Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Pure Resonance Holders of Eternal Life
The Clear Light of Bliss of Infinite Source Creator is flowing through the meridians and channels of our Inside Ground Crew Team of Terra Nova Gaia.
We are in a type of holding pattern as the layers of the veil are being stripped away keeping us within the safe ranges of higher frequencies until we make our Quantum Leap into the New Earth.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are resolving all interference patterns that have been held over 5d Pristine True Earth for many eons as we release and let go all attachments and limitations of the old false 3d earth.
As we move swiftly and gently into the Great Shift of the Ages and the Perfected Alignment of the Eternal Harmonic Convergence we fill the Void with Infinite Life and call in our Highest most Blessed Timeline in this Now and consciously co-create the transformation and manifestation of the Paradisiacal Reality Gaia has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
As Beings we used to be physically anchored in the 3d now we are free to sail new seas and free waters. Truth clears the lie and reality is the dream
Melissa Lyran
A shocking wave of energy rippled through the field about 2 hours ago. It shook the ground it pushed our collective into another quantum layer. Everything is very INTENSE feeling. We can see the future. We are the ones the looking-glass tech talked about. It’s us. So many booms today fam. It’s happening Fast. I’m just in awe at the POWER that comes through. It’s unstoppable. I’m hearing this is JUST THE START OF THE MAJOR ENERGY SHIFTS. it will explode with unbelievable power soon. Shaking this false matrix to the core and continuing to separate and bifurcation the old earth timeline away from us. New earth new beginnings.
This energy is VERY DIFFERENT. this is our true state of being turning back on in multiple realms. This is the quantum shift to the new earth. It’s indescribable by words alone. It’s bigger than a universe being born. It’s the essence of the spark of life once highly compressed and now IT’S BEING RELEASED WITHOUT RESTRAINT
TODAY’S ORACLE. A few times in one’s lifetime, we find ourselves at a crossroads. These junctures didn’t appear just in that moment — rather an energy built in time, sometimes many years, before that level is attained and the physical life can change. They are the energetic results of all the many little moments when it wasn’t right. These days, these weeks, there is an opportunity to let go, release and end old chapters for good. Right now it feels more scary than light.
However, we know, the only way will be through, and the more fluidity & less resistance one brings to the transition, the smoother this will be. We always have choices and free will. One doesn’t even have to do this. Nevertheless, if we think of the long term as well as feel again the past and why this is suggested now, an answer will be more clear than the other. Those times are key, big, huge. Past, present and future collide for a whole game change. Faith. We are in this together. We are all pushed. Walk in trust.
Take time to reflect on that INNER BALANCE and HARMONY within YOU. With the NATURE. Although many extreme experiences are experienced in NATURE. There are also CALM and SWEET days, with a RADIANT SUN, a light breeze and pure heaven on earth.
Cherish these MOMENTS in nature, in your LIFE, in your INNER BEING.
Step into the CALM, the pause between BREATHES, before your next breath, even NOW.
Step into your HEART.
Step into the DIVINE BEING NOW. For that’s all there is FOREVER and NOW.
9/7/24: If you’re not yet over a specific wobble or two in your life, today can bring clarity and direction. Part of September’s mission is to leave you centered, balanced, focused, and motivated. This is the most action and outcome-oriented of all of 2024 and progress will be more challenging if you’re not feeling strong and prepared.
So, as you travel deeper into the month you must be confident in your choices. Each day will give you two contrasting options. Your Right Action is to use them both, integrate them, and make them work in your favor. Today wants heart-based strategy. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right… no matter how many “shoulds” are attached to it.
Stargates are open. Flares are non-stop. Retrogrades abound. 2 Eclipses and Equinox, and a Lunar Moon all in September.
While prepping for Equinox this message came through:
Please open your Hearts and Minds to the Magic and Miracles unfolding. Notice your own. People’s hearts that have been frozen are melting in Love. Those who cannot feel this Love are becoming less comfortable and clinging to what their Egos know as familiar and conceptual… not realized.
*self-concepts are conceived in the mind and based on assessments and attachments to thoughts formed about experiences. Created on the linear plane of consciousness and bred by expired realities… self-concept is both dual and conflictual in its nature. It is a restraint as well, keeping one beneath their potential, possibility and Freedom.
