You are currently viewing Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo ~ ENTER THE BLOOD MOON TEMPLE * Unraveling of the Old Self ~ An Immaculate Rebirth

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo ~ ENTER THE BLOOD MOON TEMPLE * Unraveling of the Old Self ~ An Immaculate Rebirth

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo ~ ENTER THE BLOOD MOON TEMPLE * Unraveling of the Old Self ~ An Immaculate Rebirth



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Bliss filled Conscious Co-Creators of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica

Happy Full Blood Moon and lunar Eclipse in Virgo the Virgin Goddess Priestess of New Earth!

As we enter the Eclipse and Equinox corridor through this powerful Full Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse we are being flooded with massive Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Diamond Light to activate and upgrade our Original Human Angelic DNA Blueprints and Transform into 5D Avatars of the New Eden Manifestation.

Our local Soularis continues to send packets of filaments of Higher Light releasing 6 C Class Soular Flares today and a M Class Flare maxing at M 1.16 at 22:21 UTC.

We also witnessed two big spikes of white light in the Heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 17 hz and 28 hz followed by 12 hours of blackout as Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun breakthrough Zero Point of Infinite density and Shift this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.

Pachamama also received a powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in South Sandwich Islands at 23:42 UTC in the Head of the Feathered Serpent of the Great Mothers Kundalini and the Sacred Energy rises up her Central Channel into the Crown Chakra of Earth as we rise with her into full Illumination of Buddha Consciousness.

As we step to the edge of the Abyss of the Void we make our Quantum Leap of Faith fully into the Unknown as we walk our Path with Heart living our dreams and passions of our Spiritual Arts and usher in our New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Bliss Consciousness…A’Ho!













An Immaculate Rebirth Awaits. Thank Goddess It’s Friday !
On the night of the Blood Moon, a powerful gateway opens—one that echoes the lost wisdom of Mu and the radiant frequency of the Blood Diamond of the Immaculates.
This celestial alignment marks a moment of deep activation, where the cosmic and the primordial intertwine, calling forth those who are ready to awaken their inner codes.
The Blood Moon, bathed in its crimson glow, is a mirror of the sacred transformation within, while the Blood Diamond represents the crystalline essence of purity, power, and divine remembrance. Together, they form an ancient key, unlocking new dimensions of consciousness and restoring the forgotten pathways of creation.
Love Te Raukura Turuki – Galactic Grandmother of Mu x


Divine Energy Works


This Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is a QUANTUM INTERSECTION—a Zero Point Collapse and Rebirth, where the architecture of reality itself is dissolving and recalibrating. Outdated energetic structures fracture, timelines rapture, and karmic imprints are released.
This South Node Eclipse is an INITIATION OF DESTINED KARMIC RESOLUTION, drilling into the deepest layers of cellular and structural memory.
Virgo, the Cosmic Architect, governs the nervous system, the physical body’s energetic grid, and the precision of Divine Order. With a tight opposition to Saturn in Pisces, we are being asked to confront where we have been trapped in illusion, avoidance, or outdated karmic loops.
Uranus in Taurus electrifies this Eclipse as a QUANTUM DISRUPTOR—shattering rigidity in our reality matrix, igniting instantaneous activations, shifts, and realignments.
The Pisces Stellium (Sun, Saturn, North Node, Neptune) floods this Eclipse with HIGH-FREQUENCY DISSOLVING CODES, erasing distortions, timelines, and dissolving outdated programming embedded in the nervous system.
The very structure of reality is rewriting itself.




Art by: Talon Abraxes

TODAY’S ORACLE. Today’s Full Moon Eclipse brings long awaited, clear and positive transformation into your life. A cosmic reset and push into more alignment. What has to be shed in terms of ways of working, daily habits, attachments, relationships will do so to make clear and fast room in your life for better & more. The energy feels confusing as if we were on the verge of something big without knowing exactly what and how this will turn out.
Some have already faced the unexpected in recent days. Expect fated changes, a message or conversation that changes everything, some news which transform the game unexpectedly. Your mission and next action steps will feel more and more clear as we move into the Eclipse corridor and out of it. Yes indeed, early April, life will be different. All shifts happening now are destined. Drop the resistance, let yourself feel and be moved. You are exactly where you are meant to be. If you feel you are at a crossroads about something, the “right” path will most likely become clear during the Eclipse gateway. Your answers are about to land.


How are you doing today? The energy is extraordinary today and not just today but the last few days and even weeks. It feels like it’s amping up and we are able to experience totally new situations energetically on this planet. Very exciting times right now. 🥳🔥🌈✨🤍
We are starting the Mercury retrograde phase right after the Virgo lunar eclipse, which can make things a bit heavier in the first week of the retrograde period.
Well, this whole retrograde period will be really special and unusual as we are starting it with the Lunar eclipse, then we have the Equinox and we are moving toward the solar eclipse.
We might be quite annoyed when Mercury retrograde will affect our relationships, communication, or our plans.
People can be more on edge during this time so think twice before saying something that might trigger others and also be aware that you might be triggered too.
It is better to focus on yourself right now to see what is working well and what is not. Let go of things that make you want to stay in the old, see where your focus is and make some changes if life doesn’t bring you joy.
Now is the perfect time for it. This is not a time for new decisions but a time to end, release, clear away old stuff and let go of things you don’t need or they don’t feel good anymore.
Virgo lunar eclipse
Virgo lunar eclipse





The Great Unraveling Begins in 2025

Astrology strongly suggests that 2025 marks the start of a massive disclosure cycle. The March 14, 2025, Blood Moon Eclipse will be one of the key triggers for exposing hidden power structures, suppressed knowledge, and global deceptions.

