Embrace Change – The Great Awakening * Massive Collective Purging & Purification ~ Grand Fire Trine
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Rainbow Dragon Nation of Celestial Mountain
Our local Soularis is going ballistic with Higher Dimensional Flashes of Divine Light releasing 7 C Class Soular Flares, 13 M Class Flares and a massive blast of Source Light with a major X Class Flare maxing at X 2.39 at 5:40 AM PST (13:40 UTC)
These waves after waves of Adamantine Light from Infinite Source, through our Great Projector of Light, is flooding this realm and all her inhabitants with Heavenly Cosmic Rays of Christos Sophia Consciousness to Enlighten every Living Soul of Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
We also had higher pulses of resonance in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 10 hz, 20 hz and a big blast of white light at 49 hz. Fifth Dimensional Frequencies fully anchored in and rising.
Pachamama also received a Trinity of powerful activations today along her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Papua New Guinea, a 5.8 quake in Japan and another 5.9 in Fiji. This has activated the Left Hand Path of the Blue Rays of the Divine Feminine of New Lemuria.
The Holy Heavenly Light flooding into this realm is unprecedented and beyond any we have ever experienced in the past. Everything is being prepared through these Sacred Portals. The Beauty and Love of Creator and all our Good People of the New Earth is the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven within. With our Almighty I Am Presence we call in the Highest Trajectory of our Ascension Journey for the Highest Good of all involved.
Great Spirit is flipping the switch of the Great Shift of the Ages as we navigate through the coming 11:11 Gateway of Divine Mastery and the coming transition of Pluto into Aquarius, on the 19th of November, to usher in our New Golden Age of our 5d Pure Land of Eternal Life… A’Ho!
UPDATE. You may have felt shaken, questioning, wondering what’s next or even who you are, what’s your true purpose. Right now, the Universe is about to answer your questions at an accelerated pace. Expects manifestations, rewards, long expected shifts to land. For some, dreams coming true after years of patience.
For others, karma at last being restored in fairness. These last months were hard. But no, you were not lost. You were not forgotten. You weren’t alone. It just needed some more time to become real.
Here we come again , big , huge energy shifts and powers back coming in 9/11-11/11 !
There is so much more to the planet and within the solar system, big happenings now, have faith and keep soul body healing purging.
The great awakening is the dna of humanity being fully eye open , but can only be if the body can hold it.
High energy and low , 3d – 12d in the body soul conscious with internal control, feet on Earth, body conciouness fully holding all memories. To return to who we are x
The powers of control are being back in the galactic legal rights, the soul and Earth are back in power and light with love.
Love being a frequency of truth, to hold this resolve all truth within your individual soul story and then you can see with the eye of Horus x love
11/6/24: For the next few days your Right Action is to “lean in” with all you’ve got. Leaning in is an acceptance, an embrace, an immersion, a communion. It’s a pure act of faith… self trusting Self. It‘s about not judging or resisting circumstances and, instead, feeling into them to discover more about yourself through your reactions. It’s about observing situations with detachment…
yet being so intensely present that consciousness merges with consciousness. That you don’t just feel the thing… you become one with it. In this way, you will strengthen your human senses and your Divine connection in November. You will add layers of awareness and understanding. You will elevate your game in powerful new ways. You will enter 2025 prepared. Lean in.
The last days of October and the first days of November brought in very powerful energies of growth and completion which were caused by the divine formations in the sky.
Formations that sealed the closing of a big cycle and opening of the new and while the old might still be trying to stay alive in any way possible, this is not possible, and this will be clearly experienced during the next 2 years, both individually and collectively.
Maybe some things are not fully apparent yet but the energies are here and have already catapulted the events of the next phase for all, no exceptions, even those in denial of the inner truth or in deep mental/emotional disorder and immaturity have been sealed by the planets and are being pushed to grow.
What matters is only how smooth and fast One will be able to align to the new and drop all old illusions, fears and inner deceptions which are still very present or not do it at all.
This physical correction is the strongest that we have ever had up until now.
The days up to the 19th are very important days of realisation, revelation, understanding and transformation concerning the last 17 years and they bring great opportunities for clarification and for soul lessons to be finally taken!
The great correction of time has already begun a few weeks ago and whether consciously or unconsciously, we have all been opening ourselves to a new kind of physical interaction with time.
