Second and Third Waves of Planetary Ascension ~ Huge Breakthrough! * New Golden Era ~ A New Dawn
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Soul Star Family of the Divine 144
On this final day of this intense fiery month of August and the Lions Gate Portal we have massive energies flowing into this realm through the Great Central Sun and directly from the most high, Prime Source Creator.
Our local Soularis continues to send waves of Mother Gamma Plasma Liquid light releasing 5 C Class Soular Flares and 2 M class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.89 at 13:02 UTC.
We also had several pillars of white light appearing on the Schumann chart today as Mother Earth HEartbeat continues to resonate at 5D frequency reaching amplitudes of 19 hz, 25 hz and a big blast of white light at 40 hz. Fifth Dimensional Harmonics Anchored and holding steady.
We are in the final days of the false 3d matrix. Most of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are feeling the dissipation and dissolving of all false constructs deep within the core of their being. At one with the crystalline core of Gaia we are feeling our Way through these portals and activations on our Journey Home to the Kingdom of Heaven within.
Keep rising and shining your Bright Virtue as we come into the Self Realization of Buddha Mind as Awakened conscious Co-Creators of our New HEaven upon our New Earth…A’Ho!
Many may feel the urge to flee Earth, never to return, given the trials we’ve faced. But it’s important to recognize that Earth, too, is in her Master Cycle, evolving into something entirely new. We will never return to the old ways, as the polarity that once divided us will no longer exist. Instead, we are moving into a reality where love and heart-centered sustainability guide every action. This new world, this Golden Era, is the timeline we are collectively creating, and it all begins with healing and being true to ourselves.
Melissa Lyran
Listen up LIGHTWARRIORS. It’s about to get very intense. Negatives lost in all realms. They are now very desperate. You are strategically placed. Only listen to Creator now. Stay centered. There will be a lot of noise. You know who you are. New Earth is emerging and we HAVE a huge party 🥳 We also can relax and make all things new. Starseeds share knowledge. Lightwarrior starseeds are solo warriors of light on this mission. Mission COMPLETED AND WE CREATE A NEW BEGINNING FOR ALL WHO CHOOSE. YES, YOU’LL MEET EVERYONE ON THIS MISSION at the party. NO DOUBT.
Capricorn into Aquarius
I am sure you have heard it already – Pluto, the planet of death/rebirth, power, destruction, regeneration and transformation is changing signs. It transits from Capricorn into Aquarius (it will stay permanently in Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024, where it will stay until the year 2043,) which is a big deal and also explains why we are feeling or experiencing deep change and transformation . The 66, 77 and 88 portals helped with decluttering, clearing the old, recognizing what is not working anymore, new ideas coming in and also courage for action and realisation of needed change in the physical reality.
The rebirth process we are going through is going to give us interesting results. Our reality is going to change fundamentally. A new era is emerging for ourselves and the whole planet/universe. We are stepping into the age of Aquarius. The 99 portal brings the energy of endings and new beginnings and it feels like an era is changing and a new one is beginning. We are jumping timelines, we are growing and moving forward. Our ideas are coming to fruition, we just need to believe in ourselves.
8/31/24: August sent you on a scavenger hunt for your shiniest, best, and brightest… and your deepest, darkest, and most painful. If you played the game well, you now have a big mixed bag of stuff to sort through. But that’s for September. Today you deserve a happy break. The more you treat yourself today with what makes you feel good, the better your attitude will be moving forward.
Rest, relax, enjoy, play, laugh, be present and inhale the sweetness of the day. August helped you to make room inside for what’s truly important and valuable. It’s up to you now to fill that space back up with your own beautiful light.
As We continue to merge into the Solar Plexus Process, the Morality of the Heart is restored predominantly in the Second and Third Waves of Consciousness expansion, in alignment with the Planetary Ascension.
This involves a higher discernment of the Heart that takes many beyond the previous moral corruption to basically know and feel that it is not Moral to accept nor condone any perpetrated suffering upon Humanity. This advancement gets directly reflected into reality causing a more rapid evolution effect and more taking Their own reigns of Empowerment and joining the First Ascending Wave in the Conscious Co-Creation of the Heaven on Earth for All. This more readily dissolves the codependency narratives and places more of a reality control into the hands of the True Light, the Heavenly Combined Delegation.
The Divine Plan is to not plunge reality into fear, rather a consistent progression into Consciousness Self Realization and adherence, which is an upward assimilation of reality. Harmony rather than chaos is the higher dominant Universal Force that is amplified through the advances of the Heart Space into the Purified Morality. The majority of planetary Trust of the Human Souls has already shifted away from any of the old power structures and attributes and are ready for the rapid transition into the new choice of reality, fear instruments are not required.
The advancement of consciousness upon Earth over the next few months will be equivalent to 4 years of linear consciousness evolution. Pleiadian first contact is possible around the time of the next Solar Eclipse for Earth.
