be turned off briefly while switching to Tesla free power

* Bitcoin server/data center will be hacked and shut down forever

* 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese currencies

* ISO20022 coins backed by precious metals will be available

* Scary World War 3 event will happen

* Nuclear siren

* Aquatic events

* The stock market crashed

* Global rules of martial arts

* CASTLE ROCK – Background Julian Assange

* Quantum system

* Odin Project enabled

* Nesara / Gesara / RV

* Revelation of the election by the Military Court – FISA

* Military trial

* 10 countries will implement EBS for worldwide coverage

* Tremendous truths revealed

* Trump and Kennedy inaugurations

* ISRAELI MOSSAD controls the world’s media from America.

* Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink

* The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal

* Satanic Media assets will be removed.

* Israeli intelligence was forced to withdraw

* Media assets will be removed

* After communications are disabled, John F Kennedy Jr will appear.



Ben Fulford
Ben Fulford





Phil Godlewski’s Predictions for September 24, 2022: HERE WE GO, PATRIOTS!

  • There will be a liquidity and credit crunch as banks  and online payment systems are about to go through a major shutdown in Europe and the US. There is already talk of a liquidity and credit crunch happening in internal circles. This is big.
  • Saturday  – Banks and online payment systems will experience a disruption in Europe and the United States, spreading across the world. Talk of a liquidity and credit crisis will spread rapidly.
  • Sunday  – Customers will try to get money from banks but will be rejected. Talk of bank runs on Twitter and Facebook will be immediately banned. Late Sunday evening, eurozone banks will suffer a liquidity problem and will not reach critical margin levels.
  • Monday 26th  – The contagion of the liquidity crisis will spread to the United States. Financial instruments very similar to those used by Archegos will explode across the financial sector. Bank of America, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are rumored to be insolvent, along with others. The super-rich will try to withdraw their money from banks, only to be denied. The stock market will drop 20% and will be closed for the day. Tether and other stablecoins will fail, causing cryptocurrencies to fall as they become illiquid. The short to medium term is that cryptocurrencies will become worthless.
  • Tuesday  – Total collapse of the Eurozone. Bank deposits are redeemed and most people will lose all their money. Social protests erupt. The US stock market will fall another 20% before being halted again for the day. Hedge funds will collapse and banks will be stuck with meme stock shorts that will be revealed to be worth trillions. Banks fail at critical margin levels and DTCC will be forced to cover the shorts. DTCC’s insurance policy will fail as the insurers never had the money to begin with and the Federal Reserve is stuck with the bag.
  • Wednesday  – The stock market will fall another 20% before being stopped. Subprime finally hits and home prices plummet by 50% or more. Meme stocks, silver, gold and commodity trading are frozen and halted, but this will only make the problem worse. The dollar’s ​​insolvency is all over the international news, while silver and gold soar. US bonds will be dumped, sending interest rates into the stratosphere. The mainstream media will now hype Great Depression 2.0 and the collapse is here.
  • Thursday  – The US government will begin to collapse and pressure the current administrator to resign. The stock market will fall further, down a total of 85-96% since Monday’s crash. Grocery stores will now be empty as supply chains are completely broken. Rumors of a coup against the US government will begin to gain traction on social media and public approval. Massive protests against the government, Wall Street and the banks will erupt. The police will be mobilized and will try to brutally suppress the protests, but will not be successful.
  • Friday  – Election fraud data will be dumped on the internet and this will add fuel to the fire. It will reveal stolen elections going back 40 years. Government figures will go into hiding. The issue of meme stocks and silver/commodity shorts will hit the international media and heads of state will demand answers from the US because they too are exposed through strange financial instruments. The BRICS will gain momentum to replace the dollar then and now. The dollar is declared non grata in many countries around the world with legislation fast-tracked to convert dollar denominated debt to another fiat currency to avoid a total credit freeze.







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BRICS GESARA Alliance of Nations:

BRICS reveal how the US dollar will end. The BRICS alliance seeks to weaponize the oil and gas sector to oust the US dollar from its status as the world’s reserve currency. The alliance has introduced four new oil-producing countries into the bloc, including the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia.

The invitation has also been sent to the world’s largest oil producer, Saudi Arabia. However, the Kingdom has kept the invitation on hold and is weighing the pros and cons of joining the bloc. If Saudi Arabia joins BRICS, the alliance will control 42% of the global oil and gas sector.

