Self Gnosis Encodements ~ SIGNS IN THE SKY! * Falling Veils ~ OPENING STARS GATE ~ Twin Flame Phoenixes
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Pure Awakened Ones of our United Tribe of the New Jerusalem
The Gold Rays of Enlightenment and Awakening are flowing into this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator.
We continue to have massive waves of Gamma Mother Plasma Light enveloping Gaia and all her Children of the Sun with Liquid Adamantine Particles of indestructible Life.
Our Soular Rainbow Diamond bodies of Infinite Light are coming online as our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA of the 144 is being activated in this Now.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of Terra Nova Gaia are fulfilling their Divine Birthright as Sovereign Conscious Co-Creators of our Pristine New Earth.
It is time for our Dragon Nation to take the Leap of Faith and spread your Etheric Angelic Wings to take your Maiden Flights over our Sacred Lands of the New Eden…A’Ho!
The Earth is at the moment going through a historic shift in vibration, ascending spiritually from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. This is often called 5D New Earth. It’s the awakening of humanity aligning with love, unity, and higher consciousness. The journey to 5D Earth is a journey of the Heart & Soul. It’s the alignment with the Kingdom of God “within”. The “within” has to extend to heal the whole planet. The spiritually aware are in tune with the “signs of the times” and Signs in the Sky.
They have a deeper sense of connection to humanity and the universe. They know the journey to 5D Earth is a transformative leap into a new dimension of existence. It’s an evolution of our very being where the 3D materialists responsible for the systems of control (controllers) don’t feel a connection and will have to be forced out.
Self Actualisation bringing Self Realisation, as synaptic firing creates new circuitry pathways within our personal and planetary brain architecture.
The Falling Veils are shifting densities in rapid fire. As a result, pre existing organic frequency bands are on the increase.
Can you feel it?!
Please note, not all weather patterns are inorganic, but a direct correlation to us rewiring neurochemically through a symbiotic relationship, repatterning both our biosphere and noosphere to the brainwave patterning of our Earth and us.
In such a state, any and all brain overwrites are deemed null and void.
Mantra: We co create through the deliverance of our natural world.
Re~mem~bering , our reactions are our contributions!
Attune fully with your elemental and molecular restructuring, for deep alchemising, anchoring, and assimilation.
In this way, we remain responsive to our Earth Mother’s calling.
Mantra: I remain responsive to the Earth Mother’s true and natural calling.
The Cosmic Womb Gates are in full dilation Gaian midwives are at the ready.
Earth’s Birth Changes are imminent.
The Earth Stars are commended
How are you feeling today?
Have you noticed your body is tired every day in the last few days and it is not the usual tiredness but it feels like your brain is shutting down and the body just goes into hibernation mode. You could easily fall asleep right away if you wanted to, even standing up.
You might be really tired, and even tired of being tired, right now. We are still receiving high frequency energy into the planetary grid, which can cause so many ascension symptoms, and our bodies are just tired, the eyes are sore, the skin itchy, there is a lot of mucus, ear ringing, fog in the head, digestive issues, etc. It doesn’t feel like normal tiredness but it is a result of an upgrade we are going through. Levelling up. This also brings the usual ascension symptoms.
the shift in energy means that the 99 portal has opened and high frequency energy is flowing into our systems. some of us are going through a deeper process than others, because we are all on different timelines of our personal journey. Some are at the beginning, some are further ahead on the journey, which is why certain individuals are tired all the time or experience more symptoms, and others just on more powerful days that bring higher frequency energy into our systems.
This also means that you will probably feel the effects of the 99 portal differently than the people around you and it is ok. Everything you feel is ok. If you don’t feel the same as others, this doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you or that you’re not doing enough. You are exactly where you’re meant to be. Don’t worry, trust in the process. I wish you the best.
9/6/24: You’ll likely be tempted to dodge your duties today… and it’s a great day to do so. As long as you practice self-awareness, presence, and good judgment… and you consider any potential negative consequences… you should run along and be free. Today can stimulate your creativity and inspire you to explore new territory and expand your options.
You can’t do this if you’re stuck on the same old track. So, if possible at all, have an adventure. Call it therapy, call it a field trip, call it expanding your horizons. Just get out there and spread your wings with The Dragon. It has things to show you that you can’t see when you can’t look.
