The Divine Plan Is Unfolding! Summoning the Golden DNA Light Codes * Incoming Energy Wave Alert! ~ This Is The New Age
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Star Crystal Keepers of Galactic Civilization
As we complete these final days of mystical November we have massive energies pouring into this realm from the most High Infinite Source Creator.
Our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are feeling in deep ways the culmination of these Cosmic Rays flowing in as we experience the splitting, shifting and overlapping of multiple timelines into this one True Organic Ascension Timeline.
Pachamama received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in the Sacred Portal of Japan at 13:47 UTC. As Gaia’s Kundalini rises we rise with her.
As we rest in Divine neutrality we become the witness of this Great Shift of the Ages into the New 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment and through the Still Center of our Pure Presence we anchor in the Highest Codes and Keys of Unity Consciousness and the Love Light of the Christos Sophia into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth.
All Lightworkers and Earth Angels continue to hold the Visions of our Pristine New Earth and in our Minds Eye we keep our perceptions and beliefs in our Greatest Creative Potential to physically manifest into this realm our Eternal Home of True Bliss and Ecstatic Emotional Awareness.
Keep the Faith and Hope alive as we make our final Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the Pure Land of Freedom, Peace and Prosperity for all….A’Ho!
Because of the return of the Matrix of Magna Mater many spheres and portals/planets will be changing and repositioning both in the earth and human system!
TODAY’S ORACLE. Stop for awhile. See all that already changed, how far you have come. You are going to be asked this next few weeks to keep choosing, aligning with, the New over the Old. But for a moment, just be in sacred space. You have come so far. The Universe never led you astray.
The first Sound and Light of this Universe emerged from a singular form into two separate Universes 13.8 trillion years ago… a Feminine Universe and a Masculine Universe…. A Universe of Mary and a Universe of Michael.
Those Universes of Mary and Michael Merged Together again Today. Along with their Galaxies, Earths and Beloveds.
Mary Michael Returned on 11.8.2024 (11.8.8 ). It was the first time Michael, Father God, stepped foot on this Earth. Today, 11.26.2024 (11.8.8 ), their Universes, Galaxies, Earths and Beloveds Merge into Singularity.
What a tremendous and truly unspeakable Miracle and Blessings to be here Now, as Witness, as the Experience, as the Universe, Galaxy, Earth and Beloved. As Michael Mary. As the Singularity.
288 became 144. We are Now 1 of 144 Merged and Singular Universes… One Step / Octave Closer…
Earth’s Ascension energies currently manifesting on Earth are a precious gift bestowed upon you by the Source of All Creation. These new energies are intended to uplift, heal, and transform both you and your world. They activate your dormant DNA, awaken your true potential, and align you with your soul purpose. They are also removing the old, dense, and negative energies that have caused fear, separation, and limitation in your life.
You are being prepared for a new reality, where there will be a New Earth and a New Humanity. Dear ones, I encourage you to embrace these energies and allow them to flow through you. You are the embodiment of growth and transformation, capable of bringing about the very change you desire.
2025 will open a portal that will forever change Earth and Humanity.
It’s crucial to remember that not everything presented to us is factual.
For many, discerning the truth is challenging, which is why relying on our intuitive understanding is essential; otherwise, we become ensnared in a cycle of fear.
Fear is a primary tool used against us, as it allows for control and energy consumption when we are in a state of panic.
Love, however, does not fuel such energy; instead, it transforms fear into peace, granting us the valor to be intrepid.
By seeing past the facade and trusting in the Divine, in ourselves, and in the love within our hearts, we learn to discern the truth.
Our sphere of love remains impenetrable unless we succumb to fear-inducing events or incomplete narratives.
The abundance of falsehoods, so numerous that their fabricators falter, is becoming increasingly apparent.
Together, we are exposing these fears to foster healing, including those that linger within us.
Be valiant, dear ones, confront your fears, and recognize that everything is rooted in love and divine precision.
Embrace your true selves as the radiant beings you are.
We embody the New Earth now, where fear has no foothold..
The subtlest of energies have begun to make themselves known today, and those who are highly sensitive may already feel a shift. As we move through Thursday and into Friday, this will amplify into a much more noticeable energy wave. My guides indicate that this wave will bring a triple surge involving time fractals, emotional releases, and physical purging.
