You are currently viewing Original Golden Dream ~ New Earth Timeline is birthed! * Ancient Key Codes ACTIVATING! Inner Earth Agarthan
Phoenix Rising

Original Golden Dream ~ New Earth Timeline is birthed! * Ancient Key Codes ACTIVATING! Inner Earth Agarthan

Original Golden Dream ~ New Earth Timeline is birthed! * Ancient Key Codes ACTIVATING! Inner Earth Agarthan


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Rainbow Dragon Nation of the Emerald Order of New Avalon

After the powerful Divine Feminine Goddess Portal yesterday on Friday the 13th and tomorrow’s final full moon of 2024 in Gemini the sign of the twins we are navigating in between worlds in the zero point Quantum Field of Infinite Light.

You may feel physically or energetically off kilter as we are being recalibrated and going through an energetic adjustment to prepare us for the full moon and the week of the December Solstice as we move into the Stillness of the Kingdom of Heaven within and reach our equilibrium of the two spheres of the Yin and the Yang as the fire of the Divine Masculine and the Water of the Divine Feminine come into Balance and Harmony of the music of the Spheres. The Eagle flies in Divine Union with the Condor to bridge Heaven and Earth and usher in our New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Life.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are calling in our Highest Ascension Timeline and with your Pure Intent and Divine Will are holding the codes, keys and vibrations in assistance to Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this greatest Transformation and Transfiguration of Eternity.

Within this Dream of the Dragonfly all things are possible as we tap into the genius within and become the artists, creators and conductors of our Lifes Symphony and with our blank canvas of Infinite Possibility we paint a masterpiece of Pristine Beauty for the world to behold and cherish we consciously co-create our Paradise on Earth.

Keep holding the visions of New Earth, Shine your Light Bright, continue to anchor in the Crystalline Codes into the Core Heart Center of Pachamama as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Hue-man of homo-Luminous and the New Eden of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica with Freedom and Victory in the Light…A’Ho!










New Tribal Agreements – Seven Sisters


Pleiadian Sisters
Pleiadian Sisters


New Earth Timeline is birthed – We are anchoring & embodying at deeper levels – Time to step into our full Divine Sovereign Light🌟
Galactic Nations
Galactic Nations


We Have Lift Off✨️✨️✨️
Disgruntled Rumblings
Final Tumblings, Of Holographic Sand Bags
As We Find The Warm Jet Stream
Of The Original Golden Dream ✨️✨️✨️
Original Golden Dream
Original Golden Dream

Gene Key 11 – The Light of Eden

December 14th – 19th 2024

Obscurity – Idealism – Light

“If we have the 11th Gift, or are contemplating it, we can use the beautiful richness of the right brain visions and archetypes in our life to launch it onto a higher level. That is our greatest Gift – to catch others on fire with the Light that burns in our heart. Our Gift is our heart, our love, our devotion.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 11 – The Light of Eden
Gene Key 11 – The Light of Eden


Cosmic Activation Day!! Soooooo Beautiful the Energies of Divine Feminine ✨️ Portals Opening !!
We Received Downloads Of Kuan Yin Our Mother OF THE COSMIC EARTH 🌎 🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵 THIS BEAUTIFUL SIRIUS B LINEAGES ❤️
Kuan Yin Diamond Sun Star Codes 🌟 🤩 Cosmic Rays of Abundance & Prosperity UPGRADES coming online!! ♥️ Today for Our Full Moon/ Planetary Shift🌝 Higher Earth Alignment 💙💚🧡
The Inner Earth Agarthan’s will be the first to introduce themselves the surface humanity amidst this most sacred process.
Your trust of self and expansion is not in endless mental speculation, but the compassion and grace in which you accept and embrace your brothers and sister during such a transition.
Regardless of what is being said “socially”, this is an opportunity to demonstrate the maturity you have established beyond the confusion and emotional instability of the Ego Mind identity as a Newly Awakened Ascended Masters here in the physical.
This process is not about you having to try to “explain everything to others”, but being an example of the trust in yourself beyond the ignorance of fear and anxiety.
You know what is happening and the many souls involved in this most sacred experience.
All is well indeed.
We are observing with great gratitude and excitement for all of you.
– Command Team