The level of the Love that has opened up in the fields is so deep that is melting everything of no real use and also shows that the world is close to another major development that will shock
the walls of the hearts in order to bring them down.
The hearts are meant to open up so that the Love flow can come in and for the unaware or in mental fear and denial of the truth, this some times takes place by force.
In the absence of an adult position and space of responsible healing process, often in times of need the universal law takes over and then the ride is not necessarily smooth because the unawakened individual does not enjoy the right of co-creating with the Living Energy.
There is a calling for a spiritual heart healing and liberation from the monkey mind so that the programming of fear and limiting perception can be seen for what it is, nothing but a program and the truth can be recognised so that the personal power can be claimed back.
This is a period in which the false personality and its loops and distortions are meant to be erased/burned away, whether willingly or unwillingly but which way one will choose, makes the whole difference in the experience!
The Twin Flame Phoenixes have opened the way for this liberation and they are showing fearlessness in deep faith and trust for what is true and natural.
They have reached the first syn-chronicity to each other which is a huge victory!
Syn means plus, so the general message is talking about union and getting together!
A new Light will be seen/syn.
“When you have lost everything there is nothing more to lose so you are free to surrender to union with Love!
Spirit will be there to help everyone that is losing their false ego to find inner humbleness and recognise and embrace the truth.
Through tears of sorrow or tears of joy, the world will listen!”
Go Twin Flames!
Your time to rise high has come!
Blessings of Self Love!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
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Twin Flame Phoenixes
Master Lady Kira Raa
NOW IT ALL RETURNS Saturn Opposition
The moment to NOTICE! What is returning?
What is the dream that may have been buried and is READY TO RISE?
I believe in Happy Endings…what about YOU?
Within your experience of this life in form is your Abundantly expansive Divine mastery Presence.
The Saturn Opposition is here as a calling card to the new potentiality that is rising and inviting ALL into the REBIRTH.
And..there is a Catch!
The stability that is yours to claim is in direct A-LION-ment with your broad smile of YES! The YES that can laugh at the self that may try to limit.
The Laugh that remembers that YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE…NOW. Through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation, the EXPANSION of YOU…is WHY this moment exists. And! In that knowing…what would YOU LIKE ?
The potency of Commanding Consciousness into Form is yours to remember and claim. Most likely you are feeling the rapid shifts that are escalating the momentum. YOU ARE THE COMMANDER and the pre and post Equinox world will be different.
MONDAY! The Magic EXPANDS as the Mystical Journey amplifies.
This moment is YOUR MOMENT…are you saying YES to it ALL…or are you hiding in the fear of what may be?
With a deep bow and the Peace, Love and Joy of Self-Ascension,
Are you feeling the unraveling of the imprints of hierarchy, the dismantling of the elitist codes, the pushing out of the dark roots of mind control and manipulation from within you?
Are you feeling the embrace of the Divine Mother reaching into the depths of your being, softening you, soothing you, expanding your energy as you sink and relax into a deeper layer of unity consciousness?
You have been alone, misunderstood, insulted, judged, and laughed at. Underneath all of that is fear—fear of the unknown, fear of that same aloneness that is frequently misjudged as loneliness.
With your resilience and dedication, you will inspire others to surrender to the peace of knowing that they are never truly alone and are always supported.
It is all about transformation of the old into the new!
It’s not about reinvention of the wheel. It’s about taking what is already there and transmuting the energy and thus creating what we wish to bring forth.
So together let’s manifest being Divine Sovereign, Free, happy, peaceful, healthy and kind as the new paradigm to live by.
The Aether continues to Light Up and more highly energetic dates coming. Everything in the matrix will play out accordingly. You will not miss out on any big events.
With all the distractions, do not overlook the big picture in your physical realm with the Energy available to build and reshape your quantum reality, or just to keep you in the Eye of the Storm.
There are great things happening right now and the Energy is super potent, so take full advantage of it!
There are massive secrets that are in process of being revealed publicly — hidden secrets that will great change modern civilization for the better! These things are 1000% happening behind the mass distractions, taking place discreetly in plain sight.
As this occurs you will be uplifted in joy and your self-worth restored as an infinite God Being. Your time has come. The Light has already won.
The Mother is infinite, unconditional. Nothing will stop her love reaching every being and returning them home to her everlasting embrace.
