Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Christos Conscious Co-Creators of Paradise on Earth
We are now on 4 days in a row of higher energetics appearing on the Schumann charts as Gaia and all her children of the sun are going Crystalline Light Body Activated. There were multiple spikes of resonance in the Heartbeat of Mother Earth registering at amplitudes of 19 hz, 47 hz and a big blast of white light at 75 hz. Fifth dimension energies are fully anchored and rising.
Our local Soularis also released a Trinity of M Class Soular Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.41 at 2:04 UTC sending in more waves of Gamma Plasma Liquid Light of the Divine Goddess Frequencies of the Cosmic Mother.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being raised and elevated through and beyond all thresholds, obstacles and any barriers with the Freedom Codes and Keys of Infinite Source Creator. Continue to release and let go all that no longer serves you and the collective as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Namaste! The “Human & Planetary Exorcism” is on and getting more and more intense each day. Its Full Moon – the first Blue Moon and the SuperMoon, tomorrow whilst Mercury continues its illusionary Retro.
Symptoms must be rising and disappearing fast and deep. Sleep will be abnormal. Appetite takes a toss too. But above all, its the Heart organ again in highlight – rapid thumping, increased palpitations…keep a close monitor on this.
An X Class Solar Flare struck earth on the 17th – yesterday, heightening the influx and deepening its impact, making sure the Exorcism is powerful and complete.
You are releasing years, maybe lifetimes, of wounds, fears, versions of you and external dynamics. The process is well on its way. Every day, every week, you know you are closer to this massive breakthrough which will tangibly be the grand opening of this new chapter of you. A part of you is growing, becoming stronger.
This part has found their power—your power. This part knows the way. They know the shift within has already happened. It was a matter of many mini-realizations which one day became one sacred, deep voice of truth. Faith. We are in the middle of catalystic changes. You are being activated. You already “know”.
The many incarnations and timelines in which so many of us vowed to return one day far in the future to restore Divine Balance on Earth..that future.. is Now.
We, our very own Ancestors, who have carried the codes of these holy vows silently and secretly within our hearts throughout so many lifetimes in preparation for what was to come ..we need wait no more.
Don’t be disheartened if personal circumstances may not seem to match your Soul’s longing.. for you Are indeed exactly where you are needed -.however long or short- pulsating the sacred light of You.
You are re-igniting your holiest of codes into the planetary mass consciousness wherever you are positioned.
Remember that your positioning was always going to be sacredly strategic, and It Is, as is the task of those on the move..
The Ancients are Here..We All are.. fulfilling The Vow with our Hearts wide open.𓋹
8/18/24: Today we have number 9 for understanding and wisdom and number 7 for mystery and depth. These two numbers create a unique ambience, a binaural rhythm, that can shift frequencies and split dimensions. Most will sense a difference only peripherally, but light-bearers will recognize the call and will answer.
These two numbers, resonating together, are creating a vibration today that makes space for tomorrow’s Aquarius full moon, a seasonal blue moon, to usher in massive change. Your Right Action is to carry the torch of New Earth into your own sacred space… because that’s where your divine personal power lies and because it’s why you’re here in this time and place.
A galactic relationship:
Energy intensifies as star portals activate and motherships strategically position themselves in Earth’s orbit, transmitting frequencies that are accelerating humanity’s awakening.
These cosmic giants are not just keepers of universal peace, but emiters of a profound transformation that begins in the mind and heart of every human being.
The vibrations that flow from these vessels are designed to shatter old thought patterns and activate our higher consciousness.
It’s time to purge any limiting beliefs and allow the galactic light to expand our vision beyond the unimaginable.
We are at a critical point: the reality as we know is in the process of reconfiguration, and our thoughts and emotions are the pillars of this new creation.
Connect to the frequencies emanating from these vessels and let them transform your being!
Free yourself from mental chains and align yourself with the pure energy of love and universal truth.
Remember: every thought you tune into with new energy contributes to planetary change!