In the ancient past, Atlantis and Lemuria were two great civilizations that existed on Earth. Atlantis was known for its advanced science, technology, and cosmic knowledge, while Lemuria was celebrated for its deep spirituality and harmony with nature. The people of these civilizations perfectly balanced the material and the spiritual, living as ascended beings.
The trees witnessed these times and have passed down their knowledge and experiences to the present day. Within their rings are etched the secrets of Atlantis’s crystal technologies and Lemuria’s methods of healing the heart. By connecting with the energy of the trees, we can awaken these dormant wisdoms within ourselves. They guide us to connect with our inner truth and show us the path to fulfill our soul’s mission. Trees are living libraries, holding the keys for us to return to higher states of consciousness
Lemurian times
Lemurian times


12/14/24: As you’ve been working on your power this year you’ve also been strengthening your ability to handle greater amounts of divine flow. By becoming more authentic, transparent, vulnerable, confident, and present, you’ve opened yourself to more than you have ever been able to receive and accept. Inspiration, creation, and manifestation are Right Actions today because you can now let these gifts of spirit enter the world through you.
And your partnership with divine influence will also light the way for others. All of December’s energy is focused on our shared empowerment and impact. We are the portals through which grace and magic come into being.
Lyran Nation of New Lemuria
Lyran Nation of New Lemuria


Dear friends, the Full Moon of Sunday December 15, 2024, marks a dynamic and transformative close to the year. As this lunar event occurs in the sign of Gemini, expect a heightened sense of awareness that will help you confront and release outdated mental constructs.
Also, in synergy with the full moon and just in time for the holiday season, Mercury finally moves forward in Sagittarius on December 15, ending the last Mercury retrograde period of 2024. As Mercury awakens from its retrograde slumber, a fresh wave of clarity, optimism, and adventure sweeps across the cosmos. Our mind expands, and our perception broadens, inviting us to explore new horizons, seek out novel experiences, and speak our truth with unbridled authenticity. With curiosity reignited and creativity sparked, we’re drawn to artistic pursuits, innovative thinking, and open-hearted communication, as the universe whispers secrets of growth, expansion, and limitless possibility for the year ahead.
The Full Moon illuminates your thoughts and emotions, bringing hidden patterns to the surface. It’s an opportunity to gain clarity on your mental and emotional landscapes, letting go of limiting beliefs and cultivating a more positive, compassionate mindset.
Gemini’s influence emphasizes the importance of clear communication, self-expression, and mental clarity. This Full Moon encourages us to speak our truth, listen actively, and seek understanding in our relationships. It’s a time to reflect on your communication style and make adjustments to ensure you’re expressing yourself authentically.
As the year comes to a close, this Full Moon invites us to reflect on the past 12 months. It’s a chance to release what no longer serves you, making space for new experiences and growth in the upcoming year. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. This Full Moon is an opportunity to honor your growth and progress on your earthly journey.
The recent 12:12 light codes have laid the groundwork for this Full Moon’s energies. As the light codes continue to integrate within your being, this Full Moon amplifies their effects, illuminating areas where you may still be holding onto old patterns or limitations. The Gemini Full Moon’s emphasis on mental clarity and communication serves as a catalyst, helping you to articulate and release any remaining blockages, and embody the higher frequencies of the 12:12 light codes. This synergistic interaction between the Full Moon and the 12:12 light codes creates a powerful opportunity for profound transformation and growth.
To harness the energy of this Full Moon, take time to meditate, journal, or engage in other reflective practices to connect with your inner self. Practice active listening, and express yourself authentically in your relationships. Be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances, and trust that you have the resilience to navigate unexpected challenges.
During this period you may experience a range of emotional and physical effects. Emotionally, you may feel restless, agitated, or easily irritated, especially if you’re not expressing yourself authentically. On the other hand, the Full Moon can also bring moments of profound clarity, insight, and understanding. You may feel emotionally turbulent, anxious, or nervous, but remember to be patient and compassionate with yourself and those around you as you navigate these emotions. We may be faced with limiting fears that have not been previously addressed.
Physically, the Full Moon’s magnetic energetic intensity can disrupt sleep patterns, increase energy and restlessness, and cause tension in the nervous system. You may also experience respiratory issues, such as coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath. To navigate these effects, stay grounded and centered through activities like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. Prioritize self-care, communicate openly and honestly, and stay hydrated.
As we navigate the energies of this Full Moon, remember to be gentle with yourself and prioritize self-care. This is a powerful opportunity to close out the year, releasing what no longer serves you and welcoming the new possibilities that await in 2025.
As the Full Moon energies dissipate next week, they will seamlessly merge with the upcoming Solstice energies on December 21st. The Solstice, marking the rebirth of the sun, will amplify the transformative work initiated by the Full Moon. Expect a powerful activation of your inner light, as the Solstice energies ignite a deeper sense of purpose, passion, and direction. The combination of the Gemini Full Moon and the Solstice will create a potent catalyst for personal growth, spiritual evolution, and new beginnings, setting the stage for a profound and transformative year ahead.
Have a wonderful and enlightening weekend, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
DECEMBER 14 2024



