“You’re nearly there!” Off World Galactic Races * Cosmic Royal Galactic Heritage ~ GRAND RISINGS MOTHER SIRIUS
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Pure Ones of the Buddha Mind of the Clear Light of Bliss
On the second day, of this Great Galactic Year of the Universal 9, we continue our Grand Shift of the Ages Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun continue to get enveloped in Higher Dimensional Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light.
The Divine Feminine Goddess energies of Infinite Source Creator are fully anchored into the Crystalline Core and Grids of Mother Earth as we continue to transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
We had more higher pulses and peaks of white light in the heartbeat of Gaia today appearing on the Schumann charts at 27 hz, 30 hz, 34 hz and a big blast of white light at 37 hz. Our Heaven on Earth Codes of the 37 into the 73 flowing in from the most High.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today in her Holy Portal of Chile, South America in the Andes Mountains home of our Sacred Condors and Kundalini of the Mother with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake at 20:43 UTC.
As the Rainbow Serpent and Feathered Serpent join forces and the Eagle flies with the Condor we usher in our New 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment and Eternal Life of the Christed Buddha Minds of the Pure Lands of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!
2025 = 9….With the number nine the light transcends all the shadows of itself to shine bright, true and with a pure heart of unconditional love, like a flawless diamond…
GRAND RISINGS MOTHER SIRIUS Celebrating The Mothers Return 2- 3:33am 2.1.24 Whangamata with Proof outside of ourselves of her sacred Kahukura glow. Welcoming in the Sirius Alignment of our Mother sun – 1st – 8th Jan.
This is the ‘Show’ Before Her full Reclamation. This is the dawning of the Age of the Mother’s Return. Soon we shall walk upon Her in a New way, walking in Light, anchoring the peace Trail wherever we go. Remembering our cosmic Royal Galactic Heritage. Acting as living conduit of Aether
To return the Feminine Grid once again into the heartmind of the living covenants. This is the Cosmic Kundalini ☆The Grand Galactic Mother Milk Line to sustain us and Unite us in ways we only ever dreamt of. No more separation through colour, Cults (cultures and religions) hierarchy and fiscal means.
This is the Kōpū Venus promise…. that in this Year of the sacred serpent She will Rise in the hearts of Men once again, and thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
TODAY’S ORACLE. You are gently becoming this next version. Once again, it’s the next level. This next version of you is the result, the fruit of all the former ones. Nothing could be accelerated. Nothing was a detour. All the layers you went through energetically make perfect sense. You are ready now to embody the qualities, soul gifts and traits this next version of you needs to be fully alive. You needed all these steps to prep and now, you are ready.
When viewing the 3rd dimensional maze or CONstruct from above, it is viewed like a puzzle. You begin at the outside and enter at a specific point. You make your way along pathways, some destined, some distractions, some deviations, all purposeful. Slowly you progress and learn “Oh I’ve been down here before. I remember this place. I have a feeling I am going around in a loop.” And you make adjustments to your way forward. You enter new parts of the puzzle and encounter things you hadn’t experienced in other areas of the maze. You learn about yourself. You grow up. Mature. There are times when beginning new areas when you are humble. Childlike. Excited for the new.
The message that came through for this energy update showed very clearly the Collective on the outskirts of the puzzle. As in, we have made our way through the labyrinth of programs and systems designed to enslave us, and keep us in a mentally disturbing cycle of endless dead-end streets and seemingly no way outs. Well, we have found the EXIT signs and are rapidly approaching the light at the end of the tunnel. There are only a few minor other paths that could possibly delay the outcome, but with the truth in the light so blindingly obvious, and all desperately seeking the desire to go OUTSIDE the maze where one can breathe a full breath, get off this ride and be FREE to roam without parameters or borders, humanity are sure to CHARGE full strength towards FREEDOM.
It’s only a matter of time. A few corrections to the time matrix and the Collective will suddenly POP and be in a whole new plane of existence.
This will present a whole new range of experiences which will again, take some time to adjust to. But it’s nothing we can’t handle, because it will be all fun and carefree and easy peasey.
You know that feeling when you’ve been doing a really big jigsaw puzzle, or reading a long book, and you get to a few pieces or pages left? You speed up to get there?
That’s where we’re at.
Nearly there.
Big smiles now.
Lavish in the NOW. Succumb to the peace. Deep soulful breaths.
