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TO BE BORN AND BE FREE ~ Jupiter Planetary New Star Gate Grids ~ Divine Emissaries ~ DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL

TO BE BORN AND BE FREE πŸ•Šβ˜€οΈπŸ•Š Jupiter Planetary New Star Gate Grids ~ Divine Emissaries ~ DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL




Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Stellar Light Bridgers of the Holy Grail Divine Union 

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to experience intense activations and initiations as we make our Way into and through the coming 111 Portal and New Moon in Capricorn this Thursday the 11th. 

We had more spikes of White Light on the Schumann Charts again today with the big blast of light at an amplitude of 36 hz. Pachamama also received another powerful activation again today on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in  Niigata, Japan at 8:59 UTC.

As our Solar Logos projects more Waves of Gamma Plasma into Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun all is accelerating into our full culmination zero point of Infinite Light to mak our Quantum Leap as SuperNova Consciousness of the Christos Sophia.

In our Self Realization we come to know our True Nature of Buddha Mind, which is our Original Awakened State of Pure Awareness, we resolve all things and live directly from our Sacred Heart centers as Conscious Co- Creators of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

Our Higher Self harmonizes with you Now to assist you all in stepping over the threshold of Gods Kingdom on earth and into the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way…

The Doors of Freedom have been flung WIDE open – Access Granted to All with a kind Heart…A’Ho!







Convergence/ running parallels dropping in for Choice points pre- 1/11
Choice points
Choice points
The ONLY Reliable DISCIPLINARIAN and GUIDE for the Ego-Self is the TRUE-SELF. . . or OMNISCIENT SOUL!
SOUL WISDOM is Revealed to Man through the Agency of INTUITION. . . Direct Perception of TRUTH. . . NOT by Amassing Knowledge through the Intellect!
The Seeker after WISDOM should INNERSTAND the Difference Between INTUITION and Man’s Limited Faculty of INTELLIGENCE!
A Word from the Whales
9 January 2024
Sweeping Winds carry Harmonic Waters over energetically parched Lands within Full Planetary Alignment.
Vortexes support the multidimensional penetration of Cosmic Consciousness as Harmonic Hearts weave Songs of Remembrance through all Levels of Existence.
Fragmented Spheres of Consciousness continue to regain Coherence on the Universal Level.
Greater Coherence is reflected in all forms.
With Great Love from the Cetacean Collective

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and may be freely shared in its original form 🀍

Sweeping Winds carry Harmonic Waters
Sweeping Winds carry Harmonic Waters


Each trinitized entity ( sphere form ) is separating from the egregor /placenta in which development took place.
Energy channels open through heart resonance.. πŸ•ŠπŸ€πŸ•Š
Now we are individual SOLAR ESSENCES ✨️🌞✨️
Whole One 11:11:11
Birth codes today .. the birth of the trinitized Solar I am …
The birth of a new potential ….
finally.. I can breathe !!! 10:10 /10:11/ 11:02



The blue ray is cranking up justice, truth and freedom of expression from illusions and deceptions. Powerful! Keep anchored in your light as this allows you to be stable in the highest timeline. Power outages all around me today and I maintained mine with my frequency and power of intention. You have the same ability and your frequency will give to which reality you are experiencing.

The shift between 3D to 5D+ just got wider expanding the consciousness of those who are aligning to the light within them, freeing themselves from distortions and illusions bringing freedom codes of light. Rising in truth of who you are, helps a humanitarian aid of light. We came to help and your frequency is the key!

justice, truth and freedom of expression
justice, truth and freedom of expression


Although this year ahead will be tumultuous in the world external and at times within ourselves, either way, to our favor, each will assist us in catalyzing the Truth of Our Holy Being.
There is a precise way that the energy of Creation living on Earth is being returned to its natural state. I Am reminded constantly no matter what you do or what occurs stay in Love and remain Open-Hearted. Both create a receptor field for your Higher Self …Soul…I Am Presence to enter more fully and expand within you.
More swiftly now We are gathering and wholifying all our Pure Divine β€˜aspects’ to present to the world, unabashed and unmitigated… a shining jewel of Multi-Dimensional Divine Awareness and Presence.
The return to the pattern of wholeness is an implosion letting each know that something very ancient has died while something very new and magical in its perfection is birthing. It’s important that we connect deeply to the magical process rather than focusing on the pain of the process.
Piece by piece, that which is not of your true nature falls away revealing the Precious Jewel that you are.
Contemplate the Truth of You.
With Love,
Truth of Our Holy Being
Truth of Our Holy Being