To navigate these heightened energies, I recommend beginning to prepare now. Lighten your diet, stay well-hydrated, and, if possible, minimize the use of some prescribed pharmaceuticals, as the body adjusts to this influx of high-frequency energy.
You may experience a sense of being completely drained as your system processes these changes. Rest and self-care are essential, so consider dedicating your weekend to recovery and integration. I personally plan to stay home on Saturday and Sunday to support my own well-being during this time. Your skin may also begin to feel strange or create the sensation that it is not your own as it adjusts. This is normal. Do not worry.
Forewarned is forearmed. May we all move through this wave with grace and strength.
New patterns, perhaps to you, but ancient ones taking the long view, are making indelible marks in the sky. Take a breath or two, to steady your nerves as much as you need to. Sink your grounding wires into the earth, and relax to adjust to environmental conditions. Beneath the chaos of happenings and hearings, the quiet planet awaits the unfoldment of time. Your sense of expectancy is not off. The timing is, in fact, perfect.
Maintain your focus, and you’ll soon see that. From where you are, it may seem that you need to make more of an effort to make things happen. Can you not see that a great thing is happening already? Attune to a broader sense of time. A ripening is at hand.
11/26/24: As human consciousness evolves and we release old concepts and interpretations, communication will naturally change. Many more of us already experience greater clairvoyance, telesthesia, telepathy, and premonition, which allow for deeper connection and understanding, but also explain why those who are rising in frequency and sensitivity seem to take things more personally.
It’s all part of coming into our power. Keep this in mind as we move forward. Also… my future posts will often cover bigger periods of time, not just one day at a time. Because we’re making a big sweep right now, we need to also see a bigger picture.
Dear friends, an almost X class solar flare (M9.4) took place yesterday in our Sun, and even though this event was not facing Earth directly, those of you who are energy sensitive may have felt its effects. On top of this intense solar flare, a huge solar filament erupted on the surface of the Sun, see image below, creating another wave of solar plasma and energetic ripples across our interplanetary space.
Together with the initial energetic repercussions of Mercury going retrograde, this solar activity may be creating an extra sense of feeling out of balance, lacking focus and concentration, sleep disturbances, and deeper challenges in our ability to communicate and find the right words. This energetic pressure may also be affecting our bones and joints. Please rest as much as needed and stay well hydrated.
Remember we are also navigating the initial phase of Pluto in Aquarius, so there’s a lot of energy swirling around the planet, and our own personal consciousness is being tested from different energetic angles. The upcoming new moon in Sagittarius on Saturday November 30 will be adding an extra layer of introspection to this cosmic synergistic combination. Those of you gathering for Thanksgiving celebrations in the USA, please keep your emotions centered and rethink and recheck travel plans.
Please remember to ground your energy daily, specially as we move into the end of the year.
2024 has been the year of the Dragon, and most definitely this fiery energy has been present every single day. The process of dissolving and transmuting old emotional and karmic barriers has been constant this year, always asisted by our divinely guided cosmic energetic support.
We are soon beginning the transition period into the new 2025 energies, I’ll be writing in detail about this in the coming days, but as we arrive to this last chapter of 2024 it is important we take a few moments throughout the day and reflect-revisit the amazing growth and inner evolution we have experienced during this period. Let’s give thanks for the opportunities presented, the challenges as well as the enlightening moments, that have shaped our journey this far.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as we navigate this last week of November. Have a wonderful day, much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Aurora Ray
The Reason Why Starseeds Are On Earth
Earth is currently undergoing a major spiritual shift right now, and this requires a lot of work.
Starseeds are essentially souls that are not native to Earth who incarnated here in order to do work for the planet.
The Starseed community is a group of people who are on the front lines of making sure that the human race will go through a period of healing themselves to be able to come together in love, compassion, and kindness.
They have felt as if the were stuck in the middle of an ocean without a map or direction; they have experienced feelings of being lost and confused about where their life is going or what their purpose could be.
But now Starseeds are awakening around the globe, remembering their divine inheritance and mission.
Starseeds want the people on Earth to know that they are loved unconditionally by God/Goddess, their ancestors, and those around them, but most importantly, by themselves.
