Humanity is Moving through the Biggest AWAKENING Process ~ HUGE BLESSINGS OF HEALTH! * GOLDEN YELLOW FLAME ~ Calling all Goddesses!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Cosmic Keepers of Galactic Star Knowledge
We have massive higher energetics of Source Creator flowing into this realm assisted by our local Soularis releasing consistent Soular Flares over the past 24 hours. We had over 14 C Class Soular Flares and another Trinity of M class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.84 at 8:56 UTC.
We also had higher resonance pulses in Mother Earths “heartbeat” appearing on the Schumann Charts at 18 hz, 22 hz and a big patch of white light at 26 hz. 5D frequencies holding steady in the Crystalline Core of Gaia.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation on her Pacific Ring of Fire, in the Andes Mountains, home of our Sacred Condors, with a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Bolivia, South America at 10:38 UTC.
Today is very auspicious day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar and another of the Clear Prophecy Signs found on the Tomb Lid of Mayan King – Pacal Votan in the Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque, Chiapas in Mexico with KIN 60 YELLOW GALACTIC SUN. This is also the Galactic Signature of Pacal Votan who was a very ENLIGHTENED leader of the Mayan People.
Many of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are Timekeepers of our Universal History holding the Divine Gnosis within their DNA waiting for the right moment in Eternity to be activated and Codes to be turned on to fulfill their mission of Awakened Consciousness.
Today is a powerful day of Enlightened Right Action.
A Meditation Mind is a Mind that is Open, Simple and Free. On the Spiritual Path of Awakening there is nothing to attain, only to realize your True Nature of Pure Awareness. For all things are perfectly resolved in the Unborn Natural State of Buddha Mind.
We are very much on the edge of this Spiritual Evolution to make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our Fifth Dimensional New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
You are on the frontline of the GLOBAL AWAKENING of mankind. You are an infinite being with SUPER POWERS.
Step up and align yourself with your destiny. Nothing can stand in our way.
We are the ones we have been waiting for. The world belongs to us not the elites.
Calling all the Goddesses!
Venus, Moon, Lilith, Juno, and the South Node are all conjunct in Libra. This is quite a remarkable alignment – It’s rare to see all the goddesses aligned in a conjunction like this.
Venus, Moon, Juno, and Lilith represent the many facets of the goddess: the lover, the mother, the wife, and the temptress.
When the 4 goddesses come together, this can spark an epiphany about your identity as a woman; or, if you’re not a woman, about the Yin side of your psyche.
Since the South Node of the Moon is also part of the alignment, these insights will likely come from a karmic inheritance, shedding light on how you’ve learned all these roles from your female ancestors, and the role women played in your lineage.
Our female identity is the sum of all the archetypes expressed by the women in our lives who have shaped us.
In a way, we are every woman who has ever lived, carrying the essence of womanhood within us.
As Humanity is Moving through the Biggest Awakening process
Resolution comes with raising your consciousness. Get ready! Life as you have always known it is about to change. It is sudden and it is radical. It may be an epiphany or a flash of insight that totally revises the way you look at the world. It may be an emotional breakthrough. Or it may be an upheaval in your life or in the life of the world around you. It is up to you how you will respond to the crisis. Will you let it crush you, or will you allow it to transform you?
The energy that is released in the aftermath of crises has the potential for enormous creativity and transformation. The whole humanity and species is undergoing a collective death-rebirth process. Remember true awakening is achieved with inner work and not just with the accumulation of information.
As you continue to open your Self up to the life of the Spirit, your heart is filled with compassion and you begin to let go of the judgments and criticisms you have made in the past. To live in alignment with your deepest, most authentic Self is not possible without the help of spiritual allies.
It’s this knowledge that keeps us humble. You know that your life has purpose and meaning, and this gives you deep joy and peace. Service to others may not have been part of your life in the past, and it is now. When each person gives their own unique gift to the world, the entire fabric of Terra Gaia is strengthened and enriched.
9/5/24: You will soon notice that each September day represents a duality. Two sides of the same coin, but opposite points of view. Introvert/extrovert. Practical/playful. And all for your benefit, your growth, and your enlightenment. If you remain present and engaged, you will find yourself stronger and better balanced by the end of the month…
because integration of September’s opposing forces must happen within you. You must blend them, harmonize them, and create with them. Today brings stability to freedom. Freedom unleashed is chaos, but when grounded and stable it is magical. You are the alchemist of these energies. And when you master your craft, miracles will result.
