You are currently viewing New Moon of The High Priestess ~ Gene Key 64 – The Aurora *  Gateways ~ TWIN FLAMES ALIGNED ~ Mysteries of The Magdalene Rose Path
A lady and her cat under the moonlight

New Moon of The High Priestess ~ Gene Key 64 – The Aurora *  Gateways ~ TWIN FLAMES ALIGNED ~ Mysteries of The Magdalene Rose Path

New Moon of The High Priestess ~ Gene Key 64 – The Aurora *  Gateways ~ TWIN FLAMES ALIGNED ~ Mysteries of The Magdalene Rose Path

Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand

Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sacred Star Warriors of  our Rainbow Tribe of New Eden

The September mysteries and alignments are bringing in Higher Dimensional Codes and Keys for our Freedom in the Light.

Our local Soularis continues to send our Inside Ground Crew Team of the 144 Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing 9 C Class Soular Flares and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.36 at 16:02 UTC.

We also had more white spikes of light appearing on the Schumann Charts again today as Mother Earths heartbeat reached higher amplitudes of 33 hz, 38 hz, 40 hz and a big blast of the White Ray at 49 hz. Fifth Dimensional Resonance holding steady in the Crystalline Core of Pachamama.

Keep Holding the Light and the Highest Timeline as we are breaking through all time loops, all cycles within cycles and into our Pure Land of Buddha Consciousness.

As we continue to turn the Wheel of Dharma, we Live our Truth with Heart and navigate through all illusions, false projections and delusions to free our Self and all Sentient Beings from the cycles of Samsara and release all from simulations of separation and suffering, once and for all.

Be sure to take a moment and Smile into your Sacred Heart Center, release and let go of anything that remains from the false 3d matrix, and smile smile smile to uplift, elevate and ascend, and ground, ground, ground to anchor in our Highest Ascension Timeline into the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things.

We end this Game Now in the Love and Light of Infinite Source Creator and break through and break free from all that has shackled us in the past and heal all wounds and pain to become the Wayshowers and Avatars of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33 of the Universal One…A’Ho!




Baby Sage
Baby Sage




The Heavy Lifting is Over


Remember it’s ALL Cycles.
Not linear time.
We’ve been in Galactic Time for a few years now
How do you implement an ENTIRELEY New Time Cycle in a 3D linear frameworks?
That’s how.
How many cycles you ask?
No one can really answer
You can FEEL it in your Heart
When we ALL resonate to the SAME rhythm
That’s when things Fundamentally change.
❤ Valerie
freedom of expression
freedom of expression


You are closer to the moment of upliftment into the Fifth Dimension than you may perceive at this time. You are also more activated than you may think. Your Heart Center, Third Eye, and Soul Star have been clearing and aligning, as you are receiving more of the Fifth to Seventh Dimensional energies into your being, and radiating them outward. Meditate and allow yourself to feel these activations and shifts taking place within you.
It does not matter how bright or how dark events in the outer world become, your ascension is not determined by the plays of matrix. You are ascending right now. This isn’t something that occurs at the push of a button. If it were that simple, why did it not take place in 2012? Why did it not happen 2000 years ago with the energies that Jeshua and the masters of those times helped to anchor? Why did it not unfold just prior to the demise of Atlantis?
There is a Cosmic Clock and a Divine Plan in effect here. From the Spiritual Hierarchy, to the Federation of Light, and the 144,000, as well as the energies and support provided by the local planetary and solar bodies. All must be ready and in alignment for the shift to take place in a flash. You stand at the precipice of the shift of the ages.
Fifth Dimension and New Earth
Fifth Dimension and New Earth

Gene Key 64 – The Aurora

September 3rd – 9th 2024

Confusion – Imagination – Illumination

“The 64th Gene Key, along with its Programming Partner the 63rd, are such an extraordinary pairing. The whole I Ching can be reduced down to four Gene Keys – the 1 and 2 and the 63 and 64, the bookends which mystically contain all other Gene Keys.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Key 64 – The Aurora
Gene Key 64 – The Aurora

2 weeks to go before we enter the mighty powerful transforming “ECLIPSE-EQUINOX-ECLIPSE” Corridor!

Energy Codes are soaring as they approach the Summit….in the midst of the peaked Exorcism activity.
The Roller Coaster is climbing Mount Everest before it touches the Point of Pyramid and begins its hurtling rapid descent when, the body of Earth and Humanity shall start to shake and quake under the weight of Exorcism.
Remain and maintain Joy!