You are not meant to live in the shadows of your own potential. You are meant to shine and radiate with the brilliance of your unique perspective, passion, and purpose.
New geometric patterns of Living Consciousness, organized amplified Light intelligence are daily streaming through the skies dispelling density, concepts and polarities within your bodies temples.
These new configurations are interacting and communicating within you in service to activating and harmonizing your Conscious Self-Realized Divinity.
Remember this: Your Consciousness goes beyond this Incarnation. Each One has access to their Higher Consciousness far more readily now via the Holy Fire and the Holy Heart of this Present Quantum Acceleration.
Every Being of Light from here to Lyra and Beyond is holding the space for us with so much LOVE for each.
Powerful surges of galactic energies are carrying upgraded crystalline light codes of higher ascension and activating new coding within our DNA, leading us towards the upcoming 9/9 Gateway Portal and the Libra Equinox. This is triggering a heavy collective cellular clearing and release of past timelines and lifetimes. This includes the deep trauma of separation, lack, limitation, victimhood, primal fears, and karmic energetic patterns and cycles. The clearing is shifting us away from duality and separation consciousness and bringing us back to the heart.
Much of this release is happening in the astral dream state, where profound healing takes place. There is a continuous restructuring and upgrading of the sacral and throat chakras. This alchemical process is merging the divine feminine and the sacred masculine, both within and without, through these upgraded energy centers. The retrograde portal 2024, with five planets currently in retrograde, is intensifying this process. It is facilitating a massive collective purge of lower vibrational energies, karmic patterns, and childhood wounds that are still lingering in our energy field.
9-9 Gateway 2024 is a massive this year, with the Ascension Synchronicity Energetic Encoding 99 and 999, carrying the vibration of Completion, closings and endings of the karmic cycles, belief systems, and karmic timelines, that are taking place on the personal and collective levels right now. DNA Upgrades and Nervous System Upgrades are coming through this Portal. We will be working on energetic repatterning of the nervous system and receiving upgrades, through various energy Centers, and working closely with the Crown Chakra Energy Center, continuing rebalancing Masculine and Feminine Energy.
I will be brining through reveries of powerful clearings of old energetic patterns and cycles, energies of various programming and limiting beliefs, and sending Activations for improving our ability to process and integrate various forms of information, activating new Neural Pathways and strengthen existing ones, improving the communication between cells (which leads to a more efficient and harmonious functioning of the body’s systems), balancing nervous system, allowing the body to respond appropriately to stress and relaxation cues, energetic attunements for emotional regulation and resilience, allowing to process emotions more effectively and maintain a balanced emotional state, Crown Chakra Activations, Sacral Chakra Activations and Upgrades for the emotion regulation Mastery, DNA Activations and more, that will come through into your Energy Field.
Everything is shifting and as we shift into a higher corridor of expanded consciousness the old 3rd dimensional ways are dissolving.
There is no going back to the way things were.
The Economy is collapsing, many large corporations are filing bankruptcy.
Meanwhile we are heading into a new era, a new way of being.
As we contemplate on how to navigate through these shifting times it can feel a bit overwhelming. Just remember how far we have all come in our endeavors to bring more light into this planet. This is what we have been working towards.
We are so use to having things right at our convenience, yet many are beginning to spend less money and are more focused on family, survival and spirit.
This is all happening for us so that we can continue to shift into a more sustainable way of living.
To learn to live in balance with Mother Earth and all life as it should have always been.
Greed, corruption and destructive living will eventually fade and we will all thrive in Peace and Unity.
The oligarchs that have controlled everything are either stepping down, or doing everything they can to continue lying to the masses in order to sustain themselves.
Yet the Light is so bright and our Love is so strong there will not be much fearful energy for them to feed on.
Even though there may only be millions of us working to balance the light and the dark, it only takes the few to ripple across the lands our Love for all life and to live in Oneness.
So, don’t fret dear ones. These are new beginnings for us all and we will continue to thrive in the newness that we are all creating out of our Love for all life.
