Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Golden Christed Ones of our Holy Ascension Team
Angels of the New Eden!
We are doing this SiStars and BroThors of the Light!! You know who you are and you know your mission, beyond words and beyond all concepts!
Pachamama is rising and shining through this Great Shift of the Ages.
We have a massive whiteout on the Schumann Charts at a higher amplitude of 53 hz and rising.
Gaia is holding the higher resonance, the vibration of Unconditional Love for all her Children of the Sun. As she rises we rise with her. Keep holding the timeline of Heaven on Earth, with your Pure Intent and Divine Will for the Highest good of All.
Our local Soularis also continues to send in Divine Assistance for our Ascension releasing 12 more C Class Soular Flares today and 2 more M class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.24 at 10:14 UTC.
Keep anchoring in and rising while Shining Bright your Blessed Virtue of the Divine Intervention.
Pachamama has also received a massive activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire in the Sacred Portal of San Pedro de Atacama, Chile South America with a magnitude 7.4 earthquake at 1:50 UTC. This powerful Activation was in the Andes Mountains home of our Sacred Condors and Kundalini of Mother Earth and the epicenter was directly on the Tropic of Capricorn, synchronizing with the Full Moon in Capricorn this Sunday the 21st. Also going very deep at 170 km depth. Gaia also received another deep activation with a magnitude 4.9 in Afghanistan at 222 km depth, she also had a 4.4 quake in Russia at 324 km depth and a 4.0 in Japan at 495 km depth. Gaia is feeling this shift deep into her core, into her Sacred Crystalline Heart.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are feeling these activations deep within our Physical Vessels as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, light beings of Eternal Life. Keep feeling your Way through and through and through until total and complete compression breakthrough as SuperNova Guardians of our Universal One.
Nothing and no one can stop us on our Divine Missions of Full Planetary Liberation.
Goddess Speed to our Rainbow Tribe of the Eagle and the Condor of the New Earth…A’Ho!
“To court the 56th Gift is to learn to appreciate all aspects of life, all its myriad layers and levels without judging them, without making any one better than any other. That’s the foundation we have to build – the cornerstone of Intoxication.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
so big is this LEAP energetically that the pressure on the internal soul energies we embody, will be feeling a super tight squeeze of what you cannot take through with you to/in the NEW!
INTENSE PERTURBATION on a HIGHER LEVEL with planetary alignment/gateway portal opening coming from outside of you which is really affecting us internally…
The Divine Feminine and Divine Mother Representatives are being empowered to unprecedented proportions. Individually, this is raising the consciousness alignment with Their Soul Scripts pertaining to Their respective Missions and Divine Purposes upon the Earth at this time. Unprecedented Knowledge is being released from the Heart, the Seat of the Soul, directly into the operating consciousness.
Magnetic Filament release from the SunSon carries a new attribute to facilitate this Divine Feminine Empowerment. It will be necessary for the Divine Masculine to Individually compensate Their Energetic fields with this unprecedented allocation by acknowledgement and increasing Their electrical reception and output, this is done consciously and by just being still for a few minutes with the intention to recalibrate and follow the inner Divine Guidance received to do this.
More Advanced Masculine may be required to ground at this time, whereas the magnitism is unprecedented and it could create a floating sensation, as well as a power drain energetically. Plenty of water is important to circulate the individual field faster to compensate for the over balance of magnitism. Once recalibrated, the Divine Masculine is also Empowered higher in all respects.
The Light Quotient upon Earth is reaching a level now that could trigger individual flashes and minor resets of reality prior to the big finale. It is possible to have the Planetary Ascension Mission accomplished by November 15th, linear year 2024, with Humanity securely in the replacement system/reality, as per Father Prime Creator.
7/18/24: So much is going on inside you this year, and especially this month, that it’s hard to describe, define, or isolate, much less integrate and use. You can feel anything from a vague drifting to a heartful yearning to the tug of a calling. So it’s important to take one more step… the one before you… the next natural, easy but poignant one.
Engage with the present moment. What calls to you? What wants doing? Feels simple and light? Brings peace and satisfaction? Fills you up? That’s what you’re doing today. Especially today when you’re torn between home and the entire planet and feeling responsible for all of it. Your Right Action is kaizen… small steps toward big improvement later on.