They want everyone to know that we all make mistakes, but there is always something great coming from them if we just look at them with love instead of judgment or fear.
Starseeds are messengers of love, light, and truth. They have been sent here to help everyone become more conscious of their true selves.
They are connected to the ancient spiritual teachings because they can easily access the astral plane. Their mission is to awaken the people on Earth from their deep spiritual slumber so they can connect with the divine source of energy inside of them.
The fact that you are here on this planet means that you were born with a certain amount of light and love, and the more light you bring into your life, the more love you will receive. This is why it’s so important to focus on your soul’s purpose and what it wants to do with its time here on Earth.
Starseeds come from many different dimensions, and they bring their knowledge with them when they incarnate on Earth. Regardless of whether they remember it or not. The frequency is there.
They have come here to help through difficult times—these are often referred to as ascension cycles where we must change our perspective from our current reality into something more aligned with higher frequency energy frequencies.
The energies of Starseed souls can be very intense, and they are usually very connected to their divine purpose, which they often don’t realize until they reach an advanced level of development.
They take on many different roles in order to help Earth make the transition into the Golden Age.
They are helping people not just spiritually but also physically by offering their skills and knowledge to help build a sustainable future.
Starseeds have come here since before humanity’s time on this planet, and they will continue to come here.
I know that many of you who are reading this are Starseeds. I know that some of you have already made the transition and are experiencing higher vibrations, while others are still in the process of discovering your true self.
If you are a Starseeds, your mission is to assist others in awakening their inner light. You carry great energy that is beyond compare, and you can use it to help others feel more connected to their own light.
If you are a Starseeds, you may be wondering why there is so much ingnorance in the world for such a long time.
Eventually, you will re-discover that the reason for it is that the world had been hijacked by the dark forces and that most people were fooled into believing lies and false teachings about spirituality and God.
This task is more common nature for you than for ordinary humans as they do not have the blueprint within their DNA to see through the illusions so easily.
Many of you have been told that you need to fight against these things, but you don’t know how to do it. How can you fight against a force that is invisible? What if you don’t even know where to start? You may be wondering, “What can I do?”
The answer is simple: you must be your own leader.
We all have a choice as to whether or not we want to live our lives according to what the soul’s purpose is or according to what happens around us and in use on a day-to-day basis (or even moment-to-moment).
It’s up to each one of us individually whether or not we want to follow our heart more than what society says is right or wrong, good or bad.
I am a Starseed who has had numerous opportunities to witness the beauty and splendor of the Universe. The Universe is filled with wonder, beauty, and awe-inspiring energy. The Universe is alive with love and compassion at all levels of existence.
As a Starseed, one of the main things that I have been doing is helping people heal their past and move forward with their lives. I have also been working with my guides on healing the planet and creating a better future for all of us.
I have been feeling intensely since last Wednesday, how we are moving deeper into the higher timelines and at the same time, those who are choosing to stay in the old timeline are sinking lower. This is causing an ever-widening gap which will lead to a total split in times ahead.
At the moment we can still see each other, but often they cannot hear you anymore, as there seems to be a thick glass petition between you. This is because the old-world dimension is getting frenetic and chase for more and more consumption, and whatever else is getting more frenetic too. While those who have moved on, now carry that inner calmness, the inner peace, and the expanded heart, seek divinity in all and everyone and everything.
When I was transmitting Lord Melchizedek, (who is truly now making his presence felt very powerful and is my Ascended Master) with no prior knowledge in a conversation with a friend, who is in a warzone, the message which came through was loud and clear. The highest path is the path of LOVE, and there is no other path. Become the Love which heals the world, live it, be it, and walk your talk.
When Love is fully present, then inner peace is fully present.
The 7th dimensional Solar Plexus chakra, when fully activated hold Divine Peace, Divine Power and Divine Wisdom. It is no accident that our very GUT feelings are attached to the same chakra.
Therefore, all those insecurities, all those self-made dramas, all those false belief systems, all those psychic daggers which thoughts sent into the other people solar plexus, which acted like a psychic pump in the old 3D, has now been showing up. It is all part of the purification process, so we finally realize that we are creating our own reality and at this moment, this is so important to be fully aware of. The Solar Plexus links to the heart and as the higher heart is also fully activated, this means the clearing of the lower houses in the highest degrees.