✨🌟🌟🌟The doors are open to all and access is up to everyone as these FREQUENCES from the FIFTH DIMENSION push humanity to open up to transformation.
✨🌟🌟🌟The FIFTH DIMENSION is a plane of FULL ABUNDANCE, JOY, FREEDOM and  where BEINGS share and coexist without skills or struggles.
✨🌟🌟🌟Each experience and process we experience represents information that is collectively moving. Many others on the planet are also sensing and going through comparable experiences to ours.
✨🌟🌟🌟That is why, when a person overcomes their experiences, transcends them and takes a LEAP of CONSCIOUSNESS beyond their wounds and fears, this information passes through the planetary grids and can be welcomed by others, also pushing towards their AWAKENING.
✨🌟🌍🌟As a collective, humanity is part of the Earth as a fabric and Mother GAIA is able to feel us; because for her, humans are part of the ecosystems, they are cells in her body.
βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸŒπŸ’–πŸ’›πŸ’™GAIA feels human pain and makes it vibrate like its own; in the same way we feel pain in our whole BEING when we strike some part of our BODY. …
The greatest gift of a Sensitive is their intuition. The high reaching, deep core connecting energies of the 1/1 – 11/1 portal this year plays perfectly to those who can reach subtle depths to gain invisible knowledge on their environment and their resonance within it.
The 6th sense of perception of that which is invisible to the 5 physical senses is pronounced and highly advanced within the make up of a Sensitive being.
Turning silence into whispers and stillness into flutters is the ageless ability of the intuitive, felt through the heart, body, soul and mind as a real and natural part of living existence.
Those who act as a medium between the spiritual and the physical cherish the wisdom that they hear from a distant source as a timeless song of truths; hidden from sight, sound and touch.
With so many newly aligned Sensitives ready to listen to a new calling expect to be delivered a symphony of harmonic vibrations, whereby a new song will be manifested into the physical realm through a process of the deepest contemplation.
Listen for the music of the 6th senses, whether this be new to you or old; knowing that now more than ever is the time of belief in the unheard, the unseen and the unknown.
deep core connecting energies
deep core connecting energies

Cosmic New Worlds/ Realities/ Universe’s/ Mother Gaia Earth Galactic Ship Energy Update!!

βš“οΈπŸŒΉβš“οΈ 111 – 444 – 333 – 1133 – 752 – 92 – 719 – 888 – 1121 – 1011 – 0111 – 0110 Angelic Devas – 892 – 7651 – 45 – 44 – 222 – 782
We have New Quadrants Systems Activating as Experience Meter Showers [ Quadrantid] Showers for Our Celebration of the Powerful Gateway’s [ New Beginnings] 1/11 – 1/17 Activation Reset for Our New Energy Cycle! Venus Rising Tonight & Tomorrow within the Night Sky !! Soo Beautiful as we Activate Venus & Mercury for Our Sacred Divine Hieros Gamos Counterpart Marriage Soul Union Return ❀️ 1/10 – 1/12 Soooo Powerful as we Open the Hieros Gamos Krystalline Temples of Aphrodite & HermΓ¨s of the Sacred Schools of the Christed Sophia!! Fully Anchored! We Activate Saturn through our High Power/ The Alchemist Template’s on 13th /14th of January Triple Diamond Emerald Trinity Activation within our Physical Krystalline Starbody [ Starseed/Angelic Humans Races on the Planet] Trinity Center [ Saturn, Mercury, and Venus ] New Energy Center, New Higher Power, New DNA Template’s Anchoring as we Access Our Inner Alchemy of the Return of Planetary Systems… πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈβš“οΈπŸ§œβ€β™€οΈβš“οΈπŸ§œβ€β™€οΈβš“οΈ
1/11 New Moon Solar Activation’s for New Beginnings/ Anicent Akashic Records Template’s Fully Coming online β™₯️ We will Experience All New Higher Quadrants [ New Higher Realities/Dimensions/ Spaces/ Worlds / Realms/ DNA / Kingdom’s Coming Online !! Divine Mother Gaia’s New Gifts for us to Access Higher Earth Systems [ New Holographic HD Vivid Creation’s] For Us ! New Worlds to Access Full Gate systems online to Translocate [ Teleportation] To Her New Worlds she’s Creating for Us to Access!! Full Galactic/ Star Races Humans Embodiment…. πŸ‰πŸŒΉπŸ‰
Awesome Experiences … As we Clean up All Old Systems/ Matrices/ Collectives Grid Systems within our Physical Krystalline Starbodies…. lots of Sleep 😴 Rest Honoring the Physical Body. βš“οΈπŸŒΉβš“οΈπŸŒΉβš“οΈ
Jupiter Planetary New Star Gate Grids Systems Activating within the Multiverse/ Physical Body/ Planetary Body for All [ Star Races / Angelic Human on this Planet] New Beginnings, Abundance, Prosperity, and Co Creation Krystalline Quantum Plasma Fields Activating for More Access of Materialization [ HUman Words Manifestation] New Upgrades for Faster Co Creation of Materializing Our Highest Realities/ Dreams/ Creation’s of our HD Vivid Vision Of Our Divine Interior/ Exterior Galactic/ Cosmic/ New Earth’s/ New Worlds Within 🌎
Beautiful β™₯️ Experiences as we Upgrade the Physical Krystalline Starbody To a New System… πŸ‰πŸŒΉπŸ‰πŸŒΉ
Beautiful Meteorite Showers for the Beginning of January through the 17th !! πŸ‰βš“οΈπŸ‰βš“οΈ
We Created Activating Pictures πŸ“Έ for Our Full Experiences Here in Bryce Canyon Utah!! Soo Magical πŸ’ž πŸ’ž To See the Fireballs Activate Our Experience… Definitely Clearing Millions of Timelines Here! πŸ‰πŸŒΉπŸ‰πŸŒΉπŸ‰πŸŒΉ
Quantum Light Activation Source Translation Writing By Akasha RA Azurite & Galactic Commander Husband!
Cosmic Love Councils/ Galactic Beings/ Galactic Star Races / Emerald Order Feline Races/ God Realms Downloads πŸŒΉβš“οΈπŸŒΉ
Jupiter Planetary New Star Gate Grids
Jupiter Planetary New Star Gate Grids
Beloved Ones,
As we continue stepping into a new frequency band, many of us are transcending our lower chakras, with the assistance of our Guides team, the Auroras, and many other Forces who are helping our planetary ascension, as well as those who are willing to do the inner work required to achieve self-mastery.
In this process of consicous transfiguration of our lower egoic layers and chakras, we are finally leaving behind our most basic human three-dimensional self, embodying our fifth-dimensional one, moving further into the soul and monadic levels.
It is at this time when Guides shared the importance of aligning to the Capricornian essences that now reign our planet, as they are assisting us in the process of self-illumination required for us to continue stepping into the illumined worlds.
We are finally transmuting our lower chakras from the many wounds, programs, female repression, familiar or inherited patterns, trauma, disempowerment, and many other distortions that have been incrusted within them, and that need to be released.
For those who are now ready or undergoing this process, Guides share you will be moving into a phase of stellar activation, which means you are literally becoming another person, as your body particle accelerates, embodying more light and hence love.
Drink plenty of water, it is a natural conductor of energy. Sound, in any way you are guided to use it, as another tool to help you in this activation, for we come from sound, as it is the first origin from God’s Source. Weekly clearings are important too but above all, your attitude towards yourself and how you cope with your personal process.
During this process remember to have compassion for yourself, and above all, for who you have been, for you may experience guilt or blame, as you witness your past self, which are also programs destined to disempower us. You may have found unconscious acts that you would not repeat now.
You hold now more consciousness, love, and compassion for yourself and All, show it by loving who you were too, for you had a different level of consciousness when you made those acts.
Choose to cancel, and neutralize your past acts by becoming aware of them and taking responsibility, forgiving yourself, and moving forward, by seeding something more loving, peaceful and that will help heal All, for this seed will grow and expand, in your present, but also into your past and future selves, healing what was damaged.
Amend your past wrongs by being and sharing more love, not by beating yourself up with guilt for this will only create and expand more hate and disempowerment.
See the Truth, the Love, the Power, and the Peace within you, and send it to All who are ready to embrace it.
We are on a path to self-liberation, where self-love, forgiveness, and compassion are key to letting go, embracing more unconditional love, and moving forward to our new harmonic destination.
At every moment you are presented with the choice to let go of who you were and embrace the new You. You have the will, and the power, choose wisely.
Within Infinite Love,
Art by: Kesara
path to self-liberation
path to self-liberation
1/9/24: What you did last year you don’t have to do again. What you gained is yours to keep. What you learned about yourself is yours to use. You may feel unsure about your next steps, but you are better prepared and stronger than you were. Today’s Right Action is to celebrate who you are right now and what you’ve been through to get here. This is your last look back and your chance to see that you really are the alchemist who can turn mundane into magical… bitter into sweetness… truth into peace. You have what you need. Tomorrow you start opening up to what you want.
celebrate who you are right now
celebrate who you are right now