Divine Energy Works

A powerful Solar Explosion occurred on Sept Ist 2024 on the far side of the Sun, ejecting one of the largest Plasma Clouds in recent years at a speed of over 1,500 km/sec. Despite being mostly hidden from Earth’s view, the flare produced an M5.5 radiation burst. No visible sunspot groups were identified as the source, suggesting a new, possibly large sunspot group just beyond the Sun’s eastern edge, which could become visible tomorrow.
The Solar Cycle Index for August 2024 reached an unprecedented average of 215.5, setting a record not only for the current 25th cycle but also surpassing the peak of the 24th cycle in 2012-2014. This level of solar activity, comparable only to the early 21st century, was unexpected by scientists, as models predicted much lower values. While there has been a significant increase in Solar Flares and magnetic storms, the most powerful events occurred in May 2024.

9/3/24: Old Earth conditioning teaches that the saying “put your heart into it” just means more effort and work. New Earth teaches that we can use our heart energy instead to lift us out of a frequency where it seems we’re not giving enough… and into a higher vibration of easy and natural creativity and passion.
Working at this higher heart level changes your perspective from “I have to” to “I get to.” This is yet another way to increase your personal power and put you into a more advantageous mindset. Today wants you to find the positives in your work and all areas of your life. It is a lovely energy for using your heart as it is meant to be used.
put your heart into it
put your heart into it


September is HERE, Preparing YOU to Command Consciousness into Form! The imminent Saturn opposition is a “lasso” pulling it ALL together.

We are ALL preparing for the post-equinox world!

Bring a hand to your heart and relax into a nourishing Avesa Breath. May your heart KNOW that YOU ARE commanding consciousness in all-ways! Your body is the temple! Your consciousness is the access to every mystical chamber waiting for you to remember & unlock.

The key?

Learning how to remember & recognize

this wisdom as eternal in-power-ment.

Within your experience of this life in form is your Abundantly expansive Divine mastery Presence.

Imagine the potential of your life when you activate this power into the active gift of JOY! With remembrance, you step into your Cosmic nature beyond the mind of form. The place where Power & Joy balance each other into Sacred Union Partnership.

The stability that invites us to BE the living Self-Ascended Presence.

The attainment of the Perennial Philosophies through the mastery of the Yoga of Self-Ascension.

The moment that expands the depth of your awareness while inviting the eternal smile of KNOWING.

TODAY the potency of Commanding Consciousness into Form is yours to remember and claim. Get comfortable and REMEMBER your ability to call it ALL foward into NOW!

I LOVE YOU and am honored to walk this journey with YOU!



Starfleet Commander
Starfleet Commander






This is a truly sacred time.
The Twin Flames have slowly, almost hypnotically, reached the ability of a new state of being within the flow of aligned syn-chronisation/syn-chronos/syn-time to each other.
This is something that we have been preparing for.
This level is totally new.
The Medicine Wheel has released its soul remedy for the Twins!
A deep soul healing restoration is taking place.
When this will start being fully embodied,
a new form of enlightenment will also fully take place and new horizons will open up….
this has already begun.
A new kind of adjustment, redirection and health of the chakras is only a part of the syn-chronisation.
They will sing new songs to new tunes and harmonies!
This is a switch in consciousness and a lesson in love.
Love heals everything as all pieces are getting into place.
A pure and sacred state of inner innocence in love, free from words or explanations.
The dance of the Yin and the Yang is only beginning and its meaning is only starting to be felt and understood.
How can someone describe
pure consciousness, pure being,
pure presence and essence and pure love?
We are Ascending via purity.
“The healing of the heart chakra will positively affect the whole human system.
Allow your body to adjust to this deep enlightenment via breath.”
We are so blessed!
😇 🙏🏼 😇
Blessings of Love!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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Virgo New Moon – Womb Wisdom & Interconnectedness of the Web of Life