When our energy fields are crystal clear, we become crystal clear. We have nothing to hide anymore, we are authentic and real. The love we radiate forth, is read by others, as we become harmless to all living beings. It becomes a way of life and living. We LIVE Oneness, and Unity.
Yet all Oneness and Unity, as well as love, peace and harmony, starts WITHIN.
This is where the crucial shift is happening, and where the timelines are splitting ever wider apart.
It reminds me of the Rift valley, which is splitting off from the main African continent, busy forming its own continent. The same is happening with humanity right now.
It is all Love, for Divine Love has given every soul the choice to ascend or not to ascend. It is every soul’s own choice which determines the outcome. No soul is ever lost – and in their own time, which may still take many other existences, they will get there. Divine Love is never ending.
Healing from temptation is helping you trust yourself and your choices. Release the decisions made from your previous understanding. It is all part of the ascension path of your personal spiritual growth. Today you can leave that all in the past and create a new foundation. Your intuition has been communicating these changes to you. Go within and ask yourself for the truth of what you desire your life to be like.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
foundations of life in the New Earth
Ra James
Today our Moon is trine Jupiter. These energies are here to help you to tap into your purpose. They are also here to make sure you are headed in the right direction. Right now it’s all about shifting into a deeper alignment. The Moon trine Jupiter is like a compass pointing to your true self. The Moon is in Libra making this a great energy and time for relationships. Jupiter brings growth, abundance, and overall a ton of positive energies.
These energies are helping you to release what no longer serves you in matters of the heart and self. Old wounds may be coming up that need your attention. You can tap into the energies of Sagittarius Season to let go and move forward with wisdom. It’s all about letting go of old beliefs that have been holding you back. We have a powerful connection between our Sun and the North Node of Destiny today. Expect extra magic in the air and fated energies at play. These energies are perfect for putting your intentions out there and manifesting. They are amazing for embracing the path that feels most true to you.
This energy is optimistic and passionate. Today’s energies are opening up a path to your future. Fated connections are in the air today. Some connections need to go so you can level up, and some as inching closer together. Love is in the air regardless. Venus also makes a square to Chiron in Aries. This means you are having to face and clear out patterns that may be affecting your love life. Chiron always gives you the opportunity to heal something.
For the next two weeks, Venus is still in Capricorn. This is helps you to create stability and security in your relationships. Right now you are looking for serious relationships that will last into the future…
Mercury, the Messenger, in the last degree of Taurus creating a positive sextile connection to Neptune
The North Node (R) in Aries is Trine the Sun in Sagittarius and Mars in Leo. What a beautiful and intense union of fire! Some things are worth fighting for despite tough opposition.
We’re taking on a mantle of courage and blazing a trail ahead. You’re not going to please everyone nor should that ever be a concern. Push back from opposing sides means you’re doing something right. So keep that torch flame lit.
We’re heading into new territory and there will be dark tunnels to navigate. But you’ve done this before, from lifetime to lifetime, so you know the drill. We’re not here to play the matrix game on an easy setting! We’re here to balk the system and cement a path to the new Earth.
Nobody promised us it would be easy. But we knew it would be worth it. Some sacrifices are worth the cost of admission. They can’t kill us off over and over and expect us not to return even more powerful than before! Death is but a doorway. Energy never dies. And we’ll just keep coming back until our assignment is completed.
Let’s welcome in the golden age! We were made for this.
On Tuesday, November 26th, lovely Venus, ruler of relationships and resources, in down to earth Capricorn is in a difficult inconjunct to magnanimous Jupiter, ruler of aspirations and new horizons, in curious Gemini. This connection is considered challenging because Venus in Capricorn wants stability in partnerships and security in finances, while Jupiter in Gemini wants expansion in new directions and exploration towards all possibilities.