Motherships are here to help us on this unprecedented evolutionary leap.
Join this wave of awakening and reconnect with your galactic power.
We have a strong energy shift beginning on SUNday August 18th. This collective shift, like the shift at the end of April, is one of three major upshifts this year. It brings cosmic support for acceleration, unity, revelation, geomagnetic activity, veil-lifting, and heart-opening events.
Every amplification this year dissolves old versions of Self, and collective timeline experiences of reality. This is why so many feel a new collective experience since the energy shift in the Spring.
As another upshift unfolds, we keep up with the acceleration. This can be very empowering if you stop recreating the old, and focus your energy on creating with the New Light.
These Divine realm-shifting weeks ahead, leading to the Eclipse-Equinox-Eclipse gateway in September, will bring pure support to those creating in the New Kryst/Crystalline Light vibration.
For many, this drops the self-imposed veils and doubts about your role in the acceleration of Ascension and awakening. It’s a perfect know thyself passage, full of opportunities for those capable of taking steps to express the true self in service.
These energy shifts are a threat to lower agendas; it literally dissolves the magnetics which hold those densities in place. Fear doesn’t have the magnetic power that it used to, however some collective experiences which serve revelation and higher choice points unfold in much milder versions of those realities.
The amplification of heart-based unity, solutions, and freedom are flooding the collective with higher choices. Higher possibilities for personal and collective experiences are being revealed to many of us.
The key for this energy shift is to be in ACTIVE participation with new creations, service to the whole, self-expression of the Ascension, and creative solutions.
If you have felt stagnant or blocked for a while, this is your opportunity to learn to use the new energies available which support creative action aligned with proper use of life force. In brief, go beyond visualizing/feeling the dream, and physicalize it to the best of your current abilities.
Prepare to be in heart-centered command of this shift: Refine your process. Less particle, more wave. Less external influence, more internal conduit of the Kryst Heart consciousness. Shed any remnants of the denser versions of Self with joy and gratitude. Make stronger choices and take action in the direction of higher outcomes.
Revelations come quickly and often, as well as fearful/distorted interpretations. Notice when you are influenced by the external, or your own internal fears. Take a breath, and focus on Source within the heart.
You carry ANCIENT WISDOM and GREAT LOVE within you.
You need to know that this DIVINE ENERGY can be released from WITHIN YOUR HEART simply by acknowledging that it is within you as part of your journey as a human being, you are exploring this ANCIENT WISDOM that shows you that everything is within YOU, and that the DIVINE aspect of everything rests in your HEART.
You must know that when the 144,000 will awaken you to complete together recognizing your DIVINITY, and this is the DIVINE PLAN, by manifesting all the SACRED KEYS, you will unlock all the KINGDOMS and DIMENSIONS of the Earth for all beings to awaken to their DIVINITY.
You must know that it was written in LIGHT in the HEAVENS and at the center of the Earth, and that you are part of this DIVINE PLAN.
Learn to support LIGHT and LOVE; to see the DIVINE in all situations.
Know that everything released on Earth is for the SUPREME good of ALL, and that many are going through their ASCENSION process in this way.
All who now leave the planet are moving onto a higher platform of their BEING, as they dissolve the memories that hold them in the illusion of separation.
Only your DIVINE EXPERIENCE will liberate you from whatever you believe or decided to know about it.
Your ALL POWERFUL DIVINE PRESENCE I AM is the KEY and this PRESENCE that you are will emanate from you without struggle or disagreement in your LIVES.
All of this is in DIVINE ORDER and all that has been enlightened is for you to embrace with your LOVE and LIGHT and to accept as your own DIVINE HERITAGE.
All JUDGEMENTS, THOUGHTS and FEELINGS are nothing but illusions and are only memories of your own separation from SOURCE.
This is your ASCENSION into the LIGHT of GOD/SOURCE, and all beings ascend with you on a HIGHER platform of CONSCIOUSNESS through the path Mother gives to each of you.
It is TIME for you to explore the DIVINITY of your PRESENCE within you.