Although in the old ways we thought humanity had freedom when truly we did not. We have all been under a spell, a spell of forgetting who we are as Spirit. Forgetting our power to create and thrive in this physical world.
It will cause much more chaos as others go forth in fear and it is up to us to continuing bringing prosperity, love and understanding to all.
To comfort them during these times of change that must happen for all life to live in freedom once again.
Hang in there, whatever tries to bring us down only makes us stronger. Don’t even try to wrap your head around it all, because over thinking it just makes it that much harder.
We shall forever thrive in the Light and the Darkness will come to balance and life on earth will finally be free from those who have ruled this world only for themselves will no longer exist.
We are the New Earth Now, and we continue to thrive in the essence of the Divine Light we are born as.
Many of you are now experiencing a profound shift in frequency. Ascension occurs when we embody higher levels of love, moving into a more illumined state of being, and as a consequence of the previous, we raise our Consciousness, stepping into a more evolved timeline, which is what many of us are already living.
This month offers us unique frequencies for us to co-create with and expand our hearts, the love that we are, and our personal mission, as especially with the Piscean eclipse, we are going to expand our sensory abilities, connecting with our God Source, and descending all the guidance required for us to continue expanding into our chosen role on earth.
During this transitional state of being, many will feel confused and unfamiliar with their surroundings, even with their loved ones and everything that once resonated with them. In these phases, it is when we most need to trust, surrender, and move into a higher understanding zone, one of compassionate and neutral witnessing of all we are feeling, realizing, and remembering. Moving into a space of acceptance is essential when we are constantly embracing change, as the more we shift and evolve, the less familiar we will feel with ourselves and others.
It is important to support the mental transformation that we are having by removing old beliefs and adjusting to the new Truths we are now descending from our God Self. With these Truths a new understanding and knowledge of who we are will come, and with it more responsibility, especially towards our mission to serve others in our unique way.
Emotional, and mental clearing during these times is too essential to clear old wounds, feelings, and everything that emerges from the depths of our soul in our healing/clearing work, being willing to take responsibility for all we have ever done, embracing pain and letting it go once integrated.
Many of you are telepathics, empaths with the extra ability not just to feel but to receive, help heal and filter, the direct transmissions you integrate from others, not only humans, but animals, and All Living Forms, and places.
For those of you who are telempathics, this is a time to protect your emotional bodies, for the transformational healing energies that accompany us during this month, especially the Pisces eclipse, will enhance your abilities to clearly feel what others are living, for as I just shared, the mission of telepathic souls is to receive, filter and transmute the transmissions they receive from others, bringing healing and clearing.
As I see in sessions, many of you have as a personal mission different contracts with many earth’s locations, and as telempathics you will receive the call of these places and the souls who have perished in them, for you to help them in soul retrieval.
To achieve your mission, especially during this time of great planetary metamorphosis, first being replenished and protected at an emotional level is key to being able to fully discern your feelings from other feelings, what is yours to carry and heal, and what is only yours to filter and let go.
Taking care of your emotions and body is key to being able to fulfill your mission, as when the body is energetically collapsed the mission cannot be achieved, which is, as Guides always share, another form of protection for us and others, not to interfere when we are not yet ready to do so.
Being compassionate with where you are and your body is of utmost importance in our ascension journey. Taking care of your divine vehicles and your emotions is also another important part of our personal mission, and the most important one, for what we do for ourselves we do for All.
Therefore seed the love and healing required first in yourselves, so you can expand it to All.
Surrender and allow the Divine to transform your life.
Physical Light Expression Through The Vibrational Cords Of Light,
Are Asking US To Feel The Multidimensional Expression Of You
We Are Receiving
Awakening The Hu-man Template Of Light
Believe To Achieve
The Cosmic Frontiers Of Now Welcomes US
Together In Light
Global Light Alliance
Together In Light
Karen Lithika
Ra James
Today our Sun in Virgo is Opposite Saturn In Pisces. Expect a lot of magical energy for all the signs. Pisces represents spirituality, oneness, compassion, intuition, and the Divine. Water connects us to our emotions. It’s a great tike to restructure your routine. This alignment may slow things down. You may feel extra delays and restrictions. These energies may be revealing obstacles in your path. These energies are meant to help you overcome what has been holding you back. We are wrapping the Summer up and are shifting closer and closer to the Autumn Equinox. We have also already stepped through the doorway to Eclipse Season. That means the energy may feel unpredictable.