Venus in Capricorn wants the status quo and Jupiter in Gemini wants to take a chance! How can these two energies work together? Venus is also about self-worth, so in Capricorn it is time to take a serious look at how you value yourself within the areas of partnerships and friendships, money and abundance, career and life purpose. Jupiter is also about self-improvement, so in Gemini it is time to look at all the information and details of how you are living your life, open yourself up to higher wisdom and knowledge, and seek out new thoughts and belief systems that send you in the direction of a more optimistic future. You can do both!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of relationships and resources, in down to earth Capricorn is in a difficult inconjunct to magnanimous Jupiter
Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius. Sun in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries – ‘Who you believe yourself to be is who you are becoming.’ So sings the Sun, blazing a trail across the sky. ‘Quick, let’s go back’, shouts Mercury. ‘I’ve lost my way.’ As he turns, we turn too, gaze back at the way we came, stumble down the track, overturn philosophies, examine supposed truths, trip over thoughts. Somewhere along the way we release old beliefs no longer aligned. And then when we’re done, when we’re empty, ready, all that’s left is to find inspiration again.
‘Here it is!’ The Sun again, winking on the horizon. ‘Here is the story you’re looking for – YOUR story.’ It’s the one where you are the hero, the one where your quest leads you to the world’s library, the Akashic hall of records, the book of life. Here you are, nestled in the pages of Earth’s magnus opus, a living legend. Never underestimate the glories that you are capable of – or the power of leading a simple life away from the glare of the stage. Every soul is needed. Every soul is loved. If you’ve lost sight of your crown, revise your thinking.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Cooperate, Dedicate and Universalize’. The 12th day of a wavespell is all about getting together in groups, working in teams, engaging with other humans rather than being on your own. Cooperation is what it is all about and together we can achieve much more than we can individually. Try to find some like-minded folk today to hang out with and remember that no man (or woman) is an island.
Today is White Wind and it represents ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit’. As it is a Crystal Wind, this suggests that we should be communicating in groups. So, public debating/speaking or performing music or theater, or marching for justice – are all Cooperate to Communicate activities. What I like most about Windy days, is that the winds of change can blow in and make a significant difference and this is because the Storm is the Occult power and these two are so perfectly matched. I like Blue Storm days for the same reason, because White Wind is in the Occult position. If you want to make big changes in your life, your best bet is to do it on either a Windy day or a Stormy one!
The Guide today is White Wizard, the enchanting charmer of the Tzolkin. When in the guiding position the Wizard invites you to follow the path to enchantment. This is great energy to have if you are communicating as the Wizard can add charm to your words. Communication guided by a Wizard can mean you are able to spell bound people by just talking. (Terence McKenna was a White Wind guided by Wizard)
The Challenge is the Yellow Human which symbolizes channeling amongst other things. When in opposition, the Yellow Human struggles to tune in to psychic powers and therefore it becomes difficult to feel what is the right thing to say. This means we must think before we speak or we will say the wrong thing. If you are a Yellow Human, you will not feel like talking and may be quieter than usual.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm which represents disruption and change. Expect change to occur today. You may be surprised what comes your way, something out of the blue and possibly a game changer. If you are a Blue Storm, you’ll have a wonderful day. You just never know what the windy day blows your way. There’s a chance of chaos today but often it’s chaos that brings about changes.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents Evolution. If you need help communicating today, find a Red Earth to help you. If you are a Red Earth, expect the phone to ring often with friends requesting your advice and wisdom. If you do not know one personally, then you can still benefit from the Earth in this friendly aspect. If you communicate effectively today, you will navigate your way through and make the right choices.
KIN 142 = 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude MAGICIAN CODE
Beautiful synergy with an 8.8. Abundance gate on a 9 (3×3) Holy Divine code.. activating support and guidance from Spirit.
Day 12 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment,Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
After the release of yesterday, today we are ready to come together without agenda and co-operate, ready for more Majik, Fun and play – LISTENING to the guidance from Spirit.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation.
The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing our CORE FEARS and emotional blocks to reclaiming our FREEDOM and LIBERATING the B-earth of more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of cooperation with others. Thus we create telepathic links in our communication grids allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow.
Today’s 8.11.8 code is AWAKENING and ILLUMINATING our higher mind and aligning us with DIVINE will and our Galactic missions through the 9 day code.
A DIVINE day of greater CONNECT-I ON to each other and Mother Gaia through the CRYSTALLINE GRID!
Today’s questions are “What messages am I receiving from SPIRIT that I need to communicate and share with others?”
“Am I dedicating my life’s purpose to fulfilling the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH?