Accessing the Guardian Crystals from the Earth Seed Atom record!
Beloved I am the Archangel Michael,
imagine that you are watching the Earth from a great Ship of Light and jointly we the Angelical Forces and the multitude of Universal Light Beings that represent our Father / Mother God, we are introducing patterns of energetic of the wonderful Divine scheme, in preparation for the Earth room for humanity.
For many eons of Time as changes took place on Earth the Continents were transformed and most of those large crystals were shattered and buried deep within the waters, in large caves and many more remain near the surface of the earth hidden, waiting for you to discover.
And extract their Powerful Ancient gifts and memories, a portion of each huge Crystal rises from the surface of the Earth as a sentinel radiating energy and information into the Cosmos, acting also as a recipient of Divine Light, Wisdom and Power from our Father/Mother God.
They Are The Guardians Of The Earth’s Seed Atom Record. And you have the Key that gives you access to the wisdom and the power of manifestation.
Each one of you carries within the Essence of your Soul, your DNA and your personal self-God gifts.
Many of you are in a transition phase where you feel disconnected and alone trying to adjust to the meaning level of Cosmic vibrational patterns.
Humanity is Gradually Emerging from Restrictive Illusion to Lower Astral Planes, As Expanding frequencies of 4D Accelerate.
The Superior energy permeates the Earth and its inhabitants, influencing them all to varying degrees.
Know that your column of God’s Light is expanding and strengthening so that, more and more Divine Elixir of life can be poured out inside and across you.
As she Saturates her Body and Descends radiating into the Earth’s Soul Essence.
Higher Frequency Vibratory Patterns are important in the Purification Process and return of the Auric Field surrounding its Planet to its original Perfection pre-project.
By Purifying your 4 Lower Body Systems, to be able to consistently increase the amount of Adamantine Light Particles, which can magnetize towards you and radiate from you, it is a duty and Divine Gift to be able to also assist your Beloved Planet in its Evolution.
As the Supreme Creator increases the flow of the Elixir of Life through the Omniverse, it is affecting all of Creation.
Your life connection to your Source is growing stronger all the time.
Know that everything, to some level, is looking for Light, Balance and Harmony.
Each phase of New Perception or Expanded Consciousness has its miracles and special benefits to be enjoyed.
Each and every time that you Eliminate or Release any form of Self-Limiting, Painful Thinking, You Transform and Eliminate much of your disguise;
which allows them to integrate another facet of their Divine Self.
Being conscious and having control, are important facets, if you have worked diligently with the lessons we have given you through the messages;
Each one of you is the center of your own Universe!
You as a co-creator send out an Energy and Intention that creates Thought patterns of a certain Frequency.
These vibrations of Higher frequencies emanate from you like Rays of energy in a symbol of infinity.
Creating wave forms, which are a reflection of your Conscious Thoughts, Intentions and Actions.
By learning to Stay centered in your Heart and focused on the Soul, therefore always radiating Unconditional Love and Balanced, Harmonious Vibrational Patterns, Your World and Your Reality are Gradually Changing for the Better.
For you are operating as an empowered master of co-creation; a True Divine emissary of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator.
Remember my beloved,
During these times of great change there is nothing to fear and much to gain.
Feel the warmth of our sacred breath; feel the aura of Love with which we surround you.
More justice is elevating you into the 5D New Earth. This is all in Divine Order, as your efforts to attain the Light Body have been a success. Take a leap of faith through this doorway. You are well taken care of and protected as you launch on this new journey. Activation Codes are awakening the Heart Chakra to embrace the expansion is bursting through, bringing new life. Any remaining attachments are being cleared through your Light Body, helping you be in your full life force energy, primal power, and leadership.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
5D New Earth
Ra James
Today we have Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. This can bring an unpredictable energy and a change of plans. Uranus is a Planet that helps to wake us up. It helps us to break down barriers and boundaries. Expect these energies can bring a sudden change in direction, or plans. Taurus is all about stability, love, and wealth. It’s all about growth in these areas. Mercury is still in its Post Retrograde Shadow. This means you may be having conversations come up around some of the drama you faced this past Mercury Retrograde.