We stand on another threshold of Restructuring Energies as we begin the entry into September, a month of Eclipses, Equinox, retrogrades, and a month where Shadow and Light will be on obvious display.
We are called to prepare… to go within to our still-point, our zero-point and calm the waters, listen deeply, lighten the heaviness, discover the power of deep, Self Awareness. Our Mastery shall be called on over and again as the months progress.
This is also a good time to remember and keep in activity the Four Agreements written by Don Miquel Ruiz.
Be Impeccable With Your Word.
Don’t Take Anything Personally
Don’t Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best.
(And I add, Don’t Betray Your God Self.)
This is the time WE Lift the Light no matter the outer conditions.
Every moment we convert ourselves to a Higher Light we see a greater picture as to why this or that occurred. And, as we convert ourselves into a Higher Light…it has a powerful and direct affect on creating a Completely New Reality regardless of the one that may be on “play” in the moment.
The fruits and vegetables that are being harvested right now have more energy in them than in previous years because of the condensed new sun’s vibrational energy coming to you through this year’s crops. Give gratitude to the food that you buy and connect to its energy as it come into your body so you can optimize it and get the maximum benefit from it.
It is best to grow your own food if you have the chance and eat your own crops like apples, lemons and tangerines. If you don’t have your own crops, you can test the vibrational level at the store or at the market to see if it matches yours. Before you consume it, hold it in your hands and check the energy.
The old energies are like a sinking ship. The ship is constructed of old beliefs and old systems. It is still kept afloat but it is slowly going under water. Large objects create a vortex around them. Keep yourself a good distance away from all the vibrational vortexes that are going down. You now have a lot of tools to check this vortex energy and if the energy does not work for you, if it is not a positive vibration take a safe distance away so you can be an observer but are not energetically connected to the vortices that are sinking. Whether small or big, keep a safe distance so you are not unnecessarily involved. Make sure that whatever you are stepping into is a safe distance away because it is so easy to get caught in this download spiral movement. You are here to keep balance, to allow what needs to go away to leave and keep going forward according to the universal plan.
Different parts of your DNA are blooming. Your Spiritual or Etheric Light Body is becoming visible at your DNA level. Very soon, scientists will start seeing this and they will start asking questions, bringing it to everybody’s attention that your DNA has changed. There is an energy in your DNA that is showing up in all these upcoming inventions due to this. This will be a mind-blowing recognition for humanity, related to health, and your ability to heal your life. Be on the lookout for this amazing change.
Your DNA is shining and attracting attention everywhere in the scientific area. Scientists in the 3D world will start speaking about multidimensionality. It is valuable to recognize this and as a spiritual worker to understand that this energy now is a part of the real world of who you are. This recognition is becoming a part of your official world. People who were protecting the old scientific standards will have nothing to say because they will be shown the facts, the research, the pictures, everything that the new devices coming to the scientific market are able to register and determine on a scientific level.
This research will be repeated. There will be no contradictions anymore to prove you are Light Beings that have light bodies right here on Gaia, and that you are not made of matter. This is a huge breakthrough!
Dear friends, as we transition into the new month of September those of you who are energy sensitives may be feeling some tension in the air. These energetic transitions can be challenging for some of us. We are also undergoing a moderate solar geomagnetic storm at the moment which may add an extra sense of disorientation.
Starting tomorrow Sunday September 1, two big planetary players are strengthening their retrograde energetic influences: Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus, and Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn.
Uranus, the planet of revolution and innovation, appears to retreat from its usual trajectory, inviting us to introspect and recalibrate our life’s path. In the realm of Taurus, where earthy sensuality and stability reign, Uranus’ retrograde journey whispers secrets of transformation. Our values, finances, and relationship with material possessions are gently yet persistently nudged toward rebirth. As we embark on this five-month odyssey, anticipate a thoughtful reevaluation of your priorities, finances, and attachment to the tangible world. Financial adjustments may arise, bringing unexpected expenses or new income streams that challenge your relationship with money and material security. Your career path may also undergo a transformation, as fresh passions and pursuits emerge to ignite your inner fire. This planetary transit will help us stand in our own two feet by the end of this year.
Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and rebirth, also moves retrograde this time into the earthy realm of Capricorn, a sign associated with structure, discipline, and authority. As Pluto embarks on its retrograde journey in Capricorn, we’re invited to reexamine our relationship with power, control, and authority. This introspective period prompts us to reflect on past experiences with manipulation, abuse, or exploitation, and to reclaim personal power and autonomy. We are called to rebuild and restructure our sense of identity and purpose, and to rediscover our connection to the earth and natural world. This retrograde period is a chance to review past patterns and habits that no longer serve us, and to revise our approach to ambition, success, and recognition. Our relationships with authority figures and institutions will also come under scrutiny, as we reevaluate our place within existing power structures. But ultimately, this retrograde period is a catalyst for rebirth, allowing us to tap into our inner strength, resilience, and determination.