SOMA means BODY.
Our soma is part of our Trinity.
The word soma in greek is ‘σώμα’ which derives from the word ‘σήμα’ which literally means ‘grave’.
The soma is considered the grave of the soul.
We have been escaping the 3D graves for a long time, saving our different aspects from the 3D family systems which are also considered as systems of graves.
For the past one week I have been experiencing unprecedented inner developments and all of them were very different from anything of the past.
The main theme was the Phoenix and the reset that it is bringing!
The top 1/3 part of the Great Pyramide is now switched on!
The other 2/3s will switch on in the future.
We are already inside the Solstice Portal of the Magna Mater which brings the most powerful collective rescue mission that the Living Ones will have ever experienced.
Please read the message below which was given a few days ago during the last 5D spiritual healing surgery session.
I do not know when this will take place for each Ascending One, it could be now or even during the next months during the North Node/Neptune passing through the 0⁰ degrees Aries and the change of the earth’s clock but what I know is that it is this Solstice Portal of the Magna Mater that is bringing this monumental and blessed rescue!
Now, the split now will not only widen but it will develop in such a way that there will only remain peripheral connections to the old 3D reality.
We will find ourselves very fast and very clearly on a higher level energetically of the ascension path but what needs to be clearly understood is that we cannot ascend onto this new level without our inner Trinity.
This is why we began working on the inner Trinity so intensively during the past months.
The unification of the inner Trinity is the most wonderful blessing, so healing and restorative beyond words!
After our last session of the ‘1221 555 TWIN FLAME ABUNDANCE’ I feel my whole heart and being receiving waves of love and bliss!
Also during the same session we were guided to perform a reversing of our collective torus field meaning the torus field of the ascending Ones and what I witnessed taking place next was the breaking of a huge glass and then water water coming in while all of us were flying high above the old plane.
This was literally wild but at the same time it felt very natural and relieving.
I feel that this was our ignition, the actual broadening of the split and our ascension onto the next higher level which will be now manifested!
This is about the Divine Kundalini upgrading so all fallen aspects of the self are being pulled to higher levels of consciousness!
The soma/body is literally already processing this!
‘’You are all doing great but you need to remember that you are still in the state of forgetfulness.
Take a breath and not rush ahead, you must not rush ahead!
Now it’s the moment to slow down.
There is a reason why you all need to slow down.
This is a very important collective message that you all need to hear because there are great changes happening in the world and in the inner planes and there is an absolute need to slow down in the next days and weeks.
The world will slow down.
You are going to have to slow down and trust the process.
During this slowing down, the fallen parts of the self will be pulled out of the deepest parts of the pits of hell.
You will all begin exiting your personal hells.
You will feel and know when this will take place so when you do, please trust your inner guidance and follow the process by supporting yourself.
This is a rescue mission!”
These are the most magnificent times of our ascension process!
I will share more on these last developments and the nature of the broadening of the split in the upcoming posts.
Blessings of a harmonious self rescue!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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One consciousness that was a creation of God
One consciousness that was a creation of God


Asara Adams

🌟💜🌟 Message from Archangel Michael

“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Beloved One, when you love another, you are loving yourself.
When you attack another through judgement and criticism, you attack yourself.
Why is that?
Before the mad idea of separating from God occurred, there was only One Son of God. (It means One consciousness that was a creation of God. To keep this message simple, we will use the term “Son of God.” It doesn’t indicate a gender.)
So, there was only One Son of God.
Then, the mad idea of separating from God occurred, and the One consciousness fragmented into billions of pieces.
These billions of pieces, or souls, are experiencing the Illusion construct of the Ego Mind.
This was the Ego Mind’s way of coping with the incredible guilt that was felt, when the idea of separating from God occurred.
The fragmentation is an Illusion. You are still One consciousness.
As you are encountering these fragments in form of others, you are encountering yourself.
The guilt of wanting to separate from God never left and was projected outward, as a way of not wanting to own this tremendous guilt.
When you encounter another not acting in a loving way, it is simply your projection of the negative emotions within you.
The illusion matrix acts as a mirror to show you what you are projecting, because the Ego Mind is trying to hide them from you.
Therefore, all unpleasant experiences serve you to see what you still need to release and heal.
But, what happens when you project Love?
Then, you are getting a glimpse of the Oneness, which is the only true reality.
These glimpses of your Oneness with other will assist you to feel your Oneness with God again and to help you to find your way back Home to God.
These glimpses will trigger your memory and you will remember who you really are and who God really is: Love.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.”
Channelled through Asara Adams