Saudi Arabia’s entry into BRICS will lead to a paradigm shift, with countries rewriting oil agreements and making payment settlements in local currencies easier. BRICS member Russia has provided an update on how they believe the global supremacy of the US dollar will come to an end.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ( explained that if oil-producing countries in the Middle East stop accepting the US dollar for oil, the dollar will automatically fall on the downward trajectory.

“If oil producers in the Middle East stop using the US dollar, it will be the end of the dollar,” Putin explained. The US dollar operates on a supply and demand mechanism, and if it loses demand, its fall is imminent.

The BRICS bloc is seeking to hit the US dollar with oil as its main weapon against the currency. Stay tuned to find out whether Saudi Arabia will join the BRICS alliance or reject the invitation before the next summit. The 16th summit is scheduled for October this year in the Russian region of Kazan. See ( The writing is on the wall!!

BRICS: All African countries gearing up to join the Alliance. Former Ethiopian Speaker of the House Agegnehu Teshager has revealed that all African countries are interested in joining the BRICS alliance.

His statement ( comes at a time when developing countries are looking to move away from the US dollar and toward local currencies.

Developing countries see the BRICS de-dollarization agenda as a lucrative one, as the initiative can boost their indigenous economies and local currencies. While many countries in Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe have expressed interest in joining the BRICS alliance, African nations have been on the sidelines.

The African continent is looking at how global financial developments unfold before deciding to join the bloc. However, Teshager confirmed at a press briefing that all African nations are interested in joining the BRICS alliance.

“Africa has great potential for BRICS, most African countries are keen to be members of the alliance,” he said. The former speaker continued: “Africa’s economy is developing and the continent is interested in the BRICS alliance.” He made the comments at the BRICS parliamentary forum in Russia’s Kazan region.

Some 40 countries have formally expressed their interest in joining the BRICS alliance in 2024, including many African nations. Another 15 countries have informally expressed interest in joining the bloc.

The next summit is scheduled for October in the Kazan region. Ethiopia is a new entrant to the BRICS alliance and is the second African nation, besides South Africa, to join the group.

The bloc may invite many more countries during the 16th summit and expand the alliance in 2024. However, there is no clear information on which countries may receive the invitation. See (

Which continent in the world has the most land resources? Which continent is destined to save the world with GESARA funding? (ZIM bonds)


-The science given to us serves to keep us slaves: all the inventions that could free us are hidden from us; Fewer working hours contribute to our liberation, since machines, belonging to the people, work for us and contribute to providing us with a sufficient social wage.

–Science is under the control and supervision of the Satanist elite, who are the ones who actually rule us through puppets through fake elections (rigged, but currently manipulated ad nauseam).

–Science serves to move us, replacing us with machines (robots). This way the elite can continue to believe that we are useless beings and that the Earth must be very depopulated (we are of no use to them, they are the real parasites).
There is another Science, but it has been hidden from us for many years; this Science served the Elite, which was used in their underground cities and in their underground spawning facilities.
True SCIENCE is what our space brothers (our Big Brothers) use to have all their needs met and grow in True Knowledge of the entire Universe that surrounds them*.
We are also hiding any indication that more advanced technology once existed on Earth than has been allowed to reach us today.

Until we wake up and realize that we are being manipulated, this will continue to happen and we will continue to suffer. All of this is allowed so that we do not stop fighting to overcome our condition as suffering humans.The Libertarians

*do not confuse, because the dark ones of space are not really our brothers, but rather beings who use us for their personal purposes, and their technology does not reach the level of our authentic Big Brothers

RV and military operations: behind the scenes

The revaluation process (RV) is a highly complex and sensitive operation that requires meticulous planning and execution. To ensure a smooth and safe transition to the new financial system, a coordinated military operation was integrated into the process.

This military engagement is not just about security, but also about leveraging the logistical and organizational capabilities of military forces to support reassessment efforts.

Strategic Oversight and Implementation.  The military operation provides strategic oversight and ensures that the currency revaluation is carried out in an orderly and controlled manner. This oversight includes monitoring the distribution and exchange of new currency denominations, preventing fraudulent activities, and maintaining the integrity of financial markets during the transition period.

Safeguarding economic stability.  One of the military’s key roles in this operation is to safeguard economic stability. By ensuring that the revaluation process is conducted without disruption, the military helps maintain confidence in the financial system. This is crucial to avoid market panic and ensure that the benefits of the revaluation are realized without causing unintended negative impacts.

Logistical Support.  The military also provides essential logistical support to the revaluation process. This includes the safe transportation and distribution of new currency notes, the protection of financial institutions, and the facilitation of communication between various stakeholders involved in the process. The military’s logistical capabilities are instrumental in ensuring that the revaluation is carried out efficiently and effectively in all participating countries.