On the 19th Pluto enters Aquarius .
this is when earth will switch its mode back to the organic one and the flows will begin being restored in all the spheres.
November is a huge month of switching of the reality because of the kundalini upgrade that is taking place!
The Twin Flames are being raised to new states of true reconnection/refasten.
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
As we continue transfiguring into crystalline-based light beings, self-care is vital to provide our bodies with the support required to heal and evolve. We are undergoing a very intense phase this year of SOL-AR integration, for we not only are being assisted by our Central Sun but also by our Aurora family to transform our bodies completely. It is now more than ever when nourishment, hydration, loving thoughts, and compassionate witnessing for our unique process and that of All must prevail if we are willing to continue moving forward.
During this process of density emancipation that many of you are initiating, my Guides invite us to become more aware of what intoxicates and destabilizes our bodies, which occurs when we unintentionally poison our bodies with many inorganic foods and modified ones, and other substances that can literally destroy our body cells, and impede the process of regeneration and crystallization that we are undergoing.
At this time when many of you are moving into the initial phases of physical ascension, it is important to discern all we put into our bodies and minds, for there are things we cannot control, such as chemtrails, wifi waves, and many others, but there are some we can, as the foods we eat and the liquid we ingest.
GMO foods are often part of what modifies our DNA, as well as many other inorganic sources we are also exposed to that distort our fascia, nervous system, and brain complex, pivotal in ascension to start the process of body reconnection and ascension.
Our brain has a fluid as you know called the cerebrospinal fluid, which flows throughout the brain spaces, spinal cord, and in between the meninges. This is the one that protects our spinal cord and the one that initiates the transportation of the light within our brain and to our spinal cord and fascia, carrying the light God Frequencies we descend and that shall be transported into all of our bodies and organs.
When we eat modified foods, drink unhealthily, and do not exercise, in the way we can and if we can, as many conditions may impede us from exercising, this fluid and our brain in general experience damage, and with it the many functions it does. Our mission is to help our body integrate, decode, and transport the crystalline transmissions that we are receiving at this time and that is helping us initiate or take further the process of physical ascension, a process that will be key during 2025, as it will be a year of termination, release, but also of beginnings, liberation, and further spiritual reconnection.
Our crystalline fascia complex, together with our nervous system, is key to carrying the Light we descend into our entire body and DNA. Our nervous system as you know can be divided into passive, parasympathetic, (female), and excited, sympathetic (masculine). An excited nervous system, so to speak, will not be able to conceive, whether literally or giving birth to our soul’s creations, relax, surrender, and move forward, for it is intoxicated by lower thoughts, emotions, foods, stress, trauma, and hence soul fragmentation.
Balance in our nutrition is key to shifting what does not work in our bodies and no healing method can dissolve, for only we can listen to our bodies and emotions, detect and scan where the trauma, wound, or misalignment is, and heal it.
Ascension is not just about having the intention to evolve, or about doing lots of healing exercises and visualization, but about the combination of all that triggers the process of density emancipation and soul liberation that many of you are already experiencing.
Many times it is not about healing tools, but about shifting emotions, and thoughts and distilling negative self-talk. Others it is simply about eating more consciously. We are all unique and as the only authorities of our bodies, we are the only ones who can move within, talk to our DNA, reprogram what has been distorted, and start rehabilitating our authentic essence and the Divine Order within, for as it is within, so will be without.
May you continue embracing freedom, and reclaiming your power as a sovereign master healer, beloveds.
IT HAS BEGUN! *X2.39 Solar Flare*~ The Galactic Federation
Blessings, Dear Family of Light.
Thank you for this transmission.
It’s a Glorious Time for the Human experience. The transformation of your reality has begun.
This morning of November 6th, Our Infinite Creator has blessed you, with a powerful X 2.39 Solar Flare, to enhance the Higher frequencies, around the Earth. This Heightened Energy is to boost more positive frequencies, to help the transitions on Earth, go smoother.
While it is understandable, that many individuals are rejoicing in light, of recent revelations, and developments. It is crucial to acknowledge, that there is a significant amount of distress, that continues to unfold alongside these occurrences.
Despite the outcomes of elections, or other significant events, it is evident that a deep-seated division, persists within the Human Collective.