✔️ Secrets that were once protected by governments, religious institutions, intelligence agencies, and corporate elites will begin to unravel.

✔️ Those who have built their power on secrecy and control will struggle to maintain their influence.

✔️ The world will be forced to confront long-hidden truths about money, religion, extraterrestrial contact, human potential, and the nature of reality itself.

The Great Unraveling Begins
The Great Unraveling Begins




3/14/25: Beneath the full moon the wise ones rise. We know how the sun can blind us. We understand how clouds mislead us. We recognize how we lose ourselves in the darkness of night. We see that we have even limited our own vision. But beneath the full moon we are free from distraction and fabrication. And we are called back to our own depths to perceive what eyes cannot and sing songs meant for hearts and not ears. The wise ones rise today beneath the full moon to claim their place as teachers, mentors, visionaries, guides, lightbearers, and hierophants. We rise.



Blue Rose Oracles

Lunar Eclipse ✨The Unraveling of the Old Self

A new bandwidth has opened.
The lunar eclipse is not just a timeline shift but a dismantling & dissolution.
Everything you have carried stories woven into your being, identities worn across lifetimes, echoes of ancestors whispering through your cells are unraveling.
You are unweaving centuries of old patterns and imprints.
Threads of memory, lineage, and belief loosen within your DNA, uncoiling in the presence of this lunation. The subconscious is no longer hidden. The veils have thinned. What was once buried is rising not as weight, but as revelation.
This is the undoing.
The unmaking of inherited survival patterns. The soft collapse of identities that once protected you. The unraveling of cycles that have kept you confined to a version of yourself that no longer exists.
And with this lunar eclipse in Virgo, another layer emerges the shadow of perfectionism, the quiet fear of failure. The illusion that worth is tied to flawlessness is being pulled apart, thread by thread.
Perfectionism is a mask, a structure built for safety. But safety is not truth. Safety is not freedom. The need to control, to refine, to perfect it is being exposed. The stories that whisper “not enough,” the ache of never feeling complete, the weight of always striving these illusions are dissolving.
The light of the eclipse moves through your body, through the sacral, through the throat drawing out what was silenced, what was hidden, what was denied. What was withheld in lifetimes of suppression now rises, surging upward, no longer willing to be ignored.
If you feel unsteady, if emotions surge like wild tides, know this you are not breaking.
You are being unmade. The subconscious has become a mirror, revealing every unhealed fragment, every shadow, every buried wound not to drown you, but to set you free.