If this is your prayer, it will come to you by DIVINE ORDER for your BEING.
I BLESS each of you and thank you for your SACRED GIFTS in this process of ASCENSION. When all beings decide to open their INWARD JOURNEY to PEACE, PEACE will manifest itself on Earth.
It only takes 144,000 people to choose it now for it to manifest instantly.
This is DIVINE LAW and can be created by anyone.
We are calling you NOW and asking you, by the signatures of your Soul, to offer yourself for this SACRED PROCESS by acknowledging all of this, allowing the FAMILY of LIGHT to be rooted through you as a GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS and the FORCE of LIGHT on Earth to be permanent Simultaneously through the physical and etheral planes Our Beloved.
The LIGHT FAMILY is expanding on Earth and by this SACRED DECREE, you will have created a living ENERGY LINK with other LIGHTWORKERS and EMISSARYS who have decided to participate in this manifestation.
We thank you, we support you in every possible way, Our Beloved.
There is a very awakening full moon ahead and we are already in its energy which is connected to the collective trauma and memory from the Orion Wars.
All information that is emerging will be even more revealing as we have reached the level of the nuclear physical awakening, transformation and restoration!
The Medusa energies are active too.
It is all connected!
This full moon is the door to the True blood awakening.
This is taking place via the alignment to our new and radiator Sun, the inner Sun!
The inner loops continue dismantling!
Very deep hidden pain can be touched and felt now.
This is a great door for cellular restoration for all the bodies!
As the crown of the Earth is opening even more it is allowing more Light from the inner Sun to reach this realm and the Kundalini is switching to higher frequencies.
The Yin and the Yang are rebalancing their state of being as they are dissolving the previous loops of pain, distortion and oblivion.
Thus, they are quickly moving towards the September equinox and their new synchronization point, on a new level with new balance and understanding!
The clocks/compasses are resetting.
Any pending heavy toxicity expressed via depression, denial for life, disappointment, dissatisfaction, disorientation and inner misunderstanding, is calling to be embraced and understood.
There is valid reason for it.
Inner presence and acceptance is the way.
Every trauma and every pain has stored information in it that the Self needs to retrieve.
The Truth of what has taken place needs to be heard so that sanity can return in the system.
Blindfolds are being removed!
The reason why One is here, can be fully remembered now!
Self restoration has never been more blessed and supported!
We are in a full redirection mode of all the inner and outer systems!
The true mother/father initial trauma in the whole quantum field which has been hiding behind all other relationships, can be felt and addressed under the present energies so that inner pressure can be released to allow more free space for the Self!
A whole new level of Self understanding is available now and everyone can claim and enjoy it!
It is theirs!
The Diamonds are being formed under pressure and the Phoenixes are rising from within their own ashes!
A blissful and orgasmic Life is here!
The Silver Mother told us during our Equinox session that those who are now open to readjust and synchronize the organic Twin Flames compass according to the True and Natural System of Godly Earth via the Diamond Code, they will be unhackable and nothing will be able to deviate them from their true course and destination!
Solar Lands Ho!!!
Blessings of Self realisation!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Dear friends, as the super full moon of August 19 rises high in the night sky, a gentle yet profound awakening stirs within. Full Moons are a period of release, cord cutting, and breaking down of the boundaries that limit us.
But what makes this moon so “super”? The term “supermoon” was coined by Richard Nolle in 1979, describing a new or full moon that occurs when the moon is at or near its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, known as perigee. This proximity amplifies the moon’s gravitational pull, resulting in higher tides and a brighter, larger appearance in the sky. At the same time, this physical proximity exerts a stronger magnetic effect on our emotional fields.