Dear friends, as we continue our journey towards the 9:9 energy gateway, our bodies keep trying to find a new point of balance, physically and emotionally.
There have been a few moderate solar flares recently, but overall we are passing through a relatively quiet period energetically speaking, but that doesn’t mean we are not doing deep work. On the contrary, it is during this type of energetic oasis that our bodies have the time to integrate and release all the lightcodes and new information we have been receiving since the 8:8:8 portal.
Our physical bodies may feel tired and weary, and our minds needing more time to rest and wanting to be isolated from the outside world. Intense strange vivid dreams may be present at this time, indicating that our nervous system is undergoing a sort of energetic restructuring and clearing. Constant ear ringing, blurry vision, and a mild sense of underlying anxiety and uncertainty may be present as well. We are truly trying to find a new ground these days, a new more stable and expansive perspective of our selves is being nurtured right now.
Changes in body temperature may also be present at this time, experiencing hot and/or cold areas as the new energy tries to find new ways to flow within our systems. Some digestive and skin issues may flare up as toxins are being released together with old energetic low frequency information. Emotionally speaking, old fears related to survival, financial security, and abandonment may be coming up to surface for further processing, triggering waves of doubts and concerns about the stability of your current timeline. Please be mindful of this process if you experience any of this.
The 9:9 energetic resonance in a few days will be bringing yet another chance to shed old skin, awaken to new possibilities, and align with your highest purpose. All in perfect divine timing prior to the eclipse season and Equinox right ahead. Meanwhile, be patient and kind to yourself, and allow this process of transformation to clear any inner barriers that are preventing you from moving forward into a more expansive version of your self. Have a wonderful day, and stay tuned for more updates.
The new vortex of the Mother has arrived to break down all old structures of pain, distortion and illness I have never seen anything so powerful I expect it to be expressed via physical phenomena also
What an amazing day this has been full of loving developments of liberation and healing!
Remember that your only responsibility is to fully dedicate yourself to your own healing, therapy and restoration in order to create a loving and honest relationship to yourself.
Through this honest position towards yourself eventually all of your family and loved ones will be blessed too no matter how challenging things might be.
It DOES NOT work the other way around.
The key is to always continue!
Do not stop in the face of the different challenges!
Keep on going!
Be courageous!
Once you become conscious and responsible towards yourself you receive the Divine Right to become a co-creator with the Living energy which begins working for you in the most miraculous ways!
Yesterday during our group session the antimatter ladder unfolded.
This was a huge liberation from the old reality and program.
Our astrocharts have been changing greatly, aligning to our future and true organic destinations!
We witnessed the vortex of the Mother/Feminine Principles.
This vortex was said that it has arrived in order to clear all pain, distortion and illness.
This is connected to many developments that will unfold in connection to health worldwide.
It is extremely powerful and it will bring down many rotten structures, programs and beliefs connected to health.
It brings an unprecentented healing in all of the bodies while reawakening the Divine DNA.
Blessings of Health!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
September 5th , Venus/ Inanna as the Evening Star Conjuncts the New Moon crescent at Gate of Creativity at the Sacral Chakra on her Shamanic Journey of ascent and Empowerment.
The Symbol I was shown for this was the Flaming Phoenix Rising from the Womb/ Sacral/ Cauldron of Creation.
Presently, according to Western astrology Venus is in Libra at the South Node Conjunct Black Moon Lilith. Fate/ Destiny/ Karma is the Ruling Queen of this energy. There could be new sparks of connections in relationships or long overdue breakdowns in certain relationships. Either way, the emphasis is on leaving behind outdated Patriarchal perceptions of relationships and self worth and moving into connections (with self and others ) that are more aligned with individual truth resonance , self worth which uphold reciprocity of mutual respect and trust and fuel passion and joy. It’s a time of fated encounters, connections as well as breakdowns.
At the Gate of Creativity, Inanna/ Venus retrieves her ankle bracelets which translates into her/ us reclaiming our Womb Power as our connection to Source Life Force Energy which flows through us via this channel making the womb the cauldron of birthing new ideas/ projects and further expresses itself as our unique creative outflow (writing, movement, sound alchemy etc). This facilitates not only our Creative outflow and ability to bring our gifts into fruitation but also our sense of Self worth and self love via which we are able to reclaim our unique essence via sacred sexuality and sensuality, passion , joy and pleasure.