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th will bring us into a new season of change. Today’s alignment highlights a tension between what your ego-identity wants versus what might actually be good for you. It’s important that you’re seeing things from a long term lens. It will be bringing a lot of reflecting energies. For some you know your path you’re just scared to take it. This Eclipse Season is all about releasing ego, past patterns, spiritual rebirth, and opening up to new perspectives. Eclipses are moments where we step into our fate and destiny. These celestial events align with the North and South Lunar Nodes, pushing us to move toward our life path and break out of our comfort zones…
the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our Light, is in Virgo
On Saturday, September 7th, the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our Light, is in Virgo, the innocent Maiden, and will be opposing Saturn, ruler and teacher of karmic responsibility, in Pisces, sign that rules the spiritual realm. So, while Virgo loves to analyze and understand the “workings” of something, here she is trying to understand the why’s of choosing certain lessons in this lifetime and what it all means. Can you trust, on a deeper level, that it was all for a greater purpose?
Perhaps you are going through a crisis in faith these last few days. Rest assured, if you tune in and listen, a greater understanding will eventually come. Saturn rules delays and patience, so if you trust and have faith in a greater plan, and thoughtfully consider any soul lessons you are experiencing, than you have, at least in part, conquered what Saturn is currently attempting to impart to you.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our Light, is in Virgo
Sun in Virgo sesquiquadrate Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Mercury in Leo square Uranus retrograde in Taurus – The third time’s a charm. Radical thoughts, conversations or realisations around the Mercury retrograde period are now ready to come to fruition. Inwardly, a small, harried voice presses for action. Under these influences we’re anxious, terrified that nothing will change, afraid to take control – and afraid not to. Gift yourself the time needed to find your footing. Embrace quirky humour to chase away fears. Life is naturally, delightfully unpredictable. It’s okay to be nervous, scared, and little excited. Tiny steps can catalyse big changes.
Let others concentrate on their business whilst you focus on your own. Don’t allow perfectionism to get in the way of a powerful transformation. If you find yourself criticising, gently question your expectations. Mercury’s connection to Uranus is a nudge to think outside of the box – and colour outside the lines! Approach problems from a different angle. Ask different questions.
The number 10 is called ‘Planetary’ and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Produce and Manifest’. The 10th day is associated with the word ‘perfect’ and so expect a perfect day with a score of 10 out of 10! How did the number ten become associated with perfection? In all cultures, not just Mayan – the number ten is the number we measure everything by. Simply because we have ten fingers to keep count on. Can you count up to ten ways in which you can enjoy today? Make a list and see what you can manifest.
Today is White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Breathe and Spirit.’ Naturally by combining the number and day the result is ‘a perfect day to communicate’. Why not send a message, sing a song, engage in public debate, voice your concerns or have that talk that you have been putting off. Remember, we are journeying through the wavespell of the Red Skywalker that invites us to be more adventurous! Can you muster the courage to say what you really want to? White Wind days are also great for communicating with spirit, so expect unexpected messages from coincidences, dreams or random encounters.
Today’s Guide is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. To be guided by the White Dog on a White Wind day suggests that all communications should be guided by the heart. Be loving with your words even if those words might not be what the listener wants to hear. Also because the dog is so tenacious we shouldn’t give up easily on any conversations we wish to have.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Human and so if you were born on Yellow Human, you may find your issues surface today. As a person with great intuitive skills, you often lack the ability to express yourself and share the wisdom you have. Try harder to communicate today and you may be surprised at the outcome.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm. There is powerful magic today with the disruptive Storm in the Occult position. This suggests that communication today has the power to make big changes in your life. It really is a perfect day as the Stormy energy has a magical ability to manifest.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. Find someone born on a Red Earth day and they will provide great conversation. If you are a Red Earth, expect to play the role of messenger today, you will be of great help to others. The White Wind and the Red Earth are best buddies because communication helps us evolve and in return, the Earth navigates the conversation!
