The Heroes’ Journey ~ Holy Grail Sacred Chalice * 9th Gate ~ Everything is moving at the Speed of a Flash ~ Quanta ~ Divine Kundalini
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Star Family of our New Eden Paradise Found
Today we begin a brand new wavespell on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with the Yellow Star as the Gold Buddha Consciousness flows fully through every Living Open Heart Stargate of our Earth Angels of the 144.
We had another massive blast of white light on the Schumann charts reaching a max amplitude of 58 hz followed by another blackout for 5 hours of Void Space as we make a Quantum time leap and shift to a New Higher Trajectory of our New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
We are being freed and released from all future nefarious timelines as we anchor and call in our Highest Timeline of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.
As we navigate in between dimensions and timelines we are entering a New Age of the Golden Christed Ones living our New Heaven upon our New Earth.
A New Tone, a New Chord, a New Octave of Pure Sound has begun to resonate through our Sacred Lands as Mother Gaia sings a new Song of Freedom for all Her Children of the Blessed Golden Sun. We Rejoice… A’Ho!
Through us, the human, our Godly Genealogy is being RESURRECTED! This is the most wonderful and important gift of all! Love and support your human Self, he/she holds your ticket to the True Life!Β
The Divine Kundalini cannot be restored if the ancestral blood line is still ill and suffers. Know your true place, know your blood. Read the book that you are
6/25/24: Itβs hard to explain how much is going on this year. In the big picture, it is the actualization of effort over the last 8 yearsβ¦ the fruition of dreams, desires, stress, struggles, successes, and failures. It is the acknowledgment of your own growth and the steps that brought you here. Now each day takes you closer to a fulfillment and a reckoning. Itβs the balancing of the scales. Today, much soul work is being done beneath the busywork. You might feel this as an activation, an energy buzz, or an adrenaline boost. Some will simply sense an uneasiness or anxious sensation. This energetic enhancement is necessary before you go deeper into Cancerβs territory and into the emotional and intuitive month of July. Youβre just getting an upgrade. All is well.
What is about to happen has never been done in any system of worlds, solar system or galaxy anywhere. The transformation that you are about to experience is unique to this planet. You have become, brave ones, the βshowcase of this universe.β There are millions upon mil- lions of spaceships, with their large crews and passengers, watching you and sending their love and support. It is most important that you let go of all your attachments to how things have been and how they should be. Let go of all your old belief systems and structures. Life, as you know it at the moment, is about to change drastically for the better. The purification of your planet will open the way for the transformation that is now on its way. It is no longer an event that you anticipate for the future, my friends, βthe time is now!β
A much more intense level of energy, designed to bring about the Christing of your planet, began to flood the Earth. This energy is now bombarding the Earth, day and night, and will continue to accelerate and intensify until you are comfortably nestled in the bliss of the fifth dimension. Know that the long cycle of third dimensional life on this planet is coming to an end. Your Earth Mother has now chosen to graduate and to receive the crown of her ascension. This means that very soon, she will host on her body only an enlightened civilization.
I made this journey…passing many doors…more and more quickly…everything was of many colors in nature, but an intense, vivid, and very colorful nature… I was directed to go deeper and deeper within…nature itself, leading to its center…inside our Mother Earth…there was trees with multicolored foliage…then through the sparkling foliage appeared a face…the face of our New Earth…which was taking shape…a face imbued with beauty, and of serenity…I renew myself…this is my rebirth…and your rebirth…all my love and all my life is on this day in you…for the love of everything…Spread joy around you…It is our common Work that is born, it is the divinity that settles in the center of your hearts… it leads you…guides you…in this passage…towards Freedom…
Blessed is the being who now aspires to Ascend to God and Goddess, also through His and Her grace, for you will discover in your Heart the Bliss of the Godhead that will expand your Heart and your being until all the infinity of creation and Godhead will be reflected in you. Fascinated will be your soul and spirit, and blessed will be with the endless ecstasy of finding yourself and the Supreme Source from which everything originates.
And now imagine thus all of us working together, experiencing this ecstasy of full planetary ascension, all being embraced together in the Supreme Divine Heart of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and The Source will find the amazing Ascension of the Earth in their infinite loving constant support, which will open more and more the gates of Divine Light-Love and Ascension to All Of Creation!!!!