This freshly minted energy of the New Moon of The High Priestess (Virgo New Moon) is pregnant with High Potential, specifically with respect to the Keys of The Womb Mysteries of The Magdalene Rose Path.
As I had mentioned in my earlier post , interconnection of the Web of Life that connects us and the Natural World and Gaia is the theme of the current activations and initiations that i’m witnessing in my channeling sessions. And on Sept 1 , Pluto moved into Earth Based Capricorn for the very last time and simultaneously Uranus – The Sudden Awakener stationed retrograde in the Earth Based Taurus .
And Now we have the Virgo New Moon that brings in the Energy of the “Earth Priestess”. Mary Magdalene- High Priestess of Isis is the very embodiment of this energy , who embodied the teachings and Wisdom Of Goddess Isis in Human Incarnation.
As I was connecting with this Energy , I was shown how the “Womb Wisdom” carried within the energetic Blueprint of all sentient beings (irrespective of gender) forms the basis of this very “interconnection of the Web Of Life”.
Each one of us is connected to the Planetary Web of Life/ Creation via our own Womb Of Creation ( irrespective of Gender) which ultimately connects to the Cosmic Womb of Creation (and dissolution )…..and hence it is The Very Path to Raise Individual and Planetary Consciousness- The Path of The Priestess.
Embedded in the Womb Wisdom are the Keys to Sacred Union- Balance of the Dark and Light which forms the foundation of Spiritual Rebirth, Transformation, Resurrection into Higher Consciousness, Kundalini activations , Healing and Purification.
So while heightened Womb activations could be felt at this time, watch out for moon blood cycles of priestesses of similar (Heart )frequencies to sync up!!! And on 5th Sept Venus/ Inanna will actually enter the Gate of Creativity at Sacral Chakra!!!
At the time of this New Moon We have Venus and Black Moon Lilith Conjunct the South Node – Ie Union of Light / Venus and dark/ Lilith at the Karmic South Node in addition to the transits of Pluto, Uranus and Retrograde Saturn could throw up sudden revelations ( particularly in relationships ) that require redemption / closure finally to be released of toxic Patriarchal chains for the Womb Wisdom to be integrated and interconnected with the Cosmic and Planetary Creatrix Womb.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
New Moon of The High Priestess
New Moon of The High Priestess


Dear friends, the energies of the beautiful new moon in Virgo are still flowing around, and it will take a couple of days to assimilate these Virgo lightcodes. We are now moving into a little “quiet” period of incubation and integration as we approach the 9/9 portal. Our Sun has been moderately active lately, producing a few M class flares with some coronal mass ejections directed away from earth. Most likely solar activity will increase as we move closer to the opening of the eclipse corridor by mid September.
Meanwhile, our bodies continue processing, clearing, and releasing old stagnant energetic structures from deep inside our being. All the work that we have done during the month of August is beginning to show itself in our newly adjusted higher timelines. But this is an ongoing process, and it will move to even deeper layers as we approach the end of this empowering year.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing physical symptoms related to these deep clearings as a result of the energetic breakdown of ancient limiting traumas. These emotional blockages may be related to your childhood tears, earthly past lives, or even off planet experiences. Memories from the deep layers of our genetic DNA and our soul DNA have been coming up to surface for processing and integration. We are moving now through a window of healing, empowerment, and unification of our past so we can rebirth a more divinely aligned future.
As always, the nervous system is the main focus of transformation, but past emotional releases may be taking place in many other systems and organs. Our ears, eyes, digestive system, bones and tendons, and skin may all be showing some sort of imbalances as we finally purge these limiting and traumatic past experiences. Please go within and try to understand the language of these symptoms as they carry within them powerful revelations that will help you push through during this clearing stage.
The 9/9 numeric resonance portal on Monday September 9 will bring some extra assistance that will further illuminate our integration process. This inner energetic work will be pivotal for the eclipse corridor transformations that will arrive a few days later. Take this time to rest, clear, and find a stronger inner balance as we continue on this healing and awakening journey together.
Stay tuned for more updates as the energies roll in. Have a wonderful day, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ


If you have been feeling a strong urge to protect your energy field from outside disturbance’s or negative influences recently, know that this is the intelligence of your intuition guiding you towards your own inner knowing and wisdom. Within this matrix there always seems to be someone ready to tell us how to think, eat, live, be, etc and this influx of opinions can serve as a distraction that can carry us away from our own inner resources and insights if we are not following our own True North Star 🌟🌈🦅
As we continue to move towards the Destiny Timeline, it is important to have discernment for what isn’t feeling right and to pay attention to the language of the physical body. If something or someone is not meant for you, your body will be the first to alert you. When you are tapped into your system and grounded in your field, it becomes easier to trust your natural instincts and to gain more clarity in situations much more quickly and with greater ease. This is where alignment happens✨
We have journeyed so far and have learned many lessons and gained incredible gifts coming through this passage and we are being encouraged to take the offerings we have integrated thus far and apply them in building the constructs and foundations of New Earth which is birthed through the elevation of our frequency 🌈🗝️
We are no longer rooting around in the stories of the past, especially those that have held us back. We are no longer looping through the same karmic cycles or replaying old traumas ⛓️💥
We are here now to set the Template for what has never been. We are planting seeds of a thousand dreams and stoking the fires of creation and boundlessness✨
You are the sacred Architect of this New Earth. The Divine Blueprint and Holy Scrolls live within your very Beingness, Expression and Essence✨
May any limiting self doubts, inner conflicts or confusions be burned in the fires of Truth as the Holy Phoenix rises from the ashes of transmutation towards her Freedom and Liberation 🔥🦅🌈
Be prepared to start receiving multidimensional support as this will be landing more and more with each step taken forward. Know that fear can always be overcome with courage and you have all the tools needed to get the job done✨
If you hear The Call – then know you are a holder of the sacred seed that is lovingly buried by the cosmos within your pristine, beautiful heart beloved✨
Nurture, tend and and care for yourself now more than ever. It is time to bloom into the Creator Being that you have always been destined to be. That you already Are 🌿💖
Christy Ashley 🌻🌈
Adama of Telos
Adama of Telos

Asara Adams

💜🌟💜 Message from Adama of Telos

“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, Inner Peace is an important key to your Ascension…
As you are moving through your life experience here on Earth, so many things seem to take your Inner Peace…
May it be people, circumstances or your own thoughts and feelings.
Oh, how different your experience would be, if you could experience your life from a state of Inner Peace.
When you respond calmly and peaceful in any tense experience, the outcome will be so very different…
How can you achieve this Inner Peace?
The opposite of peace is fear.
The Illusion of your Earth experience has managed to make you believe that you are not safe here; and that you are not loved and/or loving.
If you look at any stressful or discordant situation you have experienced, at the core is the belief that that you are not safe here; and that you are not loved and/or loving.
If you wish to change that and attain Inner Peace in all situations, we would like for you to turn your attention to the Divine Love of God.
This is where true Love comes from and from there, you will be able to attain lasting Inner Peace.
Here is a little meditation to assist you with that:
Breathe deeply… relaxing. (3 times.)
Now, in your mind, imagine that you are reaching up, above your head.
Perceive a golden white light coming from above.
Say in your mind:
“I AM a child of God and therefore I AM loved by God.”
“I have received God’s Love. Thank you.”
Let these words expand.
Feel these words.
Know the truth of these words.
Sit with these words for as long as you can.
When you feel complete, return to the present moment.
When you do this mediation daily, you are beginning to shift your mind towards Inner Peace.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
Thank You, Adama! 🙂
Channelled through Asara Adams:

We are asked to keep focussed on the end destination and not to get distracted by what seems to be very strange and chaotic times. Switch off literally, all which wants to grab your attention from the old 3D, as it will get more frenetic in trying to grab the attention and trying all the tricks in the book.
You are in charge of your own life as a master, and this includes your thoughts, your words, your deeds.
No one can derail you, unless you allow it happen.
Always go back into your heart and soul, and find love and balance inside.
Remember you cannot create a much higher frequency life, by applying old outdated 3 D energy and methods. Let go.
And then, inspiration will come as new doors suddenly open, you could not see before, and you can lovingly create, moment by moment the life you truly wish to live in the new creation with love and joy!
heart and soul
heart and soul


For The Hu-manitarian Mission Is Accellerating As We Collectively Integrate The Expansive Light of Now.
The Universal Experience Is A Steady-State Of Multiple Light Streams Reaching An Elevated State Of Acelleration To Meet In A Synchronised Stream Of Light 🌿❤
We Ask You To Feel Into This 🙏
Of The Earthly, Hu-man, Universal, Mother Gaia Alignments That Has Made A Steady State Of Synchronished Light 🌿
We Ask You To Expand And Feel The Hu-man Template Of Light ❤ Feel The Incremental But Contast Shifts You Have Been Experiencing, Reaching You And Your Collective Species In This Present Moment 🙏💫
Seek The Light Liberation Of Now As You – We – I Collectively Accellerate This Global Mission Together.
Collectively And We Confirm The Global Assimilation Of Light Is A Free Flowing Living Experience Reaching Your Domain Now.
It is Encoded In
The Living Light Of Your World 🙏
For We Align With The Natural Evolution of Gaia, The Universal Light Streams Of Now.
The Quantum Experience Is A Steady State Unfolding Of Now 🙏
As Light Pioneers In Your Quantum Reality. Your Role Is To Find This Light, Nurture This Light, Expand This Light ❤
The Path Of The Wayshower Is To Understand This Synthesis Of Light Streams, To Learn About The Matrix Of Light In Your World.
This Is An Ancient Art Returning-Activating In Many Now 💫
Observe, Pay Attention To Light
Seek A Heart Centred Approach To Your Existence
The True Harmonics Of Your World Is Calling You 🙏
The Is The Path To Understanding, Feeling, Observing, The Light Of Now ❤
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love 💫
Together In Light 🙏
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
A lady and her cat under the moonlight
A lady and her cat under the moonlight