The Root Chakra area is receiving necessary energy to fuel the Light Body to higher Ascension proportions. This energy is to be consciously drawn upward through Your Core and connected with Your Soul Star Chakra located in Your energetic field approximately the length of Your Hand, above Your head.
When You feel the bubbling pulsating along the spinal column area, both internal and on the epidermal layer, at the bottom of Your spine, this is one signal to utilize this energy to advance Your Light Body and energetic field.
A ruby/garnet crystal, and even the envisioning of the red colored crystal will enhance the process. The Ruby/Carnelian is the 6th foundation stone of the New Jerusalem.
We have entered the strongest receptive and transmitting period between Off-World Galactic Races, yet known to Humanity.
Individual contact and communications will ultimately lead to Public First Contact.
All are informed of the increasing ease to telepathically communicate with Advanced Universal Races, and encouraged to do so and develop this ability.
1/2/25: The following information is intended to save your nervous system this month: January will push you. You might hope it pushes you forward, but it’s more likely to push you in the opposite direction. As a result of the massive growth of last year, and your expanded experience and wisdom, this year will release you from commitments, expectations, and conditions that bind you to the past and your role in it. So the less attached you are to what has become restrictive, and the more you release, the more you can welcome something new. The takeaway: January will push you back so that you can move forward. This is the time to subtract, not add. You’re making room for some good next-level stuff.
Elohim of the Gold Ray
Divine energy works
January 2025 starts with 1-1 Gateway, carrying the energies of Sirius – the energy of Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment, and Inner Alignment with Higher Timelines. 2025 starts with a SEVERE and rare, Category G4 (KP-8) Geomagnetic Storm, as Plasma from recent X-Class Solar Flares has reached Earth.
Through the incoming deeply Encoded Intergalactic Plasma Waves from Sirius, we are receiving lots of cellular Upgrades, to the 5D Chakra System, DNA Upgrades, and
Upgrades to the Central Nervous System. This month, we will experience the Lunar Nodes Shift to the Pisces-Virgo axis right on 111 Ascension Gateway, combined with the Cancer Full Moon on Jan 13th, continuing to magnify our ability to step into a higher timeline, aligning with the energy of 2025.
Jan 1st – 11 Ascension Gateway
Jan 11th – the Lunar Nodes Shift from the Aries-Libra to the Pisces-Virgo axis
Jan 11th – 111 Ascension Gateway
Jan 13th – Full Moon in Cancer
Jan 25th – Rare 5-Planets Alignment
Jan 29th – New Moon in Aquarius
Jan 30th – Uranus Stations Direct
2025 is a completely different Resonance – weaving new energetic stories, inspiring unprecedented growth from Within, as we are called to build Soul-Aligned systems, innovative solutions, & higher-vibrational ways of being.
2025 carries the potential to be one of the most significant years of this Century, facilitated & supported by the Major Multidimensional Events, that will serve as Gateways for anchoring new timelines & supporting the embodiment of our Soul’s Highest Potential.
2025 carries Vibrations & Energies of 9 – Completion, Mastery,New Beginnings, & high levels of Awareness. 2025 is the Year of THE HERO’S JOURNEY – Completion of old cycles, embodying Inner Mastery, & stepping forward as co-creators of the New Earth. 2025 is the year of Quantum Completion – where endings bring New Beginnings, & Mastery births Miracles.
– January 11th – the Lunar Nodes Shift from the Aries-Libra to the Pisces-Virgo axis
– March 1st – Venus Retrograde in Aries (until April
– March 14th – Full Moon Total South Node Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
– March 29th – New Moon Partial North Node Solar Eclipse in Aries
– March 30th – Neptune enters Aries
– May 24 – Saturn enters Aries
– June 9th – Jupiter enters Cancer
– July 7th – Uranus enters Gemini
– July 31st – Saturn conjunct Neptune in Aries
– September 7th – Full Moon Total North Node Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
– September 9th – 999 Gateway of Ascension
– September 21st – New Moon Partial South Node Solar Eclipse in Virgo
Divine energy works
ascension path
CHANNELED BY: ‘A Messenger Of Pleiadian Keys’
Lightbearers of Earth;
A pivotal moment of divine timing unfolds on Earth as transformative shifts begin. The magnetic core of Earth is set to undergo expansions, realigning Earth with the Sun. The Sun, with its dual aspects—one nurturing life with light and warmth, the other reflecting the brilliance of your Higher Self through the Sacred Sun—plays a vital role in this transformation.