This August full moon is known as the “Sturgeon Moon”, a named used by ancient Native American tribes to indicate the peak season of sturgeon fishing in the lakes, and celebrating the abundance and prosperity of the season. Bathed in an ethereal glow, this super moon beckons us to surrender to the mysteries of our souls. In the realm of Aquarius, the full moon’s essence converges with the celestial harmonies, whispering secrets of collective growth, innovation, and freedom, themes that we have already been integrating under this month’s 888 portals. The symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer, symbolically and eternally giving life and spiritual food to the world. The water from the vessel washes away the past, leaving room for a fresh, new start. The sign of Aquarius is forward-looking and growth-oriented. Concerned with equality and individual freedom, Aquarius seeks to dispense its knowledge, and its vision of equality and individuality to all.
The energy of this super full moon in Aquarius will be taking us on a journey, from our individual process of transformation into the gifts that we can offer the world as a result of this inner journey of personal growth. Like a soft breeze on a summer’s day, humanitarianism’s gentle whisper stirs our hearts, reminding us of the beauty of community and the greater good. The spark of innovation ignites within, fueling our passions for progress and revolutionary change. And like a wild cry in the night, freedom’s call echoes through our souls, urging us to break free from the shackles of conformity and embrace the gifts of our unique Light. How could these gifts then contribute to a better society for all?
In a similar way to this month’s 888 lightcodes, the Aquarius full moon’s energy connects us with abundance and freedom, illuminating the path ahead and revealing the limitless expanse of possibility. Renewal and growth’s verdant promise unfolds, ushering in the eternal cycle of transformation. As the Aquarius Full Moon shines its light, we are encouraged to examine the shadow aspects of our psyche where self-doubt and fear reside. By confronting these inner barriers, we open the door to a future where we can fully embrace our authentic selves and pursue our true passions, expanding our Light for the benefit of all.
As the super full moon in Aquarius reaches its zenith, remember that this celestial event is not just a fleeting moment, but a gateway to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place within the universe. May its silvery light illuminate the path ahead, guiding us towards a future where innovation, freedom, and community entwine like the threads of a rich tapestry. Let the essence of Aquarius – visionary, humanitarian, and being authentically ourselves – create a world that shines brighter than the brightest moon.
For the fabrication of the Human Reality is dissolving, as we awaken to the true energetic resonance of light.
The Quantum realisation of Now is vastly accellerating, as we collectively attune to our Higher Light Missions.
The Role Of The Starseed Collective is to initiate and expand this light capacity. Awaken to the internal Cosmic Parameters of this Quantum Shift.
The vibrational codes of Creation are Amplifying the Quantum Expansion of your Light Field.
I Harmonise In Light
I Live In A Space Of Higher Light Attunement
Together We Are Light
Global Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
This weeks Aquarius Full Moon is bringing more closure to the Piscean Age. We are experiencing another Galactic shift forward through the Photon Belt, continuing movement of the entire planetary Earth and her inhabitants into the Age of Aquarius.
We will be experiencing this current movement with the breaking of the financial systems that kept humanity enslaved in poverty and survival. Jupiter in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces on the Full Moon supports taking the power back from the black box agenda into our hands. This square occurs again on December 24th.
It is prophecy that the Meek shall inherit the Earth. This is what is happening for those of us Wayshowers that are ready to take on the sovereign power and leadership positions. We incarnated for this!
However to assist this prophecy we had to incarnate into the worst of these systems, tackle them head on, and destroy them through our freewill choice of freedom, love, and oneness for all. We have been co-creating the New Earth timeline and become the bridge for all to cross the threshold into the 5th dimensional Age of Aquarius.
We are still processing, releasing, and transmuting the pain and suffering as we heal and prepare for receiving all the blessings of our efforts. It is normal to go from feeling very strong and confident into PTSD fears, worries and concerns right now. We have more evidence of challenges than we do of protection and ease that we are facing to release.
Know that the tables are flipping into our rightful position as first. Stay strong, faithful, and trust that you are safe to continue pushing through the doorway into Heaven on Earth.
On Sunday, August 18th, the heavens are busy for the next two days as we lead up to the Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday! For today we have Mercury, ruler of thoughts and perceptions, challenging Uranus, planet of revelations and surprises, the Sun, ruler of our confidence and self-expression, connecting with Mercury, ruler of ideas and perspectives, and Venus, ruler of partnerships and finances, challenging Jupiter, ruler of belief systems and extremism.