Tonight the Moon squares Pluto Retrograde. Once again change is in the air. This is a theme we are moving through as we inch closer to that first Eclipse. This alignment is all about your relationships. Pluto brings a deep healing when in Retrograde. The Universe is encouraging us to focus on healing any connections that matter to us. September brings a deep transformation. We are starting to feel the energies of the 9:9 Portal. September is all about aligning with new dreams and goals that match who we are now. September brings a major purifying energy as we move through Virgo Season.
In the Tarot, Virgo is the Hermit card. This card is all about introspection and spiritual journeys. the Hermit carries a lantern, inside the lantern is the star. The star always symbolizes destiny. Destiny takes the wheel as we prepare for our Lunar Eclipse on the 17th and our Solar Eclipse Oct 2nd. Eclipse Season brings a lot of changes. It takes us through a set of beginnings and endings…
Heading into the weekend, Mercury in Leo forms it’s third and final square to Uranus in Taurus as the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces.
Over the past 5-6 weeks, we’ve been racking our minds to get back into mental alignment with that which matters most to us (i.e. our hearts) and this process may have brought about epiphanies that could require a reshaping of our perception of security.
And as we finish the final chapter of this experience, we are being called to focus on the practical aspects of our next steps without losing our ‘anchor’ into the bigger spiritual picture of WHY we must move forward in this manner…
This theme will build further as we head toward the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (Sep 17) when we may be AMAZED by what begins to develop for us in terms of our highest soul intentions as we finish 2024!
For now, holding the balance between practical and spiritual matters in light of our new epiphanies is where to hold our focus.
On Friday, September 6th, Mercury the Messenger in Leo the Lion is challenging Uranus, planet of sudden and unexpected energies, in focused Taurus. This could bring unusual, unforeseen, unanticipated or unpredictable communications, interactions, or messages from others. It could also bring powerful revelations, surprising insights, or flashes of intuition. Uranus is abrupt, startling and blunt! Expect the unexpected with Uranus! And, with Mercury, this has to do with the information and mental realm.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury the Messenger in Leo the Lion is challenging Uranus
Venus conjunct Juno in Libra – The Goddess of Love and Harmony meets the Goddess of marriage, fidelity, and fairness in the diplomatic sign of Libra. Here is an opportunity to make a heartfelt commitment – to a person or a path. Maybe for some, this is a formal agreement, a sweet expression of affection or a quiet appreciation for a moment in time when all seems well in the world. This is a time to seek friends and allies, to lean into the support of loved ones, to compromise so that everyone gets a share of the good things in life.
The Sabian symbol for this conjunction is Having Passed Through Narrow Rapids, A Canoe Reaches Calm Waters. Take a moment to celebrate – you survived! Enjoy the scenery before the pace of life picks up again. Welcome the calm after the storm. But if you are still in dire straits, remember that this too shall pass. Life naturally moves in peaks and troughs, fast and slow, turbulent and calm. Whichever stage you find yourself in, you only have to ask your heart to come back to centre. Keep your sights on the way ahead. Let love be your guide.
The number 9 is called ‘Solar’ and its keywords are ‘Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. If you study the graphic which accompanies this forecast, you will see that the wavespell begins and ends on the same color. This happens in all wavespells. The 5th day and the 9th day are also the same color. This connection symbolizes gear shifts in the energy of the 13-day journey. Number nine is the shift into the highest gear before it completes on the last day. The number 9 is powerful in many cultures because it is 3 x 3, which is very sacred. Because of this power, today your ‘intention’ carries great strength.
Today is Red Dragon, the day that represents ‘Birth, Being and Nurture’. Dragon days are great for starting projects or a new job, moving house or starting your life over. Dragons live in caves which are symbols of Mother Earth’s womb. Springing from the womb is new life. As it is a number 9 day and that represents ‘Intention’, if it is your intention to start your life over, then today is a great day to do it. It’s a perfect combination of number and day if you want to launch a new project. There’s so much determination you can tap into that you are bound to succeed.
Today’s Guide is Red Earth which represents ‘Navigation, Synchronicity and Evolution’. This is a very helpful guide on such a day. You can change your life and evolve! Yes, all the elements of the day are combining beautifully to provide wonderful opportunities to make great strides forward. You can now blaze a trail in a direction that is life enhancing. Navigate with your Intention! Remember too that this day is the highlight of the Red Skywalker wavespell…have you got out of your comfort zone yet?