A new September energetic landscape unfolds as Uranus retrograde in Taurus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn converge, beckoning us to transform and rebirth. Uranus retrograde in Taurus invites us to reassess our values, finances, and material possessions, embracing unexpected changes and innovations. Meanwhile, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn calls us to reclaim personal power, reexamine authority, and rebirth our sense of purpose. Together, these retrogrades form a potent alchemy, dissolving outdated structures and igniting a revolution of the soul. As we navigate this transformative terrain, we’ll emerge reborn, with a renewed sense of purpose, and a deeper connection to our inner strength, creativity, and the natural world.
This new month of September begins with strong energetic shifts that will guide and support our journey throughout the rest of the year. We are entering a period of even deeper transformations and timeline adjustments compared to the first half of the year. As we navigate these new waters, we are being carried towards a new landscape of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment, where we will be able to anchor our true selves.
The new moon is also just around the corner, stay tuned for a lunar energy update tomorrow. Much love
Ascending ones are Anchoring the Light in New Earth energy : As we enter into a New Dawn many higher vibrational light codes are streaming through the blueprint system Light Codes are ‘symbols’ representing Geometric structures of light. They awaken dormant aspects within DNA, helping to align self with the frequencies of energy streaming on to our planet.
They are Awakening further Dormant DNA as we embody more of our lightbody to further become aligned with Higher Self. The amount of Light we are now embodying is far greater than ever before. In truth as we Ascend into Higher Vibrations, we are becoming the New Human on ascending earth and Reconnecting with the Higher Self. The truthful aspect of our being .
Timelines are Splitting, there is a Timeline of Fear and a Timeline of Love, the world as we know it has split into two different worlds, choices are present, one based in Fear and one in Love. They can no longer co- exist in new earth energy .
The ascending are in the midst of powerful incoming Light Code Energies that are not only activating the self’s original template, but also removing all and any distortions and alterations in our DNA Genetics .
The Ascending are experiencing the reactivation of the Divine Human Template within the DNA structures .
Many have now reached a point where their DNA is purging and cleansing, the ascending are reconnecting with their Divine Power and merging fully with Higher self aspects , this is the return to the Original DNA Blueprint from long ago.
This is a most beautiful and precious time for Simplicity as we have been encouraged to connect to Divine source vibrational frequencies , applying Simplicity into every area of existence both physically and metaphysically .
In accessing and embodying the Divine source energies of Simplicity the ascending are creating space within their being , Mind, and Reality to engage with Divine self (Higher Self).
Our Divine self is our true view of the real self which is beyond boundaries, limitations, and illusions. It is our true essence, our relationship with the Divine and our expression of the Divine source
The Divine self is the experience and Knowingness of oneness and unification with the Divine. To access the Divine self allows us to recognise all capabilities of the Sacred being and expression of the Divine source .
5D is the spiritual dimension of oneness, love, and a higher conscious understanding of life. It is very much about feeling and experiencing the spiritual-energetic nature of life in conscious connection to the physical manifestations of creation. 5D ascension is an upgraded spiritual human experience that is lived from the open and expanded heart and crown chakras .
5D allows us to encompass greater ease, integrity, truth, connection, cooperation, freedom, and unconditional love. 5D ascension is the journey of rising to new earth experiences and embodying 5th dimensional higher consciousness.
5D ascension is happening on individual and personal levels for the ascending who are ready and choosing to ascend to this more higher and more beneficial conscious timeline.
5D ascension is integrating on a collective level as more ascending become aware of the embodiment in 5D consciousness; this is dramatically shifting the vibration of the collective.
The frequencies of 5D are becoming more understood, accepted, and experienced on earth as a beneficial and transformative planetary consciousness.
The dominant vibration of the collective energy on earth has been 3 Dimensional awareness , which is the focus on matter, material, manipulation and density of the human being , this has been the dominant reality for a very long time on our planet .
The Ascending are now naturally shifting to 5D to integrate higher consciousness that brings in more balance, alignment , understanding, and deeper connection within the physical, spiritual and mental aspects of the human experience.
5D is the conscious state where you are fully aware of the energetic nature of the universe and your personal connection with source love energy. Being aware that you have access to this infinite supply of potential that you can direct with your open heart, tuned emotions, and intentional thoughts and actions.
When the Ascending are fully aware and connected to the ability to consciously and rapidly manifest this is a symptom of personal 5D ascension. Self’s upgraded sensitivity and awareness in 5D allows for manifestation with greater clarity and ease therefore experiencing manifestations far more rapidly .
5D allows us to encompass greater ease, integrity, truth, connection, cooperation, freedom, and unconditional love. 5D ascension is the Sovereign journey of rising to experience and embody 5th dimensional higher consciousness.
5D ascension is happening on an individual and personal level for many ascending souls who are ready and choosing to authentically ascend to this higher and more beneficial timeline.
Inner union is being granted, rapturing us into the Rainbow Tree of Life Rainbow Light Body. The physical body is ready to expand and house this energetic container.
You are surrounded by Guardian Beings of Light that are with you through this major metamorphosis.