To The Ascending LightWorker Collective : The 3D, 4D, 5D Assimilation process on the planet is now in progress . What you should expect to take place in the immediate future .

The process of transformation is being accelerated at a tremendous pace In order for you and other ascending souls , light workers to be able to handle the incoming energies and to continue to clear your bodily vehicles of residual negative energy. The reason for this is that any and all residual imbalances will create discomfort for the inner self and it may create obstacles from accomplishing a complete transformation and transmutation .
Some who are consciously ascending are experiencing 3 dimensions at one time . Your physical being is operating in the world of the 3rd dimension , Your emotional and mental bodies are trying to adjust to the 4th dimensional experiences and your consciousness / higher self is reaching for the 5th dimension. The molecular structure of your brain is redefining itself and certain areas of your brain are also being activated.
Areas in your physical brain that have been in dormancy for thousands of years as well as some critical areas that have not been active for millions of years . There is a reason for your discomfort and your distress It is not physical in the sense you think of as physical In other words you are not ill or sick there is no outside influence involved in this process it is internal only , it is cosmic and it is spiritual .
Give yourself permission to rest when you are feeling this discomfort when you feel an over whelming urge to rest or to sleep then this is what you are meant to do. It is always best not to resist what your body knows it needs.
Listen carefully to the urging and feelings of your physical vehicle for it will speed up the process and make it easier and more comfortable for you , eat lightly , drink pure fluids and drink filtered water , Fresh fruit juices and vegetables all this will help ease your discomfort . Spending time in nature is key
We need to know and understand that our bodies will no longer be able to assimilate heavy and spicy rich foods . Your internal and digestive system is being transformed and refining itself to the point these foods can immediately result in a reaction of one sort or another , some of you are already experiencing this and are wisely tuning into the messages you are receiving .
The transformational process we and others are experiencing would normally happen over a period of several hundred years , you can see or imagine the shock and disorientation your physical vehicle is experiencing . Some of you may feel distressed about the increase of body weight or loss , do not be as this has to be necessary for those of you who will be making this monumental leap in ascension moving forward which will at times put a strain on your physical system.
Your soul self is striving to bring all your bodily vehicles into balance and harmony and as quickly as possible , Just as you have felt mental distress and confusion during your transitional period now it is time for your physical body to follow .
Your auric field is being cleared you are bringing your mental emotional and higher bodies into alignment and just in time for the biggest global shift in humanity on the planet this far in its Conscious awakening evolutionary cycle .
the next Ascension phase is being put in place now as the planetary energies are being increased Inter-dimensionally you are spiralling to the next higher level of the evolutionary ladder.
This is part of the quantum mechanics of this Earths orbit , it is being lifted resulting in the electromagnetic / cosmic energy bombardment That has increased tremendously .The Earth will absorb more and more of this higher frequency energy as will all conciously ascending humans including the animals , plants and vegetation life
Not everyone on the planet will be equipped to handle this ascension planetary energy. This could come out in ways of more dysfunction in others and in the 3D world. There will be an increase of collective dysfunction, chaos Collective depression and depletion the confusion of staying in a constant state of brain fog and repeated cycles and loops.
For those choosing to remain in 3D and below structures they may find them selves struggling more so in these much higher planetary and vibrational energies .This is just another of the many reasons why we are here awakening in this place and at this time of planet earths collective evolution
Ascension symptoms are not just physical .They are the physical body’s and mind responses to adapting to a higher influx of planetary energy. This adjustmebt into new self is necessary to continue creating through our physical vessels and to experience the process of individual and collective ascension, leading to the creation of a new earth reality.
At times on your path It may appear that you are the only one not experiencing positivity, and good health , however it’s important to understand that everyone is on their own unique journey. Comparing ourselves to others on the ascension path is fruitless because each individual progresses at their own pace and in their own levels of conscious awareness , the gap can be significantly different .
When reading ascension information, it’s wise to take what resonates and not force things to fit , if they don’t vibrationally align with your current experiences. If you are not currently experiencing positivity, it doesn’t mean it will not be a part of your future timelines. It means for now there are some internal aspects that need to be consciously worked through to reach those future time line opportunities.
Everything you are going through now plays a significant role in shaping your new earth reality. Comparing ourselves only adds unnecessary pressure and could reinforce feelings of helplessness. Not all information will apply to us at a given time, and engaging in comparisons will lead to victimising the self.
The internal ego may resist hearing this at times , it’s important to recognise that we are always exactly where we are meant to be in any moment. We are constantly working through complex layers and levels of internal growth and releasing false programming and conditioning, which requires the time needed .
Ascension is an ongoing process, and while there may be challenging days, there are also much better days ahead on this journey.
Ascending loved ones , try not to be too overly concerned with your ascension symptoms , what ever they may be , as you ascend this soon will pass and you will be in absolute awe by what will take its place .
A new awareness a new vision , new spiritual abilities and gifts , integration of new and higher knowledge and eventually a new human body. Welcome ascension in and look forward to this new world reality because it was made for you.
Channeled In loving and dedicated Ascension service : by Ascension LightWorkers.
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Your auric field is being cleared
Your auric field is being cleared