The Challenge of the day is Blue Monkey and so if you were born on a Blue Monkey day you will find this day tough. Take good care and ‘Nurture’ yourself….. don’t monkey around but make it your intention to be your own mother. If you know a monkey, do be kind to them today and help them relax and heal.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun suggesting that ‘Magic Enlightens’ and this will help with the re-birthing process. Expect revelations today about things previously hidden as the Sun shines so brightly in this position, nothing can hide in the shadows.
The Ally Power is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you need help, people born on White Mirror days are invaluable. If you are one, expect to be called upon for one of your infamous reality checks. Mirrors do have a tendency to say it like it is, so try to prepare yourself for harsh words. Don’t forget that it’s good for you and a true ‘Ally’ is someone who won’t hold the truth back from you.
Day 1 atop column 4 in the Tzolkin Calendar, as we start another 20 day cycle through the Solar seals. The 4th column is about Form, Structure and laying a new solid foundation.. It also denotes the EARTH element and is connected to the Angelic frequency and NEW EARTH...
The SOLAR DRAGON represents BIRTH and NEW BEGINNINGS and today we have a 6 HEAVEN code and 5 FREEDOM code. – we are BREAKING FREE from the cycle of DEATH and decay – to birth our NEW HEAVENLY LIFE.
Just as rotting organic matter becomes compost in the soil, and fertilizes the new seed, the nutrients and elements are recycled into a new FORM – born again.
Day 9 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of AWAKENING to our true selves through exploration and EXPANSION. Today we realise what it is to EXPLORE and AWAKEN through responding to signs and synchronicities from Pachamama.
NOW is the RIGHT TIME to WAKE UP and get moving on your Divine Mission..
Through this new b-Earth-ing we achieve SOUL-ar EXPANSION fuelled by the REAWAKENING of the Christ Consciousness codes.
SOLAR Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm, ACTION – realizing, POWER – to pulse, ESSENCE – intention
The ninth day of RED SKYWALKER Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our dreams come true.
This is POTENT manifestation energy today!
What are you BIRTHING today, and what desires are you pulsing into reality?
We are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day – supporting us to RISE and SHINE BRIGHTLY as the precious STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS that we are, EXPANDING into pure consciousness!
Today we are BIRTHING a NEW WORLD filled with LIGHT – and a new way of being, as newly CHRISTED GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MANS!
Today’s question is “How can I BIRTH the SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS energy in my Soul-ar being and pulse this forth with intention, into our beautiful NEW WORLD?
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 .
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SOLAR DRAGON IMIX It is interesting that the energy of the DRAGON has been associated with both Darkness as well as the LIGHT. The DRAGONS were previously hunted to extinction in the 3D realm, and so they were banished to other dimensions, in order to escape the reach of man. Some of these DRAGONS worked for the nefarious agenda, but even more are our ALLIES assisting humanity in our Ascension process.
The DRAGON tribe are the great protectors, and guardians of ABUNDANCE. Call on your DRAGON allies to clear any malevolent energies around you today, to protect and safeguard your sacred space and OPEN your personal vault to ABUNDANCE.
The RED DRAGONS are tribe number 1 in the DREAMSPELL, and appropriately they are the MIDWIVES birthing the NEW EARTH.
Mother Dragon provides the beautiful nurturing and birthing energies, enabling us to have a FRESH START on this majikal divinely LIBERATING day. We can transmute the abundant dense energy and RECYCLE it for creation purposes. Nothing is wasted in our energetic UNIVERSE. You are the ALCHEMIST.
In order to construct this new foundation we need to realize that we all respond to the positive life-enhancing energies of unconditional love and nurturance.. Caring for others and allowing others to care for us. Surrendering to TRUST in Divine Nurturance and protection.. being at ONE with all of Creation in our Universal Family.
As we accept responsibility for ourselves, our kin and our beloved planet, we begin to realize that we are all DIVINE BEINGS – soul fragments of our Divine Creator – birthed through our Heavenly Father/Mother God/Goddess.
IMIX is our Divine Mother Creatrix who births ALL of existence through the VOID of Creation.
The RED DRAGON tribe hold the Sophia Wisdom codes for our planet, sacredly guarding this reservoir of eternal wisdom in the akashic libraries. This wisdom provides the raw CREATION codes needed to birth our intentions into our physical reality.