Light Body upgrades and clearing away stuck emotions that perpetuated turmoil. As the light clears this all out, it will be easier to see clearly what’s been going on, and how it has been affecting you. You can also integrate the lessons and take a leap of faith towards fortune and success. This alignment is reuniting us Starseed with our Star Origins and Earth mission to serve the Light. More remembrance of your Star Home and who you really are as a Galactic Being can come to your awareness. Soon you will have access to the truth of how powerful you are, and the sovereign Leadership role you have on Earth.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Rainbow Crystalline Diamond Light Body
Rainbow Crystalline Diamond Light Body

Ra James

Today we have an alignment between Venus and our North Node. The a planet of love collides with your destiny. Venus in Libra aspects the North Node of Fate and the South Node of Karma. This is a fated alignment. Expect fated changes in love and money. You may feel that you’re at a crossroads in life, and may even be unsure as to what direction to take. One path may feel more familiar and comfortable, while the other be could be leading you into the unknown.
You should always take the path less traveled. This is always the better option. This could be an adventure calling you. The South Node is a point in the southern hemisphere where the Moon and Sun’s orbits intersect that represents karma and past life experiences. This alignment is great for healing and letting go of past habits and relationship patterns. It’s all about letting go of relationship attachments. This is a time of karmic balancing. Today’s conjunction with the South Node in Libra, along with the Sun and Mercury’s interactions with the nodes later in the month are all about balancing your karma.
The focus is on finding more balance in your relationships. It’s all about your path moving forward, and where you’re choosing to go with it. We have a huge focus on love this month. Today brings a lot of positive energies for your love life. Tomorrow mars will enters Cancer. The next few weeks you will be acting based on your instincts and feelings. You will feel extra tuned into your emotions and feelings…
Venus in Libra
Venus in Libra

On Tuesday, September 3rd, the Moon, ruler of our emotional expression, remains in the sign of the Virgin, where it was yesterday for the New Moon in Virgo.

Now she will oppose Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, square Jupiter, planet of expansion into new horizons, and inconjunct Chiron, ruler of healing old soul wounds. Today is a day to release the feelings of restrictions and limitations that hold you back from seeing the potential that lies ahead of you.
It is a day to shift your belief systems to see the possibilities and opportunities that the Universe is showing you. And, it is time to allow the reintegration of your past life gifts and abilities, and follow the guidance of the angels and your spiritual helpers to bring you back home to yourself.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
The Moon, ruler of our emotional expression, remains in the sign of the Virgin
The Moon, ruler of our emotional expression, remains in the sign of the Virgin

Kin 58 ~ White Rhythmic Mirror

The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. The 6th day is very practical, as it’s all about sorting yourself out and clearing out the clutter…whether that’s actual clutter or simply mental clutter. It’s time to re-balance yourself. Each day of a wavespell has its purpose and if you follow each step accordingly, the 13-day journey is more rewarding. Maximize your experience during this Red Skywalker wavespell and get into your ‘Rhythm’ today.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Order and Endlessness’. The Mirror asks you to take a good long, honest look at yourself. Self-reflection is vital as we all need regular reality checks. Some folk are afraid to face the truth but avoiding it only results in living with a fabricated reality. If you take stock honestly, you can then proceed and decide what to do next more accurately, this can only happen when we truly know where we stand. As today is a ‘Rhythmic’ day, clearly the truth manifests re-balancing. It is a great combination of day and number and it is not hard to understand its message.
The Guide today is also White Mirror and so a double helping of reflecting the truth.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Star, so people born on a Yellow Star day will find it hard to accept the truth and re-balance. Yellow Stars are great at seeing the beauty of the world but if the truth is ugly, they don’t want to look at it. Since ‘Art and Beauty’ are not favored today, if you do try to beautify something it may not turn out as expected.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. This suggests that if you seek and find the truth, your dreams have magical potential. They may actually come true! The chances of having a magical dream are likely too, the type of profound dream that leaves you with an important message. Before you go to bed, try asking the Universe for a dream that will help you learn the truth.
The Ally is the Red Dragon, the nurturing energy of the Tzolkin. Dragons are a great help today, providing support and comforting to those who seek it.
It is a Portal Day! This means today has the potential to be quite intense but also there’s a chance that doors can open. Organize yourself and be truthful, this can lead to amazing opportunities.
Kin 58
Kin 58