Blue Rose Oracles
We are being showered with divine light from the sun, as it sends us powerful solar flares that are interacting with the Earth’s plasma waves. This is a cosmic dance of creation, a symphony of frequencies that are harmonizing our planet and ourselves.
These solar flares are not only affecting our physical bodies, but also our subtle bodies, our emotions, our thoughts, our beliefs, our relationships, and our reality. They are triggering deep healing, clearing, and activation within us. They are helping us to release what no longer serves us, and to embrace what is aligned with our true essence.
Some of the symptoms you may experience are: fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, vivid dreams, increased intuition, synchronicities, and spiritual awakenings. These are all signs that you are undergoing a profound transformation, and that you are shifting to a higher state of consciousness.
The best way to navigate this process is to stay grounded, hydrated, and centered. Connect with nature, meditate, journal, rest, and listen to your body. Trust your inner guidance, and follow your joy. Surround yourself with love, and radiate love to all. Remember that you are not alone, you are part of a collective that is ascending together. We are all connected, we are all one.
This is an amazing time to be here, to witness and participate in the evolution of our collective ascension. We are here to transcend and support the dissolving of old paradigms, to create the new through become the crystalline bridge between the old and new reality experience. We are here to shine, to inspire, to empower, to serve. We are here to remember who we really are, and why we came here.
Let’s embrace the solar storm as a gift from the universe and use it to transform ourselves and our world.
“I am ready to receive crystalline DNA upgrades & activate new templates in my field that are aligned with my soul’s purpose”
“I am integrating the waves of plasma codes from the central sun with ease and I honour my bodies needs at this time”
I am Ashtar, and I’m very happy to be with you for another message through this channel today.
Bringing about change, or being the catalyst to help you initiate change on the planet through these messages is a great honor.
§ Your “intention” to act as a “magnifying glass” channeling energy to “specific areas” of the planet to enlighten and illuminate is now creating that change and having an incredible effect.
§ Little by little, the Light is “piercing everything,” every corner of the Dark.
§ This is a time of great transformation, and disclosure is indeed happening at an accelerated rate, albeit slower than many of you would like.
§ I speak not only of the disclosure of our multitude of ships that are here, but also of the Truth that is emerging from various sources and directions.
§ The truth can no longer be suppressed.
§ The shadows that once hid in darkness are being revealed by the Light and can no longer remain concealed.
§ This “illumination” is happening through you, the Ground Crew, the Starseeds of Earth.
§ When this occurs, “the Darkness must come forward” and
• either turn to the light or
• be consumed by it.
§ Many have chosen not to embrace the Light, but “countless others” are “choosing to return to the Light” and be part of it once again.
§ You, along with other groups and individuals within the Collective Consciousness, are “significantly contributing to this great change” on the planet.
§ You are moving ever closer to bringing about the SolarFlash, the Great Event.
§ Whether the Solar Flash happens soon or at a later date, or if it happens at all, is not as crucial as the fact that Consciousness on the planet is rapidly evolving.
§ This “change in Consciousness” may even Negate the Need for the SolarFlash.
§ “You are advancing everything at a remarkable pace,” facilitating the Great Awakening for many more souls.
Editor’s note: I humbly ask that there be No More Grumbling about “How Long” all of this is taking. Why? Because God, our Creator, wants as many Souls to Awaken as possible! That’s the heart of the matter!
§ All of you are so important!
§ The 144k, the Boots on the Ground, the White Hats, the Alliance, the Galactic’s working with you, the Ascended Beings and many others.
§ Together you are bringing about the Great Changes needed for this planet to transition to the New Earth.
§ The New Golden Age!
§ This Golden Age, reminiscent of the times of Atlantis before its fall, is what you have been striving for.
Beloved friends:
The Dark Forces that once infiltrated the planet are now being removed.
“Initially it was one at a time, but now many more are being taken away.”
Understand that “it is not for you to decide” how these changes occur.
Source determines the process.
“Trust this Process” for the Truth is being revealed.
I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace, Love, and Oneness as you continue your Ascension Journey and Reclaim your Power.
This “power within each of you,” the power of Love and Creator Energy, is the “driving force” behind the Great Transformation.
Dear friends, as we continue processing and integrating the electric solar lightcodes from the recent X class solar flares, our bodies are starting to receive the initial magnetic energy waves of the upcoming Full Moon. The gravitational pull of a full moon event usually begins three days before the actual date, and lasts for three days afterwards.