Divine blessings for the flow of crystal clear, majikal messages from spirit today!.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
48 moons ago KIN 142 occurred on 5 MAY, 2021 – the 5.5.5 – LIBERATION PORTAL – LIBERATING DIVINE WILL
9 moons ago we had an 11.11 code – opening a DOORWAY to access the guidance of SPIRIT!
Today we have an 8.11.8 CODE ensuring we can access all the resources we need from SOURCE.. flowing to us NOW! Spirit has your back!
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND IK communicates Spirit, the essence of which is the mandala of original cosmic order. Stop, be still and LISTEN to the whisperings of the Great White Wind.
Today we have a DIRECT crystal clear connection to the MIND OF GOD! THE UNIVERSAL MIND.
Great SPIRIT is communicating LOUD and CLEAR through the crystalline grid of consciousness, and he has a lot to say – in a very authoritative voice! Spirit is ROARING today ensuring all ears HEAR the DIVINE PLAN. .
Each person is a hollow vessel to channel and universalize this FORCE, through their being. There is a DIVINE PLAN for each soul on Earth and for all of humanity..This is being BROADCAST throughout the new Universal bandwidth for those who have raised their frequency and aligned with this new vibration.
Spirit is calling you into greater Service – have you heard the call???
It is a brilliant day for Planetary kin to come together, to network, to communicate the TRUTH, to create, to laugh, dance, sing, channel and meditate. Open your EARS, your MIND and HEART to the Voice of Spirit.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE CRYSTAL WIZARD – IX as we are anchoring Spirit today, we are allowing ourselves to be receptive to the multidimensional nature of consciousness, through the Crystal/Mental plane.
The CRYSTAL WIZARD as the Higher Self today, brings forth DIAMOND CLARITY through his connection to Spirit and the higher planes of consciousness. IX enables us to channel and receive DIVINE TRUTH – Universal wisdom through the breath of Spirit.
WHITE WIZARD teaches us to CONNECT our HEARTS and our MINDS – using our PURE HEARTS as a filter to understand the messages from Spirit. Connecting to all HEARTS together through the 5D DIAMOND CRYSTALLINE GRID of consciousness, which is now streaming forth great WHITE MAJIK from Spirit.
The grid of WHITE MAjik which was anchored and created during the Magnetic Wizard Year – 6 years ago, is being fully utilized with today’s White Crystal Wizard taking charge of this UBER light optical technology.
We are currently 4 moons into the YEAR of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM which is the 6th year in this majik 13 year WIZARDRY CYCLE, which concludes on 24 July 2032 – the END of the COSMIC WIZARD YEAR!!
Lots of high DIVINE MAJIK to come beloveds, the likes of which we have never experienced before on the Earth plane!.
Woot woot – it is time to walk on water and heal the sick! MIRACLES ABOUND!
We are in the last days of the Majik Monkey Wavespell, which is amping up the MAJIK today. We have spun a brilliant majikal Dreamspell that will spiral through our crystalline consciousness, weaving a beautiful luminous crystalline web throughout the cosmos.
GREAT MAJIK is afoot dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, and Divine Spirit is about to en-LIGHTON us ALL!
Be STILL and connect through your PURE HEART allowing the messages to FLOW through your vessel. .
How will you use your MAJIKAL POWER today?????
SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL EARTH– CABAN works in unison with WHITE WIND, to facilitate greater connection to Pachamama and this grand Ascension cycle, that Spirit is guiding us through.
Connecting to our Earth Mother and all her kingdoms, the animals, plants, minerals and the elementals. Becoming ONE with the Natural world so we can FEEL and SENSE her heartbeat.. receiving the animating force from Divine Creator.
As we channel Spirit’s messages, we need to communicate these ideas to others, in order to facilitate the much needed change, and anchor the new social systems upon our planet.
WE must also COMMUNICATE and SEED these messages in those souls who are stirring from their deep hypnotic trance…The more TRUTH they hear, the higher the likelihood that ONE of those TRUTH arrows will pierce through the evil spell!
The WIZARD’s powers to influence AWAKENING through this crystalline GRID, are very potent through this 8.11.8. portal. BAM BAM – double clarity!