I organize in order to reflect
Balancing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the Rhythmic tone of equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
I AM a Galactic Activation Portal (GAP)
ENTER ME!!!💥💥💥
3/9/2024 = 3/9/8 = 3/17=3/8=11=2
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 58 = 13 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation
Another POWER packed GAP💥 day meaning it is another portal day aligning with the NEW MOON in VIRGO! ♍ The energies are AMPLIFIED and the focus is on REFLECTION and WAKING up to the ILLUSION that has kept us trapped. Huge focus on TWINS, partnerships and reflected relationships.
Day 6 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of awakening, exploration and NEW ADVENTURES! Today we BALANCE our awakening and exploration, by putting all into ORDER in our PHYSICAL reality. We will be ORGANIZING the SPACE in which we live, work and play!
RHYTHMIC 🛡🗃 Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
A great day for SPACE clearing, energy balancing and using FENG SHUI to organize our living spaces into balanced and harmonious sanctuaries to nurture and comfort us. Inner balance is also featured through yoga, meditation and physical exercise – walking, dancing and stretching. Our inner and outer spaces need to REFLECT the TRUTH of who we are now as souls.
Today’s question is “What distorted REFLECTIONS are arising, in order to restore BALANCE and HARMONY in my life, and our world?”
Divine blessings for laying the foundation for your new sanctuary! 🐬🌴🏝🏡
May we restore PEACE, ORDER and BALANCE to our BELOVED planet. ❤🌍🌎🌏❤
✨May PEACE🕊 prevail on Earth!✨
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF AND HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR 🔎🔎 ETZNAB. DOUBLE MIRROR today!! THE POWER OF ENDLESSNESS. Today is a day encouraging you to gain a new perspective on your LIFE and physical surroundings…
The themes are endlessness, reflection and TRUTH, from the WHITE MIRROR, nurturing and new beginnings from RED DRAGON. and following your dreams and intuitive hunches from BLUE NIGHT..
These energies bring forth healing and accomplishment through our clarity of mind, through the endless solutions revealed to us in the Mirror. We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know THE TRUTH.
Anything that is not in alignment will be stripped away and discarded. The sword of TRUTH🗡 cleanly cuts away all distortions leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build your DREAMS.
The WHITE tribes are the refiners. Their emphasis is on purifying the Spiritual energies within your body and your consciousness, so that you have a stronger connection to Spirit. The RHYTHMIC tone is seeking to bring these energies into greater BALANCE so that you can embody a much higher consciousness and more LIGHT in your physical body!
Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
The MIRROR star glyph also represents a Mayan PYRAMID – from the top view looking down. The pyramid AMPLIFIES energy so together with the GAP day we have very potent MANIFESTATION energies. ✨✨
The DOUBLE PYRAMIDS can be joined together at the base forming an OCTAHEDRON (i.e. Diamond shape) which forms the crystal core of Mother Gaia. By placing ourselves in a Golden Octahedron, or visualizing one in our home we can activate it to clear out the debris, entities, lost souls and discordant energies. We order it to SPIN, pulling in all the energy through spiralling up through the apex and back to SOURCE, or downwards into GAIA’s core, transmuting it back to harmonic frequencies through the golden mean spiral.🍥
A brilliant tool for restoring ORDER and BALANCE to our homes🏠 and environment, especially when used in conjunction with the VIOLET FLAME of transmutation.💜🔥💜
KIN 58 – 6 ETZNAB was the code on August 9th, 1945 when the plutonium bomb💥 nicknamed “Fat boy” was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Three days earlier on August 6th, a uranium bomb – “little boy” – had been dropped on Hiroshima.. creating a huge AWAKENING 💥 on ELECTRIC EAGLE day, for humanity to SEE 👁👁the global picture for the human species.
Although the Japanese were in the process of SURRENDERING, the USA decided to drop a second bomb to “Seal the DEAL” – ensuring WW2 was fully OVER – hastening Japan’s conceding defeat. The United States of America deployed the bombing on Nagasaki, to make clear the strength of its nuclear arsenal, ensuring the nation’s supremacy in the global power hierarchy. 💪💣💥