Blessed Be
Order of the Star
Divine energy works
As we walked through the June Solstice Gateway 2024, many timelines just collapsed, opening up a brand New Reality. As more and more Photonic Plasma is able to get through the Gateways, Schumann Resonance spikes, bringing Galactic bursts of very high frequency energy, which is being reflected as a Blackout/Missing Data on the Schumann Resonance Reading in the last 24 hours, indicating a Timeline Jump and a huge Recalibration under these energetics.
We are asked to stay ever present with the direct experience of every day life, as we are going through the integration and embodiment of these new energies in the physical, through the wisdom of the body, awareness, acceptance, and the conscious choices. This is the time of sudden clarity, revelations, visions, deep powerful insights on how to move forward, finding the resourceful solutions, that we didn’t have access to in the past. The Vortex of the June Solstice Gateway and Full Moon in Capricorn has brought a truly Unprecedented amount of extremely High Galactic Encoded Frequencies and Light Codes, containing DNA and Light Body Activations and Upgrades, and massive 5D Upgrades to our Chakra System and nervous system. The Solstice Sun has activated a Major Vortex of the Solar Plexus Healing Energy.
The Main Solar Plexus Upgrade includes the upgrade to the Unified 5D Solar Plexus – Heart Chakra – Throat Chakra Column. The 5th-Dimensional Solar Plexus Chakra becomes the center point of Feeling, where the inner Masculine energy takes an Inspired Action only based on the guidance of the Inner Feminine – the Heart, and upgrades the Throat Chakra to the 5th-Dimensional Energy Center of Self-Expression.
Any action that is not taken from the Heart Space, that is rooted in the decision to stay within societal “norms” and conditioning, is leading to further inner misalignment and draining of the life force energy, and we will continue to see the escalation of these energies, with more intense Frequencies, Downloads, and Codes of Ascensional Transformation, bringing in energetic assistance with creating an Individual Reality, based on the highest Alignment with Unconditional Love, Gratitude, pure Authentic Self-Expression, Creativity, and Abundance on all levels.
Dear friends, the energies of this last week of June are being slowly but surely influenced by the initial waves of the planet Saturn in its retrograde motion. From Saturday June 29 to November 15, the planet known as our “life’s journey taskmaster” will appear to be moving backward from our vantage point here on Earth.
During this 4.5 months retrograde period, Saturn’s disciplinary energy will be nudging us to go inward and reflect on all of the areas of life that Saturn rulesβfor example, the ways in which we set objectives, put in the work to achieve our greatest goals, assume leadership roles by expressing our masculine energy, and the ways we follow systems and guidelines. Saturn assists us with setting boundaries, commitments, hard work, and alas, reality checks. Saturnβs energy teaches us to absorb and integrate all of our lifeβs lessons so they can become key stepping stones in our evolutionary journey. As our master karmic teacher, Saturn retrograde looks back over the last few months and years, checking to see if we have done our homework and are embracing the lessons provided.
This year Saturn retrograde occurs in the water sign of Pisces, co-ruled by Neptune, the planet of spirituality and dreams, and Jupiter, the planet of prosperity and success. Saturn rules reality, and Pisces shapes our dreams. Sometimes Saturn takes the role of a strict teacher, but in Pisces, this time we will see some of its softer qualities flourishing. The energy of retrograde Saturn this year wants to remind us to stop being at war with our past, ourselves, and others. It wants us to find peace inwardly and outwardly. It wants us to see that the stories we are telling ourselves, and the shadows and fears we are allowing to consume our lives do not have to rule our reality. We are being asked to find a new more peaceful perspective so we can move forward into higher and more prosperous timelines.
How can we approach this deep Saturnian task? From now until November, for example, you can find ways to practice forgiveness, accept things as they are, and find ways to create security and safety from within. Once we let go of the energetic emotional structures of fear and pain, we can truly appreciate all the lessons that past situations have brought into our lives, and create within us a healthier field for a renewed prosperous and peaceful reality. This Saturn retrograde period will be most beneficial for engaging in personal shadow healing work and ancestral healing/forgiveness of wounds that we inherit through our lifetimes.