Unraveling of the Old Self
Unraveling of the Old Self


Blood Moon Eclipse March 14th 2025

I was suddenly and unexpectedly called to the Waters recently and have been in deep communion with the waters, water sentient beings, womb caves, tree caves and these are some of my insights from this period as well as some repeated patterns in recent channeling sessions.
Aspect of Divine Trinity
The Trinity Symbol has been showing up repeatedly in my sessions over the past few weeks. Blood Moons too usually show up as a Trinity- March 14 2025, Sept 7 2025 and March 3 2026. Moon Phases + Triple Goddess are also represented as a Trinity (waxing , waning , full moon/ maiden , Mother and crone).Our Womb/ menstrual cycle too follows this trinity of shamanic death and rebirth and Transformation.The Womb Caves ( within and Without ) too have been showing up constantly and are cauldrons of Transformation- Death and Rebirth. This is a Powerful time of Feminine Divine Wisdom Transformation/ Transcendence and Graduation via the Blood/ womb mysteries.
Blood Moon and Priestess Aspect
This Blood Moon-March 14th takes place in Virgo , Sign of The Earth Priestess- She who is the Altar/ Bridge/ conduit between the Spiritual and Earth Realm ie The Sovereign High Priestess who brings through the higher Spiritual essence into our mundane/ earth reality via our Womb/ Blood/ lifeforce via her Service and Devotion.
At the time of the Blood Moon Eclipse the electromagnetic frequency of our inner waters- Blood/ lifeforce/ Heart Center/ womb center changes in attunement to the moon frequency and as during eclipses “linear 3D constructs and limitation of Time and Space dissolve’’ and we enter the liminal space of endless possibilities/ timeline/ past present future with specific reference to womb/ blood mysteries and magic!!
As my recent sessions have shown, this is an ideal time to release Karmic Trauma/ Cords/ attachments ( It’s a Karmic South Node Eclipse ) from past Lifetimes related to the Womb Trauma- physical and energetic.
Apart from the obvious themes of Creativity, Flow and Creation, how comfortable/( constrained / trauma bound) are you expressing your authentic raw , wild, vulnerable, desire, passion, hunger, needs, wants in intimate s*xual relationships. What is your intimate relationship with your sensuality, body, pleasure, Ecstasy? Are you attracting your vibrational match in your intimate relationships or close connections…..or are you attracting abuse /lust /greed /abandonment/ takers. Are you stuck in loops of abuse, victimhood, and self sabotage in relationships with self and others????These are karmic trauma cords and signatures that we carry in the womb space.
Eclipses are Path correctors. For the collective they may present as cosmic whipping sticks, But for Priestesses of the Womb/ Blood mysteries/ Inanna/ Venus/ Rose priestess can use these gateways, where linear limitations of time and space dissolve, to jump timelines and navigate the spectrum of endless potentials to bring forth their Highest Timeline wrt Healing , Spiritual Consciousness , Self Alchemy/Magic.
Resurfacing of Ancient Lemurian Wisdom
And then there is the third aspect of the resurrection of the ancient Lemurian Wisdom/ Blue Rose wisdom that has been showing up prominently. The Waters are showing up prominently (Stellium in Pisces) as it is womb waters that hold the original blueprint of gnosis and genesis. The whale/dolphin/ Mer beings unlock the codes of ancient wisdom we carry within our inner waters via sound/ sonic alchemy carried via the outer waters. That is why you may be called to the waters now.
We are in an intense portal of Transformation/ Graduation with The Eclipses +Venus+Mercury retrograde with the extra seasoning of Saturn/ Karma and Uranus/ sudden awakenings and Neptune/ High Priestess.
The Unexpected has its role to play undoubtedly as it should as these are Fated and Karmic Times – relationships, self worth/ deservability and finances/ careers could undergo sudden karmic and fated shifts .Soul mates (not necessarily romantic) that have paid their karmic debts will unite to assist in the collective spiritual evolution.
As Priestesses we need to pay heed to our Inner knowings/insights guiding us in during Portals of fate/ destiny as stewardess of healing , raising consciousness and aligning with sovereign inner divinity .
‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it Fate.
May Your Faith Be Bigger than Your fears
May Your Dreams be Bigger than Your doubts
Sa Kei Na


Dear friends, the eclipse corridor, a two-week period of intensified cosmic energy, officially opens today after the recent Total Lunar Eclipse and culminates with the Partial Solar Eclipse on March 28. This corridor is a potent time for transformation, renewal, and growth. As we navigate this energetic landscape, we’re invited to release old patterns, habits, and energies, making way for new growth and transformation.
The immediate aftermath of the Total Lunar Eclipse marks a period of release, surrender, and adjustment. The energies are intense, and you may feel emotionally raw, sensitive, or overwhelmed. This is a natural response to the eclipse’s powerful purging effects. As you breathe through this intensity, remember that it’s a necessary step toward renewal and rebirth.
Interestingly, Mercury stations retrograde today on March 14, the same day as the Total Lunar Eclipse, amplifying the themes of introspection, self-reflection, and re-evaluation. Aries’ influence adds a sense of urgency, impulsivity, and a desire for independence. With Mercury retrograde, communication, technology, and travel may experience disruptions, delays, or misunderstandings. This is not a time to push forward with new plans or initiatives, but rather to revisit, revise, and renew what’s already in motion.
The intersection of the eclipse corridor and Mercury retrograde creates a complex, dynamic energy landscape. The eclipses’ transformative power is amplified by Mercury’s retrograde motion, which encourages us to examine our thoughts, desires, and communication style, ensuring alignment with our true self and goals. This is a potent time for self-reflection, and the insights you gain will serve as a foundation for the growth and transformation that’s to come later in the year.
As we journey through this eclipse corridor, we’re also approaching the March 20 Equinox, a potent moment of balance and renewal. The Equinox energies bring a sense of harmony and equilibrium, offering a brief respite from the intense eclipse energies. This moment marks a turning point, as day and night are equal in length, symbolizing the balance of light and darkness within ourselves.
The Equinox energies will amplify the themes of renewal, growth, and transformation, inviting us to plant new seeds, set intentions, and envision the future you desire. As the Equinox coincides with the eclipse corridor, its energies will be supercharged, offering an even more powerful opportunity for rebirth, renewal, and transformation.
As we navigate this dynamic period, it’s essential to stay flexible and adaptable, as plans and circumstances may change unexpectedly. Practice self-care and self-compassion, as the energies can be intense and emotionally challenging. Engage in introspection and self-reflection, using Mercury retrograde as an opportunity to revisit and revise your thoughts, plans, and communication style.
Embodying courage and authenticity will be crucial during this time. Try to express yourself truthfully, and pursue your passions with confidence and determination. Remember that the energies are supporting your growth and transformation, even if it feels challenging or uncomfortable at times.
By embracing the complex, transformative energies of the eclipse corridor, Mercury retrograde, and the March Equinox, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate this potent two weeks period and emerge renewed, revitalized, and ready for growth. Have an amazing weekend, and stay tuned for these daily energy updates as we soar through this magnificent time.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