Coordination with Financial Authorities.  The military operation is closely coordinated with global financial authorities and institutions. This collaboration ensures that the revaluation process is aligned with international financial regulations and standards. By working together, military and financial authorities can address any challenges that arise during the revaluation and ensure a seamless transition to the new currency values.

Training and Preparation.  In preparation for the reassessment, extensive training and simulations are conducted. Military personnel, along with financial experts, engage in rigorous training to deal with various scenarios that may occur during the reassessment process. This preparation is crucial to anticipate and mitigate any potential issues, ensuring that the operation proceeds without major disruptions.

Transparent communication.  To maintain public trust and confidence, transparent communication is an essential aspect of military operations. Regular updates and information are provided to the public, explaining the steps involved in the reassessment process and addressing any concerns. This transparency helps prevent misinformation and ensures that the public is well informed throughout the transition period.

Collaboration with International Partners.  The reassessment process is a global initiative, and the military operation involves collaboration with international partners. This global cooperation ensures that the reassessment is implemented uniformly across all participating countries, promoting fairness and consistency. International partnerships also increase the safety and effectiveness of the operation by sharing best practices and resources.

Integrating a military operation into the revaluation process is a strategic decision aimed at ensuring the success of this historic financial transition. By providing oversight, logistical support and coordination with financial authorities, the military plays a crucial role in maintaining stability and confidence in the new financial system.

Through meticulous planning, transparent communication and international collaboration, the revaluation process is poised to deliver significant economic benefits to all participating countries, ushering in a new era of global economic equality and prosperity.

Conclusion.  The signing of this treaty marks the beginning of a brave new world. A world where currencies are valued equally, where wealth is shared fairly, and where every individual has the opportunity to prosper. This is more than just an economic shift; it is a revolution that promises to transform our world for the better.

As we approach this new era, we need to embrace change and seize the opportunities it brings. The road ahead will undoubtedly be challenging, but with determination and collaboration, we can build a prosperous, equitable and fair future for all.

Ultimately, this treaty is a testament to the power of unity and the potential for positive change. It is a bold step toward a better world, and it is up to us to make that vision a reality.

Let us rise to the challenge and create a legacy of prosperity and equality for future generations.



Judy Note: 

A global outage  has been underway since the conclusion of the Republican National Convention on  Thursday night, July 18.  It started in Europe and was spreading across the globe.

Major global outages that put the planet on hold have been attributed to the Deep State Cabal led by CrowdStrike. CrowdStrike Services’ President  and Chief Security Officer served as Executive Assistant Director of the FBI under the Obama-Biden administration.

It could be considered a strange coincidence  how the massive global outage began right after Trump gave his acceptance speech — especially since it has now been tied to the Trump assassination attempt.

Due to an alleged massive outage at CrowdStrike,  a massive global outage has left businesses including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio broadcasters, and supermarkets offline.

Major U.S. airlines  have been grounded. Problems have been reported in Australia, India, the United States and New Zealand. The outage appears to be affecting Windows PCs worldwide.

CrowdStrike was directly mentioned 19 times in Q drops.  All were related to the DNC Server Hack, the Russia frame-up, Ukraine connections, and connections to the Clinton and Obama Foundation. CrowdStrike was primarily owned by the Deep State Cabal’s Blackrock.

In other words, it appeared that the Deep State Cabal deliberately created this Global Blackout  to bring down the global financial system – which was falling anyway because of the fiat US dollar. They planned to replace all global currencies with their own non-asset-backed digital currency so that they could control your life.

Early Friday morning, July 19th,  I got a call from a friend at Amsterdam Airport. She said she had been sitting there for 24 hours with all flights canceled and computers down. I can’t get a hold of her anymore.

The Global Military Alliance  was on high alert across the planet, carrying out mass arrests of the Satan-worshipping Deep State Cabal.

The Alliance was working in cooperation with the BRICS nations and Chinese elders  to launch the global currency reset of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed currencies that would trade at a 1:1 ratio to each other.