We are now moving through a period of integration and liberation, in which the recent solar light codes have stirred deep layers of our DNA and made them more susceptible for liberation and release as we approach the lunar energy waves.
This upcoming Full Moon takes place in the sign of Capricorn during the end of Cancer season and the beginning of Leo. This Cancer-Capricorn-Leo trilogy will work deeply on our unresolved family issues. Our emotional fields will be resonating with the need to heal and free ourselves from old karmic patterns that run deep in our genealogical tree. This type of family healing is about our journey of maturation, the journey of becoming an emotional adult, and the process of becoming self-responsible and self-empowered.
Cancer season symbolizes home, nurturing, and unconditional love, while Capricorn represents career, duty, and conditional love. This upcoming full moon urges us to find harmony between these opposing forces. That said, the Moon will be sitting just at the edge of the Capricorn-Aquarius transition, and will actually move into Aquarius just a few hours later. So this lunation is bringing a very complex synergy of energies and lightcodes: the hardworking attitude of Capricorn blended with the innovative ideas and new visions of Aquarius. Overall, this full moon on Saturday/Sunday is asking us to heal our family and relationship issues so we can become a more empowered being, ready and confident to show the world our beautiful Light.
At the same time that we heal and leave behind old patterns that have been keeping us anchored, we begin to move into new directions, new adventures, and new perspectives of the reality of our true essence. Pay attention these days to synchronicities coming into your life. Seemingly random events, seeing repeated numbers, dreams, and intuitive feelings. The divine universe is showing you the way to higher timelines. Give yourself the gift of freedom and the permission to take a few steps into a new enlightened path.
Stay tuned for more updates as the full moon energies keep flowing in.
Many of you are now undergoing a process of crown activation, in which all your sixth and seventh-dimensional channels have been reconnected. When you reach this level, the crown can be seen as a rainbow halo, as it is when implants, imprints, and other anomalies have been healed in both your DNA and your body portals, and you have grown your wings. Now you are ready for the embodiment of your mission, or further aspects of it, as many of you are here as feminine and masculine holders, restoring the earth’s damaged templates.
Those of you under this process may feel confused as you continue under the process of soul retrieval, for as you reconnect yourself, more are the lost soul fragments that return to your present being, healing old wounds and recognizing yourself as the sovereign being where they are to dwell.
Confusion, desperation, sadness, and anxiety are common while this process lasts, for you are removing from your mental, emotional, and physical bodies and soul-level years of unlove, repression, trauma, and disconnection. It is the body, and the ego letting go of what has been so familiar for so long, that now it resists releasing it.
The seventh ray and the white ascension flame will help you in purifying your bodies, at different levels, one transmutes while the other soothes and harmonizes. Both are essential to support other tools we are utilizing for healing and self-reconnection.
Supporting yourselves and your bodies during this phase of mental reprogramming and DNA rehabilitation is essential, so you start shifting old patterns, from the core of your being, and insert new ones, as the human mind functions as a computer, and we can only remove a program when we install a new one.
It is now when many of you will too benefit from the planetary event we have today with Jupiter in Gemini quintile Neptune in Pisces, which can be as well a very confusing energy for many who are experiencing a profound inner shift, moving from duality into a more unified space, as the more we expand into Neptune, the more risk of falling into delusions, escapism, and ungroundedness.
However, for those emerging out of the depths of their beings, who have embraced their shadows, it also offers us the opportunity to see the illusions that often befog us and impede us from seeing with clarity where we are, and what we need to move forward. This is why we need to be grounded and clear our minds and emotions first, so we are strong enough to face what the ego does not want to confront, creating more harmony and understanding for our personal process.
When we are grounded and balanced this transit will help us to dive deep into our emotions, into our soul and mental plane, helping us to dissolve delusions, and human programs, that still govern, and beyond everything limit our mental body, as well as to expand in healing, spirituality, and in our soul mission, for those who are already working in the previous.
If we follow our soul compass, we will learn how to recognize the shadows, illusions, and false programs that cloud our minds, for our feelings never lie, allowing us to see where we are, and where we need to shift our trajectory.
This is a time to integrate change, adapt to it, and harmonize our bodies, for we are heading into three months of constant embodiment and expansion, and our bodies need to replenish from the many memories they are now letting go, and from the exhaustion that we often put ourselves into.