As we approach June 29, the official opening date of this year’s Saturn retrograde period, you may be facing some old issues coming back into your life. They will be trying to show you which Saturn aspects still need deeper work and healing in your present timeline.
As we move deeper into the energies of this new season of Saturn retrograde, I will be posting monthly reminders to assist us with this particular process of releasing and healing old emotional issues so we can all move forward into a more peaceful, prosperous, and focused empowered timeline. Stay tuned.
Interestingly, the energy of this year’s Saturn retrograde period will be covering the upcoming eclipse corridor that runs from September 18 until October 2, strengthening the eclipses’ deep transformational effects. Energetically speaking, we have an extremely rich second half of the year ahead of us. May we all use these cosmic and divine opportunities to create brighter and more peaceful horizons in all directions of time.
As we continue navigating this harmonic month, we feel the intensity of the recent transmissions and activations in our light body. Many of you are now healing your emotional female bodies of war memories, especially related to Cathar/Essene timeliness, as well as galactic, as you retrieve your connection to your Monad and Unified Self, and therefore to your soul tribe.
As we progress in our healing journey, we realize the many memories and painful lifetimes that we may remember, or see in our dream phase, come for us to clear these past timeliness, extending this same healing to future generations, liberating them as well from mental and soul slavery.
Many of you are precisely working on reclaiming your sovereignty, by freeing yourself from many unwanted programs and implants, so you can retrieve wholeness within and in your relationships. Many of these implants block your original soul memories, which is why you may feel unable to remember who you are and part of your galactic history.
This is a year of soul retrieval and reconnection. During this month with Cancerian energies we have an opportunity to clear our emotional body, heal painful memories, and liberate our true essence and gifts, by working with our second chakra, linked as you know to our emotional body, and female pillar, which is the left side of our body, related as well to our seventh-dimensional body, that connects us to the seventh violet ray, embodying this full spectrum and opening our blades so the light – wisdom – can freely emanate from them, as it used to be at the beginning.
Some of you descendants from the Blue Sirians and Essenes, and the seventh-dimensional planes, may be especially challenged at this time to clear your pineal gland, for it has been literally cut from its functions of transmitting the light transmissions coming from the seventh dimensions to our physical being.
As seventh-dimensional beings, part of your mission is to anchor the seventh-dimensional codes that you receive from your original birth planes. The more you restore your pineal gland, and sphenoid bone and reconnect yourself completely, the more you will retrieve your connection to the dimensions you originate from.
My Guides invite us to work with an icosahedron to bring restoration and alignment into our pineal gland. This geometrical pattern is associated with the element Water and the zodiac sign of Cancer. When placed in our pineal gland, as a bright white icosahedron, and spinning it fastly in a clockwise position, it helps us to clear it of anomalies that keep us from receiving the divine transmissions and activations that we are meant to.
After feeling the clearing and activation descend it into your second and then first chakra, anchoring the activation, and keeping yourself grounded, harmoniously aligned to the earth as you too are to the Heavens.
The icosahedron is associated with transformation, removing blockages and implants. It helps us retrieve the organic energetic current in our light body, as many times when we have implants their main purpose is to distort the energetic flow, deviating the light we descend from our Unified Self, and hence impeding us to receive guidance.
It helps us release emotional traumas, often related to our sexuality and other emotional traumatic memories, unblocking the insights that the divine descends upon us, transcending the physical realms, and helping us move into the illumined worlds. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things, which is what we need to activate, our multidimensionality, to be able to reconnect to the God Planes.
We are being blessed at this time with loving and healing energies to help us continue our personal mission of conscious reconnection, and above all, recalibration.
It is a time of deep synergy of union and wholeness for those of you who are ready to reclaim who you are and your personal mission.
May you continue remembering the beauty, wisdom, and power of your precious being, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art: Encoded Frequency ( I found this picture on Pinterest without the author; ‘s name on it. However, it is by encoded frequency, thank you so much for your respect towards the artist and include her name when sharing).
Many souls will have a greater sense henceforth, of stepping fully into the fulfilment of their destiny, the ultimate reason they incarnated at this momentous and unprecedented occasion.