The WINDS of SPIRIT are LIBERATING our planet today through the power of LOVE
Today we MANIFEST AWAKENING to more LOVE & BLISS We channel the breath of SPIRIT from our HEART, into the heart of GAIA, then up into our Sun, then into the GREAT CENTRAL SUN (Galactic Sun) and then back into SOURCE! Brilliantly aligning through this HOLY PORTAL today.
Layer upon layer of connection to SPIRIT through our HEART PORTAL. Raising our collective frequency and anchoring the GOLDEN SOUL-AR CHRISTOS/SOPHIA frequency – that was BIRTHED yesterday on the planet.
PLANETARY Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the RED SKYWALKER Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
WHAT GREAT ROMANTIC DREAMS are you harbouring?
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit and Mother Gaia today as well as our beloveds. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. As we are all ONE HEART.
An absolutely beautiful DIVINE GIFT from SPIRIT today. These waves of DIVINE LOVE enfold our Planetary body, teaching us to cherish the expression of LOVE on our planet, and our CONNECTION to all that is, through our beautiful pure HEARTS. At our core all souls are pure LOVE, multifaceted DIAMOND gems.
Use this LOVING POWER wisely for the Highest Good of our Planet and our Earth family
We must unite together through the POWER of higher LOVE and hold the highest intentions for producing our BEST UTOPIAN DREAMS, manifesting HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Today’s question is “How can I EXPAND my HEART, through LISTENING to Spirit, in order to manifest PLANETARY transformation through the power of LOVE?”
Divine blessings for following your heart whisperings, on the path to MANIFESTING personal and PLANETARY LIBERATION & ABUNDANCE
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Last Galactic spin – 9 moons ago KIN 62 accord on 21 Dec 2023 – .
The SOLSTICE – STILL POINT SUN – will be AMPLIFYING the energy of KIN 62 through the loop in TIME – boosting our MANIFESTING POWER today – so get ready to be bathed in these SUPREME SOLAR LOVE RAYS!!
36 moons ago KIN 62 occurred on November 1st, 2021 – ALL SAINT’S DAY, and 45 MOONS ago on February 14, 2021 – which of course happened to be VALENTINE’S DAY!
A SUPER TRIFECTA of very potent HOLY ASCENSION energies to propel our vibration to LOVE or ABOVE today!
KIN 62 OPENS a planetary PORTAL of BLISS today – as we OPEN our HEART’S to experience more DIVINE unconditional LOVE.
Today the PLANETARY WIND is carrying this blanket of LOVE and LIGHT, and enfolding our beautiful PLANET with the pure adoration from our DIVINE CREATOR. What a special GIFT through this potent 6.7.8 gateway!
An exquisite day for Manifesting beautiful LOVING partnerships and our true HEART’s desires.
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE PLANETARY WIND IK is the breath of SPIRIT providing the WIND beneath our wings. Follow the signs and really LISTEN to the voice of SPIRIT! Be still and present in the timelessness of the eternal NOW MOMENT as you access Messages from throughout the Galaxy.
What are you hearing, feeling, sensing and knowing?
Messages from Spirit are always based on a foundation of LOVE, making you feel SAFE, secure and confident. You feel as though a beautiful warm blanket enfolds and comforts you. If these feelings of PEACE and clarity are not felt, then your connection may not be with TRUE SOURCE.
Prayer, devotion, mantras and meditation, as well as communing with Mother nature, are powerful means for strengthening your connection with Spirit.
Are you in FULL alignment with, and ready to cocreate with Spirit?
How does this information from Spirit align with your dreams, desires and intentions?
What are you seeking to PERFECT, through your manifestation of the messages from Spirit?
We need to OPEN our HEARTS and fully connect, in order to receive the messages that assist us with our creative vision and our creative ideas. We need to allow thoughts to FLOW through us and not identify with them. We are the vessels for this consciousness to flow through.
Are you a clear conduit for the flow of Spirit’s messages?
Use discernment to know which ideas are the best to implement, filtering them through your pure HEART. Channelling ideas and messages, writing, painting, drawing, speaking, singing. The solutions come forth through allowance.. Switch off and tune in today, to the whisperings of the Angelic Spirit messengers. Can you HEAR them?