Art by: Deepdiverq
our authentic Self
our authentic Self
Beloved Ones,
We are entering into the eclipse season in which many veils and masks are fading away, showing our true selves. Many Truths are being revealed to those who wish to listen with no fear in their hearts, for Truth comes for the brave who are prepared to embrace it.
The Virgo eclipse activates the Saturn sextile Uranus transit, opposing Saturn and in a trine to Uranus, emphasizing the sudden shift that many of us are constantly experiencing since this transitional/transformation year began.
A shift that the eclipses greatly support with their plasmatic frequencies and that is impacting our light bodies as never before, for our light vehicles are retrieving their Divine Order and illumined reconnections with each dimension in which we too exist. Our DNA is for the first time able to activate further DNA strands, and many of you are already starting the process of sixth and seventh dimensional synthesis, activating your shoulder blades and with this process merging your divine polarities.
As always, where there is Will, there are infinite ways, and possibilities to transcend limitations, self-restrictions as Saturn often reminds us, and step into the unknown, embracing change, and adapting to it, as Uranus’s nature enhances, knowing we are the ones creating, at every step of the journey what will come next.
It is an eclipse that will bring our true feelings into the light, often overwhelming us, reconnecting us to our female essence, allowing us to know what we truly feel, which is the best form of guidance, inner knowing.
During this Piscean season, disengaging from consciousness traps is vital to continue embodying who we are and our personal mission. It is by altering our perception that we may fall into delusions or false programs. Pisces and Virgo help us release illusion, integrate our shadows, and balance both polarities, so we can become whole, and neutral in our perception of the world we chose to live in and of other’s choices.
Both Pisces and Virgo are similar in that they both remind us of the feminine principle that all is within. However, while Pisces tends to dwell in the ethereal, Virgo invites us to anchor all our visions in the physical.
We have been preparing for this Virgo passage for all this month, clearing our bodies from unwanted energies and influences, and embracing the wisdom that resurfaces when we simply clear all that blurs our divine power and unique abilities.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will be the second one of the Virgo-Piscean Axes eclipses and will signify a profound transformation for many of you who are now ready to remember who you are, and your unique role within Creation.
At a personal level, this eclipse will also trigger a major activation in our physical bodies. Some of you will step into density emancipation, or physical ascension, while others will continue expanding into it, for we all are in different phases of our evolutionary journey.
Virgo rules health and our intestines, abdominal region, and liver, as the parts of our anatomy that are in charge of digesting energies and purifying them as well. On a deeper level, Virgo also rules the female energy within us, helping us retrieve its purity. This is why it will help those of you who are working on the transfiguration of your second chakra, and hence, female essence, rehabilitating your female pillar, and restoring your female wisdom and unique abilities.
It will also be an important passage for those of who you are concluding relationships, purifying your energetic sexual channels, by cutting cords and reclaiming your energetic sovereignty, for it is the first step towards achieving spiritual sovereignty, to take full charge and responsibility of our energy, and actions.
We are in a year when clearing the old is essential to embrace our new destination. Virgo and Pisces frequencies come to help us transition into a more illumined state of being. After all, purification is what we constantly are working on within our ascension journey, as it is all about releasing old layers of our old self, to allow higher ones to descend.
Ascension is nothing but the descension of our authentic Self in our human being. To achieve this transfiguration, first, we need to refine our human body, mind, and emotions of all past trauma, dismantling old programming and non-benevolent beliefs or influences that shadow our true Essence and mission. It is precisely with Virgo that we finally realize our Divine Purity and purpose, as we keep releasing who we are not.
I wish you a healing, revealing, and magical eclipse beloveds!
May you be willing to embrace the Truth and liberate yourselves from illusions.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

We are certainly now being pushed beyond all we ever experienced before.
Yet in such times, the only way forward is to keep going and not to allow yourself to be pulled off course.
We have stepped and are stepping into a much higher frequency band and this literally means letting go of the seeming familiar, the old ways, the old paths, the old patterns of behavior, and transcending it all.
It means recognizing our soul in its purest state, as it is in truth, when it has no earthly vessel.
Then to learn to allow that higher soul self the freedom to express itself, without the ego and mind desperately trying to regain control.
Indeed, this is what soul mastery is all about.
The rarest of diamonds are forged under severe pressure, the purest gold, comes from rock liquidized in extreme heat.
And with this all, to never lose our sense of humor, the love we in truth are, as well as finding joy in being able to navigate higher possibilities which are now opening up on all levels, to cocreate a totally new life and new beginnings in the New Earth.
Take yourself in arms, and give yourself a huge loving bear-hug and say: “I love you and you are doing just fine! We are getting there!”
When going gets tough – The tough get going! And how!
Of course, you could choose to use those magnificent wings, stretch them and fly!