It is safe to release the conditioning and programs that you’ve known, and receive Wisdom that is taking you into enlightenment and unconditional love.
On Saturday, August 31st, Uranus, the Great Awakener, is at a standstill and getting ready to turn to retrograde motion on Sunday, September 1st at 11:18am EDT. We have been feeling the effects of this for at least the past couple of weeks, and perhaps longer for those that are energetically sensitive. Uranus rules freedom, liberation, breakdown, breakthrough, individuality, independence, eccentricity, extremism, innovation, inspiration, rebelliousness, restlessness, originality, nonconformity, Higher intuition, the Universal Mind, upheaval, and sudden change and redirection.
It also rules lightning storms, electricity and technology. Have you experienced anything related to these energies? Now, as this quirky planet with the unusual rings shifts retrograde, we are being guided to explore what liberation and freedom really means to us. We are being asked to “beat to the beat of ur own drum” and to be our true and authentic self. Happy exploring everyone!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Uranus, the Great Awakener, is at a standstill and getting ready to turn to retrograde motion on Sunday
Mars in Gemini semi-sextile Uranus in Taurus – Whilst bigger patterns begin to coalesce and others disintegrate in the background, the foreground picture is quiet today. There’s only a fizzle and pop from Mars and Uranus, a crackle of excitement – or nerves. It helps to work consciously with this energy, think about what you want and what needs to change to get it. Irritation, however, may stem from feeling frustrated by a slow pace. It could feel like your independence and freedom rely on how quickly you complete a task or goal, but things take time to manifest. It’s possible that you may feel burned out from overthinking or too much input from the outside world. Bring yourself back to the present. Calm your nerves. Go to the park, breathe in the clean air. Thank the trees. Your inner motivator will feel less stressed if you allow yourself time out once in a while.
For some, it may seem like sometimes you have to curb your uniqueness in order to fit in with the rest of society. Perhaps you’re concerned that others will react strongly if you go off the beaten track, try something new or express your unique passions. Be brave. Do it your way. Dare to break the pattern. There is room for everyone.
The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. A wavespell flows in a particular rhythm. Day one kicks things off, day two identifies the challenges and day three activates. All this energy should not be wasted and if you want to get the most out of this wavespell, take advantage of today’s energy boost and ‘activate’ your adventure. The Skywalker wavespell is quite fast paced and you will have to focus to keep up with it!
Today is Blue Eagle and keywords associated with it are ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. The Eagle sees things from a higher perspective and then uses creativity to solve any problems it sees. This day is all about stepping back and considering the bigger picture. So how does this fit in with the current wavespell? We are journeying for 13 days with the Red Skywalker which asks us to get out of our comfort zone and be more adventurous. Today the Eagle can help you have a vision, and this can inspire you and show you the direction to go. If previously you were unsure of where this adventure was going to take you, Eagle has some creative ideas for you.
The Guide today is Blue Storm which represents change, suggesting that this day is going to be very interesting and the visions that Eagle shows you will guide you to make some big changes in your life. You may not like what you see as you step back and see the bigger picture, but this vision has potential to really change your life. Whenever this disruptive energy is leading the way, the journey can be a bumpy ride. Be prepared to feel like you are on a rollercoaster today. You may be flying high with the Eagle but with a storm brewing try not to get struck by lightning or blown off course.
If you are a Red Serpent today will challenge you. It’s hard to see the bigger picture sometimes and Serpents, well they crawl on the ground on their bellies and you can’t get more grounded than that. They can see the details up close and are very connected to the earth but sometimes they need to fly to see what’s going on in the wider vicinity. If you are not a Red Serpent then how will this affect your day? Either you may feel oversensitive or you may find others being oversensitive towards you.
The Occult power is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Opportunity, Death and Equality’. When Worldbridger falls on an Occult day we have an opportunity to cross a magical bridge. This is a great partner for Eagle as flying high can help you locate the bridge you need to cross. There is magic to help you too and so be prepared for a shamanic experience.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. Today people born on Yellow Seed are of great help to everyone providing much needed information.
A VERY DYNAMIC REVOLUTIONARY DAY .. as we wrap up the potent month of AUGUST
SUMMARY of codes for TODAY – 31 AUGUST 2024
2. 11/2 PORTAL code
BLUE EAGLE in the SKYWALKER wavespell, gives us the POWER of great multidimensional VISION and foresight, utilizing this we should be able to make the BEST choices for ourselves and our planet.
Today’s ELECTRICAL current creates a very strong magnetic pull to BOND with your kin, in service to humanity. Many groups are forming and gathering at this time for the benefit of communities, cities, nations and our entire planet.
Today we are ENVISIONING how we can ACTIVATE our electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and energize others through Divine Service.
The ELECTRIC tone coupled with the BLUE EAGLE is a very potent force for SEERS/VISIONARIES/PROPHETS and Entrepreneurs to take the reins and ACTIVATE this bigger VISION for our planet.