The ANSWER my friend, is blowing in the WIND!
The ANSWER is blowin’ in the WIND!
Yes, ‘n’ how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be FREE?
Yes, ‘n’ how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn’t SEE?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Yes, ‘n’ how many times must a man look up
Before he can SEE the sky?
Yes, ‘n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can HEAR people cry?
Yes, ‘n’ how many DEATHS will it take ’til he knows
Very PROFOUND words for our current Global climate! Take heed Planetary kin – very stern advice from wise Spirit Messenger Bob Dylan. (Red Electric Dragon -STORM wavespell and COSMIC strorm Year – lots of transformative WIND energy!!)
These are the Questions that we need to be asking, to receive the Answers we are seeking, through the Planetary Wind!
If all the Planetary kin could HEAR and translate the messages of Spirit, our world would be a much better place for all citizens.
Those souls with the strongest connections to Spirit, live their lives with greater FLOW and spontaneity. They are TRUSTING in the messages and the guidance received, which creates pure MAJIK and MIRACLES in their life, and the lives of those they touch.
Today is a very HOLY day – a 6 HEAVENLY day – in which the WILL of SPIRIT over-rides the WILL of MAN… DIVINE INTENTION shall be REALIZED through the DIVINE COMMUNICATION that is FLOWING through us today!
Spirit is seeking to produce HEAVEN ON EARTH, so as divine conduits, this is what we are collectively desiring to PERFECT.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE PLANETARY DOG OC is the higher power today – meaning the focus is on LOVE!
and the HIGHER LOVE of AWAKENED and evolved souls who are the Messengers of Spirit – embodying this love in their physical vessels on this EARTH plane.
Today we have – a GLOBAL celebration of the expression of LOVE (especially through the portal to VALENTINE’S DAY) – romantic love and the LOVE and respect of SELF! Honouring all that is an EXPRESSION of LOVE. The PLANETARY tone – brings the focus to GLOBAL LOVE – love for all humanity and all existence through the PERFECTION of the EXPRESSION of LOVE.
OC guides the manifestation process today through our pure and loyal HEARTS. Connecting to Spirit through our Hearts we become pure channels for Divine Wisdom, and are well guided on our path of truth, integrity and service to humanity through unconditional love.
This energy is very conducive for close and intimate connection with others. We can freely communicate from our hearts with loved ones that we want to be close to today. Sing, dance, pray to Great Spirit from the depths of your heart, channeling messages of love from the divine feminine.
All actions must NOW be founded on LOVE, which is the new current-sea!.
Through the POWER of LOVE all things are possible.
LOVE HEALS ALL AILMENTS and is the fabric holding the UNIVERSE together.
LOVE enables our manifestations to be perfected, for the greatest benefit of humanity and our entire planet.
SUPPORT: RED PLANETARY EARTH CABAN how PERFECT that our EARTH MOTHER is the supporting energy today. The LOVE from our MOTHER – human, planetary and DIVINE is the greatest bond that a child can have.
PACHAMAMA is sending us her sun kisses today – letting us know that we are DEEPLY LOVED and cherished by our planetary mumma.. Tune in and FEEL her deep love for you, through communing with Mother nature, and feeling the DEEP connectedness to ALL THAT IS..
Merge like the SHAMANS do and become the EARTH, feel her body as your body, and know that we are all on this journey together – as ONE unified PLANETARY consciousness.
WE are GAIA – and she is US!
DIVINE SIGNS and synchronicities are flowing through the energy of CABAN today. Mother Earth is totally aligned with Divine intention, and is communicating through the breath of Spirit in every one of her kingdoms… through the land to the sea, encompassing all elements as Spirit whispers everywhere…
We just need to be STILL and listen through our HEARTS to witness the EARTH MAJIK that surrounds us.
We need to open our minds, our ears and our EYES to recognize these signs flowing from spirit, and then produce them in our actions.
Observe nature, the birds, the flowers, the insects and all creation for your messages.
What beautiful spirit animal messengers will visit you today?