Photo: @DeepDiverQ
new beginnings in the New Earth
new beginnings in the New Earth
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

You’re being asked to take shelter as we approach the Equinox. There are answers within to be found connected with your Starseed Lightworker mission. The New Earth is unfolding bringing uncharted territory. Direction will be revealed through the mind’s eye. Get grounded, go within, and see the unseen. The breakthrough will birth a happy new beginning.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

This week’s ‘blood’ moon will be visible across most of the western hemisphere as it opposes Saturn in Pisces while forming a trine to Uranus in Taurus and a sextile to Mars in Cancer. In addition, retrograde Venus (Mar 1-Apr 12) joins Mercury in Aries before Mercury turns retrograde (Mar 14-Apr 7) at the end of the week.
A major release is culminating over the coming weeks to months as we are forced to admit what is no longer ‘working’ for us and which habits, practices and routines are no longer assisting us but, instead, holding us back from where we are required to grow.
If we can ‘get real’ with ourselves now, we may be pleasantly surprised by how quickly more appropriate doors will open in our favor and how effortlessly it may be to trust our intuitive inclinations in terms of taking action towards the unknown with confidence…
Both our minds and our hearts are sensing a ‘newness’ on the horizon of our lives but it requires that we go through a process of ‘review’ for the purpose of healing and release so that we finally become capable of ‘breaking the chains’ of limitation and embrace our soul’s sovereign essence!
If we cling to the shores that we can see and touch, then we can miss the boat that has our name on it and that holds our highest destination.
On Friday, March 14th, we are still swirling in the energies of the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo, which happened at 2:55am EDT this morning. Now we have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, shifting to retrograde motion at 9 degrees of Aries just hours later (tonight or tomorrow, depending on your time zone). Mercury is known as Messenger and rules thoughts, ideas, perceptions, perspectives, logic, information, messages and all forms of communications. The typical Mercury Retrograde keywords apply: Review, Revise, Revisit, Reflect, Reassess, Re-Evaluate, Redo, Restart, Recreate and Realign.
What is especially interesting about this Mercury Retrograde is that it occurs at the degree of the New Moon Solar Eclipse that we will have on March 29th at 9 degrees Aries. Reasoning processes of our mind are attempting to analyze, rationalize or discern something about a situation or circumstance that we are in the midst of……perhaps something that the Lunar Eclipse energies are trying to help us clear out, release or let go of. Mercury will be in his retrograde motion until April 7th, traveling all the way back to 26 degrees of Pisces, within a few degrees of an opposition to the Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Virgo, the opposite sign to Pisces. It is worth mentioning that Venus, ruler of love, relationships, personal resources, finances, values and self-worth, is also retrograde right now.
She started her retrograde motion on March 1st at 10 degrees Aries, just one degree from where Mercury shifts today, and where the Solar Eclipse happens later this month. Plus, she will retrograde all the way back to 24 degrees Pisces, one degree away and opposite from our Virgo Eclipse. And, she will turn back to direct motion on the day of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries! So, it is safe to say that during the next month we are trying to work something out….in partnerships, friendships, money matters, our resources, and how we value ourselves. The Universe is giving us time to sort it all out. Now it is up to you to have the awareness to move through it.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
Lunar eclipse in Virgo. Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus – The Moon plays peek-a-boo in the Earth’s shadow. It’s all fun and games, until it’s not. The mood turns serious, doubts bubble up from the unconscious. Something niggles at the edge of awareness. And still we try, to make it better, to make it perfect, to keep tinkering until its all fixed. But perhaps instead, we need to join the Moon in her games, entertain the shadow, pour it a cup of tea and offer it a biscuit.
Because there are other ways of fixing things, other methods to improve circumstances. Maybe it’s time to consider alternative paths to fruition, different ways of being in the world. Let go of harsh self-criticism, rumination, worrying about the things you can’t change. Free your spirit to walk gently on the Earth. Expand your idea of who you think you are. You are more. You are free. You are perfect.
Degrees and Times
Moon 23°Vi56′ – 06:54 (UT)
Sun 24°Pi02′, Uranus 24°Ta02′ – 09:16 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – The Tea Drinker by Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin
The Tea Drinker
The Tea Drinker

Kin 250 ~ White Electric Dog

The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. The third day of a wavespell is always a real live wire. This is because day one identifies the journey, day two considers the obstacles ahead, and day three….the energy is electrified and things really start to get going as if a switch has been turned on. ‘Electric’ is always a fun number regardless of which wavespell it occurs. So much energy comes in very handy, if you make use of it. It is defnitely not a relaxing energy and so don’t expect to feel like a couch potato today.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The energy of a White Dog day is about putting all of your heart into whatever you do… whether it’s taking on a huge project or just doing the housework. Love what you do and be loyal to seeing it through to the end. Dogs can be very tenacious and they don’t easily give up their bones, take a leaf out of their book if you want to get things done. It’s an interesting combo of number and day. The ‘Electric’ Dog needs to be a service dog rather than a pet. They say every dog needs a job but this is especially true for the activated livewire of a pooch that this dog is. How do we translate that energy? You may feel the desire to be of service to mankind today!
The Guide today is the White Wizard. The charming enchanter leads today, spellbinding us and guiding us to mysterious places. Expect strange things to happen today but in a good way!
The Challenge of the day is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Those folk born on Yellow Sun will nd today diffcult. For the rest of us, it will be hard to nd the answers we seek but not impossible. When in this position the Yellow Sun provokes you into seeing the light. You have to work for it though, Yellow Sun won’t cooperate and just show you…it is a challenge after all.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic’ and the monkey today is in the most magical position. The monkey is always better behaved when it is in this prominent aspect. There’s less monkeying around, less illusion and more magical moments. If you are a Blue Monkey, you provide magical experiences for others today.
The Ally is the Red Moon. If you need to chill out today, nd a Red Moon as they are masters of relaxation and can oer much support and friendship. If you don’t have one in your life, do what they would do and chill!
Kin 250
Kin 250