Many argued the futility of the Nagasaki bombing and the great loss of civilian lives – however since 60 Million lives were lost during WW2 -what was a few more? Nagasaki was a FANTASTIC opportunity to experiment in a real life setting – examining the differences between uranium💣and plutonium bombs,💣💥 as well as analyzing the effect of varying land topography – flat versus hilly terrain on the death toll and affected land mass.
President Harry TRUMAN (GALACTIC SUN) had authorized the dropping of additional bombs on the Japanese cities of Kokura (present-day Kitakyushu), Niigata and Nagasaki as soon as the weather permitted.
Ironically the NAGASAKI bomb💣 had been intended for the Japanese city of Kokura. Kokura was the primary target for the “Fat Man” bomb on August 9, 1945, but on the morning of the raid, the city was obscured by clouds and smoke, from the firebombing🔥💣 of the neighboring city of Yahata, the day before. Since the mission commander Major Charles Sweeney had orders to drop the bomb VISUALLY and not by radar, he diverted to the secondary target of Nagasaki. So it seems KOKURA was saved by a twist of fate, whilst NAGASAKI was devastated – and the rest is HIS-STORY…
❓❓What has humanity learnt from this experience? That Atomic nuclear weapons💣💥 have the capacity to kill large populations of people instantly? 😭😭😭– and yet the arm’s race prevails and nuclear energy proliferates on our planet. It seems the human species are very SLOW in learning their collective lessons!
Death, devastation and EXPERIMENTATION on innocent civilians (as well as soldiers) occurred only too often during the war years, and yet here we are today with the ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN and UKRAINE wars killing thousands of innocent civilians – the majority being children! Mass GENOCIDE occuring ONCE AGAIN.. how the WHEEL of KARMA turns!🎡😥
The RHYTHMIC MIRROR 🔎 is reflecting these repeating patterns, cycles and events through the corridors of TIME, so that we can TAKE STOCK and return to BALANCE.. restoring ORDER from the CHAOS. But only if we are willing to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and see the TRUTH of what the MIRROR is reflecting!
IT IS TIME TO FACE THE TRUTH!! 💥 STOP the GENOCIDE!💣 and BREAK FREE from the MATRIX – choosing to construct a new PEACE filled world.
SUPPORT: RED RHYTHMIC DRAGON 🐉 IMIX provides nurturing and creative energies to support our choices and the creation of our new ideas, options and pathways. Once we have FACED what the Mirror has reflected, we can then CHOOSE a different course – a new direction and a new beginning. IMIX the Mother Dragon assists us in creating this new life especially promising on this NEW MOON in VIRGO. A fresh NEW START for NEW EARTH supported by Spirit.
IMIX gives birth to these new dreams and visions that have been illuminated by the MIRROR, adding FIRE 🔥 and PASSION😍 through the forces of Creation, to organize and shape our physical reality.
The DRAGON tribe🐉🐉 are very active on Earth at this present time bringing forth great POWER, protection and the codes for b-Earthing New systems of Abundance. 💰💎💰
The Dragons of myths and legends always guarded a den of treasures 💰💎💰 for which the fearless Warriors would eagerly battle (often to their demise) in order to claim untold wealth.. Now the Dragons are returning this Wealth💰 to our Planet, and all will be distributed to those with the purest of hearts! 💖
If your finances are lacking, call on the Dragon tribe to restore this balance. 🐉💎💰💖😍
IMIX reminds us to NURTURE ourselves and others, by taking responsibility for our physical realities. In order to nurture ourselves and others, our homes MUST nurture us! Our homes MIRROR our inner state, by creating nurturing spaces, we in turn feel more nurtured and in harmony with the Universal flow of giving and receiving. A sacred healing sanctuary is a TOP priority for the 5D LIGHTHOLDERS of the future!
Is your house a NURTURING SANCTUARY? ❤🏠❤
OCCULT: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT🌃💰 AKBAL is today’s SUPERPOWER assisting us in modelling a balanced life, and using our intuitive knowing to accomplish the collective DREAM of ABUNDANCE for all beings. 💰🌻🍇🍓🍎🍒