The process of change is gradual and multifaceted, and although it may have commenced, there remains a substantial amount of work that lies ahead.
It is essential to recognize, that merely addressing surface-level issues will not suffice, in bringing about lasting transformation. The goal isn’t to continue the division, but rather, it is to find a place of Unity and mutual respect. Merely attempting to mask underlying problems with superficial solutions, is akin to painting over a dilapidated structure. In this perspective, the facade may appear improved temporarily, but the fundamental issues remain unresolved. True progress necessitates a comprehensive overhaul that delves into the root causes of your societal divisions and inequities.
In navigating these challenging times, it is crucial to adopt a mindset that transcends the limitations of the current societal constructs. Rather than attempting to patch up existing systems, there is a call for a paradigm shift. One that moves towards creating an entirely new framework, that is inclusive, just, and sustainable. One that moves your societal existence towards a Higher way of being, based in Unity, Love and Respect. Embracing this transformative approach, is key to fostering genuine unity and progress within the Human Collective.
Your reality is undergoing a significant transformation, that is reshaping the very fabric of your existence. This profound shift is not just a surface-level change, but a deep and profound evolution, that is altering the way you perceive the world around you. As you navigate through this period of transformation, you may find yourself questioning long-held beliefs, re-evaluating your priorities, and rediscovering aspects of yourself that have long been dormant.
This process of transformation can be both exhilarating and challenging. While you are confronted with your inner-discovery, you face the discomfort of stepping outside your comfort zone. Embrace this period of change as within, as without, with an open mind and a willingness to explore the unknown. For it is through this journey, that you will uncover hidden truths about yourself, and the truth behind manifesting your reality. You are making the choices as a collective. Even though you each have your own path, your collective beliefs are shaping your existence.
As your reality continues to shift and evolve, remember to stay grounded in your Heart space, emitting Love and Light. Draw strength from the Divine Light within the core of your being, as you navigate this period of transition. Trust in the Divine process of transformation, knowing that it is leading you towards a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. Embrace the unknown with Faith and courage, for it is through embracing change that you truly come to understand the depths of your own potential.
You are powerful beings of Light, Co-Creating your New Earth.
Always remember to trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universallighthouse.com
The more we try to cling to the old patterns, old ways, the old whatevers: – the more these will crumble in our very hands.
It is the time of new beginnings.
It is literally from the ashes that the phoenix is rising.
I am always being told by my highest guides, that not one person on earth can accurately predict the future. Yet, one thing is sure: – the New Earth is already here and the New Golden Age being anchored in. However, the how and when, and in what form or way, will be according to our own ability to adapt, to think out of the boxes, and to listen to our own hearts and souls, and stand in our own light, and not in anyone’s shadow.
It is our own unique guidance, our own inner knowing which are now the greatest navigational, inspirational, and soul guiding tools, for not one single soul, will experience the shift in exactly the same way.
The outcome though stays the same, and this may come quicker than we expect, and for some souls it is already here!
For you can choose to stay stuck in old paradigm with its old judgments and separation, the they and the we and go on dividing and mud slinging, labelling and sowing seeds of division. The truth is you are only doing this to your own inner soul self. You cannot create unity and oneness in a house that is divided in itself, and this includes the inner heart and soul, and mind.
The Shift is WITHIN.
This is what makes it so exciting!
No one truly knows what is going on inside of me, nor inside of you.
I had such fun on Sunday, when we went to two different places, and it was as if one was stepping into a surrealistic world. It was as if you had stepped back into the old 3D, and it was devoid of life! One place was a four-star hotel, and yet, although the trees were alive and nature and birds singing, there were no humans around. It was empty of humans. In another way, it was beautiful and peaceful, without the humans.
Then we ended up, where we were supposed to be, and now on a sacred island, and midst of humans, which were all around us. In the midst of having lunch, suddenly I felt myself being used as a transmitter channel with an important message coming through for this area and planet earth. Yet, it felt as if we had switched into a totally different new Earth and although the people were still there, they were in a distance. We were in a totally different dimensions and held in a bubble of light, and yet still at the very same place.
As soon as transmission ended, we were back where we were before.
To me this demonstrated that we are already in multi-dimensional space and you need to be open to this, and not allow yourself to get stuck in the old paradigm again.