As much as the soul has free will, it is within an agreed framework of the soul mission on earth. It goes beyond all earthly matters and concerns, into that path, that call, that fulfilling of destiny, which is greater than the sum of self.
The Heroes’ journey….
No-thing else matters anymore.
Only the heart and soul call, to live the highest truth from the heart of love and keeping the end purpose in sight, the Holy Grail, no matter what comes.
Yet the Holy Grail’s sacred chalice is embedded in the heart and soul.
Youβve created a solid fruitful foundation for yourself. This has included a lot of cellular healing and detoxing so you could get to the bottom of whatβs been hindering you through all time space dimensions.
Everything is prepared for you to receive back your power, confidence, wealth, fun, and wisdom. This is in preparation for the great change that is coming where you will be safe, prepared, and ready to share your light with the world.
Release the fears and use your logic to plan the next steps and move forward. This is a major awakening and expansion into enlightenment where you trust your wisdom to take some chances that will be beneficial for you and your long term goals.
On Tuesday, June 25th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in logic based Aquarius, so we may be able to be a little more objective with our feelings today. Luna will be making a positive connection to Chiron, the Healer and then a challenging square to Uranus, planet of unexpected surprises. There is an opportunity earlier in the day for healing our mental outlook and our sense of self-confidence.
After midafternoon, Eastern Time, we may have some emotional upsets, shocking news, or unusual events happening. Connect to a Higher Source and your Higher Self, and see this as an awakening experience that will lead you to new perspectives. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in logic based Aquarius
Mercury in Cancer opposite Ceres retrograde in Capricorn and sextile Juno in Virgo. Venus in Cancer semi-square Uranus in Taurus. Mars in Taurus semi-sextile North Node in Aries β Maybe weβre tired of hearing it, tired of the promises that our concerns will be heard, tired of feeling babied, tired of feeling like whatever we decide, there are strings attached. If this resonates, relax, breathe into your belly. Ask yourself, what does my gut say here? Honour the promise you made to yourself. Commit to doing the work required to improve circumstances. Know that the harvest will come, even if you canβt yet see any growth.
The heart knows that weβre on unfamiliar ground right now and some anxiety is normal and natural. Value your unique skills and perspective. Love what makes you different. What you are doing counts. Trust that if you continue to apply yourself with patience and fortitude, the way will open. Sometimes a little stubbornness is exactly what is required to get the job done. You donβt have to sit on the fence to keep the peace. Dare to create a life you love.
Degrees and Times
Mars 11Β°Ta41′, North Node 11Β°Ar41′ R β 03:34 (BST)
Mercury 16Β°Cn10′, Juno 16Β°Vi10′ – 03:25 (BST)
Mercury 16Β°Cn44′, Ceres 16Β°Cp44′ R β 10:11 (BST)
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Attract, Unify and Purpose.’ The first day of the wavespell sets the agenda for the 13-day journey. Set your goals, identify the purpose and consciously enter this wavespell in order to get the most out of it. There are 20 wavespells that repeat on a cycle which makes up the 260 day Tzolkin. The order they appear in is important and this is the last one. Because it is the last one, we must consider not just the 13-day journey but the whole 260 day journey that we are completing. Just as with a wavespell, you get more out of it when you think of it as a whole and not just day by dayβ¦the same goes for the Tzolkin. The wavespells and the order they appear is very significant.
βYellow Star`β is the glyph that represents βBeauty, Art and Eleganceβ. Yellow Star days are great for beautifying your world, appreciating art and appreciating the beauty in all those who you encounter. First impressions are not always accurate so before you judge someone try to see their inner beauty. Today is about viewing the world through the eyes of a child, full of wonderment and dazzled by shiny things and pretty lights. It is also a great day for shining like a star…so dazzle if you feel compelled to! Today, you may find you are attracted to all things beautiful, enjoy it …as it is something we do not do often enough.
The Guide for the day is Yellow Star , so itβs a double helping of beauty today.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror, which represents truth, so look out for lies or misleading information. If you are a White Mirror your issues may surface today, try to think of art and indulge in a little elegance to help you through the day. When the truth is challenging, donβt believe everything you hear.