“BREAKING NEWS: “A global information technology outage is being reported around the world.  American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Airlines and Turkish Airlines have already canceled flights because of it. All airports in Spain have suffered a “computer systems incident” following the Crowd Strike outage. British TV channel Sky News has been taken off the air. The outage affected “all Microsoft products,” leading to disruptions in banking, utilities, media, TV, cellular communications, the Internet and more.”  …“  A massive global outage has taken businesses including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio broadcasters and supermarkets offline. Major U.S. airlines have been grounded. Problems have been reported in Australia, India, the United States and New Zealand. The outage appears to be affecting Windows PCs worldwide.” …The 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.) on Telegram  Fri. Morning July 19, 2024
A global blackout was necessary for NESARA/GESARA to be implemented:  Major Alert! Rolling blackouts happening worldwide right now! Banks are closing! All flights are being canceled! The stock market has crashed! Mass media will disappear! The Internet will be shut down! A global cyber shutdown is affecting airlines, banks and media from the US to Australia

“Have you noticed that the leaders of countries around the world are having trouble?  Some military operations have begun on High Alert. After July 18th, the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated and the lights will be turned off at any moment. Let us prepare.” …The 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.) on Telegram  Fri. July 19, 2024

Fri Jul 19, 2024:  Forensic analysis showed three different weapons used in Trump assassination attempt. FBI Assistant Director Implicated in Trump Shooting:  FBI DIRECTLY Connected to Donald Trump Assassination Attempt in NEW Report!! (

Fri. July 19, 2024: The Supreme Court  did not take a vacation recess for the year, extended its sessions through July, and has yet to announce its decisions.  As of Fri. July 19,  the sessions were underway and there was no announced end date.

Fri. 19 July 2024:  News Alert! RV and Military Operations: Behind the Scenes – The Signing of a Historic Treaty by 209 Countries Aims to Reset Global Currencies! Trust the Plan!

Fri Jul 19, 2024 Trump just sent a message to the Deep State.  Right after Trump’s speech, the opera singer sings “Nessun Dorma”. Nessun Dorma is played at the end of the movie The Sum of All Fears, in which ALL the Deep State traitors and actors were executed. The Sum of All Fears is mentioned multiple times in Q Drops. Trump is very specific about his songs… he played this for a reason.

Fri Jul 19, 2024 Situation Update (Video)  Republic Restored Through a GCR: Update as of Jul 19, 2024 – The US Military News

Thu. July 18, 2024:  Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: President Trump just sent an emergency broadcast message! The final battle begins in 7 days! Operation Kraken is underway. . .

Possible moment:

  • The timing of a pending internet shutdown and ten to twelve days of   worldwide communication darkness will be determined by a quantum computer’s analysis of the entire international situation.  Mainstream media will shut down while people will be asked to stay home to watch documentaries explaining what was happening. Meanwhile, military troops stationed around the globe will arrest anyone who has cooperated with the New World Order and its creation of the virus and vaccines – an operation that could begin  any time this week.
  • On Thursday, July 11, 2024,  the world’s financial capitals of Zurich, London, Toronto and Rhine activated a global currency reset of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.  On the same Thursday, July 11, 2024,  the Three Gorges Dam in China burst. Three Gorges was the first of the 34 Satanic sites to be destroyed.
  • On Saturday, July 13, 2024,  Reno began GCR payments to the whales, and according to Q Codez VII on Telegram, it was also the date for the start of a chilling event – which turned out to be an inside job for an assassination attempt on Trump.
  • On Monday, July 15, 2024,  GCR payments  to the upper tiers began  ,  as did the start of the Republican National Convention, which was the end of the Scare Event.
  • On Monday, July 22, 2024, Tier4b  may receive notifications for redemption/exchange commitments, according to sources.
  • Wed. July 24, 2024:  Operation Kraken: The final battle underway… President Trump; possible JFK Jr. comes out of hiding.
  • Thu. 25 July 2024:  Lockdown ends. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram

Global Currency Reset:

Fri 19 Jul 2024 Wolverine: New dinar rate published Sunday evening. Tier4b notification Mon 22 Jul.