**EVENT UPDATE** 1/9/24 ~ The NEW PHASE Has Begun ~ The Earth is Celebrating ~ The Galactic Federation

The Ascension Event update for January 9th, 2024

Greetings Dear Family of Light,

In these precious moments, you are in the midst of Settling into the New Phase of your ascension. This New Phase gives you and the earth More control of your Own Destiny, stopping all interference being done by those who wish to control and keep you enslaved. You and the Earth have a much more enhanced ability to now manifest, your reality. Within this phase of your ascension, you are now processing your reality in a much different perspective, allowing for the New Earth to actually begin to physically manifest.

The Divine’s Order was to Jump the Earth into a New timeline, that gives you and the Earth the advantage above the Dark ones. Which is also causing an awakening of More and More Humans every day to the truth of the ascension. This Jump, has excited the Earth, and now she is reacting in Joy. For the first few Days after the jump, Everything has been very calm and still, Even your Logos became very quiet, only expressing 14 small c class flares within the last 72 hours. Especially since after the Massive X5.01 received on the first Day of your New Year. However, The Earth Herself has been Busy, and is not waiting around for everything to settle.

The Schumann Resonance Graph has been blacked out for most of this last week, hiding any activity that could have been taking place. However, Since it came back online, it has shown massive activity, and reached a 64 hertz spike yesterday.

 As described in the previous update, The Earths Original Frequency of the 3rd dimension, was at 7.83 hertz, constantly.  This Frequency has been known by many of your mystics, Shamans and Monks, who chant OhM, at this vibration. 

This was the Earth’s Basic hum, or Heart beat, during her slumber through the Lower dimension. However, Your Mother Earth has awakened. She is a sentient Being, and she, has chosen to ascend permanently, out of the Lower Cycles of Vibration. Her Base vibration now ranges between 10 and 20 hertz, and continues to rise.

We wish to also remind everyone about the different levels of vibration in the spectrum of Existence. From 3 to 10 hertz, is about 3rd degree vibration. The 4th degree vibration is at between 15 and 30 hertz, 5th degree vibrational spectrum is at about 40 hertz, and 6th degree begins around 60 hertz, in your vibrational understanding.
Upon entering the New timeline the Earth Began celebrating.
On January 7th There was two deep swings, shown in the frequency graph. The first was between 5:00pm and 7:00pm UTC, involved only the Primary Frequency and produced a peak of the Quality; the second lunge, starting shortly after midnight on January 8th, and was across all frequencies that led to a strong movement in Amplitude. That then peaked at a massive Power 64hertz at 4:40am UTC, Early morning January 8th.
Between 6 and 10 am UTC on January 8th, there was a slight decrease in Amplitude movements which then returned to significant values and remained around Power 25 for approximately 3 to 4 hours. At 3:00 pm UTC there was a new rapid sinking of the frequencies which led to a new strong movement that reached Power 40hertz.
At the time of this update the frequencies continue to all still be erratic, dancing around.
 The activity that began yesterday morning at 3:00am UTC, continues throughout today. An upward trend is underway at the time of this update. The highest value reached today was Power 36 at 4:40 UTC during today’s most intense movement between 3:00am and 5:00am UTC.
At the Moment of this Update, The Earths Schumann Resonance was at high Power 36 Hertz for the day.
This movement is also being pushed towards her surface, with 39 earthquakes above a Level 2 magnitude, in the last 24 of your Earth hours, including a 5.4 magnitude in Ollague chile. a 4.5 and a 5.9 magnitude in Sado, Japan. and a Massive 6.7 magnitude in Sarangani Philippines.
Currently, In your vibrational perspective, The Earth is Celebrating. She is happy. Laughing, and in Joy. In your Planet’s perspective, she is your Mother, and her children are also now fully waking up.
The Physical body of the Earth, is of ancient origins and so is her soul. She has had many beings walk upon her and see only dirt and stone, and whatever resource she may offer. Nevertheless, Most of your Native Cultures from all over your planet, have remembered her, your Mother Earth as sacred, and have respected her As a Living Being. But those who have lost that respect, and have forgotten, will soon remember.