When we honor our personal processes, bodies, and All within Creation, surrendering to what we are experiencing in each moment, we naturally realign with our Divine Source, for we are flowing and allowing God in to orchestrate all we cannot, from our human perspective.
I wish you a harmonic and loving time beloveds.
Take care of your precious selves as you take care of others.
When we finally understand, there is no need to defend, nor attack nor to fix anything, our consciousness expands, beyond the old earth and all within her. All has served a purpose and it has served us well.
Rise the New,Earth and the new humanity of souls who finally mastered the lessons of the old earth duality and realize, there is no separation and in truth, there is only love. They are now ready to apply and live their truth, with love and wisdom, cocreating unity and oneness.
Not because they lack battle scars – but because they chose to heal, to love, to have open hearts and arms and to fully embrace new visions, dream new dreams, embrace new inspiration and above all: They choose to become whole once more.
For the quantum light field is presenting a myriad of light synergies for you to explore, reach, feel and achieve beyond the parameters of now.
The Escalation of the current light trajectory is a pivotal way to explain and share the light dynamics of now. In a steady-state of light, moving expontentially beyond the current synthesis of the Hu-man experience.
We share this to expand your light liberation of the present moment. To awaken the Cosmic Clock within. For the Grand Uprising of Gaia is the ancient light synthesis you are experiencing
This pivotal explanation is now uprising in the crystalline light of your world, as you feel and experience the great accelleration points before you.
I am shown the fast forwarding of a film, to explain the great accelleration that is before US.
A quantum crystalline advancement reaching the physical matrix of our world.
For Accelerations points within the personal hu-man mission come in many forms. As the grand uprising of light is presented.
The Third Eye Synthesis Of Now is an example of many upgrades occurring throughout the quantum light field of the Hu-man form.
Simply Embrace The Grand Changes That Are Before You
Your plans are working out perfectly, leading you to happiness, prosperity, and success. Trust that higher forces are carrying you above the emotional turbulence to your destination. Keep focused on your intuition that is guiding you on these changes that are blessed.
You are in a season of shedding the old off you daily, to receive the results you desire. This includes a cleansing of the sacral chakra for you, and all of planetary Earth, so we are purified of the beast systems, and all the relationships involved.
Continue focusing on the radical changes you are making to rise higher and triumph with success. You will see the results in the next few months ahead.
On Thursday, July 18th, we have Mercury, ruler of the mind, in expressive Leo creating a positive trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in initiating Aries. Chiron brings up our old wounds and traumas and in Aries it has to do with independence, confidence, courage, assertiveness, leadership and self-identity.
Chiron’s energies are becoming magnified right now as he slows down and gets ready to turn to retrograde motion on July 26th. Today, with Mercury, the Trickster, connecting with the Shaman, we are able to bring reintegration where there has been fragmentation in our mental body. Our thoughts and perceptions about ourselves can mend and we can begin to “see” ourselves as the beautiful, gifted, and sacred beings that we are.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, ruler of the mind, in expressive Leo creating a positive trine with Chiron
Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus – As the heat from the Mars-Uranus union begins to die down, the Sun questions how we might embody some of the best of this energy. Even in safety conscious Cancer, we’re tickled and teased by Uranus who asks, what if it could be different? What if you could change? What if you took a risk? Sometimes we box ourselves in, thinking we can only be a certain way in the world. But now is the time to do something different, unexpected or new to shake up your idea of what is possible. Break your own rules. Free yourself.
Yes, sometimes problems arise when you’re on unfamiliar ground, but this energy provides creative solutions if you’re willing to take a chance. Wing it and see what happens, you may surprise yourself! Alter your perspective. Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. If you slip up, laugh – keep your sense of humour. Awaken your inner joker. Let life be spontaneous. Live in the moment.
The number 11 is called ‘Spectral’ and its keywords are ‘Dissolve, Liberate and Release’. As we get nearer to the end of a wavespell, the energy starts to dissipate. The eleventh day releases us from the agenda and allows us to take a break from the theme we have been engaged in since day one. So, that means today you forget about what you started at the beginning of the Red Dragon wavespell. You have permission to forget about it all for one day. Come out of the cave and be liberated.