Awaken To Your MISSION

Your Core Mission is NOW
A Flow of Ideas, Thoughts, Light Imaginations
Plant The Seeds of Light 💥
We urge you to make this a priority, to move rapidly forward and to reach your Higher Light Role.
Draw and play in Light, Bring Through Light Ideas 🌿💥
Choose to See the Higher Perspective of your World.
For There Are Many Distractions At Play 🙏
Awaken to the intelligence of your Heart – a portal of rapid Healing, Alignment and Manifestation.
We Are The Portal Of Great Awakening 🙏
Know we Love You ❤ SHINE 💥
Sending waves of Cosmic Love
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika❤ xo
Awaken To Your MISSION
Awaken To Your MISSION

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

1221 PORTAL of the Infinite

The 1221 PORTAL is ascending you into your destiny in the 5D New Earth. You’re at the end of purification for the Light Body. Physically, mentally, and emotionally you are getting stronger and healthier daily. This is a gradual continuation of growth.

Moving forward t will be easier to stay focused the new lifestyle you are creating, and consistently grow with it. The path is clear.

December 21st is go time! Keep clearing the past and moving forward through the 1221 Portal into infinite possibilities.


On Saturday, December 14th, as the Full Moon in Gemini starts to reach her apex, she first challenges Saturn, ruler of limitations and karmic lessons, but then creates a harmonious trine to Jupiter, ruler of blessings and abundance! If you start the day with fears, doubts, anxieties or other heavy emotions, keep the faith as the energies may shift quickly to that of joy, optimism, prosperity and the energies of expansion!
This is a precarious time with Mercury, ruler of our thoughts, ideas, perceptions, perspectives and communications, at a standstill and getting ready to turn to Direct Motion after the Full Moon on Sunday. He is known as “The Trickster” after all. So, do not get sucked into his games! Focus on the “glass half full” and let your mind create that into your reality!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Full Moon in Gemini starts to reach her apex
Full Moon in Gemini starts to reach her apex
Lunar Aspects. Hygeia stations direct in Aries. Sun in Sagittarius trine Hygeia – We’re building towards a Full Moon and tensions are evident. We may feel the weight of responsibility, the pressure to achieve. Whilst publicly we put a good face on it, walk the talk, say yes with a smile and a twirl, privately we might be filled with doubt, worried about what the future may bring.
But Hygiea’s station in the spotlight reminds us that we have an inner seer whose vision we can rely on. Don’t be afraid to glance ahead to get a sneak peak of things to come. Pull an oracle card. Close your eyes and ask Hygeia to show you what she sees. Set challenges to build your strength. Channel your efforts into goals that make you feel alive and vital. Check the flow of energy in your home. Cleanse inside and out to reenergise. Tend to your physical temple to let your spirit shine. Tell the universe your intentions. Kindle your passion today to fuel all your tomorrows. The future is bright!
Degrees and Times
Sun 22°Sg39′, Hygeia 22°Ar39′ R – 04:07 (UT)
Hygeia 22°Ar39′ – 11:10 (UT)
Moon 13°Ge25′, Saturn 13°Pi25′ – 15:34 (UT)
Moon, Jupiter 15°Ge19′ – 18:42 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Hygeia, Goddess of Health by Peter Paul Rubens
Hygeia, Goddess of Health
Hygeia, Goddess of Health

Kin 160 ~ Yellow Self-Existing Sun

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its key words are ‘Define, Measure and Form’. Taking stock and looking at the finer details is what day 4 of a wavespell is all about. Consider more carefully your plans and if you are asked to sign something be totally aware of what exactly it all entails.
Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life.’ This shall turn out to be quite an educational day. ‘Measuring Enlightenment or Defining Life’. Expect Eureka moments today as the Sun illuminates the way. Find out things you’ve been itching to know and perhaps, since it is a ‘Self-Existing’ day…you may get more information than you were expecting. Also, taking measure will of course bring enlightenment. Find out precisely where you stand today.
The Guide today is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions and when in the guiding position, loves to lead the way. Ask questions, use your intelligence just as Warrior does. Get to the bottom of things! You may find you feel motivated today and that’s the influence of Warrior!
The Challenge is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. When in this challenging position the Dog can be in the dog house with no one showing any love. The search for enlightenment can cause too much thinking, and love can get overlooked.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer. When in the Occult position the Dragon offers magical nurturing. Sooth your soul today with a little self-pampering.
The Ally is the Blue Storm who makes a great companion today. They bring changes in a friendly, helpful way. If you know one, ask them for help or alternatively you can be like a Storm and re -generate your energy.
Tip of the day: Did you know you have a connection with the other folk born in your wavespell? Your ‘wavespell buddies’ are on the same wavelength and in a sense you are all characters in a story that symbolize your chapter of the Tzolkin. All 13 days play a role in the wavespell journey and so you share experiences. Thanks for reading!
Kin 160
Kin 160