In these precious Moments she is vibrating very high, in the Higher Love Frequencies. She Loves you, and is pushing her children to take their first steps, into the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.

We Love you and Honor you,

We are the Galactic Federation.

This has been The Ascension Event Update for January 9th, 2024.

Channeled by Chellea Wilder at

The NEW PHASE Has Begun
The NEW PHASE Has Begun



For The Light Frequencies Of 2024 Is Providing Synergestic Light Cues Of The Greater Alignment To Gaia’s Mission.
See The Great Cellular Alignment Of Now To The Sun Rays…
The Quantum Evolution Of Light
I Am Shown Myself Basking In The Sun Rays, And The Crystalline Workings Of The Rays In My Light Field.
It Is A Moment Of Great Realisation As I Come To Understand The Crystalline Synergy Of The Light Ray.
For The Light Ray Is A Sacred Signature Of Light Aligned To The Crystalline Light Of Each Soul.
A Platform Of Light To Elevate And Expand Your Inner Knowing And Cosmic Connection To All Things.
A Quantum Of Light Healing And Crystalline Signals Of Light In My Physical Form.
I Am Shown The Power Of The Light Ray And Ancient Forms, Whether It Is A Pyramid Or An Ancient Geological Formation Of Crystalline Light.
As The Quatum Light Of Now Is Arising, Our Species Will Be Gifted New Insights About The Complexity Of The Light Ray.
A Dynamic Force Of Light Interplaying With All Beings. For The Light Ray Is A Powerhouse Of Encoded Information.
I Am Shown New Quantum Information Released, For No Two Light Rays Are The Same.
The Ancients Were Aware Of This Knowledge It Provided Great Advantages.
We Are Now Receiving This Information As Our DNA Awakens And Activates In Light.
May You Play And Explore The Light Rays Of NOW πŸ’₯πŸ’«
The Great Light Frontier Has Arrived 🌿πŸ’₯
With Love Way Showers πŸ™
Together In Light πŸ’«
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika

You are no longer carrying the burdens of the intense shadow work for the Collective. The pain you’ve endured that kept you limited and trapped is behind you. Solar Flare clearings have taken place, providing the freedom to make changes.

Surrender it all to free your soul for this season of major expansion. You are safe to step fully into your light and fly. Take a chance and trust in the major awakening of Christ Consciousness that is showing you the way to your destiny.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen πŸ™

God bless you πŸ•Š Love Carolyn

Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness


Ra James

Today our Capricorn Sun harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Expect huge shifts to be happening in your life right now. You’re going through a huge transition. Uranus is known for bringing breakdowns, breakups, and breakthroughs.
This is getting clarity, downloads, and realization energies. Tonight we have our Crescent Moon merging together with Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Venus will glow brightly at the top of this alignment. This is a great alignment, and it’s very much all about love. The Moon merges together with the Planets of Love, Sex, and Communication. There is a huge focus on your love life the rest of Capricorn Season.
Expect today’s energies to amplify whatever is going on for you in your love life. You’re being guided to heal your heart chakra of past hurts, and to heal your love life. Capricorn Season is a reminder that relationships take work. The 1:11 Portal is bringing some major storm energy with it. These energies are all about clearing energies and manifesting.
The Capricorn New Moon on the 11th is the time to put your manifestations out there. This Moon combined with the 1:11 Portal is bringing some major magic. You have been probably feeling the higher energies that we have been integrating into the past few weeks. Make sure you’re really taking care of yourself, and doing what you need to, to feel good. From now until the 20th it’s all about sorting your life. This should be a time that’s all about taking care of your responsibilities, and getting things back on track…