The ELECTRIC EAGLE is a kin of DESTINY and FATE for the entirety of mankind!
BLUE EAGLE holds the power of VISION throughout the whole SPECTRUM of the space/time continuum… The past, the present and the FUTURE… as well as parallel timelines and possibilities, throughout all dimensions.
BLUE EAGLE is the SCOUT, PROPHET and VISIONARY – who can fly up ahead and return as the Messenger – warning us of what lies ahead in our future if we do not consciously CHOOSE to change our current course.
As we course correct the BLUE EAGLE can identify WHERE each timeline will lead – the FINAL OUTCOME.. The ELECTRIC tone can ACTIVATE our FUTURE TIMELINE – It can very POWERFULLY DESTROY one path, and set humanity on a new course altogether… such is the potent POWER of this ELECTRIC EAGLE!
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for our collective PLANETARY MIND so today’s code has great influence in our Planetary LIBERATION.
Whatever transpires today has the power to AWAKEN and UNITE – all of HU-MAN-KIND!
BLUE EAGLE in the SKYWALKER wavespell, gives us the POWER of great multidimensional VISION and foresight, utilizing this we should be able to make the BEST choices for ourselves and our planet.
Today’s ELECTRICAL current creates a very strong magnetic pull to BOND with your kin, in service to humanity. Many groups are forming and gathering at this time for the benefit of communities, cities, nations and our entire planet.
Today we are ENVISIONING how we can ACTIVATE our electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and energize others through Divine Service.
The ELECTRIC EAGLE is a kin of DESTINY and FATE for the entirety of mankind!
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for our collective PLANETARY MIND so today’s code has great influence in our Planetary LIBERATION.
Whatever transpires today has the power to AWAKEN and UNITE – all of HU-MAN-KIND!
Let us all be the RAINBOW bridge and bring HEAVEN to EARTH during this adventurous SKYWALKER CYCLE!
Divine blessings for our SUCCESS!!
In Lak’ech a la kin (I AM another YOU)
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 MOONS AGO KIN 55 followed the potent 12.12 portal within the SOLSTICE cauldron.
18 MOONS ago – we had a GRAND CELESTIAL EVENT in our skies – 5 planets aligned in an ARC – Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury.. HALLELUJAH another DIVINE BLISSING – AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.
TODAY we ACTIVATE our capacity to SEE into the EMOTIONAL plane, witnessing what creates the greatest amount of transformation for ourselves and our planet. As we seek to CREATE this BIG NEW VISION, we AWAKEN our GLOBAL family with a BIG BLAST! .
where the trajectory/timeline of humanity has been significantly ALTERED on this day. – TWICE – in EPIC – historical events. BLUE EAGLE holds the coding for PLANETARY MIND – so whatever happens on this day -has ENORMOUS significance for our global evolution of consciousness.
On August 6th, 1945, BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE day, the United States of America changed the face of warfare when it dropped an ATOMIC BOMB on Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later on 9 August, 1945, WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR day, U.S. forces detonated a second ATOMIC BOMB over Nagasaki, Japan, forcing an END to World War 2.
NOTE: The RHYTHMIC tone seeks EQUALITY, through the action of BALANCE. These bombings also occurred during the RHYTHMIC LIZARD Moon month, so BALANCE was very much a priority at the time. YELLOW STAR – restoring HARMONY and peace was both the challenge and gift of the day on August 9th, 1945. PEACE and HARMONY were restored on that day as World War 2 abruptly came to an end and everyone could return to their civilian lives once again, so the ELECTRIC EAGLE heralded in a NEW ERA of PEACE to PLANET EARTH. (albeit through CATASTROPHIC DESTRUCTION!!)
Today is BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE DAY and 3 days hence forth on TUESDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER 2024 ( 3/9/2024= 3/9/8 = 3/17=3/8=11 =2 Another 11/2 doorway!) we have another DIVINE DESTINY day!! – the RHYTHMIC MIRROR activates to restore HARMONY and BALANCE once again just as it did in 1945! And THIS time round we have DOUBLE RHYTHMIC POWER – through the Year RHYTHMIC STORM energies adding to the mix – activating BALANCE and EQUALITY in the MATRIX/MIRROR WORLD through these harmonizing energies.
So will this BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE DAY – again repeat the pattern and be the MARKER that heralds in a new era of GLOBAL PEACE – that of the new GOLDEN AGE????
HEAVEN’S CROSS on 22 MARCH 2023, opened the veil to INFINITE HEAVENS 18 MOONS ago, and now the ELECTRIC EAGLE opens the GATE for us to FLY THROUGH and shift our PERSPECTIVE through a DIVINE lens.
BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE day holds the POWER of a NUCLEAR BOMB as its codes are very potent. I have always believed that the ELECTRIC tone is one of the most POWERFUL, and also one of the most difficult to master, due to its volatility.
The analogy I use is like giving a bomb to a toddler! That is the potentiality of the ELECTRIC tone, which I also call the “Tesla Power” –
How YOU choose to direct this energy source, depends on your MOTIVE and level of consciousness. It may be used to cause great destruction, or great positive evolution and benefit for humanity.