The choice of course is yours.
Yet in a greater way, not, as all is already happening as, and how and when it should, even though we cannot see for seeing, or let me rather say, most of humanity still.
For this moment is a pivotal key in the great resurrection of light.
The signalling of now, is arising, as we come to terms with the great changes that are approaching us.
In a physical perspective, but also in a multidimensional perspective.
Whether Your View Point Aligns With The Political Choice
We Are Asked To Embrace Change In A Positive Format of Light.
Let us move into a Golden Age now, of a time imprinted with a new way, a new leadership aligned with compassion, hope and stability for the many who are suffering in the physical dimension.
For this frequency of pain and suffering has been alleviated by the great light workers of your world who focus their intent on focussing light codes, which have immensely assisted the great forces of light. For we are now imprinting the now way in the physical domain.
It has been a massive role for the lightworkers, as they have assisted dualistically in the physical domain and also in the vibrational domain.
Your role has been pivotal to the great changes that are appearing now in your world, as the massive awakening of the light workers has been pivotal to the crystalline grid of gaia and the great changes that are appearing in your world.
The great alliance of light is a path before you now.
As the birthing of new ways, new hope is seeded in your planet.
It must be recognised the imprinted new way of knowing for many.
For the true path of light is a heart centred path to assist all beings. This is a necessary path now for humanity to reach a dualistic approach to the pathway of heart centred actions and the multidimensional capacity of light.
We ask you to see the great awakening of this now moment. For it is powerful beyond the comprehension of the general human.
For as the great leaders of your world align to the great frequency of hope, the frequency of family and the imprinting of this idea of the Golden Age, this is a power age of light activation in many to awaken to the concept of abundance and the great hope of humanity.
We thank you for your service. For the empowered souls who have been of service to assist this light passage.
To honour your own role in this space, by sharing your own messages, by assisting others to heal by their own journeys for being they’re for others.
For the great awakening is now.
Thank you for your service to reach this great path, now aligned with our great path of light.
May we continue uprising and connecting the dots for humanity on an energetic level. Align the great path of humanity for future generations of light expansion, in love.
Many lifetimes are cleansing the seed point of temptation that you have been immeshed in. Contracts with past life partners are also clearing so you may return to the zero point for a fresh start. Rest today so you may recover back your energy from all those lifetimes and realities. Once spiritual and material balance are achieved, you are freed of inner and outer conflicts. Anxiety and fears will lift. The ego can release completely. You are flipping into this new healthy reality. It is the gift of Life that will reveal healthy unconditionally loving relationships and experiences.
At 2:22pm EST today, our cosmic astrology chart for the collective formed a Grand Trine in the fire signs with Mercury in 5° Sagittarius, North Node in 4° Aries, and Mars in 0° Leo.
It also formed a Castle configuration, lending protective energies of unity and harmony, despite some opposing energies involved. This is how the Universe serves the highest good, despite the intensities hitting the cosmic Spirit space.
This is an amazing configuration to not only get things accomplished, but also to speak into existence the future we hold dear in our minds and hearts we wish to see manifest.
This is also a configuration of blessings in disguise. Mercury communicates new adventures, broadening our horizons to embrace new logic, as well as exploration of deeper understandings. Think in terms of Akashic Record viewing, historical discoveries, and pioneering a new frontier that ultimately leads us to the Golden Age.
The North Node and Mars says, let’s use the blueprint of Mercury’s information to create a navigation chart for our new ventures! This is ambitious, exciting, and motivating. On the high side, this is not about conquering or being conquered. This is about exploration, discovering new territories within our hopes, dreams, and desires. This is about launching new innovative ways to get new results.
What would seem like a dark tunnel is merely a viewing through a skewed lens of fear, vitriol, and war mongering belief systems. The Golden Age does not hold space for low vibrational warring energies. This is a time for new horizons, not division and separation.
How are we allowing today’s energies to shape our thinking and the emotions that are brewing in our heart space? Do they come from fear and anger, or from excitement and a sense for adventure? How are we choosing to become the change we wish to see in the world?
We are now embarking on the pilgrimage of the Mystic. Where we travel to, and what we traverse to get there, will be determined by the frequency we choose to embrace.