huge transition
huge transition
On Tuesday, January 9th, the Sun, ruler of our self-identity, in focused Capricorn, the Goat, is in a positive trine connection to Uranus, ruler of the God Mind, in grounded Taurus, the Bull. We can work towards our practical goals and ambitions today, with a little help and sprinkle of inspiration from the Universe!
The Sun in Capricorn wants to shine its Light and express itself through career and life purpose. The support from Uranus can bring positive change, creativity and breakthroughs! Expect the unexpected……in a good way! But, also, take action on your future aspirations as we need to take steps forward to receive the full benefits from this connection.
Let your imagination and vision expand out into the far reaches of what is possible, and then ground your efforts and manifest your dreams right here on the Earth plane.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❀️
the Sun, ruler of our self-identity, in focused Capricorn, the Goat
the Sun, ruler of our self-identity, in focused Capricorn, the Goat
Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces. Sun in Capricorn semi-square Saturn in Pisces – What is happening? The mind flails, tries to come up with an answer, thoughts spin like a helicopter rotor blade, round and around. And yet somewhere deep within, a quiet voice calls β€˜this way’, this is what you wanted to know. Maybe we don’t believe the story or trust the inner voice, wondering if there’s still more to come. Is it fact or fiction? But this is the final connection between Mercury and Neptune, in this series, so maybe it’s time to finally listen to the soul that knows.
The challenge is that we want specifics right now, clearly defined edges, certainty. But life isn’t always like that. Sometimes all you can do is trust that vague nudge from within, relax and let the tide carry you to where you need to be. The more we resist, the harder it is to find the security or certainty we’re looking for. Let down your guard – but not so far that you feel exposed. Relax your mind, but not so much that you forget your boundaries. Look beyond illusions to find your truth.
Degrees and Times
Sun 19Β°Cp04β€², Saturn 04Β°Pi04β€² – 20:38 (UT)
Mercury 25Β°Sg12β€², Neptune 25Β°Pi12β€² – 01:24 (UT)
Painting – Mist in Kanab Canyon, Utah by Thomas Moran
Mist in Kanab Canyon, Utah
Mist in Kanab Canyon, Utah

Kin 81 ~ Red Electric Dragon

β€˜Electric’ is the name for the number three and its key words are β€˜Activate, Service and Bond’. The third day of a wavespell activates the energy and really gives things a boost. These days are great for getting things done but are seldom relaxing, use this electric energy to your advantage or beware of getting a shock!
Today is Red Dragon and its keywords are β€˜Nurture, Being and Birth’. Some combinations of day and number are special and today provides a great match of energies. The Red Dragon is about birth (Dragons live in caves and caves are the womb of Mother Earth) and so to β€˜Activate Birth’ means that today is perfect for giving birth to something new and as we are now in the Blue Storm wavespell, and that brings big changes – this adds up to spectacular opportunities! Whether you wish to launch a new business/project or start a new life or actually give birth to a baby (or make a baby), do it now, the timing is right!
The Guide for today is the Red Serpent which also represents renewal. The Serpent can shed its old skin and emerge totally revitalized, a special magical gift it has. Allow Serpent to guide you today and you too, can shed your old self and become something different and fresh! Another key characteristic of the Serpent is β€˜Survival’. The idea that surviving poison makes you stronger really means that if you spit out any darkness or pain within you, you’ll emerge renewed. When the Serpent guides, remember you may feel very sensitive. This is because these creatures are very instinctual.
The Challenge today is the Blue Monkey who likes to have fun but can be bad at nurturing themselves. Often, they suffer from a monkey mind which can result in too much thinking. On Dragon days they can struggle and so if you are a monkey, try harder to look after yourself. If you know one, give them some support.
The Occult power today is the Yellow Sun, shining light on all things magical! This sunshine boosts the electrical power of the day providing plenty of energy! The best thing about Dragon days is the warmth the sun gives us when in this Occult position. The Yellow Sun offers enlightenment, no matter what position he is in but when the Yellow Sun arises here you can bet the magical knowledge you glean will be a great help to you today. Do you see the light?
The Ally today is the White Mirror and so if you need assistance, consult one. If you are a White Mirror, be prepared to befriend those in need today. Otherwise, take a good long hard look at your reflection and try to see yourself as your friend or ally would. Seeing your true potential is a friendly way to look at yourself. Take a reality check and don’t worry… the truth isn’t always hard to take.
Kin 81
Kin 81