Today is Blue Monkey and key words associated with it are ‘Illusion, Magic and Play’. Poor Monkey has not been having fun lately because when we go through the Red Dragon wavespell, the Dragon’s energy is too strong and Monkey is challenged by Dragon. But today is different, Monkey gets a break and it’s a double Monkey day as well (number 11 days are always guided by themselves). Monkey may create a little mayhem today or he may create some magic. Keep on your toe, cause with Monkey you never know. The chances of being liberated by magic are very high or another way of looking at it…is that we can be released from the illusion! Permit Monkey to show you the difference between Magic and Illusion today, I guarantee it won’t be in the least bit boring.
Today’s Guide is also Blue Monkey, so a double helping of monkey medicine .
The Challenge of the day is the Red Dragon, and we’ve been going through the Dragon wavespell but today Dragon and Monkey swap places. Look out Dragon folk you may find a monkey on your back. The rest of us might find nurturing hard to come by as there is too much monkey mayhem going on.
The Occult power is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Dogs and Monkeys love to play and so expect some magical fun. Dogs will get a real kick out today and they may feel less tenacious than usual and more playful. Monkey does suffer a bad rep sometimes and we can forget that his superpower is his great big heart. Always remember that when Monkey is trying to teach you a lesson, it’s for your own good because he is a loving Monkey and he cares about us.
The Ally today is the Yellow Star and these people naturally get along with Monkey and so it will be an easy day for them. If you need support from an Ally today, wish upon a star! Or alternatively, call one up if you happen to know one personally. Their sparkly nature is always pleasant to have around.
SPECTRAL TONE 11 and BLUE MONKEY is tribe #11 giving us an 11.11.11 code!!!!!!!!!!!!
TODAY we have the POWER to time travel through dimensional doorways to DISSOLVE all illusionary timelines and realities, and TAKE BACK our GOLDEN TIMELINE coded through this 11.11.11 ILLUMINATION doorway! SHAZAAM!!
“I now call upon DIVINE CREATOR on behalf of humanity, to implant the Highest Divine Timeline for HUMANITY!
NOW it is TIME to LIGHTEN UP and reclaim the MAJIK of PLAY, JOY and BLISS in our day!
We are being LIBERATING from DARKNESS and building a new foundation founded on MAJIK and PLAY!
Day 11 in the RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell where we are incubating in the Womb of Creation… We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!
Today we are RELEASING all ILLUSIONS to LOVE… Dissolving all the chains and restrictions, in order to LIBERATE our Majik and Innocence, so that we are FREE to PLAY with our kin, in a very joyful and BLISS filled way!
Mother Dragon is bringing more love and nurturance for our beloved family kin.. The Spectral Monkey will LIBERATE BLISSful experiences – but if you are not self- AWARE – beware the TRICKS, deceit and illusions that the Monkey reveals through the smoke screens ..This is fuel for increased volatility and clashes…
CHOOSE the path of LOVE and NURTURANCE to anchor the 5D codes in your family environment.
SPECTRAL – Tone 11 operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! The Spectral tone provides FULL purging transformative power. When we go SPECTRAL we learn to RELEASE ALL that we have manifested, in order that we may commence the next cycle. Solid forms dissipate and dissolve.
We are finally FREED from the emotional baggage and debris that we have carried deep within our cells in order to LIBERATE more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS..
Spectral is tone 11 and BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11…and the SPECTRAL MONKEY is KIN 11… giving us an 11.11.11 CODE for this KIN. A HUGE Gateway ILLUMINATING the path to FREEDOM!!
Eleven is the process of disintegration, stripping away the layers down to your core essence. With the Spectral Tone of 11, ideals, beliefs, and images of all kinds are being brought up for you to re-examine, illuminate, and transform .
The 11 spectral tone in unison with a 15.15 Alchemy code is DYNAMITE POWER – ensuring we can truly SMASH through any ILLUSIONS and restrictions and claim our FREEDOM!
The RED DRAGON is still in her B-Earthing stage, preparing for the wondrously MAJIKAL WIZARDRY cycle FAST approaching this SUNDAY 21st JULY 2024.
Examine EVERYTHING that is not born of LOVE in your life then LET IT GO!! These codes today are EXTREMELY powerful and effective in granting the LIBERATION of your new life!