On Wednesday, November 6th, we have the Moon, ruler of our emotions and energetic sensitivities, in a challenging square connection to Chiron, ruler of past traumas and wounds. This may be bringing up some difficult feelings for us today. But, more importantly, we have recently begun the opposition between Mars, the Warrior, and Pluto, the Transformer. The first of these oppositions was on November 3rd, the second will be on January 3rd, and the third connection will be on April 26th. Mars is about fight or flight, assertiveness and aggression, passion and initiation, courage and conquest, action and forward movement.
Pluto is about power and control, obsession and compulsion, death and rebirth, transformation and regeneration, rebirth and renewal. Both of these planets rule the sign of Scorpio, with Mars as the ancient ruler and Pluto as the modern ruler. Scorpio is about the “shadow” and digging down deep beneath the surface level to “root out” the covert, destructive patterns and energies that are the undercurrent within our psyche, and the “psyche” of humanity. This will be a 6 month time period of much change, and a need for the people in the collective to take back their power!
Humans have free will. Nothing is set in stone. Let us all rise transformed, like the phoenix that rises from the ashes, and be our most empowered self in order to activate the changes we want to see!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Moon, ruler of our emotions and energetic sensitivities, in a challenging square connection to Chiron
Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Vesta in Libra and sesquiquadrate Chiron retrograde in Aries – The mind is apt to run away with itself, tumbling over thoughts, worries and fears. The problem is that judgement is off and the story we tell ourselves infected with spurious information, wild calls and sweeping statements. With Mercury in normally visionary Sagittarius, the connection to Chiron makes us afraid to look ahead, scared to name what we see, unable to trust the path of the heart.
This quiet instruction from Vesta is the call we need to wind our way back from wounds to inspiration. Focus on what you love. Focus on harmony, peace, a win-win outcome for all. Focus on equality and fairness, diplomacy and togetherness. We may all have a different vision of life, different desires, hopes and needs, so let’s connect where we can, meet each other where we are and find a way to heal humanity. Honour what is sacred to you through your words and thoughts.
‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of a wavespell revs up the engine and now we’re in the fast lane. We are currently in the White Mirror wavespell and so today is influenced by the truth and accompanied by a powerful number. The fifth day is always connected to the first day because it’s the same color.
White Wind represents ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. There are 20 glyphs in the Tzolkin and 13 numbers, or tones. So, every 20 days we experience a White Wind day which is an excellent reminder to communicate. A healthy habit to have. This means it is a great day for meetings, consultations, public speaking, singing and let’s not forget…breathing! Wind of course represents the air element and breathing exercises connect us with this element and with spirit. As it is an ‘Overtone’ day, all the components of the day are amplified. This White Wind has a chance of reaching hurricane levels with all this power available.
The Guide today is the White Dog which symbolizes ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Whatever you say today, say it with love and kindness. Speak from the heart and not the ego. Write a love letter or speak up about something you
feel passionate about. Also when the Dog guides us, it can be like a dog pulling on the leash. Hold tight as the direction you end up going in – may not be what you expected!
The Challenge is the Yellow Human which represents ‘Free Will, Wisdom and Influence’. The Human is the channel but on White Wind days, channeling or using your intuition, is difficult. The lesson here is: try harder to hear your inner voice and don’t speak without consulting it first. Feel what is right to say, use a psychic filter rather than just blurt it all out. If you are a Yellow Human, on your challenge days you may get frustrated when trying to express yourself.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm. This energetic and sometimes chaotic character is very handy today and gives a great deal of power to the words you speak, write or sing. Magical changes can be made today and so communicate with confidence. The Storm and the Wind go extremely well together and this symbolizes the Winds of Change.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents Evolution and so naturally, a Red Earth is a great friend to have around today. If you don’t know one, you can still benefit from Earth in this position by taking some time out in nature and this shall help you navigate the day.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 122 = 5 Change/Transformation/Freedom
83 moons ago (7 Galactic spins) – KIN 122 occurred on the 11:11 portal date of 11 November, 2019 and after a full Tzolkin spin 54 moons ago, we had another 11:11 coding with KIN 122…
45 moons ago we had a 6/9 Heavenly code and 36 moons ago on New Year’s Eve 2021 we had a 3 Holy Divine coding. 3.6.9. and many 11.11 doorways heralded by KIN 122.