Inanna is presently in her Leo Metagoddess synodic cycle, the Sovereign Queen of the Creative Fires. It is these very Fires that are being stoked in the womb cauldron- that which pave the way for us to integrate with our Unique Essence and Gifts as Sovereign Queens of our destiny, path and service supported by forging Harmonious Relationships (with self and others ) that hold us in emotional security and stability and radiate out as Joy, Passion and Life Force Radiance.
It’s also noteworthy that this New Moon and this Venus conjunction is what will take us to the Full Moon Eclipse on sept 17. Eclipses are course correctors aligning us with our highest soul Paths , and hence are are officially in the Eclipse Portal of Fated encounters / Beginnings and Endings which will have their roots in the Womb Power- eg sexual trauma / persecution ( inability to fully integrate gifts of creativity, sexual pleasure and self worthiness on account of sexual trauma ) Mother /father Wound ( seeking constant external validation and approval , self sabotage, people pleasing on account of feeling inadequate , insecure or unworthy due to emotional/ physical abandonment or neglect by primary care taker), Witch wound (inability to own and shine your Divine light due to fear of persecution).
I am a visionary and often shown things and when this happens, I think to myself:
“Most of humanity have no inkling of the enormity of what is happening now. Not in the distant future, but in the present, knowing that present and future are one and the same.”
We get blinded by the seeming physical while the multi-dimensional events are occurring on magnificent scale within us and all around us, and so few are even aware of this.
Within the forming and full anchoring in of our new DNA and Solar Crystalline Lightbodies, simultaneously so much more is being activated through light and sound frequencies, sacred geometries, keys and codes, even new octaves of such, ushering in a brand new existence on all levels which we have not known before.
I see these as cosmic switches being turned on.
This is why we sometimes feel as if we are walking between worlds, for now our cosmic soul is being tuned in and activated at much higher levels and this ripples through all our bodies and energy fields. New sacred geometrical patterns are forming, like cymatic patterns and the sacred sounds, light patterns, sacred geometries, light encodements and so much more, are being created within us and synchronized.
It is profound. A total rebirth.
This makes us very sensitive and as our awareness grows, our energetic fields will send information back to us, which we now need to “read” in much higher frequency bands. These signals go directly into our solar plexus, our higher heart centers and pineal and the KA glands above our heads act like huge cosmic transmitters.
Cleansing of the energy fields day and night is a necessity now, to make room for more light, sound etc. to enter and be absorbed. Quiet time, tuning in time, deep breathing time.
It is not now time to try and read the future for your soul, as you are already cocreating the future you in this present moment!
What are you choosing to create? As said before, hold the vision in your heart and as you are being activated now in the highest degrees, never lose sight of that vision. Allow yourself to become it!
We are never given more than we can handle, and indeed only given the flight ticket in time to board the plane into the next planetary and cosmic phase unfolding.
Then surrender the rest into Higher Hands, for all is indeed perfectly coming together in perfect Divine timing, and not in yours.
On Thursday, September 5th, the Moon, ruler of our sense of emotional security, is in the partnership sign of Libra, but is making a difficult inconjunct aspect to Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, in ethereal Pisces. This is about evolving within our relationships. This can be about compulsively playing out old subconscious patterns again and again, and the need to adjust something about how we are perceiving, experiencing, acting, or reacting regarding these patterns. We often connect with souls in this lifetime, with whom we have had past lives with……
so we can learn, grow and balance the circumstances that we have created with them. It is time to release and heal the old ways, and rewrite the stories of our interconnection with others.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our sense of emotional security, is in the partnership sign of Libra
Lunar aspects. Mercury in Leo trine Eris retrograde in Aries – The Moon runs into the gathering around the South Node. It means we’re still mulling over the past, tasting the sweetness of it and the occasional sourness. Meanwhile, Ceres pushes us to stop dawdling and take care of business. ‘Be practical’ she says. ‘Time is of the essence!’ But right now, we feel the need for connection and partnership more than watching the clock. It’s our relationships with others that will be the signature of our life’s work, how well we loved and how well we let ourselves be loved in kind.