There may be shocking or unexpected communications or information coming our way. This may pertain to relationships, money matters, creative projects, work/career, children, or inner child healing. The energies are building! Do what you can to say grounded and balanced as we approach tomorrow’s Full Moon!
Mercury retrograde conjunct Vesta in Leo and square Uranus in Taurus – It’s a curious mix of repeating patterns and conflicting energies. Vesta asks for focus. Concentrate on getting your creative message across, she says. Name your desire, think about what is important. But Uranus jumps out from behind the door, all waving hands and jittering nerves. Weird ideas are in the air, strange conversations, odd news, unusual information. Vesta requests that we are authentic in all our communications, but Uranus may make us nervous of speaking our truth.
The point is, that you are not hardwired this way or any way. You can change your mind, keep your stance, switch back and forth until you feel comfortable. You can decide not to decide. You can choose to speak up or keep it a glittering secret until you’re ready to let the world know what’s behind that enigmatic smile. If you don’t like the story you’re telling yourself, change it. There are as many perspectives as stars in the sky. Entertain unconventional solutions. Be progressive in your outlook. Create space for high frequency downloads. Free your mind.
The number 3 is called Electric and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. The Yellow Sun wavespell is a 13-day journey of discovery and a time when long awaited answers finally come. The 3rd step of any wavespell is about activating the process. It really adds electrical energy to whatever day it is combined with. Day one is about setting the goal and purpose, day 2 we remove the things in our way, and on day 3, we push the button and take off. Once you get used to living the Tzolkin one wavespell at a time, you observe how the energy of the numbers creates a ‘flow’. If you look at the graphic for today, you’ll see how the wavespell is depicted. The shape is representative of the energy and how it moves … It is a wave-spell.
Today is White Wind, which represents ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit.’ These days are always great for writing letters or poetry, for speaking in public, for having that conversation you have been putting off….for saying sorry too. One of the keywords associated with White Wind is ‘spirit’ and so don’t forget it is a great day to send or receive a message from the Universe. As it is an ‘Electric’ day expect your voice to be amplified! You can activate communication today and so your message has a lot of power. Be careful what you say.
Today’s Guide is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. Think about what you need to let go of because to cross over the bridge to a new level you first must be lighter, stronger. Also, your words have power today and this can facilitate crossing over to a new place. The Worldbridger is a diplomat always, and insists you are fair in your communications and see both sides of the argument.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Human and so if you were born on a Yellow Human day, you will find this today not easy. Challenges are meant to make us stronger and Yellow Humans always have trouble communicating, so on challenging days, it’s a great opportunity to remind yourself that you need to try harder even if it’s really difficult. Your voice is a muscle that needs exercising. It’s good for you to have a verbal workout!
The Occult power is the Blue Storm which is all about making big changes and when it is in this magical position expect these changes to be powerful. The Blue Storm can be a bit naughty and cause mayhem, a bit like his Blue Brother the Monkey. But also like the monkey and any other potential ‘naughty’ energy, is always very well behaved when in the magical Occult position. They seem to suit this role very well. I like White Wind days because of this aspect.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘evolution’. If you need assistance, people born on Red Earth can offer support. If you are a Red Earth, be prepared to help others evolve today. You’ll enjoy the energy boost too.
A powerful DOORWAY to SPIRIT is OPEN today, for very clear DIVINE GUIDANCE, to implement the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.
Day 3 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL of ILLUMINATING our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH, to reclaim our SOUL POWER and full Sovereignty.
Today we ACTIVATE our capacity to SHINE, by communicating the Spirit messages that are felt through our connections with others. This is the phase where disparate elements are brought together, unified in their QUEST to serve the world!