The Occult power today is the Red Skywalker which represents ‘Exploring, Wakefulness and Space.’ The open-minded Skywalker is so much fun when in this magical position. Explore beauty and art today and you shall be well rewarded for your efforts. The more open your mind is, the more beauty you shall experience. Be a little daring and wear things you normally wouldn’t or go places you’ve never been to before.
The Ally of the day is Blue Monkey and so if you need advice, support of just a friendly face, find a Blue Monkeyβ¦.if you are one, you will be a great help to everyone today with a magical spark in your eye, Yellow Star days are really good for you as you have a deep appreciation for beauty and art.
A simply GORGEOUS transformational day of ABUNDANT beauty and creativity!!
We have now completed our journey with the Majestic BLUE EAGLE who forcibly OPENED our EYES to what is happening on a personal and GLOBAL SCALE!! Pulling us ALL out of our individual humdrum lives. Bringing the focus to our collective family, looking at the Higher perspective for the world we wish to create..
BLUE EAGLE has revealed many clues as to WHERE we are headed and holds the GRAND VISION for HU-MAN-ity to MANIFEST it into our New Reality… and now the MAGNETIC STAR is about to take CENTER STAGE!
Today we commence our new journey for the next 13 days with the elegant YELLOW STAR as our guide. This is the FINAL WAVESPELL in the Sacred
Tzolkin Calendar and on SUNDAY 7th JULY 2024, we reach our final destination, the ultimate stage of enlightenment – YELLOW COSMIC SUN – tribe 260!!
This is the FINAL day of our EPIC journey through this CURRENT evolutionary spin of the Tzolkin!
We now have 13 days remaining to get to the TOP of this peak and achieve ultimate re-union with our cell-ves and our SOURCE through our mighty I AM PRESENCE!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetizing all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in PURPOSE, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.
Today we are seeking to attract ART, discovering more BEAUTY in our lives. We are seeking to UNIFY with all our Planetary kin through HARMONY… The attraction seeks to UNIFY all as ONE as we collectively manifest our new 5D Earth together!!
MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY! This will also be the THEME for this wavespell – UNIFICATION in experiencing the New Time as ART through the power of pure Divine HARMONY and GRACE.
Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY in this world, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix, in order to experience my life as a living work of ART?
And SO IT IS beloveds – a very beautiful and fortuitous journey ahead through this wonderful YELLOW STAR wavespell –
Divine blessings for attracting all that you require to SHINE BRIGHTLY. Aho…dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: YELLOW MAGNETIC STAR LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace, peace and HARMONY. LAMAT holds the coding for the NEW HARMONIC TIME and the 13:20 Synchronic timing which bring us back into the FLOW of the Cosmic cycles.
The old paradigm was built on a false artificial time Matrix of 12:60 frequency. This took humanity out of alignment with the flow and rhythms of the NATURAL world… which created the great “disconnect” from our SOURCE. Consequently we became enslaved, and brainwashed to believe that “Time is Money”, falling into the TRAP of “working 9-5” in the rat race!
LAMAT the beautiful shining STAR is here to show us a BETTER way of living…
LAMAT is a portal opening the doors for HU-MAN-ity to walk through to another realm. To access this realm all you need to do is CHOOSE to align with the Harmonic Matrix of Natural Time – the 13:20 frequency of the DREAMSPELL which aligns you with Nature/Gaia and the Cosmos.
Within this alignment you are then FREED from TIME – as the new equation becomes TIME=ART...
At this phenomenal stage in our evolutionary her-story we are currently experiencing unprecedented EVENTS. The PURPOSE of which is to AWAKEN us and FREE us from the old patriarchal control Matrix. We have been forcibly extricated from our old lives, habits and routines. Removed from jobs, schools, hobbies, addictive behaviours and patterns and the old way of living and thinking. The economic, social, political and financial systems have all been impacted and are up for a grand “rethink”, as we as a Global family decide what stays and what goes – in order to shape our new and better Global framework.
Now humanity has been re-UNITED with their loving families, extricated from their old lives – through all this social upheaval of the last few years. During the ‘TIME-OUT” phase, people had new opportunities to be STILL, and ponder the meaning of their lives, and that of our Global family.