3 OC – KIN 250
14 MARCH 2025





💖 Total ECLIPSE of the HEART 💖


I activate in order to LOVE
Bonding loyalty
I seal the process of HEART ❤
With the Electric tone of SERVICE
I AM guided by the power of timelessness.

14/3/2025 = 5/3/9 = 5/12=5/3 = 8


5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
8-Infinite Abundant Source Flow

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

Kin 250 = 7 – Spiritual Majik code!!! 💫💫

A very powerful day for unleashing our endless WHITE MAJIK💫 through the power of LOVE!❤


💖 Total ECLIPSE of the HEART 💖

Mar 14, 2025 at 03:57:28 AM Universal Time – UTC.
Mar 14, 2025 at 02:57:28 pm – AEDT – Melbourne/Sydney Australia
Mar 14, 2025 at 04:57:28 pm – NZST – Auckland/Wellington New Zealand

Duration of totality is about ✨66 ✨ minutes. – the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS code!!
Note: A total lunar eclipse is when the sun, Earth and moon are aligned in space, with Earth in the middle. Earth’s shadow falls on the moon.…/total-lunar-eclipse-march-13-14…/

VIRGO is the sign of the devoted Earth Goddess/Priestess who is very loyal to the Service of others. The ELECTRIC tone activates SERVICE.. and as it is a WHITE💖 DOG day – we have a DOUBLE WHAMMY for ACTIVATING our HEART💖 based SERVICE.🕊️

The duration of the ECLIPSE is 66 minutes which will ACTIVATE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS codes within humanity!!

A massive surge of ⚡ POWER to ACTIVATE your DIVINE MISSION through heart/Christ consciousness.


Day 3 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR✨ WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle,🎆 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨

Today we are ACTIVATING our creativity🎆 through the POWER of unconditional LOVE,💖 bonding with kin💏 to express our SHINY BRIGHT🌟STARRY LIGHT through Divine service. ✨


ELECTRIC💡 – Tone 3 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – bonding, POWER – activates, ESSENCE – service. ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or spark🎇 for our creativity. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.

NOTE: ELECTRIC⚡⚡⚡ energy has a VERY high emotional charge, so make sure you GROUND🐾 this energy today, otherwise it can build up stressing your nervous system and result in emotional flare ups and arguments. Grounding is particularly important when the Solar Flare activity is INTENSE! 🌞🔥

Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical⚡ power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and AWAKEN others through your acts of LOVE & DIVINE SERVICE!.

The ELECTRIC tone creates a triangle, a 3rd energy from the magnetic bonding of the 2 units – so we have a very strong ELECTRICAL CHARGE🔥🔥🔥 today to BOND with our kin.

This may be to RISE up🔥🎇 together or to start planning for our future – either way the SUPER GLUE is bonding today! 💞🐇🐇💞

Let us bond together through MEDITATION and ACTIVATE our PERFECT NEW EARTH VISION.

Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE unconditional LOVE, devotion and loyalty through BONDING in Service with my kin to MANIFEST A HEAVENLY REALITY?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

May you find your INNER SPARK🎇 fuelled within your OPEN Heart💕 today!

Go forth and EXPRESS yourself and MANIFEST a beautiful life!🌸🌼💮🌺🌻💐

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

36 moons ago – KIN 250 aligned with – Mother’s Day – a deeply feminine day of honouring our Planetary Mothers! LOVE was definitely the power sweeping the globe that day, as it is every KIN 250 day.. a day where we BOND together to CELEBRATE LOVE.

18 MOONS AGO – 10 OCTOBER 2023 was a potent ✨10.10 MANIFESTATION PORTAL!!✨

9 moons ago we had a 5.5 LIBERATION code on a 27/9 day activating the DIVINE PLAN…


Layer upon layer upon layer of codes to upgrade and ACTIVATE our DNA and higher consciousness to LIBERATE more unconditional LOVE on our planet!.💖💖💖

Endless resources for the NEW EARTH LEADERS to STEP UP as CREATORS today!! ✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟


CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE ELECTRIC DOG 🐕OC embodies the qualities of Unconditional Love, loyalty, trust, faith, honesty, integrity, compassion, truth and Heart centredness.❤❤

All these qualities and particularly the unconditional LOVE and loyalty, are synonymous with our beloved Earth Mothers who have birthed us onto this planet.. Indeed our MOTHER’S are the divine expression of this LOVE that bonds a Mother and her child for the protection and survival of our species.