4 AHAU – KIN 160
14 DECEMBER 2024
I define in order to enlighten
Measuring life
I seal the matrix of Universal fire
With the Self-existing tone of form
I AM guided by the power of intelligence
14/12/2024 = 5/3/8 = 5/11=5/2=7
14- Media/Publicity/Promotion/Recognition
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude/Test/Initiation
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
12- Spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
11- Illumination/Portal/Gate/Polarity
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 160 = 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude
Another UBER MAJIKALLY significant day, for AWAKENING to our SOVEREIGNTY. 👑
📦 🌞– 4 AHAU. KIN 160 is the last kin, at the bottom of the 8th vertical column of the Tzolkin Calendar. When we transcribe a Golden Mean/Fibonacci Spiral 💡🍥 over the Tzolkin Calendar, KIN 160 falls upon this spiral. This location is called the ✨GOLDEN INTERSECTION✨ within the 260 day cycle of the TZOLKIN.
Thus KIN 160 📦🌞 ACTIVATES the harmonic GOLDEN SOLAR cycle.! 🌞🌞🌞
This is the DIVINE opportunity for all Spiritual aspirants today. KIN 160 – the SELF-EXISTING SUN signifies EN-LIGHT💡ON-MENT through graduating to DIVINE INTELLIGENCE, a SUPREMELY precious gift today.🙏🎁 🙏
✨✨✨Set your INTENTION to surf through this Spiritual Ascension portal, merging with your mighty I AM PRESENCE. RISE up as the ASCENDED DIVINE being, that you innately KNOW you are!
RECLAIM IT and begin to LIVE IT! Aho!✨🌞👑🌞✨
Day 4 in the RED EARTH 🌎 WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythyms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
🌟✨🌟Today is a very POTENT EVOLUTIONARY window in TIME!!! 🍥⏳
Today we define synchronicity (synchronic time) with our intelligent questioning MINDS, uncovering Harmonic systems of living in our full POWER as SOVEREIGN Galactic BEINGS.. 👑👑👑
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. Today we delve into the MENTAL realm and use our MINDS to align with our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH, and DEFINE what it is to BE ENLIGHTENED.✨✨✨
SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦 and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of your new Sovereign Ascended status.
The NEW WORLD MUST be formed on the principle that…..
✨✨✨ EVERY SOUL is a fully independent and DIVINE, SOVEREIGN👑 being. 🌞🌞🌞.
A unique individuated SPARK🎇 of DIVINE SOURCE! 🌞
Let us all pray🙏🙏🙏 and hold the VISION that HUMANITY is UPLIFTED today, and that all nations are FREED and transformed with new more ENLIGHTENED and VISIONARY leaders to make our PLANET great again! And so it is x a GODZILLION! ❤❤❤
Today’s questions are “How can I redefine my LIFE and fearlessly navigate to a new more harmonic system of SOVEREIGNTY?” 🌞👑
“Can we as a collective, navigate this evolutionary portal through our higher intelligence, to evolve as an en-LIGHT-ON-ed species?. “
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for the rapid acceleration of global sovereignty. 👑👑👑
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
27 moons ago, 3 GALACTIC SPINS – KIN 160 occurred on 25 OCTOBER 2022 which was the NEW MOON/SOLAR ECLIPSE 🌛🌞🌖 in Scorpio. DOUBLE SCORPIO 🦂🦂energies with the SUN and MOON both in Scorpio🦂 This combo activated hidden SECRETS which were revealed!
:”SCORPIO🦂 rules the MYSTERIES of the Cosmos, secrets and HIDDEN knowledge/wisdom.. SCORPIO🌞 is the spiritual aspirant and TRUTH SEEKER.🕊 This potent brew coupled with a SOLAR ECLIPSE🌞🌖 and NEW MOON🌛 – indicates a portal for ENDINGS and NEW BEGINNINGS. NEW revelations rising to the surface will FREE you from the bondage and chains of your past “. HALLELUJAH!! 🌟🌠🌟
9 moons ago – last Galactic spin we had an 11.11 portal code and a 29/11 code which activated SPIRITUAL INITIATIONS and tests, which we needed to pass in order to move ahead in our ASCENSION.
WE were also BANG in the middle of an ECLIPSE cauldron – which heightened the passage.
We are accessing all these past events through the MAJIK of time loops through the TZOLKIN.
This potent fuel for CHANGE and MAJOR SHIFTS is doubly ACTIVATED through KIN 160 – beaming ASCENSION CODES directly from the GREAT CENTRAL SUN. 🌞🌞🌞
🌞🏠🏹❤🌈🌞 🌞