18 moons ago we had a 4/4=8 CODING enabling us to walk through the doorways and through into NEW EARTH.
9 moons ago we had a 10.10 and 1.1 coding with a 19 – 1 and 9 code… giving us the opportunity to close the door on the past and walk through the portals to the NEW WORLD
Today we have an 11 doorway through the month of NOVEMBER, with a 6,7 and 1 code – bringing SPIRITUAL MAJIK to manifest a NEW BEGINNING as the sovereign LEADERS of NEW EARTH.
Yesterday we RE-IMAGINED our new world, and today we are CLAIMING it!.. A brand new start in this GOLDEN AQUARIAN ERA..
Today, we travel through the wormholes opened through these past portals and ARRIVE at a HEAVENLY DIVINE PLACE! WE have ARRIVED at the HOLY GOLDEN GATES of HEAVEN -as we journey down the central MYSTIC column/staircase back to SOURCE.
We have arrived to be B-Earth-ed into a whole NEW PLACE in the NEW TIME…
IT IS TIME TO CHOOSE the DIVINE PATH for our next chapter on EARTH.
TODAY’S CODE is another Divinely orchestrated BLISSING from SPIRIT as the BREATH of SPIRIT is blessing our path!
This beautiful HEAVENLY code is being brought through the POWER OF SPIRIT, with waves of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We are riding on the winds of CHANGE ready for a FRESH NEW START in this BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN ERA of PEACE.
The OVERTONE spiritual tone of creation will COMMAND that we become more EM-POWER-ED and RADIANT beings guided by the power of Spirit and the TRUTH of our PURE HEARTS!
Day 5 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Today is a powerfully SPIRITUAL day of tuning in and receiving the FULL RADIANCE and empowerment of Spirit, which is magnified through the WHITE MIRROR.
We are now in DAY 2 of the CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION..
It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT. What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
Things will appear quite SURREAL during this 20 day passage!! Hold on!
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
This OVERTONE POWER today will be pushing people to COMMAND back their POWER in the name of TRUTH!
All roads/codes lead back to SPIRIT. Forge your connection through your HEART and SOUL.
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE OVERTONE WIND – IK Today the WIND is whispering extra SWEET messages of LOVE… TUNE IN and LISTEN carefully to the melodic golden harp frequencies of the mighty Seraphim Angels. Feel those GOLDEN codes infuse your cells and HEART with the Golden liquid nectar of the Gods – reawakening your GOD POWER in your DNA.
The MYSTIC COLUMN is the Umbilical Cord to the Universe – we are reconnecting with our ORIGINS – the Divine birth of our souls – as SPARKS of DIVINE LIGHT – our PURE ORIGINAL ESSENCE!!! Through this Umbilical cord we can access all the POWER in the UNIVERSE – the POWER of being GOD incarnate – a beautiful Divine CREATOR being.
Be mindful and observant as you REFLECT within this Divine Gateway, as the communication channels are much clearer today beyond the veil of ILLUSION . The VOICE OF GOD, will come through much STRONGER today, so find yourself a quiet sanctuary and be STILL in order to benefit from the whisperings of White Wind.
There is much WISDOM to be found through channeling Divine messages, greater than any library or google search!!!. The Divine can teach and show you incredibly wondrous revelations, beyond our limited comprehension or technology (especially ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – AI)
NO-THING compares to our organic connection with our true DIVINE SOURCE.
We have the CHOICE to be the DIVINE sovereign beings that is our birthright. We can reject any form of artificial imposition, authority or proxy connection. Command your POWER and choose to directly connect with SOURCE independent from any interference. The DIVINE UMBILICAL CORD is available to all souls who CHOOSE to do so!
Tune IN and LISTEN carefully.. Spirit may also guide you to go to places or connect with people in order to open their hearts and minds to the Divine…
TRUST in the messages.
Open your EARS and EXPAND your channel allowing Spirit to dance through your vessel.
Connect through your HEART and devotional prayer, mantras, yoga and appreciation.
Fill your vessel with the breath of Spirit and radiate this HOLY LIGHT far out beyond the galaxy.