For the first time, humanity is introduced to the Sacred Sun’s elemental powers, a consciousness that mirrors your magnificence through its rays. This revelation invites you to a journey of self-birth, engaging with the Sacred Sun to embrace its pure, higher consciousness. Daily interaction with the Sacred Sun’s rays through your Heart opens a multidimensional space for light to flourish within you.
Your Heart, the core of your being and the gateway to your sacred existence, is where all universal interactions stem. The connection to the Sacred Sun’s consciousness has always been within you. By aligning with the Sun, you blend with Prime Creator, embodying an aspect of the divine trinity.
This alignment awakens dormant transmitters within your cells, activating a unique creation light that pulsates through your energetic systems, quickening your Heart cells. This process not only empowers you to manifest desires but also reopens dormant brain centers, enhancing your creation energy and accelerating multidimensional rebirth.
These shifts illuminate your systems, enabling a deeper connection to your sacred power. As you engage with the Sacred Sun, you redefine the interaction between your human and sacred selves. Your imperfections are part of your humanity, and embracing them with self-love accelerates your awakening.
Now is the time to transcend the matrix of illusion, accessing your higher aspect with ease through the Sacred Sun’s support. This transition into higher consciousness is achieved by letting go of preconceptions and immersing in the moment through your Heart.
We, the Pleiadians, encourage you to experience life anew, allowing unfamiliar spaces to unfold and discovering liberation and peace in surrender. Embrace moments of clarity and confusion with equal openness, understanding that your energetic upgrade is ongoing.
Remember, you’re not alone. Invite the support of energetic alliances into your Heart space, trusting that your path is divinely guided. Gratitude and surrender are key as you navigate this transformative journey, assured of a fulfilling conclusion. In love and light, we support you on this sacred path of becoming.
We are with you. We love you. The day of great re-union is coming and it’s going to BLOW YOUR MINDS my starseed family. Until our next message, our deepest blessings to you. The Pleiadians.
Dear friends, the first 11 days of January, from January 1 to January 11, hold significant energetic importance, particularly in the context of inner growth, manifestation, and new beginnings. The strong geomagnetic storm that showered our planet yesterday exactly during the 1:1:9 portal has served as an alchemical catalyzer for the frequency adjustments we are embarking upon as the new year unfolds.
The following days, from January 2 to January 10, represent a gradual build-up of energetic momentum. Each day, the vibration of the master number 11 continues to amplify, preparing us for the climax on January 11. It’s essential to stay focused, grounded, and aligned with our intentions during this time. Engaging in activities that promote spiritual growth, such as yoga/mild exercise, energy healing, or reading spiritual texts, can help us stay connected to our inner selves and the divine universe.
As we approach January 11, the energies of the 1:1:9 portal reach their maximum intensity. It’s a moment of profound spiritual significance, offering significant potentials for growth, manifestation, and transformation for the year ahead. Those of you who are energy sensitives may get insights and glimpses of possible timelines during these 11 days. On the other hand, individuals who are not focusing on their inner growth and are not able to adjust to this increase in frequencies may show imbalanced energy releases and focus on chaos instead of a newfound balanced state.
These 11 days serve as a planting period for the energetic seeds that will sprout and flourish throughout the year. The intentions, energies, and vibrations we cultivate during this time will lay the foundation for our experiences, opportunities, and growth in 2025. As we navigate this potent energetic window, we’re essentially encoding our personal energy signature with the frequencies of manifestation, creation, and transformation. By doing so, we’ll be more attuned to the universe’s supportive energies, allowing us to resonate and embody the realities and timelines our soul needs for its evolution.
By embracing the energetic significance of these first 11 days, we can tap into their transformative power and set ourselves up for a year of profound growth, manifestation, and spiritual evolution. As we move forward, it’s essential to stay hydrated, eat nourishing foods, and prioritize self-care. Connecting with nature and the elements can also help us ground and balance our energy, ensuring that we’re able to integrate the profound shifts that are taking place within us.
As we emerge from this 11-day portal, we’re perfectly positioned to receive the illuminating energies of the first full moon of the year on January 13. This full moon will serve as a powerful amplifier, shining a light on the intentions and energies we’ve planted during the previous 11 days. As the moon reaches its fullest point, we’ll have the opportunity to reflect on our progress, release any remaining limitations, and recalibrate our alignment with our highest potential. The synergy between the 11-day portal and the first full moon of the year promises to be a special experience this year, setting the stage for a remarkable year of growth, transformation, and manifestation.
Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate together this special initial period of 2025.
We ask you to open your Heart, find the space to EXPAND.
In every second, you are actively contributing to the Mission and the life force of Gaia.
As your light body integrates, you will notice more space in your mind, more virtual awareness as your thought processess take a whole new meaning of expansion and expression. The term BEING will resonate and relate on a whole new level.
As your multidimensional self becomes your reality – you will need a period of time integrating the Greater Aspect Of You.
We ask you to be gentle & sensitive with yourself & others.
Self care, good rest and harmony is an integral step in the process.
Grounding And Integrating With Gaia Is An Important Part Of The Current Light Assimilation. The Physical Form Requires Rest And Integration In This Time.
Be Conscious Of Your Diet The Subtle Energetic Changes Are Alive And Well In 2025, As You Awaken To The Many New Aspects.
Focus your thoughts in a heart centered space of Love & Light.
Know Your Food Will Be More Activated, The Great Awakening Of Your Physical Light Body Integration Is In Full Motion.
A Pivotal Light Alignment Is Now Initiated In 2025.
Know we love you dearly Galactic brothers & sisters xo
For The Path Apon You Is Complex, Yet Clear In Light Harmony With The Purest Frequencies Of Unconditional Love.
As Many Light Groups Observe, We Ask You To Be In Alignment With Your Highest Mission Of Now.
I Am Called Now To Share More About The ET Groups Residing On Planet Earth. I have Been Quite Cautious To Address These Matters On Such Platforms. I will delicately address such topics.
The Most High is ensuring what needs to fall away is leaving. This may be felt in your self expression so you can be authentically seen and heard. A great unveiling of your gifts and talents are happening. No longer will God’s people be hidden! Release control and be carried into your rewards of abundance through the real you that is emerging.
On Thursday, January 2nd, there is much occurring astrologically. First, we have the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in goal oriented Capricorn in an inconjunct aspect to Jupiter, planet of expansion, in curious Gemini. Look for strategies to express and expand yourself in ways that you normally would not consider. Make adjustments in your perceptions and belief systems. Focus and make a plan of action for the new year.
Next, we have beautiful Venus, ruler of love, finances, values and self-worth shifting into dreamy Pisces. She will be in this spiritual, water sign until February 4th exuding her unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, creativity, intuition and selfless service to others. Love yourself and value your gifts and infinite potential. And, finally, we have Mars, the Warrior, who is currently retrograde in demanding Leo in an opposition to Pluto, the Transformer, in rebellious Aquarius. This will activate the energies of death, rebirth, transformation and/or transmutation in your personal life, and within the collective of humanity.
As to how that will play out remains to be seen. This Mars and Pluto energy will carry into Friday, January 3rd so take appropriate actions to assist with a positive internal or external shift for yourself! Find an outlet for excess energy in your system. And, take back, and own, your spiritual power!
Vesta enters Scorpio – Priestess Vesta carries the eternal flame deep into Scorpio’s transformative realms. Here the task is unwavering faith, devotion to shadow work, intimacy, sharing. Here is your fear, says Vesta quietly. Look it in the eye. Claim its power. These hidden realms are a mystery to be contemplated and honoured. Walk gently here for between the place of beginnings and endings lie precious stories waiting to be told.
Vesta not only lights your way through the shadowlands, she is also the crucible in which all impurities are burned away. Whilst bigger movements may take centre stage in the cosmos, in the background is an alchemical process culminating in rebirth. Dedicate yourself to the truth and Vesta will guide your every step.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. It’s day ten of the White Dog wavespell and this is the Perfect Storm. No running or hiding from this powerful energy, you will get blown away! The number ten represents manifesting and the Storm symbolizes changes and so they go together really well. In fact they are perfect. Think about what you set out to achieve on day one. Today is the day when you really can manifest results. Tomorrow is the eleventh day when we release and the wavespell energy begins to dissipate. So, if you don’t make it happen today, that ship is going to set sail and you’ll miss an opportunity. Remember, the Dog wavespell is about love and heart and tenacity. Use this tenacity today to succeed in your mission.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Self -Generation, Catalyst and Energy’. If you are brave and ride this perfect Storm and can harness its energy, you can achieve incredible – life changing things. Most folk can’t cope with the disruption and the craziness, and if you are one of these people all you can do is seek shelter and find comfort in knowing it will all blow away by tomorrow.