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING SUN –📦🌞 AHAU shines a LIGHT💡 on disharmonious patterns and systems within the old MIND Matrix. We awaken to the truth of all false programming and Mind control through distorted measures of time. The 12:60 unnatural frequency of the Gregorian Calendar kept us entrapped in an Artificial time Matrix.
Our MIND’s primary role is to look for and comprehend the patterns that arise in our world, so that we can understand our place in the Universe. Disharmonic patterns confuse our MINDS and keep us enslaved.
This is powerful medicine during this POTENT ASCENSION passage. The TRUTH will surface and we have the intelligence to discern what information we should retain and what outmoded patterns we must discard now.
As we identify and recognize the harmonic patterns encoded through the 13 moon calendar, the Earth cycles of CABAN, and our Solar cycles, we begin to align and synchronize with these natural cycles leading to our greater understanding of our existence within all of Creation. We can then align with and embody our mighty ✨I AM✨ presence. 🌞🎆
The imposition of an Artificial 12:60 Julian/Gregorian Calendar was the prime method for creating a separation between man and the natural cycles, bringing us “out of sync”, with the rhythms and cycles of nature.
The manipulation of music frequency🎶 has also had a huge impact on creating this disconnect. As we AWAKEN we can choose to listen to frequencies such as the Ancient Solfeggio tones. These tones enhance our vibration and assist us in reaching elevated states of consciousness – through syncing with the flow of the Harmonic Matrix. 🎼🎶🎻🎶🎹🎶🎸
AHAU is AWAKENING💥 humanity today through the Universal Fire 🔥 to STAND UP and claim our SOVEREIGNTY👑🌞 – both personally as a soul, and collectively as NATIONS and a global family. 🌎🌍🌏
AHAU frees us and elevates our independent thinking in order to claim full SOVEREIGNTY👑 of MIND allowing us to fully embrace our purpose as the SOVEREIGN LEADERS👑 and wayshowers in the NEW TIME! 🌈🌍👑🎆
KIN 160📦🌞 is a potent catalyst for the GRAND RISING 🔥🔥🔥 of HUMANITY, particularly any people currently challenging the “rulers” and leaders of our nations. The old QUEEN👑 has ended her historic reign and leaders of nations topple like dominoes as they struggle to take the reins..
The chess game continues as the players on the board juggle for prime positions.. However in this new era, if they are not aligned with Divine will and the new 5D principles, their reign will be short lived.
We are NOW witnessing the NEW LEADERS coming forth and taking prime LEADER-SHIP positions to steer TIMESHIP EARTH in a NEW DIRECTION onwards into the NEW GOLDEN AGE of PEACE and prosperity. Aho! VERY EXCITING times indeed! 🥳🎉🎊🪅
AHAU🌞 will SHINE a LIGHT on the TRUE SOVEREIGNS 👑– the LEADERS of the NEW TIME who are defining a NEW PATH, a NEW WAY and a NEW leadership system for us all to live in HARMONY in our loving supportive communities.
NOW IS THE TIME for the NEW 5D LEADERS to RISE🌞 🐓🐓🐓 and SHINE 🌟.
⏰⌚ ⏳⏰⌚⏳⏰⌚⏳⏰
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR 📦🌈 🏹 🗡– What a BRILLIANT guiding POWER today! The RAINBOW WARRIOR is FEARLESSLY leading the way to the NEW TIME.. giving us the courage to STAND UP and assert our principles.
The COSMIC WARRIOR was the KIN on 25 MARCH 2024 – 9 moons ago -the LUNAR ECLIPSE- leading into this RED EARTH WAVESPELL.. THE WARRIORS truly are stepping up now.
Our RAINBOW WARRIOR tribe is taking the reins as the HIGHER GUIDING POWER today. A brilliant tool enabling us to MAJIKALLY venture forward through this 7.7. portal and fearlessly LIGHT the way.. as the pathfinders for NEW EARTH.
We have severed all obstructive chains we can RISE UP to the HEAVENLY REALMS – LIGHTER and FREE to claim our VICTORY. 🏆
CIB imbues in us the much needed COURAGE and tremendous will power, to FEARLESSLY QUEST-I-ON all that presents. Using our MINDS to think outside of the old box. To not be bound by the structures of our societies, that can contain us in boxes, that are like a broken record of planetary destruction. Rather to have the COURAGE to ask the tough QUEST-I-ONS and FEARLESSLY navigate through the answers, that lead to
The LIFE that leads to the highest level of our soul’s evolution. ✨✨✨
Consciously choosing to fearlessly create the most ENLIGHTENED culture that we can imagine! This is our collective mission and no-thing can get in our way of realizing that Divine plan.💪🌞💪