3 IMIX – KIN 81
9 JANUARY 2024
Bonding being
I seal the input of birth
With the Electric tone of Service
I AM guided by the power of LIFE FORCE
9/1/2024 = 9/1/8 = 9/9 =18=9
9-Destiny/Service/Humanity/Completion/ Compassion/Closure
18- Social upheaval /endings
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 81 = 9 Destiny/Service/Humanity/Compassion/Closure – DIVINE COMPLETION
BOOMπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ MAJIK HAPPENS!βœ¨πŸ’«βœ¨
✨Out of the VOIDπŸ₯ comes NEW CREATION ✨πŸ₯βš›πŸ’«
A beautiful transformative day, ENDING old cycles and emphasizing SERVICE through NURTURING others, and BIRTHING our NEW CREATIONS. πŸ£βœ¨πŸ’«πŸ₯
Day 3 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we are ACTIVATING transformation, through the power of Nurturance, in Divine Service to humanity. We catalyze tremendous LIFE FORCE to channel into the birth of our NEW CREATIONS. Spiritual Alchemy at its peak!
ELECTRICπŸ’‘ is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING,πŸ‘­ that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignitionπŸŽ‡ or SPARKπŸ”₯ for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy..πŸ”Œ It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from bonding with ONE to the joy of bonding with ALL. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY.. πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬πŸ‘«πŸŒŽ
The ELECTRIC tone of SERVICE to HUMANITY is a very potent energy to catapult your DIVINE MISSION. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to birth the NEW, uplifting and energizing others through your CREATIONS!.
A very POTENT day for CLOSING the old cycle – code is FINAL!!! The OLD CHAPTER is CLOSED now!
A new door OPENS, a NEW chapter , and new beginnings, initiating CHANGE as we approach the NEW MOON in CAPRICORN in 2 days time!
We have a DOUBLE WHAMMY DUO, with the ELECTRIC DRAGONπŸ’‘πŸ‰ and ELECTRIC SERPENTπŸ’‘πŸ joining forces to give our Planetary Grid system a huge ELECTRICAL JUMP START… extra rocket powerπŸš€πŸš€ to boost our energy, vitality, PASSION and DIVINE MISSION!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Today’s questions are β€œHow can I express greater nurturance and care for my community, through bonding with others in Divine Service to humanity?
β€œWhat is it that wants to BIRTH through me today?”
In Lak’ech a la kin – the MAYAN saying which translates to β€œI am another of YOU!”
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC DRAGON πŸ’‘πŸ‰ IMIX represents the MOTHER, the WOMB OF CREATIONπŸ₯ and the SOURCEβ˜€ of β€œALL THAT IS” birthed through the Feminine principle.
This ELECTRIC DRAGONβš‘πŸ²πŸ‰ is ACTIVATING our PLANETARY DRAGONS who will RISE UP and re-emerge as the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON approaches in one month/moons time!! Woot woot – ELECTRIC DRAGON POWER here we come!!⚑⚑⚑
βœ¨πŸ’«βœ¨Today we have a SUPREMELY MAJIKAL, CREATION code πŸ₯🐣πŸ₯ to create SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY.βš›.. bending and shaping your mind’s imaginings through electrical impulses. Highly CHARGED energy to ACTIVATE the LIFE FORCEπŸ”₯🌿 within your progeny.
The ELECTRIC DRAGONπŸŒ©πŸ‰ is very emotionalπŸ˜­πŸ’‹ and strongly seeks to BOND with others, through caring and nurturing them, in total SERVICE to her family. RED MOTHER DRAGONS seek to protect, suckle and nurture their younglings until they are strong enough to fend for themselves. .
IMIX combined with the STORM πŸŒ€πŸŒ© energies seeks to catalyze transformation in others, through compassion and love. We seek out others who are feeling isolated, depressed or lonely, and BOND in SERVICE, by opening our hearts❀ and allowing them to feel loved, nurtured and valued.
Through this empathy and compassion we seek to change the culture of greed and exploitation, into care, protection and support for our fellow planetary kin the higher ideals of our Aquarian Age.
IMIX encourages us to reach out to all planetary kin as though they are our family. πŸ‘ͺ The Lakota people use the phrase β€œMitakuye Oyasin”. Meaning that we are all relations,πŸ‘«πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­ reflecting the world view of interconnectedness and Unity consciousness. This forms the foundation for tribal/community living.
In a tribe everyone is familyπŸ‘ͺ and everyone is responsible for the care and welfare of the tribe.. The problem of ONE becomes the problem of all, in order to find solutions returning the tribe back to equilibrium. All tribe members have a sense of belonging, and feel safe and protected in the shelter of their loving community.
IMIX also provides the spark to initiate new projects, and birth new creations. A new idea or new career path is favoured by these energies.. Some new groundbreaking ideas that can relieve the suffering of others. New solutions for Gaia’s environmental problems to bring back harmony through respect and care for our Earth Mother.
RED MUMMA DRAGONS are very STRONG, fearless and protective – so call on the DRAGON clan today to support you in your path of Divine Service to your community. πŸ‰πŸ‰
If you have any obstacles, resistance or interference with you instigating your NEW IDEAS and PROJECTS, assign a guardian DRAGON for protection, to birth it effortlessly.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED ELECTRIC SERPENTπŸ”₯🐍 CHICCHAN the Electric Serpent is primed and ready for ACTION today. The strong electrical current is stimulating both your personal kundalini and that of Mother Gaia’s.πŸ”₯🌏
✨✨✨ULURU’S POWER was reconnected through the Solar🌞 Umbilical Cord on January 13, 2020 on an Electrical Serpent day, 🐍so this is very potent CREATION energy combined with IMIX’s power releasing a SURGE of creative LIFE FORCE! πŸ”₯🌿
Your battery is FULLY CHARGED and primed for ACTION! You have the POWER πŸ”₯πŸ’₯ to CREATE from the VOID!πŸ₯βš›πŸ₯
CHICCHAN represents the medical caduceus, and together with the Electric Dragon, forms the double serpent healing power. 🐍🌿🐍🌿
The ELECTRICAL SERPENT 🐍also represents QUETZALCOATL – the masculine feathered Serpent that inhabits GAIA’S ley/dragon lines. 🐍🌐
You can harness the healing power of CHICCHAN🐍 today by honouring PACHAMAMA🌏 and calling forth the SKY DRAGONS,πŸŒ«πŸ‰ WATER DRAGONSπŸ’§πŸ‰ and EARTH DRAGONSπŸŒπŸ‰ to bless you with their regenerative forces and enhance your LIFE FORCE. πŸ”₯β˜€