  • The Praetorian Group started in Brazil  – about 7 to 8 leaders who were paid.
  • We’ll hear from the global startup on Monday, July 22.  It was supposed to be Saturday, but now it’s scheduled for Monday. There have been no delays, it’s going very well now, but it’s just going to be Monday.
  • The Pentecostal Group  is quiet as they were told to be quiet and not send audios. They have started paying their leaders but I don’t know much as a lot is under the radar and they were told to be quiet.
  • Private contractors  are still getting paid. I saw the documents and certificates. I saw one and there were so many zeros I couldn’t count them all. Most of these amounts go to humanitarian projects.
  • We’ve been told this is the week we’ve been waiting for  , and I know we keep saying that and it is, and it’s absolutely stressful hearing the same thing every week, I don’t like being told the same thing every week. Please have faith that it’s coming.
  • This audio came out a few hours ago: “Pastor, Pastor, it is official that the Global Blackout has been called  , and at this moment everything is at a standstill – Nesara and Gesara have now entered. Please watch CNN now…” I don’t watch CNN.
  • Reports received on July 18 are encouraging  : 25,000 Dubai 1 debts have started to be paid. 12 trigger funds (p—) to be paid  today or tomorrow  . 10 to 12 mega file sellers will receive contracts in the  next few days  , Dubai 2 buyers will receive funds in the  next few days  for their pre-selected and initial files.
  • The new Iraqi Dinar exchange rates will FINALLY be published directly on Forex screens on Sunday evening, July 21, 2024.
  • NOTE:  As usual – Keep in mind that all of these events are subject to normal setbacks, but there are many positive signs to support these claims. We shall see.
  • In a conference call this morning,  they confirmed the completion of the pilot test and its full payment  before the end of this week  . This pilot test is a requirement of the procurement table to start the entire process which is scheduled for the  end of next week.
  • Today they will send us instructions  that include the payment process and inspection letter to the warehouses where the material is located.
  • So that’s what’s happening right now.  I have absolute faith that it’s coming. I expect that we’ll get notifications to the Tier4B group  any day now.  It’ll come when you least expect it. With the blackout and things coming from different channels.
  • I was on a zoom call with my group  and they all said that this is the end of the old system and now we will see the new system coming. Let’s wait and see. Stay in faith. It is definitely coming.

Fri Jul 19, 2024 Bruce: 

At the end of the Republican Convention and President Trump’s speech,   there was a balloon release of tons and tons of gold balloons. Our source tells us that the gold balloons are symbolic in two ways: 1) The balloon release was indicative that all the funds we, bondholders and intermediaries were waiting for, were released at the time of the balloon release. 2) These balloons were gold and indicative that we are back on the gold standard. As for our start, our source tells us that we should be notified and prepared for exchanges on  Saturday, July 20th or Monday, July 22nd.

Fri Jul 19, 2024 MarkZ: 
  I have some Iraqi contacts telling me that things are resolved.  They say we could see a new tax release as early as today.”


Trust the plan.
Trump trusts.



My Fellow Americans


What You Are About to Go Through Will Be Very Painful!
BRICS to stop using the US dollar
BRICS to stop using the US dollar

BRICS to stop using the US dollar –  Saturday, July 20, 2024

In a significant shift away from the U.S.-led global financial system, Russia and China have achieved near-complete de-dollarization in their bilateral trade, with over 90 percent of transactions now conducted in their respective national currencies, the ruble and the yuan. This milestone is part of a broader strategy by both nations to reduce dependence on the U.S. dollar and strengthen their financial sovereignty.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin highlighted this achievement, emphasizing that it demonstrates a near-complete de-dollarization of economic ties between the two countries. In 2023, trade between Russia and China saw a substantial increase, growing by 26% to reach $240 billion. This growth can be partly attributed to Western sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, which have prompted Moscow to seek closer economic ties with Beijing.

This trend continued in 2024, with trade volumes between the two nations increasing further to set a new record of $200 billion in transactions. In addition, Chinese banks operating in Russia stopped processing trade deals in dollars and euros, prompted by new US sanctions. This shift to over-the-counter trading has complicated access to reliable prices for the Russian currency.

The Moscow Exchange reported that the yuan has become the most traded currency, overtaking the US dollar. A significant portion of foreign exchange trading is now dominated by the yuan, indicating a broader trend among BRICS nations to reduce dependence on the US dollar. Discussions about establishing a new BRICS currency to rival the US dollar have gained momentum in recent years.

This move towards de-dollarization is a significant development in the global financial landscape, although the US dollar remains dominant in global financial markets. These efforts by Russia and China represent a substantial step towards diversifying their economic partnerships and establishing a more multipolar financial system.

As the two nations continue to strengthen their financial ties, the rest of the world is watching with great interest. A reduced reliance on the US dollar could signal a shift in power in global finance, with countries seeking to regain control over their financial sovereignty and reduce their vulnerability to US-led economic sanctions. The success of Russia and China’s de-dollarization strategy could encourage other nations to follow suit and contribute to the further diversification of the global financial system.

In conclusion, the de-dollarization trend between Russia and China is a crucial development in the global financial landscape. With the near-complete de-dollarization of bilateral trade and an increase in trade volume, both nations are taking significant steps towards financial sovereignty. As they continue to lead the way in de-dollarization, the rest of the world will be watching closely to see the potential implications and opportunities this shift may bring.

Watch the video below from Fastepo for more information.

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