governments, judiciary, corporations, laws, medical industry, big pharma, finances, welfare, POLICE – all constructs of this false matrix that has kept us small, and kept us imprisoned by surrendering our POWER to those that RULE over us!
No MORE!!!! 🔥💥– PEOPLE POWER👫👬👭 is igniting🔥 all over the GLOBE and the tyranny is being called out – in order to desist and be replaced with JUSTICE, EQUALITY, FAIRNESS and UNITY – all 5D principles necessary to build the New World that we are defining. 🌈🌏🌐
The YELLOW WARRIOR as the Higher guide to AHAU leads us on a QUEST to find the HOLY GRAIL.🏆 Discovering the universal FIRE within, that connects us to our SOURCE through our precious HEARTS. The true treasure we are seeking – our INNER ALCHEMY.
YELLOW WARRIOR fearlessly leads us to the enLIGHT-ON-ed state that we are all journeying towards in harmony with Mother Gaia during this evolutionary Ascension passage.
SUPPORT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING STORM 📦 🌀– CAUAC is back today – continuing the PURIFICATION of old debris.. DOUBLE STORM POWER – which is the NORM for this BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM year.
CAUAC asks us to be guided by the bigger picture, and allow old limiting thought forms that have kept us small to be transformed and purged from our consciousness.
BLUE STORM cleanses and liberates our MIND so that we can generate greater thoughtforms, energized with the possibilities of where our fearless dedication to the QUEST can lead. Measuring how we can redefine the old, transforming into a brand new and fairer system.
The Self-Existing STORM is powerfully catalyzing this revolutionary change today, to fully dissolve the old structures and clear the path to construct a beautiful new solid foundation upon which to build our new reality.
How DIVINELY PERFECTO – get outta the way – the STORM is clearing the path of all debris!!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED PLANETARY DRAGON🌏 🐉-IMIX is the Mother Dragon who enables us to BIRTH our NEW more evolved MINDS and mental constructs today. As well as influencing the PLANETARY MIND and flooding our globe with the remembrance that we must demonstrate COMPASSION and nurturance for each other.
The PLANETARY DRAGON 🌍🌎🌏 🐉 is focused on MANIFESTING the birth🐣 of NEW EARTH🌈 🌏 and the new TIME. ✨🌞✨ This is the hidden and driving AGENDA of KIN 160 – the undercurrent steering this transformative Ascension passage.
IMIX embues us with the Dragon’s courage and determination to protect our unique visions from corruption, and fully empower them into manifestation. Manifesting pure wisdom, being guided by our capacity to go with the flow, taking on the responsibility to care for all that presents itself on our path.
This is where the true LEADER SHINES,👑🌞 accepting collective responsibility for the people, 👬👭👫 and in so doing, gains the natural capacity to influence others in a caring and responsible way. We become fully empowered to accept full responsibility for our role, and flow with the collective evolution of Earth and all beings. 💏👪🌏🌈
Manifesting a beautiful compassionate and nurturing culture, where all souls are valued and respected, FREE to BLOSSOM 🌺🌹 into their highest potential.
It is beautiful to WITNESS this process unfolding organically as the common people gather and come together through their common goal. We are uniting as ONE FAMILY💑 accepting responsibility for each other.
❤❤❤ The LOVE, compassion, connection and loving kindness of the NEW EARTH communities is taking root and growing. The NEW LEADERS are stepping up to the cause as they feel the need, responding with the full EXPANSION of their HEARTS in service to others..
It is all flowing and happening synchronically – RIGHT PERSON,✅ RIGHT TIME✅, RIGHT PLACE.✅..
✨✨✨The DIVINE PLAN is unfolding naturally as a divine harmonic symphony! 🎼🎹🎶🎻🎶
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING DOG 📦🐕❤ – OC challenges us to express PURE unconditional love, compassion and acceptance towards ourselves and others. Redefining our MINDS through surrendering to the compassionate MIND. The mind that lets go of all judgement and merges with ALL THAT IS, 🌞✨ bringing a greater knowing, a greater understanding and compassion for all actions.