LOVE’s💞 perpetual expression💞 through our relationships and families, is what EXPANDS the Universal expression of our soul’s experiences. This beautiful gentle energy will ensure we return to this building block of connection, through the power of LOVE in our family units. A return to INNOCENCE and purity… reprioritizing the family and our emotional connections.

Today’s energies are beautifully synchronized with this INCOMING TSUNAMI of Christos Eclipse energies where we can celebrate UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of the highest order.. 🌹❤🌹❤

❓❓What SPARKS🎇 the connections to your Heart? ❤

When you bond with another soul💏 of equal resonance this ignites🔥 a spark🎇 in your heart.❤

Two hearts💕 firing together can create absolute Majik.🌟 The toroidal field emanating from your HEART expands exponentially as both fields conjoin. This is the power of the magnetic Heart. ❤❤

As you merge and unite with others,💑 this energy can then be channeled into creative pursuits. As twin flames, and star tribes come together, their Divine Missions will be fuelled by their passion. creativity, loyalty, and mutual respect for one another.

❓❓Where does your loyalty lie?
❓❓Are you aligned with SPIRIT? – it is time to choose your allegiance!
❓❓Whom do you entrust with your heart?

These are the questions that will help you bond with your kindred souls today.
Once you bond in SERVICE, then you ask
❓❓“What can we create together?”

You can then devote your life to the fulfillment of your souls’ mission.

You will also need to reflect upon the question “Are you loyal to your own needs, as you are to the service of others?” Self sacrifice is not sustainable. The FULL MOON is in VIRGO and so self sacrifice is a potent lesson through this eclipse.

Self Love is most important for building a solid foundation for loving and respecting others, without feeling drained and exploited. Being part of a tribe requires equality in the flow of giving and you emit more LOVE your precious heart becomes receptive to receiving more love… and so the SPARK🎇 of LOVE… ignites more LOVE..💕


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARD⚡🧙🪄🔮IX brings forth the powers of enchantment and endlessness, allowing us to be more RECEPTIVE to LOVE.❤❤

The ELECTRIC WIZARD is IGNITING our HEART’S desires – Your POWER of enchantment is on hyper drive today! SHAZAAAAMMMMMM!!!! 💫💫💫💫

The ELECTRIC WIZARD is totally DEVOTED to SPIRIT.. as a pure vessel for the messages and MAJIK of Spirit to FLOW through.. The STRONGER you forge a connection with SPIRIT, the GREATER the flow of MIRACLES and MAJIK flow through you, as a DIVINE CONDUIT and messenger for Spirit.

In order to activate this power, the WIZARD reminds us to be STILL and RECEPTIVE, tuning in through our Heart resonance which the WHITE DOG has ignited. The POWER of DIVINE LOVE is the highest WHITE MAJIK in the UNIVERSE!

We are reminded that true unconditional love is infinite and endless. Allow yourself to become enchanted by the WIZARD’S majikal dreamspell, uniting you with your kindred souls in a beautiful tapestry of Divine LOVE 💕 and service.✨

WHITE MAJIK is IGNITED today!! ⚡🕊️🪄Let’s BREAK the DARK SPELL!💥💥💥


SUPPORT: RED ELECTRIC MOON⚡🌒 👸 MULUC.. Electrifying MOON energy on a total LUNAR ECLIPSE – DOUBLES LUNA’S energy today!! OMG!!!

MULUC’S Universal Waters continue to FLOW today, as our GODDESS energies are blessing us with feminine grace and intuition. The purification power she brings, assists in dissolving boundaries between hearts, so that there is a beautiful FLOW for communication and creativity through our PURE HEARTS. 💕

RED MOON enhances the intuitive and telepathic bonds between kindred souls.💑 As we evolve we can connect with our kin through our intuitive senses, through empathy, compassion and claircognizance… no need to talk as we can FEEL and just KNOW what others are thinking, feeling and experiencing..

We are then ALL connected on a much deeper level, with full transparency and integrity, enhancing our loyalty and devotion to our tribe.. This frees up much of our energy to EXPRESS ourselves through creative and Artistic pursuits.. all designed to engender more JOY and harmony in our new Common-Unities. 👭👬👫

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY🌀🐒 CHUEN will reveal any trickery, deceit, illusion and shenanigans today. The SPECTRAL MONKEY has tremendous Majikal powers and can instantly DISSOLVE any black magic interfering with the bonding of soul mates/twin flames or our collective MISSION. SHAZAM!! 💥💥💥

The MONKEY’S power is greatly AMPLIFIED with the Higher Guide of the ELECTRIC WIZARD today. This ensures the guiding FORCE is benevolent and aligned with WHITE MAJIK… very potent DIVINE forces are pouring forth today to LIBERATE supernatural MAJIK and MIRACLES!

The SPECTRAL MONKEY is the SUPERPOWER with the agenda of RELEASING and DISSOLVING the density of the bad “spell” that has been cast upon HUMANITY. This synergy of benevolent FORCES is superboosting our WANDS to perform SUPERNATURAL MAJIK today…
Very potent forces to propel us into the new GOLDEN AGE.