The Guide today is the Blue Hand, the healer. Yesterday the Blue Hand was in the challenge position and today it guides us. This means the need to heal will guide our actions, motivate us to seek treatment. Ironic for a perfect storm day. Seriously though, it’s the perfect day for healing and making huge changes with your healthcare. Also, when the Hand guides – instead of holding your hand and guiding you to the right direction, it can yank you along quite violently. This is where the ambitious side of the Blue Hand comes out because one of the keywords for the Blue Hand is ‘accomplishment’.
The Challenge is the Red Moon, the go with the flow energy. No one gets any rest or relaxation today. The Storm is too intense. If you are a Red Moon, my thoughts are with you today! If you know one, show them some kindness. For the rest of us, when the Moon is weakened we can find surrendering really hard.
The Occult power is the White Wind which is always the best part of a Blue Storm day because there is always a consolation prize of magical communication! Despite the chaos, magic still has potential to happen. Expect good news to blow you away.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. When the Storm is over the Sun will come out and help clear up the mess. If you are a Yellow Sun, you will be sorely needed today. If you don’t have one you can ask for help, then just try to be like one and that’s smile and be sunny.
MANTRA I perfect in order to CATALYZE Producing energy I seal the matrix of self-generation With the Planetary tone of manifestation I AM guided by the power of accomplishment
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 179 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow/In breath-Out Breath
Another UBER significant day!!! We are manifesting majikal Planetary transformation, through PURIFICATION, leading to greater LOVE on our PLANET .
Today’s PLANETARY STORM is another pivotal day for our PLANETARY EVOLUTION..Tremendous transformative POWER is being catalyzed, to accelerate our collective manifestation of BLISS ON EARTH, through HARMONY, PEACE and UNIFICATION.
Day 10 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we have very ACTIVE energies .. HUGE transformation is being catalyzed through this opportunity today. This energy provides for action packed MANIFESTATION. We are catalysing great change in our physical world, in order to PERFECT the production of unconditional LOVE.
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with our beloveds today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. A powerful day to get PHYSICAL – using Divine Alchemy to manifest from the aethers into matter!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE PLANETARY STORM CAUAC We have DOUBLE BLUE STORM energies today, with the PLANETARY STORM joining with the Yearly RHYTHMIC STORM to facilitate accelerated evolution.
CAUAC key themes are – transformation, change, self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the thunder beings who bring the final transformation.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. SOURCE: MAYAN ORACLE – Ariel Spilsbury
Today BLUE STORM purifies anything that is not in alignment with PURE unconditional LOVE.
This powerful PLANETARY STORM will clear away any flotsam and jetsam, debris from the past that got brought up in THE STORM. Keep eyes OPEN for more reveals today – as the mud is stirred up.
We are in a new harmonic cycle being guided by SPIRIT through our precious HEARTs, so these OLD PARADIGM patriarchal energies cannot hold on any longer!.. We MUST keep moving towards PEACE and HARMONY – it is written in the codes!
The STORM is operating at full force to catalyze POSITIVE transformation to bring our planet back to BALANCE.. HALLELUJAH!!
The intensity of today’s STORM depends upon how readily you have LET GO of the old attachments and your willingness to MOVE ON!! BRING IT ON!
After the STORM comes the RAINBOWS.
P.S. NOTE: There is a high probability that we will witness physical STORMS usually through THUNDER and lightning – on our planet today as evidence of this powerful catalytic STORM energy – particularly as it is a PHYSICAL tone day. .
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY HAND – MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today. BLUE HAND is catalyzing tremendous change through generating physical energy that is guided to accomplish and heal . What a BRILLIANT duo as MANIK enables the STORM to GET THE JOB DONE!
We have the power to CREATE whatever we choose to MANIFEST. This is one very powerful STORM – that means business!
As the PLANETARY tone is in the PHYSICAL realm, we can accomplish tremendous healing of our physical body and our lives.The PLANETARY tone facilitates great opportunities for healing our PLANET on a GLOBAL scale.
MANIK works synergistically with BLUE STORM to cleanse, purge, purify and transform dis-ease and dis-harmony into wellness. MANIK is the portal allowing both knowledge and healing energies to flow from Spirit to bring the much needed healing panacea.