NOTE: Some form of Spiritual practice and INNER work is recommended for this entire 20 day passage through this MYSTIC COLUMN.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE OVERTONE DOG – OC assists in OPENING our HEARTS today, and asks us to TRUST in the power of SPIRIT to lead us to the greatest LOVE possible.
The OVERTONE DOG is a very special canine indeed, as it has DOUBLE the power of unconditional LOVE which he can RADIATE to all beings in his presence.
DOG spelled in reverse = GOD,
so we have an absolutely DIVINE HIGHER GUIDE expanding the codes of DIVINE LOVE flowing through all channels today. How PERFECTO on DAY 2 of this supernatural DIVINE JOURNEY home!
Our canine friends do a STELLAR job of anchoring and teaching humans about the power of pure unconditional LOVE – THIS IS the unified Mission of the DOG group oversoul.. we humans need all the HELP we can get!! .
Go deep to the bone today, search your CORE and reflect upon the question –
Where does the greatest LOVE reside within ME?
OC asks you to weave a web of unconditional love connecting all hearts.
See through the heart walls, ILLUSION and shadow projections, to discover that at the core of every being lies their pure GODLY essence.
We are all GOD – HU-MAN beings, therefore if we SEE and treat each other as such, we can raise the vibration of ourselves, others and our planet. Every soul requires and seeks LOVE… so COMMAND forth this force through this DIVINE portal today –
SUPPORT: RED OVERTONE EARTH– CABAN today synergistically reveals the SIGNS and symbols from Spirit, which puts you in the flow of synchronicity. Pachamama supporting Spirit is a brilliant partner – bringing many synchronicities and Earth Majik into your awareness, especially with a 6/7 Divine Majik code! .
We need to LISTEN and observe more intently in order to respond with more sensitivity and compassion, to whatever is revealed by the Mirror, as an instrument for Spirit.
ACT on INSPIRATION as it comes to you, without analyzing it.
And remember: the breath of Spirit can be as subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense it and experience it. Deeply listen and express strongly in order to awaken the deepest callings of the Earth, through us.
Visualize the OVERTONE WIND working synergistically with today’s occult SUPERPOWER the SOLAR STORM – to bring forth the WINDS OF CHANGE through the POWER of LOVE
COMMANDING back GAIA’S body as the home where LOVE dwells.
Empowering all her CHILDREN to RADIATE that LOVE though their precious HEARTS – creating infinite toroidal fields throughout the Galaxy of CREATION.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SOLAR STORM – CAUAC – the SOLAR STORM merges with the OVERTONE WIND to bring forth transformational Ascension energies. These energies are catalyzing great change through raising our frequency to become CHILDREN OF THE SUN!
The WHITE MIRROR is MAGNIFYING the STORM’s actions, so all SHADOWS will be revealed today…. The SHADOW agenda and SHADOW players will be EXPOSED! This crazy Matrix chess game is FULLY collapsing before our EYES! Hip hip hoo-ray!
The SOLAR STORM is enabling the energies of Spirit to be PULSED out in waves of unconditional LOVE through focused INTENT to realize our collective VISIONS.
The SOLAR tone as the SUPERPOWER today – may ignite more CME’S – Coronal Mass Ejections or actual Solar Flares in response to the release of these codes from our SUN and Central Sun.
BLUE STORM will reveal what needs to be overturned, in order for us to realize our desire, to be fully empowered as Divine Sovereign beings.
CAUAC brings forth the transformative energies that bring the change that LIBERATES us, allowing the flow of pure energy to catalyze the transformation that is needed for our evolutionary LEAP!.
Being aligned and unified with Spirit, imagine yourself (and GAIA) being infused and purified with white LIGHT permeating your being, clearing your Divine Heart with the frequency of WHITE WIND and BLUE STORM.
Lot’s of Blessed CHANGE is in the AIR!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW OVERTONE HUMAN-EB commands you to relinquish your small human and your egoic desires and to align with the higher Will of Spirit.. the DIVINE PLAN for your soul and humanity…
Power struggles may arise through this challenge today, as less evolved souls seek to find and assert their POWER over others through this maze of confusion.
Instead of manipulating, bullying and siphoning the energy of others, we need to connect to Spirit and RADIATE that POWER from within our own pure essence.