The NEW SOVEREIGN LEADERS must now operate from the level of COMPASSIONATE MIND, that is our new yardstick – unconditional LOVE, DEVOTION and SERVICE to Human-KIND! ❤🌞👑✨
We will accept NOTHING LESS than this!
By unequivocally and VOCALLY rejecting all that we do not desire, we are redefining and creating our DESIRED reality.
A new system of governance returning the land to our original custodians – the tribal elders of each continent.
Aho – it is done now. 🙏🙏🙏
The SELF-EXISTING DOG as today’s GIFT is blessing us with a KISS from the DIVINE – enabling us to build a NEW COMPASSIONATE WORLD as we RISE from the ashes of the old world today.
✨✨Today’s code is very special as it is the code of KINGS, PRESIDENTS and LEADERS. 👑👑👑
KIN 160 is the Galactic Signature of 3 Presidents of the United States of America. 👑 Abraham Lincoln the 16th president and two of his predecessors – 👑 James Buchanan (15th) and 👑 Zachary Taylor (12th).
This code exemplifies what it is to QUESTION the old system of government, measuring, what is successful and valuable and what needs to be transformed. Measuring and defining whilst continually refining and evolving the rule of law to be fairer and more encompassing of the rights of all citizens, leading to a more “enlightened” populace.
Abraham Lincoln demonstrated this when he abolished Slavery and advocated that “Coloured people” be given the right to vote (this radical view held by this visionary Aquarian leader resulted in his assassination!). He was also credited with ending the Civil war, and the reunification of the United States as one Nation, as well as codifying a national holiday for “Thanksgiving”. A truly remarkable leader!
Lincoln’s famous GETTYSBURG address revealed the influence of his RED EARTH wavespell coding, and natural harmonic lore in his leadership style –
✨ “All men are created equal.
✨Government of the people,
✨by the people and
✨for the people,
✨shall not perish from the Earth.”.
AMEN to that 🙏🙏🙏– and to this day LINCOLN’S words still ring true.
FREE💥DOM 🎆 , LIBERATION and LOVE for all EARTH’S citizens!!
AWARENESS✨✨✨ is the key to EVOLUTION💥 and PROGRESS… otherwise we are doomed to continually repeat the same LOOP until we CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to do things differently….
As Albert Einstein famously said
✨“The definition of INSANITY is continually repeating the SAME behaviour, yet expecting a different result!”🤔
Today we have the OPPORTUNITY as a collective to CHOOSE A BETTER WORLD!🌟🐬🌞❤🌈🌏
Let us all pray🙏🙏🙏 and hold the VISION that HUMANITY is UPLIFTED today, and that all nations are FREED and transformed with new more ENLIGHTENED and VISIONARY leaders to make our PLANET great again! And so it is x a GODZILLION! ❤❤❤
Today’s questions are “How can I redefine my LIFE and fearlessly navigate to a new more harmonic system of SOVEREIGNTY?” 🌞👑
“Can we as a collective, navigate this evolutionary portal through our higher intelligence, to evolve as an en-LIGHT-ON-ed species?. “
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for the rapid acceleration of global sovereignty. 👑👑👑
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of December 15th through 21st 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 15th through 21st 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony for the Full Moon in Gemini and leads a Guided Meditation for the December Solstice.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions



Julia Arcturian Hathor Contreras

An invocation of Light 🙏🏾

I invoke the presence of the Pillar of Golden Light. As I open my receiving channels, I am inviting my Higher Self to bring forth the most empowered Light for me to ground on the planet so I may be a bridge from Heaven to Earth.
I ask that this Light anchor onto the Earth more Love, Joy, Freedom, and Wellbeing and bring this energy into every area of my life. As I bask in the Golden Light I can feel the wings of Angels enfolding me in safety and protection, guiding me in new ways that allow me to fulfill my soul’s destiny on Earth in this lifetime.
For these and all my blessings I say thank you, Goddess God, and so it is.
invocation of light
invocation of light

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