NOTE: Both DJT (Electric Hand) and Elon…Musk (Electric Worldbridger) hold the ELECTRIC tone in their energetic signature and thus both wield TREMENDOUS POWER!!
The date of the next USA Presidential Election, set for TUESDAY 4TH NOVEMBER is an ELECTRIC TONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the day of the YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN – activating higher consciousness!! BOOM – A HUGE transformation for humanity!
BLUE EAGLE in the SKYWALKER wavespell, gives us the POWER of great multidimensional VISION and foresight, utilizing this we should be able to make the BEST choices for ourselves and our planet.
Today’s ELECTRICAL current creates a very strong magnetic pull to BOND with your kin, in service to humanity. Many groups are forming and gathering at this time for the benefit of communities, cities, nations and our entire planet.
Today we are ENVISIONING how we can ACTIVATE our electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and energize others through Divine Service.
The ELECTRIC tone coupled with the BLUE EAGLE is a very potent force for SEERS/VISIONARIES/PROPHETS and Entrepreneurs to take the reins and ACTIVATE this bigger VISION for our planet.
The ELECTRIC EAGLE is a kin of DESTINY and FATE for the entirety of mankind!
BLUE EAGLE holds the power of VISION throughout the whole SPECTRUM of the space/time continuum… The past, the present and the FUTURE… as well as parallel timelines and possibilities, throughout all dimensions.
BLUE EAGLE is the SCOUT, PROPHET and VISIONARY – who can fly up ahead and return as the Messenger – warning us of what lies ahead in our future if we do not consciously CHOOSE to change our current course.
As we course correct the BLUE EAGLE can identify WHERE each timeline will lead – the FINAL OUTCOME.. The ELECTRIC tone can ACTIVATE our FUTURE TIMELINE – It can very POWERFULLY DESTROY one path, and set humanity on a new course altogether… such is the potent POWER of this ELECTRIC EAGLE!
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for our collective PLANETARY MIND so today’s code has great influence in our Planetary LIBERATION.
Whatever transpires today has the power to AWAKEN and UNITE – all of HU-MAN-KIND!
BLUE ELECTRIC STORM CAUAC is in the HIGHER SELF/GUIDE position today, causing TREMENDOUS cataclysmic transformation through the powers of purification, stirring the mud pit in order to clear the dross.
Today we have DOUBLE STORM POWER guiding this ELECTRIC EAGLE to do its work. The AGENDA of this higher force is to catalyze TRANSFORMATION.. The RHYTHMIC YEAR tone will soften the ELECTRIC STORM to behave in a more ORDERLY MANNER – bringing a sense of structure to the CHAOS!
ALLOW the STORM energy to transform and LIBERATE us, through the FREEDOM that is generated through chaos, that dissolves ANY RESISTANCE to change.
Absolutely BRILLIANT for SMASHING through any cognitive dissonance today.. This is CIRCUIT BREAKING with the ELECTRICAL tone – enabling NEW WIRING to be laid and connected!
The BLUE STORM holds the power of THE THUNDER-BEINGS cracking OPEN the old in order to dissolve and LIBERATE the new.. This is the POWER of Mjölnir-the hammer of the god Thor in Norse mythology, used both as a devastating weapon and as a divine instrument to provide blessings. And indeed many BLESSINGS come through the power of TRANSFORMATION that CAUAC brings.
CAUAC is blessing us with the power of regeneration today, a chance to change course and START ANEW! We may have some discomfort through the chaos, but this energy can then be catalyzed for tremendous Planetary transformation.
Make sure you are well GROUNDED to discharge the electrical surge today!!!
YELLOW ELECTRIC SEED KAN is the supporting energy providing the impetus to TRANSFORM and GROW through this great change.. 3 KAN was the YEARLY KIN for the 2021/22 DREAMSPELL YEAR – which resulted in a HUGE PLANETARY AWAKENING through the false PLANDEMIC scenario. 3 KAN provides a tremendous emphasis on AWAKENING and rising up together in order to commence UNITED action.
KAN and CAUAC are SHAKING you up, forcing you to AWAKEN and change course, in order to embody the highest LIGHT and realize your full DIVINE potential as a brilliant STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN.
The ELECTRIC SEED – has the POWER to FORCIBLY AWAKEN in order to STEP UP in the next stage of your Mission and our Planetary R-EVOLUTION!
Watch him GROW!
On a PLANETARY LEVEL – KAN is holding the potential LIGHT packets, which when released and ACTIVATED, can SEED the HIGHER TIMELINE in our beautiful new reality. A POWERFUL support for HUMANITY’S AWAKENING.
WHITE SPECTRAL WORLDBRIDGER CIMI is the OCCULT/hidden SUPER power today – sealing the store of DEATH and closing the cycle. This BRIDGE has a SPECTRAL tone, so it provides EXTRA nuclear force to DISSOLVE, RELEASE and LIBERATE The shackles are smashed to smithereens -..