First we must LISTEN to the MESSAGES, then LOOK for the SIGNS, to implement the right ACTION, in accordance with Divine TIMING.
Observe the synchronicities which will assist us in navigating our way forward to our BRILLIANT new FUN filled and BLISSful future. Discerning the cycles and awakening to Gaia’s rumblings in our collective r-evolution.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR STORM CAUAC – Whoa hold on to your umbrella’s Storm troopers!! STORM TURBO POWER is today’s DRIVING FORCE!!
Today’s SUPERPOWER revisits the Yearly kin of 2020/21 – the BLUE LUNAR STORM YEAR.. which was the 2ND Year in this 13 year Wizardry cycle – and how TURBULENT was THAT YEAR!!! A real mud raker!!
Today we are reminded that our troubles have PASSED and now we are well on our way to claiming our POWER and RADIATING our HEART MAJIK in this evolutionary BLUE STORM Dreamspell Galactic Year.
This LUNAR STORM is the final street sweeper – paving the way for the NEW HARMONIC systems to arrive.
Today we can receive R-EVOLUTION-ary ideas from Spirit that serve to ACTIVATE this sweeping CHANGE!
As the STORM generates tremendous energy, we can catalyze this in order to surge forwards, purified and cleansed, partaking in great merriment. Together through the STARGATE of the 8.11.8 illumination portal we can access both LUNAR STORMS driving us forward through HURRICANE winds!!
This HURRICANE will forcefully reveal opposing and discordant energies in order to achieve harmony… so get ready for the mud slinging! Grab your galoshes and stomp through those puddles with your friends, dancing in the rain!
We are now accepting our roles in these transformational times as the ‘Agents of Change” – leading the way as the wayshowers, for others to follow, trusting in the Divine Plan and the process of transformation.
Today’s GREAT WINDS OF CHANGE will have TSUNAMI POWER – forcible momentum, carrying us to our new destination… another day for a QUANTUM LEAP in HUMANITY’S evolution!!!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN EB beckons us today to ALIGN WITH DIVINE WILL, releasing any lower human egoic desires.
Trying to plan and force a path with your limited MIND is not a desirable choice. Not knowing the greater picture that Spirit has in store for us all, means that we have a limited perspective which hinders our creative process. It is okay to NOT KNOW, and thus we need to LET GO of trying to CONTROL outcomes, TRUSTING that Spirit KNOWS where we are heading.
and feel the Majikal Flow of CREATION leading humanity back into the ocean of ONENESS.
YELLOW HUMAN enables us to look to the wisdom of the Ancient ones, the wise ones and the prophets, who knew the best ways to SEED a beautiful new consciousness based on cooperative living in our Common-unities, respecting our homeland.
When we UNITE with the best interests of HU-MAN-KIND as our focus, the BEST MAJIK HAPPENS!
So beloved Planetary kin, a brilliantly ILLUMINATING.majikal day to TUNE in and LISTEN to the ROAR of the GREAT WHITE WIND! UNITING our MINDS as ONE CRYSTALLINE MIND, all cooperating together and rejoicing in the Majik and Miracles of Divine Spirit.
It is also a BRILLIANT DAY to unfurl your GOLDEN WINGS and FLY on the gusts of the WIND join together at 11.11, 8.08, 2.22, 22.22 or 7.07 am/pm today (your LOCAL time) through the DIAMOND CRYSTALLINE GRID of consciousness and BROADCAST your intention to MANIFEST the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH
Today’s questions are “What messages am I receiving from SPIRIT that I need to communicate and share with others?”
“Am I dedicating my life’s purpose to fulfilling the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH?
Divine blessings for the flow of crystal clear, majikal messages from spirit today!.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of November 24th through 30th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 24th through 30th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Guided Meditation for the Sun in Sagittarius and Pluto in Aquarius.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
“I ask for the presence of the powerful Archangel Metatron and all the Angelic Guides of Light.
I ask for support now that I move completely with everyone in collective oneness.
I am ready for this awakening of the golden DNA light codes within me, around me and through me.
I connect daily with my golden DNA threads and as I do so the sleeping memories of my true Galactic self grow and awaken within me.
Ready to live everyday with love grace and wonder.
And so it is.
It’s done and done and done
Thank you Thank you Thank you. “
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