The Sophia dragons hold the feminine CHRIST consciousness aspect of HU-MAN- kind, which has been hidden and overlooked by many spiritual initiates on their Ascension journey. The DIVINE FEMININE MUST be married with the DIVINE MASCULINE in the HIEROS GAMOS, to reach MASTERY level.
IMIX the Mother Dragon’s role is pivotal in BIRTHING the NEW EARTH, and BIRTHing the SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS GOLDEN SOLAR GRID. It is fully anchored and EXPANDING in all it’s DIVINE GLORY TODAY!
NOTE: Today is a BRILLIANT day to birth ANYTHING – new businesses, projects, partnerships, relationships, children – whatever your soul desires!
KIN 61 co-birthed the INTERNET – this is the POWER of the RED SOLAR DRAGON!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:RED SOLAR EARTH CABAN is our evolutionary compass, that shows us which path to take and how to navigate through our life’s journey. CABAN reminds us to respond to the signs and synchronicities that appear before us, in order to navigate our new path and new beginnings in our New World. The deeper we respond to MOTHER Earth the more awakened we become.
NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME for the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to advance with her, unimpeded by any darkness…
MOTHER is pushing us out of the nest and encouraging us to FLY HIGH now.. with GOLDEN WINGS.
Today we tune in and LISTEN to the HEART BEAT of our Mother – the Schumann resonance, and begin to fully connect and pulse as ONE being. As we hold the intention to synchronize with the natural rhythyms of Mother Earth, we become fully realized through the LIFE FORCE coursing through our bodies, flowing through us.
As we radiate and begin to PULSE this pure divine essence through our being, MIRACLES begin to HAPPEN in our world.
As RED EARTH is the higher guide we may have some strong SIGNS from Mother Gaia today, signalling the way forward for the New Time. Stay tuned!
RED EARTH opens the portals through TIME that links the cycles on our evolutionary journey. The portals through which our ancestors SPEAK, echoing the warnings and prophecies which have been broadcast, to guide us in choosing the best path to navigate, for the betterment of mankind.
Follow the signs that appear before you and they will lead you to wondrous gifts from Father/Mother God! Open your HEART to connect with the PULSE of Pachamama – Feel her life-force flowing through your body, providing for all your needs – safety, protection, anchoring and abundance.
PACHAMAMA speaks! Are you listening?
Mumma wants all her children to LIVE IN PEACE, and LIVE in HARMONY with her natural FLOW and cycles. Abandon the wasteful life and attune to a beautiful sustainable and Harmonic lifestyle.
SUPPORT: WHITE SOLAR MIRROR ETZNAB continues to reveal the untruths and false narratives in the Mirror World – the Artificial control Matrix. The HALL of MIRRORS will continue to open new doorways through our new found clarity, and willingness to realize the TRUTH of our reality, but only for those souls who have OPEN EYES to SEE clearly.
Which realm will you choose to EXPLORE today – the dark false illusory world, or the new BLISS filled rainbow world?
Self reflection and Self realization, are both needed to find the true EXIT from the Mirror world. The clue is to follow your HEART – the path of unconditional LOVE and nurturance.
ETZNAB enables us to realise unconditional love as our capacity for timeless receptivity, to the endless order of TRUTH, harnessed through pure REFLECTION. To be clear mirrors from the HEART, receptive, open and aligned in LOVE. PULSING forth this LOVE to all mankind.
GOD sent his SUN/son JESUS THE CHRIST to EARTH as an act of pure unconditional love, through his self sacrifice for us. He was a true MIRROR, modelling the Mastery that we can all attain through our ascension process, as pure Golden immortal sons and daughters of GOD/GODDESS.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW OVERTONE SUN AHAU perfectly brings forth today’s SUPERPOWER and hidden gifts, that of the SUN awakening and EN-LIGHT-ON-ing us all. The OVERTONE SUN has the POWER of a DOUBLE SUN as it COMMANDS RADIANCE – daring to SHINE as BRIGHT as our great CENTRAL SUN.
What a BRILLIANT gift this is shining the brightest LIGHT in the DARKNESS on this HEAVENLY CHRISTOS AWAKENING DAY!
We have the power to walk in the shadows and not be diminished by the darkness. Shining our SPOTLIGHTS and radiating our luminosity to illuminate the darkest of places. Creating portals of LIGHT wherever we walk and pulse forth our consciousness.
The STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS are making our world a MUCH BRIGHTER place, and raising the frequency of our space. All it takes to remove darkness is to TURN ON THE LIGHT!
The YELLOW OVERTONE SUN radiantly empowers us, through claiming our Divine Sovereignty, as we realize that we are all GOD’S incarnate – pure SOURCE energy..
Command your Sovereignty as Divine Creators, and experience the joy of total Self realization as your pure soul essence. Reclaim your Soul-ar POWER – the power of fearlessly SHINING your LIGHT and allowing the harmony to radiate through and from you.
COMMAND your role on Earth, and your intention to step into your Divine mission – that which you came here to do! Aho, dear SHINING ONES – now is the time to start PULSING forth your BRILLIANCE.
NOTE: With this OCCULT SUPERPOWER today – many souls will have the courage to COMMAND their Sovereignty and to step up and BE HEARD. Use your VOICE to speak for Pachamama and stand UNITED in your conviction to herald in the NEW TIME and NEW WORLD.
It is TIME to reject the darkness and all ILLUSIONS of false LIGHT.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SOLAR MONKEY CHUEN is the Magician helping us to realise the majikal codes of the day. CHUEN loves to PLAY and relishes the opportunity to TRICK or TREAT!
BLUE MONKEY is very cheeky and mischievous – so BEWARE the TRICKS and ILLUSIONS today which can lead to DECEPTION. Look closely at what is REVEALED as your EYES may deceive you. Take everything through the filter of your HEART to discern the TRUTH.
BLUE MONKEY represents the DIVINE CHILD so we are reminded to KEEP IT LIGHT. CHUEN’s totem is the DOLPHIN which embodies the 5D BLISS frequencies.
We have the CHOICE of what to focus on today, the darkness, death and decay of the old world , or the BLISS, new life and new GROWTH. Choose well!
What will you ENERGIZE???
The more we focus on BLISS and our new PARADISE – the quicker we manifest it.. especially during the bleak and challenging times. In order to PULSE our radiant codes and intentions into creating our Brilliant New Reality, we must fully connect with our Divine Child and return to INNOCENCE – our SOURCE.
Through the Majik of our Hearts we can pulse through Creation codes to ignite our new creations. Our projects, our creativity, our new common-unities – all through the element of JOY and spontaneity. Follow the promptings of the HEART – where our most JOY exists. That is the true path for our soul to follow.
Allow the cheeky monkey to lead the way, and make PLAY the new order of your day.. As you PLAY, remember to hold your intention to uplift and nurture your playmates, through your compassionate heart and pure innocence.
As you realize that your Divine Child is in fact your GOD SOURCE – as a child of God/Goddess – just as Jesus is. This realization allows you to rebirth the flame of the SOPHIA CHRISTOS CONSCIOUSNESS that lies within you and in each one of us. The Divine gift and blessing, hidden inside each of us, to discover and unwrap like a precious diamond.
This SOUL-AR Sophia/Christos energy is the Golden egg waiting to HATCH, through your intention to allow for this Sacred birth within you, if you wish to accept it. Just open your HEARTS and begin PULSING!
Today’s question is “How can I BIRTH the SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS energy in my Soul-ar being and pulse this forth with intention, into our beautiful NEW WORLD?
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Know that the VIBRATORY PATH mankind travels through all these DAYS under the I AM PRESENCE is the MOST ACCELERATED VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY that we are able to endure at a CELLULAR LEVEL. BE GENTLE to yourself and rest, nourish yourself in the most LOVING way you can imagine.
FOCUSing your DEEP THOUGHTS and setting CLEAR INTENTIONS will let the UNIVERSE know that you are READY to RECEIVE everything that VIBRATES into a HIGHER LEVEL. GOOD HEALTH and the ABILITY to MAKE MONEY FAST, LOVE and the ABILITY for HEALTHY non-toxic RELATIONSHIPS. You tell a story with every WORD and every THOUGHT.
Make it the one you want to live.
• “I AM worthy of WEALTH and SUCCESS.”
<< I am worthy and I deserve happiness.”
• “I TRUST MYSELF to KNOW what’s BEST for ME.”
<<< I CHANGE from FEAR and DOUBT into LOVE and TRUST >>>..
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