Meanwhile the mind is lit up by ideas of all the things we could do, all the ideas for fun and games along life’s dusty roads. Truth-teller Eris isn’t bothered that some of the things we want might cause disharmony elsewhere. Right now, we need to acknowledge what inspires us, even if it appears disruptive. Name what makes you happy. Tell your story. Let yourself be heard. It’s okay to stand out. When you give permission to yourself to BE yourself, it is the flame that ignites others to do the same. Let us all be the light in the world.
The number 8 is called ‘Galactic’ and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Model and Integrity’. The number 8 turned on its side is the symbol for eternity and this represents time as a harmonious, continuous cycle. We live with the illusion that time has a beginning and an end but really, we are all just on a loop. The 8th day is about striving for harmony in your life and by remembering we have plenty of time should help you find that harmony.
Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Life and Universal Fire’. We experience ‘eureka’ moments on Yellow Sun days and so, expect good ideas to just pop into your head. These days are great for problem solving and if you are consciously journeying through this wavespell, today will illuminate the way. It’s a lovely combination of number and day suggesting that these good ideas will help you find harmony.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. This is a really helpful guide and much wisdom and knowledge can be accessed today. If you wish to go on a fact-finding mission, today has the perfect elements for that. When this energy guides us we can feel compelled to share what knowledge we have with others but also seek more knowledge. Today is perfect for planting seeds or ideas, into the minds of others.
The Challenge for the day is White Dog which represents ‘love and loyalty’ and so if you are a White Dog, beware you may get sunburnt. Your tenacious nature may be overshadowed by the bright relentless heat of the sun. Stay cool in the shade and you’ll be fine. For the rest of us; beware that matters of the heart may surface and arguments between lovers are more likely.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing and Birth’. This suggests that there is a magical opportunity today to experience re-birth. Nurture the magic within you and this will aid enlightenment. The Red Dragon is a mythical energy and not easily understood. When in the magical position, there seems to be more chances of new beginnings that happen in a miraculous way. Also because the Dragon is a cave dweller, you may feel like crawling into your cave for some much needed nurturing.
The Ally is the Blue Storm which represents changes and so if you want to make a big change today, find a Blue Storm as they can show you how. If you are a Blue Storm, you will be a great help to others providing support and friendship. Although Blue Storm people can be disruptive sometimes, they really jump at the chance to help others make big changes. It’s what they do best.
A powerful CHRIST consciousness DAY of Solar En- LIGHTON-ment.
Today is another of the Clear Prophecy Signs that were found on the Tomb Lid of Mayan King – Pacal Votan in the Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque, Chiapas in Mexico.
YELLOW GALACTIC SUN was the birthing day of Pacal Votan who was a very spiritually ENLIGHTENED leader of the Mayans.
Day 8 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of AWAKENING to our true selves through exploration and EXPANSION.
Today we use our MINDS to discover how we can EXPAND our thinking and belief systems, to help us EVOLVE, illuminating the co-creation of a NEW TIME of Soul-ar RADIANT MIND.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
TODAY is the day to integrate the new Solar codes and SHINE YOUR INNER LIGHT, very very BRIGHT!
Today’s question is “How can I integrate more LIGHT from my explorations, and discovery of Self, in order to EVOLVE my MIND, and step into greater integrity and EXPANSION of my being?”.
Divine blessings for the evolution of the NEW PLANETARY COMPASSIONATE HIGHER MIND!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Let us welcome the SUN to shine in all its glory to the newly EN-LIGHTEN-ED STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS of the New Earth.
That we may be guided to model the harmonious communities of Nova Gaia today. GALACTIC SUNS shining brightly today, as we all merge into ONENESS, one central SUN returning to our SOURCE through Unity Consciousness.
As you express unconditional love, you become more than you previously perceived yourself to be. You become illumined, the full manifestation of your divinity. In the embrace of your humanity, accept yourself and others unconditionally. MODEL your full RADIANCE today!
Be limitless and EXPAND through any limitations of your MIND. Accept and understand the nature of judgement, fear, light and dark within yourself and others. Love and accept yourself and others as you are, freed from previous boundaries.
You are the dawning of the new SOUL-AR GOLDEN AGE!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW GALACTIC SEED – KAN holds the focus for TARGETING AWARENESS today. As the SOLAR rays keep raising our frequency in greater numbers, the SEED is ensuring we OPEN our petals and integrate the new 5D LIGHT CODES in our bodies.