LAMAT is challenging us all during this cycle to rethink our “priorities” – what is most important to bring us – and our families, more happiness and joy in our lives. We need to be more CREATIVE and reconsider HOW we can experience more JOY, BLISS and satisfaction – so that our life becomes a living work of ART... something beautiful to LOOK at, and even more joyful to CREATE!
YOU are the ARTIST and so it is time to CREATE – paint a new picture for your life!
Today we have TRIPLE YELLOW STAR energies – so it really is the day to SPARKLE empowering us to step up as sovereign STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS!
The YELLOW STAR resonates with the VENUSIAN energies of BEAUTY, love, harmony, peace and ABUNDANCE. This cycle is
beckoning us to walk through the GOLDEN DOORS and truly CLAIM our rightful INHERITANCE of prosperity, joy and harmony.
This 13 day YELLOW STAR cycle is highlighted through the qualities of the PEACEMAKER and diplomat striving for Universal PEACE and HARMONY… All perfectly synchronizing with this final wavespell of LAMAT – the beautiful YELLOW STAR What a GIFT!!!
LAMAT ignites your CREATIVITY today and unleashes your store house of GOLDEN energy within your solar plexus chakra. The YELLOW STAR is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art and craft, singing, dancing and creating beautiful music!.
LAMAT provides perfect energies for healing any disharmonious relationships, particularly relating to twin flames and soul families. All this beautiful energy will lead you to HARMONY within yourself, and your outer reflection, assisting greatly in facilitating healing and reminding you of the natural beauty in our world.
The star glyph of LAMAT is an actual PORTAL which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond.
This LAMAT PORTAL is OPEN for this whole 13 day cycle, flooding our Planet with BRILLIANT Ascension codes and frequencies. So prepare to be FLOODED with greater LIGHT and JOY
Take the time today and during this 13 day cycle to LOOK into the opening of the LAMAT star glyph whilst meditating in order to enter this mystery. If you wish to tune in and access the energies of LAMAT, visualize sparks of gold against the blue of twilight skies bringing forth the cascading wisdom of the stars!
VISUALIZE and give DIVINE GRATITUDE for the GOLDEN STARRY LIGHT carrying forth the infinite LIGHT codes from throughout the galaxy.
SUPPORT: BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY – CHUEN brings forth the presence of pure MAJIK today… The MAJIK of feeling the BEAUTY of being connected as part of the Harmonic symphony that is currently being orchestrated on our beautiful planet.
As we receive the majikal vision of what is possible for us and our planet, we can magnetically attract this beautiful life. . Holding presence as our pure innocent Divine child, uniting with our kin in playful joy and creativity, trusting in the majik of our Divine SOURCE to lead the way home again.
Our innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine spirit to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
Tune into your Divine innocence today to tap into the spontaneity and joy that flows from this re-union with your SOURCE – the ultimate origin of ecstatic BLISS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED COSMIC SKYWALKER– BEN beckons us to AWAKEN, EXPLORE and EXPAND beyond all perceived limits. BEN is guiding us to bravely step out of our comfort zone and boldly go into new territory, revealing untold beauty and adventure.
The SUPERPOWER of the COSMIC SKYWALKER is to become the Divine conduit between Heaven and Earth – anchoring this endless BLISS flowing throughout the COSMOS.
BEN shows us that the SKY IS THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation. So AIM high! MOVE the bar up HIGHER and soar to new heights of creativity and expression.
We have TRAINED and prepared for this moment for EONS… so it is TIME to take the SPOTLIGHT on center stage – as we become the divine conduits, anchoring the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
BEN is holding our hands and guiding us to these new realms we are co-creating.. EXPAND your purpose and REACH for the STARS.
It is TIME to rise up and FLY as we manifest together the highest potential for BEAUTIFUL LIFE here on our divine planet, manifesting BLISS on EARTH!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE MAGNETIC MIRROR – ETZNAB is SHATTERING the old illusory false time Matrix today.. Using the sword of TRUTH to cut away ALL that is extraneous to the endless order of a new PARADISE.. Reflecting the divine patterns of pure unadulterated truth.