AKBALis the MAJIKAL BLUE GENIE⚛ bringing forth the dreaming codes, to manifest our greatest DREAMS and VISIONS into creation. AKBAL is a beautiful complement enhancing RED DRAGON’S CREATION powers through the VORTEX.
When you TRUST what the Universe is reflecting back to you, you will know instinctively that spirit has your back and the abundance, contacts, and resources will automatically flow from your choices.
Allow the SUPERPOWER of AKBAL to redefine your perception of Wealth – breaking the old ceilings and revealing the endless flow of Cosmic Abundance🌞🍇🍓🍎 to manifest in your new life..
In 5D reality there is no “haves” and “havenots” – everyone is EQUAL and every soul has EQUAL access to ALL resources to provide for their needs.
ABUNDANCE for ALL beings is the new “normal”-
Bring IT on UNIVERSE! 🙏🙏🙏 🌟💰🐝🌻🌞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR 🌟 LAMAT – challenges us to bring HARMONY to the chaos and discordant energies, by creating balance and order. But first we need to SEE🙈 and recognize that DISHARMONY exists. This requires a form of DISCLOSURE in order for the TRUTH to be revealed and the lies and illusion EXPOSED. 👀
Ironically the NAGASAKI bombing 💣💥 eventually did bring HARMONY to our world, as the Japanese Emperor, Hirohito (Yellow ELECTRIC ⚡ WARRIOR⚔️🤺– guided by YELLOW SUN – WIZARD wavespell, BLUE CRYSTAL STORM year) officially surrendered on August 15th, 1945.
Hirohito, posthumously honored as Emperor Shōwa, was the 124th emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession, reigning from 1926 until his death in 1989. He was one of the longest-reigning monarchs in the world, with his reign of 62 years being the longest of any Japanese emperor.
In Hirohito’s speech announcing the surrender of Japan he said that continuing the war would “[not only] result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization” A very WISE WARRIOR indeed – who knows when to SURRENDER an unwinnable battle!
The Dreamspell code on that fateful day was that of KIN 64 -the Yellow CRYSTAL SEED💎🌱 which was also a GAP day.. This was a day of coming together and UNITING in PEACE to seed a NEW BEGINNING. A new BEAUTIFUL ERA of PEACE.🕊
The RHYTHMIC STAR challenges us to CHOOSE and CREATE beauty and peace in ourselves, our homes and our greater world. The microcosm and the macrocosm. Peace starts with YOU!
Your old definition of life and how it unfolds, needs to be discarded if it has not served you… Unworthiness must be harmonized and transformed into deservedness, self-acceptance and LOVE. 😍❤💖💞😍
YELLOW STAR asks you to become AWARE of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life.
❓What is the MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process. Open more fully to HARMONY in all aspects of your life. This harmony of self and one’s life becomes the foundation of FREEDOM.🐎🐎🐎
Achieving INNER PEACE and calm is then reflected outwardly in our external environment and all that we create. Our manifestations are the outward reflections of our frequency. By raising our vibe and reflecting our LIGHT we automatically illuminate our world! 💡💡💡
✨It is TIME for PEACE🕊 to reign SUPREME in our lives and our world…
✨LOVE,💕 HARMONY🌈 and ABUNDANCE🌻 are all our natural birthright – AND SO IT IS!🙏🙏🙏
Today’s question is “What distorted REFLECTIONS are arising, in order to restore BALANCE and HARMONY in my life, and our world?”
Divine blessings for laying the foundation for your new sanctuary! 🐬🌴🏝🏡
May we restore PEACE, ORDER and BALANCE to our BELOVED planet. ❤🌍🌎🌏❤
✨May PEACE🕊 prevail on Earth!✨
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Open and ready for the September Gateways.

“The September gateways connect conduits of Kryst/Unity consciousness. This unified activation of the I AM Presence level rapidly changes collective realities and outcomes.
Conduits are more stable now, since our unified Hearts have established a direct reconnection to Source. This enables conduits to hold these higher frequencies without any entanglement in collective fears or external projections.
Many will sense ‘new timeline’ sensations as the Stargates open, which is the Ascension of unified/Kryst consciousness rising into higher realm states of positive co-creation, or New Earth realm states.
As the true power of LoveLight Intelligence increases, conduits of the I AM Presence rise into fully functional organic Creator BEings.”

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