NOTE! The ELECTRIC WIND coupled with the YELLOW SUN make for a potent ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FORCE – driven to accelerate your ASCENSION through DEVOTION to SPIRIT and the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH…
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. It’s focus is being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or spark for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of Service to all. EXPAND your focus from bonding with one to the joy of bonding with all.
The ELECTRIC tone 3 coupled with the White Wind is a very potent force to receive CLEAR guidance for your Divine Service Mission. Tune in for the powerful messages from Spirit today.
Today we are questioning how we can activate our electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and energize others through Divine Service.
Today’s question is “Am I willing to SURRENDER my life’s purpose to Spirit, connecting with others to creatively express the Will of the DIVINE?”
Divine blessings for the FULL expression of your electrical POWER through ACTIVE DIVINE SERVICE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – Kin 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE ELECTRIC WIND IK today provides the wind beneath our wings. Follow the signs and really LISTEN to the voice of SPIRIT! Be still and present in the timelessness of the eternal NOW MOMENT.
What are you hearing, feeling, sensing, knowing?
How does this information from Spirit align with your desires, dreams and intentions?
Are you in full alignment with and ready to cocreate with Spirit?
How do we integrate that into our reality?
We need to have an OPEN mind to receive the messages that assist us with our creative vision and our creative ideas. We need to allow thoughts to FLOW through us and not identify with them. We are the vessels for this consciousness to flow through.
Use discernment to know which ideas are the best to implement. Channelling ideas and messages, writing, painting, drawing, speaking, singing. The solutions come forth through allowance.. Switch off and tune in today, to the whisperings of the Spirit messengers.
Can you HEAR them?
Our IN breath is of Cosmic knowledge, and the OUT breath is through creative expression, returning the energy again to our Creator. . At times we feel things coming in, but we cannot express them outwardly. Then one day, out of the aethers, we discover we can articulate this wisdom in perfect resolution.
By ALLOWING the IN BREATH and OUT Breath of OUR CREATOR to FLOW through our empty vessel, we can realize soul expansion, and allow our Creator to expand through our self actualization.
This is our sole/soul PURPOSE to realize ourselves as GOD/SOURCE.
When you have forged a STRONG connection to Spirit, the messages come through LOUD and CLEAR. DIVINE SOURCE is always needing more foot soldiers on Earth, to fulfill the Will of GOD and the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH.
Once this partnership is operative, other people rely on you to give them clarity and direction. Currently many souls are lost, confused and are feeling the hopelessness of the false narrative. It is our role as the Rainbow Warriors to give them HOPE and inspired messages that
The very BEST ADVICE we can give anyone is to GO WITHIN, and forge their own STRONG connection to Spirit, so that they become independent and sovereign beings, able to find their own solutions.
In turn this builds their faith and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN, and then GOD’S ARMY grows to be a formidable force for PEACE and benevolent change. Aho!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI It is our networks that will today ignite the messages to be shared. We are activated by connecting with others and allowing the electricity of sharing stories through music, dance, writing, however spirit chooses to breathe through us.
Receiving messengers from all reams and sharing our wisdom with our kin. This is the foundation of the new common-unities, all contributing our unique skills, knowledge and talent for the benefit of the whole.
We need to SURRENDER to the voice of the Divine, through the DEATH of Egoic control of our lives, ruled by FEAR. today has an 18/9 completion code enabling us to LET GO of the OLD..
Through fully SURRENDERING your life and purpose to SPIRIT, your Mission is elevated to a higher level touching more people and creating more MIRACLES for all concerned.
Trusting that Spirit has our back and our best interests covered. Being spontaneous and flowing each day with the messages and guidance received. The signs, impulses and promptings that direct our unique Mission.
We serve the LIGHT today by being the conduits for Spirit’s messages. Reaching out to bond with others, and creatting the matrices of LIGHT, that Spirit channels through us, as the bridge from the Spirit realm into the physical.
SUPPORT: RED ELECTRIC EARTH CABAN Signs and synchronicities FLOW through the energy of CABAN. We need to open our minds, our ears and our eyes to recognize these SIGNS flowing from Spirit, and then integrate them into our actions.