A HUGE BREAKTHROUGH🌠 is coming today that ENSURES we are FREE from enslavement as we QUANTUM JUMP to a NEW REALITY through the SPECTRAL MONKEY’S time bending powers!! 🚦 🌠🌠🌠
A WAVE of MAJIK LOVE & LIGHT is enfolding our Planet and our beloved Pachamama. 🌊❤

CHUEN also reminds us to “keep it LIGHT”, ✨play NICE together and make each other’s HEARTS sing! 💕The joy that comes from co-creating and playing with your pals! When your Divine child is PURE and FREE – the sheer majik of Creation can flow through you, as you express your Starry Soul essence through your creativity and PLAY..

CHUEN is teaching us to align with the ✨Harmonic Matrix✨ where ⏳TIME = ART.🎨 in order to LIBERATE more JOY, so that there is no drudgery, boredom, slavery and enforced labour. All expression flows naturally and your LIFE becomes a living work of ART.. filled with joyous exuberance and PASSION!🎻🎶💃

NOTE: KIN 11 – BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY is the Galactic signature of Jose’ Arguelles – the father and cocreator of the DREAMSPELL CODEX… His intention was to align us with Harmonic time and in so doing BREAK FREE FROM THE MATRIX!!! 💥💥💥

KIN 11 is the OCCULT SUPERPOWER driving this amazing MAJIKAL lunar eclipse day, through KIN 250… so the solution to BREAK FREE is to vibrate at the frequency of ❤ LOVE or ABOVE..❤.




CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN ⚡🌞 AHAU’s power today will reveal those relationships that are not based on a “Higher Love”. ✨❤✨ And the HIGHEST form of LOVE is DIVINE LOVE – pure unconditional LOVE that flows freely from the COSMOS.

Our HEARTS💞 are the portal that OPENS THE GATE to endless LOVE..
Make sure you ALIGN with this by forging a stronger connection to SPIRIT through the natural world, and through expression of your DEVOTION and loyalty to the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.

The key to EN-LIGHT-ON-MENT is through the ❤HEART PORTAL❤ – this is also the key – to release and express your DIVINE MAJIK and innate GIFTS… access this today through your focused intention to manifest your HEART’S desires!

YELLOW SUN🌞 brightens the way today, and thus reveals the darkest shadows in your path. Any of your own shadows or those of others that are blocking your path to EN-LIGHT💡ON-MENT will be brought into the “spotlight” today.

The ELECTRIC tone added to this, can add much volatility and there is nowhere to hide when sparks start to fly! 🎇 All shadows will be revealed. It is time to be emotionally MATURE and harmonize the UNIVERSAL FIRE igniting the triggers. Use this flame instead to IGNITE your PASSION and your SERVICE to SPIRIT.

To reap the gift of AHAU today, use the powers of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love to detach from any drama, and thus continue on your evolutionary destined path in becoming a much WISER HU-MAN. .

✨✨✨First seek GOD, then look around you to see the team of people👭👬 walking with you.
That is your tribe!👫👬👭
Here comes the SUN!🌞 🌞🌞

RISE UP and SHINE together – CHILDREN of the SUN! 🌞🌞🌞

WOOT WOOT 🎉🎂🎉🎊🎈– what a DIVINELY SUPER CHARGED majikal day TODAY –



Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE unconditional LOVE, devotion and loyalty through BONDING in Service with my kin to MANIFEST A HEAVENLY REALITY?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

May you find your INNER SPARK🎇 fuelled within your OPEN Heart💕 today!

Go forth and EXPRESS yourself and MANIFEST a beautiful life!🌸🌼💮🌺🌻💐

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 ✨

Astral Projection Guided Meditation | Deep Journey Beyond the Physical ✨

with the Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Embark on a profound journey beyond the physical realm with this Astral Projection Guided Meditation. Designed to help you achieve an out-of-body experience, this session will guide you through deep relaxation, vibrational alignment, and conscious detachment from the physical body.

🌌 What You’ll Experience:
🔮 Deep relaxation and full-body awareness
🌠 Connection to higher realms and cosmic wisdom
🌀 Safe and controlled astral travel techniques
💫 Expanded consciousness and spiritual awakening

Allow yourself to float beyond the limits of time and space, exploring the astral plane with ease and clarity. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced traveler, this meditation will support your journey into the unseen dimensions.


CLICK HERE for the Astral Projection Guided Meditation


Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Mantra for Holi – The Festival of Colors & Divine Love 🌸

“Om Prem Jyoti Namah,
Rangon Ki Shakti Prakashayami,
Satya, Anand, Bhakti Swaha.”

Translation & Meaning:
“I bow to the divine light of love,
I awaken the sacred power of colors,
Truth, bliss, and devotion flow through me.”

This mantra invokes the radiant energy of Holi, celebrating love, unity, and the triumph of light over darkness. Chant it while embracing the colors of joy, setting intentions for renewal, and inviting divine blessings into your life.

May your Holi be filled with laughter, love, and spiritual awakening! 🌺🔥✨

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