These are very powerful energies at work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally freeing you from all seriousness, limitations and imprisonment of your soul essence.. to make way for greater LOVE, nurturing and total soul regeneration.
The CHRISTOS/SOPHIA energies are being RESURRECTED today as ALL our GLOBAL family are finally LIBERATED from the evil DREAMSPELL.
Today’s question is; “What ILLUSIONS do I need to dissolve and RELEASE, in order to LIBERATE more Majik, so that my DIVINE CHILD can perpetually PLAY in a BLISS filled reality?”
Go forth and LIBERATE your divine MAJIK today
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 MOONS AGO – Last Galactic spin it was HALLOWEEN
HALLOWEEN is a PROGRAM installed in the collective mind to CELEBRATE DARKNESS – invoking lower beings and ACTIVATING dark energies. HALLOWEEN opens dark portals and unleashes untold harm through these doorways.. HALLOWEEN is a TRICK played on enslaved minds..
KIN 11 is the BEST signature to serve humanity’s ASCENSION at this point in TIME! KIN 11 can liberate more PLAY, FUN and spontaneity – through our INNER CHILD and children dressing up in “LIGHT” costumes – to TAKE BACK our DIVINE POWER..
In contrast 45 moons ago KIN 11 occured on CHRIST-MASS DAY – A day of HIGH MAJIK when the children on our planet are filled with JOY, exuberance and pure BLISS, through the de-LIGHT of receiving more toys to PLAY PLAY PLAY!
CHRIST-MASS DAY over the previous 2 years in 2020/21 was HIJACKED, Our planet was plunged into great darkness, through the PLAN-DEM-ic, there was not the usual SUPERWAVE of pure Bliss encircling our planet – so we have much to make up for today!
Today we WILL be using our MAJIK POWERS – to walk through this 11.11. 11 and 6.6. HEAVENLY GATEWAY and declare the return of CHRIST-MASS CONSCIOUSNESS and DIVINE MAJIK back on EARTH.
We also have all the phenomenal 11.11.11. codings … bringing forth SUPERNATURAL WHITE MAJIK today!
Perhaps we shall witness some MIRACLES – so make a WISH!
The waxing gibbous MOON is in SCORPIO today (TRUE SKY/VEDIC ASTROLOGY). Scorpio is the sign of SECRETS and mysteries and brings more intensity and darkness to MONKEY days. Be AWARE of any betrayal, deception and tom foolery today.. and get ready to FLIP IT to the LIGHT side! Be very mindful of these lunar REFLECTIONS today.
The BLUE MONKEY – CHUEN loves to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, and brings forth great MAJIK and merriment. Monkey days are usually LIGHTER and BRIGHTER but today’s code may have a more sombre note with the SCORPIO MOON ILLUMINATING any Dark Magic spells.
BLUE MONKEY represents our inner child, and generally most of us carry serious deep wounds there. This may have been rooted in this lifetime, and/or numerous past lifetimes. This deep core wounding has kept us locked in negative self deprecating patterns creating endless suffering, imprisoning our souls in an ILLUSION of FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real..
When you are experiencing pain, suffering and trauma, your life is devoid of joy and happiness.
The best solution is to invite more PLAY and LAUGHTER which is the best medicine, and BLUE MONKEY revels in this arena! However this can be short lived, as the problem soon returns if the wounds have not been healed properly. Placing a bandaid over a deep festering wound is not ideal if infection has set in.
Fortunately today we have strong forces at play (pun intended!) that will enable us to permanently remove these core wounds, and soothe our wounded Divine child – particularly the familial karmic patterns that have divided us through the hypnotic Dream-spell.
GREAT MAJIK is at PLAY today!
BLUE MONKEY is the MAGICIAN, the Master illusionist, and the great TIME LORD who has mastered the realms of time and space in order to BEND REALITY.. and create the ILLUSION that his witty mind seeks to project..
BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 – which is the doorway to Majikal realms…accessed through the Hall of Mirrors, which reveals the illusory world as a reflection of your inner mind’s eye..
KIN 11 contains very HIGH MAJIK indeed as the DOUBLE MONKEY combining with the SPECTRAL release tone unlocks the POWERS of HARRY HOUDINI the legendary Magician, Illusionist and ESCAPE artist..
Today’s codes afford the opportunity to ESCAPE REALITY!!