We are at a crossroads and given the CHOICE today, whether to stay in the endless chaos and confusion of a manufactured reality, or to consciously CHOOSE to BREAK FREE and BREAK out of the BOX!!
ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in ALL things and to attract the most PURE and POSITIVE high vibrational frequencies – elevating our LIGHT quotient in our bodies in order to evolve. Surrendering to being a pure REFLECTION of ALL THAT IS, we wish to attract and magnetize in our lives.
Today we revel in the pure REFLECTION of what such a world of BEAUTY would LOOK and FEEL like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace. That world is HERE NOW – the foundation has been laid… now we must fully welcome this New Way Dreaming into our everyday lives.
Our collective consciousness is SHINING today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE and SHINE through connecting with our Planetary kin, through our creative expression and Divine Service. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into. Pure knowingness as we experience ourselves as part of the patterns of Nature, full of STAR WISDOM.
Remembering ourselves as the ancient and wise STAR beings of legend and folklore, influenced and interconnected with the movement and dances of the celestial STARS!
Use the portal of LAMAT to call forth (with sincere intention) your Higher Universal Self to merge and unite in your Galactic Mission to humanity.
Turn up the volume on your LUMINOSITY
Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY in this world, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix, in order to experience my life as a living work of ART?
And SO IT IS beloveds – a very beautiful and fortuitous journey ahead through this wonderful YELLOW STAR wavespell –
Divine blessings for attracting all that you require to SHINE BRIGHTLY. Aho…dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now.
Reiki Healing Guided Meditation | Connecting with Universal Energy with my Sacred Condor
Welcome to our Reiki Healing Guided Meditation! This session is designed to help you Connecting with Universal Energy and activate inner peace, balance your energy, and promote deep relaxation and healing. Whether you are new to Reiki or have experience with this powerful healing practice, this guided meditation will support you in connecting with universal life force energy.
What to Expect:
Calming Environment: Begin by settling into a comfortable position in a quiet space. Light a candle or use essential oils if you wish to enhance the ambiance.
Guided Relaxation: We will guide you through a gentle relaxation process, helping you to release tension and calm your mind.
Reiki Energy Activation: You will be guided to visualize and feel Reiki energy flowing through your body, clearing blockages and restoring balance.
Chakra Balancing: The meditation includes specific focus on balancing and harmonizing your chakras, aligning your energy centers for optimal well-being.
Affirmations and Intentions: Positive affirmations and intentions will be used to reinforce healing and inner peace.
Closing and Integration: We will gently guide you out of the meditation, helping you to integrate the healing energy into your daily life.
Benefits of Reiki Healing Meditation:
Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Balances energy and chakras
Enhances emotional and mental clarity
Supports physical healing and well-being
Increases feelings of peace, love, and joy
Who Can Benefit:
This meditation is suitable for everyone, regardless of experience level. Whether you are looking to alleviate stress, support your healing journey, or simply wish to enhance your sense of well-being, this Reiki Healing Guided Meditation is for you.
Preparation Tips:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
Wear comfortable clothing.
You may want to have a blanket or pillow for added comfort.
Keep a journal nearby to note any insights or experiences after the meditation.
This guided meditation lasts approximately 16 minutes, making it easy to fit into your daily routine.
Join us on this journey of healing and transformation. Allow yourself to be open to the universal life force energy and experience the profound benefits of Reiki Healing. Thank you for being here and for choosing to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
I consecrate my life this day to the service of God, the Good, so that only perfection takes shape in my brain. May my feelings remain calm, loving, kind, helpful and happy. May my eyes only see Perfection. Let my ears only hear Perfection. Let my lips only speak Perfection. May my hands only heal and bless.
Let my feet be messengers of Good. May my body be strong and willing to be an instrument that carries everywhere the Perfection of God to pour the light and healing radiation that this universal sea of life becomes a river channeled through the door of your conscience, mold healing energies through my thoughts and feelings, through my memories and every cell of my physical body, healing me, purifying me, becoming an instrument suitable for the service of the divine plan.
What I ask for myself, I also ask for my loved ones, for all those servants in the light, and for every being that belongs to the evolutions of the Earth. Thank you
Presence of God I AM in me
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