CHICCHAN helps us activate CHANGE,πŸŒ€ through our personal and PLANETARY transformation. GAIA’S GRIDS are fully PUMPING today! πŸ”₯🌐
RED SERPENT responds directly from an instinctual reflex. Our natural instinct is to serve others, and through this greater purpose we evolve and grow. The service to self program has caused the separateness in our society, creating FEAR and the need to compete for survival.
As we connect with our Divine instinct and SHARE our resources, skills and knowledge, we discover the true knowingness that….
✨✨✨ ALL IS BETTER when we come together πŸ‘ͺ to cocreate. ✨✨✨ SHARING is caring! πŸ’•
πŸ’‘πŸŒŽπŸŽ†NOTE: If you have IMIX πŸ‰or CHICCAN🐍 in your Galactic Signature you may feel this powerful surge of ELECTRICAL POWERπŸ”ŒπŸ’‘πŸŽ‡ today.
If you cannot channel it into creative pursuits, you may need to GROUND the excess into Mother Gaia, donating it to her for Planetary transformation and healing. πŸŒπŸŒΏπŸ’š
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC MIRROR 🌩 πŸ”Žβ€“ ETZNAB the ELECTRIC MIRROR will powerfully REFLECT the TRUTH today, and the news may be SHOCKING!!! 😲πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Relationships will be illuminated and MAGNIFIED through the ELECTRIC tone. Take extra notice of who and what is being revealed. We will need to stay BALANCED and CALM in order to decipher what the MIRROR is projecting. If we are emotionally vulnerableπŸ”₯ we may indeed have a dramatic outburstπŸ’₯ or be witness to one.
We have CLEAR VISION to SEE πŸ‘€ in the MIRROR today. Use discernment in order to SEE the TRUTH with clarity.. Instead of getting caught up in the ILLUSION of drama, chaos and confusion πŸŒ€πŸŒ©πŸŒͺ that the STORM uncovers, focus instead on being of SERVICE.
Denounce the Old Matrix and align yourself with the New Earth, 🌈🌏 walking through the new doors opening.
ETZNAB reveals how to SERVE our DIVINE MISSION, through fearlessly communicating the TRUTH, as we see it reflected. We need to realign our emotional bodies, activating the energy needed, to move beyond our primal fears, in order to EXPAND into greater realms and dimensions.
✨🌿✨The TIME for greater SERVICE has begun, as the NEW EARTH SOVEREIGNS claim their THRONE πŸ‘‘through espousing DIVINE TRUTH.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL SUN πŸŒ€β˜€ AHAU is today’s SUPERPOWER, working synergistically with the BLUE STORMπŸŒ€πŸŒ¦ to purify, cleanse and release any density, that has been holding us back from claiming our Divinity, and stepping up into greater Divine Service.
The SPECTRAL SUN will ILLUMINATEβ˜€ what needs to be SEEN in the MIRROR.
AHAU enables us to LIBERATE the unconditional love within us, by being our true SOVEREIGN selves. We need to SHINE OUR LIGHT, independently of what appears in the external reality or whatever our beloveds are experiencing.
✨✨✨Do not lower yourself to assist others, instead RADIATE🌞 your LIGHTπŸ’‘ so that they can RISE up to meet you. Always UPLIFT and INSPIRE others to SHINE brightly with you. πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­β˜€
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC MONKEYπŸ’‘πŸ’ – CHUEN the ELECTRIC MONKEY – is releasing a surge of MAJIKAL πŸ’«POWERβš› today to energize our creations.πŸŽβš›πŸŽ
An UBER GIFT🎁 to ENERGIZE the DIVINE DESTINY code. Spiritual MAJIK is ELECTRICALLY ACTIVATED TODAY!!!! Oooooooh…. be careful in your laboratory beloved CREATORS. βš›βš›βš›
This is POTENT Tom Foolery energy, so crank up the dial on your time machine⏳ and ACTIVATE your highest destiny. πŸ“ˆ Take me to the TOP!!
This MAJIK is also the GLUE that attracts your kin to BOND with you. This electrical charge can create much mayhem in the mischievous monkey – so again make sure YOU are in control and take CHARGE!
Your challenge today is to CONTROL your POWER πŸ’₯ (and your E-motions) and claim your Spiritual Majik βš› to manifest a greater Destiny. Do not waste your Majik on inconsequential things, but build it up to CREATE SPECTACULAR CHANGE! ✨🌞✨ SHIFT HAPPENS πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«
CHUEN the majikal Divine child, πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘Ό is also reminding us to BOND and be of SERVICE, through the Art of PLAY! LIGHTEN UP, play, laugh and seek merriment in all that you do.
The gift of LAUGHTER is one of the most spontaneous joys that can bring great healing, and instantly raise your frequency to that of SOURCE. As you laugh and play with your kin you establish a deeper and more authentic connectedness. This is the reason we were all put on this Earth – to discover our God self through our reflection.
This DIVINE INNOCENCE is also the SOURCE of your CREATION MAJIK – manifesting through the power of JOY. Your HIGH VIBE accelerates your CREATION.
Reconnect with the POWER of your DIVINE MAJIK βš› today to create spontaneous MIRACLES!πŸ’«βœ¨
Today’s questions are β€œHow can I express greater nurturance and care for my community, through bonding with others in Divine Service to humanity?
β€œWhat is it that wants to BIRTH through me today?”
In Lak’ech a la kin – the MAYAN saying which translates to β€œI am another of YOU!”
Namaste’ πŸ™β€πŸ™β€πŸ™
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




πŸ”₯ New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for

January 7th through January 13th 2024 from the Sacred Condor πŸ”₯


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from January 7th through January 13th 2024, speaks of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL on Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Thursdays New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th of January for the 111 Portal and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste




How to use Decrees:

πŸ’Ž Connect with your heart. Hands on your chest; honor the pure Source LoveLight Intelligence within your heart center.
πŸ’Ž Take a conscious breath. Divine Presence is a strong, palpable frequency.
πŸ’Ž State the Decree out loud. Your voice contains your light signature, which influences your body, mind, DNA, emotions, heart, and realities.
πŸ’Ž Say the Decree three times to direct the flow of sound-light-creation.
πŸ’Ž Witness any expansion or activation in your Heart and energy fields.
πŸ’Ž End with gratitude: Thank you, so it is.
Divine Emissaries
Divine Emissaries

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