ANY REALITY!! Whatever BOX or PRISON you have created for yourself – KIN 11 enables you to collapse the container and SET YOURSELF FREE… YOU have the POWER to BREAK OUT of the small limiting BOX you reside in and construct a better BOX of COSMIC proportions!!
It is time to CHANGE THE TRAJECTORY of your LIFE!
NOTE: The shadow side of BLUE MONKEY is deceit, betrayal, illusion and trickery. so make sure you brush all seriousness aside and entrain your “monkey mind” to relax, let go, flow and enjoy your day. Keep it LIGHT and innocent and keep your FOCUS on WHERE you want your reality to FLOW!
The BLUE MONKEY’s totem is the Dolphin. The GIFT that CHUEN yields within his Divine Child is the 5D BLISS CODES – exemplified by the pure JOY and spontaneous desire to PLAY and frolic that the Dolphin displays. Dolphins love making people happy and they relish playing with their kin, particularly when surfing the waves.. and cruising in their family pods
All these beautiful possibilities exist to be experienced when you make the CHOICE to align with the 5D BLISS codes available and broadcast today.
TODAY is the day to LIBERATE more EN-DOLPHINS!!
SUPPORT: YELLOW SPECTRAL STAR LAMAT is another powerful portal to the Starry realms adding to the 11:11:11: escapism… LAMAT is providing the LIFT OFF – so you can escape the dross and reappear in your new BRILLIANT REALITY – one that is filled with beauty, peace, harmony and abundant creativity..
The land OVER THE RAINBOW – use your double majik wand today to transport yourself beyond the Rainbow where bluebirds fly.
Make a WISH upon a STAR and maybe you will WAKE-UP up where the old world is far behind you! Gather your beloveds today and head down the new yellow brick road together – skipping hand in hand!
HAPPY GALACTIC B-EARTH-DAY to Jose’ Arguelles’ – Valum Votan – the revolutionary Aquarian, and FATHER of the Dreamspell and Harmonic Convergence.! Jose’ is/was a TIMELORD, MASTER MAGICIAN and a GALACTIC MAYA keeper of the codes.
Jose’ co-created the DREAMSPELL Galactic codex with his partner Lloydine Arguelles – Bolon Ik, and what a legacy they left for humanity.. The roadmap and LIGHT codes to pave the path to our New World of Harmony, Peace and Love aligning with the Harmonic Matrix and natural Creation cycles.. What a blessing to us all!
The SPECTRAL MONKEY is one of the KEY kin that can BREAK the old DREAM-SPELL of the Artificial Control Matrix – and what a superb role model Jose’ was in SMASHING the ILLUSION of this false reality… He definitely attracted much controversy and ire, as he strived to AWAKEN humanity from the dark DREAMSPELL and teach our Planetary kin how to align with natural time and the new Harmonic Matrix.
How SYNCHRONIC that the SPECTRAL MONKEY aligned with BOTH HALLOWEEN (darkness) and CHRIST-MASS day (LIGHT) – showing the polarity of this KIN. The SPECTRAL MONKEY enables us to CHOOSE which side we wish to dwell in.
ALLOW SPECTRAL CHUEN to teleport humanity to the NEW TIME!! JOSE will be chuckling through the thinning veils!
Jose’ and Bolon Ik are especially happy and celebrating the rebirth of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and Humanity’s AWAKENING on this special LIBERATION day… We have come a VERY L-O-N-G way from that August day in 1987 when the Harmonic Convergence set the pattern for our Planetary Revolution through LOVE, PEACE and UNITY. HALLELUJAH
Thankyou Jose and Lloydine for leading the way forward to the NEW TIME and opening the GATES to the 5D NEW WORLD!
AH YUM HUNAB KU EVA MAYA E MA HO!* *this means “O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!” This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language.
p.s. You may wish to INVOKE Jose/Valum Votan on this special day and ask for his guidance/wisdom for moving forward to the New World.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE ELECTRIC DOG OC is THE BEST – SUPERPOWER to have TODAY. The ELECTRIC DOG – has the hidden AGENDA of BONDING together with his kin in devoted Service to Spirit, through loyalty, compassion and LOVE for one another..
Yesterday’s PLANETARY DOG – laid the foundation by enveloping our entire planet with a rapturous blanket of LOVE.. Today this blanket is available through today’s SUPERPOWER to transmute ALL DARKNESS into LIGHT.