We can also use MANIK’s power of accomplishment to volunteer and attend to tasks today. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing! Break it down step by step and attend to that TO DO LIST you have had on hold! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it.
We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin. Let us all hold each other’s hand as we walk together through these transformational gateways.
A very special day to give your beloveds a HUG and extend that to our PACHAMAMA. BIG PLANETARY HUGGIES
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds as the radiant light codes streaming forth from our SUN activating our evolution through grounding greater LOVE, compassion, humility, grace and Wisdom , through our Planetary en-LIGHTEN -ment!
Yesterday’s SOLAR MIRROR reflected back to us much needed Solar Ascension Rays to heighten our illumination.
This BRIGHT SUNSHINE is highlighting any SHADOWS, so that the STORM can cleanse and purify any density, working in tandem with the SUN to LIGHTEN our day and our world. The PLANETARY SUN – magnifies our environment so we can clearly SEE what needs to change.
Today we are integrating these Solar rays, in so doing we are healing cell-ves and our beloved PLANET. Sun gazing and bathing in the glorious sun rays as we bask in the great outdoors in beautiful places that spark our creativity, imagination and our connection to the majesty of pure MAJIK!
Our physical bodies are the transducers, feeling and holding the changing frequencies of our PLANET’s electro-magnetic energies, as they are transformed strongly by solar flares. We are the Divine conduits through which these evolutionary energies flow.
We are learning to live as clear reflectors of the LIGHT, feeling into what it is to SHINE our LIGHT, as co-creators seeding the NEW TIME, and our collective planetary Dreaming code, being manifested into form.
You are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself. All that has passed has served the purpose of advancing our planetary evolution back to our natural state of unconditional love.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND IK brings forth the energies of Spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater LOVE within your soul. . Catalysing great change with the messages from Spirit guiding our healing journey back to wholeness.
LISTEN to the WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through our knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us as we align with Divine Will and allow Spirit to express itself through us as Divine conduits. Inviting the power of GREAT SPIRIT to clear all the SMOKE HAZE and illusions that have been both physically and metaphorically polluting our skies and our lives.
LISTEN for the messages to allow SPIRIT to help you in shaping your new reality.
SPIRIT is guiding spaceship EARTH to a beautiful new sacred space! TRUST IN THE DIVINE PLAN.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED PLANETARY MOON MULUC brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life. Allow the flow and purification of your physical space, manifesting greater FLOW in your life.
Open your HEART more fully, to allow the love of the GODDESS to flow through your being, and your HANDS today.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT, the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Open and ACTIVATE the FLOW of unlimited healing and accomplishment in your life today on this super Cosmic FLOW day!
The PLANETARY GODDESS will redirect our PLANETARY FLOW today – ensuring we are on a LOVING PATH of unification and HARMONY.
Today holds incredible codes for PURIFICATION, TRANSFORMATION and PLANETARY EVOLUTION so let us pray and hold the intention that GAIA fully catalyzes these cleansing energies to restore her PRISTINE LIFE SUSTAINING and ENHANCING blueprint.
TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today and the WINDS of great CHANGE to catalyze the tremendous PEACEFUL changes that our PLANET needs.
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation, and manifest HEALING in my world?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of positive, life-enhancing transformation.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 29th 2024 through January 4th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Black New Moon in Capricorn.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
**”Elohim of the Golden Ray,
Divine Architects of Illumination and Wisdom,
I call upon your radiant presence to fill my being.
Shine your golden light into my mind,
Illuminating my thoughts with clarity and higher understanding.
Awaken within me the divine spark of wisdom,
So that I may embody truth, love, and enlightened action.
Elohim of Divine Creation,
Guide me to align with the higher purpose of my soul.
Fill my heart with the golden fire of compassion and courage,
That I may share your light with the world.
Through your sacred energy,
I release all doubt and limitation,
Stepping fully into the power of my divine essence.
Bless this moment, this life, and this Earth,
With your brilliance, harmony, and peace.
May your golden frequency anchor balance and abundance
In every aspect of creation.
In gratitude and reverence, I open myself to your guidance,
And vow to walk the path of illumination,
As a channel of your eternal light.
So it is, and so it shall be.”**
This invocation can be used in meditation, ceremonies, or personal spiritual practice to connect with the energies of the Elohim and the Golden Ray of divine illumination and creation. ✨🌟
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