CABAN will reveal the RIGHT TIME, RIGHT PLACE and RIGHT PERSON. When you follow the SIGNS – MAJIK happens, and the most beautiful outcomes and gifts arise from your daily interactions. Be spontaneous and BE PREPARED to FOLLOW the SIGNS!
Observe nature, the birds, the flowers, the insects and all creation for your messages.
What beautiful spirit animal messengers will visit you today?
In which DIRECTION are these signs taking you?
Set your course and allow CABAN and IK to provide the navigation tools to lead the way to your HIGHEST DIVINE form of creative expression.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SPECTRAL STORM CAUAC has the Spectral tone today. This STORM is very LIBERATING, having the POWER to dissolve and release any impediments to becoming a clear conduit for Spirit’s communication to flow through your vessel.
The SPECTRAL STORM is operating synergistically with the YEARLY RHYTHMIC STORM energies to purge and release all stagnation – propelling you forward on your DIVINE MISSION.
The SPECTRAL STORM SUPERPOWER is a clarion call for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to LIBERATE themselves and our PLANET through UNIFICATION.. Banding together with your TRIBE to spread the word of GOD and do GOD’S work together.
BLUE STORM assists WHITE WIND today, in bringing through this breath of LIBERATING FRESH AIR Finally clearing and purging the toxic mind and limiting emotions, making the space for new higher wisdom to come through. The purification that releases masses of energy, that is generated by releasing all concepts of HOW anything ought to be, and purely allowing energy itself to transform and LIBERATE in the FLOW of our connection to ALL THAT IS.
The FREEDOM that is generated through chaos dissolves resistance to change. SURRENDER to the winds of change as CAUAC blesses us with the power of regeneration.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW ELECTRIC HUMAN EB represents the battle of the EGOIC mind versus the BUDDHic mind. In order to have an open and accepting mind we need to let go of judgements, criticism and FEAR. We cannot hear the voice of Spirit if our mind is cluttered with FEAR and busyness, which clouds our thoughts and pollutes our actions.
In order to hear the VOICE of Spirit we must align with and hold LOVE in our HEARTS and MINDS.
The most powerful WARRIOR is the fearless one, who holds LOVE in his HEART and knows that even death can not separate him from his CREATOR/SOURCE.
The DEATH of egoic control of your thoughts, through conscious SURRENDER will accelerate your union with Divine Mind. It takes vigilance and constant intention and awareness to elevate your thoughts and E-motions, to a higher state of being. YELLOW HUMAN’s gift today is to raise our consciousness through mindfulness, leading to our own self Mastery.
The ELECTRIC HUMAN today is a precursor to our culmination in this 13 day illumination cycle, as we conclude with the COSMIC HU-MAN.
Our journey is to EVOLVE into a DIVINE HU-MAN – GOD man.
The QUICKEST way to achieve this is to align with DIVINE WILL through SERVICE, as a conduit for Spirit to work MIRACLES on the Earth plane.
Surrender your little human to the Will of the DIVINE and
elevate your consciousness to that of a DIVINE HU-MAN.
In this state you can leave a powerful LEGACY on our planet, and influence the lives of a greater number of people.
All great rewards for a LIFE well LIVED, in SERVICE to the DIVINE – the POWER that UNITES US ALL as ONE – global HU-MAN family!
Today’s question is “Am I willing to SURRENDER my life’s purpose to Spirit, connecting with others to creatively express the Will of the DIVINE?”
Divine blessings for the FULL expression of your electrical POWER through ACTIVE DIVINE SERVICE!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of August 18th through August 24th. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Meditation for the Blue Full Super Moon in Aquarius.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
“ I AM “ THE LAW of the Victorious “ MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE “ and I command the Immortal Love of that Victorious “ MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE now be my world forever!
“ I AM “ THE LAW which draws Me into the Immortal Love of my Victorious “ MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” and there I abide in full Victory forever!
Saint Germain
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