TUNE in and FEEL the LOVE enfold you and all your kin today. We are all ONE HAPPY GLOBAL FAMILY!
OC encourages us to love, nurture and play with those we trust. When we feel SAFE and secure our Inner Child is FREE to PLAY, PLAY PLAY.. As the limitations MELT away – the barriers and bars dissolve, and the whole world awaits our new adventure.. Inside every adult is a beautiful pure innocent soul. who desires love and nurturance and to be FREE to create, explore and EXPAND.. A foundation of true LOVE provides this FREEDOM..
Are you FREE to be your natural authentic self around your nearest and dearest?
Do you like the person that you are, reflecting within those relationships?
To be your true and authentic self you must be FREE to reveal your inner nature without FEAR or ridicule. If any barriers exist to your true loving expression, then today is the DAY to set your LOVE FREE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SPECTRAL DRAGON IMIX – How DIVINE receiving a DOUBLE DOSE of Mother Dragon’s T.L.C. today – through the Wavespell too – HUMANITY needs much LOVE and NURTURANCE on this potent spectral day. Recognizing and appreciating our beloved families and kin, honouring our CONNECTION and UNITY through nurturance.
MOTHER DRAGON’S can be FEARLESS as they are the PROTECTORS of the young and innocent.. Call on the DRAGON TRIBE to cleanse any dark attackers today and PURIFY the density.. DRAGONS love to devour entities, ghouls, “dees” and malevolent beings.. so take CHARGE!
IMIX is the Mother Dragon who is watching over her young brood as they hatch and begin to explore their surroundings.. She provides the LOVE and nurturance her offspring need. in order to grow strong and confident as individual and unique soul expressions. IMIX also provides the SAFE space for her young to heal, from any bumps and bruises they acquired through their curiosity and exploration.
Today’s SPECTRAL code with DOUBLE MONKEY is very potent and can be uncomfortably forceful, but the beautiful trinity of feminine energies today – LAMAT, OC, and IMIX – all within the umbrella of the RED DRAGON Wavespell, create a more subtle and gentle RELEASE of the deep trauma and wounding of our Inner Child and familial patterns. This action is deeply transformative as it is much more effective to HEAL and release through the gentle harmonious power of LOVE rather than an explosive and antagonistic struggle!
These codes today are EXTREMELY powerful and effective in granting you LIBERATION.. a BRILLIANT opportunity to release very deep core wounding – especially going back to the womb, all Mother wounds, seperation, abandonment and betrayal energies.
Anything regarding LOVE and Nurturance – or rather a lack of – can be healed and made whole today – so tune in and be mindful of what arises today through family triggers – that need to be gently and LOVINGLY released.
This is the GIFT and blessing that Mother IMIX provides today – the majikal power of transformation and healing through the greatest POWER in the Universe – the POWER of LOVE!.
The CHRISTOS/SOPHIA energies are being RESURRECTED today as ALL our GLOBAL family are finally LIBERATED from the evil DREAMSPELL.
Today’s question is; “What ILLUSIONS do I need to dissolve and RELEASE, in order to LIBERATE more Majik, so that my DIVINE CHILD can perpetually PLAY in a BLISS filled reality?”
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Djwhal Khul, via Joshua David Stone, brought through in 1995.
Prayer of Divine Abundance
Beloved Presence of God
I humbly ask and pray with all my heart and soul and mind and might, for divine abundance made manifest through personal fortune and success.
I am willing to move beyond fear in order to fulfill Gods plan on Earth and beyond. I personally pledge myself to financial wealth in order to fulfill my group and individual service commitments.
In Gods name, I accept my Divine Heritage right now, and thank thee for the timely answer to this prayer. Gods will be done. Amen.
(Aloud three times)
My beloved subconscious mind, I hereby ask and lovingly command that you take this thought form prayer to God, along with all the mana and vital force needed and necessary to manifest and demonstrate this prayer. Amen.
(Breathe prayer to God. Wait ten to fifteen seconds)
Lord, let the rain of blessings fall. Amen
This should be repeated every day for thirty days.
When Huna Prayers were first created in Third Dimension, thirty days was the time required for the manifestation process to fully work.
It is very possible that results will be accessible much sooner now.
Love, light, blessings and abundance.
abundance affirmation
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