EB empowers you to RADIATE your LIGHT and WISDOM to powerfully influence those around you. They in turn are reflecting back your RADIANCE, as you surround yourself with your TRIBE who empower your brilliance!.
EB invites you to use your intelligence, and your own independent creativity to foster and empower harmony with all beings. The purer your intent and the more you dedicate yourself to Divine service, the more Spirit will co create with you, bringing forth people, resources and guides to assist you in realizing your greater Divine Mission.
EB is also the keeper of the Golden Chalice or Holy Grail which is today’s GIFT or blissing from Spirit…
EB brings forth DIVINE NATURAL ABUNDANCE – The prosperity that FLOWS endlessly from
SOURCE- the two 11:11 gates PRIOR of KIN 122 opened these prosperity gates, and the 4.4.8 coding ensures that it FLOWS to us endlessly. Today’s we have SPIRIT’S blessing as our CREATION abilities are AMPLIFIED through this MAGNIFYING MIRROR wavespell..
Connect to SPIRIT and ASK for your endless ABUNDANCE to FLOW to you NOW.
OPEN your personal CHALICE to receive, until your cup runneth over, then turn around and fill the cups of others too… As we are now bringing forth a new era of enlightened, benevolent and heart centred Divine servants ….. kindness and compassion is the new current-see!
“Awakening of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS in the whole matrix of Gaia, releasing chains imposed by the power to submit to the human race. The power is inside our MIND, activating our connection with the creative SOURCE, with the strength of our HEART, through “LOVE” , the BEST weapon of war, that can exist, annihilating its power to collapse, completely breaking old chains, liberating from slavery. all the men and women of the world, awakening to the only supreme religion of “LOVE” where there is no subjugation, manipulations or division.
We are all “ONE” Shalom om om om Namaskar” Magdalena Alejandra Moyano
So blissed are we, precious HEARTS , Another UBER POWERFUL day for basking in pure devotion to Spirit, as you RADIATE the POWER of unconditional LOVE through your being. .
TAKE some time in nature today to REFLECT…
OPEN THE gate and walk through the DOORWAY to your HEART, leading you back home to SOURCE…
Today’s question is ” How can I EMPOWER myself and others, through communicating and RADIATING the power of Divine SPIRIT through my pure HEART?”
DIVINE GRATITUDE for the DIVINE MIRACLE and BLISSING we have been granted.. AMEN….
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts”. This is a Sacred Salutation which is used by all the Hierarchy and the Sons and Daughters of LIGHT to greet “The Father” before His Throne.
This Dragonfly Dream Meditation is a journey to connect with the gentle yet transformative energy of the dragonfly. The dragonfly symbolizes change, adaptability, and the lightness of being. In this meditation, you will explore the qualities of the dragonfly, allowing its wisdom to guide you toward clarity, transformation, and inner peace.
Have a most beautiful and blessed meditation of the Dream of the Dragonfly with my Sacred Condor…A’Ho! 🕊🕉🦅
In the name of the Beloved, Powerful and Victorious Presence of God I AM in me and my beloved Personal Holy Christ, I invoke the beloved Alpha and Omega in the heart of God in our Great Central Sun,
beloved Saint Germain, beloved Porcia, beloved Archangel Zadkiel, beloved Saint Amethyst, beloved powerful Arcturus and Victoria, beloved Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, beloved Oromasis and Diana, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Jesus, beloved Omri-Tas, ruler of the purple planet, the beloved great Advice of Karma, beloved Guru
Ma and Lanello, the whole Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the Mother of the World, elemental life – of fire, air, water and earth! Purify the violet flame in my heart
my four lower bodies, transmute all the unqualified energy that I’ve taxed on life and shine the beam
merciful of healing across the Earth, the elements and all mankind, and answer this call of mine infinitely, immediately and forever:
I AM the violet flame
That casts in me and shines
I AM the violet flame
I only submit to the Light
I AM the violet flame
Cosmic Power, Lighthouse
I AM the violet flame
Radiant like the sun
I AM the Light of God
Shining all the time
I AM the power of God
Who will set them all free.
And with all faith I consciously accept that this manifests, manifests, manifest (3x)
Here and now with full Power, eternally held, omnipotently active, continually expanding and encompassing the whole world, until all have fully ascended into the Light and are free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
Powerful decree of violet fire
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