KAN is the Higher LIGHT-ing energy today, encouraging us to sprout and GROW towards the LIGHT, embodying more of the SUN’s rays in our cellular structure. Holding the presence of the SEED of our own illumination, harmonized by the beauty of our capacity to transcend life, and FULLY know ourselves as pure STAR-SEEDS of Universal Fire, Blossoming as pure LIGHT, EN-LIGHT -ON-ed life.
KAN reveals to us the great potential that exists within us, and the EXPANSIVENESS we can discover, through joining our like minds with others in a co-creative focus to achieve GREAT THINGS.
SUPPORT: BLUE GALACTIC STORM CAUAC continues its cleansing and purification actions today, particularly focusing on your MIND. Releasing the density in order to FIRE more neurons and new pathways within the synapses. EXPANDING our minds and our consciousness with these greater REVELATIONS and Universal TRUTHS.
CAUAC assists us in understanding that the Universal wisdom we seek, is based on the minds capacity to CHANGE and become more pliable, adapting and growing with the new found wisdom. The scientists call this NEUROPLASTICITY – we can literally reshape our brain, and EXPAND our brain capacity through growth and reorganization. As we EXPAND and rewire our BRAIN we elevate our consciousness and can then access our multi-dimensional capacities, unlocking our stellar gifts!
We must be willing to evolve our male dominant logical left brain, and our reptilian instinctual brain, allowing our feminine intuitive right brain to be fully operational now. It is TIME to harmonize both brain sectors. Modeling this change by aligning to the feminine unconscious dreaming aspect, held in the PLANETARY MIND, to bring forth the collective dream of the NEW SYNCHRONIC TIME!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RHYTHMIC DRAGON IMIX assists us in organising our physical reality, in order to nurture our-cell-ves and our environment. Spring cleaning our homes in order to spring clean our MINDS! An excellent suggestion to flush our body, mind, soul and environment of heavy density. This creates a void or vacuum from which new thoughts, ideas and new creation is birthed through IMIX – the primordial mother.
IMIX is creating more SPACE for more WISDOM and LIGHT to flow through, illuminating our MINDS. New ideas, thoughts and whole new ways of thinking, can then enter our brainscape.
Integrating this HIGHER MIND can facilitate in allowing the great QUEST to continue, with the greatest level of compassion to initiate the new birthing, of new projects and common-unities, in our wondrous new world!
IMIX is the Mother Creatrix who births all of CREATION from the VOID – today we have a 13.4. manifesting NEW EARTH code – so use this alchemical power to birth your new creations!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE GALACTIC DOG OC challenges us to FORGIVE and release all forms of suffering through betrayal, trust issues and conditional love. Releasing the need to seek external love, and focusing on DEVOTION to a HIGHER LOVE. A pure DIVINE LOVE that LIGHTS up our HEARTS and our Minds as one.
The Higher Mind is a Compassionate Mind that seeks to unify and accept others as ONE self. As we anchor this new COMPASSIONATE mind, we begin to model the mind of a true en-LIGHTON-ed Master, that can connect and empath others thought forms, anchoring telepathy and the capacity to connect into the collective unconscious.
OC is gifting us with a greater connection to our tribes and communities, through the power of our Hearts modelling UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! Love is the new current SEA.
Today’s question is “How can I integrate more LIGHT from my explorations, and discovery of Self, in order to EVOLVE my MIND, and step into greater integrity and EXPANSION of my being?”.
Divine blessings for the evolution of the NEW PLANETARY COMPASSIONATE HIGHER MIND!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Arcángel Yofiel,
Arcángel Yofiel,
Arcángel Yofiel
Oh! flame of light bright and gold.
Oh! fire so wonderful to behold.
“I AM” that shines in every cell of the brain.
“I AM” who guesses everything in the light of wisdom.
Source of illumination that flows incessantly,
I AM “I AM” “I AM”
Enlightenment, Wisdom.
I AM “I AM” “I AM”
The Beauty of God.
“”I AM”” the Infinite Wisdom that from the Beloved Presence of God, is Projected from the Golden Beam, into the Minds of Every Being in Search of Divine Inspiration.”.
“I AM” the Visible Illumination through my body and my mind right now.”.
“I AM” Invoking the GOLDEN FLAME to ILLUMINATE my inner Consciousness INUNDATING my Whole Being with the Divine Wisdom which guides me on this day and All things are manifested with absolute certainty”.
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