This DEATH could be literal, as in the case of the HIROSHIMA BOMB or rather symbolic – as in the DEATH of the old paradigm, old world and old Patriarchal control Matrix.. either way expect abrupt ENDINGS today!
The ELECTRIC EAGLE together with SPECTRAL CIMI, will be SUPERACTIVATED to BLAST us through into a NEW PARADIGM..
These codes are POTENT for creating our Planetary transformation through radical LIBERATION – like a PLUTONIAN BOMB!!!!
LET GO and SURRENDER to the power of the STORM in bringing through the BIG PICTURE for our PLANET. CIMI can then build the RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW world we are creating.
NOTE: Japan holds the codes of CIMI the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER on the Planetary Holon Japan certainly felt the pain of DEATH, suffering, loss and grief on that life shattering day with the death of 100,000 Japanese citizens. . The SPECTRAL tone seeks to dissolve, and indeed it did just that, dissolving everything to DUST!
On August 6th, 1945 the LAND of CIMI was LITERALLY dissolved with the HIROSHIMA BOMB – thus LIBERATING their nation (albeit in a tragic manner! ) ensuring they SURRENDER to the allies in WW2. A VERY LITERAL translation of the script of the DREAMSPELL coding for that fateful day in our Planet’s his-story.
The karmic lesson for JAPAN was to SURRENDER and embrace FORGIVENESS ( a lesson of CIMI) for those that perpetrated great destruction on their country. Ironically the Japanese people are very compassionate, humble and peace loving, having accepted their fate and moved forwards to thrive with their successful economy and technological inventions. (Although with a heavy reliance on NUCLEAR energy and the Fukushima disaster in 2011, it is questionable whether they have truly LEARNED their nuclear lessons!)
The DEATH of Japan’s longest serving Prime Minister – Shinzo Abe was in the world news. Could this be a SIGN for the ELECTRIC EAGLE to detonate the OLD WORLD ORDER… (and was he in fact really murdered, or DEAD, or perhaps on witness protection?)
SHINZO ABE was born on 21st September 1954 – on AUTUMN EQUINOX and he is/was a RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER!!!! His global mission was to bring BALANCE through EQUALITY, and be the BRIDGE between worlds – the old and new! A very profound Galactic signature for a world leader who was PROUD of Japan’s WAR history….
“He is a great man and leader” as President Trump put it. “He was a uniter like no other, but above all, he was a man who loved and appreciated his magnificent country Japan! “
And so as the nation grieved for this great leader – he UNITED them once more – (just as Princess Diana did) … and so this is indeed another ENDING and MILESTONE EVENT… orchestrated as a GLOBAL TRIGGER point. ..
CHICCHAN holds the traits of FEAR, SURVIVAL, life force and instinct as well as KUNDALINI POWER!
Tragically all these themes played out to the letter on that fateful BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE DAY in 1945. BLUE EAGLE brought an abrupt end to World War 2 by forcing our planet to look at the BIG PICTURE, the SURVIVAL and welfare of man-kind, our WHOLE PLANET was at stake.
Would our human species survive?
Would our actual PLANET survive, or would it perish in a nuclear holocaust?
The Earth toddler had just detonated his new electric toy and now we had caught the attention of our GALACTIC broThors and siStars.. NUCLEAR WAR is PROHIBITED on EARTH, and so began a period of greater surveillance and guidance from our Galactic brethren to ensure EARTH’S SURVIVAL. (NOTE: We have had Galactic intervention UPTEEN times preventing our PLANET being destroyed through nuclear weapons and disasters e.g. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in the USSR in 1987 and FUKUSHIMA in 2011).
IRONICALLY the Enola Gay, was the name of the USAAF B-29 Superfortress bomber that carried “Little Boy”, the knick name given to this first atomic bomb to be used in an act of war. The name of the bomber itself was chosen by its pilot, Colonel Paul Tibbets, who named it after his mother, Enola Gay Tibbets, who had been named after the heroine of the novel Enola; or, Her fatal mistake.
In 1980 British group – OCD – Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – released an Anti WAR song titled ENOLA GRAY – with the lyrics asking the question “Is mother proud of Little Boy today?”…
INDEED how paradoxical – Pachamama was NOT impressed with her Earth children on that day! What had we DONE???!!
This catastrophic EVENT SHOCKED our world into AWAKENING to the GLOBAL PICTURE – A very RUDE AWAKENING to STOP the warfare over geographical boundaries and power plays. If we destroyed our entire planet then there would be no countries to fight over. This is akin to the child “spitting the dummy” or knocking over the chess board!
It is GAME OVER, RED ROVER and there are no winners!
We all lose an unwinnable game. Ironically the ELECTRIC tone seeks to BOND through Service. It certainly did unite us as ONE PLANET, all fearful for our survival due to this one horrific abominable act of destruction.