In which direction are these SIGNS taking you?
Set your course and allow CABAN and IK to provide the navigation tools.
As it is a PLANETARY tone day, CABAN’S influence is very GLOBAL, highlighting Collective messages. Another HUGE day on PLANET EARTH!!
CABAN enables us to Manifest a deep connection with the Earth, through allowing the Rainbow Serpent to come from deep within the HEART of Gaia and up through our chakras, from the base to the crown to the cosmos, all the way back to SOURCE!
We are perfecting our capacity to LISTEN to the wisdom of the EARTH, and be aware of the harmonic matrix connecting us into the web of all creation.
What message will GAIA send to her children today? TUNE in and LISTEN?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SELF-EXISTING STORM CAUAC. DOUBLE STORM power today – with the YEARLY RHYTHMIC STORM power joining his bro-THOR. Today’s STORM has a self-existing tone, enabling our Manifestations to easily take FORM. The SUPERPOWER of this spiritual wind, is that it helps us define what it is, that we wish to manifest.
Tomorrow KIN 65 the SPECTRAL NIGHT – will LIBERATE our DREAMS – so use this potent MANIFESTING power today – to define and sculpt your desires!
CAUAC assists us in transforming old thought forms that have blocked our manifestation power, and our direct communication channels with Spirit. The STORM can unlock any blocked or stored energy, in order to catalyse these thoughts into more creative options in our Manifestation process. Through releasing FEAR and stagnant energies we can raise our vibration and EXPAND our connection to GREAT SPIRIT.
This occult STORM power today can catalyze great PLANETARY transformation through the power of LOVE.
LOVE is the most powerful EQUALIZER and has the ability to soothe the savage beast, bringing HARMONY to warring enemies. Remember to whisper sweet words of LOVE to melt the HEART walls of all concerned.
The BLUE STORM is supporting the WHITE WIND, in bringing through a breath of FRESH purified AIR for our PLANETARY BODY!!
Ahhhhh no more Chemtrails or pollutants! No more TOXIC energies – let us all soar on the WINGS of LOVE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN EB presents the battle of the EGOIC mind, versus the BUDDHIC mind. Divine Mind versus human mind!
In order to have an open and accepting mind we need to let go of judgements, criticism and fear. We cannot hear the voice of Spirit if our mind is cluttered with FEAR and busyness, which clouds our thoughts and pollutes our actions. The death of egoic control of your thoughts through surrender, will accelerate your union with Divine Mind.
DIVINE MIND accepts ALL HUMANS as EQUAL, and can unconditionally LOVE and respect all LIFE FORMS. The small human can be SELFISH and self serving, instead of living a life in SERVICE to ALL.
The PLANETARY HU-MAN is uniting our collective MINDS through the PLANETARY DIVINE MIND.. the higher 5D consciousness of Ascended GAIA. A powerful GIFT of KIN 62.
EB challenges us to PERFECT our independent will, in order to MANIFEST the dreaming of ABUNDANCE for all beings. We use our wisdom to make better choices to manifest the brightest outcome for our PLANET.
Manifesting the COLLECTIVE dream for our planet, through listening to the wisdom and whispers of the indigenous ones, and our ancestors in order to expand our consciousness.
Our CHALLENGE today is to SURRENDER our small human will, and align with the Higher Divine Will for the benefit of our Planet and all HU-MAN- KIND.
We must unite together through the POWER of higher LOVE and hold the highest intentions for producing our BEST UTOPIAN DREAMS, manifesting HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Today’s question is “How can I EXPAND my HEART, through LISTENING to Spirit, in order to manifest PLANETARY transformation through the power of LOVE?”
Divine blessings for following your heart whisperings, on the path to MANIFESTING personal and PLANETARY LIBERATION & ABUNDANCE
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
I invoke Your energy, Your light, Your guidance, and Your protection now.
Please wrap me in love and place around my auric field and my being your new triple protection light bubble.
Wrap me in a protective pure white bubble, a vibrant electric blue light bubble and a sacred golden light bubble to ensure I am protected on every level of my being, at all times.
Ensure I only experience the Creator’s love in my reality and energy.
I am safe and protected always….. ”
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