Fast forward to four decades later to 16th August 1987. Jose and Lloydine Arguelles – Ascended Masters & twinflames, who served as Father and Mother of the Dreamspell Calendar, in a wonderful synchronized ceremonial act of majik, organized the FIRST GLOBALLY SYNCHRONIZED meditation on the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE of 1987. It was the day of the BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE – KIN 55!
This global event was the panacea needed, which was like a harmonic 4D injection into the karmic error of Hiroshima. The ELECTRIC SWITCH was flipped from GLOBAL DISASTER to GLOBAL PEACE – holding a BIGGER GLOBAL PICTURE to paint on a new canvas of possibility.. A world of BEAUTY, HARMONY and the bonding of broThors and siStars as ONE PLANETARY FAMILY.
NOTE: 2024 marks the 47th anniversary since the PEACE treaty of the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE was forged, to align with the GOLDEN AGE timeline.
BLUE EAGLE provides the power of VISION and fresh perspectives to avoid the mistakes of THE PAST!
Ironically humanity WAS in a parallel time to that of the 3rd Reich during WW2 (and prior to that the destruction of ATLANTIS), when the BOMB was dropped to END the WAR and restore PEACE in our WORLD.
We have another opportunity today to grow in strength through the ability to LEARN from PAST MISTAKES – just what we need! The WHEEL of KARMA has returned to the same point and here we are AGAIN in similar circumstances. Can we come together in PEACE claiming our SOVEREIGNTY this time, not having to resort to dramatic destructive means to regain our course???
Let us all PRAY the resolution is harmonious for all.
These revelations and fresh perspectives that the ELECTRIC EAGLE brings, are revealed from our inner realms. Through the inner eye we see that all the wars we have fought and continue to fight are a PAST hologram projected into our present moment. By returning collectively to the present moment, we can spontaneously ACTIVATE our HIGHER TIMELINE and new reality.
This HUGE INFLUX of SOLAR RAINBOW RAYS are beaming more LIGHT onto our planet containing holographic LIGHT codes for new potentialities.
We can create a new holographic movie and wondrous new script for Mother Earth starting TODAY!
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” (Eleanor Roosevelt).
On this MAGNIFICENT BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE DAY let us focus on WORLD PEACE and HARMONY visualizing the beautiful rainbow bridge as butterfly wings around GAIA, being energized by the ELECTRIC BLUE energy of the majestic BLUE EAGLE, flying above our planet, holding the BIG PICTURE and panoramic landscape of Nova Gaia, in his mind’s eye. The Mayan name for BLUE EAGLE is MEN!
May MEN hold this VISION to manifest a new wondrous world of everlasting peace amongst HU-MAN-KIND.
NOTE: You can do your own meditation visualizing rainbow wings around GAIA or you can follow this video produced by the Planet Art Network
Our DIVINE MISSION is to REMEMBER the future: the Future of the New Time.
In the NEW TIME,
There is NO WAR.
There is no pollution.
There is no poverty.
There is no hunger.
Love, synchronicity and imagination reign.
In the New Time we are given the facilities to create a new culture: galactic culture: a culture of wholeness, a culture of light, a culture of all-inclusive peace that recognizes our place in the cosmos.”
Let us all be the RAINBOW bridge and bring HEAVEN to EARTH during this adventurous SKYWALKER CYCLE!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
By Asara Adams and the Pleiadian-Syrian-Arcturian Light Council
I decree to connect with My I AM Presence…
In the name of my “Beloved I AM Presence” I now call my Galactic Family of Light, the Beloved Ascended Masters and the Grand Angels.
I ask these Blessed Beings of Light to Amplify, Intensify and Multiply the power of this Decree with the Light of a Thousand Suns of the Great Central Sun:
“Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’!
Charge and fill my mind and body with Divine Inner Peace, Love, Harmony, Abundance, Health and Happiness!
Fill my whole being, mind, heart, body and aura with your energy and let me see, feel and perceive my reality through your eyes and invoke the manifestation of the Divine Plan.
Beloved I AM Presence fills my whole mental body and thoughts.
Beloved I AM Presence fills my whole Emotional Body and Feelings.
Beloved I AM Presence fills my whole Body Physical and Health.
Beloved I AM Presence fills my whole Spiritual Body and Aura.
Beloved I AM Presence fills my whole Being and World.
Go before me today and tonight and take charge!
I give you all the power
In the name of my Beloved I AM Presence, I ask that the Ascended Master’s Assistance remains in Harmony in thought, feeling, word and action at all times.
I AM now living in a wonderful reality to create a higher-dimensional life of Love, Peace, Harmony, Health, Creativity, Abundance, Joy and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for all.
In the name of my “Beloved I AM Presence” I now carry myself and my world with the Cosmic Light of Christ of eternal perfection and the Illuminated Substance of the Invincible Light of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.
I decree this for the Highest Good of All that is in Divine service to God.
Now and forever.
It is done. It is done. It is done.
Thank you Beloved I AM ”
decree to connect with My I AM Presence
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